Meaning of Got Some



  • slightofjeffslightofjeff Posts: 7,762
    cokelogic wrote:
    I think it's about the lack of consumer spending due to paranoia of this bad economy. Shops are closing, people aren't buying music, people are not going out as often.

    And we're left with companies trying to sell their stuff saying, "I got some if you need it".

    The bridge about dropping bombs and diplomatic resolve make me think, "if we weren't spending money on this needless war, we'd have some money for our country".

    That's my best guess.

    Holy shit! THERE'S your fuckin' Target commercial ... LOL :):):)
    everybody wants the most they can possibly get
    for the least they could possibly do
  • elevation622elevation622 Posts: 926
    some clown said:
    "We and the band can moan all day and night about how bad bush was and how he started two stupid and needless wars..."
    "He has had 4 months to end 2 illegal and immoral wars"...

    Just to be clear, one war may have been "illegal, immoral, stupid and needless". But one war is legal, moral, and necessary. Just to remind you, we were attacked by scumbags operating out of Afghanistan. Nearly three thousand Americans died. Nobody likes war (except maybe Dick Cheney from the safety of his bunker), but sometimes you have to fight them. So quit the generalizations please. We got your point. Anyway I think the song's about hope.
  • woundedorganwoundedorgan Posts: 607
    This tune is blatantly geared towards the current administration and if they are keeping to their " promises " as well as the lack of swift action in Iraq. Let's face it, Obama said he would end the war fast, 2012 seems a bit too far away for my liking. What is his plan for the meantime, are they in or are they out?

    We all know that Ed is anitwar, it makes perfect sense to me why they chose that song for Conan's premiere, it was not just to give you a taste of the new album. This band has a deep messege that can benefit society if only people would stop and listen instead of focusing on what store is going to sell their new album.

    despite how many "fans" think they are selling out to Target, PJ's music continues to put forth a strong opinion of urgency for reform (Therefore not a "cheap" album of material and worth buying from any store who sells it).

    This song's meaning is pretty obvious to me.

    I think this song portrays an urgency to be non complacent
    Basically get off your ass and if you need motivation Ed will provide it for you...

    Also mocking the bailout mentality of recent politics..
    God Loves Pearl Jam

  • Just to be clear, one war may have been "illegal, immoral, stupid and needless". But one war is legal, moral, and necessary. Just to remind you, we were attacked by scumbags operating out of Afghanistan. Nearly three thousand Americans died. Nobody likes war (except maybe Dick Cheney from the safety of his bunker), but sometimes you have to fight them. So quit the generalizations please. We got your point. Anyway I think the song's about hope.

    first of all this "war" is not is always illegal, immoral, stupid and needles..the people who attacked us are NOT operating out of my friend are a victim of lies, propaganda & disinformation..which it appears you swallowed hook, line & sinker..and maybe some of the fucking rod too!!

    and if there is is in the form of people like you stopping themselves from being manipulated by the media and seeking the truth..for the truth shall set you free.
  • weenieweenie Posts: 1,623
    I think you guys are confusing the word "political" with what should be termed "philosophical". If you choose to ride your bike to work instead of driving your car, it's a philosophical decision based on your viewpoint on global warming, energy conservation, "green" living. Calling it political is just plain wrong -it's personal philosophy.

    Almost all of PJ's songs express a particular philosophy - whether about love, greed, whatever. Many are about the actions of governments, war, political figures etc ....THOSE songs are political. Governments don't have philosophies, they have constitutions and Bill of Rights. Governments and their actions are political.
    ~I want to realize brotherhood or identity not merely with the beings called human, but I want to realize identity with all life, even with such things as crawl upon earth.~
    Mohandas K. Gandhi

    ~I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulette I could have worn.~
    Henry David Thoreau
  • slightofjeffslightofjeff Posts: 7,762
    This tune is blatantly geared towards the current administration and if they are keeping to their " promises " as well as the lack of swift action in Iraq. Let's face it, Obama said he would end the war fast, 2012 seems a bit too far away for my liking. What is his plan for the meantime, are they in or are they out?

