
How old is too young?



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    HughFreakingDillonHughFreakingDillon Winnipeg Posts: 36,009
    I'm pretty sure the most recent message has been, "my wife will be sick for days from your pot smoke" and "I have a serious allergy, so stop." Forgive me for interpreting that to mean, "My kid is more special than your buzz." You're right. I confused my original concern for smoking in front of your child with your adult issues.

    Look, I generally don't waste time on the Internet debating shit. So thank you for sharing all your thoughts. Enjoy your next show.
    you are clearly confused. 

    -smoke pot at a show if you wish (I used to)
    -someone who rats someone out for doing so is well within their right to do so, and is not an "asshole", because they might have health issues related to that
    -my kid is not more special than your buzz. my kid does not affect you,  your pot smoke may affect others. 

    at weezer, as I've said, someone lit up a few rows over at the beginning of the show, as they opened with Hash Pipe. I laughed to myself and hoped she wouldn't ask me about it. and she didn't. so it was all good. 

    when i used to smoke at shows, if I was next to a kid or an older couple, I just wouldn't smoke. common courtesy. I would survey my surroundings and make that call based on my observations. 

    I give a shit about others. 
    Dude, I really don't appreciate the implication that I don't care about others. In fact, I said that I'm really not cool as an adult smoking weed in front of a kid, being very aware of the impression that would make. I then said I would get really, really annoyed if someone asked me to stop. I didn't say I wouldn't stop. I said I would be annoyed if asked. I would probably take one long toke, hold my breath for as long as I could and then blow it in the other direction, all while trying to hide the scene from your infant, toddler, or whatever because I'm not all about corrupting minors.

    No need to get all judgmental. Isn't that what you complained about earlier?  Just leave me out of your issues. That's all I want in this world, for everybody to leave each other alone. Including the ones who -- Yes -- really don't enjoy having children around when they're trying to chill out. Kids stress me the fuck out. Even when they're just sitting there bopping out, I start worrying about them and take on the caretaker role, and I just don't want that for myself at a fucking concert. It's what I do for a living, and when I'm around them I can't turn it off, which is why I don't want to be near them at concerts on MY time. Sorry you don't understand that or assume my motives are selfish. I don't have to fucking explain or justify myself to anyone in the arena -- unless the cops bust me and I'll deal with that responsibility myself, thank you very much.

    So really, you can reply with whatever, but I'm done. Going for a workout to build up my lungs.
    you implied I think everyone loves my kid. 

    "just leave me out of your issues". Not sure what you keep referring to here. That I like spending time with my daughters? Yeah, REAL issues. 

    so you want everyone to leave everyone else alone, live and let live, oh, except if it bothers you because a tiny human is sitting joyfully next to you. got it. 

    it's not YOUR time if you are in public. just so you are aware. 

    "kids stress me the fuck out". 
    "it's what I do for a living". 

    You're right. I'm awful. How did I not see that before? How despicable of me to want to enjoy a night out doing adult things with other adults during my time off. I don't deserve that at all, nobody does, and only my utter depravity could have led me to have such unrealistic expectations for my life. Clearly you are a much better human being than I am. You are the shining example of what a true and righteous person ought to be. Thank you.   
    did your lungs get a good build up? a whole lotta hot air just came out, so I guess so. 
    I just really don't understand what your problem is. Seriously don't understand. My only position about your child or anybody else's child at a concert is that I don't want to sit next to them, and I've been under attack since. I've been misunderstood multiple times when I tried to explain what I feel are very respectful reasons why (I'd be a bad influence :-), and then I regroup and try to explain again, and that explanation gets a snarky response. Then I try to bow out gracefully and there's still a comeback about my character and an attack on my profession, and now this bitchy comment about my being full of hot air.  

    The real thing I've come to learn about this forum over the years is that's it's full of self-righteous assholes who spend their endless hours and posts trying to better everybody else with their comeback. I don't want to sit next to most of you, never mind your children. 

    Seriously -- have a great time at whatever show you take your children. You and she both have a right to be there if that's what you choose. I'm sure it will be a special time that you will both cherish forever. 
    that's the funny part. i have no problem. you are the one getting all bent out of shape. you make snide remarks about not wanting to smoke weed next to a kid, but not because of the kid, but because it will hurt your buzz. it's all about you, and you don't see that. but you also will spark it up no matter what, and have said you will get annoyed at anyone telling you to stop, even though it's rude and illegal. 

    smoke weed at shows all you want. i've said that repeatedly. i don't give a flying fuck. i mentioned the person that lit up at the beginning of the weezer show. no big deal. i wasn't going to rat them out. if they were beside me, i would hope they'd use their head that maybe it wouldn't be appropriate (seriously, if it wasn't a 5 or 7 year old, but a 16 year old, would you still be pissed? are they not allowed at shows either because it might ruin your time? did you not go to shows at that age?). it's not an 18+ venue, so the expectation is that someone next to them might not be an adult. if they didn't, i'm really not sure what i would have done. i've never come across that situation.

    i also said, i used to smoke weed and cigarettes at shows all the time. if there was a kid beside me, or an older couple, i would refrain out of respect. you don't seem to agree with that. fine. i don't care. but don't sit there and whine about how you need to unwind with other adults. if you are expecting adults only, go to an adults only venue. 

    it's totally laughable someone who says they will do whatever the fuck they want in public no matter if it bothers people or not telling others they are being selfish and self righteous. someone's kid does not affect your ability to have a good time.  you affect your ability to have a good time. it's really that simple. 
    Flight Risk out NOW!


