One more 10c bitch



  • Same thing happened to me. I got caught up in a work spin and lost my seniority. You are not alone. I don't even care about my number now because it is off the charts.
  • If you're going to Chicago, LA or Seattle can you make a T-shirt that say, "I'm the guy that let my membership lapse, and all I got was this crummy T-shirt"... I'll turn around from my seats and give you a nice wave :)
  • Tuolumne MamaTuolumne Mama Posts: 1,210
    It's happened to me as well as many others. Looks like they have it fixed for you so where's the beef? Most of us have sucked it up and moved on.
    "What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal." Albert Pine.

  • chromiam wrote:
    csickels wrote:
    The 10C would have to be constantly reassigning membership numbers if this happened.

    That's a lot of hassle to undertake for the few that don't follow the system. I mean, if you have a hard time keeping track of your own membership to let it lapse for 1 year...imagine trying to keep track of all the them in the 10C and what order they should be in. Crazy.

    you think somebody is sitting in a back room with a ledger book and a calendar keeping track of this stuff? it wouldn't be hard at all. I'm not an IT person, and i could design an efficient database to do this without much hassle at all.

    there is life beyond your membership number.

    Then you should be able to design a database or some type of alarm which would alert you that your 10C membership is about to expire....

    OWNED. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
  • If you're going to Chicago, LA or Seattle can you make a T-shirt that say, "I'm the guy that let my membership lapse, and all I got was this crummy T-shirt"... I'll turn around from my seats and give you a nice wave :)

    LMAO, deal.
  • Paul AndrewsPaul Andrews Posts: 2,489
    Pearl Jam was on the first things i searched for when websites were something new to us all. I was a 10c member years ago, but let it lapse when i needed the money, was messed up, busy, whatever, my lack of attenton, tight-arseness or absentmindedness cost me a low number. I still came to the website, listed to the albums, disected lyrics, learnt to play the songs, went to every show they did here, got a stickman tattoo (for a few other reasons) - ie got into the band. I rejoined a 10c handful of years ago when my finances were better.

    Do I deserve my early number back. No!
    Am I spewing I let it go? Kinda, but that's life.

    The way I see it, all it has cost me is seniority and a few seat places - big deal. The seats I get now are still better than I could expect withouth 10c help. In 2006 (Perth - Subiaco Oval - an arena ashow on a brilliant summer night) I purhcased tickets for a friend via ticketmaster as soon as I could and still ended up with tickets miles back from 10c members. My number is 360xxx and I still ended up a handfull of seats from the stage and among some great local and travelling 10c people.

    This year, when Perth (and other aussie) 10c tickets sold like hot cakes and many locals missed out. 10c did all they coold and suddenly more tickets for 10c members appeared (within hours). Whatever they did, they did it during the USA night, becasue by midday local time, 10c tickets were back on sale. I wonder if this is the reason for Aussie GA being split into Fixer(front) and Backspacer (back). I emailed 10c, pleading for more tickets and got a reply that same day. Every time I've emailed 10c, I've received a reply and the feeling that whoever responded, really wanted to help and never felt fobbed off.

    This year my 10c membership still got me a free single, a much improved deep magazine, some great merch and also access to good tickets in Los Angeles and then Fixer GA tickets for the Perth show. It has provided me with a forever evolving and improving website to come and discuss my favourite band and get information from those close to the band that has everything I want to see and learn, but none of the annoying bells and whistles. I'll have a couple of parties to go to in LA with likeminded 10c members. When you take all that into account, seat proximity at a show is a pretty minor issue.

    Spread the Love for 10c. It is a very different fan club and we're unique fans.
  • I feel for ya. Happened to me as well, had 4 years and let it go after a few months and Im back at square one. Owell, hopefully the members who gave you shit dont get hospitalized or have something bad happen to them so they cant renew their membership. karmas a bitch :)
    In my lifetime, I have conquered the Multiverse by force of trUth.
  • Gary CarterGary Carter Posts: 14,067
    they send you an email when your membership is about to expire and you can buy multiple years of memberships online if you choose. sorry, i don't think the system is broken in the way you describe just because you forgot to renew for a year. shit, even if you went a little over the 3-month grace period, i bet they'd work with you. but after a year, you should be left out in the cold. sorry.

    Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
    Sammi: Wanna just break up?

  • I'd like to add that 10club is the best fan club running and they do produce for us!! I just hate it when fellow clubbers get all negative on people venting. Let them vent.....give them positive reinforcement.
    In my lifetime, I have conquered the Multiverse by force of trUth.
  • I'd like to add that 10club is the best fan club running and they do produce for us!! I just hate it when fellow clubbers get all negative on people venting. Let them vent.....give them positive reinforcement.

    Thank you, I'm glad a few people get it! I really wasn't all that upset about it, but just thought it was an opinion worth expressing. Apparently, I touched a nerve with some. I've been as close as the third row before, and within the first 10-15 rows 4 times, so I can't complain too much about the future. And I've also been all the way in the top of an arena or in the back of the lawn too. honestly, if there's a band out there that is capable of rocking everybody in the house, it's PEARL JAM.
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,093
    edited August 2009
    csickels wrote:
    You let your membership expire for over a year and you want your seniority back?

