I think the majority of people would put less stock in that than you would, for example. I just don't think their thought process would be that "this band makes my favorite music, but I can't support them because some of their money may go to pro-choice groups." Personally, if I was going to see a band that was putting on a benefit for outlawing gay marriage for example (pick your example), I probably would support the group but not attend that show. However, I don't think most people are that picky.
You're probably right. Although, as I've stated, I probably wouldn't be a big fan of a band who did a benefit for "pro-life" groups or anti-gay marriage groups or whatever, if I were a fan I would probably give some thought to where my money would go. (This is all assuming I'm even aware of the band's activism in these areas.) To me it's no different than any other boycott of a business for ideological considerations.
We all have friends and family that are conservative and liberal. Why can't we listen to bands that are both conservative and liberal?
Maybe I as a conservative can respect Eddie's views, even though I disagree with them most of the time. Part of the reason sometimes is that I agree with the ends, like no war or poverty, but I just disagree with how to get there.
Also, a song like Green Disease (which is a horrible song musically) doesn't bother me as a capitalist because I do agree that greed has taken over.
Here is the short answer though:
Maybe conservatives aren't close-minded like liberals? Common threads like these on this board are evidence of the fact that some liberals can't comprehend co-existing with someone whose values differ from theirs.
I agree with you.
So two people have different points of view? The conservatives I know could care less, the liberals I know have the attitude of a 7-year-old, "we don't want you here!" Very open-minded. :rolleyes:
here's a list of what the band supports, aside from PETA and the prochoice organizations, there's not too many that jump out to me as organizations I would mind my money going to. So i disagree with them on a a few issues, the things i agree with them on are more and I love their music and passion. The passion is what makes the music great, for me.
* Humane Society
* In Defense of Animals
* International Fund for Animal Welfare
* Oceana
* Protect Seals
* Animal Legal Defense Fund
* Animal Protection Institute
* 826 Seattle
* Arts Corps
* MOLO Care
* The Northwest School
* Northwest Literacy Foundation/Fill the Shelves in Public Schools Book Campaign
* Book Campaign
* Rock and Roll Camp for Girls
* VERA Project
* Advocacy for Patients
* Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America
* Lifelong AIDS Alliance
* Conservation International
* Environmental Careers Organization
* Honor the Earth
* Washington Wilderness Coalition
* American Solar Energy Society
* Bonneville Environmental Foundation
* Conservation International
* WA Clean Energy Initiative (with Jay Islee)
* Green Empowerment
* Honor the Earth (Native Community, Energy Projects, & Alternatives)
* Cascade Land Conservancy
* Islandwood
* Clif Green Notes
* Reverb
* Native American Rights Fund
* The Red Feather Development Group
* Amnesty International
* Concerned United Birthparents (CUB)
* Doctors Without Borders
* Save the Children
* Oxfam
* Project Hello
* West Memphis Three
make sure the fortune that you seek...is the fortune that you need
I guess I'm just shallow. I just like the music because I like it better than any other band's music. I don't give a darn about their principles.
I never called anyone shallow, and I'm sorry if you thought that was what I implied. My post was my personal experience and opinion. As I said, it IS all about the music in the end.
I honestly don't get it. Being a liberal, I can't imagine that I could ever be a huge fan of a band that used its music and platform to promote extremly conservative ideas.
I love music for what it says, not just the guitar riff behind it. So if it said a bunch of stuff that I thought was total BS, I wouldn't be able to really love the music, and I wouldn't want to.
Additionally, I don't think being a talented musician makes up for being an offensive asshole. So I wouldn't be able to respect Ed as a person if he were espousing political philosophies or other ideas that I found offensive.