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    HughFreakingDillonHughFreakingDillon Winnipeg Posts: 36,009
    I'm pretty sure the most recent message has been, "my wife will be sick for days from your pot smoke" and "I have a serious allergy, so stop." Forgive me for interpreting that to mean, "My kid is more special than your buzz." You're right. I confused my original concern for smoking in front of your child with your adult issues.

    Look, I generally don't waste time on the Internet debating shit. So thank you for sharing all your thoughts. Enjoy your next show.
    you are clearly confused. 

    -smoke pot at a show if you wish (I used to)
    -someone who rats someone out for doing so is well within their right to do so, and is not an "asshole", because they might have health issues related to that
    -my kid is not more special than your buzz. my kid does not affect you,  your pot smoke may affect others. 

    at weezer, as I've said, someone lit up a few rows over at the beginning of the show, as they opened with Hash Pipe. I laughed to myself and hoped she wouldn't ask me about it. and she didn't. so it was all good. 

    when i used to smoke at shows, if I was next to a kid or an older couple, I just wouldn't smoke. common courtesy. I would survey my surroundings and make that call based on my observations. 

    I give a shit about others. 
    Dude, I really don't appreciate the implication that I don't care about others. In fact, I said that I'm really not cool as an adult smoking weed in front of a kid, being very aware of the impression that would make. I then said I would get really, really annoyed if someone asked me to stop. I didn't say I wouldn't stop. I said I would be annoyed if asked. I would probably take one long toke, hold my breath for as long as I could and then blow it in the other direction, all while trying to hide the scene from your infant, toddler, or whatever because I'm not all about corrupting minors.

    No need to get all judgmental. Isn't that what you complained about earlier?  Just leave me out of your issues. That's all I want in this world, for everybody to leave each other alone. Including the ones who -- Yes -- really don't enjoy having children around when they're trying to chill out. Kids stress me the fuck out. Even when they're just sitting there bopping out, I start worrying about them and take on the caretaker role, and I just don't want that for myself at a fucking concert. It's what I do for a living, and when I'm around them I can't turn it off, which is why I don't want to be near them at concerts on MY time. Sorry you don't understand that or assume my motives are selfish. I don't have to fucking explain or justify myself to anyone in the arena -- unless the cops bust me and I'll deal with that responsibility myself, thank you very much.

    So really, you can reply with whatever, but I'm done. Going for a workout to build up my lungs.
    you implied I think everyone loves my kid. 

    "just leave me out of your issues". Not sure what you keep referring to here. That I like spending time with my daughters? Yeah, REAL issues. 

    so you want everyone to leave everyone else alone, live and let live, oh, except if it bothers you because a tiny human is sitting joyfully next to you. got it. 

    it's not YOUR time if you are in public. just so you are aware. 

    "kids stress me the fuck out". 
    "it's what I do for a living". 

    You're right. I'm awful. How did I not see that before? How despicable of me to want to enjoy a night out doing adult things with other adults during my time off. I don't deserve that at all, nobody does, and only my utter depravity could have led me to have such unrealistic expectations for my life. Clearly you are a much better human being than I am. You are the shining example of what a true and righteous person ought to be. Thank you.   
    did your lungs get a good build up? a whole lotta hot air just came out, so I guess so. 
    I just really don't understand what your problem is. Seriously don't understand. My only position about your child or anybody else's child at a concert is that I don't want to sit next to them, and I've been under attack since. I've been misunderstood multiple times when I tried to explain what I feel are very respectful reasons why (I'd be a bad influence :-), and then I regroup and try to explain again, and that explanation gets a snarky response. Then I try to bow out gracefully and there's still a comeback about my character and an attack on my profession, and now this bitchy comment about my being full of hot air.  

    The real thing I've come to learn about this forum over the years is that's it's full of self-righteous assholes who spend their endless hours and posts trying to better everybody else with their comeback. I don't want to sit next to most of you, never mind your children. 

    Seriously -- have a great time at whatever show you take your children. You and she both have a right to be there if that's what you choose. I'm sure it will be a special time that you will both cherish forever. 
    one last comment: i did not attack your profession. i have massive respect for anyone who works with kids. my wife has worked with children her whole professional life. i just think it's odd for someone to work with kids and then say they get stressed the fuck out by them. that was all. 
    Flight Risk out NOW!


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    HughFreakingDillonHughFreakingDillon Winnipeg Posts: 36,009
    PJ_Soul said:
    If it makes you feel any better, what dreams, I don't want to sit next to anybody's young child or baby at a concert either  ... or really anywhere else, for that matter. I usually humbly put up with it - kids are necessary. But I like to have at least a couple places where I can get away from them.... unfortunately, concerts are where I'd most like to avoid them, but they aren't necessarily one of those few places (even when they should be, apparently) ... but one can still hope and advocate for concerts to be free of young kids, lol. Nothing wrong with that. ;)
    many are. 18+ venues. arena shows are all ages. so all you kid haters can deal with it. :wink:
    Flight Risk out NOW!


