In honor of Sarah Palin stepping down...



  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    g under p wrote:
    It appears Sarah Palin is not only a quitter but also a noshow as well.
    For a while, it appeared as if Sarah Palin's coming out party as a non-governor, freelance Republican crusader was going to be an August 8 speech at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. That was a logical move for her. If there is a base for Palin, it's Reagan worshipers. These people tend to appreciate politicians who position themselves as freedom-luvin' promoters of good ol' American rugged individualism and who are eager to stick it to those over-educated Eastern establishment elites. Palin at the Reagan Library -- what could be better packaging for her?

    Well, it's not to be. As Politico reports, she's skipping this gig. A spokesperson explains on Palin's Facebook page:

    As repeatedly stated to several in the media over the last week, former Governor Sarah Palin is not committed to attend the Simi Valley Republican Women's event at the Reagan Library and in fact is not attending the event. Neither the Governor's state staff nor SarahPAC has ever committed to attending this event or speaking at this event, and even requested that the Governor's name be removed from the invitation several weeks ago. The Governor has other work and commitments to take care of at that time. She looks forward to visiting her friends in California soon.

    A miscommunication with the Republican ladies of California? Perhaps. But a similar episode occurred several weeks ago. Palin was booked to be the keynote speaker at a big GOP fundraiser in Washington. Then she wasn't. Then there was a dust-up over that. Then she showed up but didn't speak.


    how ANY of this might help her future political aspirations is beyond me. do you think the party is trying to hold her back in the background for awhile or do you think she is choosing to not attend these functions. i am not sure, bu ti think laying low for a few years has helped newt gingrich return to national prominence.

    i heard on a local conservative AM radio news channel friday that palin pitched a radio show to the clear channel executives and they told her they were not interested. i am surprised by this because those people are big time republicans. i will try to find a link on this.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    prfctlefts wrote:

    10 dismissed
    3 rejected
    1 she paid or was found guilty however you want to look at it
    3 are still pending

    Alaskan law mandates that ethics grievance's remain confidential unless a public accusation is filed or the accused person agrees in writing to make it public. However,most complainants have ignored this requirement and have publicly discussed their grievance's without any legal consequences

    why is confidentiality so important ? so the process does not become a forum for partisan attacks,headline seekers,and disgruntled wing-nuts

    It seems like everyday there's another ethics charge filed against Palin. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty ? Or does that only apply if you tow the same party line ?

    she's a conservative, she's Pro-Life, and she's attractive and IMO that's why liberals can't stand her

    so that is 17 accused ethics violations. wow.

    3 are still pending. and from what i recall those 3 are the big ones that are causing her to focus more on defending herself than finishing the job she signed up for.

    innocent until proven guilty is the law of the land, but sensationalists in the media on both sides do not allow this principle to exist any longer.

    "she's a conservative, she's Pro-Life, and she's attractive and IMO that's why liberals can't stand her"

    really? have you not READ ANY OF THIS THREAD AT ALL??? those are the only reasons liberals don't like her? i think you left out that most people don't like her because she is an uneducated, opportunistic, political hack, self serving hypocrate and pathological liar, and a complete buffoon who resigned when things got difficult and inconvenient. if electied to higher office she would be a disgrace to my country, the same as the bush administration.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • tybirdtybird Posts: 17,388
    prfctlefts wrote:

    10 dismissed
    3 rejected
    1 she paid or was found guilty however you want to look at it
    3 are still pending

    Alaskan law mandates that ethics grievance's remain confidential unless a public accusation is filed or the accused person agrees in writing to make it public. However,most complainants have ignored this requirement and have publicly discussed their grievance's without any legal consequences

    why is confidentiality so important ? so the process does not become a forum for partisan attacks,headline seekers,and disgruntled wing-nuts

    It seems like everyday there's another ethics charge filed against Palin. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty ? Or does that only apply if you tow the same party line ?

    she's a conservative, she's Pro-Life, and she's attractive and IMO that's why liberals can't stand her

    so that is 17 accused ethics violations. wow.

    3 are still pending. and from what i recall those 3 are the big ones that are causing her to focus more on defending herself than finishing the job she signed up for.

    innocent until proven guilty is the law of the land, but sensationalists in the media on both sides do not allow this principle to exist any longer.