    We all know that Ed is anitwar, it makes perfect sense to me why they chose that song for Conan's premiere, it was not just to give you a taste of the new album. This band has a deep messege that can benefit society if only people would stop and listen instead of focusing on what store is going to sell their new album.

    despite how many "fans" think they are selling out to Target, PJ's music continues to put forth a strong opinion of urgency for reform (Therefore not a "cheap" album of material and worth buying from any store who sells it).

    This song's meaning is pretty obvious to me.

    I think this song portrays an urgency to be non complacent
    Basically get off your ass and if you need motivation Ed will provide it for you...

    Also mocking the bailout mentality of recent politics..

    I can see how you would think that. I just don't think it is true.

    There's a good chance the song was written before Obama took office. Plus, judging from Ed's comments leading up to the election, I think he understood that ending the war(s) was going to be a gradual thing.

    I don't think he's too pissed off about Obama and Iraq just yet.
    everybody wants the most they can possibly get
    for the least they could possibly do
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,554

    Just to be clear, one war may have been "illegal, immoral, stupid and needless". But one war is legal, moral, and necessary. Just to remind you, we were attacked by scumbags operating out of Afghanistan. Nearly three thousand Americans died. Nobody likes war (except maybe Dick Cheney from the safety of his bunker), but sometimes you have to fight them. So quit the generalizations please. We got your point. Anyway I think the song's about hope.

    first of all this "war" is not is always illegal, immoral, stupid and needles..the people who attacked us are NOT operating out of my friend are a victim of lies, propaganda & disinformation..which it appears you swallowed hook, line & sinker..and maybe some of the fucking rod too!!

    and if there is is in the form of people like you stopping themselves from being manipulated by the media and seeking the truth..for the truth shall set you free.

    In order to improve yourself, you wish to seek the following training:

    1) Anger Management
    2) How to make friends and influence people
    3) How not to come across like a crazy, holier than thou prick

    And back to your regularly scheduled program....

    I love "Got Some".
    hippiemom = goodness

  • In order to improve yourself, you wish to seek the following training:

    1) Anger Management
    2) How to make friends and influence people
    3) How not to come across like a crazy, holier than thou prick

    And back to your regularly scheduled program....

    I love "Got Some".


    1 "your anger is a gift!!" Zach De La Rocha

    2 i have plenty of friends "I have no patience for stupid people or shitty music" Eddie Vedder

    3 Crazy?...nah...Holier than thou?...nah...more informed?...yes....prick? fuck with me and i can be.

    now back to the programed
  • fortyshadesfortyshades Posts: 1,834
    Or Life Wasted.

    Or Parachutes (just because it says "war' does not mean it's political).

    Unemployable is more of a social issues song. Not a political one ... but I'll still give it to you.

    It takes some gymnastics to read Gone as a purely political song ... don't get fixated on the gas-in-my-tank line.

    Come Back is about the living, coping with life after death.

    Inside Job is about Mike's battle with addiction.

    So not EVERY song Pearl Jam writes is political, although I'll admit they've gotten more and more overtly political lately. Which is cool. But it's starting to wear thin a bit.

    for what its worth, I was highly political in 06 when avocado came out, and felt I identified with every song.

    The entire album is about various ways to cope with war.

    Life Wasted is political. Its saying, I dont want to deal with feeling sad about things, the war, or politics, I want to live life to the fullest. That in itself is a political statement and action. This person decides that the way to live life during war is to seize the day.

    Parachutes is about relationships. This person feels dealing with a war, should involve a partner or lover. Again, to act in that manner, to fall in love, or to need the support and love of someone else as a counter to war is a political action

    Big Wave you could be right. Ed said it was a break in between the intense songs. That quote along suggests the majority of the record if not all except big wave is political. However ed does seem to view surfing as political, he said something like "any location mentioned in a beach boys song should be considered holy and not messed with". He was talking about pollution.

