Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
What I don't get is not the voting for him in '16. It's the being (rightfully) disgusted with him enough to sit out 2020....yet voicing absolutely no concern what so ever for anything he's being credibly accused of since. And, instead, coming on here and bitching and complaining about cocaine being found in the White House. That doesn't compute.
Well this used to be the Joe Biden thread. Trump has been out for 3+ years. I don't know who brought up Trump in this conversation? I wish Trump would go away. I don't think there is any way he could win again. That's good right? He will probably win in the primaries because there are a lot of fools among us, and get his clock cleaned again in the general. The left wants him to get the nomination because he is clearly the easiest to beat. What don't you get? I held my nose in 16, and by 2020, couldn't stand either one of them.
Trump's the frontrunner by a country mile in the current GOP primary. He will be Biden's opponent next year man. Why do you guys act like he doesn't matter anymore? lol
No matter which thread we're in, you've never expressed outrage over this guy who stole top secret government documents and refused to return them after being issued a addition to attempting to prevent the Biden administration from gaining power after they won the election. He represents the end to democracy as we know it yet you're here going on and on about minor Biden conspiracies. That's what I don't get. It's not the typical hold your nose and vote for the lesser of two evil thing. We are waaaay past that.
I was kicked out of this forum probably a year and a half ago because someone was calling me a Confederate. That pissed me off a lot, so didn't hesitate to call that person a _______. And was kicked out. So how could I have commented on all Trump's crap here? I'm not gonna go back and back and back now. I didn't support Trump in 2020, therefore I'm not responsible for his crap! (He was given a lot of bad advice though from several of his top advisors on what could and should be done, pertaining to his handling of Jan 6th & trying to overturn the election) That doesn't excuse his actions. Repeat that does not excuse his demanding Mike Pence send it back to the states in question. He was told that if enough senators from the swing states in question would refuse to conferm the vote from the states in question because of irregularitie clames, that the vote would go back to the individual state houses and there state assemblies would hash it out. There was a word for this that escapes me. When they were going through this, that's when all the chaos at the capital started happening. They adjourned for a few hours. Came back and finished it. I did vote in 2020 in local & state races, school board, & whatever referendums were on it, butI left the presidential vote blank. I don't like Biden either, and since this is the Joe Biden thread, and the coke was the topic of the week last week, I made some comments, but I didn't go "on & on & on" but so, If someone in the Biden Whitehouse likes to do the wake & bake thing, it's fair game.
I give you credit for being honest and straightforward. I'm not trying to pile on here...
I have to refute the above boldface section though: Trump was also given a lot of good advice in the wake of the 2020 election which he chose to ignore. He knew exactly what he was doing when he tried to subvert the results of the 2020 election.
Did you know him & Steve Bannon had a 'Stop the Steal' movement planned for November of 2016 before he unexpectedly won? Let that sink in... they expected to lose in 2016, and planned in advance to claim voter fraud. When he eventually lost in 2020, they went w/ the 2016 plan: "Stop the steal".
You're giving him too much credit, the man literally tried to overrule the constitution and for the first time in our nation's history, prevented a peaceful transfer of power.
I say this as respectfully as possible: wake up.
I appreciate your politeness, because if you read back just a little ways, you'll see that most of these people challenging me would love to give me the Paul Pelosi treatment.
No one has said any such thing.
You have called me every name in the book, and said even if we agreed on some things, doesn't matter, not interested. Verbally, same difference.
You claimed I hated you. I don’t. You claimed I would come out of your phone and beat you. I can’t and wouldn’t. You claimed I called you every name in the book. I haven’t.
Stop taking everything so personal. I’m not interested in finding common ground with deplorables. If you identify as a deplorable, yes, I’m not interested. Do you identify as a deplorable?
If I was a true deplorable, Why would I be wasting so much time answering the questions, & seeking common ground with you & others here? So personal? Yes you've been really rough on me and you don't know me well enough to make all your assumptions. Enjoy your cult is what came around and around. All the phobia labels and isms. You have not been fair to me at all. Some here like HFD have been at least approachable, you have not. You give horse collar tackles. I am not a leftist, but I am very liberal. There is a big difference between the two entities. Other than Jeremy & Evenflow, True Deplorables don't give a rip, & or don't even know who Pearl Jam is.
What I don't get is not the voting for him in '16. It's the being (rightfully) disgusted with him enough to sit out 2020....yet voicing absolutely no concern what so ever for anything he's being credibly accused of since. And, instead, coming on here and bitching and complaining about cocaine being found in the White House. That doesn't compute.
Well this used to be the Joe Biden thread. Trump has been out for 3+ years. I don't know who brought up Trump in this conversation? I wish Trump would go away. I don't think there is any way he could win again. That's good right? He will probably win in the primaries because there are a lot of fools among us, and get his clock cleaned again in the general. The left wants him to get the nomination because he is clearly the easiest to beat. What don't you get? I held my nose in 16, and by 2020, couldn't stand either one of them.
Trump's the frontrunner by a country mile in the current GOP primary. He will be Biden's opponent next year man. Why do you guys act like he doesn't matter anymore? lol
No matter which thread we're in, you've never expressed outrage over this guy who stole top secret government documents and refused to return them after being issued a addition to attempting to prevent the Biden administration from gaining power after they won the election. He represents the end to democracy as we know it yet you're here going on and on about minor Biden conspiracies. That's what I don't get. It's not the typical hold your nose and vote for the lesser of two evil thing. We are waaaay past that.
I was kicked out of this forum probably a year and a half ago because someone was calling me a Confederate. That pissed me off a lot, so didn't hesitate to call that person a _______. And was kicked out. So how could I have commented on all Trump's crap here? I'm not gonna go back and back and back now. I didn't support Trump in 2020, therefore I'm not responsible for his crap! (He was given a lot of bad advice though from several of his top advisors on what could and should be done, pertaining to his handling of Jan 6th & trying to overturn the election) That doesn't excuse his actions. Repeat that does not excuse his demanding Mike Pence send it back to the states in question. He was told that if enough senators from the swing states in question would refuse to conferm the vote from the states in question because of irregularitie clames, that the vote would go back to the individual state houses and there state assemblies would hash it out. There was a word for this that escapes me. When they were going through this, that's when all the chaos at the capital started happening. They adjourned for a few hours. Came back and finished it. I did vote in 2020 in local & state races, school board, & whatever referendums were on it, butI left the presidential vote blank. I don't like Biden either, and since this is the Joe Biden thread, and the coke was the topic of the week last week, I made some comments, but I didn't go "on & on & on" but so, If someone in the Biden Whitehouse likes to do the wake & bake thing, it's fair game.
I give you credit for being honest and straightforward. I'm not trying to pile on here...
I have to refute the above boldface section though: Trump was also given a lot of good advice in the wake of the 2020 election which he chose to ignore. He knew exactly what he was doing when he tried to subvert the results of the 2020 election.
Did you know him & Steve Bannon had a 'Stop the Steal' movement planned for November of 2016 before he unexpectedly won? Let that sink in... they expected to lose in 2016, and planned in advance to claim voter fraud. When he eventually lost in 2020, they went w/ the 2016 plan: "Stop the steal".
You're giving him too much credit, the man literally tried to overrule the constitution and for the first time in our nation's history, prevented a peaceful transfer of power.
I say this as respectfully as possible: wake up.
I appreciate your politeness, because if you read back just a little ways, you'll see that most of these people challenging me would love to give me the Paul Pelosi treatment.
I didn't see where anyone suggested you should have your skull crushed in like Paul Pelosi.(that's quite the analogy to bring up btw)
I did however see where you claimed the Bidens were breaking laws every day, as well as some other curious statements.
You may want to consider some more neutral news sources; it appears you're consuming a lot of far right nonsense based on some of the things you've said over the last few days.
How do you know that your news sources are all on the up & up? I listen to as much as I can from all angles, and then form my opinions and conclusions after I take it all in, and I'm open to the possibility that I might be wrong. I drive truck 550 miles/day so I listen to different podcasts & everything I can find. The Joe Biden thread is temporarily back to being the Ryan thread, I listen to the Breakfast Club.(east coast Syndicated program) and I also listen to dosens of radio stations via unlimited streaming. I listen to local AM Boston radio, Chicago, Miami, St Louis, Milwaukee, Phoenix, LA, Seattle, and others. Even the View. I take it all in before I go spouting opinions and observations. Im leaving things out because there's so many options to listen to. And when I get sick of it all, I put on the tunes. This forum coming from most (not all) here is a left wing eco chamber. Y'all are very cozy here. Safe space. So anyone with a different take on any matter no matter how big or small are very obviously not welcome here, not well liked no matter what they say while trying to find common ground, or some clarity at the very least. Usually mocked & dismissed. And then they quit talking because there's no point.
This echo chamber stuff is just nonsense. We all discuss/argue all the time. It just seems like we all agree on everything when a conservative chimes in because that’s where the rest of us have common ground against nonsense.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,827
What's gonna happen when KAT or SEA read the latest in this thread:
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
And if you believe this, you just might be in a cult:
Yes it is awsome that the democrat mafia gangster crime family & co. live and work at the White House!! That's fantastic!! Iove it.
I was being facetious to the other dude who said it was awesome that they found coke in the White House. , wake up Halifax!! You obviously have no sense of humor at all and no compas!!
No sense of humour, you say? My compass is just fine. You may want to check yours. And sure you were, sure.
So you chose the arm chopped off at the elbow. Fair enough. I respect you're decision.
Yes, some of us knew what an incompetent boob POS POOTWH was and is. We’re lucky we survived those four years.
Wel, I'm listening to The Why Store right now, bet you've never heard of them. They're an Indi band from Indiana, Check'hem out!! It's all good, 🍻 good evening. No i did not vote for Trump in 2020. Was disgusted and sat it out. Y'all think I'm right wing. Your damn wrong about me. I supported 3 things that Trump did and that's where it ended. Y'all think I'm racist? My best friend where I work, is black, his name is Willie, and he knows I'd jump in front of a train for him if need be. And my wife is from Lithuania. I never heard those words About homophobe and xenophobia and the rest before Hillary's Basket of deplorable's rant that actually cost her the election after months of election analysis. I don't live like that and never will so bleep off you judgementaliats who think they know people through disjointed computer conversations.
dude, I seriously doubt you are racist, but just an FYI, "I have a black friend" is the stereotypical response of a person who is. I'd caution against using that as your "I can't be racist" defense.
I have many friends that are of color, local and abroad, ok, I just highlighted one of them, because of all those isms, phobias, & generalizations that are tossed around that I have nothing to do with. Im not savy enough to know the Stereotypical phrases, I guess, and if I didn't know that, I guess it doesn't mean anything. I have not read the handbook on this. And to answer the other guy about Trump, build a wall & banning Muslims,, There is no such thing as a political candidate that I agree with 100% of the time on everything. How can anyone agree 100% on everything? I try to go 60% - 40% on the issues, but it's difficult to even do that. Mabey there is 4 this I like about a guy and dislike the rest. I don't know.
