questions for those who think global warming is a myth...

why do you fight the concept...? what I mean is, if you don't believe, why do you care what Al Gore or anyone else is saying...? why not keep living how you are living...?
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edit: "I'm totally cereal"
how are they attempting to change your life...?
You tell me: what's the solution to global warming?
so, "they" really aren't trying to change your life...?
exactly,... everyone is wasting their time on the debate about how to fix something we don't understand fully. anybody who says man hasn't adversely effected the environment is a fucking idiot, but we don't know exactly what to do about climate change. the media, Al Gore, and every scientist in the world should be trying to educate the masses on how to conserve and find alternative fuel sources. stop polluting, stop wasting,... that is the first step
~Ron Burgundy
I think "they" are. My question is, are you?
Very well done. And no, we don't need the media or Al Gore or grant-sucking scientists. We just need people like this:
i still have so much to learn about these technologies. i've debated on whether to have a new car payment on some type of hybrid. im still in college, but my truck is paid off. i don't know,... maybe this summer when i have time to explore more
~Ron Burgundy
This IS the first step. FarFrom..., how is being aware of what you're contributing to our environment in a negative way changing your life? How about being more realistic that our planet isn't for our disposal? That doesn't necessarily change one's life, it's just about being more aware.
I'm not trying to change your lifestyle, my friend..I'm making changes for me and how I live, if that makes sense...
A hybrid is a great start. The hybrid Civic honda released this year is a great vehicle, as is the Prius.
That makes a ton of sense.
Awareness is wonderful. I have absolutely no problem with awareness. Being aware doesn't change your life, at least not in the sense I meant above. It enhances your life, and that's always a good thing.
question: would honda have spent money on developing this concept car if the grant-sucking scientists did not do there work...?
I understand your point, you're a "private business for everything" type of fella, which is not an insult...I'm just thinking honda wouldn't be the addressing the problem if there where no problem...
are you basically attacking the idea of the 'scare tactics'? like, people saying we have to change drastically or the world will end, but they have a secret agenda type thing?
~Ron Burgundy
pick up a cheap diesel...older vw's are out there and many are fixing them up and selling them at a reasonable price (and some aren't)...
diesel is now cleaner, and you can also run it on biodiesel with little or no modification...
with some modification you can run it on waste veggie oil...
Of course.
Yes. Honda's been working on fuel cell stacks for a lot longer than grant-sucking scientists have been trying to scare the shit out of me about global warming. I guess Christian Friedrich Schönbein and Otto Hahn had time machines?
No, you're not missing my point. You've pinpointed it exactly. There are those who tell you what not to do, and there are those who give you better things to do. I'm no fan of the former. I'm a huge fan of the latter.
another thing i should look into this summer,... my gf has a VW. that thing is purty and it flies. gotta love the turbo charger,...
her mom is a (here comes the flame) GM for a McD's,... she has a shit ton of used oil,...
~Ron Burgundy
sure...I'm aware fuel cells have been around for some time, however, I'm guess the push for making this technology more mainstream and affordable his recent. I mean, where can I purchase a car with fuel cell technology...?
oh, now you embrace the grant-sucking scientists....;)
there are many companies that sell bolt-on systems for waste veggie're girlfriend could drive around for pennies...
and spend the extra dough on you...
Right now, you really can't. Honda produces a handful each year, but good luck tring to get one. Some goes for Ford, I believe.
Honda's planning a limited production run of the new FCX late this year/next year. I'm currently trying my hardest to get one of those suckers -- the folks at Honda corporate are getting pissed at me and I may have to learn Japanese, but I am going to figure out how to get one.
Your own suggestion about biodiesel is also a good one, at least in the short term.
Hehe...I'm not sure how many grants Schönbein got, probably none. Hahn, on the other hand, probably fits the bill.
I really don't have a perception about "grant-sucking" scientists. I said that more to be controversial than anything else. There are some wonderful scientists doing amazing work on grants.
well if that isn't a win win situation,...
~Ron Burgundy
yeah, that's my point, honda, ford, and others would not even be pushing this as hard as they are without the "need"...
yeah, I like it...I'm researching two things now. 1) making my own biodiesel 2) setting my car up to run on grease. I have a 82 diesel rabbit sitting in my driveway, not running at this time, but I may, if I don't part it out for cash, fix it up to run on straight veggie oil...
get started....
so, you're only worried about taxation when it comes to this subject, but your ok with other taxation...?
don't get me wrong, while label me as a liberal tree-hugger, I think taxes suck and would like to see less...