    Unemployable is a political song. Its a person so stressed out with the world around him, with the issues of the day, with his job, with his boss, with trying to pay the bills, that he cant sleep and is going a little crazy. He feels sick. The refrain of scared alive is a political statement especially in these times. Its so easy to want to cower under a desk and hide, or not leave your bed, or go build a bunker. All make sense in these scary times. Yet, this person is scared alive. The war, and politics and their job and how crappy they are treated has made them appreciate life more and not want to waste it. Again, this is a political statement

    Gone is overtly political. Its about feeling so pissed off at the war and the world that you want to pull a Into the Wild type move and just move out into the wilderness away from society, away from the city. How could this not be a political song.

    come back obviously is about one of the ramones, but I listened to it and immediately thought of someone who lost their friend or lover in the war. Either they died or they are still in the war.

    And Inside Job, is about how, in order to deal with the worlds problems, and be an activist, you first have to be able to sort out the issues in your own personal life. You have to find out who you are first, before you can really be a great activist.

    Mmmm, to me, there was always a significant meaning to the last 4 songs on ST. To me ST was a reflection on the war(s); taking different angles and pov of this war. From the point of view of a soldier (Severed Hand), a volunteer (Life Wasted) to the veterane (Gone, Unemployable etc.). You could actually make a rock musical out of this one! (Bad idea, but still...)

    Approaching the album this way the last four songs have a very specific meaning.

    "Life Wasted Reprise" is an interlude, going back to the original song, full of hope and anguish. But this time it sounds desolate and disillusioned.

    "Army Reserve" is taking the war from a family oriented pov. An army family waiting for their loved one to come home. (I have to admit that I'm a bit biased here. When I lived in the States, I knew some families who lived in Army housing etc. I know their feelings and this song translates these feelings - in my opinion - very honest and straightforward. It truly captures these families I knew, with all their internal battles, during the First Gulf War. This is therefore - for me at least - one of the strongest and sensitive song on the album.)

    "Come Back" to me is about a loss. (Maybe a soldier in the aforementioned song?) And how to deal with this loss; feeling a presence of someone who is no longer there. (BTW: I know that Ed Vedder said this song was about the Ramones, but this is just my interpretation, where I try to put the song in the context of the album.)

    "Inside Job" is therefore (in my opinion) not about an activist, but the same protagonist as the previous song. It's now about "overcoming" pain and dealing with loss in a mature way and returning to the same hope from which the album started. But it's a different sense of hope. It's hope drenched with reality. Not the young hope and restless hope of "Life Wasted".

    Any way, just my interpretation.

    I do agree with you that "not acting" in these "interesting times" = a political choice. (Like the aforementioned Britney Spears example.) I do wonder though if this choice is actually consciencly made.
  • pickupyourwillpickupyourwill Posts: 3,135
    all I know is...he's got some, and I need it. ;):D
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,554
    all I know is...he's got some, and I need it. ;):D

    I just wonder how many more of these types of posts before I start hating the song. ;)
    hippiemom = goodness
  • he's got 2 kids...we know he "got some".....

    seriously though....there is no doubt in my mind this song was written about the Obama admin. and i'm glad Ed is still being Ed as far as that goes...he never seemed the kool-aid type to me :mrgreen:

    that's why they chose to bust it out on Conan IMO

    I don't think "No More" is ready for the shelf either...we shall see....
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,554
    he's got 2 kids...we know he "got some".....

    seriously though....there is no doubt in my mind this song was written about the Obama admin. and i'm glad Ed is still being Ed as far as that goes...he never seemed the kool-aid type to me :mrgreen:

    that's why they chose to bust it out on Conan IMO

    I don't think "No More" is ready for the shelf either...we shall see....