And before someone pulls out the same old tired anti-liberal line frequently used on this board, let me be clear that I love Pearl Jam in large part because of their liberal politics; I do not have liberal politics because I love Pearl Jam.
illogical argument.....i have family members with whom i do not agree with, on many topics such as politics and religion. in the end we still love each other.
live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
Also, would you want your money to be used to support pro-choice causes? I mean, you've gotta figure that it's at least subsidizing their pro-choice benefit shows, if not being directly donated to pro-choice organizations.
My life is too hectic as it is to worry accounting for all the money that I've spent for my personal recreation or entertainment and where it might potentially be going.
If I wanted to drive myself really crazy, I could think about how all my tax money goes to support lots of things I oppose, but I just don't have time for that kind of aggravation.
Again - I just love the music.
The only people we should try to get even with...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I never called anyone shallow, and I'm sorry if you thought that was what I implied. My post was my personal experience and opinion. As I said, it IS all about the music in the end.
No harm. I called myself shallow sarcastically. I didn't think anyone else called me shallow.
The only people we should try to get even with...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Yeah, because that's not a close-minded stereotype AT ALL! :rolleyes:
How does saying some liberals are close-minded make me close-minded? It is no different than me saying that most liberals support abortion. What would make me close-minded is if I stopped listening to Pearl Jam because they happen to support liberal causes and ideas. What makes you close minded is that in prior posts you have admitted you would dislike a band if their views differed from yours. That is close-minded.
I HATE YOU CLEAR CHANNEL!!!! so im going to perform shows at your venues.
I HATE YOU MICROSOFT!!!! so im gonna go work with time warner, a company just as big and evil.
I HATE YOU TICKETMASTER!!!! however, i think your site would be great to sell our album.
I HATE HIGH TICKET PRICES!!!! so im gonna play a bunch of special, high priced shows.
I HATE COMPANIES THAT EXPLOIT THE POOR!!!! so im gonna play at a casino.
I LOVE THE FANS!!!! so we're going to sporadically announce tour dates and shows, so you can buy tickets to one show 300 miles away, only to have one announced 4 days later within 30 feet of your front door.
I HATE TICKET SCALPERS!!! so im going to force you to buy 2 tickets, even though you only need one.
Once again i see you appear to have missed the point of someone with differing views than yours. Mock all you will....
I think the OP and GTFLYGIRL appear to have a similar mindset to me.
I too question how hardcore right wingers can be PJ crazies.
I think that may be the difference.
Maybe they confuse your being on a Pearl Jam board with you LOVING Pearl Jam. Maybe it's just another internet place for you. I think many who post here... like myself... are not big internet people... but big Pearl Jam fans.
Sad you didn't see her point... but it's ok...
I've already stated why I like Pearl Jam. I really enjoy their music. I also like their lyrics (with the exception of about 1 song... Bushleaguer.)
I can't speak on behalf of all conservatives, but that is why I love Pearl Jam. Like I said before, you go through their catalog and name five songs that are complete liberal anthems and I can tell you how a conservative would say they are not.
If you can't see that this thread is meant to be divisive.... then I think you need to re-read it. Moreover, if you really would want everyone on here to have to same political preference, I feel sorry for you. Personally, I don't believe the band wants everyone in the world to be identical. I think they value differences, and although they are active in politics, they respect others who can respect their personal opinion and back-up their own with a good reason.
Lastly, I love Pearl Jam. But, I'm no sheep. I enjoy their music. But, I could not care less what their political preference is. They are a f'ing awesome rock band.... IMHO the best ever. But, that's what they are... "my favorite rock band". Nothing more. They are not where I go for political information. I go here because I enjoy their music and because I've become friends with people on here over the course of the past 5 years I've been posting.
The fact that we (as conservatives) are asked to defend our enjoyment of a band by fellow jammers, is sad at best. Once again, they are a f'ing rock band (yes, a great one). But, if you can't seperate excellent music, from the individuals (behind the music's) political perspective.... I feel sorry for you and it truly (by definition) shows an inability to be objective.... and finally shows how you are close-minded.