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    tbergstbergs Posts: 9,317
    brianlux said:
    tbergs said:
    I'm pretty sure the most recent message has been, "my wife will be sick for days from your pot smoke" and "I have a serious allergy, so stop." Forgive me for interpreting that to mean, "My kid is more special than your buzz." You're right. I confused my original concern for smoking in front of your child with your adult issues.

    Look, I generally don't waste time on the Internet debating shit. So thank you for sharing all your thoughts. Enjoy your next show.
    you are clearly confused. 

    -smoke pot at a show if you wish (I used to)
    -someone who rats someone out for doing so is well within their right to do so, and is not an "asshole", because they might have health issues related to that
    -my kid is not more special than your buzz. my kid does not affect you,  your pot smoke may affect others. 

    at weezer, as I've said, someone lit up a few rows over at the beginning of the show, as they opened with Hash Pipe. I laughed to myself and hoped she wouldn't ask me about it. and she didn't. so it was all good. 

    when i used to smoke at shows, if I was next to a kid or an older couple, I just wouldn't smoke. common courtesy. I would survey my surroundings and make that call based on my observations. 

    I give a shit about others. 
    Dude, I really don't appreciate the implication that I don't care about others. In fact, I said that I'm really not cool as an adult smoking weed in front of a kid, being very aware of the impression that would make. I then said I would get really, really annoyed if someone asked me to stop. I didn't say I wouldn't stop. I said I would be annoyed if asked. I would probably take one long toke, hold my breath for as long as I could and then blow it in the other direction, all while trying to hide the scene from your infant, toddler, or whatever because I'm not all about corrupting minors.

    No need to get all judgmental. Isn't that what you complained about earlier?  Just leave me out of your issues. That's all I want in this world, for everybody to leave each other alone. Including the ones who -- Yes -- really don't enjoy having children around when they're trying to chill out. Kids stress me the fuck out. Even when they're just sitting there bopping out, I start worrying about them and take on the caretaker role, and I just don't want that for myself at a fucking concert. It's what I do for a living, and when I'm around them I can't turn it off, which is why I don't want to be near them at concerts on MY time. Sorry you don't understand that or assume my motives are selfish. I don't have to fucking explain or justify myself to anyone in the arena -- unless the cops bust me and I'll deal with that responsibility myself, thank you very much.

    So really, you can reply with whatever, but I'm done. Going for a workout to build up my lungs.
    you implied I think everyone loves my kid. 

    "just leave me out of your issues". Not sure what you keep referring to here. That I like spending time with my daughters? Yeah, REAL issues. 

    so you want everyone to leave everyone else alone, live and let live, oh, except if it bothers you because a tiny human is sitting joyfully next to you. got it. 

    it's not YOUR time if you are in public. just so you are aware. 

    "kids stress me the fuck out". 
    "it's what I do for a living". 

    I just really don't understand what your problem is. Seriously don't understand. My only position about your child or anybody else's child at a concert is that I don't want to sit next to them, and I've been under attack since. I've been misunderstood multiple times when I tried to explain what I feel are very respectful reasons why (I'd be a bad influence :-), and then I regroup and try to explain again, and that explanation gets a snarky response. Then I try to bow out gracefully and there's still a comeback about my character and an attack on my profession, and now this bitchy comment about my being full of hot air.  

    The real thing I've come to learn about this forum over the years is that's it's full of self-righteous assholes who spend their endless hours and posts trying to better everybody else with their comeback. I don't want to sit next to most of you, never mind your children. 

    Seriously -- have a great time at whatever show you take your children. You and she both have a right to be there if that's what you choose. I'm sure it will be a special time that you will both cherish forever. 
    You are right about one thing. There are some self-righteous assholes on here. I remember when one of them talked down to me for making fun of Ted Cruz when he ate his own booger on live TV...

    The man ate his own booger. Slurped that shit up like a frog snagging a fly. Hilarious.
    Yeah, you just have to refrain from responding sometimes because it's just not worth it to argue with some random person on a Pearl Jam forum. The self righteousness here is only a fraction of the glorified assholeness that you get on the train. 
    Whoa, tbergs, harsh!  Come on man, you've never had strong words on the train?  Jesus man, lighten up.  Everybody has opinions or even  sometimes get emotional or vociferous about those opinions, but it's cool.  I think most people on these boards seem like pretty good people, even the ones I strongly disagree with. And the super obnoxious big-time assholes eventually go away or get banned anyway.  Give your fellow PJ fan a bit more credit, maybe?
    I shouldn't have contributed to the negativity. I was taking a poke at what dreams for something she said to me awhile back. My point is, if you're going to blanket label a bunch of people as self-righteous assholes you should be a little more aware of how you've interacted with others in the past. I understand it was a heated response to someone else and I probably shouldn't have piled on. My bad.
    My bad as well. I meant that there are definitely people who purposely demean and belittle others for either opposing their view or saying something they believe to be inaccurate and that's not ok.