    Hmmm...I think it's more about everyone. A recognition that the feeling in the US and world abotu issues shifted. It shifted enough for Obama to become the first black president of the US. But that is just the starting point, not the destination. So, now what? What are you going to do now? Will it go back to same ole' same ole' or will we keep "carrying on"? So, directed at Obama as well, but mostly to the people that put him there (to hold him accoutable). I don't think it's saying that everything is the same and Obama is failing and the people have failed. But I think it's a warning that you must keep working. And....if you need some help along the way...Pearl Jam has some motivation to spare to help you.
    hippiemom = goodness

  • Hmmm...I think it's more about everyone. A recognition that the feeling in the US and world abotu issues shifted. It shifted enough for Obama to become the first black president of the US. But that is just the starting point, not the destination. So, now what? What are you going to do now? Will it go back to same ole' same ole' or will we keep "carrying on"? So, directed at Obama as well, but mostly to the people that put him there (to hold him accoutable). I don't think it's saying that everything is the same and Obama is failing and the people have failed. But I think it's a warning that you must keep working. And....if you need some help along the way...Pearl Jam has some motivation to spare to help you.

    This situation, what side are you on?

    Obama are you with the American people as you claimed to be? or are you just another whore for the masters of war?

    Are you dropping bombs, are you getting out?

    Obama are you going to further the escalation of this war(like how he has bombed Pakistan many times since taking office) or are you going to end it like you promised?

    Have you heard of diplomatic resolve? Yeah!

    Try using peace instead of bombs!!

    that's the only way you can construe these lyrics IMO
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977

    Hmmm...I think it's more about everyone. A recognition that the feeling in the US and world abotu issues shifted. It shifted enough for Obama to become the first black president of the US. But that is just the starting point, not the destination. So, now what? What are you going to do now? Will it go back to same ole' same ole' or will we keep "carrying on"? So, directed at Obama as well, but mostly to the people that put him there (to hold him accoutable). I don't think it's saying that everything is the same and Obama is failing and the people have failed. But I think it's a warning that you must keep working. And....if you need some help along the way...Pearl Jam has some motivation to spare to help you.

    This situation, what side are you on?

    Obama are you with the American people as you claimed to be? or are you just another whore for the masters of war?

    Are you dropping bombs, are you getting out?

    Obama are you going to further the escalation of this war(like how he has bombed Pakistan many times since taking office) or are you going to end it like you promised?

    Have you heard of diplomatic resolve? Yeah!

    Try using peace instead of bombs!!

    that's the only way you can construe these lyrics IMO

    well all know what opinions are like, eh? ;) j/k.
    seriously...i think you BOTH are right. i think it's a message for US ALL...which of course ALSO includes OBAMA. and i think it reaches far outside the USA as's a global message, not just for citizens at home. it also still feels so *positive*...hope is still there...that we CAN do what we set out to do, we just have to choose to.....and yea, ed and the boys 'got some' and then some to spare, and share..... :mrgreen:

    of course this simply my little ole opinion too.....
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,554
    well all know what opinions are like, eh? ;) j/k.
    seriously...i think you BOTH are right. i think it's a message for US ALL...which of course ALSO includes OBAMA. and i think it reaches far outside the USA as's a global message, not just for citizens at home. it also still feels so *positive*...hope is still there...that we CAN do what we set out to do, we just have to choose to.....and yea, ed and the boys 'got some' and then some to spare, and share..... :mrgreen:

    of course this simply my little ole opinion too.....

    Yep, I'm not saying I'm right, just sharing my thoughts. And I have a bias as I prefer to think of PJ lyrics to be more broadening rather than focused on 1 specific person.

    My overal feeling of the song is it is not a judgment, it is a warning and motivational.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • fortyshadesfortyshades Posts: 1,834

    Hmmm...I think it's more about everyone. A recognition that the feeling in the US and world abotu issues shifted. It shifted enough for Obama to become the first black president of the US. But that is just the starting point, not the destination. So, now what? What are you going to do now? Will it go back to same ole' same ole' or will we keep "carrying on"? So, directed at Obama as well, but mostly to the people that put him there (to hold him accoutable). I don't think it's saying that everything is the same and Obama is failing and the people have failed. But I think it's a warning that you must keep working. And....if you need some help along the way...Pearl Jam has some motivation to spare to help you.

    This situation, what side are you on?

    Obama are you with the American people as you claimed to be? or are you just another whore for the masters of war?

    Are you dropping bombs, are you getting out?