I assume all of you (who can't understand a conservative PJ fan) have no conservative friends or family members. Because it would be impossible for them to love you, because you are a liberal.... right? By, what you've posted here.... the answer should be "yes, I have no conservative friends or family". And I think that that is completely ridiculous.
You are the one who jumped into my thread and started insulting me, thereby acting like an asshole, and I, in response, observed that you were acting like an asshole. My assessment stands. If you want to go and tattle and have me banned, that's fine. But if we're going to resort to acting like children, let me just say that you started it. :rolleyes:
I didn't insult you at all and I certainly didn't name call. Re-read the thread. You simply haven't addressed any of my points because you can't. That's all. Enjoy your disdain for those who have different perspectives than your own.
I guess I'm just shallow. I just like the music because I like it better than any other band's music. I don't give a darn about their principles.
Amen. Me too. Most of their music is about relationships, driving, the ocean, and life. Its not political at all IMO with exception of a few songs.
I just love the band period. I feel no need to justify that or try to get permission from some far left secular Pear Jam fan. Please....I just love PJ and thats final.
Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
I HATE YOU CLEAR CHANNEL!!!! so im going to perform shows at your venues.
I HATE YOU MICROSOFT!!!! so im gonna go work with time warner, a company just as big and evil.
I HATE YOU TICKETMASTER!!!! however, i think your site would be great to sell our album.
I HATE HIGH TICKET PRICES!!!! so im gonna play a bunch of special, high priced shows.
I HATE COMPANIES THAT EXPLOIT THE POOR!!!! so im gonna play at a casino.
I LOVE THE FANS!!!! so we're going to sporadically announce tour dates and shows, so you can buy tickets to one show 300 miles away, only to have one announced 4 days later within 30 feet of your front door.
I HATE TICKET SCALPERS!!! so im going to force you to buy 2 tickets, even though you only need one.
perfect.......who can argue against these facts?
live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
I don't find it hard to believe that Pearl Jam could still appeal to the Conservative Right. The lyrics of many their songs are open enough to lend interpretation to both sides; left and right.
Songs like "Greivance" and "Marker in the Sand" although they may have a leftist slant to the lyrics, also have sentiments that could also be appeal to a Conservative audience because they touch on themes that all of us as HUMANS relate to.
I think the general theme of their music has always been about Peace, Love, Understanding, and Freedom. These are all things I'm sure all of us can
find a common ground.
Afterall, we quickly forget that Eddie was pretty outspoken in mid-90's about his disapointment with the Clinton administration as well.
I'm sure there were more than a few Conservative fans cheering and pumping their fists in the air to some of those Anti-Clinton rants as well.
I think if anything this band has urged their audience to PARTICIPATE and get INFORMED on the issues. I think they just want us to have a conversation about it no matter what side you we're on.
And It's obvious that they have inspired their audience to do such as evidenced by this fourm that is provided for us FANS to participate.
To me, a band like PJ is all about the music. Each band member is free to express any views and I respect that right. I could care less about who they support politically because as an individual it is my responsibility to review the issues at hand and make a sound decision. I don't rely on pro athletes or rock stars to help determine which political party I should support.
It all depends on how you define "conservative." I consider myself very conservative by the oldest, purest definition of the word which has a very libertarian foundation-- not by the neo-con standard that most conservatives are anymore.
To me, true conservatism promotes freedom better than any other ideology. Take the big hand of government out of the equation, allow people to make their own choices, and restoring personal responsibility. More money out of the hands of the government and into our pockets gives us more freedom in how we choose to spend it.
I would say that our boys in PJ are huge fans of freedom too. It shines through in Eddie's lyrics. The common ground is the message of liberty, and equality.
The biggest difference comes in the life vs. choice argument, which both sides are fighthing for the same thing, really. Both are trying to protect someone's freedom. Conservatives believe that a fetus is a life with rights worth protecting, Liberals think that a fetus is not a life yet, and thus the rights of the woman can overrule the existence of a blob of cells.