    "she's a conservative, she's Pro-Life, and she's attractive and IMO that's why liberals can't stand her"

    really? have you not READ ANY OF THIS THREAD AT ALL??? those are the only reasons liberals don't like her? i think you left out that most people don't like her because she is an uneducated, opportunistic, political hack, self serving hypocrate and pathological liar, and a complete buffoon who resigned when things got difficult and inconvenient. if electied to higher office she would be a disgrace to my country, the same as the bush administration.
    Environmental left off environmental biggest bone of contention against her.

    Somewhere....I either heard or read that she had already spent in excess of 500k on her defense of the various ethic charges.
    All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
  • prfctlefts wrote:
    Jesus man you really should look at the dates on those links. All the ethics charges brought against her have been dropped And I didnt use wiki or a blog but you use the huffington post and youtube :lol: and Im the one that has a narrow world view is laughable You really should take a good look at your self before you start calling people narrow minded :?..
    Didn't he say that they were just the first few links that popped up? The narrow minded comment made chuckle. Gimmesometruth27, is easily one of the most fair and reasonable posters here. In this thread alone, he has been loudly applauded for his thoughts and deliverance by numerous members. I believe someone even mentioned post of the year.
    prfctlefts wrote:
    and I never said I wanted drilling in Alaska I said I didnt see what all the fuss was about..
    Palin governed what is probably the last great wilderness in the western world, and she wanted to screw it over for the last few drops of oil, and you don't see what all the fuss is about?
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Oh I forgot.... IM suppose to tow a certain party line just cos I love pj's music or can't I have my own opinion is that ok with you. You want know why Im sticking up for her? Its the same reason why when right beat up on Hillary. Because it's wrong. It has nothing to due with politics.
    I'm curious as to why you say that. Is it because they are both female and you think they should be treated differently? :?

    And i'm sorry, but you're wrong. It has everything to do with politics. Ask yourself this. Has Sarah Palin been honest, open with, and respectful, of the American public? The answer is no. The privilege and opportunity on the national stage was hers for the taking. She made a choice to put her and her family up there but she was waaaay out of her league. She absolutely should have been able to handle close scrutiny, but she couldn't. She tried to portray herself as this know it all person, and she just couldn't admit when she had no clue. Can you remember back to when Charlie Gibson asked her about the Bush Doctrine, or when Couric asked her about supreme court decisions she disagrees with? She became a fake, a laughing stock and a joke in the media when she gave those absolutely freaking ridiculous answers. Remember what happened to that Miss South Carolina in theTeen USA pagent when she answered the question about the map? That is exactly what came to my mind when i heard Palin in the Couric interviews.

    Nearly everytime she opened her mouth it was SNL time. It's not the medias fault that she screwed up so constantly. What do you expect us to do. Go awwww, it's ok Sarah? Remember, this was a woman who could one day have been the freakin president of the US, if something had happened to McCain.

    Gimmesometruth27 and Cosmo had some really good points in their posts, so i'm not gonna repeat and go over things they have already said, but c'mon prfectlefts, you think she was harsly treated? If she couldn't handle the press and the concerns of the public, how the hell do you think she would have ever handled putin and ahmedinijad or anything else that might one day require our president to think quick and respond?

    Personally, I don't understand how anyone can possibly take her seriously. Even the Ewoks wouldn't like her.

    remember when couric asked her what newspapers she reads? she said "all of them" lol
    she could not name ONE newspaper. all she had to think in her head was the chants that her crowds chanted to her at rallies "USA USA USA" and said "Oh yeah, USA Today!"

    haha she is totally ms south carolina. "we are going to help the south africa and the iraq"

    ewoks lol, her speeches remind me of jar jar binks.........
    Ha, yeah, Palin as jar jar would go something like this..

    Mesa know all about Iran. Mesa i ran for Mayor and then mesa i ran for Governor, and mesa sure victory in Iraq is in the Bag, Dad.

    Mesa so smilen to seeing yousa!!!!!!!!!
  • PearlJainPearlJain Posts: 565
    I haven't been on this sight for a few weeks now - because some of the postings make me the ones regarding Sarah Palin.

    Regardless - there seem to be so many Leftists (not Liberals) on this websight. You all should be ashamed. Very judgemental to say the least. I find your hatred for those whom disagree with you- very sickening. However - I do I personally can't sit in the same room with a Leftist. We have absolutely nothing in common and do not understand each other. To each his own - however - your kind really scares me.
    The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated - Gandhi

    "Empty pockets will Allow a greater Sense of wealth...." EV/ITW
  • PearlJain wrote:
    I haven't been on this sight for a few weeks now - because some of the postings make me the ones regarding Sarah Palin.

