This merch situation is really frustrating.



  • Big Bank HankBig Bank Hank Posts: 8,639
    JH6056 said:
    JH6056 said:
    Seattle was crazy 6 straight days of 2-4 hour waits, I was out there for 2 of the days with my 100w speaker playing Pearl Jam music & at least 50% of those people were non-pearl jam fans w/the sole express purpose of flipping the merchandise, it was pretty easy to tell by their disdain for Pearl Jam music, my only thought she all these people pimping out Pearl Jam fans is that this is so completely fucked up, but whatever if I really want something I just find someone who can get me a extra one & I paypal them the money plus shipping, fortunately there are a lot of hella cool Pearl Jam fans out there.
    Hi BBH, this doesn't help you with your poster request, but just wanted to point something out about you blasting PJ in the line for hours.  First off, love that you're bringing the PJ love and showing the love.  That said, while I was in line for 3 hrs on the day of Seattle 1, it was actually a big convo in the line among my linemates (and whoever happened to be on either side of us at various times during the wait), and we were surprised at how many of us have the same preference to NOT listen to the band we're going to see that day before the show.

    It's just a preference - if I'd been in line with you I would never have asked you to stop playing PJ.  But when you said it was obvious you were in line with flippers because of their disdain for PJ music, some people are hardcore about this, they REALLY do NOT like listening to the band they're going to see on the day of the show.

    So just wanted to give you that context, some of those folks may not have been non-PJ fans, some of them may have been mega PJ purists and really not wanted to have their rule broken for hours when they couldn't escape it until they were done buying!

    Again, NOT saying you shouldn't do this, I think the spirit of it is far cooler and more fun than any concern about people's individual preferences, so I'm cool with it.  But wanted you to have that perspective since it was surprising how many of us in my line had the same habit, no headliner music day of show.  So the live show is fresh and knocks you that much more on your feet is how we felt. 

    Big love!
    I was in line Sunday for 3 hours & it was boring & uncomfortable. & fans after kept coming up to me & thanking me for bring the music, I gave of my time to try and make everyone's experience better & I would NEVER get pissed off at anyone playing Pearl Jam music, unless it was the same song on a loop, especially when I am going to be at 2 shows where I am going be singing at least 3/4 of the songs, there's no better warm up for that, and I had an amazing time at both Safeco Field shows, Tim Bierman came by and thanked me & shook my hand, so that's good enough for me.
    Totally get it and I think that's awesome that you got that response!

    I hope it was clear from my post to you, that 1) I love the love you show when you do that, and 2) we were ALL surprised that other people felt the way we feel, we each thought it was a fluke and there were only a few of us. 

    I didn't post this to make you feel like you shouldn't do it.  I only posted to say don't assume that just because anyone looked sideways at you for blasting PJ that it automatically made them a flipper and NON-fan.  That may not be true.

    But the positive vibe and good feelings are FAR more important and, as I said, I'd have been smiling at you, not grumbling, because the community feel and the joy is way more important than a preference of mine for not listening day of show.  It's all good, you should keep doing it, sounds like it makes most people really happy!
    Thanks, I just love Pearl Jam just like everyone here, it's one thing that unites all of us, regardless of which album is our favorite or which song we might go take a piss during, lol. When the lights come up & we are all singing Alive together near the end of a awesome show, it's Hard To Imagine any place I would rather be, knowing that we shared that experience together, don't it make you Smile?
  • tup30tup30 Posts: 115
    I waited 40 mins N1 in bleachers merch line. 

    10 min N2 around 7pm in tent next to firehouse. 

    all in all not bad.  
  • leep75leep75 Posts: 272
    edited August 2018
    walked right in last night right before going into the field.  The display had all 5 posters up so I was excited that perhaps they had luck.  Only had the baby brain and ONE rubber arms ball player and it had massive damage to the upper left hand corner.  I offered $10 for it, but the manager said no way.  Hell, I even offered to buy the 3 I wanted off the display but he wouldn't budge on that either.

  • renelesurrenelesur Dallas, TX Posts: 84
    On Saturday morning I waited in line at the main merch tent for 2 hours.  When I got to the counter they were out of all posters but the baby brain, all stickers, and wrist bands.  I ended up getting a shirt and keychain.  While walking around the stadium I happened upon a line fans that I knew wasn't the GA line.  It ended up being a line waiting for a satellite merch stand to open at 3pm.  At this time it was 1pm and I was 50th in line.  They had a hefty amount of all posters and other items.  By 3pm the line was well over 200 people long.  It took 4 hours of time in line, but I got the items that I set out for.  Also got to hear some of "Let's Play Two" while I waited in line.  Not a bad deal there. 

