just to add to this https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-administration-preparing-to-shelter-migrant-children-on-military-bases/2018/05/15/f8103356-584e-11e8-b656-a5f8c2a9295d_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.ffb1ba7957dc : Children held in HHS custody spend an average of 45 days in the government’s care, the HHS official said, and they are provided with educational and recreational opportunities. The agency conducts background checks on potential sponsors for the minors, and in 85 percent of cases the children are released to a parent or other adult relative already present in the United States, the official said. The use of military bases to hold immigrant children is not without precedent. At the peak of the 2014 child-immigration crisis, the Obama administration used bases in Oklahoma, Texas and California to house more than 7,000 children over a period of several months.
“If you’re smuggling a child, then we’re going to prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you, probably, as required by law,” Sessions said in a speech last week.
“If you don’t want your child separated, then don’t bring them across the border illegally,” he added. “It’s not our fault that somebody does that.”
"Drain the swamp" - by letting your representatives pay their sexual harassment suits with taxpayer dollars, refuse to pay it back, quit on the verge of being sanctioned by the Ethics Committee, and take nifty new high paying job as a lobbyist.
Like it or lump it Trump has been on a roll lately and his approval numbers are still climbing.
I was curious about what he has been on a roll about lately so I sought out his advisers and found this. Is this what you mean?
I've been through this with Mr Ryme before. He does not watch or read any news despite sharing the same talking points that appear on Fox and Friends every morning.
It is an uncanny coincidence... the likes of which the world has never seen.
What he has been doing is what I like. Those things on that list I think are great. talking points. You take what you hear and spout what you think you know. So you spew out leftietalking points, & I spew out righty talking points. Ok. Mr. Facetious. . You get all your s*** from CNN and MSNBC and ABC NBC PBS BBC . It's an uncanny coincidence that all you talk about is spewed out on all those major networks everyday but but I know you came up with all your opinions on your own by coincidence. And everything you say is original thought. Yeppers! I start my day at 2 a.m. Fox & Friends is not on when I'm home. But I do listen to a lot of News Talk Radio.
You like that list? That list was put together for one audience, Donald Trump.
"Rising approval numbers" is NOT an "accomplishment." They're actually lower than any other elected president not named Jimmy Carter.
Two judges "rebuking Mueller's investigation" is also not an accomplishment. The one today actually ruled in favor of Mueller anyway. I don't think Trump or Fox and Friends or Hannity or Rush on the radio will tell that to you though.
Two of the prisoners were taken while Trump was in office anyway.
And the economy was great prior to Trump coming into office. He literally inherited a great economy and then just took all the credit for it.
You put the fucking list up. I don't care what's on Fox's list. I like what he's been doing. I'm extatic. I didn't make the fox & friends list. Even if you like some of what's happening, you can't admit it because it's happening under Trump. You like Kim Jong un better than you like Trump. Kim Jong un has a higher approval rating in your book than Trump. You don't want any of these good things that might happen to happen, even if it means a safer world. You want it all to fail so that you can say that Trump can't do shit & he's a bafoon. I think that he's proving that people with your mindsets are the bafoons, & he's not.
Like it or lump it Trump has been on a roll lately and his approval numbers are still climbing.
I was curious about what he has been on a roll about lately so I sought out his advisers and found this. Is this what you mean?
I've been through this with Mr Ryme before. He does not watch or read any news despite sharing the same talking points that appear on Fox and Friends every morning.
It is an uncanny coincidence... the likes of which the world has never seen.
What he has been doing is what I like. Those things on that list I think are great. talking points. You take what you hear and spout what you think you know. So you spew out leftietalking points, & I spew out righty talking points. Ok. Mr. Facetious. . You get all your s*** from CNN and MSNBC and ABC NBC PBS BBC . It's an uncanny coincidence that all you talk about is spewed out on all those major networks everyday but but I know you came up with all your opinions on your own by coincidence. And everything you say is original thought. Yeppers! I start my day at 2 a.m. Fox & Friends is not on when I'm home. But I do listen to a lot of News Talk Radio.