So, I don't a NEO-CON can truly appreciate Pearl Jam for all their worth, but a TRUE conservative can make PJ their favorite band. They are hands-down my favorite band ever.
I know Toby Keith is a Democrat, which is indicative of the fact that I'm not trying to stereotype. (Sorry if it came across that way, but that's not what I meant.) I haven't always voted along party lines either, and I'm not a Democrat. You'll note that I didn't use the words Democrat or Republican anywhere in my post and have not labeled anyone.
What I'm saying is that I don't understand how people who have completely opposite views on politics, social issues, etc. than Pearl Jam could consider PJ to be their FAVORITE band. That's not to say that any particular person or party has any particular views. But some people on this board seem to strongly disagree about things that are fundamental to what the band is trying to accomplish. I don't understand how (note that I'm not saying they shouldn't) someone who disagrees with one of the band's primary purposes (to send a message in support of certain political and social change) could be such a big supporter.
For instance, I am staunchly pro-choice. So is Pearl Jam, who promote choice through (at least tags on one of) their songs, through visual images, through speeches and articles, through playing benefits, etc. They are not privately pro-choice. They use their band as a force to support the pro-choice movement.
But there are some people on this board (who presumably love Pearl Jam) who are staunchy "pro-life". They say that abortion should not be a legal option for women, that women who have abortions are irresponsible, that people who are pro-choice are heartless bastards, etc. If any of those people had a band and used it to promote these ideas, there's no way in hell I could support them or claim them as my favorite band. Similarly, if I thought Eddie Vedder was a heartless bastard, I couldn't support him.
Additionally, I'm a feminist and I don't like songs that are disparaging to women. I'm anti-war and I don't like songs that promote war (hence the Toby Keith reference). I support gay rights and I don't like songs that make reference to "faggots". (I refer here to a Guns N' Roses song, which I used to like until I got older and really considered the lyrics.) I'm against pedophilia and don't support music made by pedophiles. Am I perfect with these standards? Of course not. But even for the bands I kind of like anyway, I would certainly not consider any of them to be even close to my favorite band.
Anyway, I hope I've better explained myself this time. I am by no means suggesting that no Republican should like Pearl Jam or that all PJ fans should be liberal Democrats, nor am I stereotyping the values of any group. I just don't understand how people can so strongly support and enjoy any art or artist whose message is so strongly contrary to their own values.
I think it might be because even though someone may have differing political views from Pearl Jam, that person might still be able to recognize that Pearl Jam can bring up valid points. Even if a fan doesn't always agree with them, it at least gets that person thinking and helps them solidify what they really do believe in. I think Pearl Jam has alot of great things to say, but I may also disagree with some of those things from time to time. Just because they believe in something different than me doesn't mean I'm going to hate them for it. I can recognize that all they really want is for the world to be a better place and really, that's all I want too.
Essentially the gist I get is that in your view it is like you would be saying you can't be a friend with someone who is a liberal if you are a conservative because they might be against something you are strongly for.
I think it might be because even though someone may have differing political views from Pearl Jam, that person might still be able to recognize that Pearl Jam can bring up valid points. Even if a fan doesn't always agree with them, it at least gets that person thinking and helps them solidify what they really do believe in. I think Pearl Jam has alot of great things to say, but I may also disagree with some of those things from time to time. Just because they believe in something different than me doesn't mean I'm going to hate them for it. I can recognize that all they really want is for the world to be a better place and really, that's all I want too.
Essentially the gist I get is that in your view it is like you would be saying you can't be a friend with someone who is a liberal if you are a conservative because they might be against something you are strongly for.
I don't think I could be a huge fan of a band if I felt compelled to think or say "shut up and sing" at their concerts for any reason but especially if I didn't agree with what they were saying.
I've been to hundreds of concerts in my lifetime and feel cheated if who I'm seeing doesn't have any interaction with the audience.