    Regardless - there seem to be so many Leftists (not Liberals) on this websight. You all should be ashamed. Very judgemental to say the least. I find your hatred for those whom disagree with you- very sickening. However - I do I personally can't sit in the same room with a Leftist. We have absolutely nothing in common and do not understand each other. To each his own - however - your kind really scares me.
    Kind of ironic you give your speech about hatred, and then in the same breath talk about not being able to sit in the same room as a leftist. I have plenty of great friends with different political preferences to me.
  • tybird wrote:
    Somewhere....I either heard or read that she had already spent in excess of 500k on her defense of the various ethic charges.
    so you herad or read somewhere :?

    tybird wrote:
    really? have you not READ ANY OF THIS THREAD AT ALL??? those are the only reasons liberals don't like her? i think you left out that most people don't like her because she is an uneducated, opportunistic, political hack, self serving hypocrate and pathological liar, and a complete buffoon who resigned when things got difficult and inconvenient. if electied to higher office she would be a disgrace to my country, the same as the bush administration.[/quote

    wow you should really see a doctor about all that anger ;)
  • PearlJainPearlJain Posts: 565
    PearlJain wrote:
    I haven't been on this sight for a few weeks now - because some of the postings make me the ones regarding Sarah Palin.

    Regardless - there seem to be so many Leftists (not Liberals) on this websight. You all should be ashamed. Very judgemental to say the least. I find your hatred for those whom disagree with you- very sickening. However - I do I personally can't sit in the same room with a Leftist. We have absolutely nothing in common and do not understand each other. To each his own - however - your kind really scares me.
    Kind of ironic you give your speech about hatred, and then in the same breath talk about not being able to sit in the same room as a leftist. I have plenty of great friends with different political preferences to me.
    Typical Leftist "spin." Ironic? Whatever, dude. There's no winning with your kind. You really do have great friends (if they disagree with you politically) and can actually stand your point of view. You must have many Conservative friends for you to make such a comment.
    The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated - Gandhi

    "Empty pockets will Allow a greater Sense of wealth...." EV/ITW
  • prfctlefts wrote:
    tybird wrote:
    Somewhere....I either heard or read that she had already spent in excess of 500k on her defense of the various ethic charges.
    so you herad or read somewhere :?

    tybird wrote:
    really? have you not READ ANY OF THIS THREAD AT ALL??? those are the only reasons liberals don't like her? i think you left out that most people don't like her because she is an uneducated, opportunistic, political hack, self serving hypocrate and pathological liar, and a complete buffoon who resigned when things got difficult and inconvenient. if electied to higher office she would be a disgrace to my country, the same as the bush administration.

    wow you should really see a doctor about all that anger ;)
    funnily enough, i just thought the same thing about you.
    oops, better forget not forget the smiley, because you know, internet smilies are so sincere.
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Don't you have some scumbag pedophile to defend somewhere . Im so sick of your Im better than anyone because Im a douche bag law student post. Piss off... :evil:
  • g under pg under p Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
    PearlJain wrote:
    I haven't been on this sight for a few weeks now - because some of the postings make me the ones regarding Sarah Palin.

    Regardless - there seem to be so many Leftists (not Liberals) on this websight. You all should be ashamed. Very judgemental to say the least. I find your hatred for those whom disagree with you- very sickening. However - I do I personally can't sit in the same room with a Leftist. We have absolutely nothing in common and do not understand each other. To each his own - however - your kind really scares me.
    Kind of ironic you give your speech about hatred, and then in the same breath talk about not being able to sit in the same room as a leftist. I have plenty of great friends with different political preferences to me.

    I gather if you're a leftist or have a leftist point of view from PearlJain's point of view you've become a plagued leper that should be abandoned out in the Sahara Desert.

    I have friends who have PJ's political views and I rather enjoy their company and we crack each other up. I can get tired of people with the same old topics and political talk. What I don't understand is how can ANYONE come on this site and hate people just because they have a different point of view from yours and know that THIS SITE is a left leaning site due to the band we listen to Pearl Jam. As long as you state the reasoning behind your thought process it's ALL cool with me, just keep it graceful under pressure. :)

    If that's the case find some right leaning band where you may feel more comfortable and post there. I'm an Independent and I visit Hannity's website just to see what that political thinking side is yacking about. It's funny the threads they come up with and arguments they get into, far different from that what goes on here. :D We ALL need to see ALL political sides of things whether we agree or disagree with those thoughts and ideas. It's one of the only I think we can better ourselves.