I don’t think you’re a “racist” I just think you’re in a place that we’ve already passed in our lives. I am a racist in recovery - 1/2 of the white folks are in this country. I’m willing to admit that. If I ever laughed at a racial or minority joke told by another in my young stupid life (my parents didn’t tolerate racism) that makes me a racist. I’ve taken it upon myself to really look at racism so I don’t repeat my mistakes. I was lucky to become “racism woke” in my early twenties for various reasons.
Racists come in all colors, not just white. I’ve met people of color who wanted nothing to do with any white people.
I’m glad you’re at least taking others opinions into account. It’s hard for us to see the ok part of trump-even you agree with that.
And I didn’t call you a deplorable racist (my apologies because some think I did) I said your black friend comment is what racists say. I think you and HFD worked that out and that you see the difference and how words can be construed and misinterpreted.
Think of it this way….if you and Willie (is that right?) were walking down the street and you ran into someone would you introduce Willie as your black friend? No you wouldn’t. And there have been, maybe still are, members of color on here that have indicated it’s useless and quit posting even though I encouraged them not to. It’s sad.
What I don't get is not the voting for him in '16. It's the being (rightfully) disgusted with him enough to sit out 2020....yet voicing absolutely no concern what so ever for anything he's being credibly accused of since. And, instead, coming on here and bitching and complaining about cocaine being found in the White House. That doesn't compute.
Well this used to be the Joe Biden thread. Trump has been out for 3+ years. I don't know who brought up Trump in this conversation? I wish Trump would go away. I don't think there is any way he could win again. That's good right? He will probably win in the primaries because there are a lot of fools among us, and get his clock cleaned again in the general. The left wants him to get the nomination because he is clearly the easiest to beat. What don't you get? I held my nose in 16, and by 2020, couldn't stand either one of them.
Trump's the frontrunner by a country mile in the current GOP primary. He will be Biden's opponent next year man. Why do you guys act like he doesn't matter anymore? lol
No matter which thread we're in, you've never expressed outrage over this guy who stole top secret government documents and refused to return them after being issued a addition to attempting to prevent the Biden administration from gaining power after they won the election. He represents the end to democracy as we know it yet you're here going on and on about minor Biden conspiracies. That's what I don't get. It's not the typical hold your nose and vote for the lesser of two evil thing. We are waaaay past that.
I was kicked out of this forum probably a year and a half ago because someone was calling me a Confederate. That pissed me off a lot, so didn't hesitate to call that person a _______. And was kicked out. So how could I have commented on all Trump's crap here? I'm not gonna go back and back and back now. I didn't support Trump in 2020, therefore I'm not responsible for his crap! (He was given a lot of bad advice though from several of his top advisors on what could and should be done, pertaining to his handling of Jan 6th & trying to overturn the election) That doesn't excuse his actions. Repeat that does not excuse his demanding Mike Pence send it back to the states in question. He was told that if enough senators from the swing states in question would refuse to conferm the vote from the states in question because of irregularitie clames, that the vote would go back to the individual state houses and there state assemblies would hash it out. There was a word for this that escapes me. When they were going through this, that's when all the chaos at the capital started happening. They adjourned for a few hours. Came back and finished it. I did vote in 2020 in local & state races, school board, & whatever referendums were on it, butI left the presidential vote blank. I don't like Biden either, and since this is the Joe Biden thread, and the coke was the topic of the week last week, I made some comments, but I didn't go "on & on & on" but so, If someone in the Biden Whitehouse likes to do the wake & bake thing, it's fair game.
I give you credit for being honest and straightforward. I'm not trying to pile on here...
I have to refute the above boldface section though: Trump was also given a lot of good advice in the wake of the 2020 election which he chose to ignore. He knew exactly what he was doing when he tried to subvert the results of the 2020 election.
Did you know him & Steve Bannon had a 'Stop the Steal' movement planned for November of 2016 before he unexpectedly won? Let that sink in... they expected to lose in 2016, and planned in advance to claim voter fraud. When he eventually lost in 2020, they went w/ the 2016 plan: "Stop the steal".
You're giving him too much credit, the man literally tried to overrule the constitution and for the first time in our nation's history, prevented a peaceful transfer of power.
I say this as respectfully as possible: wake up.
I appreciate your politeness, because if you read back just a little ways, you'll see that most of these people challenging me would love to give me the Paul Pelosi treatment.
I didn't see where anyone suggested you should have your skull crushed in like Paul Pelosi.(that's quite the analogy to bring up btw)
I did however see where you claimed the Bidens were breaking laws every day, as well as some other curious statements.
You may want to consider some more neutral news sources; it appears you're consuming a lot of far right nonsense based on some of the things you've said over the last few days.
How do you know that your news sources are all on the up & up? I listen to as much as I can from all angles, and then form my opinions and conclusions after I take it all in, and I'm open to the possibility that I might be wrong. I drive truck 550 miles/day so I listen to different podcasts & everything I can find. The Joe Biden thread is temporarily back to being the Ryan thread, I listen to the Breakfast Club.(east coast Syndicated program) and I also listen to dosens of radio stations via unlimited streaming. I listen to local AM Boston radio, Chicago, Miami, St Louis, Milwaukee, Phoenix, LA, Seattle, and others. Even the View. I take it all in before I go spouting opinions and observations. Im leaving things out because there's so many options to listen to. And when I get sick of it all, I put on the tunes. This forum coming from most (not all) here is a left wing eco chamber. Y'all are very cozy here. Safe space. So anyone with a different take on any matter no matter how big or small are very obviously not welcome here, not well liked no matter what they say while trying to find common ground, or some clarity at the very least. Usually mocked & dismissed. And then they quit talking because there's no point.
would recommend checking out these podcasts. The Bulwark, The Enemies List with Rick Wilson, Michael Steele Podcast, Fast Politics , LA Times has one as does The Washington post.
AP app has listen to articles, BBC America and World are good for imo unbiased reporting.
I drive 500ish miles on this new bid every night. Helps pass the time. and its educational too.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
What I don't get is not the voting for him in '16. It's the being (rightfully) disgusted with him enough to sit out 2020....yet voicing absolutely no concern what so ever for anything he's being credibly accused of since. And, instead, coming on here and bitching and complaining about cocaine being found in the White House. That doesn't compute.
Well this used to be the Joe Biden thread. Trump has been out for 3+ years. I don't know who brought up Trump in this conversation? I wish Trump would go away. I don't think there is any way he could win again. That's good right? He will probably win in the primaries because there are a lot of fools among us, and get his clock cleaned again in the general. The left wants him to get the nomination because he is clearly the easiest to beat. What don't you get? I held my nose in 16, and by 2020, couldn't stand either one of them.
Trump's the frontrunner by a country mile in the current GOP primary. He will be Biden's opponent next year man. Why do you guys act like he doesn't matter anymore? lol
No matter which thread we're in, you've never expressed outrage over this guy who stole top secret government documents and refused to return them after being issued a addition to attempting to prevent the Biden administration from gaining power after they won the election. He represents the end to democracy as we know it yet you're here going on and on about minor Biden conspiracies. That's what I don't get. It's not the typical hold your nose and vote for the lesser of two evil thing. We are waaaay past that.
I was kicked out of this forum probably a year and a half ago because someone was calling me a Confederate. That pissed me off a lot, so didn't hesitate to call that person a _______. And was kicked out. So how could I have commented on all Trump's crap here? I'm not gonna go back and back and back now. I didn't support Trump in 2020, therefore I'm not responsible for his crap! (He was given a lot of bad advice though from several of his top advisors on what could and should be done, pertaining to his handling of Jan 6th & trying to overturn the election) That doesn't excuse his actions. Repeat that does not excuse his demanding Mike Pence send it back to the states in question. He was told that if enough senators from the swing states in question would refuse to conferm the vote from the states in question because of irregularitie clames, that the vote would go back to the individual state houses and there state assemblies would hash it out. There was a word for this that escapes me. When they were going through this, that's when all the chaos at the capital started happening. They adjourned for a few hours. Came back and finished it. I did vote in 2020 in local & state races, school board, & whatever referendums were on it, butI left the presidential vote blank. I don't like Biden either, and since this is the Joe Biden thread, and the coke was the topic of the week last week, I made some comments, but I didn't go "on & on & on" but so, If someone in the Biden Whitehouse likes to do the wake & bake thing, it's fair game.
I give you credit for being honest and straightforward. I'm not trying to pile on here...
I have to refute the above boldface section though: Trump was also given a lot of good advice in the wake of the 2020 election which he chose to ignore. He knew exactly what he was doing when he tried to subvert the results of the 2020 election.
Did you know him & Steve Bannon had a 'Stop the Steal' movement planned for November of 2016 before he unexpectedly won? Let that sink in... they expected to lose in 2016, and planned in advance to claim voter fraud. When he eventually lost in 2020, they went w/ the 2016 plan: "Stop the steal".
You're giving him too much credit, the man literally tried to overrule the constitution and for the first time in our nation's history, prevented a peaceful transfer of power.
I say this as respectfully as possible: wake up.
I appreciate your politeness, because if you read back just a little ways, you'll see that most of these people challenging me would love to give me the Paul Pelosi treatment.
I didn't see where anyone suggested you should have your skull crushed in like Paul Pelosi.(that's quite the analogy to bring up btw)
I did however see where you claimed the Bidens were breaking laws every day, as well as some other curious statements.
You may want to consider some more neutral news sources; it appears you're consuming a lot of far right nonsense based on some of the things you've said over the last few days.
How do you know that your news sources are all on the up & up? I listen to as much as I can from all angles, and then form my opinions and conclusions after I take it all in, and I'm open to the possibility that I might be wrong. I drive truck 550 miles/day so I listen to different podcasts & everything I can find. The Joe Biden thread is temporarily back to being the Ryan thread, I listen to the Breakfast Club.(east coast Syndicated program) and I also listen to dosens of radio stations via unlimited streaming. I listen to local AM Boston radio, Chicago, Miami, St Louis, Milwaukee, Phoenix, LA, Seattle, and others. Even the View. I take it all in before I go spouting opinions and observations. Im leaving things out because there's so many options to listen to. And when I get sick of it all, I put on the tunes. This forum coming from most (not all) here is a left wing eco chamber. Y'all are very cozy here. Safe space. So anyone with a different take on any matter no matter how big or small are very obviously not welcome here, not well liked no matter what they say while trying to find common ground, or some clarity at the very least. Usually mocked & dismissed. And then they quit talking because there's no point.
would recommend checking out these podcasts. The Bulwark, The Enemies List with Rick Wilson, Michael Steele Podcast, Fast Politics , LA Times has one as does The Washington post.
AP app has listen to articles, BBC America and World are good for imo unbiased reporting.
I drive 500ish miles on this new bid every night. Helps pass the time. and its educational too.
What I don't get is not the voting for him in '16. It's the being (rightfully) disgusted with him enough to sit out 2020....yet voicing absolutely no concern what so ever for anything he's being credibly accused of since. And, instead, coming on here and bitching and complaining about cocaine being found in the White House. That doesn't compute.