You like that list? That list was put together for one audience, Donald Trump.
"Rising approval numbers" is NOT an "accomplishment." They're actually lower than any other elected president not named Jimmy Carter.
Two judges "rebuking Mueller's investigation" is also not an accomplishment. The one today actually ruled in favor of Mueller anyway. I don't think Trump or Fox and Friends or Hannity or Rush on the radio will tell that to you though.
Two of the prisoners were taken while Trump was in office anyway.
And the economy was great prior to Trump coming into office. He literally inherited a great economy and then just took all the credit for it.
You put the fucking list up. I don't care what's on Fox's list. I like what he's been doing. I'm extatic. I didn't make the fox & friends list. Even if you like some of what's happening, you can't admit it because it's happening under Trump. You like Kim Jong un better than you like Trump. Kim Jong un has a higher approval rating in your book than Trump. You don't want any of these good things that might happen to happen, even if it means a safer world. You want it all to fail so that you can say that Trump can't do shit & he's a bafoon. I think that he's proving that people with your mindsets are the bafoons, & he's not.
My number one priority is to see this president impeached.
Follow the money, from Russia with Love and a PTape, all the way to impeachment.
Like it or lump it Trump has been on a roll lately and his approval numbers are still climbing.
I was curious about what he has been on a roll about lately so I sought out his advisers and found this. Is this what you mean?
I've been through this with Mr Ryme before. He does not watch or read any news despite sharing the same talking points that appear on Fox and Friends every morning.
It is an uncanny coincidence... the likes of which the world has never seen.
What he has been doing is what I like. Those things on that list I think are great. talking points. You take what you hear and spout what you think you know. So you spew out leftietalking points, & I spew out righty talking points. Ok. Mr. Facetious. . You get all your s*** from CNN and MSNBC and ABC NBC PBS BBC . It's an uncanny coincidence that all you talk about is spewed out on all those major networks everyday but but I know you came up with all your opinions on your own by coincidence. And everything you say is original thought. Yeppers! I start my day at 2 a.m. Fox & Friends is not on when I'm home. But I do listen to a lot of News Talk Radio.
You like that list? That list was put together for one audience, Donald Trump.
"Rising approval numbers" is NOT an "accomplishment." They're actually lower than any other elected president not named Jimmy Carter.
Two judges "rebuking Mueller's investigation" is also not an accomplishment. The one today actually ruled in favor of Mueller anyway. I don't think Trump or Fox and Friends or Hannity or Rush on the radio will tell that to you though.
Two of the prisoners were taken while Trump was in office anyway.
And the economy was great prior to Trump coming into office. He literally inherited a great economy and then just took all the credit for it.
You put the fucking list up. I don't care what's on Fox's list. I like what he's been doing. I'm extatic. I didn't make the fox & friends list. Even if you like some of what's happening, you can't admit it because it's happening under Trump. You like Kim Jong un better than you like Trump. Kim Jong un has a higher approval rating in your book than Trump. You don't want any of these good things that might happen to happen, even if it means a safer world. You want it all to fail so that you can say that Trump can't do shit & he's a bafoon. I think that he's proving that people with your mindsets are the bafoons, & he's not.
My number one priority is to see this president impeached.
Follow the money, from Russia with Love and a PTape, all the way to impeachment.
Good luck on that. Right now he's a shoo-in for 2020, & there is no blue wave coming.
Like it or lump it Trump has been on a roll lately and his approval numbers are still climbing.
I was curious about what he has been on a roll about lately so I sought out his advisers and found this. Is this what you mean?
I've been through this with Mr Ryme before. He does not watch or read any news despite sharing the same talking points that appear on Fox and Friends every morning.
It is an uncanny coincidence... the likes of which the world has never seen.