    *We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti

    *MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
    .....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti

    *The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)

  • PearlJain wrote:
    PearlJain wrote:
    I haven't been on this sight for a few weeks now - because some of the postings make me the ones regarding Sarah Palin.

    Regardless - there seem to be so many Leftists (not Liberals) on this websight. You all should be ashamed. Very judgemental to say the least. I find your hatred for those whom disagree with you- very sickening. However - I do I personally can't sit in the same room with a Leftist. We have absolutely nothing in common and do not understand each other. To each his own - however - your kind really scares me.
    Kind of ironic you give your speech about hatred, and then in the same breath talk about not being able to sit in the same room as a leftist. I have plenty of great friends with different political preferences to me.
    Typical Leftist "spin." Ironic? Whatever, dude. There's no winning with your kind. You really do have great friends (if they disagree with you politically) and can actually stand your point of view. You must have many Conservative friends for you to make such a comment.
    Pointless discussing anything with you. As to your comment 'there's no winning with my kind', what 'kind' exactly is that?
  • g under p wrote:
    PearlJain wrote:
    I haven't been on this sight for a few weeks now - because some of the postings make me the ones regarding Sarah Palin.

    Regardless - there seem to be so many Leftists (not Liberals) on this websight. You all should be ashamed. Very judgemental to say the least. I find your hatred for those whom disagree with you- very sickening. However - I do I personally can't sit in the same room with a Leftist. We have absolutely nothing in common and do not understand each other. To each his own - however - your kind really scares me.
    Kind of ironic you give your speech about hatred, and then in the same breath talk about not being able to sit in the same room as a leftist. I have plenty of great friends with different political preferences to me.

    I gather if you're a leftist or have a leftist point of view from PearlJain's point of view you've become a plagued leper that should be abandoned out in the Sahara Desert.

    I have friends who have PJ's political views and I rather enjoy their company and we crack each other up. I can get tired of people with the same old topics and political talk. What I don't understand is how can ANYONE come on this site and hate people just because they have a different point of view from yours and know that THIS SITE is a left leaning site due to the band we listen to Pearl Jam. As long as you state the reasoning behind your thought process it's ALL cool with me, just keep it graceful under pressure. :)

    If that's the case find some right leaning band where you may feel more comfortable and post there. I'm an Independent and I visit Hannity's website just to see what that political thinking side is yacking about. It's funny the threads they come up with and arguments they get into, far different from that what goes on here. :D We ALL need to see ALL political sides of things whether we agree or disagree with those thoughts and ideas. It's one of the only I think we can better ourselves.

    great post.

    thank you.
  • PearlJainPearlJain Posts: 565
    Now you want to point of view...versus your point of view. Try making some actually points regarding YOUR point of view and then I will respond to it - if I feel it worthy enough. I'm just not going to crawl into the "sandbox" with someone whom is not intellectually suitable. And I don't care how many degrees you have or don't have. Intellect doesn't necessarily equal how much college education one has.
    The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated - Gandhi

    "Empty pockets will Allow a greater Sense of wealth...." EV/ITW
  • PearlJain wrote:
    Now you want to point of view...versus your point of view. Try making some actually points regarding YOUR point of view and then I will respond to it - if I feel it worthy enough. I'm just not going to crawl into the "sandbox" with someone whom is not intellectually suitable. And I don't care how many degrees you have or don't have. Intellect doesn't necessarily equal how much college education one has.
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    PearlJain wrote:
    Now you want to point of view...versus your point of view. Try making some actually points regarding YOUR point of view and then I will respond to it - if I feel it worthy enough. I'm just not going to crawl into the "sandbox" with someone whom is not intellectually suitable. And I don't care how many degrees you have or don't have. Intellect doesn't necessarily equal how much college education one has.
    we have all been expressing our points of view in this thread. but don't worry, if you don't feel "worthy enough" i will understand since you have such a superiority complex you can not lower yourself to our level to indulge us in a conversation about sarah palin and her reasons for being a quitter and why we agree/disagree with her. the "sandbox" is big enough for all points of view. you instead choose to sit back and act like you are above the rest of us. degrees are a decent indicator of intellect in our society these days, but then again so is ignorance and arrogance.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    PearlJain wrote:
    PearlJain wrote:
    I haven't been on this sight for a few weeks now - because some of the postings make me the ones regarding Sarah Palin.

