So whispering,I watched a show on that stuff.Everyone said they tripped balls and some pissed and shit themselves. Sounds a little to messy for me.I think I would rather smoke a bowl and pour a drink and watch the trippers trip.That would be fun.Maybe fuck with them a little(in a good way)
interesting story, I think I will stick to kava...I don't like puking.
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
Lol I'm too old for that now. And RCKNDY I have always wanted to try KAVA. I heard it's really bitter.. But after a cup or two you just don't notice. Anyhow that was all back in my wild crazy running amuck days.. No more Ayhuasca for me!! Lol
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,608
Ayhausca -- something I never tried. Sounds like you had a great trip!
Stupid stuff overheard at the, so many things.
"Have you ever used a portable breathalyzer"
had to be right up there. I had recently gone on a Tucker Max read-a-thon and his "Sushi Pants Story" stuck out to me. (google it if you dont know it and want to laugh at one moron's adventures for a night.) Fuck it, why not? My buddy and I joined in and I have no idea how high we got our BAC to be before I blacked out. I attacked the "game" with such abandon that I was 100% plowed in about 90 minutes and while I did walk around and party with the group for the remainder of the night I am pretty sure I was what my friend likes to call Christopher Columbus Drunk...which is the mode I get into at (bad) times when I just wander around aimlessly. I often times find myself at one destination thinking I am somewhere totally different.
I wish I could say that this story from long ago was the last time I played that idiotic game but I did it again at the home of a friend who told me about a 6 pack in that he had a portable breathalyzer. Turns into a hell of a hangover!
F Me, that might be a contender for AMT's Idiot thread
Yeah, sounds about right! I have done lots of dumb shit -- glad that age has tempered me somewhat.
Another Stupid Stuff Heard @ The Bar submission: Drunk guy to waitress in LA bar: "Do you have any Irish in you?" Waitress: "No, I..." Drunk, Interrupting Guy: "Want some?" Waitress: silence, walks away
The guy thought his line was hilarious. I have heard some awful lines (imagine the women have heard them all since they get directed at them and I only heard others try them) but this one was the worst I can recall.
Yeah that's bad.. Once in Overland Park KS, I over heard a drunk guy hitting in his waitress.. And he was trying to be coy and cute and instead of asking her, 'do you mind if I Just hit on you tonight?' He asked her.. In all his stultified drunken glory... " Do you mind if I just hit you tonight?" She just walked away.. His friends were all just a snickering away!
Lol I'm too old for that now. And RCKNDY I have always wanted to try KAVA. I heard it's really bitter.. But after a cup or two you just don't notice. Anyhow that was all back in my wild crazy running amuck days.. No more Ayhuasca for me!! Lol
Yes, kava is pretty bitter. Kinda reminds me of when you put all the grass clippings in the wheelie bin and leave it for a week in the hot summer sun to bake, then take that stuff that's on the bottom and make it into tea. You also have to drink a *very* large quantity of it, like at least 6 cups (48 oz) in one sitting.
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
Lol I'm too old for that now. And RCKNDY I have always wanted to try KAVA. I heard it's really bitter.. But after a cup or two you just don't notice. Anyhow that was all back in my wild crazy running amuck days.. No more Ayhuasca for me!! Lol
Yes, kava is pretty bitter. Kinda reminds me of when you put all the grass clippings in the wheelie bin and leave it for a week in the hot summer sun to bake, then take that stuff that's on the bottom and make it into tea. You also have to drink a *very* large quantity of it, like at least 6 cups (48 oz) in one sitting.
Wow! That's A LOT! Hahahaha! Now I may have to try it, just to see if I can drink that much of anything!!! :-)
Sounds a little to messy for me.I think I would rather smoke a bowl and pour a drink and watch the trippers trip.That would be fun.Maybe fuck with them a little(in a good way)
- Christopher McCandless
Stupid stuff overheard at the, so many things. had to be right up there. I had recently gone on a Tucker Max read-a-thon and his "Sushi Pants Story" stuck out to me. (google it if you dont know it and want to laugh at one moron's adventures for a night.) Fuck it, why not? My buddy and I joined in and I have no idea how high we got our BAC to be before I blacked out. I attacked the "game" with such abandon that I was 100% plowed in about 90 minutes and while I did walk around and party with the group for the remainder of the night I am pretty sure I was what my friend likes to call Christopher Columbus Drunk...which is the mode I get into at (bad) times when I just wander around aimlessly. I often times find myself at one destination thinking I am somewhere totally different.
I wish I could say that this story from long ago was the last time I played that idiotic game but I did it again at the home of a friend who told me about a 6 pack in that he had a portable breathalyzer.
Another Stupid Stuff Heard @ The Bar submission:
Drunk guy to waitress in LA bar: "Do you have any Irish in you?"
Waitress: "No, I..."
Drunk, Interrupting Guy: "Want some?"
Waitress: silence, walks away
The guy thought his line was hilarious. I have heard some awful lines (imagine the women have heard them all since they get directed at them and I only heard others try them) but this one was the worst I can recall.
Just hit on you tonight?' He asked her.. In all his stultified drunken glory... " Do you mind if I just hit you tonight?" She just walked away.. His friends were all just a snickering away!
- Christopher McCandless