What he has been doing is what I like. Those things on that list I think are great. talking points. You take what you hear and spout what you think you know. So you spew out leftietalking points, & I spew out righty talking points. Ok. Mr. Facetious. . You get all your s*** from CNN and MSNBC and ABC NBC PBS BBC . It's an uncanny coincidence that all you talk about is spewed out on all those major networks everyday but but I know you came up with all your opinions on your own by coincidence. And everything you say is original thought. Yeppers! I start my day at 2 a.m. Fox & Friends is not on when I'm home. But I do listen to a lot of News Talk Radio.
You like that list? That list was put together for one audience, Donald Trump.
"Rising approval numbers" is NOT an "accomplishment." They're actually lower than any other elected president not named Jimmy Carter.
Two judges "rebuking Mueller's investigation" is also not an accomplishment. The one today actually ruled in favor of Mueller anyway. I don't think Trump or Fox and Friends or Hannity or Rush on the radio will tell that to you though.
Two of the prisoners were taken while Trump was in office anyway.
And the economy was great prior to Trump coming into office. He literally inherited a great economy and then just took all the credit for it.
You put the fucking list up. I don't care what's on Fox's list. I like what he's been doing. I'm extatic. I didn't make the fox & friends list. Even if you like some of what's happening, you can't admit it because it's happening under Trump. You like Kim Jong un better than you like Trump. Kim Jong un has a higher approval rating in your book than Trump. You don't want any of these good things that might happen to happen, even if it means a safer world. You want it all to fail so that you can say that Trump can't do shit & he's a bafoon. I think that he's proving that people with your mindsets are the bafoons, & he's not.
So if I get the point here... it's that... I'm a buffoon?
Like it or lump it Trump has been on a roll lately and his approval numbers are still climbing.
I was curious about what he has been on a roll about lately so I sought out his advisers and found this. Is this what you mean?
I've been through this with Mr Ryme before. He does not watch or read any news despite sharing the same talking points that appear on Fox and Friends every morning.
It is an uncanny coincidence... the likes of which the world has never seen.
What he has been doing is what I like. Those things on that list I think are great. talking points. You take what you hear and spout what you think you know. So you spew out leftietalking points, & I spew out righty talking points. Ok. Mr. Facetious. . You get all your s*** from CNN and MSNBC and ABC NBC PBS BBC . It's an uncanny coincidence that all you talk about is spewed out on all those major networks everyday but but I know you came up with all your opinions on your own by coincidence. And everything you say is original thought. Yeppers! I start my day at 2 a.m. Fox & Friends is not on when I'm home. But I do listen to a lot of News Talk Radio.
You like that list? That list was put together for one audience, Donald Trump.
"Rising approval numbers" is NOT an "accomplishment." They're actually lower than any other elected president not named Jimmy Carter.
Two judges "rebuking Mueller's investigation" is also not an accomplishment. The one today actually ruled in favor of Mueller anyway. I don't think Trump or Fox and Friends or Hannity or Rush on the radio will tell that to you though.
Two of the prisoners were taken while Trump was in office anyway.
And the economy was great prior to Trump coming into office. He literally inherited a great economy and then just took all the credit for it.
You put the fucking list up. I don't care what's on Fox's list. I like what he's been doing. I'm extatic. I didn't make the fox & friends list. Even if you like some of what's happening, you can't admit it because it's happening under Trump. You like Kim Jong un better than you like Trump. Kim Jong un has a higher approval rating in your book than Trump. You don't want any of these good things that might happen to happen, even if it means a safer world. You want it all to fail so that you can say that Trump can't do shit & he's a bafoon. I think that he's proving that people with your mindsets are the bafoons, & he's not.
So if I get the point here... it's that... I'm a buffoon?
Gawddamit. That's the last thing I wanted to be.
If you want good things to fail, just because, because you hate Trump, then??? maybe. But I don't know what you want. I wasn't a big Obama fan. But when Obama gave the go-ahead to take out Bin Laden, because they knew where he was,, I said great!! Spike that football all you want Obama more power to ya!! There used to be a time in America, when Republicans & Democrats differed on social issues, big government small government taxes, & social programs mainly. On the world stage we used to be pretty much United. R&D, Those days are apparently over. But patriotically and on foreign affairs, we used to bepretty much in the same boat,& on the same team. But that has drastically changed for some reason. What I mean is the two parties used to get along on some things but not other things. Nowadays there's no way. It's All or Nothing. And anybody who gives the other side a little bit of credit will be punished by their own group it's ridiculous. Good night.