Well this used to be the Joe Biden thread. Trump has been out for 3+ years. I don't know who brought up Trump in this conversation? I wish Trump would go away. I don't think there is any way he could win again. That's good right? He will probably win in the primaries because there are a lot of fools among us, and get his clock cleaned again in the general. The left wants him to get the nomination because he is clearly the easiest to beat. What don't you get? I held my nose in 16, and by 2020, couldn't stand either one of them.
Trump's the frontrunner by a country mile in the current GOP primary. He will be Biden's opponent next year man. Why do you guys act like he doesn't matter anymore? lol
No matter which thread we're in, you've never expressed outrage over this guy who stole top secret government documents and refused to return them after being issued a addition to attempting to prevent the Biden administration from gaining power after they won the election. He represents the end to democracy as we know it yet you're here going on and on about minor Biden conspiracies. That's what I don't get. It's not the typical hold your nose and vote for the lesser of two evil thing. We are waaaay past that.
I was kicked out of this forum probably a year and a half ago because someone was calling me a Confederate. That pissed me off a lot, so didn't hesitate to call that person a _______. And was kicked out. So how could I have commented on all Trump's crap here? I'm not gonna go back and back and back now. I didn't support Trump in 2020, therefore I'm not responsible for his crap! (He was given a lot of bad advice though from several of his top advisors on what could and should be done, pertaining to his handling of Jan 6th & trying to overturn the election) That doesn't excuse his actions. Repeat that does not excuse his demanding Mike Pence send it back to the states in question. He was told that if enough senators from the swing states in question would refuse to conferm the vote from the states in question because of irregularitie clames, that the vote would go back to the individual state houses and there state assemblies would hash it out. There was a word for this that escapes me. When they were going through this, that's when all the chaos at the capital started happening. They adjourned for a few hours. Came back and finished it. I did vote in 2020 in local & state races, school board, & whatever referendums were on it, butI left the presidential vote blank. I don't like Biden either, and since this is the Joe Biden thread, and the coke was the topic of the week last week, I made some comments, but I didn't go "on & on & on" but so, If someone in the Biden Whitehouse likes to do the wake & bake thing, it's fair game.
I give you credit for being honest and straightforward. I'm not trying to pile on here...
I have to refute the above boldface section though: Trump was also given a lot of good advice in the wake of the 2020 election which he chose to ignore. He knew exactly what he was doing when he tried to subvert the results of the 2020 election.
Did you know him & Steve Bannon had a 'Stop the Steal' movement planned for November of 2016 before he unexpectedly won? Let that sink in... they expected to lose in 2016, and planned in advance to claim voter fraud. When he eventually lost in 2020, they went w/ the 2016 plan: "Stop the steal".
You're giving him too much credit, the man literally tried to overrule the constitution and for the first time in our nation's history, prevented a peaceful transfer of power.
I say this as respectfully as possible: wake up.
I appreciate your politeness, because if you read back just a little ways, you'll see that most of these people challenging me would love to give me the Paul Pelosi treatment.
I didn't see where anyone suggested you should have your skull crushed in like Paul Pelosi.(that's quite the analogy to bring up btw)
I did however see where you claimed the Bidens were breaking laws every day, as well as some other curious statements.
You may want to consider some more neutral news sources; it appears you're consuming a lot of far right nonsense based on some of the things you've said over the last few days.
How do you know that your news sources are all on the up & up? I listen to as much as I can from all angles, and then form my opinions and conclusions after I take it all in, and I'm open to the possibility that I might be wrong. I drive truck 550 miles/day so I listen to different podcasts & everything I can find. The Joe Biden thread is temporarily back to being the Ryan thread, I listen to the Breakfast Club.(east coast Syndicated program) and I also listen to dosens of radio stations via unlimited streaming. I listen to local AM Boston radio, Chicago, Miami, St Louis, Milwaukee, Phoenix, LA, Seattle, and others. Even the View. I take it all in before I go spouting opinions and observations. Im leaving things out because there's so many options to listen to. And when I get sick of it all, I put on the tunes. This forum coming from most (not all) here is a left wing eco chamber. Y'all are very cozy here. Safe space. So anyone with a different take on any matter no matter how big or small are very obviously not welcome here, not well liked no matter what they say while trying to find common ground, or some clarity at the very least. Usually mocked & dismissed. And then they quit talking because there's no point.
would recommend checking out these podcasts. The Bulwark, The Enemies List with Rick Wilson, Michael Steele Podcast, Fast Politics , LA Times has one as does The Washington post.
AP app has listen to articles, BBC America and World are good for imo unbiased reporting.
I drive 500ish miles on this new bid every night. Helps pass the time. and its educational too.
Safe Trip driver.
That's a good list of news sources.
NYT has several but none are devoted to the front section...
Al Jazeera would be another good one to visit. they have several podcasts. Gives a middle east perspective and obviously heavier emphasis on that region and how events elsewhere affect that area.
Reuters is a good unbiased source given its a wire service like AP
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
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Inflation rose just 0.2% in June, less than expected as consumers get a break from price increases
Inflation fell to its lowest annual rate in more than two years during June, the product both of some deceleration in costs and easy comparisons against a time when price increases were running at a more than 40-year high.
The consumer price index increased 3% from a year ago, which is the lowest level since March 2021. On a monthly basis, the index, which measures a broad swath of prices for goods and services, rose 0.2%.
That compared to Dow Jones estimates for respective increases of 3.1% and 0.3%.
Stripping out volatile food and energy prices, core CPI rose 4.8% from a year ago and 0.2% on a monthly basis. Consensus estimates expected respective increases of 5% and 0.3%.
In sum, the numbers could give the Federal Reserve some breathing room as it looks to bring down inflation that was running around a 9% annual rate at this time in 2022, the highest since November 1981.
“There has been significant progress made on the inflation front, and today’s report confirmed that while most of the country is dealing with hotter temperatures outside, inflation is finally cooling,” said George Mateyo, chief investment officer at Key Private Bank. “The Fed will embrace this report as validation that their policies are having the desired effect – inflation has fallen while growth has not yet stalled.”
However, central bank policymakers tend to look more at core inflation, which is still running well above the Fed’s 2% annual target. Mateyo said the report is unlikely to stop the central bank from raising rates again later this month.
Fed officials expect the inflation rate to continue falling, particularly as costs ease for shelter, which makes up about one-third of the weighting in the CPI. However, the shelter index rose 0.4% last month and was up 7.8% on an annual basis. That monthly gain accounted for about 70% of the increase in headline CPI, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said.
“Housing costs, which account for a large share of the inflation picture, are not coming down meaningfully,” said Lisa Sturtevant, chief economist at Bright MLS. “Because rates had been pushed so low by the Fed during the pandemic and then increased so quickly, the Federal Reserve’s rate increases not only reduced housing demand — as intended — but also severely limited supply by locking homeowners into homes they would have otherwise listed for sale.”
Traders are still pricing in a strong possibility that the Fed will enact a quarter percentage point rate hike when it meets July 25-26. However, market pricing is pointing towards that being the last increase as officials pause to allow the series of hikes to work their way through the economy.
The muted increase for the headline CPI came even though energy prices increased 0.6% for the month. However, the energy index decreased 16.7% from a year ago, a time when gasoline prices at the pump were running around $5 a gallon.
Food prices increased just 0.1% on the month while used vehicle prices, a primary source for the inflation surge in the early part of 2022, declined 0.5%.
Airline fares fell 3% on the month and now are down 8.1% on an annual basis.
The easing in the CPI helped boost worker paychecks: Real average hourly earnings, adjusted for inflation rose 0.2% from May to June and increased 1.2% on a year-over-year basis. During the inflation surge that peaked last June, worker wages had run consistently behind the cost of living increases.
This is breaking news. Please check back here for updates.
What I don't get is not the voting for him in '16. It's the being (rightfully) disgusted with him enough to sit out 2020....yet voicing absolutely no concern what so ever for anything he's being credibly accused of since. And, instead, coming on here and bitching and complaining about cocaine being found in the White House. That doesn't compute.
Well this used to be the Joe Biden thread. Trump has been out for 3+ years. I don't know who brought up Trump in this conversation? I wish Trump would go away. I don't think there is any way he could win again. That's good right? He will probably win in the primaries because there are a lot of fools among us, and get his clock cleaned again in the general. The left wants him to get the nomination because he is clearly the easiest to beat. What don't you get? I held my nose in 16, and by 2020, couldn't stand either one of them.
Trump's the frontrunner by a country mile in the current GOP primary. He will be Biden's opponent next year man. Why do you guys act like he doesn't matter anymore? lol
No matter which thread we're in, you've never expressed outrage over this guy who stole top secret government documents and refused to return them after being issued a addition to attempting to prevent the Biden administration from gaining power after they won the election. He represents the end to democracy as we know it yet you're here going on and on about minor Biden conspiracies. That's what I don't get. It's not the typical hold your nose and vote for the lesser of two evil thing. We are waaaay past that.
I was kicked out of this forum probably a year and a half ago because someone was calling me a Confederate. That pissed me off a lot, so didn't hesitate to call that person a _______. And was kicked out. So how could I have commented on all Trump's crap here? I'm not gonna go back and back and back now. I didn't support Trump in 2020, therefore I'm not responsible for his crap! (He was given a lot of bad advice though from several of his top advisors on what could and should be done, pertaining to his handling of Jan 6th & trying to overturn the election) That doesn't excuse his actions. Repeat that does not excuse his demanding Mike Pence send it back to the states in question. He was told that if enough senators from the swing states in question would refuse to conferm the vote from the states in question because of irregularitie clames, that the vote would go back to the individual state houses and there state assemblies would hash it out. There was a word for this that escapes me. When they were going through this, that's when all the chaos at the capital started happening. They adjourned for a few hours. Came back and finished it. I did vote in 2020 in local & state races, school board, & whatever referendums were on it, butI left the presidential vote blank. I don't like Biden either, and since this is the Joe Biden thread, and the coke was the topic of the week last week, I made some comments, but I didn't go "on & on & on" but so, If someone in the Biden Whitehouse likes to do the wake & bake thing, it's fair game.
I give you credit for being honest and straightforward. I'm not trying to pile on here...
I have to refute the above boldface section though: Trump was also given a lot of good advice in the wake of the 2020 election which he chose to ignore. He knew exactly what he was doing when he tried to subvert the results of the 2020 election.
Did you know him & Steve Bannon had a 'Stop the Steal' movement planned for November of 2016 before he unexpectedly won? Let that sink in... they expected to lose in 2016, and planned in advance to claim voter fraud. When he eventually lost in 2020, they went w/ the 2016 plan: "Stop the steal".
You're giving him too much credit, the man literally tried to overrule the constitution and for the first time in our nation's history, prevented a peaceful transfer of power.
I say this as respectfully as possible: wake up.
I appreciate your politeness, because if you read back just a little ways, you'll see that most of these people challenging me would love to give me the Paul Pelosi treatment.
I didn't see where anyone suggested you should have your skull crushed in like Paul Pelosi.(that's quite the analogy to bring up btw)
I did however see where you claimed the Bidens were breaking laws every day, as well as some other curious statements.