I love PJ and more specifically Eddie Vedder because of their outspoken stands they take. Liberalism is reflected in their lyrics, their concert lobby groups, their charity, and their artwork, posters etc...
I couldn't see myself at a Ted Nugent concert just because I enjoyed the guitar playing. I'd feel compelled to tell Ted to "shut up and sing"...
I couldn't enjoy being a part of a Nugent concert, not at all...
I'm not really a conservative though on this board I probably seem like one. I'm a registered independent who on social issues leans liberal but on fiscal issues leans conservative.
There is a lot Ed says I agree with and a lot I disagree with and I wrote pretty much that when I signed the EV guest book that went around on the solo tour.
Maybe I'm still an idealist, but I really agree with Ed's speech at DC 1 on the solo tour when he said the scariest people who vote are those people who only ever vote for one party and could never ever consider voting for someone not in their party even if that person was the better candidate. And in the rant he was ripping a Democrat he saw interviewed on tv who said she could never vote for a Republican no matter what the situation and he said people like that are not really helping and only helping to divide the country further. (I'm paraphrasing, but he went on to say we're not two different teams in America, but rather one country who are all part of the same team who need to elect the best person even if you aren't a member of their party.)
I am not a hard core Peal Jam Fan; and I am not a liberal...
I am not a conservative either.
I think Pearl Jam's music sends a lovely message that many people can hit on.
Lyrics are a form of literature in which everyone can relate.
I have met some of the nicest "conservatives" at this site. Some who have really lifted me and carried me to heights I could have never experienced without allowing their influence...
I think that anyone who allows the self to be rude and uncaring (careless and not thoughtful) is not so liberal...
peace and joyous love.
in darkness there is light; in light there is darkness
apply this concept in your daily lives and your minds will expand, but remember, to expand is to contract....
all insanity:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
I agree with you.
So two people have different points of view? The conservatives I know could care less, the liberals I know have the attitude of a 7-year-old, "we don't want you here!" Very open-minded. :rolleyes:
How does saying some liberals are close-minded make me close-minded? It is no different than me saying that most liberals support abortion. What would make me close-minded is if I stopped listening to Pearl Jam because they happen to support liberal causes and ideas. What makes you close minded is that in prior posts you have admitted you would dislike a band if their views differed from yours. That is close-minded.
So if I think women should be respected and therefore don't enjoy songs that talk about fucking and killing bitches and hoes, that makes me close-minded? Certainly not.
Are you saying there's absolutely nothing a song could say or a band could support that would cause you to not claim that band as your favorite band?
I've already stated why I like Pearl Jam. I really enjoy their music. I also like their lyrics (with the exception of about 1 song... Bushleaguer.)
I can't speak on behalf of all conservatives, but that is why I love Pearl Jam. Like I said before, you go through their catalog and name five songs that are complete liberal anthems and I can tell you how a conservative would say they are not.
If you can't see that this thread is meant to be divisive.... then I think you need to re-read it. Moreover, if you really would want everyone on here to have to same political preference, I feel sorry for you. Personally, I don't believe the band wants everyone in the world to be identical. I think they value differences, and although they are active in politics, they respect others who can respect their personal opinion and back-up their own with a good reason.
Lastly, I love Pearl Jam. But, I'm no sheep. I enjoy their music. But, I could not care less what their political preference is. They are a f'ing awesome rock band.... IMHO the best ever. But, that's what they are... "my favorite rock band". Nothing more. They are not where I go for political information. I go here because I enjoy their music and because I've become friends with people on here over the course of the past 5 years I've been posting.
The fact that we (as conservatives) are asked to defend our enjoyment of a band by fellow jammers, is sad at best. Once again, they are a f'ing rock band (yes, a great one). But, if you can't seperate excellent music, from the individuals (behind the music's) political perspective.... I feel sorry for you and it truly (by definition) shows an inability to be objective.... and finally shows how you are close-minded.
