O.K. how many people here are pregnant?



  • pacifierpacifier Posts: 1,009
    I've definitely been there! The shock wears off pretty quickly though. :)

    we are unmarried and copping a bit of flack for it, even though we have been planning on getting married in December 2006 for over 6 months. We wanted to marry last year, the only reason we decided to get married at a time so far away is so that all of our family can save up to come over, and now that has backfired because they are (well, some of them) the ones complaining we are not married already. So I think part of the shock has to do with their reaction :)

    No, it all feels real now, just sometimes I have to remind myself it's really true (I have no real signs of pregnancy yet).
  • pacifier wrote:
    we are unmarried and copping a bit of flack for it, even though we have been planning on getting married in December 2006 for over 6 months. We wanted to marry last year, the only reason we decided to get married at a time so far away is so that all of our family can save up to come over, and now that has backfired because they are (well, some of them) the ones complaining we are not married already. So I think part of the shock has to do with their reaction :)

    No, it all feels real now, just sometimes I have to remind myself it's really true (I have no real signs of pregnancy yet).

    you sound pleasantly pregnant. much peace to you, mother-to-be, and yours.
  • pacifierpacifier Posts: 1,009
    you sound pleasantly pregnant. much peace to you, mother-to-be, and yours.

    Thank you, I am, but it's early days yet. I'm hoping hoping hoping that I am one of the lucky ones who doesn't get morning sickness. I don't handle throwing up very well at all. I cry everytime.
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    I cry everytime too.
    I was very lucky to not have any morning sickness.
    Im going to my first prenantal class tonight.
    Im interested to see what gets covered.
    I have to bring a yoga ball too so this should be
    interesting. I assume most in the class will be due
    around tha same time as us.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • with the direction the "girls, be honest" thread is going, i should be, by the end of the day. :D
    Life is the riddle
    Of which we're caught in the middle.
    A couple of lucky ones
    Tangled up in too much love
    ~cowboy junkies
  • We are expecting our third. My wife is due in August but seems to go early so I guess we'll see. She was pregnant with our first when we went to the '00 Va. Beach show and I am convinced that the show caused her to go into labor. She hadn't experienced any pains until that night when the music started. She gave birth two weeks after the show...six weeks early, emergency c-section. :eek: Everything turned out fine though, just very scary. I rarely think about that time...4lb baby, ICU, wires and a monitor...not good. My son's birth was a joy though and is a very fond memory. He was a natural birth. He was only a month early and he came home with us. :)

    Good luck to all here and enjoy!
    Don't find out the sex either, it is better to be surprised.
    support The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Hahaha grrl.
    All hot and bothered?

    I did want to know the sex but the angle was bad when we had the ultrasound so no luck there. It will be a surprise. Im glad to hear that
    even under scary circumstances things are good.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • pacifier wrote:
    we are unmarried and copping a bit of flack for it, even though we have been planning on getting married in December 2006 for over 6 months. We wanted to marry last year, the only reason we decided to get married at a time so far away is so that all of our family can save up to come over, and now that has backfired because they are (well, some of them) the ones complaining we are not married already. So I think part of the shock has to do with their reaction :)

    No, it all feels real now, just sometimes I have to remind myself it's really true (I have no real signs of pregnancy yet).

    We had been engaged for about 6 months and were planning (and saving for) a spring wedding, but the baby is due in June so timing was an issue for us as well! We didn't get too much flack for it from our families, as we had been living together for 2 years and engaged for several months when we found out, but every time we told someone new about the pregnancy, we got the question "well, are you going to run off and get married now??" That got old really fast, because it sort of implied, each time, that the person asking the question was judging us. But fuck 'em all! :) We did end up getting married in December because we decided there was no reason to wait.

