microsoft visual c++ error?

i've had problems accessing my email program. whenever i try to launch it now,
"runtime error!
program: c:\blahblahblah
abnormal program termination"
that's what i get. i've tried reinstalling the program, no dice. cleaned up the registry in the even that had anything to do with it, but still won't work.
any suggestions would be most appreciated
"runtime error!
program: c:\blahblahblah
abnormal program termination"
that's what i get. i've tried reinstalling the program, no dice. cleaned up the registry in the even that had anything to do with it, but still won't work.
any suggestions would be most appreciated

Post edited by Unknown User on
what email program? exact text of error message? what exactly did you do to the registry?
it's earthlink's mailbox....i've been using it for over a year, no problem at all. all of the sudden it just wouldn't work, regardless of me clicking on the shortcut or the actual program. i downloaded this program called 'wise registry cleaner' from the cnet website in case that might have helped any, but it didn't do anything to fix the problem. it doesn't give the error message with any other program. 'm stumped!
question: have you tried rebooting the system? I know it may seem stupid, but sometimes that works...
i did reboot, tried uninstalling the mailbox program and then reinstalling it, twice. should i try to reinstall windows (i should be able to do that without disturbing the hard drive contents, no?)
if push comes to shove, you can use a system restore point to go back to a time when the email client was working
how do i do the system restore?
oh i know what you mean. but if i couldn't get into my email then i'd go from mildly irritated to ape shit
does that seem like it could be the answer to your problem?
"program: C:\blahblahblah part"
C:\Program Files\Earthlink TotalAccess\MailClnt.exe
dunno what the abnormal program termination is. unless i'm the abnormal one...quite possible lol
was that what you meant chiqui?
and yeah i figure it'll make some sense eventually...i'm usually good troubleshooting stuff, this has me all cornfused
have you deleted or removed any programs lately (other than this one)?
is your antivirus from Norton? if so, do you have an antispam option?
yup, it is from norton, i do have the anti-spam option. maybe i need holy water lol
what do you think mark, maybe a defrag or scandisk?
I know it seems counter-intuitive, but try disabling the antispam filter and then try to run the email application.
I know of instances where an update to the spam filter in the antivirus software has caused Outlook to have errors and I wonder if we're experiencing the same thing here?
okay i just went into my norton antivirus, says the following options are on:
protection updates (up-to-date)
automatic liveupdate
web browsing
intrennet work protection
spyware protection
email & messaging
outgoing email scanning
doesn't look i have anti-spam after all, sorry for that goof! should i try turning off the 'outgoing email scanning'?
My future advice (if nothing else has worked yet):
1. Try cutback's idea about downloading the email software again. Then uninstall/reinstall. If that doesn't work, then
2. Scan the hard drive for errors, then run a defrag on your system. If that doesn't work, then
3. Go to a restore point where you know the application was working. You do that by Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Restore and then choose an appropriate date. If that doesn't work, then
4. I honestly don't know. Think about switching email clients? Contact Earthlink and describe the problem to them.
thanks so much to you and cb for the advice, i truly appreciate it!