You may want to consider some more neutral news sources; it appears you're consuming a lot of far right nonsense based on some of the things you've said over the last few days.
How do you know that your news sources are all on the up & up? I listen to as much as I can from all angles, and then form my opinions and conclusions after I take it all in, and I'm open to the possibility that I might be wrong. I drive truck 550 miles/day so I listen to different podcasts & everything I can find. The Joe Biden thread is temporarily back to being the Ryan thread, I listen to the Breakfast Club.(east coast Syndicated program) and I also listen to dosens of radio stations via unlimited streaming. I listen to local AM Boston radio, Chicago, Miami, St Louis, Milwaukee, Phoenix, LA, Seattle, and others. Even the View. I take it all in before I go spouting opinions and observations. Im leaving things out because there's so many options to listen to. And when I get sick of it all, I put on the tunes. This forum coming from most (not all) here is a left wing eco chamber. Y'all are very cozy here. Safe space. So anyone with a different take on any matter no matter how big or small are very obviously not welcome here, not well liked no matter what they say while trying to find common ground, or some clarity at the very least. Usually mocked & dismissed. And then they quit talking because there's no point.
would recommend checking out these podcasts. The Bulwark, The Enemies List with Rick Wilson, Michael Steele Podcast, Fast Politics , LA Times has one as does The Washington post.
AP app has listen to articles, BBC America and World are good for imo unbiased reporting.
I drive 500ish miles on this new bid every night. Helps pass the time. and its educational too.
Safe Trip driver.
That's a good list of news sources.
NYT has several but none are devoted to the front section...
Al Jazeera would be another good one to visit. they have several podcasts. Gives a middle east perspective and obviously heavier emphasis on that region and how events elsewhere affect that area.
Reuters is a good unbiased source given its a wire service like AP
Agreed on AJ & Reuters. NYT has been a little suspect in recent years, at least the editorial section, but I do believe most of the reporting is well sourced.
I like WSJ as well (again,,, not the editorial side) as it presents a conservative angle as compared to the WaPo's liberal bias.
What I don't get is not the voting for him in '16. It's the being (rightfully) disgusted with him enough to sit out 2020....yet voicing absolutely no concern what so ever for anything he's being credibly accused of since. And, instead, coming on here and bitching and complaining about cocaine being found in the White House. That doesn't compute.
Well this used to be the Joe Biden thread. Trump has been out for 3+ years. I don't know who brought up Trump in this conversation? I wish Trump would go away. I don't think there is any way he could win again. That's good right? He will probably win in the primaries because there are a lot of fools among us, and get his clock cleaned again in the general. The left wants him to get the nomination because he is clearly the easiest to beat. What don't you get? I held my nose in 16, and by 2020, couldn't stand either one of them.
Trump's the frontrunner by a country mile in the current GOP primary. He will be Biden's opponent next year man. Why do you guys act like he doesn't matter anymore? lol
No matter which thread we're in, you've never expressed outrage over this guy who stole top secret government documents and refused to return them after being issued a addition to attempting to prevent the Biden administration from gaining power after they won the election. He represents the end to democracy as we know it yet you're here going on and on about minor Biden conspiracies. That's what I don't get. It's not the typical hold your nose and vote for the lesser of two evil thing. We are waaaay past that.
I was kicked out of this forum probably a year and a half ago because someone was calling me a Confederate. That pissed me off a lot, so didn't hesitate to call that person a _______. And was kicked out. So how could I have commented on all Trump's crap here? I'm not gonna go back and back and back now. I didn't support Trump in 2020, therefore I'm not responsible for his crap! (He was given a lot of bad advice though from several of his top advisors on what could and should be done, pertaining to his handling of Jan 6th & trying to overturn the election) That doesn't excuse his actions. Repeat that does not excuse his demanding Mike Pence send it back to the states in question. He was told that if enough senators from the swing states in question would refuse to conferm the vote from the states in question because of irregularitie clames, that the vote would go back to the individual state houses and there state assemblies would hash it out. There was a word for this that escapes me. When they were going through this, that's when all the chaos at the capital started happening. They adjourned for a few hours. Came back and finished it. I did vote in 2020 in local & state races, school board, & whatever referendums were on it, butI left the presidential vote blank. I don't like Biden either, and since this is the Joe Biden thread, and the coke was the topic of the week last week, I made some comments, but I didn't go "on & on & on" but so, If someone in the Biden Whitehouse likes to do the wake & bake thing, it's fair game.
I give you credit for being honest and straightforward. I'm not trying to pile on here...
I have to refute the above boldface section though: Trump was also given a lot of good advice in the wake of the 2020 election which he chose to ignore. He knew exactly what he was doing when he tried to subvert the results of the 2020 election.
Did you know him & Steve Bannon had a 'Stop the Steal' movement planned for November of 2016 before he unexpectedly won? Let that sink in... they expected to lose in 2016, and planned in advance to claim voter fraud. When he eventually lost in 2020, they went w/ the 2016 plan: "Stop the steal".
You're giving him too much credit, the man literally tried to overrule the constitution and for the first time in our nation's history, prevented a peaceful transfer of power.
I say this as respectfully as possible: wake up.
I appreciate your politeness, because if you read back just a little ways, you'll see that most of these people challenging me would love to give me the Paul Pelosi treatment.
I didn't see where anyone suggested you should have your skull crushed in like Paul Pelosi.(that's quite the analogy to bring up btw)
I did however see where you claimed the Bidens were breaking laws every day, as well as some other curious statements.
You may want to consider some more neutral news sources; it appears you're consuming a lot of far right nonsense based on some of the things you've said over the last few days.
How do you know that your news sources are all on the up & up? I listen to as much as I can from all angles, and then form my opinions and conclusions after I take it all in, and I'm open to the possibility that I might be wrong. I drive truck 550 miles/day so I listen to different podcasts & everything I can find. The Joe Biden thread is temporarily back to being the Ryan thread, I listen to the Breakfast Club.(east coast Syndicated program) and I also listen to dosens of radio stations via unlimited streaming. I listen to local AM Boston radio, Chicago, Miami, St Louis, Milwaukee, Phoenix, LA, Seattle, and others. Even the View. I take it all in before I go spouting opinions and observations. Im leaving things out because there's so many options to listen to. And when I get sick of it all, I put on the tunes. This forum coming from most (not all) here is a left wing eco chamber. Y'all are very cozy here. Safe space. So anyone with a different take on any matter no matter how big or small are very obviously not welcome here, not well liked no matter what they say while trying to find common ground, or some clarity at the very least. Usually mocked & dismissed. And then they quit talking because there's no point.
would recommend checking out these podcasts. The Bulwark, The Enemies List with Rick Wilson, Michael Steele Podcast, Fast Politics , LA Times has one as does The Washington post.
AP app has listen to articles, BBC America and World are good for imo unbiased reporting.
I drive 500ish miles on this new bid every night. Helps pass the time. and its educational too.
Safe Trip driver.
That's a good list of news sources.
NYT has several but none are devoted to the front section...
Al Jazeera would be another good one to visit. they have several podcasts. Gives a middle east perspective and obviously heavier emphasis on that region and how events elsewhere affect that area.
Reuters is a good unbiased source given its a wire service like AP
Agreed on AJ & Reuters. NYT has been a little suspect in recent years, at least the editorial section, but I do believe most of the reporting is well sourced.
I like WSJ as well (again,,, not the editorial side) as it presents a conservative angle as compared to the WaPo's liberal bias.
paywall, prevents me from accessing.... not giving rupert any money.....
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,007
What I don't get is not the voting for him in '16. It's the being (rightfully) disgusted with him enough to sit out 2020....yet voicing absolutely no concern what so ever for anything he's being credibly accused of since. And, instead, coming on here and bitching and complaining about cocaine being found in the White House. That doesn't compute.
Well this used to be the Joe Biden thread. Trump has been out for 3+ years. I don't know who brought up Trump in this conversation? I wish Trump would go away. I don't think there is any way he could win again. That's good right? He will probably win in the primaries because there are a lot of fools among us, and get his clock cleaned again in the general. The left wants him to get the nomination because he is clearly the easiest to beat. What don't you get? I held my nose in 16, and by 2020, couldn't stand either one of them.
Trump's the frontrunner by a country mile in the current GOP primary. He will be Biden's opponent next year man. Why do you guys act like he doesn't matter anymore? lol
No matter which thread we're in, you've never expressed outrage over this guy who stole top secret government documents and refused to return them after being issued a addition to attempting to prevent the Biden administration from gaining power after they won the election. He represents the end to democracy as we know it yet you're here going on and on about minor Biden conspiracies. That's what I don't get. It's not the typical hold your nose and vote for the lesser of two evil thing. We are waaaay past that.
I was kicked out of this forum probably a year and a half ago because someone was calling me a Confederate. That pissed me off a lot, so didn't hesitate to call that person a _______. And was kicked out. So how could I have commented on all Trump's crap here? I'm not gonna go back and back and back now. I didn't support Trump in 2020, therefore I'm not responsible for his crap! (He was given a lot of bad advice though from several of his top advisors on what could and should be done, pertaining to his handling of Jan 6th & trying to overturn the election) That doesn't excuse his actions. Repeat that does not excuse his demanding Mike Pence send it back to the states in question. He was told that if enough senators from the swing states in question would refuse to conferm the vote from the states in question because of irregularitie clames, that the vote would go back to the individual state houses and there state assemblies would hash it out. There was a word for this that escapes me. When they were going through this, that's when all the chaos at the capital started happening. They adjourned for a few hours. Came back and finished it. I did vote in 2020 in local & state races, school board, & whatever referendums were on it, butI left the presidential vote blank. I don't like Biden either, and since this is the Joe Biden thread, and the coke was the topic of the week last week, I made some comments, but I didn't go "on & on & on" but so, If someone in the Biden Whitehouse likes to do the wake & bake thing, it's fair game.
I give you credit for being honest and straightforward. I'm not trying to pile on here...
I have to refute the above boldface section though: Trump was also given a lot of good advice in the wake of the 2020 election which he chose to ignore. He knew exactly what he was doing when he tried to subvert the results of the 2020 election.
Did you know him & Steve Bannon had a 'Stop the Steal' movement planned for November of 2016 before he unexpectedly won? Let that sink in... they expected to lose in 2016, and planned in advance to claim voter fraud. When he eventually lost in 2020, they went w/ the 2016 plan: "Stop the steal".
You're giving him too much credit, the man literally tried to overrule the constitution and for the first time in our nation's history, prevented a peaceful transfer of power.
I say this as respectfully as possible: wake up.
I appreciate your politeness, because if you read back just a little ways, you'll see that most of these people challenging me would love to give me the Paul Pelosi treatment.
I didn't see where anyone suggested you should have your skull crushed in like Paul Pelosi.(that's quite the analogy to bring up btw)
I did however see where you claimed the Bidens were breaking laws every day, as well as some other curious statements.
You may want to consider some more neutral news sources; it appears you're consuming a lot of far right nonsense based on some of the things you've said over the last few days.