    It's a big thing to be thrown into your lap when you aren't expecting it, but it's amazing the way it quickly becomes a part of you. I can't imagine what life would be right now if I wasn't anticipating little Brain of J.Lo, Jr.'s arrival. :)

    And, regarding morning sickness: don't let people's horror stories scare you! For me, it was really not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. My best advice is to not let yourself get too hungry, because that's when it hits you. Eat little snacks all day long. Good luck!
  • pacifierpacifier Posts: 1,009
    We had been engaged for about 6 months and were planning (and saving for) a spring wedding, but the baby is due in June so timing was an issue for us as well! We didn't get too much flack for it from our families, as we had been living together for 2 years and engaged for several months when we found out, but every time we told someone new about the pregnancy, we got the question "well, are you going to run off and get married now??" That got old really fast, because it sort of implied, each time, that the person asking the question was judging us. But fuck 'em all! :) We did end up getting married in December because we decided there was no reason to wait.

    It's a big thing to be thrown into your lap when you aren't expecting it, but it's amazing the way it quickly becomes a part of you. I can't imagine what life would be right now if I wasn't anticipating little Brain of J.Lo, Jr.'s arrival. :)

    And, regarding morning sickness: don't let people's horror stories scare you! For me, it was really not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. My best advice is to not let yourself get too hungry, because that's when it hits you. Eat little snacks all day long. Good luck!

    We have only been officially living together for a little less than a year, but we've been a couple for over a year and knew each other for a while before that (we got to know each other over the internet on the PJ board in 2002 but we never told our friends or family until just before we met up at the end of 2004). We are really happy with our situation and so are some of our family, but I think some other of our family are having trouble with it. But we've come to the conclusion that we have our own little family now and we have to do what we think is right for us, so at this point we are still waiting until December to get married so that we can celebrate in front of our family and friends instead of just getting married in a registery office with noone to celebrate with us, just for the sake of saying we were married before the baby came. Especially because we already consider ourselves married, and have for quite a while now.

    Thanks for the warning, but there's not much chance of me letting myself go hungry :) I'm realy surprised at my body's reaction so early in the preganacy. Before I even knew (I've only known for a week) I was getting really tired really easily and and also super hungry. Actually I would eat less at a meal (normally I can't stop myself, but now it's like I reach a limit where I am full and that's it I stop eating) but I would be looking for something else to eat just an hour later. Like, desperately looking :) Also my sense of smell and taste has gone haywire!
  • whoah oct 28th? thats my b day!lol:)
    Dee Dee aka Beavis =)

    "He's Alive but feels absolutely nothing, so is he?? I'm still Alive."

    "Oh, I'll keep taking punches until their will grows tired.
    Yeah, I won't change direction and I won't change my mind... How much difference does it make? ...
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    So hubby and I had our first prenatal class last night.
    It was great. Only 4 couples in the group all due in May.
    We did breathing exercises while gripping an ice cube in each hand.
    Boys did it too. Next week we will do the ice cube thing again,
    and the guys will learn how to help us with the pain. Also learnt
    how to do some stretches on a yoga ball.
    Each couple got a book we will read.
    " Birthing from Within" by Pam England.
    Is very earthy and I think it will help. Its not as technical as
    some of our other books. The main mantra seems to be...
    " Labor is natural, it really hurts, and I can do it "

    No beating around the bush. But since I dont want an epidural
    I hope it helps me out. Look for the book, I think its worth it.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Bump for the pregogo's.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • I'll start my prenatal class in April (when I'm about 7 months along). I just signed up today. I don't know if I want an epidural or not. On one hand, it seems like if pain meds are available, I might as well take them...but on the other hand, my mom never had any, and she was fine. I kind of want to experience giving birth for what it really is...not a numbed-up version of it. I might check out that book.

    We'll see how I feel when I've been writhing in pain for 20 hours, though. ;)
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    See the writhing in pain thing...
    Epidurals sometimes slow down contractions.
    By blocking the body from reacting to oxytocin and endorphins.
    Therefore making labor longer, and the ability to push effectivley harder.

    Im not saying under no circumstance epidural as an option.
    But I would really like to try to do it on my own. My sister on
    the other hand pretty much walked in and demanded epidurals.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    genevieve wrote:
    See the writhing in pain thing...
    Epidurals sometimes slow down contractions.
    By blocking the body from reacting to oxytocin and endorphins.
    Therefore making labor longer, and the ability to push effectivley harder.

    Im not saying under no circumstance epidural as an option.
    But I would really like to try to do it on my own. My sister on
    the other hand pretty much walked in and demanded epidurals.

