questions for those who think global warming is a myth...



  • inmytree wrote:
    yeah, that's my point, honda, ford, and others would not even be pushing this as hard as they are without the "need"...

    The need really has nothing to do with Global Warming, at least not directly. The need is that people don't like buying gas, and it won't be around forever anyway.

    Automakers have long looked for alternate fuel sources. The market really isn't there yet, however. The Al Gores of the world do help encourage the market and the producers will follow the market, and that's a good thing.
    yeah, I like it...I'm researching two things now. 1) making my own biodiesel 2) setting my car up to run on grease. I have a 82 diesel rabbit sitting in my driveway, not running at this time, but I may, if I don't part it out for cash, fix it up to run on straight veggie oil...

  • inmytree wrote:
    so, you're only worried about taxation when it comes to this subject, but your ok with other taxation...?

    don't get me wrong, while label me as a liberal tree-hugger, I think taxes suck and would like to see less...

    taxation is a necessity. We need services. So I am ok with some forms of taxation, not all. What i am most worried about is countries loosing sovereignty. What will a global tax on a problem that we do not understand accomplish? Nothing!! Try to find reports on the temperature increase on other planets. If you can find this suppressed information, then you will find your answer about global warming!!
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    taxation is a necessity. We need services. So I am ok with some forms of taxation, not all. What i am most worried about is countries loosing sovereignty. What will a global tax on a problem that we do not understand accomplish? Nothing!! Try to find reports on the temperature increase on other planets. If you can find this suppressed information, then you will find your answer about global warming!!

    sounds good...
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