One of Our Sisters needs Our Help

in The Porch
Kat has graciously allowed me to post this here. Our sister GTFLYGIRL on here has been diagnosed with Breast cancer and needs our help. She is a longtime Pearl Jam fan from New York and a real sweetheart. I met her in Chicago at the Vic show for the first time and have stayed with her for shows in New York, Boston and RRHOF iinduction.She is a single mother of a special needs child so this diagnosis is especially devestating. If you feel moved to help, please do so... Linda, you got this, girl❤️
"Rock and roll is something that can't be quantified, sometimes it's not even something you hear, but FEEL!" - Bob Lefsetz
Thank you, firstly to ACCBootleg Goddess for posting this, to Kat and Sea for allowing it to be posted, and very importantly to all who have seen this and snd shown support through kind, inspirational and supportive messages as well as donations. My initial surgery was yesterday and I am home recuperating. My follow up appointment in on 9/5/18. At that time i will find out the final pathology report and start working on the next step of my cancer journey.
This is a very scary journey. As a single mom, and sole provider of everything to my son, it's even scarier..... I #1. Need to be ALIVE for him (funny.... I am in the Alive part of the PJ20 movie!) and 2. I need to be able to support him through this, We have therapists etc... but as his sole caretaker, I need to be there for him emotionally, not breaking down right and left, and NOT taking him on every appt with me. Donations help with these things enormously, as does the moral support.
Some of my strongest, enormous emotional supports, i have met through the Pearl Jam world. Friends through Pearl Jam often become friends for life. Its amazing, the effect that this band, and its passionate fans, have had on my life. Some friends I have hung out with for years... and others maybe only once or twice in person....but the friendships are strong as steel. I am sure my Pearl Jam journey is continuing.... Plan to make it to 100 shows!!! (Currently I have attended 96 shows.... but have not been to a show in 2 years, and had to cancel Wrigley plans this year due my illness, the finances the illness involves... and that boy I keep speaking of... my kiddo, Dylan Stone!).
Thank you all for being there. I wish i knew everyone's current names on this board. But you all know who you are. Special shout outs to Melanie, Omaha, Matt, Stephanie, Krista, Jenny, Marcia, Cynthia, and Jessica... as well as new friends, like Julie, and all the many others that have shown me support and love... that i have-not even met yet! (Sorry if i forgot anyone's names in my shout outs!!)
It's family and love that make the difference, and Pearl Jam is there helping to guide us through this all encompassing trip.
Thank you, again, to all!!!
Peace, Love, and Pearl Jam!!
❤❤❤ -Linda (GTFLYGIRL)
Sending much love, please keep us up to date on your progress!
I'm gonna do it though! I know I can! Thank you so much for your support and any support you can be! You have already inspired me! I love the pic! Is that your wife? She is beautiful!
Thank you so very much! Do I know either of you? I feel like i have crossed paths with you, Elwayvedder, yeah?!?!?!
Thank you all! ❤❤❤
Here is is again....
2011.....Toronto N1, Toronto N2, Hamilton
2013.....London, Buffalo
2016.....Toronto N1 Toronto N2, Boston N1, Boston N2, Chicago N1
2018.....Seattle N1, Seattle N2
2022.....San Diego, Los Angeles N1, Los Angeles N2, Phoenix, Oakland N1, Oakland N2, Quebec City, Ottawa, Hamilton, Toronto
2023.....Fort Worth N1, Fort Worth N2, Austin N1, Austin N2
2024.....Las Vegas N1, Las Vegas N2, Los Angeles N1, Los Angeles N2, Boston N1, Boston N2
Let's see if we can do some good here.
@Ray J. T. see above ^
Radical Remmission by Kelly Turner
She interviewed 1000 people that beat the odds and compiled the details of what they did to beat Cancer. She found 9 common things that were present in many of the studies.
I know how precious time is as a parent and an individual battling Cancer, but if you feel you have the time to give this a read I’d be happy to buy it for you and have it shipped to you.
If you’re interested please PM me your shipping info. I hope for the best for you in your journey.
This is so enormous. Thank you all sincerely. More later.... I'm going to go back to sleep.... Surgery was yesterday and im trying to heal strongly and quickly.... while I have some family around to help me! Thank you!!!! xoxo
With love from Ulster County NY- ❤❤❤
Love, Linda and Dylan
Ticket is SOLD.
Firstly, thank you to everyone who contacted me, contributed, and or sent me kind messages. And thank you to my friend, Mel, who started this thread.
Since the operation a lot has happened. I switched hospitals, to Skoan Kettering Cancer Centers, and found out I will need another operation (surgery is called axillary node dissection) and have another biopsy scheduled for tomorrow...and ...well... a whole lot more had happened. There is an update on my Go Fund Me if you choose to check it out.
If you do, please, please I ask if you could share the link? Shares help more than you could imagine. Thank you to everyone who has helped with mine and my sons battle... *because it for sure is his too... he is who I am fighting for!!* The Pearl Jam family is an amazing group of people. Thank you!!!!!
GTFLYGIRL, I am sure you are getting amazing care at Sloan Kettering. But in case you haven’t come across this, and may want more info or a place to talk about your specific diagnosis or surgeries with women who know, I have found the forum very helpful. I don’t have cancer but have LCIS which I had never heard of till my diagnosis in 2016. Nobody in my life and even some medical professionals I dealt with had ever heard of LCIS, but on the breast cancer forum there was a whole group of people who spoke the language and that made me feel less alone. It also helped me figure out what to expect from my surgery.
I am on Long Island, so too far to physically help out, but I will check your godundme for updates and give what I can along the way. Much love to you and I wish you so well in your fight.