A-I'm jealous of Leeze that she can hoop chest and I can't yet.
2-I am so unfocused at work
III-I can't wait to eat my chicken rollups for lunch today.
1. I can blow bubbles off my tongue like a human bubble machine.
2. I'm addicted to the new Super Mario even though i've beat it twice now.
3. I have many nicknames: Pumpkin, Juju, Jules, Juliewoolie, muffin, julio, ect..nobody calls me by my real name.
1 i can blow bubbles off my tongue too
2 i watch zero sports, except womens beach vollyball
3 i have an addictive personality :twisted:
1.I too, can blow bubbles off of my tongue
2. The My Morning Jacket show in Atlanta ranks among my top 3 shows EVER
3. I'm completely worthless at work today
1. I think I'm going to like my teaching schedule this semester.
2. The walls of these of offices are too thin. ( I can hear my neighbor coughing.)
3. I hope that student who was ill didn't breathe her germs on me! :shock:
1. The breath someone on the other side of the world exhaled 3 weeks ago, you are now inhaling.
2. Nearly 50 million tons of e-waste (electronic waste such as cell phones and computers) is created each year around the world. This is enough to fill a line of garbage trucks across half the globe.
3. In many cultures, the groom historically often kidnapped the bride, and the groom’s friends would help him, leading to the modern-day groomsmen. At the alter, the groom always stood on the bride’s right side so his right hand—or his sword hand—would be free to fight/defend a jealous rival.
1. The breath someone on the other side of the world exhaled 3 weeks ago, you are now inhaling.
2. Nearly 50 million tons of e-waste (electronic waste such as cell phones and computers) is created each year around the world. This is enough to fill a line of garbage trucks across half the globe.
3. In many cultures, the groom historically often kidnapped the bride, and the groom’s friends would help him, leading to the modern-day groomsmen. At the alter, the groom always stood on the bride’s right side so his right hand—or his sword hand—would be free to fight/defend a jealous rival.
#3 is neato; didn't know that. #2 is sad. #1 is odd. I wonder what sort of changes it goes through in the travel. And why couldn't it stay in the general vicinity (I guess atmospheric winds and such). Thanks.
a) I have no friends named Kenny
ii: My right hand is cold to the touch, but my left hand is not
3. It's hard to get a dog to look in the direction in which you are pointing, as they generally stare at your finger, then back at you, mildly perplexed
1. The breath someone on the other side of the world exhaled 3 weeks ago, you are now inhaling.
2. Nearly 50 million tons of e-waste (electronic waste such as cell phones and computers) is created each year around the world. This is enough to fill a line of garbage trucks across half the globe.
3. In many cultures, the groom historically often kidnapped the bride, and the groom’s friends would help him, leading to the modern-day groomsmen. At the alter, the groom always stood on the bride’s right side so his right hand—or his sword hand—would be free to fight/defend a jealous rival.
#3 is neato; didn't know that. #2 is sad. #1 is odd. I wonder what sort of changes it goes through in the travel. And why couldn't it stay in the general vicinity (I guess atmospheric winds and such). Thanks.
a) I have no friends named Kenny
ii: My right hand is cold to the touch, but my left hand is not
3. It's hard to get a dog to look in the direction in which you are pointing, as they generally stare at your finger, then back at you, mildly perplexed
b)I had a friend name Kenny...many years ago...moved to the States...wonder how he his... :think:
iii: The cold hand is probably your "mouse" hand.
4. Dogs are great.
7. I don't have any friends named Kyle, either
IV: You're right, it IS my mouse hand that's colder! :shock:
T) Unlost dogs are the best. Lost dogs are very sad as all dogs long to be unlost
1. 12 days until PJ20. I hope that the fans that are going will be more than pleased with the festival.
2. 24 days until the Hamilton show. I am so thankful I will finally have the opportunity to see Pearl Jam.
3. 29 days until the PJ20 documentary. It is amazing to know Pearl Jam is only 20 years old. That's pretty young in my eyes.
1. 12 days until PJ20. I hope that the fans that are going will be more than pleased with the festival.
2. 24 days until the Hamilton show. I am so thankful I will finally have the opportunity to see Pearl Jam.
3. 29 days until the PJ20 documentary. It is amazing to know Pearl Jam is only 20 years old. That's pretty young in my eyes.
It is young. I am thankful that you can see them, too! And I will be out of my mind with excitement when they hit the stage. ..it's all about that!! EmBleve will be tuning in and dropping out to everything else.
- Me and my two sisters' names all start with the letter L
- I think I'm going to hop onto the train and get myself an iphone
- I'm a little scared thinking of that long flight to Chicago all on my own ...
Please, Pearl Jam, consider a Benaroya Hall vinyl reissue!
34. I think it's time for a refreshing mug of green tea
MCIII: I am looking forward to listening to "Mahgeetah" on the ride home, overandoverandoverandover
G) You might expect that an article titled "Morbidity and Mortality Conference: A Survey of Academic Internal Medicine Departments" would be a real page-turner. It isn't.