Like it or lump it Trump has been on a roll lately and his approval numbers are still climbing.
I was curious about what he has been on a roll about lately so I sought out his advisers and found this. Is this what you mean?
I've been through this with Mr Ryme before. He does not watch or read any news despite sharing the same talking points that appear on Fox and Friends every morning.
It is an uncanny coincidence... the likes of which the world has never seen.
What he has been doing is what I like. Those things on that list I think are great. talking points. You take what you hear and spout what you think you know. So you spew out leftietalking points, & I spew out righty talking points. Ok. Mr. Facetious. . You get all your s*** from CNN and MSNBC and ABC NBC PBS BBC . It's an uncanny coincidence that all you talk about is spewed out on all those major networks everyday but but I know you came up with all your opinions on your own by coincidence. And everything you say is original thought. Yeppers! I start my day at 2 a.m. Fox & Friends is not on when I'm home. But I do listen to a lot of News Talk Radio.
You like that list? That list was put together for one audience, Donald Trump.
"Rising approval numbers" is NOT an "accomplishment." They're actually lower than any other elected president not named Jimmy Carter.
Two judges "rebuking Mueller's investigation" is also not an accomplishment. The one today actually ruled in favor of Mueller anyway. I don't think Trump or Fox and Friends or Hannity or Rush on the radio will tell that to you though.
Two of the prisoners were taken while Trump was in office anyway.
And the economy was great prior to Trump coming into office. He literally inherited a great economy and then just took all the credit for it.
You put the fucking list up. I don't care what's on Fox's list. I like what he's been doing. I'm extatic. I didn't make the fox & friends list. Even if you like some of what's happening, you can't admit it because it's happening under Trump. You like Kim Jong un better than you like Trump. Kim Jong un has a higher approval rating in your book than Trump. You don't want any of these good things that might happen to happen, even if it means a safer world. You want it all to fail so that you can say that Trump can't do shit & he's a bafoon. I think that he's proving that people with your mindsets are the bafoons, & he's not.
Someone remind me who called Kim Jong "honorable"? Did Rush & Hannity talk about that while you were on the road my ecstatic fox & friend?
Like it or lump it Trump has been on a roll lately and his approval numbers are still climbing.
I was curious about what he has been on a roll about lately so I sought out his advisers and found this. Is this what you mean?
I've been through this with Mr Ryme before. He does not watch or read any news despite sharing the same talking points that appear on Fox and Friends every morning.
It is an uncanny coincidence... the likes of which the world has never seen.
What he has been doing is what I like. Those things on that list I think are great. talking points. You take what you hear and spout what you think you know. So you spew out leftietalking points, & I spew out righty talking points. Ok. Mr. Facetious. . You get all your s*** from CNN and MSNBC and ABC NBC PBS BBC . It's an uncanny coincidence that all you talk about is spewed out on all those major networks everyday but but I know you came up with all your opinions on your own by coincidence. And everything you say is original thought. Yeppers! I start my day at 2 a.m. Fox & Friends is not on when I'm home. But I do listen to a lot of News Talk Radio.
You like that list? That list was put together for one audience, Donald Trump.
"Rising approval numbers" is NOT an "accomplishment." They're actually lower than any other elected president not named Jimmy Carter.
Two judges "rebuking Mueller's investigation" is also not an accomplishment. The one today actually ruled in favor of Mueller anyway. I don't think Trump or Fox and Friends or Hannity or Rush on the radio will tell that to you though.
Two of the prisoners were taken while Trump was in office anyway.
And the economy was great prior to Trump coming into office. He literally inherited a great economy and then just took all the credit for it.
