Not to take away from this achievement at all, but I read an interesting article yesterday in which the author basically said that the question should never have been put to a referendum. The argument was that whether or not a group of people have their basic human rights respected should not be up for a vote, particularly when people who might be opposed to it are the ones voting. The author made the point that if we had waited for the population of privileged white guys to vote to allow women the franchise, or to abolish slavery, we might have waited considerably longer.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Any change to our constitution requires a referendum. Anyone who suggested it shouldn't have been put to a referendum presumably doesn't understand Irish law
Im late to this thread..i worked really hard for the yes equality campaign here in Dublin, canvassing and i managed to raise €2500 for the yes campaign through a fundraiser i did on my woodwork was a long hard few months and it was so distressing and upsetting seeing the lies, scare tactics and outright bullshit that the no side were forcing on us...but it was those exact things that lost it for the no campaign..they insulted every single irish persons intelligence and treated their ability to make their own minds up with utter cannot do that..the no campaign in this referendum should serve as a masterclass for any future campaign anywhere, in what NOT to do to try win...
but..we did it..we fuckin did it i've never ever been prouder of my country and it's people..we stood up and finally shook off the hypocritical evil grip of the catholic church and held a banner up for freedom and equality for all that the whole world can the ripples, if not waves have gone out and Northern Ireland and Germany and Australia have answered the call and the fight for equality has begun in those places too..Hope they can win
Not kidding, it feels better and brilliant here now..we can do anything if we do it with honesty and energy and the right heart
And i got to meet Senator David Norris, without whom NONE of this would be happenning in ireland..he sued ireland in the European court of human rights in 1973 to decriminalise homosexuality..and he WON!! but it's Ireland..and successive governments ignored the wasn't enacted until 1993..20 years later...we owe all of this to him..and a funnier more witty intelligent and charismatic man you're unlikely to meet:) it was honour to meet him this was the day of the result announcement in Dublin Castle..we didnt know we'd won at this point...but yeah..we kinda knew
And i got to meet Senator David Norris, without whom NONE of this would be happenning in ireland..he sued ireland in the European court of human rights in 1973 to decriminalise homosexuality..and he WON!! but it's Ireland..and successive governments ignored the wasn't enacted until 1993..20 years later...we owe all of this to him..and a funnier more witty intelligent and charismatic man you're unlikely to meet:) it was honour to meet him this was the day of the result announcement in Dublin Castle..we didnt know we'd won at this point...but yeah..we kinda knew
And i got to meet Senator David Norris, without whom NONE of this would be happenning in ireland..he sued ireland in the European court of human rights in 1973 to decriminalise homosexuality..and he WON!! but it's Ireland..and successive governments ignored the wasn't enacted until 1993..20 years later...we owe all of this to him..and a funnier more witty intelligent and charismatic man you're unlikely to meet:) it was honour to meet him this was the day of the result announcement in Dublin Castle..we didnt know we'd won at this point...but yeah..we kinda knew
hey jenny! hey hello etc etc you ready for the biggest and best pride we're ever gonna have? i cannot f8ckin wait will ye like me page please? we can stay in touch that way, as im rarely on here other than run up to tour time! its here
hey jenny! hey hello etc etc you ready for the biggest and best pride we're ever gonna have? i cannot f8ckin wait will ye like me page please? we can stay in touch that way, as im rarely on here other than run up to tour time! its here
So proud to be Irish today as we make history
You never really had to begin with.
Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
Well-done, voters!
Tattooed Dissident!
Way to go Ireland! You've set a great example for the world!
but..we did it..we fuckin did it
i've never ever been prouder of my country and it's people..we stood up and finally shook off the hypocritical evil grip of the catholic church and held a banner up for freedom and equality for all that the whole world can the ripples, if not waves have gone out and Northern Ireland and Germany and Australia have answered the call and the fight for equality has begun in those places too..Hope they can win
Not kidding, it feels better and brilliant here now..we can do anything if we do it with honesty and energy and the right heart
still floating and so proud of my people
hey hello etc etc
will ye like me page please? we can stay in touch that way, as im rarely on here other than run up to tour time!
its here
id be most appreciative