    11/15/2013 - Dallas, TX; 11/16/2013 - Oklahoma City, OK;

    8/10/2018 - Safeco Field, Seattle, WA; 8/18 & 20/2018 - Wrigley Field, Chicago, IL; 9/2 & 4/2018 - Fenway Park, Boston, MA

    7/8 & 9/2022 - Hyde Park, London, EN,   UPCOMING: Nashville, St. Louis, OKC

  • JH6056JH6056 Posts: 2,427
    JH6056 said:
    JH6056 said:
    Seattle was crazy 6 straight days of 2-4 hour waits, I was out there for 2 of the days with my 100w speaker playing Pearl Jam music & at least 50% of those people were non-pearl jam fans w/the sole express purpose of flipping the merchandise, it was pretty easy to tell by their disdain for Pearl Jam music, my only thought she all these people pimping out Pearl Jam fans is that this is so completely fucked up, but whatever if I really want something I just find someone who can get me a extra one & I paypal them the money plus shipping, fortunately there are a lot of hella cool Pearl Jam fans out there.
    Hi BBH, this doesn't help you with your poster request, but just wanted to point something out about you blasting PJ in the line for hours.  First off, love that you're bringing the PJ love and showing the love.  That said, while I was in line for 3 hrs on the day of Seattle 1, it was actually a big convo in the line among my linemates (and whoever happened to be on either side of us at various times during the wait), and we were surprised at how many of us have the same preference to NOT listen to the band we're going to see that day before the show.

    It's just a preference - if I'd been in line with you I would never have asked you to stop playing PJ.  But when you said it was obvious you were in line with flippers because of their disdain for PJ music, some people are hardcore about this, they REALLY do NOT like listening to the band they're going to see on the day of the show.

    So just wanted to give you that context, some of those folks may not have been non-PJ fans, some of them may have been mega PJ purists and really not wanted to have their rule broken for hours when they couldn't escape it until they were done buying!

    Again, NOT saying you shouldn't do this, I think the spirit of it is far cooler and more fun than any concern about people's individual preferences, so I'm cool with it.  But wanted you to have that perspective since it was surprising how many of us in my line had the same habit, no headliner music day of show.  So the live show is fresh and knocks you that much more on your feet is how we felt. 

    Big love!
    I was in line Sunday for 3 hours & it was boring & uncomfortable. & fans after kept coming up to me & thanking me for bring the music, I gave of my time to try and make everyone's experience better & I would NEVER get pissed off at anyone playing Pearl Jam music, unless it was the same song on a loop, especially when I am going to be at 2 shows where I am going be singing at least 3/4 of the songs, there's no better warm up for that, and I had an amazing time at both Safeco Field shows, Tim Bierman came by and thanked me & shook my hand, so that's good enough for me.
    Totally get it and I think that's awesome that you got that response!

    I hope it was clear from my post to you, that 1) I love the love you show when you do that, and 2) we were ALL surprised that other people felt the way we feel, we each thought it was a fluke and there were only a few of us. 

    I didn't post this to make you feel like you shouldn't do it.  I only posted to say don't assume that just because anyone looked sideways at you for blasting PJ that it automatically made them a flipper and NON-fan.  That may not be true.

    But the positive vibe and good feelings are FAR more important and, as I said, I'd have been smiling at you, not grumbling, because the community feel and the joy is way more important than a preference of mine for not listening day of show.  It's all good, you should keep doing it, sounds like it makes most people really happy!
    Thanks, I just love Pearl Jam just like everyone here, it's one thing that unites all of us, regardless of which album is our favorite or which song we might go take a piss during, lol. When the lights come up & we are all singing Alive together near the end of a awesome show, it's Hard To Imagine any place I would rather be, knowing that we shared that experience together, don't it make you Smile?
    Yes, yes it does make me smile! =)
  • stickmanstickman Posts: 1,008
    pjl44 said:
    pjl44 said:

    Collecting is the sort of thing that really can't be explained if you don't inherently understand it. And it coexists with enjoying the music pretty easily. If it isn't your bag, just be thankful you don't feel compelled to take part in all these fire drills. 
    Eh...greed is a two way street. There is hardly a more non-essential item than concert swag. The person who neeeeeeds something they don't actually need is as complicit as the person selling at a markup.
    You are on a roll with these very true comments !
  • opsopcopolisopsopcopolis Posts: 1,194
    leep75 said:
    walked right in last night right before going into the field.  The display had all 5 posters up so I was excited that perhaps they had luck.  Only had the baby brain and ONE rubber arms ball player and it had massive damage to the upper left hand corner.  I offered $10 for it, but the manager said no way.  Hell, I even offered to buy the 3 I wanted off the display but he wouldn't budge on that either.
    They wouldn't let you buy the display ones? That seems weird. I've definitely bought display prints before
    2006: Hartford
    2008: Camden 2, Hartford
    2010: Hartford
    2013: Wrigley, Worcester x2, Hartford
    2015: NYC
    2016: Philly 2, MSG x2, Boston 2, (TOTD Philly 2, MSG)
    2018: Prague, Krakow, Berlin, Boston x2
    2022: San Diego, Sacramento, Las Vegas
  • nespernesper Posts: 7
    BV42562 said:
    tubes10s said:
    The folks who plan and control selling the merch have it all set up exactly like they want to create the short supply and frenzied demand.  If they wanted to improve the situation, they would.  
    And that solution is what? Lots of people yelling fire. Not a lot of people running for water. Double or triple the amount of production of the highly sought after items.........the lines stay the same length. Flippers will still be there. 
    They can make it all available online.  Right now the situation appears to be creating demand and rarity over making fans happy. It doesn't really seem like the merchandising approach is in line with the band. Maybe they have minimal hands on the merch situation and this is contracted out, maybe they need to reevaluate who handles it for them or change the approach.
  • nesper said:
    BV42562 said:
    tubes10s said:
    The folks who plan and control selling the merch have it all set up exactly like they want to create the short supply and frenzied demand.  If they wanted to improve the situation, they would.  
    And that solution is what? Lots of people yelling fire. Not a lot of people running for water. Double or triple the amount of production of the highly sought after items.........the lines stay the same length. Flippers will still be there. 
    They can make it all available online.  Right now the situation appears to be creating demand and rarity over making fans happy. It doesn't really seem like the merchandising approach is in line with the band. Maybe they have minimal hands on the merch situation and this is contracted out, maybe they need to reevaluate who handles it for them or change the approach.
    I wish it were that simple. 10C is only a handful of people. They have to outsource. Seems like a great idea in theory, but when it comes to execution its not that simple. Staffing, returns, shipping, customer service etc etc etc.

    And if the rarity is crushed by mass production........will we all chip in to buy the extra inventory they are stuck with? Pretty sure we won't.
  • HH140540HH140540 Posts: 543
    edited August 2018
    Hopefully they will print a bunch more runs of everything after the tour is over. Maybe the APs and Variants should be way  more expensive than they are for the people are willing to pay for them and this would deter people paying $110 and trying to sell them on eBay twenty minutes later for $700+. The money would go to the artist.
    Post edited by HH140540 on
  • Eroom21Eroom21 Posts: 109
    It’s probably not true, but while in line waiting for merch, the person next to me was telling me how merch people were slipping posters through the fence for $100. 
  • Eroom21Eroom21 Posts: 109
    leep75 said:
    walked right in last night right before going into the field.  The display had all 5 posters up so I was excited that perhaps they had luck.  Only had the baby brain and ONE rubber arms ball player and it had massive damage to the upper left hand corner.  I offered $10 for it, but the manager said no way.  Hell, I even offered to buy the 3 I wanted off the display but he wouldn't budge on that either.
    They wouldn't let you buy the display ones? That seems weird. I've definitely bought display prints before
    I tried to buy a display poster, but the merch guy said that the PJ people said not to sell them. 
  • deadendpdeadendp Posts: 10,434
    Eroom21 said:
    leep75 said:
    walked right in last night right before going into the field.  The display had all 5 posters up so I was excited that perhaps they had luck.  Only had the baby brain and ONE rubber arms ball player and it had massive damage to the upper left hand corner.  I offered $10 for it, but the manager said no way.  Hell, I even offered to buy the 3 I wanted off the display but he wouldn't budge on that either.
    They wouldn't let you buy the display ones? That seems weird. I've definitely bought display prints before
    I tried to buy a display poster, but the merch guy said that the PJ people said not to sell them. 
    2014: Cincinnati
    2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
  • Gern BlanstenGern Blansten Posts: 19,405
    renelesur said:
    On Saturday morning I waited in line at the main merch tent for 2 hours.  When I got to the counter they were out of all posters but the baby brain, all stickers, and wrist bands.  I ended up getting a shirt and keychain.  While walking around the stadium I happened upon a line fans that I knew wasn't the GA line.  It ended up being a line waiting for a satellite merch stand to open at 3pm.  At this time it was 1pm and I was 50th in line.  They had a hefty amount of all posters and other items.  By 3pm the line was well over 200 people long.  It took 4 hours of time in line, but I got the items that I set out for.  Also got to hear some of "Let's Play Two" while I waited in line.  Not a bad deal there. 
    Similar thing happened to me Saturday except I was at the SE corner of Wrigley.  I had just gone down there to see if anyone was lining up to get in at 530, my thought was I would get in early to snag the Thomas poster.  I followed the merch line from the trailer on the south side of Wrigley and noticed the other line forming at the trailer on the SE side.  I got in line there figuring if 530 came around I would just pop in.  We waited in line about an hour and a half.  I kept seeing the Thomas poster get purchased but was surprised at how many people in line DIDN'T buy one.  I was shitting my pants as I got up there...of the four people in front of me I think one purchased a Thomas.