You put the fucking list up. I don't care what's on Fox's list. I like what he's been doing. I'm extatic. I didn't make the fox & friends list. Even if you like some of what's happening, you can't admit it because it's happening under Trump. You like Kim Jong un better than you like Trump. Kim Jong un has a higher approval rating in your book than Trump. You don't want any of these good things that might happen to happen, even if it means a safer world. You want it all to fail so that you can say that Trump can't do shit & he's a bafoon. I think that he's proving that people with your mindsets are the bafoons, & he's not.
Actually, I put the list up because a "news" station put them up as accomplishments. Make fun of what you call the "liberal" stations, but at least recognize how ridiculous that list is to be used as evidence he is on a roll by a right wing station. I would say the same of a liberal station using those as proof for any Democrat. It's pathetic. I'd get a better response from my 5 year old.
Anyway, we have heard the excuse that Hillary was evil so there was no choice, but to vote for Trump. Now it seems the truth is that you actually like him and want him to be re-elected even though he is a terrible human being. I would think that you would be hoping for a Republican candidate who has morals, decency, public speaking skills and the ability for diplomacy.
NK currently signalling that they are not willing to give up their nukes. Wasn't that Trump's expectations of the summit - denuclearization? In fact, he tweeted on April 22 that NK had "agreed to denuclearization". Seems, in fact, they have not.
“But we are no longer interested in a negotiation that will be all about driving us into a corner and making a one-sided demand for us to give up our nukes and this would force us to reconsider whether we would accept the North Korea-US summit meeting.”
Like it or lump it Trump has been on a roll lately and his approval numbers are still climbing.
I was curious about what he has been on a roll about lately so I sought out his advisers and found this. Is this what you mean?
I've been through this with Mr Ryme before. He does not watch or read any news despite sharing the same talking points that appear on Fox and Friends every morning.
It is an uncanny coincidence... the likes of which the world has never seen.
What he has been doing is what I like. Those things on that list I think are great. talking points. You take what you hear and spout what you think you know. So you spew out leftietalking points, & I spew out righty talking points. Ok. Mr. Facetious. . You get all your s*** from CNN and MSNBC and ABC NBC PBS BBC . It's an uncanny coincidence that all you talk about is spewed out on all those major networks everyday but but I know you came up with all your opinions on your own by coincidence. And everything you say is original thought. Yeppers! I start my day at 2 a.m. Fox & Friends is not on when I'm home. But I do listen to a lot of News Talk Radio.
You like that list? That list was put together for one audience, Donald Trump.
"Rising approval numbers" is NOT an "accomplishment." They're actually lower than any other elected president not named Jimmy Carter.
Two judges "rebuking Mueller's investigation" is also not an accomplishment. The one today actually ruled in favor of Mueller anyway. I don't think Trump or Fox and Friends or Hannity or Rush on the radio will tell that to you though.
Two of the prisoners were taken while Trump was in office anyway.
And the economy was great prior to Trump coming into office. He literally inherited a great economy and then just took all the credit for it.
You put the fucking list up. I don't care what's on Fox's list. I like what he's been doing. I'm extatic. I didn't make the fox & friends list. Even if you like some of what's happening, you can't admit it because it's happening under Trump. You like Kim Jong un better than you like Trump. Kim Jong un has a higher approval rating in your book than Trump. You don't want any of these good things that might happen to happen, even if it means a safer world. You want it all to fail so that you can say that Trump can't do shit & he's a bafoon. I think that he's proving that people with your mindsets are the bafoons, & he's not.
My number one priority is to see this president impeached.
Follow the money, from Russia with Love and a PTape, all the way to impeachment.
Good luck on that. Right now he's a shoo-in for 2020, & there is no blue wave coming.
NK currently signalling that they are not willing to give up their nukes. Wasn't that Trump's expectations of the summit - denuclearization? In fact, he tweeted on April 22 that NK had "agreed to denuclearization". Seems, in fact, they have not.
