I know as Pearl Jam fans and 10 Club members we are typically a very compassionate, forgiving, and generally understanding group of people. That being said, there is still one word that all of us must maintain throughout our lives, regardless of what we do with them...Responsibility. We are responsible to renew our membership; it's plain and simple. I don't think new rules are necessary just because we are upset at ourselves for forgetting. You see, I also allowed my membership to lapse a very long time ago. When I originally joined, I was mailing in checks to 10 Club. My number was 92xxx. I let it lapse and my number is now 195xxx. Was I bummed? You bet! Do I blame the policy? No way!!! I WAS RESPONSIBLE for failing to renew, and with that I suffered the consequences (I still love my new number though!). That's pretty much it. Yeah, I feel bad for you, but I am not about to agree with a policy change. That's just my humble opinion.
Got to say that I've found this thread to be very informative, I just joined like yesterday and didn't realise that you get better seats the longer you have been a member - in fact I was so hard for Pearl Jam again after the 02 gig I gave 10c my cash not knowing what I would be getting back. A fool and his money, etc...anybody got a linky to what the benefits are for being in this club so I can stop coming across as such a total nub? I know there is the famous Holiday single...a girl gave me 'Angel/Ramblings' back in the day and I was stupid enough to let her have it back after I taped it.
The 10c has rules...you didnt follow them. It sucks but your expectations for what the 10c should be doing is ridiculous...its the same as concert ticket transfers...they tried to go out of the way to help fans (although mostly irresponsible ones gobbling up tickets only to later have them transferred to another person because they couldn't attend all their shows)
The 10c goes out of their way when they can...obviously its not perfect but there aren't many better out there. I can personally confirm I allowed my 10c membership to expire 4 weeks past my exp. date because I was studying abroad with no tour in site and completely forgot. I had my old email still on account so I didn't get the reminder email. I gave 10c my story and they found it vaild enough to let me renew, but they made it quite clear that I would never be able to take advantage of their kindness again. That was just shy of a month...you let it go for a year. A year? Thats all on you.
The 10c has rules...you didnt follow them. It sucks but your expectations for what the 10c should be doing is ridiculous...its the same as concert ticket transfers...they tried to go out of the way to help fans (although mostly irresponsible ones gobbling up tickets only to later have them transferred to another person because they couldn't attend all their shows)
The 10c goes out of their way when they can...obviously its not perfect but there aren't many better out there. I can personally confirm I allowed my 10c membership to expire 4 weeks past my exp. date because I was studying abroad with no tour in site and completely forgot. I had my old email still on account so I didn't get the reminder email. I gave 10c my story and they found it vaild enough to let me renew, but they made it quite clear that I would never be able to take advantage of their kindness again. That was just shy of a month...you let it go for a year. A year? Thats all on you.
that's all fair, but the fact is, if you only let it go for a month, you wouldn't lose your seniority anyway, so i'm not sure why you had to give the 10c your sob story.
An email reminder that your membership has/ or will lapse and a 90 day grace period to renew and keep your current senority seem pretty fair to me....
Your system would leave a hell of a lot of leg work for the 10C to do in order to rank people not by their membership number (which is the current practice) but by some hybrid of membership and years of service to the band... no thanks, I think the current system, with its flaws, is fine.
I joined the club in 1994-1995, re-newed every year...Until 2003
Life got in the way and my membership lapsed.
I went from a really good number to a so-so member number.
I still kick myself for letting it lapse...
Sure the days of guarenteed first 10 rows are over...but fuck it...I had my fun.
Now someone else gets em'...to me that's kind of cool.
And honestley, even with my new number, the seats haven't been that bad....I was 6th row or something at the last Ed solo show, and have had excellent seats the last few Pearl Jam shows.. Now with this lottery thing they've been doing lately...who knows?
Could be rows 1-2 or 9-10 tommorow night in TO.
At least I'm in the building, and still in the 10club.
but shouldn't every business and organization strive to serve its clients as well as possible? now, we may vary on what that entails - but it's not debateable that 10c should serve us to the best of their ability.