I assume all of you (who can't understand a conservative PJ fan) have no conservative friends or family members. Because it would be impossible for them to love you, because you are a liberal.... right? By, what you've posted here.... the answer should be "yes, I have no conservative friends or family". And I think that that is completely ridiculous.
I didn't insult you at all and I certainly didn't name call. Re-read the thread. You simply haven't addressed any of my points because you can't. That's all. Enjoy your disdain for those who have different perspectives than your own.
Once again, you have absolutely zero comprehension of this thread or what I and some others are asking/saying.
Essentially the gist I get is that in your view it is like you would be saying you can't be a friend with someone who is a liberal if you are a conservative because they might be against something you are strongly for.
I don't think I could be a huge fan of a band if I felt compelled to think or say "shut up and sing" at their concerts for any reason but especially if I didn't agree with what they were saying.
I've been to hundreds of concerts in my lifetime and feel cheated if who I'm seeing doesn't have any interaction with the audience.
I love PJ and more specifically Eddie Vedder because of their outspoken stands they take. Liberalism is reflected in their lyrics, their concert lobby groups, their charity, and their artwork, posters etc...
I couldn't see myself at a Ted Nugent concert just because I enjoyed the guitar playing. I'd feel compelled to tell Ted to "shut up and sing"...
I couldn't enjoy being a part of a Nugent concert, not at all...
Exactly! Thank you. I really don't see why people are acting so shocked by this sentiment.
You're probably right. Although, as I've stated, I probably wouldn't be a big fan of a band who did a benefit for "pro-life" groups or anti-gay marriage groups or whatever, if I were a fan I would probably give some thought to where my money would go. (This is all assuming I'm even aware of the band's activism in these areas.) To me it's no different than any other boycott of a business for ideological considerations.
I agree with you.
So two people have different points of view? The conservatives I know could care less, the liberals I know have the attitude of a 7-year-old, "we don't want you here!" Very open-minded. :rolleyes:
I'm not surprised.
You have fun too!
* Humane Society
* In Defense of Animals
* International Fund for Animal Welfare
* Oceana
* Protect Seals
* Animal Legal Defense Fund
* Animal Protection Institute
* 826 Seattle
* Arts Corps
* MOLO Care
* The Northwest School
* Northwest Literacy Foundation/Fill the Shelves in Public Schools Book Campaign
* Book Campaign
* Rock and Roll Camp for Girls
* VERA Project
* Advocacy for Patients
* Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America
* Lifelong AIDS Alliance
* Conservation International
* Environmental Careers Organization
* Honor the Earth
* Washington Wilderness Coalition
* American Solar Energy Society
* Bonneville Environmental Foundation
* Conservation International
* WA Clean Energy Initiative (with Jay Islee)
* Green Empowerment
* Honor the Earth (Native Community, Energy Projects, & Alternatives)
* Cascade Land Conservancy
* Islandwood
* Clif Green Notes
* Reverb
* Native American Rights Fund
* The Red Feather Development Group
* Choice USA
* http://www.feministmajority.org
* http://www.plannedparenthood.org
* http://www.now.org
* http://www.naral.org
* Home Alive
* Future of Music Coalition
* Air Traffic Control
* Amnesty International
* Concerned United Birthparents (CUB)
* Doctors Without Borders
* Save the Children
* Oxfam
* Project Hello
* West Memphis Three
Wembley 18/06/07
If there was a reason, it was you.
O2 Arena 18/09/09
My life is too hectic as it is to worry accounting for all the money that I've spent for my personal recreation or entertainment and where it might potentially be going.
If I wanted to drive myself really crazy, I could think about how all my tax money goes to support lots of things I oppose, but I just don't have time for that kind of aggravation.