    Regardless - there seem to be so many Leftists (not Liberals) on this websight. You all should be ashamed. Very judgemental to say the least. I find your hatred for those whom disagree with you- very sickening. However - I do I personally can't sit in the same room with a Leftist. We have absolutely nothing in common and do not understand each other. To each his own - however - your kind really scares me.
    Kind of ironic you give your speech about hatred, and then in the same breath talk about not being able to sit in the same room as a leftist. I have plenty of great friends with different political preferences to me.
    Typical Leftist "spin." Ironic? Whatever, dude. There's no winning with your kind. You really do have great friends (if they disagree with you politically) and can actually stand your point of view. You must have many Conservative friends for you to make such a comment.
    "winning"? i did not know discussion was competition. please don't paint people with such large strokes.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    prfctlefts wrote:
    tybird wrote:
    Somewhere....I either heard or read that she had already spent in excess of 500k on her defense of the various ethic charges.
    so you herad or read somewhere :?

    tybird wrote:
    really? have you not READ ANY OF THIS THREAD AT ALL??? those are the only reasons liberals don't like her? i think you left out that most people don't like her because she is an uneducated, opportunistic, political hack, self serving hypocrate and pathological liar, and a complete buffoon who resigned when things got difficult and inconvenient. if electied to higher office she would be a disgrace to my country, the same as the bush administration.[/quote

    wow you should really see a doctor about all that anger ;)
    i will make a deal with you. i will see a doctor if you will read a book ;)
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • PearlJainPearlJain Posts: 565
    I must come to the defense of Tybird - because us whom lean a bit to the right get beaten up here. I'm reading Lyberty and Tyranny by Mark Levin - A NY Times (Liberal Rag) Best Seller. Almost finished with it. It's a great read! Some of you Leftist might should try reading it as well - as soon as you're done with the EV Book Club Novels. Oh - that's right - that doesn't exist. Sorry.
    The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated - Gandhi

    "Empty pockets will Allow a greater Sense of wealth...." EV/ITW
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    PearlJain wrote:
    I must come to the defense of Tybird - because us whom lean a bit to the right get beaten up here. I'm reading Lyberty and Tyranny by Mark Levin - A NY Times (Liberal Rag) Best Seller. Almost finished with it. It's a great read! Some of you Leftist might should try reading it as well - as soon as you're done with the EV Book Club Novels. Oh - that's right - that doesn't exist. Sorry.
    if you would look at tht post you would see that i was replying to perfectlefts who quoted my post under tybrid's name. he told me to see a doctor so i told him to read a book. nothing to do with you jain....
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • PearlJainPearlJain Posts: 565
    My bad.
    PearlJain wrote:
    I must come to the defense of Tybird - because us whom lean a bit to the right get beaten up here. I'm reading Lyberty and Tyranny by Mark Levin - A NY Times (Liberal Rag) Best Seller. Almost finished with it. It's a great read! Some of you Leftist might should try reading it as well - as soon as you're done with the EV Book Club Novels. Oh - that's right - that doesn't exist. Sorry.
    if you would look at tht post you would see that i was replying to perfectlefts who quoted my post under tybrid's name. he told me to see a doctor so i told him to read a book. nothing to do with you jain....

    My bad.
    The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated - Gandhi

    "Empty pockets will Allow a greater Sense of wealth...." EV/ITW
  • PearlJainPearlJain Posts: 565
    PearlJain wrote:
    My bad.
    PearlJain wrote:
    I must come to the defense of Tybird - because us whom lean a bit to the right get beaten up here. I'm reading Lyberty and Tyranny by Mark Levin - A NY Times (Liberal Rag) Best Seller. Almost finished with it. It's a great read! Some of you Leftist might should try reading it as well - as soon as you're done with the EV Book Club Novels. Oh - that's right - that doesn't exist. Sorry.
    if you would look at tht post you would see that i was replying to perfectlefts who quoted my post under tybrid's name. he told me to see a doctor so i told him to read a book. nothing to do with you jain....

    My bad.