I smashed my knee on Saturday...it didn't feel good, though it will look awesome for PJ20!
I was totally sober too...I'm just super clumsy.
I just about choked at the price of tea when I bought a ½ pound from Teavana....at least I like it and know I'll drink it....even if I didn't like it, I'd force myself to drink it.
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
y) If RCKNDY has more relatives visit, I will surpass her post count
XXIV: She apparently not noticed this
must keep posting
need to stay ahead of unlost
I wonder if we will be sitting on the lawn and furiously posting to the board whilst at PJ20....just to stay ahead of each other....
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
2. What's that, RCKNDY? You can't find your smartphone? I don't know where it is. You keep looking, I'm sure you'll find it :angel:
IV: Starts playing all of the Make A Word games again
C) :twisted:
1. had a big mac/fries for lunch even though im trying to get below the 200 mark
2. paying price for eating that. i cant move and im exhausted
3. went to the batting cages without gloves and tore the skin off both thumbs.
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
a) I am going to take the unlost dogs for a run in the morning
2. For lunch, we are all going to a vegetarian restaurant tomorrow
III: My favorite flavor of popsicles is orange. No, lime.
2-I am so unfocused at work
III-I can't wait to eat my chicken rollups for lunch today.
2. The My Morning Jacket show in Atlanta ranks among my top 3 shows EVER
3. I'm completely worthless at work today
2. The walls of these of offices are too thin. ( I can hear my neighbor coughing.)
3. I hope that student who was ill didn't breathe her germs on me! :shock:
2. Nearly 50 million tons of e-waste (electronic waste such as cell phones and computers) is created each year around the world. This is enough to fill a line of garbage trucks across half the globe.
3. In many cultures, the groom historically often kidnapped the bride, and the groom’s friends would help him, leading to the modern-day groomsmen. At the alter, the groom always stood on the bride’s right side so his right hand—or his sword hand—would be free to fight/defend a jealous rival.
ii: My right hand is cold to the touch, but my left hand is not
3. It's hard to get a dog to look in the direction in which you are pointing, as they generally stare at your finger, then back at you, mildly perplexed
b)I had a friend name Kenny...many years ago...moved to the States...wonder how he his... :think:
iii: The cold hand is probably your "mouse" hand.
4. Dogs are great.
IV: You're right, it IS my mouse hand that's colder! :shock:
T) Unlost dogs are the best. Lost dogs are very sad as all dogs long to be unlost
L: You're other hand maybe warm for a different reason...
MXCL] You're right! Unlost Dogs are the best!
2. 24 days until the Hamilton show. I am so thankful I will finally have the opportunity to see Pearl Jam.
3. 29 days until the PJ20 documentary. It is amazing to know Pearl Jam is only 20 years old. That's pretty young in my eyes.
2. i know it
3. i'm clapping my hands
I see what you did there
2) I have a friend named Michael.
3 I have a friend named Jason.
I think all my friends may have the names of killers in horror movies.
What, you couldn't find someone named Hannibal to hang with?!?
wait... is your name Hannibal?!?
2 making a dollar more now at new job
3 new part time job is graaaaaavy
I need more.
Nothing seems to satisfy.
I said, I dont want it.
I just need it.
To breathe, to feel, to know Im alive.
2) I know a guy named Bruce
3) I know a guy named Peter.
I wonder if they are superheros?
2. My brother just got engaged
3. I'm going to buy my very first laptop tonight.
II-10 more days till I meet some amazing people
c-not looking forward to surgery after PJ20 :(
- I think I'm going to hop onto the train and get myself an iphone
- I'm a little scared thinking of that long flight to Chicago all on my own ...
MCIII: I am looking forward to listening to "Mahgeetah" on the ride home, overandoverandoverandover
G) You might expect that an article titled "Morbidity and Mortality Conference: A Survey of Academic Internal Medicine Departments" would be a real page-turner. It isn't.
I was totally sober too...I'm just super clumsy.
I just about choked at the price of tea when I bought a ½ pound from Teavana....at least I like it and know I'll drink it....even if I didn't like it, I'd force myself to drink it.
- Christopher McCandless
XXIV: She apparently not noticed this
must keep posting
need to stay ahead of unlost
I wonder if we will be sitting on the lawn and furiously posting to the board whilst at PJ20....just to stay ahead of each other....
- Christopher McCandless
IV: Starts playing all of the Make A Word games again
C) :twisted:
2. paying price for eating that. i cant move and im exhausted
3. went to the batting cages without gloves and tore the skin off both thumbs.
It's a lovely shade of forest green
I love the smell of leather...
- Christopher McCandless
2. For lunch, we are all going to a vegetarian restaurant tomorrow
III: My favorite flavor of popsicles is orange. No, lime.
2) I ran 7km today
3) Tomorrow is a day off.