    It really does suck that we have to spend so much time chasing this stuff.  I guess that is a consequence of being a PJ fan....
    Remember the Thomas Nine !! (10/02/2018)

    1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
    2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
    2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
    2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
    2020: Oakland, Oakland:  2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
    2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
    2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana
  • Gern BlanstenGern Blansten Posts: 19,405
    And to add to the misery....I'll be heading to Fenway to stress about all of this again.  I hope the posters look like shit.
    Remember the Thomas Nine !! (10/02/2018)

    1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
    2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
    2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
    2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
    2020: Oakland, Oakland:  2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
    2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
    2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana
  • PJ-CubsPJ-Cubs Posts: 3,316
    And to add to the misery....I'll be heading to Fenway to stress about all of this again.  I hope the posters look like shit.
    I am actually also hoping for bad posters at Fenway.  Maybe 4 posters with skulls and one weird one that you can’t read the band’s name on.

    Or at least no clear “winner” like the Thomas poster so demand is spread out across different prints.
  • nicknyr15nicknyr15 Posts: 8,282
    PJ-Cubs said:
    And to add to the misery....I'll be heading to Fenway to stress about all of this again.  I hope the posters look like shit.
    I am actually also hoping for bad posters at Fenway.  Maybe 4 posters with skulls and one weird one that you can’t read the band’s name on.

    Or at least no clear “winner” like the Thomas poster so demand is spread out across different prints.
    I can’t believe it’s gotten so bad that we’re rooting for horrible posters lol. 
  • Gern BlanstenGern Blansten Posts: 19,405
    nicknyr15 said:
    PJ-Cubs said:
    And to add to the misery....I'll be heading to Fenway to stress about all of this again.  I hope the posters look like shit.
    I am actually also hoping for bad posters at Fenway.  Maybe 4 posters with skulls and one weird one that you can’t read the band’s name on.

    Or at least no clear “winner” like the Thomas poster so demand is spread out across different prints.
    I can’t believe it’s gotten so bad that we’re rooting for horrible posters lol. 
    It's like heroin.  I don't need anymore posters.  But if they look good I have to have them
    Remember the Thomas Nine !! (10/02/2018)

    1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
    2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
    2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
    2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
    2020: Oakland, Oakland:  2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
    2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
    2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana
  • tubes10stubes10s Posts: 527
    I wish it were that simple. 10C is only a handful of people. They have to outsource. Seems like a great idea in theory, but when it comes to execution its not that simple. Staffing, returns, shipping, customer service etc etc etc.

    And if the rarity is crushed by mass production........will we all chip in to buy the extra inventory they are stuck with? Pretty sure we won't.