How do you know that your news sources are all on the up & up? I listen to as much as I can from all angles, and then form my opinions and conclusions after I take it all in, and I'm open to the possibility that I might be wrong. I drive truck 550 miles/day so I listen to different podcasts & everything I can find. The Joe Biden thread is temporarily back to being the Ryan thread, I listen to the Breakfast Club.(east coast Syndicated program) and I also listen to dosens of radio stations via unlimited streaming. I listen to local AM Boston radio, Chicago, Miami, St Louis, Milwaukee, Phoenix, LA, Seattle, and others. Even the View. I take it all in before I go spouting opinions and observations. Im leaving things out because there's so many options to listen to. And when I get sick of it all, I put on the tunes. This forum coming from most (not all) here is a left wing eco chamber. Y'all are very cozy here. Safe space. So anyone with a different take on any matter no matter how big or small are very obviously not welcome here, not well liked no matter what they say while trying to find common ground, or some clarity at the very least. Usually mocked & dismissed. And then they quit talking because there's no point.
would recommend checking out these podcasts. The Bulwark, The Enemies List with Rick Wilson, Michael Steele Podcast, Fast Politics , LA Times has one as does The Washington post.
AP app has listen to articles, BBC America and World are good for imo unbiased reporting.
I drive 500ish miles on this new bid every night. Helps pass the time. and its educational too.
Safe Trip driver.
I love The Bulwark! I'm a proud subscriber. I found it when I wanted to leave the Facebook echo chamber. I hoped there still were some principled conservatives out there -- I'm pretty center/ center-left, and I wanted to challenge my assumptions without listening to the Fox News Hour of Hate, etc. The podcasts keep me company when I'm lifting, the writing is solid, and it's a good community of readers/ listeners -- people are strongly encouraged to behave themselves, and they generally do. ETA: I'm a big Will Saletan fangirl, and I was psyched when they brought him on board!
I should check out Michael Steele's podcast; he's the pundit I'd most like to have a beer with, LOL.
Post edited by curmudgeoness on
All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
What I don't get is not the voting for him in '16. It's the being (rightfully) disgusted with him enough to sit out 2020....yet voicing absolutely no concern what so ever for anything he's being credibly accused of since. And, instead, coming on here and bitching and complaining about cocaine being found in the White House. That doesn't compute.
Well this used to be the Joe Biden thread. Trump has been out for 3+ years. I don't know who brought up Trump in this conversation? I wish Trump would go away. I don't think there is any way he could win again. That's good right? He will probably win in the primaries because there are a lot of fools among us, and get his clock cleaned again in the general. The left wants him to get the nomination because he is clearly the easiest to beat. What don't you get? I held my nose in 16, and by 2020, couldn't stand either one of them.
Trump's the frontrunner by a country mile in the current GOP primary. He will be Biden's opponent next year man. Why do you guys act like he doesn't matter anymore? lol
No matter which thread we're in, you've never expressed outrage over this guy who stole top secret government documents and refused to return them after being issued a addition to attempting to prevent the Biden administration from gaining power after they won the election. He represents the end to democracy as we know it yet you're here going on and on about minor Biden conspiracies. That's what I don't get. It's not the typical hold your nose and vote for the lesser of two evil thing. We are waaaay past that.
I was kicked out of this forum probably a year and a half ago because someone was calling me a Confederate. That pissed me off a lot, so didn't hesitate to call that person a _______. And was kicked out. So how could I have commented on all Trump's crap here? I'm not gonna go back and back and back now. I didn't support Trump in 2020, therefore I'm not responsible for his crap! (He was given a lot of bad advice though from several of his top advisors on what could and should be done, pertaining to his handling of Jan 6th & trying to overturn the election) That doesn't excuse his actions. Repeat that does not excuse his demanding Mike Pence send it back to the states in question. He was told that if enough senators from the swing states in question would refuse to conferm the vote from the states in question because of irregularitie clames, that the vote would go back to the individual state houses and there state assemblies would hash it out. There was a word for this that escapes me. When they were going through this, that's when all the chaos at the capital started happening. They adjourned for a few hours. Came back and finished it. I did vote in 2020 in local & state races, school board, & whatever referendums were on it, butI left the presidential vote blank. I don't like Biden either, and since this is the Joe Biden thread, and the coke was the topic of the week last week, I made some comments, but I didn't go "on & on & on" but so, If someone in the Biden Whitehouse likes to do the wake & bake thing, it's fair game.
I give you credit for being honest and straightforward. I'm not trying to pile on here...
I have to refute the above boldface section though: Trump was also given a lot of good advice in the wake of the 2020 election which he chose to ignore. He knew exactly what he was doing when he tried to subvert the results of the 2020 election.
Did you know him & Steve Bannon had a 'Stop the Steal' movement planned for November of 2016 before he unexpectedly won? Let that sink in... they expected to lose in 2016, and planned in advance to claim voter fraud. When he eventually lost in 2020, they went w/ the 2016 plan: "Stop the steal".
You're giving him too much credit, the man literally tried to overrule the constitution and for the first time in our nation's history, prevented a peaceful transfer of power.
I say this as respectfully as possible: wake up.
I appreciate your politeness, because if you read back just a little ways, you'll see that most of these people challenging me would love to give me the Paul Pelosi treatment.
I didn't see where anyone suggested you should have your skull crushed in like Paul Pelosi.(that's quite the analogy to bring up btw)
I did however see where you claimed the Bidens were breaking laws every day, as well as some other curious statements.
You may want to consider some more neutral news sources; it appears you're consuming a lot of far right nonsense based on some of the things you've said over the last few days.
How do you know that your news sources are all on the up & up? I listen to as much as I can from all angles, and then form my opinions and conclusions after I take it all in, and I'm open to the possibility that I might be wrong. I drive truck 550 miles/day so I listen to different podcasts & everything I can find. The Joe Biden thread is temporarily back to being the Ryan thread, I listen to the Breakfast Club.(east coast Syndicated program) and I also listen to dosens of radio stations via unlimited streaming. I listen to local AM Boston radio, Chicago, Miami, St Louis, Milwaukee, Phoenix, LA, Seattle, and others. Even the View. I take it all in before I go spouting opinions and observations. Im leaving things out because there's so many options to listen to. And when I get sick of it all, I put on the tunes. This forum coming from most (not all) here is a left wing eco chamber. Y'all are very cozy here. Safe space. So anyone with a different take on any matter no matter how big or small are very obviously not welcome here, not well liked no matter what they say while trying to find common ground, or some clarity at the very least. Usually mocked & dismissed. And then they quit talking because there's no point.
I never feel safe here. I read this forum for about five years before posting and my first few outings (big fight with HFD!!) were me being an ass but until others showed me that I too felt ganged up on. I stepped back and saw they were correct. In the beginning it felt like trying to sit at the popular table, but it really isn’t.
Many of us agree with what PJ has taught us since 1991. Being the same age as these guys I was definitely not as conscious or concerned about what those guys already knew.
I don’t want you to feel bad, now i feel sad making you feel like that. I’m truly sorry. Stick around. I promise you’ll learn so much about everything and especially yourself.
What I don't get is not the voting for him in '16. It's the being (rightfully) disgusted with him enough to sit out 2020....yet voicing absolutely no concern what so ever for anything he's being credibly accused of since. And, instead, coming on here and bitching and complaining about cocaine being found in the White House. That doesn't compute.
Well this used to be the Joe Biden thread. Trump has been out for 3+ years. I don't know who brought up Trump in this conversation? I wish Trump would go away. I don't think there is any way he could win again. That's good right? He will probably win in the primaries because there are a lot of fools among us, and get his clock cleaned again in the general. The left wants him to get the nomination because he is clearly the easiest to beat. What don't you get? I held my nose in 16, and by 2020, couldn't stand either one of them.
Trump's the frontrunner by a country mile in the current GOP primary. He will be Biden's opponent next year man. Why do you guys act like he doesn't matter anymore? lol
No matter which thread we're in, you've never expressed outrage over this guy who stole top secret government documents and refused to return them after being issued a addition to attempting to prevent the Biden administration from gaining power after they won the election. He represents the end to democracy as we know it yet you're here going on and on about minor Biden conspiracies. That's what I don't get. It's not the typical hold your nose and vote for the lesser of two evil thing. We are waaaay past that.
I was kicked out of this forum probably a year and a half ago because someone was calling me a Confederate. That pissed me off a lot, so didn't hesitate to call that person a _______. And was kicked out. So how could I have commented on all Trump's crap here? I'm not gonna go back and back and back now. I didn't support Trump in 2020, therefore I'm not responsible for his crap! (He was given a lot of bad advice though from several of his top advisors on what could and should be done, pertaining to his handling of Jan 6th & trying to overturn the election) That doesn't excuse his actions. Repeat that does not excuse his demanding Mike Pence send it back to the states in question. He was told that if enough senators from the swing states in question would refuse to conferm the vote from the states in question because of irregularitie clames, that the vote would go back to the individual state houses and there state assemblies would hash it out. There was a word for this that escapes me. When they were going through this, that's when all the chaos at the capital started happening. They adjourned for a few hours. Came back and finished it. I did vote in 2020 in local & state races, school board, & whatever referendums were on it, butI left the presidential vote blank. I don't like Biden either, and since this is the Joe Biden thread, and the coke was the topic of the week last week, I made some comments, but I didn't go "on & on & on" but so, If someone in the Biden Whitehouse likes to do the wake & bake thing, it's fair game.
I give you credit for being honest and straightforward. I'm not trying to pile on here...
I have to refute the above boldface section though: Trump was also given a lot of good advice in the wake of the 2020 election which he chose to ignore. He knew exactly what he was doing when he tried to subvert the results of the 2020 election.
Did you know him & Steve Bannon had a 'Stop the Steal' movement planned for November of 2016 before he unexpectedly won? Let that sink in... they expected to lose in 2016, and planned in advance to claim voter fraud. When he eventually lost in 2020, they went w/ the 2016 plan: "Stop the steal".
You're giving him too much credit, the man literally tried to overrule the constitution and for the first time in our nation's history, prevented a peaceful transfer of power.
I say this as respectfully as possible: wake up.
I appreciate your politeness, because if you read back just a little ways, you'll see that most of these people challenging me would love to give me the Paul Pelosi treatment.
I didn't see where anyone suggested you should have your skull crushed in like Paul Pelosi.(that's quite the analogy to bring up btw)
I did however see where you claimed the Bidens were breaking laws every day, as well as some other curious statements.
You may want to consider some more neutral news sources; it appears you're consuming a lot of far right nonsense based on some of the things you've said over the last few days.