I agree with this point 100%
The ten club is a business and they should strive to serve its clients as well as possible. And they are doing exactly that, problem is your point of view is selfish. They are serving the 99.99999% of the 10C that followed the rules and are now one seniority spot closer. And we all all very happy. You've received everything you have ever paid for, a one year membership in the 10C, with associated news letters and Christmas singles. Seniority is based on continued membership, which no longer applies to you. Sorry.
Wanna know what worse than 10c not allowing people to keep seniority?? When they give people their seniority back, even if they miss the 90 day grace period. I've seen several examples of that and it pisses me off every time.
Fuck this. The Tenclub rules. My membership expired for a month (not a year and a month like the original poster) in 2001 and I was able to keep my number when I renewed. I always get presale tickets without problem. I was banned from the message board but let back on. I stand in support for the Tenclub.
Wanna know what worse than 10c not allowing people to keep seniority?? When they give people their seniority back, even if they miss the 90 day grace period. I've seen several examples of that and it pisses me off every time.
If its important you won't forget to pay on time.
they did that for yeeeeaaaarrrrrs. i have heard plenty of 10clubbers say their memberships lapsed, many months, some even a couple of years.....and got their membership # back. they just needed to issue to 10c some proof of their original #. the 90 day policy is a fairly new development, and i agree.....it's the most 'fair' way of dealing with the issue.
Got to say that I've found this thread to be very informative, I just joined like yesterday and didn't realise that you get better seats the longer you have been a member - in fact I was so hard for Pearl Jam again after the 02 gig I gave 10c my cash not knowing what I would be getting back. A fool and his money, etc...anybody got a linky to what the benefits are for being in this club so I can stop coming across as such a total nub? I know there is the famous Holiday single...a girl gave me 'Angel/Ramblings' back in the day and I was stupid enough to let her have it back after I taped it.
Give me back my Avatar. :shock: :x
Just kidding..... It kicks ass, so more than one of us can rock the original Boston/Mansfield Octopus.
I believe this post was made by a secret tenclub worker to remind us all to go check our membership status, which I am going to go do now.
I applaud the effort. Please do this every 3 months.
EDIT: Whew, I'm ok until February.
I wish I could say that was true. I did mean to say earlier in the thread that I hope this does prevent at least one person from making the same dumbass mistake I did.
I believe this post was made by a secret tenclub worker to remind us all to go check our membership status, which I am going to go do now.
I applaud the effort. Please do this every 3 months.
EDIT: Whew, I'm ok until February.
I wish I could say that was true. I did mean to say earlier in the thread that I hope this does prevent at least one person from making the same dumbass mistake I did.
You should get a raise for staying undercover even after being outed. Unfortunately I have little pull.
It doesn't make sense that a person who just discovered PJ in 2006 will now get seats better than mine permanently due to an oversight.
This statement just kills me. Another elitist member who think they are above others because they have been around here or into the band longer.
You mean YOUR oversight.
Just take responsibility for your own actions and stop blaming everyone else for your own mistakes. Nobody dose this anymore. It is always someone elses fault.
Don't mean to blast you too hard and sorry if I am coming off harsh but you created this thread.
Your memberships are your responsibility, take care of them accordingly. You have three months after the expiration date to renew to retain seniority. Which is plenty of time.
i'm pretty shocked by the high percentage of self righteous fucks who call themselves pearl jam fans.
i've stated no less than 10 times in this thread that it is my stupid mistake that caused this, i'm not laying responsibility for MY situation on the 10c. i'm simply stating that, imo, there is room for improvement in the policy.
they send you an email when your membership is about to expire
They didn't always do this, I don't think. My membership lapsed (2003?) and I lost my "place in line." It was a bummer, but I didn't start a thread about it.
If I had known then what I know now...
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
Maybe they could keep all membership Numbers open...meaning if you don't renew for a year, you can still get your # back if you pay all back annual fees due and a small admin. fee? I don't know, it seems more feasible that going by service years, because when getting down to it for tickets, you'd need to go by service days...and then hours to put them in line.
