Video Games

I don't see a thread for this here
I would have to say my favorite video game ever is Super Mario 64 with Halo a close second... I remember my first X-Box and Playstation!
I would have to say my favorite video game ever is Super Mario 64 with Halo a close second... I remember my first X-Box and Playstation!

Post edited by Unknown User on
Good times!
Damn, those must have been the days... You lucky sucker!
I'll never forget Goldeneye, Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask & Pokemon Blue Version for Gameboy Color.
Yeah, I hung out with a friend a lot and we played his N64. Goldeneye and The World is Not Enough were awesome.
I had Blue and Yellow for my Gameboy Color
As far as the classics: Tecmo Super Bowl, ToeJam & Earl, Battletoads, and Ice Hockey (NES) all are timeless in replayability, fun, and challenge.
Football was the best...
But those plastic key pad guides were annoying...
NES-Mario Bros, Legend of Zelda, Contra(^^vv<<>>ababselect,start), Baseball Stars>>greatest baseball game ever created, Gyromite, Tecmo Super Bowl
SNES-self certified master of Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country, Zelda
Genesis-NBA Jam and the early NBA games, this was the first system with reasonably decent basketball and football games
Saturn-Bug! and I was all about the Virtua Fighter games
PS2-Knockout Kings, but a massive thumb blister and my friends learning to defend..Still up for some 2 player Lord of the Rings action, Tiger Woods PGA from probably 07
N64-saved this for last..has my 2 favorite games of all time>>Ocarina of Time-just epic, still play through this from time to time Wrestlemania 2000 made for some great battles with friends, create-a-wrestler was just amazing
It's never a bad thing to have several threads.
I have an emulator on my smartphone. I built a great squad. There are no battery issues and you can even save in-game.
I play a lot of Tecmo seasons. It is tough. I am usually the crappiest teams on there and I havent won the Super Bowl yet.
You just drag the Roms into your phone from a CPU and you are all set. I also found an app that gets the ROMS for you, but I have trouble keeping them in the file my Emulator looks at for games.
Some games are tough to play, that require precision and fast moving coordination. Baseball Stars, Tecmo, Toejam & Earl, Paperboy work great.
I think my parents paid like $300 for that thing in the early 80's...crazy. Remember going downstairs and it was there, hooked up and ready to play on christmas morning, then having to bitch at my dad for a turn to play it
Yep...Didn't you press the reset and power button at the same time for the saveable games? Crazy story regarding that...
Several years after Legend of Zelda for NES came out I decided that I never officially beat it all the way through..I'd turned Ganon to red dust, but some older cousins had done alot of the quest. NES games were fucking hard and I finally made it through the final dungeon and had a couple potions ready to rock, right...Well, a friend decided to try his hand at some real Robin Hood shit with a nerf bow and arrow. He let one fly and I'll be damned if it didn't directly blast the power button, while I was in the room sluggin it out with Ganon. I waited awhile to avoid anything that could be construed as rapidly turning the game on and off, turned the game on and it was freakin completely wiped. I still haven't beat it or let him forget about it.
In 1993/94 I picked up a Panasonic 3DO really was a top system, a powerful machine that set the stage for PlayStation.
PS2 was my next console and now I'm running the PS3. Both of which have broken down and were/have been replaced/repaired. (But all my systems from the 80's and 90's remain working with no tech issues)
My biggest screw-up was in Oblivion when I told a key character, Jauffre, to wait somewhere about 16 hours into the game. 200 hours later, after beating all the sidequests, I go to solve the main quest and find out he is required to get past a check-point ... and I can't remember where I told him to wait! I probably spent 20 hours searching every town, basement, attic, and cave and could not find him. Ended up starting a new game and plowing through the main quest.
Blades of steel
Skate or die.
When I worked at Electronic Arts as a game tester the first thing they had us test was Madden 07 for the Wii. The funny thing was the Wii wasn't even out or ready for testing. We had to use an emulator, program files and a DOS based program to run the game.
I was hired through a temp agency with 50 other people. We were supposed to be there for only a month to push madden, nfs, etc. More than half got let go after that month, I thought I was going to be one of them because I accidentally deleted the newer game files needed to be copied from the manager's root folder. Luckily he had a back up. I ended up staying there for a year. I worked on NHL 08 and found over 100 Severity A bugs which are mostly crashes and hangs.
I was finally let go because my managers didn't like my sense of humor. A lot of the other testers were shocked and sad I was gone because I found so many weird bugs that nobody would think to do. I found a crash on Madden where I went into player appearance, put an afro haircut on a white player, saved it and it crashed.
And this was the other video game thread. Last post was about 5 days ago, dimitris bumps so many threads every day that it drops off the front page fast.
I searched and couldn't find it. If you are able to resurrect the old one let me know! ... B000WL1S3U
Thanks! Cool story! I'll bump the other one
Yes, NES games are super fucking hard
did you use the search feature?
10/31/09- Philly
5/21/10- NYC
9/2/12- Philly, PA
7/19/13- Wrigley
10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
10/21/13- Philly, PA
10/22/13- Philly, PA
10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
4/28/16- Philly, PA
4/29/16- Philly, PA
5/1/16- NYC
5/2/16- NYC
9/2/18- Boston, MA
9/4/18- Boston, MA
9/14/22- Camden, NJ
9/7/24- Philly, PA
9/9/24- Philly, PA
Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
I have Civ 5 but have yet to play it because it reminded me how awesome Civ 4 is and I just started playing it instead.