How do you know that your news sources are all on the up & up? I listen to as much as I can from all angles, and then form my opinions and conclusions after I take it all in, and I'm open to the possibility that I might be wrong. I drive truck 550 miles/day so I listen to different podcasts & everything I can find. The Joe Biden thread is temporarily back to being the Ryan thread, I listen to the Breakfast Club.(east coast Syndicated program) and I also listen to dosens of radio stations via unlimited streaming. I listen to local AM Boston radio, Chicago, Miami, St Louis, Milwaukee, Phoenix, LA, Seattle, and others. Even the View. I take it all in before I go spouting opinions and observations. Im leaving things out because there's so many options to listen to. And when I get sick of it all, I put on the tunes. This forum coming from most (not all) here is a left wing eco chamber. Y'all are very cozy here. Safe space. So anyone with a different take on any matter no matter how big or small are very obviously not welcome here, not well liked no matter what they say while trying to find common ground, or some clarity at the very least. Usually mocked & dismissed. And then they quit talking because there's no point.
I never feel safe here. I read this forum for about five years before posting and my first few outings (big fight with HFD!!) were me being an ass but until others showed me that I too felt ganged up on. I stepped back and saw they were correct. In the beginning it felt like trying to sit at the popular table, but it really isn’t.
Many of us agree with what PJ has taught us since 1991. Being the same age as these guys I was definitely not as conscious or concerned about what those guys already knew.
I don’t want you to feel bad, now i feel sad making you feel like that. I’m truly sorry. Stick around. I promise you’ll learn so much about everything and especially yourself.
haha, I remember that. and it's funny, my first experience on AMT was virtually the same. I was ignorant and got piled on and felt like an absolute idiot.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
What I don't get is not the voting for him in '16. It's the being (rightfully) disgusted with him enough to sit out 2020....yet voicing absolutely no concern what so ever for anything he's being credibly accused of since. And, instead, coming on here and bitching and complaining about cocaine being found in the White House. That doesn't compute.
Well this used to be the Joe Biden thread. Trump has been out for 3+ years. I don't know who brought up Trump in this conversation? I wish Trump would go away. I don't think there is any way he could win again. That's good right? He will probably win in the primaries because there are a lot of fools among us, and get his clock cleaned again in the general. The left wants him to get the nomination because he is clearly the easiest to beat. What don't you get? I held my nose in 16, and by 2020, couldn't stand either one of them.
Trump's the frontrunner by a country mile in the current GOP primary. He will be Biden's opponent next year man. Why do you guys act like he doesn't matter anymore? lol
No matter which thread we're in, you've never expressed outrage over this guy who stole top secret government documents and refused to return them after being issued a addition to attempting to prevent the Biden administration from gaining power after they won the election. He represents the end to democracy as we know it yet you're here going on and on about minor Biden conspiracies. That's what I don't get. It's not the typical hold your nose and vote for the lesser of two evil thing. We are waaaay past that.
I was kicked out of this forum probably a year and a half ago because someone was calling me a Confederate. That pissed me off a lot, so didn't hesitate to call that person a _______. And was kicked out. So how could I have commented on all Trump's crap here? I'm not gonna go back and back and back now. I didn't support Trump in 2020, therefore I'm not responsible for his crap! (He was given a lot of bad advice though from several of his top advisors on what could and should be done, pertaining to his handling of Jan 6th & trying to overturn the election) That doesn't excuse his actions. Repeat that does not excuse his demanding Mike Pence send it back to the states in question. He was told that if enough senators from the swing states in question would refuse to conferm the vote from the states in question because of irregularitie clames, that the vote would go back to the individual state houses and there state assemblies would hash it out. There was a word for this that escapes me. When they were going through this, that's when all the chaos at the capital started happening. They adjourned for a few hours. Came back and finished it. I did vote in 2020 in local & state races, school board, & whatever referendums were on it, butI left the presidential vote blank. I don't like Biden either, and since this is the Joe Biden thread, and the coke was the topic of the week last week, I made some comments, but I didn't go "on & on & on" but so, If someone in the Biden Whitehouse likes to do the wake & bake thing, it's fair game.
I give you credit for being honest and straightforward. I'm not trying to pile on here...
I have to refute the above boldface section though: Trump was also given a lot of good advice in the wake of the 2020 election which he chose to ignore. He knew exactly what he was doing when he tried to subvert the results of the 2020 election.
Did you know him & Steve Bannon had a 'Stop the Steal' movement planned for November of 2016 before he unexpectedly won? Let that sink in... they expected to lose in 2016, and planned in advance to claim voter fraud. When he eventually lost in 2020, they went w/ the 2016 plan: "Stop the steal".
You're giving him too much credit, the man literally tried to overrule the constitution and for the first time in our nation's history, prevented a peaceful transfer of power.
I say this as respectfully as possible: wake up.
I appreciate your politeness, because if you read back just a little ways, you'll see that most of these people challenging me would love to give me the Paul Pelosi treatment.
I didn't see where anyone suggested you should have your skull crushed in like Paul Pelosi.(that's quite the analogy to bring up btw)
I did however see where you claimed the Bidens were breaking laws every day, as well as some other curious statements.
You may want to consider some more neutral news sources; it appears you're consuming a lot of far right nonsense based on some of the things you've said over the last few days.
How do you know that your news sources are all on the up & up? I listen to as much as I can from all angles, and then form my opinions and conclusions after I take it all in, and I'm open to the possibility that I might be wrong. I drive truck 550 miles/day so I listen to different podcasts & everything I can find. The Joe Biden thread is temporarily back to being the Ryan thread, I listen to the Breakfast Club.(east coast Syndicated program) and I also listen to dosens of radio stations via unlimited streaming. I listen to local AM Boston radio, Chicago, Miami, St Louis, Milwaukee, Phoenix, LA, Seattle, and others. Even the View. I take it all in before I go spouting opinions and observations. Im leaving things out because there's so many options to listen to. And when I get sick of it all, I put on the tunes. This forum coming from most (not all) here is a left wing eco chamber. Y'all are very cozy here. Safe space. So anyone with a different take on any matter no matter how big or small are very obviously not welcome here, not well liked no matter what they say while trying to find common ground, or some clarity at the very least. Usually mocked & dismissed. And then they quit talking because there's no point.
I never feel safe here. I read this forum for about five years before posting and my first few outings (big fight with HFD!!) were me being an ass but until others showed me that I too felt ganged up on. I stepped back and saw they were correct. In the beginning it felt like trying to sit at the popular table, but it really isn’t.
Many of us agree with what PJ has taught us since 1991. Being the same age as these guys I was definitely not as conscious or concerned about what those guys already knew.
I don’t want you to feel bad, now i feel sad making you feel like that. I’m truly sorry. Stick around. I promise you’ll learn so much about everything and especially yourself.
haha, I remember that. and it's funny, my first experience on AMT was virtually the same. I was ignorant and got piled on and felt like an absolute idiot.
I feel like we've all been around for a while now. At some point we should do a meet up.. maybe St Paul or Chicago, catch a beer before a show.
What I don't get is not the voting for him in '16. It's the being (rightfully) disgusted with him enough to sit out 2020....yet voicing absolutely no concern what so ever for anything he's being credibly accused of since. And, instead, coming on here and bitching and complaining about cocaine being found in the White House. That doesn't compute.
Well this used to be the Joe Biden thread. Trump has been out for 3+ years. I don't know who brought up Trump in this conversation? I wish Trump would go away. I don't think there is any way he could win again. That's good right? He will probably win in the primaries because there are a lot of fools among us, and get his clock cleaned again in the general. The left wants him to get the nomination because he is clearly the easiest to beat. What don't you get? I held my nose in 16, and by 2020, couldn't stand either one of them.
Trump's the frontrunner by a country mile in the current GOP primary. He will be Biden's opponent next year man. Why do you guys act like he doesn't matter anymore? lol
No matter which thread we're in, you've never expressed outrage over this guy who stole top secret government documents and refused to return them after being issued a addition to attempting to prevent the Biden administration from gaining power after they won the election. He represents the end to democracy as we know it yet you're here going on and on about minor Biden conspiracies. That's what I don't get. It's not the typical hold your nose and vote for the lesser of two evil thing. We are waaaay past that.
I was kicked out of this forum probably a year and a half ago because someone was calling me a Confederate. That pissed me off a lot, so didn't hesitate to call that person a _______. And was kicked out. So how could I have commented on all Trump's crap here? I'm not gonna go back and back and back now. I didn't support Trump in 2020, therefore I'm not responsible for his crap! (He was given a lot of bad advice though from several of his top advisors on what could and should be done, pertaining to his handling of Jan 6th & trying to overturn the election) That doesn't excuse his actions. Repeat that does not excuse his demanding Mike Pence send it back to the states in question. He was told that if enough senators from the swing states in question would refuse to conferm the vote from the states in question because of irregularitie clames, that the vote would go back to the individual state houses and there state assemblies would hash it out. There was a word for this that escapes me. When they were going through this, that's when all the chaos at the capital started happening. They adjourned for a few hours. Came back and finished it. I did vote in 2020 in local & state races, school board, & whatever referendums were on it, butI left the presidential vote blank. I don't like Biden either, and since this is the Joe Biden thread, and the coke was the topic of the week last week, I made some comments, but I didn't go "on & on & on" but so, If someone in the Biden Whitehouse likes to do the wake & bake thing, it's fair game.
I give you credit for being honest and straightforward. I'm not trying to pile on here...
I have to refute the above boldface section though: Trump was also given a lot of good advice in the wake of the 2020 election which he chose to ignore. He knew exactly what he was doing when he tried to subvert the results of the 2020 election.
Did you know him & Steve Bannon had a 'Stop the Steal' movement planned for November of 2016 before he unexpectedly won? Let that sink in... they expected to lose in 2016, and planned in advance to claim voter fraud. When he eventually lost in 2020, they went w/ the 2016 plan: "Stop the steal".
You're giving him too much credit, the man literally tried to overrule the constitution and for the first time in our nation's history, prevented a peaceful transfer of power.
I say this as respectfully as possible: wake up.
I appreciate your politeness, because if you read back just a little ways, you'll see that most of these people challenging me would love to give me the Paul Pelosi treatment.
I didn't see where anyone suggested you should have your skull crushed in like Paul Pelosi.(that's quite the analogy to bring up btw)
I did however see where you claimed the Bidens were breaking laws every day, as well as some other curious statements.
You may want to consider some more neutral news sources; it appears you're consuming a lot of far right nonsense based on some of the things you've said over the last few days.
How do you know that your news sources are all on the up & up? I listen to as much as I can from all angles, and then form my opinions and conclusions after I take it all in, and I'm open to the possibility that I might be wrong. I drive truck 550 miles/day so I listen to different podcasts & everything I can find. The Joe Biden thread is temporarily back to being the Ryan thread, I listen to the Breakfast Club.(east coast Syndicated program) and I also listen to dosens of radio stations via unlimited streaming. I listen to local AM Boston radio, Chicago, Miami, St Louis, Milwaukee, Phoenix, LA, Seattle, and others. Even the View. I take it all in before I go spouting opinions and observations. Im leaving things out because there's so many options to listen to. And when I get sick of it all, I put on the tunes. This forum coming from most (not all) here is a left wing eco chamber. Y'all are very cozy here. Safe space. So anyone with a different take on any matter no matter how big or small are very obviously not welcome here, not well liked no matter what they say while trying to find common ground, or some clarity at the very least. Usually mocked & dismissed. And then they quit talking because there's no point.