    According to the way that folks talk here, they don't want the posters because they are rare.  They want them because they were at the show, just enjoy the art, etc etc.  Worrying about the perceived rarity of items doesn't have a place if anyone actually cares to curb the merch flipping madness.  
    8-31-98 - Raleigh
    8-3-00 - Virginia Beach
    4-16-03 - Charlotte
    5-27-06 - Camden 1
    5-28-06 - Camden 2
    5-30-06 - DC
    6-17-08 - Virginia Beach
    6-22-08 - DC
    5-13-10 - Bristow
    10-27-13 - Baltimore
    10-29-13 - Charlottesville
    4-18-16 - Hampton
  • I was GA for the Monday show... literally as we were walking through to the field, there was a stoppage with a merch both right beside. Grabbed the posters and stickers I wanted. Didn't wait at all. Why people want to waste their lives in line, even if it to flip, I will always be curious. I enjoyed a beautiful weekend in Chicago, besides being in wet clothing Monday night. There is a good thing that comes out of this. I am not saying to support flippers, but they do do all the dirty work. 
  • kaseylilykaseylily Posts: 259
    Eroom21 said:
    leep75 said:
    walked right in last night right before going into the field.  The display had all 5 posters up so I was excited that perhaps they had luck.  Only had the baby brain and ONE rubber arms ball player and it had massive damage to the upper left hand corner.  I offered $10 for it, but the manager said no way.  Hell, I even offered to buy the 3 I wanted off the display but he wouldn't budge on that either.
    They wouldn't let you buy the display ones? That seems weird. I've definitely bought display prints before
    I tried to buy a display poster, but the merch guy said that the PJ people said not to sell them. 
    Me too. Guy said he'd be fired immediately.
  • unknownunknown Posts: 531
    my frustration comes with the fans actually doing the flipping.  Like i can't understand it.
    On the flip side, I've tried numerous times on here to ask for help from a fellow fan to trade
    or buy the montana poster for my son, and I have only had 1 person pm me.  its just crazy
  • pjl44pjl44 Posts: 9,112
    unknown said:
    my frustration comes with the fans actually doing the flipping.  Like i can't understand it.
    On the flip side, I've tried numerous times on here to ask for help from a fellow fan to trade
    or buy the montana poster for my son, and I have only had 1 person pm me.  its just crazy
    A few years back I helped someone on here looking for a poster and sold them an extra at cost. Several months later they were doing a "downsizing" sale and asking market value for it (a little over twice what they paid me).

    If I know someone in real life, I would absolutely hook them up by picking up stuff or giving a deal. If I'm ever selling to a stranger here or any secondary situation, it would be full market value. These are non-essential items and thems the breaks.

  • mace1229mace1229 Posts: 9,253
    What I don't get is all the anger at flippers, but then a lot of those same people buy extras with the intent to trade for something of higher value. How is that not just flipped? Paying $35 for a poster and trading it for $100, or paying $35 for a poster with the intent to use it in a trade as $100 value seems like the same thing to me. Just funny to me how many are outraged over one while the other is completely acceptable. Both scenarios lead to more people who actually waited in line and were at the show not getting what they wanted while other profit from it. 

    Didn't get the poster I wanted. But they had tons of setlist shirts when I was there. I have zero desire for one of those and could have bought several and traded for many of the posters I'm looking for. Chose to just get only what I actually wanted instead.
  • PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Posts: 49,870
    edited August 2018
    nesper said:
    BV42562 said:
    tubes10s said:
    The folks who plan and control selling the merch have it all set up exactly like they want to create the short supply and frenzied demand.  If they wanted to improve the situation, they would.  
    And that solution is what? Lots of people yelling fire. Not a lot of people running for water. Double or triple the amount of production of the highly sought after items.........the lines stay the same length. Flippers will still be there. 
    They can make it all available online.  Right now the situation appears to be creating demand and rarity over making fans happy. It doesn't really seem like the merchandising approach is in line with the band. Maybe they have minimal hands on the merch situation and this is contracted out, maybe they need to reevaluate who handles it for them or change the approach.
    I wish it were that simple. 10C is only a handful of people. They have to outsource. Seems like a great idea in theory, but when it comes to execution its not that simple. Staffing, returns, shipping, customer service etc etc etc.

    And if the rarity is crushed by mass production........will we all chip in to buy the extra inventory they are stuck with? Pretty sure we won't.
    I feel like the venues are the ones who need to get in on this. Rogers Arena in Vancouver has recently set up an online store for concert merch, called VanBase in this case, and it allows fans to buy the merch via a pre-sale that starts the day before the show. The venue sends out an email reminder about it two days before the show (I think there was also a link to it in the TM reminder/info email). Then the merch is mailed out a couple days after the show. Obviously the venue itself is working with the artists or their merch suppliers to make this happen, and from what I can tell, it works super well. If this became common place with the major venues, that would be a great solution to all these crazy merch lines.