OK, so I know I'm not the only person who has allowed this to happen, but due to my own lack of awareness of the "fine print" in the rules, and having a pretty hectic life outside of PJ (I know, my bad), my membership lapsed recently for over a year. I originally joined around 1996, and renewed pretty religiously before my membership expired. Recently, I went to renew thinking that my membership was active - but somehow I had failed to renew and my membership had been out of date for more than a year, which means I lost all of my seniority.
Now, I understand the policy - people should not get credit for time that they weren't a paying member of the club. That's perfectly reasonable (and I'm happy that policy is in place). However, why can't you retain the time you WERE a paying member permanently? It doesn't make sense that a person who just discovered PJ in 2006 will now get seats better than mine permanently due to an oversight. It would be simple to correct this - and it seems in the spirit of what PJ is about (protecting fans,etc) that they would do the right thing. This policy is incredibly unfair IMO. I still love the band, and for the most part, what 10c does for us. This particular rule just seems shortsighted.
Can you imagine how difficult it would be to appease everybody in terms of the method they'd devise to compute your "revised" 10C number. I don't see how the situation is incredibly unfair. Frustrating to you, yes, but unfair, I just do see it.
i'm pretty shocked by the high percentage of self righteous fucks who call themselves pearl jam fans.
Me too.....Especially the ones who create threads trying to gather some sympathy for there own mistakes. Then try to blame the "policy" for there problems....especially when there is NOTHING wrong with said policy and the people who create the thread just get all defensive. Yeah, those people stink!
I dont think that would be a good change in the policy. Maybe for your situation it would be beneficial to you, which is why it sounds great to you. But overall, it would be dumb, and require a lot of unnecessary calculation, verification and re-ranking by 10c.
It doesn't make sense that a person who just discovered PJ in 2006 will now get seats better than mine permanently due to an oversight.
I have to say that I wish folks on this board would stop assuming that just because someone joined 10C in the last few years means that they "just discovered PJ". No offense, but I think that's a very narrow-minded, unfair, and primarily inaccurate idea, unless you know for a fact that they did just discover the band. I would be willing to bet my membership that most of those newer members have been fans of the band for many years, but they just didn't sign on to the club until recently, most likely for ticket buying reasons (especially with the advent of the 1, 2, 9 & 10 lottery!). The point is, just because you just joined the club doesn't mean you are any less of a fan, or any more passionate or hardcore of a fan, than someone who has been a long time member. Just means you didn't join the club until now - big deal. And seniority in the fan club is not a measure of "fandom", just a measure of how long you've been in the club, nothing more.
OK, so I know I'm not the only person who has allowed this to happen, but due to my own lack of awareness of the "fine print" in the rules, and having a pretty hectic life outside of PJ (I know, my bad), my membership lapsed recently for over a year. I originally joined around 1996, and renewed pretty religiously before my membership expired. Recently, I went to renew thinking that my membership was active - but somehow I had failed to renew and my membership had been out of date for more than a year, which means I lost all of my seniority.
Now, I understand the policy - people should not get credit for time that they weren't a paying member of the club. That's perfectly reasonable (and I'm happy that policy is in place). However, why can't you retain the time you WERE a paying member permanently? It doesn't make sense that a person who just discovered PJ in 2006 will now get seats better than mine permanently due to an oversight. It would be simple to correct this - and it seems in the spirit of what PJ is about (protecting fans,etc) that they would do the right thing. This policy is incredibly unfair IMO. I still love the band, and for the most part, what 10c does for us. This particular rule just seems shortsighted.
It doesn't make sense that a person who just discovered PJ in 2006 will now get seats better than mine permanently due to an oversight.
I have to say that I wish folks on this board would stop assuming that just because someone joined 10C in the last few years means that they "just discovered PJ". No offense, but I think that's a very narrow-minded, unfair, and primarily inaccurate idea, unless you know for a fact that they did just discover the band. I would be willing to bet my membership that most of those newer members have been fans of the band for many years, but they just didn't sign on to the club until recently, most likely for ticket buying reasons (especially with the advent of the 1, 2, 9 & 10 lottery!). The point is, just because you just joined the club doesn't mean you are any less of a fan, or any more passionate or hardcore of a fan, than someone who has been a long time member. Just means you didn't join the club until now - big deal. And seniority in the fan club is not a measure of "fandom", just a measure of how long you've been in the club, nothing more.
