One more 10c bitch

OK, so I know I'm not the only person who has allowed this to happen, but due to my own lack of awareness of the "fine print" in the rules, and having a pretty hectic life outside of PJ (I know, my bad), my membership lapsed recently for over a year. I originally joined around 1996, and renewed pretty religiously before my membership expired. Recently, I went to renew thinking that my membership was active - but somehow I had failed to renew and my membership had been out of date for more than a year, which means I lost all of my seniority.
Now, I understand the policy - people should not get credit for time that they weren't a paying member of the club. That's perfectly reasonable (and I'm happy that policy is in place). However, why can't you retain the time you WERE a paying member permanently? It doesn't make sense that a person who just discovered PJ in 2006 will now get seats better than mine permanently due to an oversight. It would be simple to correct this - and it seems in the spirit of what PJ is about (protecting fans,etc) that they would do the right thing. This policy is incredibly unfair IMO. I still love the band, and for the most part, what 10c does for us. This particular rule just seems shortsighted.
Now, I understand the policy - people should not get credit for time that they weren't a paying member of the club. That's perfectly reasonable (and I'm happy that policy is in place). However, why can't you retain the time you WERE a paying member permanently? It doesn't make sense that a person who just discovered PJ in 2006 will now get seats better than mine permanently due to an oversight. It would be simple to correct this - and it seems in the spirit of what PJ is about (protecting fans,etc) that they would do the right thing. This policy is incredibly unfair IMO. I still love the band, and for the most part, what 10c does for us. This particular rule just seems shortsighted.
Post edited by Unknown User on
kidding.. sort of.
Yeah, that kind of sucks. Keep closer track to that stuff!
Unfortunately, I don't think it's fair. Yes, it sucks that you forgot to renew your membership, and I seriously feel bad for you, but that's the way it is and I don't feel like someone who was a member a long long time ago should be sitting front row just because they renewed their membership because they only liked Ten.
no, you are misunderstanding what i'm saying. that 1991 fan wouldn't get front row seats if they went 18 years without renewing. i'm talking about only accumulating and retaining seniority for the time you are a paid, active member. so your lapses in membership would just be lost time, but you wouldn't have your time as a member erased.
thanks tho for the kind response and not flaming.
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
I think that pretty much says you haven't been an active part of what the band is up to for over a year, and that to me indicates you've lost interest, therefore, you lose seniority.
Your system would leave a hell of a lot of leg work for the 10C to do in order to rank people not by their membership number (which is the current practice) but by some hybrid of membership and years of service to the band... no thanks, I think the current system, with its flaws, is fine.
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
you lose.......
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
you would be 100% wrong. i am a married guy with 2 kids and a demanding job. and a few interests outside of pearl jam. the ONLY band i bother to keep tabs on is PJ in terms of traveling to shows, buying merchandise, etc.. I don't want "my seniority back", i just want what i paid for and accumulated.
By the way... I love the seniority complex, not just by you, but by some of the 10c club members here on this site who believe your appreciation of the group is dependent upon how long you been a member of this site.
I just joined two months ago (oh... by the way... I was a member of this site when it was free and up until the 2002... that over 8 years... then let it slide for one reason or another) but I've been I've gone to as many shows as an one else here. (Shhittttt, I saw PJ at TLA on South Street in Philly in 95 when flannels, cut up jeans, kick shitters were in style )
Anyway... don't mean to come across as a dick (sorry if it sound like that).
10c has rules. I, for one, appreciate they stick to them.
it could be automated so easily it's ridiculous. i'm open to hearing valid objections, but the 10c having to do leg work isn't one - it's not the case.
I am no logistics expert, but I think this is difficult. Could you technically "bank" your 10 years and renew every few years whenever you felt like it knowing you had 10 years in the club which was going to get you in the best 50% of the allotment? I think the policy has certain grace periods built in (and I am sure there have been exceptions when those dates are missed by a hair) which are fair. Sorry to hear you lost your spot.
yeah, so do i, and as i said, i thought i had. i was pretty shocked when i discovered that i wasn't active.
BTW, i was less than a month over the 1yr renewal date.
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
it is automated... you get an email reminding you that your membership will expire.. YOU have 3 months to renew and keep your current number... seems fair and automated to me. The onus should be on YOU to keep your senority, not the fan club making sure that those who were able to belong at one point can accumulate senority over those who may not have been either aware, alive, or able to belong to the 10C.
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
anyway, i'm done being a debbie downer - i'm headed to chicago in three days to see the best rock band in the world. i won't have the best possible seats (unless i hit that front row lotto PLEASE), but i'll have good ones.
ok so your number is 127XXX, but you only paid for two years.
how exactly is the 10c supposed to administer one level of seniority over another person with a similar number that had renewed every year?
The current system works fine. Put your renewal date on your cell, blackberry, outlook calendar, two months early, like I do, since I am also a very very busy man.
i mean the accumulation of seniority time could be automated, and i did not receive an email BTW - i check my 10c emails religiously.
your argument is moronic because the 10c HAS changed rules and adjusted over the years.
fair enough, i envy your organization. it would be easy for the 10c to track it (it doesn't HAVE to be based on the member number). thanks for the reply, we'll just have to disagree on this one.
I don't think it's fair, because I just forgot to renew. They sent me a notice that it was due, but I still didn't renew because I have a wife and a kid and other interests outside of driving my car. It was an honest mistake, and I had remembered for several years before that. I should have got credit for that. Instead, the cop just wrote me a ticket. What a penis!
for the least they could possibly do
That's a lot of hassle to undertake for the few that don't follow the system. I mean, if you have a hard time keeping track of your own membership to let it lapse for 1 year...imagine trying to keep track of all the them in the 10C and what order they should be in. Crazy.
i am not the one who brought up the "rules never changing" thing. i didn't say they haven't - somebody else did.
you think somebody is sitting in a back room with a ledger book and a calendar keeping track of this stuff? it wouldn't be hard at all. I'm not an IT person, and i could design an efficient database to do this without much hassle at all.
there is life beyond your membership number.
You should probably heed your own advice here and let it go, then.
for the least they could possibly do
truthfully, I am not that organized, but I do have to keep track of important dates like my wifes birthday, or I totally forget.
But I do agree, it would be nice if they sent you a reminder 30 days prior or something like that.
obviously, there is a big difference between a membership in a fan club and following traffic laws. but funny attempt, nonetheless.
Then you should be able to design a database or some type of alarm which would alert you that your 10C membership is about to expire....
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.