I never feel safe here. I read this forum for about five years before posting and my first few outings (big fight with HFD!!) were me being an ass but until others showed me that I too felt ganged up on. I stepped back and saw they were correct. In the beginning it felt like trying to sit at the popular table, but it really isn’t.
Many of us agree with what PJ has taught us since 1991. Being the same age as these guys I was definitely not as conscious or concerned about what those guys already knew.
I don’t want you to feel bad, now i feel sad making you feel like that. I’m truly sorry. Stick around. I promise you’ll learn so much about everything and especially yourself.
haha, I remember that. and it's funny, my first experience on AMT was virtually the same. I was ignorant and got piled on and felt like an absolute idiot.
I feel like we've all been around for a while now. At some point we should do a meet up.. maybe St Paul or Chicago, catch a beer before a show.
If I stay the course and go to both St Paul shows, I'd be down for that.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
What I don't get is not the voting for him in '16. It's the being (rightfully) disgusted with him enough to sit out 2020....yet voicing absolutely no concern what so ever for anything he's being credibly accused of since. And, instead, coming on here and bitching and complaining about cocaine being found in the White House. That doesn't compute.
Well this used to be the Joe Biden thread. Trump has been out for 3+ years. I don't know who brought up Trump in this conversation? I wish Trump would go away. I don't think there is any way he could win again. That's good right? He will probably win in the primaries because there are a lot of fools among us, and get his clock cleaned again in the general. The left wants him to get the nomination because he is clearly the easiest to beat. What don't you get? I held my nose in 16, and by 2020, couldn't stand either one of them.
Trump's the frontrunner by a country mile in the current GOP primary. He will be Biden's opponent next year man. Why do you guys act like he doesn't matter anymore? lol
No matter which thread we're in, you've never expressed outrage over this guy who stole top secret government documents and refused to return them after being issued a addition to attempting to prevent the Biden administration from gaining power after they won the election. He represents the end to democracy as we know it yet you're here going on and on about minor Biden conspiracies. That's what I don't get. It's not the typical hold your nose and vote for the lesser of two evil thing. We are waaaay past that.
I was kicked out of this forum probably a year and a half ago because someone was calling me a Confederate. That pissed me off a lot, so didn't hesitate to call that person a _______. And was kicked out. So how could I have commented on all Trump's crap here? I'm not gonna go back and back and back now. I didn't support Trump in 2020, therefore I'm not responsible for his crap! (He was given a lot of bad advice though from several of his top advisors on what could and should be done, pertaining to his handling of Jan 6th & trying to overturn the election) That doesn't excuse his actions. Repeat that does not excuse his demanding Mike Pence send it back to the states in question. He was told that if enough senators from the swing states in question would refuse to conferm the vote from the states in question because of irregularitie clames, that the vote would go back to the individual state houses and there state assemblies would hash it out. There was a word for this that escapes me. When they were going through this, that's when all the chaos at the capital started happening. They adjourned for a few hours. Came back and finished it. I did vote in 2020 in local & state races, school board, & whatever referendums were on it, butI left the presidential vote blank. I don't like Biden either, and since this is the Joe Biden thread, and the coke was the topic of the week last week, I made some comments, but I didn't go "on & on & on" but so, If someone in the Biden Whitehouse likes to do the wake & bake thing, it's fair game.
I give you credit for being honest and straightforward. I'm not trying to pile on here...
I have to refute the above boldface section though: Trump was also given a lot of good advice in the wake of the 2020 election which he chose to ignore. He knew exactly what he was doing when he tried to subvert the results of the 2020 election.
Did you know him & Steve Bannon had a 'Stop the Steal' movement planned for November of 2016 before he unexpectedly won? Let that sink in... they expected to lose in 2016, and planned in advance to claim voter fraud. When he eventually lost in 2020, they went w/ the 2016 plan: "Stop the steal".
You're giving him too much credit, the man literally tried to overrule the constitution and for the first time in our nation's history, prevented a peaceful transfer of power.
I say this as respectfully as possible: wake up.
I appreciate your politeness, because if you read back just a little ways, you'll see that most of these people challenging me would love to give me the Paul Pelosi treatment.
I didn't see where anyone suggested you should have your skull crushed in like Paul Pelosi.(that's quite the analogy to bring up btw)
I did however see where you claimed the Bidens were breaking laws every day, as well as some other curious statements.
You may want to consider some more neutral news sources; it appears you're consuming a lot of far right nonsense based on some of the things you've said over the last few days.
How do you know that your news sources are all on the up & up? I listen to as much as I can from all angles, and then form my opinions and conclusions after I take it all in, and I'm open to the possibility that I might be wrong. I drive truck 550 miles/day so I listen to different podcasts & everything I can find. The Joe Biden thread is temporarily back to being the Ryan thread, I listen to the Breakfast Club.(east coast Syndicated program) and I also listen to dosens of radio stations via unlimited streaming. I listen to local AM Boston radio, Chicago, Miami, St Louis, Milwaukee, Phoenix, LA, Seattle, and others. Even the View. I take it all in before I go spouting opinions and observations. Im leaving things out because there's so many options to listen to. And when I get sick of it all, I put on the tunes. This forum coming from most (not all) here is a left wing eco chamber. Y'all are very cozy here. Safe space. So anyone with a different take on any matter no matter how big or small are very obviously not welcome here, not well liked no matter what they say while trying to find common ground, or some clarity at the very least. Usually mocked & dismissed. And then they quit talking because there's no point.
I never feel safe here. I read this forum for about five years before posting and my first few outings (big fight with HFD!!) were me being an ass but until others showed me that I too felt ganged up on. I stepped back and saw they were correct. In the beginning it felt like trying to sit at the popular table, but it really isn’t.
Many of us agree with what PJ has taught us since 1991. Being the same age as these guys I was definitely not as conscious or concerned about what those guys already knew.
I don’t want you to feel bad, now i feel sad making you feel like that. I’m truly sorry. Stick around. I promise you’ll learn so much about everything and especially yourself.
haha, I remember that. and it's funny, my first experience on AMT was virtually the same. I was ignorant and got piled on and felt like an absolute idiot.
I feel like we've all been around for a while now. At some point we should do a meet up.. maybe St Paul or Chicago, catch a beer before a show.
If I stay the course and go to both St Paul shows, I'd be down for that.
What I don't get is not the voting for him in '16. It's the being (rightfully) disgusted with him enough to sit out 2020....yet voicing absolutely no concern what so ever for anything he's being credibly accused of since. And, instead, coming on here and bitching and complaining about cocaine being found in the White House. That doesn't compute.
Well this used to be the Joe Biden thread. Trump has been out for 3+ years. I don't know who brought up Trump in this conversation? I wish Trump would go away. I don't think there is any way he could win again. That's good right? He will probably win in the primaries because there are a lot of fools among us, and get his clock cleaned again in the general. The left wants him to get the nomination because he is clearly the easiest to beat. What don't you get? I held my nose in 16, and by 2020, couldn't stand either one of them.
Trump's the frontrunner by a country mile in the current GOP primary. He will be Biden's opponent next year man. Why do you guys act like he doesn't matter anymore? lol
No matter which thread we're in, you've never expressed outrage over this guy who stole top secret government documents and refused to return them after being issued a addition to attempting to prevent the Biden administration from gaining power after they won the election. He represents the end to democracy as we know it yet you're here going on and on about minor Biden conspiracies. That's what I don't get. It's not the typical hold your nose and vote for the lesser of two evil thing. We are waaaay past that.
I was kicked out of this forum probably a year and a half ago because someone was calling me a Confederate. That pissed me off a lot, so didn't hesitate to call that person a _______. And was kicked out. So how could I have commented on all Trump's crap here? I'm not gonna go back and back and back now. I didn't support Trump in 2020, therefore I'm not responsible for his crap! (He was given a lot of bad advice though from several of his top advisors on what could and should be done, pertaining to his handling of Jan 6th & trying to overturn the election) That doesn't excuse his actions. Repeat that does not excuse his demanding Mike Pence send it back to the states in question. He was told that if enough senators from the swing states in question would refuse to conferm the vote from the states in question because of irregularitie clames, that the vote would go back to the individual state houses and there state assemblies would hash it out. There was a word for this that escapes me. When they were going through this, that's when all the chaos at the capital started happening. They adjourned for a few hours. Came back and finished it. I did vote in 2020 in local & state races, school board, & whatever referendums were on it, butI left the presidential vote blank. I don't like Biden either, and since this is the Joe Biden thread, and the coke was the topic of the week last week, I made some comments, but I didn't go "on & on & on" but so, If someone in the Biden Whitehouse likes to do the wake & bake thing, it's fair game.
I give you credit for being honest and straightforward. I'm not trying to pile on here...
I have to refute the above boldface section though: Trump was also given a lot of good advice in the wake of the 2020 election which he chose to ignore. He knew exactly what he was doing when he tried to subvert the results of the 2020 election.
Did you know him & Steve Bannon had a 'Stop the Steal' movement planned for November of 2016 before he unexpectedly won? Let that sink in... they expected to lose in 2016, and planned in advance to claim voter fraud. When he eventually lost in 2020, they went w/ the 2016 plan: "Stop the steal".
You're giving him too much credit, the man literally tried to overrule the constitution and for the first time in our nation's history, prevented a peaceful transfer of power.
I say this as respectfully as possible: wake up.
I appreciate your politeness, because if you read back just a little ways, you'll see that most of these people challenging me would love to give me the Paul Pelosi treatment.
I didn't see where anyone suggested you should have your skull crushed in like Paul Pelosi.(that's quite the analogy to bring up btw)
I did however see where you claimed the Bidens were breaking laws every day, as well as some other curious statements.
You may want to consider some more neutral news sources; it appears you're consuming a lot of far right nonsense based on some of the things you've said over the last few days.
How do you know that your news sources are all on the up & up? I listen to as much as I can from all angles, and then form my opinions and conclusions after I take it all in, and I'm open to the possibility that I might be wrong. I drive truck 550 miles/day so I listen to different podcasts & everything I can find. The Joe Biden thread is temporarily back to being the Ryan thread, I listen to the Breakfast Club.(east coast Syndicated program) and I also listen to dosens of radio stations via unlimited streaming. I listen to local AM Boston radio, Chicago, Miami, St Louis, Milwaukee, Phoenix, LA, Seattle, and others. Even the View. I take it all in before I go spouting opinions and observations. Im leaving things out because there's so many options to listen to. And when I get sick of it all, I put on the tunes. This forum coming from most (not all) here is a left wing eco chamber. Y'all are very cozy here. Safe space. So anyone with a different take on any matter no matter how big or small are very obviously not welcome here, not well liked no matter what they say while trying to find common ground, or some clarity at the very least. Usually mocked & dismissed. And then they quit talking because there's no point.
I never feel safe here. I read this forum for about five years before posting and my first few outings (big fight with HFD!!) were me being an ass but until others showed me that I too felt ganged up on. I stepped back and saw they were correct. In the beginning it felt like trying to sit at the popular table, but it really isn’t.