    I just think it would be really hard to physically push the baby out when your numb from your ribs to your toes. I can't imagine how that works.
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Yeah thats why I want to try it natural.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    All this talk of c-sec on the other thread makes me hope everything
    goes well for me and all you ladies on that day.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Another prenantal class tonight.
    Tonight we get to watch birth videos.
    Hubby is not looking forward to this.
    Im interested to see what type of
    videos will be show to us in a class
    run by Midwives and Doulas.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    I dont know if any of you ladies will be going for gestational diabetes bloodwork soon.
    I just had to go for a more thorough test. To rule out the possibility.
    I went for the original bloodwork in december but by accident I was sent too early. So I went for another round and it was abnormal. My blood sugar was too high. So I had to go for a glucose tollerance test. Which is a 10hr fast then 2hrs of sitting getting blood drawn. It turns out Im fine which is a great relife. Ive been freeking out.

    Any one else have this happen or questions about it? Im a pro now! :D
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    genevieve wrote:
    I dont know if any of you ladies will be going for gestational diabetes bloodwork soon.
    I just had to go for a more thorough test. To rule out the possibility.
    I went for the original bloodwork in december but by accident I was sent too early. So I went for another round and it was abnormal. My blood sugar was too high. So I had to go for a glucose tollerance test. Which is a 10hr fast then 2hrs of sitting getting blood drawn. It turns out Im fine which is a great relife. Ive been freeking out.

    Any one else have this happen or questions about it? Im a pro now! :D

    I had my test done a few weeks ago, when I had some other bloodwork done to check for preeclampsia. Turns out, my bloodwork was all perfect, including the diabetes test, but unfortunately my urine had a little bit too much protein in it and I'm right on the border between normal and preeclampsia. The doctor doesn't think I have it, she thinks the protein is a result of slightly elevated blood pressure prior to pregnancy. (And I have my insane boss to thank for that!) So basically, they're just watching me very closely in case I have to be induced early.

    I'm glad you're test turned out normal! It would suck to have to deal with that, especially if you had to go so far as to take insulin while pregnant. I was just certain that I was gonig to fail that test because I'm thirsty all the time and I'm always craving sweets, which is unusual for me. But it turns out it was perfect.
  • AliAli Posts: 2,621
    I'm not pregnant.

    Thank God that masturbation is only a venial sin.
    (At least I can make up for my "youth"...) :(
    A whisper and a thrill
    A whisper and a chill

    "Why do I bother?"
    The 11th Commandment.

  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    I had my test done a few weeks ago, when I had some other bloodwork done to check for preeclampsia. Turns out, my bloodwork was all perfect, including the diabetes test, but unfortunately my urine had a little bit too much protein in it and I'm right on the border between normal and preeclampsia. The doctor doesn't think I have it, she thinks the protein is a result of slightly elevated blood pressure prior to pregnancy. (And I have my insane boss to thank for that!) So basically, they're just watching me very closely in case I have to be induced early.

    I'm glad you're test turned out normal! It would suck to have to deal with that, especially if you had to go so far as to take insulin while pregnant. I was just certain that I was gonig to fail that test because I'm thirsty all the time and I'm always craving sweets, which is unusual for me. But it turns out it was perfect.

    I never thought that I worry like that about a blood test. I hope things go well for you and no preeclampsia.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • pacifierpacifier Posts: 1,009
    I had my test done a few weeks ago, when I had some other bloodwork done to check for preeclampsia. Turns out, my bloodwork was all perfect, including the diabetes test, but unfortunately my urine had a little bit too much protein in it and I'm right on the border between normal and preeclampsia. The doctor doesn't think I have it, she thinks the protein is a result of slightly elevated blood pressure prior to pregnancy. (And I have my insane boss to thank for that!) So basically, they're just watching me very closely in case I have to be induced early.

    I'm glad you're test turned out normal! It would suck to have to deal with that, especially if you had to go so far as to take insulin while pregnant. I was just certain that I was gonig to fail that test because I'm thirsty all the time and I'm always craving sweets, which is unusual for me. But it turns out it was perfect.