    Post edited by PJ_Soul on
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
  • tubes10s said:
    I wish it were that simple. 10C is only a handful of people. They have to outsource. Seems like a great idea in theory, but when it comes to execution its not that simple. Staffing, returns, shipping, customer service etc etc etc.

    And if the rarity is crushed by mass production........will we all chip in to buy the extra inventory they are stuck with? Pretty sure we won't.

    According to the way that folks talk here, they don't want the posters because they are rare.  They want them because they were at the show, just enjoy the art, etc etc.  Worrying about the perceived rarity of items doesn't have a place if anyone actually cares to curb the merch flipping madness.  
    I'm with you. I could care less. But again I'm not on the hook for production and logistics.

    Whether they admit it or not, there are a lot of people who do care about the posters being limited. I'd like to think this wasn't the case, but the merch frenzy speaks otherwise. 
  • Big Bank HankBig Bank Hank Posts: 8,639
    I asked if any 10c members attending Wrigley getting merchandise could pick me up a extra poster. My final cost with shipping was 42.00 shipped today & have a confirmation number, maybe those of us who are real fans can help each other like that in the future so as to avoid flippers on Ebay & getting price gouged, maybe they could even create a new category in the forum specifically for that purpose. It's super easy when you use PayPal

  • PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Posts: 49,870
    edited August 2018
    tubes10s said:
    I wish it were that simple. 10C is only a handful of people. They have to outsource. Seems like a great idea in theory, but when it comes to execution its not that simple. Staffing, returns, shipping, customer service etc etc etc.

    And if the rarity is crushed by mass production........will we all chip in to buy the extra inventory they are stuck with? Pretty sure we won't.

    According to the way that folks talk here, they don't want the posters because they are rare.  They want them because they were at the show, just enjoy the art, etc etc.  Worrying about the perceived rarity of items doesn't have a place if anyone actually cares to curb the merch flipping madness.  
    I'm with you. I could care less. But again I'm not on the hook for production and logistics.

    Whether they admit it or not, there are a lot of people who do care about the posters being limited. I'd like to think this wasn't the case, but the merch frenzy speaks otherwise. 
    Absolutely they do. Even many of the fans who want the poster because they are at the show and/or really like the art also have thoughts of price appreciation in the backs of their minds at least, and many others have it at the front of their minds, which is why they buy more than one for themselves. One for them, one to store and hopefully sell later for a ton of cash, or trade later for another valuable item. There is also a kind of inherent value factor in limited items for collectors.... but I'm not really convinced that that is particularly separate from potential inflated value. Whether collectors want to admit it or not, I think the $$ value is always a factor with limited items. People just like valuable stuff, and getting it for a bargain (aka face value)!
    Post edited by PJ_Soul on
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
  • MB93672MB93672 Posts: 293
    I asked if any 10c members attending Wrigley getting merchandise could pick me up a extra poster. My final cost with shipping was 42.00 shipped today & have a confirmation number, maybe those of us who are real fans can help each other like that in the future so as to avoid flippers on Ebay & getting price gouged, maybe they could even create a new category in the forum specifically for that purpose. It's super easy when you use PayPal

    Agreed. I did this for several people on this tour, all at face value. Happy to help if I can. 
  • BV42562BV42562 Posts: 11
    nesper said:
    BV42562 said:
    tubes10s said:
    The folks who plan and control selling the merch have it all set up exactly like they want to create the short supply and frenzied demand.  If they wanted to improve the situation, they would.  
    And that solution is what? Lots of people yelling fire. Not a lot of people running for water. Double or triple the amount of production of the highly sought after items.........the lines stay the same length. Flippers will still be there. 
    They can make it all available online.  Right now the situation appears to be creating demand and rarity over making fans happy. It doesn't really seem like the merchandising approach is in line with the band. Maybe they have minimal hands on the merch situation and this is contracted out, maybe they need to reevaluate who handles it for them or change the approach.
    I think you hit the nail on the head. Not a popular thought but the answer is always " follow the money". Someone is benefiting from this approach and it can't just be flippers. 
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