    I think that pretty much says you haven't been an active part of what the band is up to for over a year, and that to me indicates you've lost interest, therefore, you lose seniority.

    you would be 100% wrong. i am a married guy with 2 kids and a demanding job. and a few interests outside of pearl jam. the ONLY band i bother to keep tabs on is PJ in terms of traveling to shows, buying merchandise, etc.. I don't want "my seniority back", i just want what i paid for and accumulated.

    What besides seniority would you have accumulated? And seniority based on number of years in the club instead of consecutive years is dumb. It would be an administrative headache. Could it be done? Yes, but it is not worth it. We all know what the purpose of renewing means and what happens if you don't. Take some responsibility.

    Edit: Now registered through Nov. 2012.
    Post edited by bootlegger10 on
  • ZodZod Posts: 10,753
    Umm.. i've forgotten before but the 10c always sends me an automated email to remind me to renew the membership? Am I the only one that gets those.

    I used to pretty pretty thorough at renewing, then 2 years ago it totally slipped my mind, but the 10c sent me an email.. I couldn't believe I'd forgotten.
    I'd like to add that 10club is the best fan club running and they do produce for us!! I just hate it when fellow clubbers get all negative on people venting. Let them vent.....give them positive reinforcement.

    I think it is important to let people vent, but in many cases, the person venting is simply playing the role of a victim, even though they brought the hardship upon themselves. I suppose some people here (myself included) just expect some degree of personal responsibility, which, in this case, the OP has shown.
  • over bendsover bends Posts: 1,568
    If they really wanted to make money, they would implement the "years accumulated" thing and you could be able to buy as many years as you want at any time you want. So if you drop down $2000... you're a fan for 100 years! And seniority is based on how many years accumulated. I'm sure there's people who would buy up like 1000 years just for front row seats all the time, and we'd all be trying to outbid each other and it'd be madness and a bank breaker for the 10 I'm sure. Imagine the complaints though...

    I've been a fan for 7000 years and I'm only in sec 200? What gives!?

    3 Decibels Doubles the Volume

  • mrpink90mrpink90 Posts: 415
    Same thing happened to me last year, was a member since '96. Renewed every year, got 12th row center for jersey in '06. Things were quiet in PJ land in 2007 so i guess it slipped my mind to renew. Renewed last year before the msg shows and i was a few months past the 90 day grace period so i got screwed.

    Yea it was my own fault for not renewing, but it just seems a little wrong to be a member for 10+ years, forget to renew 1 time and have to move back to the end of the line.

    I got it, if youve been a member for 10+ years, you get a 1 time 12 month grace period. Now gimme my old # back!!!
  • aNiMaLaNiMaL Posts: 7,117
    csickels wrote:
    but come on, if a rule is unjust, it should be changed.
    But, I don't think that It's unjust in the slightest. In this case, seniority is granted to those with the longest length of continuous membership.
  • glass half full, always
  • youngsteryoungster Boston Posts: 6,576
    you snooze...
    you lose.......

    Exactly. And because of that one year snooze we all benefit from, thanks.
    He who forgets will be destined to remember.

    9/29/04 Boston, 6/28/08 Mansfield, 8/23/09 Chicago, 5/15/10 Hartford
    5/17/10 Boston, 10/15/13 Worcester, 10/16/13 Worcester, 10/25/13 Hartford
    8/5/16 Fenway, 8/7/16 Fenway
    EV Solo: 6/16/11 Boston, 6/18/11 Hartford,
  • aNiMaLaNiMaL Posts: 7,117
    csickels wrote:
    i'm pretty shocked by the high percentage of self righteous fucks who call themselves pearl jam fans.

    i've stated no less than 10 times in this thread that it is my stupid mistake that caused this, i'm not laying responsibility for MY situation on the 10c. i'm simply stating that, imo, there is room for improvement in the policy.
    And most of us disagree with you. So, majority rules. I LOVE the fact that now we are all "self righteous fucks" because we don't agree with you. I am not sure if you know how the internet works, but people will reply to your initial post in this thread before reading the whole thing. That is what happens when you put yourself out there with such a selfish complaint.
  • F5F5 Posts: 791
    edited August 2009
    Had almost the exact same thing happen to me. I did a study abroad for 2 years (2005-2007) and didn't even log on to the forum or the website once! I was so focused on what I was doing. (At the time I didn't know you could pay for multiple years either) I completely forgot about renewing until after I left. When I remembered I tried renewing by mail both years. But I came home to find no new christmas singles and that my membership had expired. :cry: Ten club must have not gotten my letters of renewal. I emailed 10c explaining the situation but seems like they thought I was full of it and showed no mercy.... Oh well what can I do. Rules are rules. No need for sympathy.