“But we are no longer interested in a negotiation that will be all about driving us into a corner and making a one-sided demand for us to give up our nukes and this would force us to reconsider whether we would accept the North Korea-US summit meeting.”
NK currently signalling that they are not willing to give up their nukes. Wasn't that Trump's expectations of the summit - denuclearization? In fact, he tweeted on April 22 that NK had "agreed to denuclearization". Seems, in fact, they have not.
“But we are no longer interested in a negotiation that will be all about driving us into a corner and making a one-sided demand for us to give up our nukes and this would force us to reconsider whether we would accept the North Korea-US summit meeting.”
Like it or lump it Trump has been on a roll lately and his approval numbers are still climbing.
I was curious about what he has been on a roll about lately so I sought out his advisers and found this. Is this what you mean?
I've been through this with Mr Ryme before. He does not watch or read any news despite sharing the same talking points that appear on Fox and Friends every morning.
It is an uncanny coincidence... the likes of which the world has never seen.
What he has been doing is what I like. Those things on that list I think are great. talking points. You take what you hear and spout what you think you know. So you spew out leftietalking points, & I spew out righty talking points. Ok. Mr. Facetious. . You get all your s*** from CNN and MSNBC and ABC NBC PBS BBC . It's an uncanny coincidence that all you talk about is spewed out on all those major networks everyday but but I know you came up with all your opinions on your own by coincidence. And everything you say is original thought. Yeppers! I start my day at 2 a.m. Fox & Friends is not on when I'm home. But I do listen to a lot of News Talk Radio.
You like that list? That list was put together for one audience, Donald Trump.
"Rising approval numbers" is NOT an "accomplishment." They're actually lower than any other elected president not named Jimmy Carter.
Two judges "rebuking Mueller's investigation" is also not an accomplishment. The one today actually ruled in favor of Mueller anyway. I don't think Trump or Fox and Friends or Hannity or Rush on the radio will tell that to you though.
Two of the prisoners were taken while Trump was in office anyway.
And the economy was great prior to Trump coming into office. He literally inherited a great economy and then just took all the credit for it.
You put the fucking list up. I don't care what's on Fox's list. I like what he's been doing. I'm extatic. I didn't make the fox & friends list. Even if you like some of what's happening, you can't admit it because it's happening under Trump. You like Kim Jong un better than you like Trump. Kim Jong un has a higher approval rating in your book than Trump. You don't want any of these good things that might happen to happen, even if it means a safer world. You want it all to fail so that you can say that Trump can't do shit & he's a bafoon. I think that he's proving that people with your mindsets are the bafoons, & he's not.
Someone remind me who called Kim Jong "honorable"? Did Rush & Hannity talk about that while you were on the road my ecstatic fox & friend?
“Very honorable.” Be prepared for more arm crossed fire and fury rhetoric, along with my button is bigger and it works. USA USA USA USA USA USA
I don't listen to Rush or Hannity lol. I like Larry Elder out of LA, Jay Weber, Dan O'Donnell, Vicki McKenna, Mark Belling, (Milwaukee) gave you a few names for starters. I forgot to mention to James T Harris out of Phoenix. The national conversation good s***. Former Congressman Joe Walsh has a good Show too out of Chicago.
I don't listen to Rush or Hannity lol. I like Larry Elder out of LA, Jay Weber, Dan O'Donnell, Vicki McKenna, Mark Belling, (Milwaukee) gave you a few names for starters. I forgot to mention to James T Harris out of Phoenix. The national conversation good s***. Former Congressman Joe Walsh has a good Show too out of Chicago.
It's clear now. The craziest medium there is, radio
I don't listen to Rush or Hannity lol. I like Larry Elder out of LA, Jay Weber, Dan O'Donnell, Vicki McKenna, Mark Belling, (Milwaukee) gave you a few names for starters. I forgot to mention to James T Harris out of Phoenix. The national conversation good s***. Former Congressman Joe Walsh has a good Show too out of Chicago.