Again - I just love the music.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
No harm. I called myself shallow sarcastically. I didn't think anyone else called me shallow.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
How does saying some liberals are close-minded make me close-minded? It is no different than me saying that most liberals support abortion. What would make me close-minded is if I stopped listening to Pearl Jam because they happen to support liberal causes and ideas. What makes you close minded is that in prior posts you have admitted you would dislike a band if their views differed from yours. That is close-minded.
I HATE YOU MICROSOFT!!!! so im gonna go work with time warner, a company just as big and evil.
I HATE YOU TICKETMASTER!!!! however, i think your site would be great to sell our album.
I HATE HIGH TICKET PRICES!!!! so im gonna play a bunch of special, high priced shows.
I HATE COMPANIES THAT EXPLOIT THE POOR!!!! so im gonna play at a casino.
I LOVE THE FANS!!!! so we're going to sporadically announce tour dates and shows, so you can buy tickets to one show 300 miles away, only to have one announced 4 days later within 30 feet of your front door.
I HATE TICKET SCALPERS!!! so im going to force you to buy 2 tickets, even though you only need one.
I've already stated why I like Pearl Jam. I really enjoy their music. I also like their lyrics (with the exception of about 1 song... Bushleaguer.)
I can't speak on behalf of all conservatives, but that is why I love Pearl Jam. Like I said before, you go through their catalog and name five songs that are complete liberal anthems and I can tell you how a conservative would say they are not.
If you can't see that this thread is meant to be divisive.... then I think you need to re-read it. Moreover, if you really would want everyone on here to have to same political preference, I feel sorry for you. Personally, I don't believe the band wants everyone in the world to be identical. I think they value differences, and although they are active in politics, they respect others who can respect their personal opinion and back-up their own with a good reason.
Lastly, I love Pearl Jam. But, I'm no sheep. I enjoy their music. But, I could not care less what their political preference is. They are a f'ing awesome rock band.... IMHO the best ever. But, that's what they are... "my favorite rock band". Nothing more. They are not where I go for political information. I go here because I enjoy their music and because I've become friends with people on here over the course of the past 5 years I've been posting.
The fact that we (as conservatives) are asked to defend our enjoyment of a band by fellow jammers, is sad at best. Once again, they are a f'ing rock band (yes, a great one). But, if you can't seperate excellent music, from the individuals (behind the music's) political perspective.... I feel sorry for you and it truly (by definition) shows an inability to be objective.... and finally shows how you are close-minded.
I assume all of you (who can't understand a conservative PJ fan) have no conservative friends or family members. Because it would be impossible for them to love you, because you are a liberal.... right? By, what you've posted here.... the answer should be "yes, I have no conservative friends or family". And I think that that is completely ridiculous.
I didn't insult you at all and I certainly didn't name call. Re-read the thread. You simply haven't addressed any of my points because you can't. That's all. Enjoy your disdain for those who have different perspectives than your own.
I just love the band period. I feel no need to justify that or try to get permission from some far left secular Pear Jam fan. Please....I just love PJ and thats final.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Songs like "Greivance" and "Marker in the Sand" although they may have a leftist slant to the lyrics, also have sentiments that could also be appeal to a Conservative audience because they touch on themes that all of us as HUMANS relate to.
I think the general theme of their music has always been about Peace, Love, Understanding, and Freedom. These are all things I'm sure all of us can
find a common ground.
Afterall, we quickly forget that Eddie was pretty outspoken in mid-90's about his disapointment with the Clinton administration as well.
I'm sure there were more than a few Conservative fans cheering and pumping their fists in the air to some of those Anti-Clinton rants as well.
I think if anything this band has urged their audience to PARTICIPATE and get INFORMED on the issues. I think they just want us to have a conversation about it no matter what side you we're on.
And It's obvious that they have inspired their audience to do such as evidenced by this fourm that is provided for us FANS to participate.
I’ll see you all in line tomorrow to vote!
To me, true conservatism promotes freedom better than any other ideology. Take the big hand of government out of the equation, allow people to make their own choices, and restoring personal responsibility. More money out of the hands of the government and into our pockets gives us more freedom in how we choose to spend it.