    Honestly, when I first took a ride on the train, I made some snark comments at others who purposely seemed to be trolling or poking the bear per say, but I don't get into anymore because it's just not worth it. We all have our tipping point, as you know. There is a lot of divisive nay saying that occurs and I just don't understand why people think it's ok to be an a-hole because they're being challenged. Expect to be called out on it and if it's a misunderstanding it's easy enough to correct because it's not always easy to figure out tone, intent and context on here. People can be heated and passionate about their stance or opinion without being rude and disrespectful.

    I think JH has been a prime example of how questioning or disagreeing with someone can be done respectfully. You, Brian, are also another good example of someone who maintains respect and I for one appreciate that.

    Anyway, back on track with kids and concerts.
    It's a hopeless situation...
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    brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 40,902
    edited July 2017
    tbergs said:
    brianlux said:
    tbergs said:
    I'm pretty sure the most recent message has been, "my wife will be sick for days from your pot smoke" and "I have a serious allergy, so stop." Forgive me for interpreting that to mean, "My kid is more special than your buzz." You're right. I confused my original concern for smoking in front of your child with your adult issues.

    Look, I generally don't waste time on the Internet debating shit. So thank you for sharing all your thoughts. Enjoy your next show.
    you are clearly confused. 

    -smoke pot at a show if you wish (I used to)
    -someone who rats someone out for doing so is well within their right to do so, and is not an "asshole", because they might have health issues related to that
    -my kid is not more special than your buzz. my kid does not affect you,  your pot smoke may affect others. 

    at weezer, as I've said, someone lit up a few rows over at the beginning of the show, as they opened with Hash Pipe. I laughed to myself and hoped she wouldn't ask me about it. and she didn't. so it was all good. 

    when i used to smoke at shows, if I was next to a kid or an older couple, I just wouldn't smoke. common courtesy. I would survey my surroundings and make that call based on my observations. 

    I give a shit about others. 
    Dude, I really don't appreciate the implication that I don't care about others. In fact, I said that I'm really not cool as an adult smoking weed in front of a kid, being very aware of the impression that would make. I then said I would get really, really annoyed if someone asked me to stop. I didn't say I wouldn't stop. I said I would be annoyed if asked. I would probably take one long toke, hold my breath for as long as I could and then blow it in the other direction, all while trying to hide the scene from your infant, toddler, or whatever because I'm not all about corrupting minors.

    No need to get all judgmental. Isn't that what you complained about earlier?  Just leave me out of your issues. That's all I want in this world, for everybody to leave each other alone. Including the ones who -- Yes -- really don't enjoy having children around when they're trying to chill out. Kids stress me the fuck out. Even when they're just sitting there bopping out, I start worrying about them and take on the caretaker role, and I just don't want that for myself at a fucking concert. It's what I do for a living, and when I'm around them I can't turn it off, which is why I don't want to be near them at concerts on MY time. Sorry you don't understand that or assume my motives are selfish. I don't have to fucking explain or justify myself to anyone in the arena -- unless the cops bust me and I'll deal with that responsibility myself, thank you very much.

    So really, you can reply with whatever, but I'm done. Going for a workout to build up my lungs.
    you implied I think everyone loves my kid. 

    "just leave me out of your issues". Not sure what you keep referring to here. That I like spending time with my daughters? Yeah, REAL issues. 

    so you want everyone to leave everyone else alone, live and let live, oh, except if it bothers you because a tiny human is sitting joyfully next to you. got it. 

    it's not YOUR time if you are in public. just so you are aware. 

    "kids stress me the fuck out". 
    "it's what I do for a living". 

    I just really don't understand what your problem is. Seriously don't understand. My only position about your child or anybody else's child at a concert is that I don't want to sit next to them, and I've been under attack since. I've been misunderstood multiple times when I tried to explain what I feel are very respectful reasons why (I'd be a bad influence :-), and then I regroup and try to explain again, and that explanation gets a snarky response. Then I try to bow out gracefully and there's still a comeback about my character and an attack on my profession, and now this bitchy comment about my being full of hot air.  

    The real thing I've come to learn about this forum over the years is that's it's full of self-righteous assholes who spend their endless hours and posts trying to better everybody else with their comeback. I don't want to sit next to most of you, never mind your children. 

    Seriously -- have a great time at whatever show you take your children. You and she both have a right to be there if that's what you choose. I'm sure it will be a special time that you will both cherish forever. 
    You are right about one thing. There are some self-righteous assholes on here. I remember when one of them talked down to me for making fun of Ted Cruz when he ate his own booger on live TV...

    The man ate his own booger. Slurped that shit up like a frog snagging a fly. Hilarious.
    Yeah, you just have to refrain from responding sometimes because it's just not worth it to argue with some random person on a Pearl Jam forum. The self righteousness here is only a fraction of the glorified assholeness that you get on the train. 
    Whoa, tbergs, harsh!  Come on man, you've never had strong words on the train?  Jesus man, lighten up.  Everybody has opinions or even  sometimes get emotional or vociferous about those opinions, but it's cool.  I think most people on these boards seem like pretty good people, even the ones I strongly disagree with. And the super obnoxious big-time assholes eventually go away or get banned anyway.  Give your fellow PJ fan a bit more credit, maybe?
    I shouldn't have contributed to the negativity. I was taking a poke at what dreams for something she said to me awhile back. My point is, if you're going to blanket label a bunch of people as self-righteous assholes you should be a little more aware of how you've interacted with others in the past. I understand it was a heated response to someone else and I probably shouldn't have piled on. My bad.
    My bad as well. I meant that there are definitely people who purposely demean and belittle others for either opposing their view or saying something they believe to be inaccurate and that's not ok.