    I feel a need to say that I have friends whom are "Liberals" and bless their hearts, their "hearts" are actually in the right place. I can deal with Liberals. I have a hard time with "Leftists" - as common sense - by all standards - does not exist. I have no tolerance. The U.S. Constitution still resonates with me.
    The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated - Gandhi

    "Empty pockets will Allow a greater Sense of wealth...." EV/ITW
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    PearlJain wrote:
    PearlJain wrote:

    My bad.

    I feel a need to say that I have friends whom are "Liberals" and bless their hearts, their "hearts" are actually in the right place. I can deal with Liberals. I have a hard time with "Leftists" - as common sense - by all standards - does not exist. I have no tolerance. The U.S. Constitution still resonates with me.
    i am glad the constitution still resonates with at least one conservative. the last administration wiped its collective ass with it. it is going to take years to undo the attacks on personal and civil liberties alone.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • PearlJainPearlJain Posts: 565
    PearlJain wrote:
    Now you want to point of view...versus your point of view. Try making some actually points regarding YOUR point of view and then I will respond to it - if I feel it worthy enough. I'm just not going to crawl into the "sandbox" with someone whom is not intellectually suitable. And I don't care how many degrees you have or don't have. Intellect doesn't necessarily equal how much college education one has.
    we have all been expressing our points of view in this thread. but don't worry, if you don't feel "worthy enough" i will understand since you have such a superiority complex you can not lower yourself to our level to indulge us in a conversation about sarah palin and her reasons for being a quitter and why we agree/disagree with her. the "sandbox" is big enough for all points of view. you instead choose to sit back and act like you are above the rest of us. degrees are a decent indicator of intellect in our society these days, but then again so is ignorance and arrogance.
    At least now you understand - we are on the same page. I just have a bit of a problem with your last statment about ignorance and "arrogance." Takes one to know one, dude. You are obviously too profound a person for me to respond. Enjoy the next 3 and half years. The clock is ticking dude.
    The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated - Gandhi

    "Empty pockets will Allow a greater Sense of wealth...." EV/ITW
  • PearlJainPearlJain Posts: 565
    PearlJain wrote:
    PearlJain wrote:
    Now you want to point of view...versus your point of view. Try making some actually points regarding YOUR point of view and then I will respond to it - if I feel it worthy enough. I'm just not going to crawl into the "sandbox" with someone whom is not intellectually suitable. And I don't care how many degrees you have or don't have. Intellect doesn't necessarily equal how much college education one has.
    we have all been expressing our points of view in this thread. but don't worry, if you don't feel "worthy enough" i will understand since you have such a superiority complex you can not lower yourself to our level to indulge us in a conversation about sarah palin and her reasons for being a quitter and why we agree/disagree with her. the "sandbox" is big enough for all points of view. you instead choose to sit back and act like you are above the rest of us. degrees are a decent indicator of intellect in our society these days, but then again so is ignorance and arrogance.
    At least now you understand - we are on the same page. I just have a bit of a problem with your last statment about ignorance and "arrogance." Takes one to know one, dude. You are obviously too profound a person for me to respond. Enjoy the next 3 and half years. The clock is ticking dude.

    BTW - you (and all of the other Leftists) just love that Sarah walked away from being Gov. of Alaska. It gives you all more fodder. It's common knowledge that you Leftist just love to feed on THAT. BTW - what magazines or books do YOU read - quickly now - don't hesitate. Answer right now. Most are Liberal Rags - anyway...just like most of the Liberal-slanted media. People are growing tired of the Liberal LIES now.
    The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated - Gandhi

    "Empty pockets will Allow a greater Sense of wealth...." EV/ITW
  • g under pg under p Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
    g under p wrote:
    PearlJain wrote:
    I haven't been on this sight for a few weeks now - because some of the postings make me the ones regarding Sarah Palin.

    Regardless - there seem to be so many Leftists (not Liberals) on this websight. You all should be ashamed. Very judgemental to say the least. I find your hatred for those whom disagree with you- very sickening. However - I do I personally can't sit in the same room with a Leftist. We have absolutely nothing in common and do not understand each other. To each his own - however - your kind really scares me.
    Kind of ironic you give your speech about hatred, and then in the same breath talk about not being able to sit in the same room as a leftist. I have plenty of great friends with different political preferences to me.

    I gather if you're a leftist or have a leftist point of view from PearlJain's point of view you've become a plagued leper that should be abandoned out in the Sahara Desert.