Many of us agree with what PJ has taught us since 1991. Being the same age as these guys I was definitely not as conscious or concerned about what those guys already knew.
I don’t want you to feel bad, now i feel sad making you feel like that. I’m truly sorry. Stick around. I promise you’ll learn so much about everything and especially yourself.
haha, I remember that. and it's funny, my first experience on AMT was virtually the same. I was ignorant and got piled on and felt like an absolute idiot.
I feel like we've all been around for a while now. At some point we should do a meet up.. maybe St Paul or Chicago, catch a beer before a show.
I love when you do this. You are the epitome of walk softly and carry a big stick.
This actually did nothing and completely ignored the whole conversation my spamming something pointless.
I’m just saying the news story with Trump posting Obamas address doesn’t add up to me.
All the headlines want to imply Trump posted the address to condone violence against them. But reading the actual story it doesn’t seem like he even posted the correct address, and gives no indication what the motive actually was. Could have asking how he affords such a big house and non violent at all. But so many just see the headline and are more than happy to jump to the conclusion that Trump was people over to attack Obama.
A good response would be to show me the actually post that I said I couple find. That would prove me wrong if I am, not spamming useless headlines. But since he can’t, makes me believe I’m right even more.
So you don't want to just agree that he's stupid and irresponsible? You think it was a perfectly legitimate thing for the former and potentially future president to do? It's what you would expect of a leader?
No, I agree with you. I think he has said some very irresponsible things before, and this could very well be another example. And if he did it, extremely irresponsible. All I’m saying is something is off. I tried reading more into it before commenting and found almost nothing on how it relates to Trump. It doesn’t even appear he posted the correct address, and the only reason this has even come up from what I can tell is they quoted the prosecutor as referring to a post trump claims was the address. There are people at every network who’s main job description is to follow trump and take screenshots of every post he makes. Kind of weird no one has a copy of this post to add to the story. I can’t recall that happening before. So I’m not saying Trump is a responsible person, I’m saying this is a story that makes me think the media or prosecution has exaggerated what happened. When’s the last time you saw a story about trumps tweet but couldn’t find it? I’m questioning if this post ever even happened. Not because trump is such a good person, but because everyone is so eager to blame trump and not question it.
I love when you do this. You are the epitome of walk softly and carry a big stick.
This actually did nothing and completely ignored the whole conversation my spamming something pointless.
I’m just saying the news story with Trump posting Obamas address doesn’t add up to me.
All the headlines want to imply Trump posted the address to condone violence against them. But reading the actual story it doesn’t seem like he even posted the correct address, and gives no indication what the motive actually was. Could have asking how he affords such a big house and non violent at all. But so many just see the headline and are more than happy to jump to the conclusion that Trump was people over to attack Obama.
A good response would be to show me the actually post that I said I couple find. That would prove me wrong if I am, not spamming useless headlines. But since he can’t, makes me believe I’m right even more.
So you don't want to just agree that he's stupid and irresponsible? You think it was a perfectly legitimate thing for the former and potentially future president to do? It's what you would expect of a leader?
No, I agree with you. I think he has said some very irresponsible things before, and this could very well be another example. And if he did it, extremely irresponsible. All I’m saying is something is off. I tried reading more into it before commenting and found almost nothing on how it relates to Trump. It doesn’t even appear he posted the correct address, and the only reason this has even come up from what I can tell is they quoted the prosecutor as referring to a post trump claims was the address. There are people at every network who’s main job description is to follow trump and take screenshots of every post he makes. Kind of weird no one has a copy of this post to add to the story. I can’t recall that happening before. So I’m not saying Trump is a responsible person, I’m saying this is a story that makes me think the media or prosecution has exaggerated what happened. When’s the last time you saw a story about trumps tweet but couldn’t find it? I’m questioning if this post ever even happened. Not because trump is such a good person, but because everyone is so eager to blame trump and not question it.
Several details of the arrest are stunning and disturbing, including the fact that Taranto posted the message “Got them surrounded!” above a Trump Truth Social post that included a news article revealing the address of the Obama home, as well as several other prominent Democratic figures.
I love when you do this. You are the epitome of walk softly and carry a big stick.
This actually did nothing and completely ignored the whole conversation my spamming something pointless.
I’m just saying the news story with Trump posting Obamas address doesn’t add up to me.
All the headlines want to imply Trump posted the address to condone violence against them. But reading the actual story it doesn’t seem like he even posted the correct address, and gives no indication what the motive actually was. Could have asking how he affords such a big house and non violent at all. But so many just see the headline and are more than happy to jump to the conclusion that Trump was people over to attack Obama.
A good response would be to show me the actually post that I said I couple find. That would prove me wrong if I am, not spamming useless headlines. But since he can’t, makes me believe I’m right even more.
So you don't want to just agree that he's stupid and irresponsible? You think it was a perfectly legitimate thing for the former and potentially future president to do? It's what you would expect of a leader?
No, I agree with you. I think he has said some very irresponsible things before, and this could very well be another example. And if he did it, extremely irresponsible. All I’m saying is something is off. I tried reading more into it before commenting and found almost nothing on how it relates to Trump. It doesn’t even appear he posted the correct address, and the only reason this has even come up from what I can tell is they quoted the prosecutor as referring to a post trump claims was the address. There are people at every network who’s main job description is to follow trump and take screenshots of every post he makes. Kind of weird no one has a copy of this post to add to the story. I can’t recall that happening before. So I’m not saying Trump is a responsible person, I’m saying this is a story that makes me think the media or prosecution has exaggerated what happened. When’s the last time you saw a story about trumps tweet but couldn’t find it? I’m questioning if this post ever even happened. Not because trump is such a good person, but because everyone is so eager to blame trump and not question it.
What do you think is a more likely scenario?
That the prosecution exaggerated the story, or that the media isn't showing you the social media post because it contains sensitive information?
I'm inclined to think a prosecutor would be jeopardizing his case if he made something up like that; not to mention we already have an established track record of trump inciting his base to violence,
You say people are eager to blame trump & not question it, but this also wouldn't be out of character for him, he's been wishing harm upon his political rivals for years.
It sucks that no one gives trump the benefit of the doubt, but there's a reason for that... he's established that he doesn't deserve it., over and over and over again.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
I am not a leftist, but I am very liberal. There is a big difference between the two entities.
Other than Jeremy & Evenflow,
True Deplorables don't give a rip, & or don't even know who Pearl Jam is.
I listen to the Breakfast Club.(east coast Syndicated program) and I also listen to dosens of radio stations via unlimited streaming. I listen to local AM Boston radio, Chicago, Miami, St Louis, Milwaukee, Phoenix, LA, Seattle, and others. Even the View. I take it all in before I go spouting opinions and observations. Im leaving things out because there's so many options to listen to. And when I get sick of it all, I put on the tunes.
This forum coming from most (not all) here is a left wing eco chamber. Y'all are very cozy here. Safe space. So anyone with a different take on any matter no matter how big or small are very obviously not welcome here, not well liked no matter what they say while trying to find common ground, or some clarity at the very least.
Usually mocked & dismissed. And then they quit talking because there's no point.
-EV 8/14/93
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
That's a good list of news sources.
NYT has several but none are devoted to the front section...
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Inflation rose just 0.2% in June, less than expected as consumers get a break from price increases
Inflation fell to its lowest annual rate in more than two years during June, the product both of some deceleration in costs and easy comparisons against a time when price increases were running at a more than 40-year high.
The consumer price index increased 3% from a year ago, which is the lowest level since March 2021. On a monthly basis, the index, which measures a broad swath of prices for goods and services, rose 0.2%.
That compared to Dow Jones estimates for respective increases of 3.1% and 0.3%.
Stripping out volatile food and energy prices, core CPI rose 4.8% from a year ago and 0.2% on a monthly basis. Consensus estimates expected respective increases of 5% and 0.3%.
In sum, the numbers could give the Federal Reserve some breathing room as it looks to bring down inflation that was running around a 9% annual rate at this time in 2022, the highest since November 1981.
“There has been significant progress made on the inflation front, and today’s report confirmed that while most of the country is dealing with hotter temperatures outside, inflation is finally cooling,” said George Mateyo, chief investment officer at Key Private Bank. “The Fed will embrace this report as validation that their policies are having the desired effect – inflation has fallen while growth has not yet stalled.”
However, central bank policymakers tend to look more at core inflation, which is still running well above the Fed’s 2% annual target. Mateyo said the report is unlikely to stop the central bank from raising rates again later this month.
Fed officials expect the inflation rate to continue falling, particularly as costs ease for shelter, which makes up about one-third of the weighting in the CPI. However, the shelter index rose 0.4% last month and was up 7.8% on an annual basis. That monthly gain accounted for about 70% of the increase in headline CPI, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said.
“Housing costs, which account for a large share of the inflation picture, are not coming down meaningfully,” said Lisa Sturtevant, chief economist at Bright MLS. “Because rates had been pushed so low by the Fed during the pandemic and then increased so quickly, the Federal Reserve’s rate increases not only reduced housing demand — as intended — but also severely limited supply by locking homeowners into homes they would have otherwise listed for sale.”
Wall Street reacted positively to the report, with futures tied to the Dow Jones Industrial Average up nearly 200 points. Treasury yields were down across the board.
Traders are still pricing in a strong possibility that the Fed will enact a quarter percentage point rate hike when it meets July 25-26. However, market pricing is pointing towards that being the last increase as officials pause to allow the series of hikes to work their way through the economy.
The muted increase for the headline CPI came even though energy prices increased 0.6% for the month. However, the energy index decreased 16.7% from a year ago, a time when gasoline prices at the pump were running around $5 a gallon.
Food prices increased just 0.1% on the month while used vehicle prices, a primary source for the inflation surge in the early part of 2022, declined 0.5%.
Airline fares fell 3% on the month and now are down 8.1% on an annual basis.
The easing in the CPI helped boost worker paychecks: Real average hourly earnings, adjusted for inflation rose 0.2% from May to June and increased 1.2% on a year-over-year basis. During the inflation surge that peaked last June, worker wages had run consistently behind the cost of living increases.
This is breaking news. Please check back here for updates.
I like WSJ as well (again,,, not the editorial side) as it presents a conservative angle as compared to the WaPo's liberal bias.
paywall, prevents me from accessing.... not giving rupert any money.....
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
Will be there for both shows.
Quite a difference between this guy and the last guy
The Golden Age is 2 months away. And guess what….. you’re gonna love it! (teskeinc 11.19.24)
1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
2020: Oakland, Oakland: 2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana; 2025: Pitt1, Pitt2
Partial image
That the prosecution exaggerated the story, or that the media isn't showing you the social media post because it contains sensitive information?
I'm inclined to think a prosecutor would be jeopardizing his case if he made something up like that; not to mention we already have an established track record of trump inciting his base to violence,
You say people are eager to blame trump & not question it, but this also wouldn't be out of character for him, he's been wishing harm upon his political rivals for years.
It sucks that no one gives trump the benefit of the doubt, but there's a reason for that... he's established that he doesn't deserve it., over and over and over again.