    Honestly, when I first took a ride on the train, I made some snark comments at others who purposely seemed to be trolling or poking the bear per say, but I don't get into anymore because it's just not worth it. We all have our tipping point, as you know. There is a lot of divisive nay saying that occurs and I just don't understand why people think it's ok to be an a-hole because they're being challenged. Expect to be called out on it and if it's a misunderstanding it's easy enough to correct because it's not always easy to figure out tone, intent and context on here. People can be heated and passionate about their stance or opinion without being rude and disrespectful.

    I think JH has been a prime example of how questioning or disagreeing with someone can be done respectfully. You, Brian, are also another good example of someone who maintains respect and I for one appreciate that.

    Anyway, back on track with kids and concerts.
    And I appreciate you saying that tb.  But I know I can do better.  Hopefully I'm getting to one step back, two steps forward and not the reverse.

    Even sometimes if I don't always agree with you, bergs, you're a straight shooter, you care, and I respect that!

    A good bunch here.  Peace ya'll.
    Post edited by brianlux on
    “The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man [or woman] who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.”
    Variously credited to Mark Twain or Edward Abbey.

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    rgambsrgambs Posts: 13,576
    I'm pretty sure the most recent message has been, "my wife will be sick for days from your pot smoke" and "I have a serious allergy, so stop." Forgive me for interpreting that to mean, "My kid is more special than your buzz." You're right. I confused my original concern for smoking in front of your child with your adult issues.

    Look, I generally don't waste time on the Internet debating shit. So thank you for sharing all your thoughts. Enjoy your next show.
    you are clearly confused. 

    -smoke pot at a show if you wish (I used to)
    -someone who rats someone out for doing so is well within their right to do so, and is not an "asshole", because they might have health issues related to that
    -my kid is not more special than your buzz. my kid does not affect you,  your pot smoke may affect others. 

    at weezer, as I've said, someone lit up a few rows over at the beginning of the show, as they opened with Hash Pipe. I laughed to myself and hoped she wouldn't ask me about it. and she didn't. so it was all good. 

    when i used to smoke at shows, if I was next to a kid or an older couple, I just wouldn't smoke. common courtesy. I would survey my surroundings and make that call based on my observations. 

    I give a shit about others. 
    Dude, I really don't appreciate the implication that I don't care about others. In fact, I said that I'm really not cool as an adult smoking weed in front of a kid, being very aware of the impression that would make. I then said I would get really, really annoyed if someone asked me to stop. I didn't say I wouldn't stop. I said I would be annoyed if asked. I would probably take one long toke, hold my breath for as long as I could and then blow it in the other direction, all while trying to hide the scene from your infant, toddler, or whatever because I'm not all about corrupting minors.

    No need to get all judgmental. Isn't that what you complained about earlier?  Just leave me out of your issues. That's all I want in this world, for everybody to leave each other alone. Including the ones who -- Yes -- really don't enjoy having children around when they're trying to chill out. Kids stress me the fuck out. Even when they're just sitting there bopping out, I start worrying about them and take on the caretaker role, and I just don't want that for myself at a fucking concert. It's what I do for a living, and when I'm around them I can't turn it off, which is why I don't want to be near them at concerts on MY time. Sorry you don't understand that or assume my motives are selfish. I don't have to fucking explain or justify myself to anyone in the arena -- unless the cops bust me and I'll deal with that responsibility myself, thank you very much.

    So really, you can reply with whatever, but I'm done. Going for a workout to build up my lungs.
    you implied I think everyone loves my kid. 

    "just leave me out of your issues". Not sure what you keep referring to here. That I like spending time with my daughters? Yeah, REAL issues. 

    so you want everyone to leave everyone else alone, live and let live, oh, except if it bothers you because a tiny human is sitting joyfully next to you. got it. 

    it's not YOUR time if you are in public. just so you are aware. 

    "kids stress me the fuck out". 
    "it's what I do for a living". 

    You're right. I'm awful. How did I not see that before? How despicable of me to want to enjoy a night out doing adult things with other adults during my time off. I don't deserve that at all, nobody does, and only my utter depravity could have led me to have such unrealistic expectations for my life. Clearly you are a much better human being than I am. You are the shining example of what a true and righteous person ought to be. Thank you.   
    did your lungs get a good build up? a whole lotta hot air just came out, so I guess so. 
    I just really don't understand what your problem is. Seriously don't understand. My only position about your child or anybody else's child at a concert is that I don't want to sit next to them, and I've been under attack since. I've been misunderstood multiple times when I tried to explain what I feel are very respectful reasons why (I'd be a bad influence :-), and then I regroup and try to explain again, and that explanation gets a snarky response. Then I try to bow out gracefully and there's still a comeback about my character and an attack on my profession, and now this bitchy comment about my being full of hot air.  