It's clear now. The craziest medium there is, radio
I don't listen to Rush or Hannity lol. I like Larry Elder out of LA, Jay Weber, Dan O'Donnell, Vicki McKenna, Mark Belling, (Milwaukee) gave you a few names for starters. I forgot to mention to James T Harris out of Phoenix. The national conversation good s***. Former Congressman Joe Walsh has a good Show too out of Chicago.
It's clear now. The craziest medium there is, radio
Hey smelly, do you ever have any insightful thoughts of your own to add to the conversation? Do you ever stick to any of the topics? Or do you just comment on the commenters? Your day must be real fun, go into several of the different threads, find some low-hanging fruit take a personal cheap shot and leave. That a boy!
I don't listen to Rush or Hannity lol. I like Larry Elder out of LA, Jay Weber, Dan O'Donnell, Vicki McKenna, Mark Belling, (Milwaukee) gave you a few names for starters. I forgot to mention to James T Harris out of Phoenix. The national conversation good s***. Former Congressman Joe Walsh has a good Show too out of Chicago.
It's clear now. The craziest medium there is, radio
Facebook for sure.
I don't know. The few road trips I have taken through the US I listened to some of your talk radio. It was poison. I couldn't believe how bad it was, and that was years ago, I can only imagine how bad it is now.
Thankfully we don't have anything really comparable here in Canada.
I don't listen to Rush or Hannity lol. I like Larry Elder out of LA, Jay Weber, Dan O'Donnell, Vicki McKenna, Mark Belling, (Milwaukee) gave you a few names for starters. I forgot to mention to James T Harris out of Phoenix. The national conversation good s***. Former Congressman Joe Walsh has a good Show too out of Chicago.
Walsh has been pretty critical of tRump. You must be devastated.
Remember the Thomas Nine !! (10/02/2018) The Golden Age is 2 months away. And guess what….. you’re gonna love it! (teskeinc 11.19.24)
1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago 2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy 2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE) 2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston 2020: Oakland, Oakland:2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana 2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville 2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana; 2025: Pitt1, Pitt2
Hey smelly, do you ever have any insightful thoughts of your own to add to the conversation? Do you ever stick to any of the topics? Or do you just comment on the commenters? Your day must be real fun, go into several of the different threads, find some low-hanging fruit take a personal cheap shot and leave. That a boy!
you said it not me. LOL
Arguing with somebody who gets news from right wing talk shows is pointless.
You pointed out where you get your 'news'. I was on point with the topic.
The cognitive dissonance it takes to hate everything about Obama and love Trump, especially as a so called Christian, is asinine to me.
Every fiber in Obama's being is a better man than Trump. Trump has not a shred decency in his body. He fails as a human being imo as does most of the world. So by association his supporters fail as human beings too.
You could be fooled at the election even though there was mountains of evidence, but at this point it is willful ignorance to still support him.
I don't listen to Rush or Hannity lol. I like Larry Elder out of LA, Jay Weber, Dan O'Donnell, Vicki McKenna, Mark Belling, (Milwaukee) gave you a few names for starters. I forgot to mention to James T Harris out of Phoenix. The national conversation good s***. Former Congressman Joe Walsh has a good Show too out of Chicago.
It's clear now. The craziest medium there is, radio
Facebook for sure.
I don't know. The few road trips I have taken through the US I listened to some of your talk radio. It was poison. I couldn't believe how bad it was, and that was years ago, I can only imagine how bad it is now.
Thankfully we don't have anything really comparable here in Canada.
I don't listen to Rush or Hannity lol. I like Larry Elder out of LA, Jay Weber, Dan O'Donnell, Vicki McKenna, Mark Belling, (Milwaukee) gave you a few names for starters. I forgot to mention to James T Harris out of Phoenix. The national conversation good s***. Former Congressman Joe Walsh has a good Show too out of Chicago.
It's clear now. The craziest medium there is, radio
Facebook for sure.
I don't know. The few road trips I have taken through the US I listened to some of your talk radio. It was poison. I couldn't believe how bad it was, and that was years ago, I can only imagine how bad it is now.