Very nicely put Evolver......I was a fan in 94, went to my first show in 98 and didn't join 10C till like 2000.
Ok, we know you are taking responsibility for the lapse, wish more people would own up to their responsibilties.
Unfortunately I cannot see a feasible solution to your "service years" membership allocation. Unless it would be handled like college football season tickets it cannot happen. Everyone would have to be a paid member by a certain date, then their numbers redistributed based on their YOS. With this theory one year on an off album tour, like this one, I could have kick ass seats due to the lapse in re-ups. But next year when a full blow tour happens (Hope So!) and everyone pays their dues, including myself, I'm at the back of the arena. I believe those that keep up with their dues should be rewarded, if you let it lapse you knew the consequences. And as one poster previously stated the fanclub would be inundated with phone calls complaining that their YOS was greater then so-and-sos... The best way to make sure we are getting what we "deserve" based on seniority is by the membership number. And changing that number annually will just create havoc for the ten club.
The bright side is you are not banned for life if you forget to re-up, you just get a different perspective of the concert experience, with a shot for lottery tickets.
I'll be in Chicago as well, maybe one of us will hit the lottery!
There definitley exceptions.. I personally had my membership lapse for maybe 4-5 months. Switched email and didn't get the notice. I was using the email of a company that I was working for and left. Sent an email to the 10c and got an almost auto-response back stating the policy. Emailed again explaining what happened and got re-instated and a response like.. this is a one time courtesy please remember to keep your membership current.
Sorry man that does suck, but holding seniority would in the end be abused just like everything else. People wouldn't renew for a couple of years at a time and then boom tour comes and all of these out of date cats come crawling out of the woodwork..that would suck for both people that have stayed curent and the 10c.
The 10c goes out of their way when they can...obviously its not perfect but there aren't many better out there. I can personally confirm I allowed my 10c membership to expire 4 weeks past my exp. date because I was studying abroad with no tour in site and completely forgot. I had my old email still on account so I didn't get the reminder email. I gave 10c my story and they found it vaild enough to let me renew, but they made it quite clear that I would never be able to take advantage of their kindness again. That was just shy of a month...you let it go for a year. A year? Thats all on you.
that's all fair, but the fact is, if you only let it go for a month, you wouldn't lose your seniority anyway, so i'm not sure why you had to give the 10c your sob story.
well stated.
total agreement.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Life got in the way and my membership lapsed.
I went from a really good number to a so-so member number.
I still kick myself for letting it lapse...
Sure the days of guarenteed first 10 rows are over...but fuck it...I had my fun.
Now someone else gets em'...to me that's kind of cool.
And honestley, even with my new number, the seats haven't been that bad....I was 6th row or something at the last Ed solo show, and have had excellent seats the last few Pearl Jam shows.. Now with this lottery thing they've been doing lately...who knows?
Could be rows 1-2 or 9-10 tommorow night in TO.
At least I'm in the building, and still in the 10club.
life's too short to worry about this shit.
See you out there
I agree with this point 100%
The ten club is a business and they should strive to serve its clients as well as possible. And they are doing exactly that, problem is your point of view is selfish. They are serving the 99.99999% of the 10C that followed the rules and are now one seniority spot closer. And we all all very happy. You've received everything you have ever paid for, a one year membership in the 10C, with associated news letters and Christmas singles. Seniority is based on continued membership, which no longer applies to you. Sorry.
If its important you won't forget to pay on time.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
they did that for yeeeeaaaarrrrrs. i have heard plenty of 10clubbers say their memberships lapsed, many months, some even a couple of years.....and got their membership # back. they just needed to issue to 10c some proof of their original #. the 90 day policy is a fairly new development, and i agree.....it's the most 'fair' way of dealing with the issue.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Give me back my Avatar. :shock: :x
Just kidding..... It kicks ass, so more than one of us can rock the original Boston/Mansfield Octopus.
I applaud the effort. Please do this every 3 months.