    Obama are you going to further the escalation of this war(like how he has bombed Pakistan many times since taking office) or are you going to end it like you promised?

    Have you heard of diplomatic resolve? Yeah!

    Try using peace instead of bombs!!

    that's the only way you can construe these lyrics IMO

    I do think this song is way too personalized in the way you explain it. Is he also singing to Obama to enjoy a rock song and get some from Pearl Jam? The lyrics are more general than that IMO; aimed at a group or the public not one individual...

    I think that we can discuss the politics until the end of times and probably don't agree. (Besides there is another forum for that.) One side remark tho: the war in Afghanistan is *not* an US operation. It's an operation by NATO and authorized by the UN. So far we know Ed Vedder could be singing this song, if we follow your train of thought, to Jaap de Hoop Scheffer (secretary general) or Ban Ki-moon.

    To bhe clear: the war is Afghanistan is not (only) a national affair.
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    well all know what opinions are like, eh? ;) j/k.
    seriously...i think you BOTH are right. i think it's a message for US ALL...which of course ALSO includes OBAMA. and i think it reaches far outside the USA as's a global message, not just for citizens at home. it also still feels so *positive*...hope is still there...that we CAN do what we set out to do, we just have to choose to.....and yea, ed and the boys 'got some' and then some to spare, and share..... :mrgreen:

    of course this simply my little ole opinion too.....

    Yep, I'm not saying I'm right, just sharing my thoughts. And I have a bias as I prefer to think of PJ lyrics to be more broadening rather than focused on 1 specific person.

    My overal feeling of the song is it is not a judgment, it is a warning and motivational.

    agreed, agreed...
    and truly the beauty of matter what the songwriter/artist may've had in mind when creating, it is ALL so open to interpretation, there is no *wrong*...just your own perspective, and that's a big part of what makes it all so fucking fantastic. :mrgreen: i find it extremely motivational, in a very positive way......i think we all *need it* 8-)
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • electronblueelectronblue Posts: 3,461
    Back_Pedal wrote:
    Has anyone actually worked out the lyrics yet? When i first heard it I thought he was saying "I got a song if you need it". I had to see the song title to get it, lol.

    i thought ed was singing that and i thought..

    well..ok then share some more of your songs with us , eddie.

    "Forgive every being,
    the bad feelings 
    it's just me"

  • fortyshadesfortyshades Posts: 1,834
    well all know what opinions are like, eh? ;) j/k.
    seriously...i think you BOTH are right. i think it's a message for US ALL...which of course ALSO includes OBAMA. and i think it reaches far outside the USA as's a global message, not just for citizens at home. it also still feels so *positive*...hope is still there...that we CAN do what we set out to do, we just have to choose to.....and yea, ed and the boys 'got some' and then some to spare, and share..... :mrgreen:

    of course this simply my little ole opinion too.....

    Yep, I'm not saying I'm right, just sharing my thoughts. And I have a bias as I prefer to think of PJ lyrics to be more broadening rather than focused on 1 specific person.

    My overal feeling of the song is it is not a judgment, it is a warning and motivational.

    agreed, agreed...
    and truly the beauty of matter what the songwriter/artist may've had in mind when creating, it is ALL so open to interpretation, there is no *wrong*...just your own perspective, and that's a big part of what makes it all so fucking fantastic. :mrgreen: i find it extremely motivational, in a very positive way......i think we all *need it* 8-)

    Completly agree... That is what makes art always personal. (That's also the reason why discussions get heated.) God knows, I want some ;)
  • slightofjeffslightofjeff Posts: 7,762

    Hmmm...I think it's more about everyone. A recognition that the feeling in the US and world abotu issues shifted. It shifted enough for Obama to become the first black president of the US. But that is just the starting point, not the destination. So, now what? What are you going to do now? Will it go back to same ole' same ole' or will we keep "carrying on"? So, directed at Obama as well, but mostly to the people that put him there (to hold him accoutable). I don't think it's saying that everything is the same and Obama is failing and the people have failed. But I think it's a warning that you must keep working. And....if you need some help along the way...Pearl Jam has some motivation to spare to help you.