Thankfully we don't have anything really comparable here in Canada.
Children held in HHS custody spend an average of 45 days in the government’s care, the HHS official said, and they are provided with educational and recreational opportunities. The agency conducts background checks on potential sponsors for the minors, and in 85 percent of cases the children are released to a parent or other adult relative already present in the United States, the official said.
The use of military bases to hold immigrant children is not without precedent. At the peak of the 2014 child-immigration crisis, the Obama administration used bases in Oklahoma, Texas and California to house more than 7,000 children over a period of several months.
“If you’re smuggling a child, then we’re going to prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you, probably, as required by law,” Sessions said in a speech last week.
“If you don’t want your child separated, then don’t bring them across the border illegally,” he added. “It’s not our fault that somebody does that.”
I like what he's been doing. I'm extatic.
I didn't make the fox & friends list.
Even if you like some of what's happening, you can't admit it because it's happening under Trump.
You like Kim Jong un better than you like Trump. Kim Jong un has a higher approval rating in your book than Trump. You don't want any of these good things that might happen to happen, even if it means a safer world. You want it all to fail so that you can say that Trump can't do shit & he's a bafoon.
I think that he's proving that people with your mindsets are the bafoons, & he's not.
Follow the money, from Russia with Love and a PTape, all the way to impeachment.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Right now he's a shoo-in for 2020, & there is no blue wave coming.
So if I get the point here... it's that... I'm a buffoon?
Gawddamit. That's the last thing I wanted to be.
I wasn't a big Obama fan. But when Obama gave the go-ahead to take out Bin Laden, because they knew where he was,, I said great!! Spike that football all you want Obama more power to ya!! There used to be a time in America, when Republicans & Democrats differed on social issues, big government small government taxes, & social programs mainly.
On the world stage we used to be pretty much United. R&D, Those days are apparently over.
But patriotically and on foreign affairs, we used to bepretty much in the same boat,& on the same team.
But that has drastically changed for some reason.
What I mean is the two parties used to get along on some things but not other things. Nowadays there's no way. It's All or Nothing. And anybody who gives the other side a little bit of credit will be punished by their own group it's ridiculous.
Good night.
I think at one time R & D were arm in arm with morals too- united in what was good and just.
But this has changed for some reason. And I only see one side compromised.
Look in the mirror for the division.
Someone remind me who called Kim Jong "honorable"? Did Rush & Hannity talk about that while you were on the road my ecstatic fox & friend?
Anyway, we have heard the excuse that Hillary was evil so there was no choice, but to vote for Trump. Now it seems the truth is that you actually like him and want him to be re-elected even though he is a terrible human being. I would think that you would be hoping for a Republican candidate who has morals, decency, public speaking skills and the ability for diplomacy.
“But we are no longer interested in a negotiation that will be all about driving us into a corner and making a one-sided demand for us to give up our nukes and this would force us to reconsider whether we would accept the North Korea-US summit meeting.”
Justice Department and F.B.I. Are Investigating Cambridge Analytica - The New York Times https://apple.news/A0_LTpGHVT3G_7TwqRr-h3Q
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
I like Larry Elder out of LA, Jay Weber, Dan O'Donnell, Vicki McKenna, Mark Belling, (Milwaukee) gave you a few names for starters.
Former Congressman Joe Walsh has a good Show too out of Chicago.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
You got me.
Your day must be real fun, go into several of the different threads, find some low-hanging fruit take a personal cheap shot and leave. That a boy!
Thankfully we don't have anything really comparable here in Canada.
The Golden Age is 2 months away. And guess what….. you’re gonna love it! (teskeinc 11.19.24)
1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
2020: Oakland, Oakland: 2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana; 2025: Pitt1, Pitt2
The Golden Age is 2 months away. And guess what….. you’re gonna love it! (teskeinc 11.19.24)
1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
2020: Oakland, Oakland: 2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana; 2025: Pitt1, Pitt2