    The real thing I've come to learn about this forum over the years is that's it's full of self-righteous assholes who spend their endless hours and posts trying to better everybody else with their comeback. I don't want to sit next to most of you, never mind your children. 

    Seriously -- have a great time at whatever show you take your children. You and she both have a right to be there if that's what you choose. I'm sure it will be a special time that you will both cherish forever. 
    Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
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    rgambsrgambs Posts: 13,576
    Hello, pot, I'd like to introduce you to kettle.
    You're both black.  Accept it.
    Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
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    F Me In The BrainF Me In The Brain this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 30,782
    edited July 2017
    This is great.
    Unless you are the person sitting behind them with no chance to see now.
    Sorry but I think this is the same as "annoying sign guy"
    Have some respect for people who paid for tickets around you and refrain from putting a person on your shoulders....a sign in the air...or your phone up blocking view all night.  This is where I think some go wrong....it is not all about you and your experience.  Enjoy the show and don't mess with others trying to do the same.

    I love that the kid is into it, though.  Cool kid.
    Maybe hold the kid up in front so they would see what you normally see.  
    The love he receives is the love that is saved
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    JH6056JH6056 Posts: 2,427
    brianlux said:
    Speaking of rock shows in general:

    I said I was done here BUT (haha) I do have one other thought and that is for all age venues, what about a family only section?  I know, some of you will scream at me for even suggesting this but really, why not?  In fact, I would go with three sections:  mosh pit, family pit, adult non-mosh pit.  That way the adults in the crowd who don't want to be with the kiddies and just want to be with other adults doing their adult things like getting high, slam dancing, screaming obscenities, puking, bleeding and causing general mayhem, can do so.  Too much trouble?  Then leave the little ones with the babysitter.

    I love the kids in my life and I do lots of great and cool things with them but I just don't get why some of you want to take your kid to a rock show.  Why can't there be activities simply geared for adults anymore?  I don't get that.  Jeez, let the adults do their thing and let the kids be kids for a while already. 
    Aaaah Brian... one day you'll understand that with kids, there's no such thing as not letting them be kids!  Unless you make them babysit their younger siblings instead of playing on their own, they are really kids no matter where you take them.  And good luck with the family-only section.  I can imagine several challenges with making that happen, but hey, if the seats are great, sign me up since I'm too old for the mosh pit anyway!
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    JH6056JH6056 Posts: 2,427
    tbergs said:
    brianlux said:
    tbergs said:
    Yeah, you just have to refrain from responding sometimes because it's just not worth it to argue with some random person on a Pearl Jam forum. The self righteousness here is only a fraction of the glorified assholeness that you get on the train. 
    Whoa, tbergs, harsh!  Come on man, you've never had strong words on the train?  Jesus man, lighten up.  Everybody has opinions or even  sometimes get emotional or vociferous about those opinions, but it's cool.  I think most people on these boards seem like pretty good people, even the ones I strongly disagree with. And the super obnoxious big-time assholes eventually go away or get banned anyway.  Give your fellow PJ fan a bit more credit, maybe?
    I shouldn't have contributed to the negativity. I was taking a poke at what dreams for something she said to me awhile back. My point is, if you're going to blanket label a bunch of people as self-righteous assholes you should be a little more aware of how you've interacted with others in the past. I understand it was a heated response to someone else and I probably shouldn't have piled on. My bad.
    My bad as well. I meant that there are definitely people who purposely demean and belittle others for either opposing their view or saying something they believe to be inaccurate and that's not ok.

    Honestly, when I first took a ride on the train, I made some snark comments at others who purposely seemed to be trolling or poking the bear per say, but I don't get into anymore because it's just not worth it. We all have our tipping point, as you know. There is a lot of divisive nay saying that occurs and I just don't understand why people think it's ok to be an a-hole because they're being challenged. Expect to be called out on it and if it's a misunderstanding it's easy enough to correct because it's not always easy to figure out tone, intent and context on here. People can be heated and passionate about their stance or opinion without being rude and disrespectful.

    I think JH has been a prime example of how questioning or disagreeing with someone can be done respectfully. You, Brian, are also another good example of someone who maintains respect and I for one appreciate that.

    Anyway, back on track with kids and concerts.
    Thank you, I actually really appreciate you saying that.  I learned a long time ago that lashing out emotionally because you disagree with someone - even when they're being a jerk or literally attacking you - is still always going to be a losing battle.  Stick with what is said, why you agree/disagree, and try hard to talk to others the way you want to be spoken to.  Thanks for noticing.  I find most people here to operate in the same way, just some exceptions. (I've never been on Train, and now maybe never will LOL!)
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    HughFreakingDillonHughFreakingDillon Winnipeg Posts: 36,009
    brianlux said:
    Speaking of rock shows in general:

    I said I was done here BUT (haha) I do have one other thought and that is for all age venues, what about a family only section?  I know, some of you will scream at me for even suggesting this but really, why not?  In fact, I would go with three sections:  mosh pit, family pit, adult non-mosh pit.  That way the adults in the crowd who don't want to be with the kiddies and just want to be with other adults doing their adult things like getting high, slam dancing, screaming obscenities, puking, bleeding and causing general mayhem, can do so.  Too much trouble?  Then leave the little ones with the babysitter.