    This situation, what side are you on?

    Obama are you with the American people as you claimed to be? or are you just another whore for the masters of war?

    Are you dropping bombs, are you getting out?

    Obama are you going to further the escalation of this war(like how he has bombed Pakistan many times since taking office) or are you going to end it like you promised?

    Have you heard of diplomatic resolve? Yeah!

    Try using peace instead of bombs!!

    that's the only way you can construe these lyrics IMO

    It is almost certain these lyrics were written months ago, maybe even before Obama was elected. Might have been written in the middle of the election.

    As such, I don't think they are meant to be anti-Obama. I think you are projecting your own biases onto it, which is only natural I suppose.

    I'm not an Obama guy either, but I find it odd Ed would turn so viciously on Obama only a couple of months after blowing him nightly from rock stages across America. Just doesn't make sense. Not even Ed is *that* knee-jerk.
    everybody wants the most they can possibly get
    for the least they could possibly do
  • slightofjeffslightofjeff Posts: 7,762
    Bumping this thread. Did anybody catch the bonus performance of RITFW from Conan?

    Ed sings, "There's a son of the people ... says keep hope alive."

    Kind of blows up the notion that this "Got Some" is anti-Obama, eh?
    everybody wants the most they can possibly get
    for the least they could possibly do
  • SolarWorldSolarWorld Posts: 1,902
    Bumping this thread. Did anybody catch the bonus performance of RITFW from Conan?

    Ed sings, "There's a son of the people ... says keep hope alive."

    Kind of blows up the notion that this "Got Some" is anti-Obama, eh?

    Blow it up son ;)

    I got some motivation, if anyone needs some... come on lets carry on!

    Has anyone besides me thought the "are you dropping bombs" line is directed at the morons in Washington, namely the GOP leaders? Are you going to be diplomatic leaders and resolve things? Or are you going to continue to drop political "bombs". That's what I get from Ed's lyrics...

    Carry on! Carry on!
  • IamMineIamMine Posts: 2,743
    I can't believe I'm saying this...

    But I am enjoying this thread more than the song itself.... :oops:

    Happy Saturday!

    Keep this thread goooiinnggg!!

    Love everyone's inputs!
    JA: Why do I get the Ticketmaster question?
    EV: It's your band.
    ~Q Magazine

    "Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
  • iluvcatsiluvcats Posts: 5,153
    I was thinking that Eddie was just bragging about getting laid.

    me too; because otherwise, I had trouble understanding/hearing.
    9/98, 9/00 - DC, 4/03 - Pitt., 7/03 - Bristow, 10/04 - Reading, 10/05 - Philly, 5/06 - DC, 6/06 - Pitt., 6/08 - Va Beach, 6/08 - DC, 5/10 - Bristow, 10/13 B'more
    8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
    10/10 - Brad in B'more
  • slightofjeffslightofjeff Posts: 7,762
    SolarWorld wrote:
    Bumping this thread. Did anybody catch the bonus performance of RITFW from Conan?

    Ed sings, "There's a son of the people ... says keep hope alive."

    Kind of blows up the notion that this "Got Some" is anti-Obama, eh?

    Blow it up son ;)

    I got some motivation, if anyone needs some... come on lets carry on!

    Has anyone besides me thought the "are you dropping bombs" line is directed at the morons in Washington, namely the GOP leaders? Are you going to be diplomatic leaders and resolve things? Or are you going to continue to drop political "bombs". That's what I get from Ed's lyrics...

    Carry on! Carry on!

    This is a good point.

    I've wondered if the "bombs" might be metaphorical. Or philosophical. "Are you of the mindset that believes dropping bombs is the only way to resolve things? Or, you know, have you heard of dipolmatic resolve?"

    It might be directed at any of us -- presidents, politicians, average Americans -- who might believe this song.

    I almost believe the lyrics for this song were written BEFORE the election, and not after.
    everybody wants the most they can possibly get
    for the least they could possibly do
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