I would say that our boys in PJ are huge fans of freedom too. It shines through in Eddie's lyrics. The common ground is the message of liberty, and equality.
The biggest difference comes in the life vs. choice argument, which both sides are fighthing for the same thing, really. Both are trying to protect someone's freedom. Conservatives believe that a fetus is a life with rights worth protecting, Liberals think that a fetus is not a life yet, and thus the rights of the woman can overrule the existence of a blob of cells.
So, I don't a NEO-CON can truly appreciate Pearl Jam for all their worth, but a TRUE conservative can make PJ their favorite band. They are hands-down my favorite band ever.
I think it might be because even though someone may have differing political views from Pearl Jam, that person might still be able to recognize that Pearl Jam can bring up valid points. Even if a fan doesn't always agree with them, it at least gets that person thinking and helps them solidify what they really do believe in. I think Pearl Jam has alot of great things to say, but I may also disagree with some of those things from time to time. Just because they believe in something different than me doesn't mean I'm going to hate them for it. I can recognize that all they really want is for the world to be a better place and really, that's all I want too.
Essentially the gist I get is that in your view it is like you would be saying you can't be a friend with someone who is a liberal if you are a conservative because they might be against something you are strongly for.
Excellent post. Dead on.
I don't think I could be a huge fan of a band if I felt compelled to think or say "shut up and sing" at their concerts for any reason but especially if I didn't agree with what they were saying.
I've been to hundreds of concerts in my lifetime and feel cheated if who I'm seeing doesn't have any interaction with the audience.
I love PJ and more specifically Eddie Vedder because of their outspoken stands they take. Liberalism is reflected in their lyrics, their concert lobby groups, their charity, and their artwork, posters etc...
I couldn't see myself at a Ted Nugent concert just because I enjoyed the guitar playing. I'd feel compelled to tell Ted to "shut up and sing"...
I couldn't enjoy being a part of a Nugent concert, not at all...
I was just saying that EXACT thing to someone last night!
There is a lot Ed says I agree with and a lot I disagree with and I wrote pretty much that when I signed the EV guest book that went around on the solo tour.
Maybe I'm still an idealist, but I really agree with Ed's speech at DC 1 on the solo tour when he said the scariest people who vote are those people who only ever vote for one party and could never ever consider voting for someone not in their party even if that person was the better candidate. And in the rant he was ripping a Democrat he saw interviewed on tv who said she could never vote for a Republican no matter what the situation and he said people like that are not really helping and only helping to divide the country further. (I'm paraphrasing, but he went on to say we're not two different teams in America, but rather one country who are all part of the same team who need to elect the best person even if you aren't a member of their party.)
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I am not a conservative either.
I think Pearl Jam's music sends a lovely message that many people can hit on.
Lyrics are a form of literature in which everyone can relate.
I have met some of the nicest "conservatives" at this site. Some who have really lifted me and carried me to heights I could have never experienced without allowing their influence...
I think that anyone who allows the self to be rude and uncaring (careless and not thoughtful) is not so liberal...
peace and joyous love.
in darkness there is light; in light there is darkness
apply this concept in your daily lives and your minds will expand, but remember, to expand is to contract....
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
I don't know anyone with that attitude.
So if I think women should be respected and therefore don't enjoy songs that talk about fucking and killing bitches and hoes, that makes me close-minded? Certainly not.
Are you saying there's absolutely nothing a song could say or a band could support that would cause you to not claim that band as your favorite band?
Once again, you have absolutely zero comprehension of this thread or what I and some others are asking/saying.
No, that's not what I'm saying.
that's because you're one of them....
Exactly! Thank you. I really don't see why people are acting so shocked by this sentiment.
Nice try, but nope, I'm not.
I don't not want anyone here and I haven't said anything to indicate that I do. And surely I know more about what I want than you do.