    The Email:
    Hi Mitch,

    Sorry, based on the amount of time that has passed since your membership
    expired we are unable to give you back your original member number.

    If you have any further questions, please let us know.

    Best regards,

    On 9/8/07 1:33 PM, "Mitch Moore" <> wrote:

    > How are you doin guys? I had a quick question. In 2005 I had a ten club
    > membership but I had to leave the country for two years and I tried to renew
    > by mail but it looks like my renewal never made it cause their were no new
    > fan club singles when I got home. But I've been reluctant to join again
    > because I'm guessing so many new people have joined since then. I was
    > wondering if I would be able to get my old number back? Thats would be
    > awesome if I could! let me know.
    Post edited by F5 on
    Bridge - 10/25/03
    Mansfield I - 6/28/08
    Eddie NYC - 8/4/08
    Seattle - 9/21/09, 9/22/09
    Salt Lake City 9/28/09
    LA 9/30/09, 10/07/09
    San Diego 10/9/09
    Alpine Valley 9/03/11, 9/04/11
    Ashbury Park 9/18/21
    LA 5/06/21, 5/07/21
    Phoenix 05/09/22
    NYC 9/11/22
    Denver 9/22/22
  • what I don't get do you forget about a membership like 10C? Did you not notice the Deep magazines not showing up at your door? Did you not notice the new holiday single never spinning on your turntable?

    Look, you came on here to bitch about the rules. Then you bitch about people putting you in your place because they think the rules are fine, but not for you, because since you lost your place in line the rules no longer suit you.

    "excuse me, judge? I don't want to go to jail, so can you just make weed legal?"

    I actually felt for you a BIT until you called everyone who disagreed with you, self righteous fucks. That's just ignorant. And it screams "I'm a whiney baby". :roll:
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
  • dudes who pay for a website and complain on it is just funny

    people are so weird
  • camaroscamaros Posts: 1,003
    me fan since Ten
    me join 10club in 2005
    me 1st show: Borgata
    me number 3540XX
    I've had awesome seats/positioning at every show for over 22 shows (except MSG1 in 08 where i was on the back floor)
    i like sound...
  • QuestionAuthorityQuestionAuthority Idaho Posts: 327
    Something I try to do is renew every year at the time of my birthday.. kind of a gift to myself. This way I never forget and there never is an issue.

    I think the Ten Club is more than fair.. everyone that works there has always been above and beyond helpful to me and everyone I know that has had to contact them. They have helped alot of people I know with this exact situation.. now none of them has let the amount of time go as the original poster waited.. so I guess in his case.. live and learn... speaking as a single mom of two with a very demanding career.

    Once you have seen Pearl Jam no further than ten rows or so back makes it real easy to renew every year.

    As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
  • doomponydoompony Wellington, NZ Posts: 4,501
    wow.. makes me feel lucky... i joined the VHC when i was about 16..i dunno.. the first xmas single i got was olympic platinum, which was 1996? mum was paying my dues at this point :) then .. and i can't remember why or when, it lapsed. this was still the 90s... i wrote to them when i realised and they gave me my 144XXX back. they changed the rules not TOO long after that.

    that said, i've never been able to take advantage of that relatively low number since they've never ever played a gig here that your number meant anything for.
  • doomponydoompony Wellington, NZ Posts: 4,501
    okay, i lied, it must have been about 2002-2003 because those are the 2 xmas singles i didn't get... i was renewed in time for the 2004 single. but yeah, they let me because i was a poor student until 2004 when i got my first proper grown up job that paid enough for me to justify a credit card.
  • vedder_soupvedder_soup Posts: 5,861
    if they change it for you, they can change it for everybody
    it sets a precedent!
    i want my old number back as well. it was crap, but not as crap as mine now...

    they are being nice giving 3 months grace, they dont have to do that.
    suck it up, and enjoy your seats behind mine :lol:
    2003 - Sydney x3,
    2006 - Reading Festival,
    2007 - Katowice, London, Nijmegen, Rock Werchter,
    2008 - MSG x2, Hartford, Mansfield x2, Beacon Theater,
    2009 - Melbourne, Sydney,
    2010 - I watched it go to fire!
    2011 - EV Brisbane x3, Newcastle, Sydney x3,
    2012 - Manchester x 2, Amsterdam x2, Prague, Berlin x2, Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen,
    2014 - Sydney, EV Sydney x3

    I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
  • SpagsSpags Leigh-on-Sea, UK Posts: 3,052
    Wilds wrote:
    Give me back my Avatar. :shock: :x :mrgreen:

    Just kidding..... It kicks ass, so more than one of us can rock the original Boston/Mansfield Octopus. :D




    I guess that makes us Octopals! I love the image and would kill for the poster, but I expect I'll change it soon anyways.
    Nature drunk and High
  • RicsardRicsard Posts: 1,943
    The very same thing happened to me last year so I think I know how you feel right now:(

    However I am really lucky that I don't need seniority advantages here in Europe :roll:
    Eddie: Dublin & London
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