    I love the kids in my life and I do lots of great and cool things with them but I just don't get why some of you want to take your kid to a rock show.  Why can't there be activities simply geared for adults anymore?  I don't get that.  Jeez, let the adults do their thing and let the kids be kids for a while already. 
    I'll ask again: who says all rock shows are geared to adults? who made that rule? and for most of us, this isn't "I'm forcing my kid to go see my favourite band". She figured out what it is I do, and she wanted to check it out and be a part of it. I waited two years and for the right band to come around to let it happen. Now finally the begging has stopped! Why would I deny my daughter the experience of live music?

    If we all took into account all the people that didn't want kids around at various venues or events, we'd never leave the house. 

    there are plenty of activities geared for just adults. adults are more than welcome to go to those if they having kids around ruins their time. 

    there's a great bit by Louis CK about this sort of thing. He's on a plane with his baby. his baby is fussy and crying. There's someone a few seats ahead of him that keeps looking back at him disgusted with a "well, could ya do something?" look on his face. So Louis mock-strangles the kid, and presents it to the annoyed person. it was priceless. 
    Flight Risk out NOW!


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    brianluxbrianlux Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 40,902
    brianlux said:
    Speaking of rock shows in general:

    I said I was done here BUT (haha) I do have one other thought and that is for all age venues, what about a family only section?  I know, some of you will scream at me for even suggesting this but really, why not?  In fact, I would go with three sections:  mosh pit, family pit, adult non-mosh pit.  That way the adults in the crowd who don't want to be with the kiddies and just want to be with other adults doing their adult things like getting high, slam dancing, screaming obscenities, puking, bleeding and causing general mayhem, can do so.  Too much trouble?  Then leave the little ones with the babysitter.

    I love the kids in my life and I do lots of great and cool things with them but I just don't get why some of you want to take your kid to a rock show.  Why can't there be activities simply geared for adults anymore?  I don't get that.  Jeez, let the adults do their thing and let the kids be kids for a while already. 
    I'll ask again: who says all rock shows are geared to adults? who made that rule? and for most of us, this isn't "I'm forcing my kid to go see my favourite band". She figured out what it is I do, and she wanted to check it out and be a part of it. I waited two years and for the right band to come around to let it happen. Now finally the begging has stopped! Why would I deny my daughter the experience of live music?

    If we all took into account all the people that didn't want kids around at various venues or events, we'd never leave the house. 

    there are plenty of activities geared for just adults. adults are more than welcome to go to those if they having kids around ruins their time. 

    there's a great bit by Louis CK about this sort of thing. He's on a plane with his baby. his baby is fussy and crying. There's someone a few seats ahead of him that keeps looking back at him disgusted with a "well, could ya do something?" look on his face. So Louis mock-strangles the kid, and presents it to the annoyed person. it was priceless. 

    “The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man [or woman] who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.”
    Variously credited to Mark Twain or Edward Abbey.

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    HughFreakingDillonHughFreakingDillon Winnipeg Posts: 36,009
    JH6056 said:
    brianlux said:
    Speaking of rock shows in general:

    I said I was done here BUT (haha) I do have one other thought and that is for all age venues, what about a family only section?  I know, some of you will scream at me for even suggesting this but really, why not?  In fact, I would go with three sections:  mosh pit, family pit, adult non-mosh pit.  That way the adults in the crowd who don't want to be with the kiddies and just want to be with other adults doing their adult things like getting high, slam dancing, screaming obscenities, puking, bleeding and causing general mayhem, can do so.  Too much trouble?  Then leave the little ones with the babysitter.

    I love the kids in my life and I do lots of great and cool things with them but I just don't get why some of you want to take your kid to a rock show.  Why can't there be activities simply geared for adults anymore?  I don't get that.  Jeez, let the adults do their thing and let the kids be kids for a while already. 
    Aaaah Brian... one day you'll understand that with kids, there's no such thing as not letting them be kids!  Unless you make them babysit their younger siblings instead of playing on their own, they are really kids no matter where you take them.  And good luck with the family-only section.  I can imagine several challenges with making that happen, but hey, if the seats are great, sign me up since I'm too old for the mosh pit anyway!
    I really liked being in the "family zone" (no alcohol) at football games. it really makes a difference in the atmosphere. 
    Flight Risk out NOW!


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    cp3iversoncp3iverson Posts: 8,660
    Its kind of heartwarming.   4 yr olds and 44 yr olds both asking for the same sticker
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    HughFreakingDillonHughFreakingDillon Winnipeg Posts: 36,009
    edited July 2017
    Its kind of heartwarming.   4 yr olds and 44 yr olds both asking for the same sticker
    "here, sweetie, buy this one, ten of them, and when we get home, I'll teach you how to flip them on ebay!"
    Flight Risk out NOW!


