The Fixer live up on youtube



  • october22october22 Posts: 2,533

    i reaaally dig the fixer.
    and by the way .. in an interview jeff said something like "there's this song called the fixer that i'm really digging right now". i'd say your theory is definitely wrong. maybe you just don't like it.

    no, i don't believe that. i think he was just having a bit of fun with the interviewer. come on, jeff knows better...
  • october22october22 Posts: 2,533
    october22 wrote:
    wow, that song is just plain awful. sorry, i'm usually not negative about anything on here but i just can't keep it in any longer. i absolutely HATE this song. i've never felt so negative about a pearl jam song, with the exception of mankind. this however, makes mankind sound like black. i get a strong feeling that mike and jeff hate the fixer as well. that's obviously speculation but knowing what i know about these guys, i'm pretty sure stone, matt and ed think it's "fun" (after all, they wrote it) but ed will tire of it soon. i bet you a million bucks mike and jeff fucking hate it. seriously, ask them if you get a chance and pm me to tell me i was right.

    I hope they play The Fixer 12 consecutive times at whatever show you go to.

    now you're just being a jerk. although maybe that would be cool just for the weirdness of it.
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,304
    That video is a great example of why PJ shows should not be GA... those douchebags need to be confined to their seats.

    Couldn't agree more!

    Half of those assholes near the stage weren't even watching! WTF is that?!?!

    And the other half was looking over his/her shoulder making sure nobody was going to clock 'em in the back of the head.

    GA = Dumb!
  • Gary CarterGary Carter Posts: 14,067
    mca47 wrote:
    That video is a great example of why PJ shows should not be GA... those douchebags need to be confined to their seats.

    Couldn't agree more!

    Half of those assholes near the stage weren't even watching! WTF is that?!?!

    And the other half was looking over his/her shoulder making sure nobody was going to clock 'em in the back of the head.

    GA = Dumb!
    that whole crowd looks to be younger than 23. you think they really know how to mosh.
    Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
    Sammi: Wanna just break up?

  • bigbiggzybigbiggzy Posts: 773
    Hmmmm....Sorry if this has been posted already in the thread...(to lazy to look through it)....sounds like they are playing it down a whole step from the studio recording. Still sounds great in that key... Very similar to what they started doing w/Life Wasted. Looking forward to hearing this live.... :D
  • force-10force-10 Posts: 794
    mca47 wrote:
    That video is a great example of why PJ shows should not be GA... those douchebags need to be confined to their seats.

    Couldn't agree more!

    Half of those assholes near the stage weren't even watching! WTF is that?!?!

    And the other half was looking over his/her shoulder making sure nobody was going to clock 'em in the back of the head.

    GA = Dumb!

    I still can´t understand why so many hate GA, even after watching this video. Yes, it might distract your view from the stage because of all whats going on your surroundings. But moshing is amazing. Of course, there will always be somebody shoving abrubtly against you, don´t blame him/her. Blame the dealer who sold him/her the dope. Or blame it on alchohol.

    If you are alone, it probably will suck for you. But if you are w/ friends. It kicks ass! Jumping together, etc. You can´t top that. IT IS A ROCK CONCERT. When I went with my little brother to see a rock show, I sat at the back in the stairs and enjoyed it. In other words if you don´t like it then stay away as far from the moshpit. Easy.

  • radio hit

    the goosebumps hit me

    i knew right then it was right

    great loud car song

    i love youtube
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