    I have friends who have PJ's political views and I rather enjoy their company and we crack each other up. I can get tired of people with the same old topics and political talk. What I don't understand is how can ANYONE come on this site and hate people just because they have a different point of view from yours and know that THIS SITE is a left leaning site due to the band we listen to Pearl Jam. As long as you state the reasoning behind your thought process it's ALL cool with me, just keep it graceful under pressure. :)

    If that's the case find some right leaning band where you may feel more comfortable and post there. I'm an Independent and I visit Hannity's website just to see what that political thinking side is yacking about. It's funny the threads they come up with and arguments they get into, far different from that what goes on here. :D We ALL need to see ALL political sides of things whether we agree or disagree with those thoughts and ideas. It's one of the only ways I think we can better ourselves.

    PearlJain wrote:
    Now you want to point of view...versus your point of view. Try making some actually points regarding YOUR point of view and then I will respond to it - if I feel it worthy enough. I'm just not going to crawl into the "sandbox" with someone whom is not intellectually suitable. And I don't care how many degrees you have or don't have. Intellect doesn't necessarily equal how much college education one has.

    I just don't understand what you're talking about here. I spoke of being in the same place with someone that has a different point of view whether leftist or otherwise. I may not not be as intellectually astute as you but in your opinion what's the difference between a leftist and a liberal? I'm just asking to get a better grip on your strong point of view.

    *We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti

    *MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
    .....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti

    *The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)

  • PearlJainPearlJain Posts: 565
    You are obviously a "Liberal" because you don't know what a "Leftist" is. You ended your post with the word "Peace." You can easily "Google" "Liberal" and "Leftist" and draw your own assumptions. My personal opinion is very slanted.
    The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated - Gandhi

    "Empty pockets will Allow a greater Sense of wealth...." EV/ITW
  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    PearlJain wrote:
    My personal opinion is very slanted.
  • PearlJainPearlJain Posts: 565
    PearlJain wrote:
    You are obviously a "Liberal" because you don't know what a "Leftist" is. You ended your post with the word "Peace." You can easily "Google" "Liberal" and "Leftist" and draw your own assumptions. My personal opinion is very slanted.
    BTW - you seem very "astute" to me, as you bothered to ask what the difference is....(Liberal versus Leftist) THAT in and of itself -speaks VOLUMES about your intellect.
    The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated - Gandhi

    "Empty pockets will Allow a greater Sense of wealth...." EV/ITW
  • g under pg under p Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
    PearlJain wrote:
    You are obviously a "Liberal" because you don't know what a "Leftist" is. You ended your post with the word "Peace." You can easily "Google" "Liberal" and "Leftist" and draw your own assumptions. My personal opinion is very slanted.

    Like I've posted above I can engage others with their points of views and I've my points on what a liberal is and what a leftist is. I'm just simply asking you what yours is whether it's slanted or not it matters none to me.
    Oh the reason why I end ALL my whatever number posts, is due to way back when I was in the military long story.

    *We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti

    *MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
    .....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti

    *The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)

  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    PearlJain wrote:
    I haven't been on this sight for a few weeks now - because some of the postings make me the ones regarding Sarah Palin.

    Regardless - there seem to be so many Leftists (not Liberals) on this websight. You all should be ashamed. Very judgemental to say the least. I find your hatred for those whom disagree with you- very sickening. However - I do I personally can't sit in the same room with a Leftist. We have absolutely nothing in common and do not understand each other. To each his own - however - your kind really scares me.
    I think you are missing one fundamental fact... Sarah Palin is not just someone with an opinion. She is a leader... or former leader of one of our 50 state. She was on a Presidential ticket to be second in command of our armed forced and everything that goes along with it... including the Nuclear Option. That is a position that requires great scrutiny by the people of this nation because that seat is one of great power.
    You would be 100% correct if Sarah Palin was just a homemaker in Wasillia, AK. Her opinions would be just the same as yours and mine and people (including myself) should be ashamed of ourselves for attacking a homemaker and judging her so harshly. The problem is... she is not a homemaker. She is a politician with aspirations to become the President of this nation.
    If you think we should be ashamed about our criticism of Palin... you should be equally sickened about the things you hear people saying about President Obama, Vice-President Biden, Representative Pelosi, Governor Schwarzenegger and every other politician that seeks public office. My guess... you ain't.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
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