EDIT: Whew, I'm ok until February.
I wish I could say that was true. I did mean to say earlier in the thread that I hope this does prevent at least one person from making the same dumbass mistake I did.
You should get a raise for staying undercover even after being outed. Unfortunately I have little pull.
This statement just kills me. Another elitist member who think they are above others because they have been around here or into the band longer.
You mean YOUR oversight.
Just take responsibility for your own actions and stop blaming everyone else for your own mistakes. Nobody dose this anymore. It is always someone elses fault.
Don't mean to blast you too hard and sorry if I am coming off harsh but you created this thread.
i've stated no less than 10 times in this thread that it is my stupid mistake that caused this, i'm not laying responsibility for MY situation on the 10c. i'm simply stating that, imo, there is room for improvement in the policy.
They didn't always do this, I don't think. My membership lapsed (2003?) and I lost my "place in line." It was a bummer, but I didn't start a thread about it.
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
Maybe they could keep all membership Numbers open...meaning if you don't renew for a year, you can still get your # back if you pay all back annual fees due and a small admin. fee? I don't know, it seems more feasible that going by service years, because when getting down to it for tickets, you'd need to go by service days...and then hours to put them in line.
renewed again in Jan09
oh well....my fault
The Golden Age is 2 months away. And guess what….. you’re gonna love it! (teskeinc 11.19.24)
1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
2020: Oakland, Oakland: 2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana; 2025: Pitt1, Pitt2
Can you imagine how difficult it would be to appease everybody in terms of the method they'd devise to compute your "revised" 10C number. I don't see how the situation is incredibly unfair. Frustrating to you, yes, but unfair, I just do see it.
Me too.....Especially the ones who create threads trying to gather some sympathy for there own mistakes. Then try to blame the "policy" for there problems....especially when there is NOTHING wrong with said policy and the people who create the thread just get all defensive. Yeah, those people stink!
I have to say that I wish folks on this board would stop assuming that just because someone joined 10C in the last few years means that they "just discovered PJ". No offense, but I think that's a very narrow-minded, unfair, and primarily inaccurate idea, unless you know for a fact that they did just discover the band. I would be willing to bet my membership that most of those newer members have been fans of the band for many years, but they just didn't sign on to the club until recently, most likely for ticket buying reasons (especially with the advent of the 1, 2, 9 & 10 lottery!). The point is, just because you just joined the club doesn't mean you are any less of a fan, or any more passionate or hardcore of a fan, than someone who has been a long time member. Just means you didn't join the club until now - big deal. And seniority in the fan club is not a measure of "fandom", just a measure of how long you've been in the club, nothing more.
are we being punk'd? :roll:
Very nicely put Evolver......I was a fan in 94, went to my first show in 98 and didn't join 10C till like 2000.
oh well just gotta do the best I can with a 424xxx
Seattle Key Arena 9-21-2009
Seattle Key Arena 9-22-2009
Unfortunately I cannot see a feasible solution to your "service years" membership allocation. Unless it would be handled like college football season tickets it cannot happen. Everyone would have to be a paid member by a certain date, then their numbers redistributed based on their YOS. With this theory one year on an off album tour, like this one, I could have kick ass seats due to the lapse in re-ups. But next year when a full blow tour happens (Hope So!) and everyone pays their dues, including myself, I'm at the back of the arena. I believe those that keep up with their dues should be rewarded, if you let it lapse you knew the consequences. And as one poster previously stated the fanclub would be inundated with phone calls complaining that their YOS was greater then so-and-sos... The best way to make sure we are getting what we "deserve" based on seniority is by the membership number. And changing that number annually will just create havoc for the ten club.
The bright side is you are not banned for life if you forget to re-up, you just get a different perspective of the concert experience, with a shot for lottery tickets.
I'll be in Chicago as well, maybe one of us will hit the lottery!
Sorry man that does suck, but holding seniority would in the end be abused just like everything else. People wouldn't renew for a couple of years at a time and then boom tour comes and all of these out of date cats come crawling out of the woodwork..that would suck for both people that have stayed curent and the 10c.