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    MayDay10MayDay10 Posts: 11,618
    shecky said:

    Low point for our fan base
  • Options
    F Me In The BrainF Me In The Brain this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 30,782
    The love he receives is the love that is saved
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    jeffbrjeffbr Seattle Posts: 7,177
    MayDay10 said:
    shecky said:

    Low point for our fan base
    True, but Ed enables it, unfortunately. At some point the mosh pit will become the nursery, and the adults can sit up in the seats with their adult beverages. Ed will eventually switch from his wine bottles to Pedialyte bottles, and pass them down to the pit. 
    "I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
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    MayDay10MayDay10 Posts: 11,618
    there will be a Kiss Cam during the encore break 1, and they will show a blooper reel to Yakity Sax early on instead of ed "talking".
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    PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Vancouver, BC Posts: 49,735
    edited July 2017
    MayDay10 said:
    shecky said:

    Low point for our fan base
    Is that real?!? If so, those parents should be ashamed of themselves, lol. I feel bad for the kids. They probably didn't realize how embarrassing that is.
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
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    WhatYouTaughtMeWhatYouTaughtMe I have no idea what's going on right now! Posts: 4,957
    PJ_Soul said:
    MayDay10 said:
    shecky said:

    Low point for our fan base
    Is that real?!? If so, those parents should be ashamed of themselves, lol. I feel bad for the kids. They probably didn't realize how embarrassing that is.
    I'm sure the kids would realize how embarrassing it is to have a photo of their family posted on the internet and made fun of. Bad form by the parents, but also bad form shaming a family online that might even be here.
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    Amongst the AniAmongst the Ani @Wobbie Posts: 7,790
    PJ_Soul said:
    MayDay10 said:
    shecky said:

    Low point for our fan base
    Is that real?!? If so, those parents should be ashamed of themselves, lol. I feel bad for the kids. They probably didn't realize how embarrassing that is.
    Wob was cuter and probably got that sweet tambo.
    @Empty Glass

    Tom Brady & Donald Trump, BFF's
    Fuckus rules all
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    PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Vancouver, BC Posts: 49,735
    edited July 2017
    PJ_Soul said:
    MayDay10 said:
    shecky said:

    Low point for our fan base
    Is that real?!? If so, those parents should be ashamed of themselves, lol. I feel bad for the kids. They probably didn't realize how embarrassing that is.
    I'm sure the kids would realize how embarrassing it is to have a photo of their family posted on the internet and made fun of. Bad form by the parents, but also bad form shaming a family online that might even be here.
    Well they were first filmed on the giant screen and shown to an arena full of people, lol. And they look pretty pleased about it too! The parents are to blame, no one else.
    Post edited by PJ_Soul on
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
  • Options
    JH6056JH6056 Posts: 2,427
    jeffbr said:
    True, but Ed enables it, unfortunately. At some point the mosh pit will become the nursery, and the adults can sit up in the seats with their adult beverages. Ed will eventually switch from his wine bottles to Pedialyte bottles, and pass them down to the pit. 
    No on the pedialyte - he already passes the wine bottle to underage folks.  He'll pass out jello shots made with moonshine at the "bring your baby" show.
  • Options
    WhatYouTaughtMeWhatYouTaughtMe I have no idea what's going on right now! Posts: 4,957
    edited July 2017
    PJ_Soul said:
    PJ_Soul said:
    MayDay10 said:
    shecky said:

    Low point for our fan base
    Is that real?!? If so, those parents should be ashamed of themselves, lol. I feel bad for the kids. They probably didn't realize how embarrassing that is.
    I'm sure the kids would realize how embarrassing it is to have a photo of their family posted on the internet and made fun of. Bad form by the parents, but also bad form shaming a family online that might even be here.
    Well they were first filmed on the giant screen and shown to an arena full of people, lol. And they look pretty pleased about it too! The parents are to blame, no one else.
    Yeah I get that. I understand there is no reasonable expectation of privacy in public and there is always a chance of being filmed somewhere. I'm just curious how many people here would be weirded out if they were out in public and someone snapped a photo of you and your children because you looked funny and then posted it online. Is that what the norm is these days?  I find it odd and I certainly wouldn't do it. Even if the parents are overzealous, the kids likely didn't have much to do with it. They obviously had decent seats and could be ten clubbers. They could even be on here. Would you be happy if someone snapped a photo of you and your family maybe not in your finest moment, then posted it on here for everyone to mock? I sure wouldn't. Maybe I'm strange.

    For the record - I do think it's silly that parents would do that, but it's not the kids fault. 
    Post edited by WhatYouTaughtMe on
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    F Me In The BrainF Me In The Brain this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 30,782
    edited July 2017
    PJ_Soul said:
    MayDay10 said:
    shecky said:

    Low point for our fan base
    Is that real?!? If so, those parents should be ashamed of themselves, lol. I feel bad for the kids. They probably didn't realize how embarrassing that is.
    Wob was cuter and probably got that sweet tambo.
    @Empty Glass

    Wobbie as both of the kids is surely a candidate for Top 10 "Ten Club Photoshop Efforts"
    The city of Toronto lived through Mayor Ford -- it can live through Wobbie begging for a Tambo @ his 'first show'
    Post edited by F Me In The Brain on
    The love he receives is the love that is saved
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    helplessdancerhelplessdancer Posts: 5,262
    MayDay10 said:
    shecky said:

    Low point for our fan base
    this thread is about tambourines. i knew it.
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    tbergstbergs Posts: 9,317
    Is that Skyler White?
    Haha! Looks like Holly grew up fast and that Skyler picked up a man with an older son.
    It's a hopeless situation...
This discussion has been closed.