Hillary Clinton will unite the republican party.

The republicans are divided between christian conservatives, libertarians, and elite wall street types, among others. the evangelicals take Huckabee or Thompson, the libertarian types favor McCain or Paul, and the big money is behind Romney.
The Huckabee guys would never back the others , especially social liberals like Romney and Giuliani. The less religious types wont back Huckabee/Thompson. The corporations might flee the party if anyone but Romney wins. The whole republican party is falling apart at the seams.
luckily, Hillary is gonna win the democratic nomination. she's the republican party's savior. They will unite together to take her down. She is too hated.
Republican in the white house in '09.
The Huckabee guys would never back the others , especially social liberals like Romney and Giuliani. The less religious types wont back Huckabee/Thompson. The corporations might flee the party if anyone but Romney wins. The whole republican party is falling apart at the seams.
luckily, Hillary is gonna win the democratic nomination. she's the republican party's savior. They will unite together to take her down. She is too hated.
Republican in the white house in '09.
Post edited by Unknown User on
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
there is no fucking difference,only in appearance not in policy,it's a fucking facade!! a puppet show for all the morons who think they have a say.
how do you not see this?
how do people let themselves be duped by these silver-spooned devils?
Hillary is an evil cunt that doesn't give two shits about you or this country!she is just another boot-licking servant for those who really run shit.And that goes for all the republicans too.(save Ron Paul)
and all the zombies can scream conspiracy as they struggle to maintain a blissful ignorance.but shit is ready to start crashing down around you and we will see if you can maintain your slumber in the midst of a very rude awakening.
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
you're wrong. i little. there are minute differences. Its easier to just say they are all the same and just ignore reality to maintain your own blissful ignorance, but eventually you have to make a choice of the lesser evil. Or choose a third party guy. i have no problem with that, but it wont make any difference in the end.
for instance, a candidate that raises taxes is different than one that wont, and some of these guys will and some wont. And that affects me, so i will listen. I couldnt really care less about most social issues, but many do, and the candidates have wildy different views on these issues. Some want to change the constitution in differing ways, etc.
saying you have no problem settling for a "3rd party guy" or "the lesser of the evils" is the most ignorant shit you could possibly spew!!! that's why this country is fucked to begin with,your spineless approach to "democracy"
"If we don't take action now
We settle for nothing later
Settle for nothing now
And we'll settle for nothing later
If we don't take action now
We settle for nothing later
We'll settle for nothing now
And we'll settle for nothing later"
Zack De La Rocha
that is the equivalent of asking what kind of rims or color paint job you want on your new car,merely superficial exterior differences to herd the sheep into different pens and keep us targeting each other(divide and conquer / partisan politics) instead of targeting them.
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
Scroll down a little way to the headline "Statement from Obama campaign manager..."
Democracy is dead and the clinton's are exploiting this fact at every turn. They are shady mothereffers.
I'm telling you doomsayers, forget investing in gold. You need to be investing in ammo, radiation suits, and canned goods!
(wow that post really evolved as i wrote it!)
i'm not really the conspiracy type, but I'll be damned if i can think of another reason why she is winning. I just can't concieve of anyone voting for her.
The Clintons are like white trash Kennedys. People loved Bubba. He's like their JFK (except instead of being shot in the head, he shot some fat chick in the eye with his jism). They long for the return of the Trailer Park Camelot.
for the least they could possibly do
Nor am i, but, we're dealing with the clintons here. i also cannot for the life of me see how she is recieving so many votes, and this, the "surprise" in NH and subsequent recount, (which i also found an interesting link about) all seems fishy. bill, we know has an issue with honesty and integrity. hillary is the same and scandal seems to follow them whereever they go.
i don't think you're very far off on this, though i don't understand it. bill clinton is no fucking JFK, that's for damn sure. Do democrats, especially female democrats over 50, not remember the finger wagging lies and subsequent impeachment?! How they can they look at this red nosed son-of-a-bitch, nod, clap, a then vote for his wife i'll never understand! Do they not rember scandal after scandal?! They're now (i firmly believe) trying to steal this nomination, and getting away with it. Fucking amazing.
Make no mistake. The Clintons will stop at nothing to get elected. Hillary believes this is her destiny. She's been pre-ordained as president. She has so many opportunities for this country, if we'd just let her offer them. ~sniff~
I hate her more than I like any other candidate in the race, on either side of the aisle.
for the least they could possibly do
If you can't see a profound difference in the judges that Bush appointed and the judges that Clinton appointed you are fucking delusional. Thats on top of other issues like education, college funding and other issues that don't seem to get much traction with people who like to quote "revolutionary" lyrics. Have fun doing whatever you're doing to make a difference, I'll be working in state politics for the party that "isn't different from republicans" to try to make sure that schools have adequate funding and consumers are protected.
nothing and no one will save the Republicans this election cycle. They may be divided and end up uniting, but democrats are coming out 2 to 1 to vote. At a pace we haven't seen before, and that will stay the same, though they may lose some independants, even they aren't dumb enough to allow the Republicans to stay in the white house after the last 8 yrs.
Stop by:
Its beginning to lool like the democrats just may be stupid enough to do just that. Any one of the republican candidates, (yes, even Huckabee) beats hillary clinton. i guarantee it. If the democrats nominate clinton THEY LOSE. Hands down. If every single registered democrat in the country show up to vote for hillary in the general (which will not happen), she STILL loses. She has just a little above ZERO independant support. She will even lose some of the democrat vote to the republican candidate. Factor in the almost guaranteed candidacy of a third party or independant that always hurts the democratic candidate much more than it does the republican, and SHE HAS NO CHANCE OF WINNING. NONE. i don't care how badly bush has messed shit up. Hillary will not win a general election. Bet everything you have on that.
Exactly. There are more registered Republicans in this country than Democrats. The Dems MUST attract independents to win. Hillary aint gonna do it. Independents will just stay home.
On top of that, every registered republican in America will come out to vote against Hillary. They might not be enthused about their own candidate, but they will unite behind an anti-Hillary campaign.
for the least they could possibly do
we will be at war for for 100 years, and his senile old crazy ass will drive us to bankrupcy and pure hatred by every other country in the world.
Likely. The same can be said for any of the republican candidates. Thats EXACTLY where we're headed, however, if democrats nominate clinton. If you never believe another word i say, believe this.
Please read up on Ron Paul then.....BIG difference between him and ANY other Republican.
i know enough about RP to know a couple of things. One, i'm not a supporter, and two, he stands about a snowballs chance in hell of recieving the republican nomination for elmentary school class rep, let alone president for the United States. He is completely unviable.
Any TRUE republican would vote for Ron Paul.
With all due respect, you're absolutely wrong about this. The republican voter will vote for ANY of the republican candidates before they vote clinton. Moderates may not like Huckabee, but he IS republican and he IS NOT hillary. Right wingers may not prefer Romney, but again, he IS NOT hillary. Like the OP stated, HILLARY will unite republicans. They don't need one of their own to do that.
when shit goes down..i got your back