    I'm only in the early stages of pregnancy (about seven weeks), but I have to watch my blood pressure. I have a kidney problem that causes me to lose blood and protein in my urine. It has no real effect on me at the moment because my kidneys still do their job ok, but I have to watch my blood pressure because high blood pressure can cause more damage to my kidneys. It is possible that I can live the rest of my life with this condition and have no real worries about it, but if it does get worse it can get very bad very quickly. So the doctor is paying close to my blood pressure at each visit. I'm hoping it won't be a problem because not only am I pregnant, but I'm trying to plan a wedding so I have a feeling my blood pressure is going to get a bit high sometimes.

    I have been really thirsty since I have been pregnant, but I'm actually turned off of sweets to a great extent (I still have the occassional icecream, etc, but I don't desire it any where near as much as I used to). Even with the choice of cordial and water, I am always reaching for the water. I guess that is a good thing.
  • ToywomanToywoman Posts: 43
    Many congrats! My third baby was just born this December, and all three have been blessings:D
    "sounds like pearl jam just had a three song orgasm."~~vacatetheword
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    pacifier wrote:
    I'm only in the early stages of pregnancy (about seven weeks), but I have to watch my blood pressure. I have a kidney problem that causes me to lose blood and protein in my urine. It has no real effect on me at the moment because my kidneys still do their job ok, but I have to watch my blood pressure because high blood pressure can cause more damage to my kidneys. It is possible that I can live the rest of my life with this condition and have no real worries about it, but if it does get worse it can get very bad very quickly. So the doctor is paying close to my blood pressure at each visit. I'm hoping it won't be a problem because not only am I pregnant, but I'm trying to plan a wedding so I have a feeling my blood pressure is going to get a bit high sometimes.

    I have been really thirsty since I have been pregnant, but I'm actually turned off of sweets to a great extent (I still have the occassional icecream, etc, but I don't desire it any where near as much as I used to). Even with the choice of cordial and water, I am always reaching for the water. I guess that is a good thing.

    Get the book Birthing from Within. It has some great breathing exercises. :)
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    pacifier wrote:
    I'm only in the early stages of pregnancy (about seven weeks), but I have to watch my blood pressure. I have a kidney problem that causes me to lose blood and protein in my urine. It has no real effect on me at the moment because my kidneys still do their job ok, but I have to watch my blood pressure because high blood pressure can cause more damage to my kidneys. It is possible that I can live the rest of my life with this condition and have no real worries about it, but if it does get worse it can get very bad very quickly. So the doctor is paying close to my blood pressure at each visit. I'm hoping it won't be a problem because not only am I pregnant, but I'm trying to plan a wedding so I have a feeling my blood pressure is going to get a bit high sometimes.

    I have been really thirsty since I have been pregnant, but I'm actually turned off of sweets to a great extent (I still have the occassional icecream, etc, but I don't desire it any where near as much as I used to). Even with the choice of cordial and water, I am always reaching for the water. I guess that is a good thing.

    Prenatal yoga is good for relaxation as well. :)
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Prenatal yoga is good for relaxation as well. :)

    Ive never done Yoga. But next tuesday Im going to try a drop in aquasize class at my gym. Ive never done that either but I hope I like it. I see myself being not as active as I get bigger. And its suposed to be not as high impact.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    So I got to see a placenta today.

    I was at a class at the hospital and they had a placenta
    from a woman who gave birht today. Neat for those
    who arent squeemish.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    genevieve wrote:
    So I got to see a placenta today.

    I was at a class at the hospital and they had a placenta
    from a woman who gave birht today. Neat for those
    who arent squeemish.

    I've seen one on some birthing video I watched in my parenting class in high school. They aren't pretty, but it's amazing what those things do!

    I was reading some prego magazine in the doc's office one day, and this woman had sent in a question concerning what the placenta was going to look like, because she was afraid she was going to be embarassed by it...lol. How vain can one be??
  • prismprism Posts: 2,440
    I've seen one on some birthing video I watched in my parenting class in high school. They aren't pretty, but it's amazing what those things do!

    I was reading some prego magazine in the doc's office one day, and this woman had sent in a question concerning what the placenta was going to look like, because she was afraid she was going to be embarassed by it...lol. How vain can one be??

    does she think that she's gonna have to wear it around her neck?
    angels share laughter
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