
I see a pattern emerging...



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    PaperPlatesPaperPlates Posts: 1,745
    yosi wrote:
    Maybe I'm wrong but I think unavoidable was what the poster was trying to say.

    No I wasnt. They think its avoidable. They refuse to realize what exactly we are at war with. I know its avoidable. If we wanted to avoid these deaths, we could just roll over and let them have w/e the fuck they want, which is world wide islam. I used the word I meant. Necessary. Kinda like a "necessary evil".
    Why go home

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    They certainly aren't helping themselves are they? They're losing the sympathies and credibility that they have. One person is still too much for me though. Atleast they said it wasn't true themselves though.

    No. I think that Israel and the U.S. are top in the "losing the sympathies and credibility" category.
    We can evade reality, but we cannot evade the consequences of evading reality. - Ayn Rand
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    Because I find it very easy to believe that phots and news gets doctored.

    Ok. Is it also not "very easy to believe" that Israel could kill 40 people in an airstrike? Or are you just less likely to "lap that up"?
    And do we seriously think PROOF of doctored news and photos is gonna sway these people (here on the pit) to common sense?

    No. That said, the undoctored news and legitimate photos won't say the others.
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    inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    What else does your crystal ball, or all knowing powers tell you about me? There's a difference between understanding that sometimes war is necessary, and celebrating death. And in case I need to remind you, many people on the other side of this conflict, danced on 9/11, and dance whenever they hear or read of american deaths. I have never danced a jig whilst reading the news. Sometimes Im even choked up by it. Do you run your entire life on emotions? Sometimes emotion has to be tossed aside, so reality and all that goes with it can be attended to.

    tell me again which deaths make you "sad"...only the good ones...?

    I have to admit, I do find it sad, when people are called out for the type of thinking that death is ok, they pull the 9/11 card...when in doubt pull it out, I guess...

    for me, tossing out the emotions raised when one sees, hears, reads about the death of an innocent person makes that person a cold-hearted person who cares about nothing but themselves....
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    Human TideHuman Tide Posts: 322
    jsand wrote:

    Siniora had earlier told Arab foreign ministers in Beirut that the attack “was a horrific massacre ... in which more than 40 martyrs were victims of deliberate bombing.”

    Now he can't use the incident to fan the flames of the Arab league's hatred against Israel.

    By the way, if the purported civilians were "martyrs," what cause would they have been dying for??

    As I mentioned, many people were pulled from the rubble and they are very lucky to be alive. Siniora and all Lebanese are certainly thankful that things were not as bad as previously thought. To refer to people as martyrs is a respectful way of saying they didn't die in vain. If you were to ask Siniora, he would say they died for Lebanon. This, of course, if really not the point.

    After weeks of bombing and hundreds of civilians killed, do you really think Siniora needs to say anything to "fan the flames"? Is there any ambiguity in the Arab feelings towards Israel? Nobody needs to be convinced of whether Israel's actions are justified.

    Do you think he's really upset that all those people actually survived?
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    CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,224
    I get my news from reliable sources... like this one:
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
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    wrong thread....
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    shirazshiraz Posts: 528
    Just like those faked pictures, one of the sad things [1] about this case is the stuff it could have casued, as if the situation here (and in the rest of the world) isn't bad enough. I thought govts are the ones who are playing with my life. Well, I guess I can add the media to the same list, and no one would seem to care about it too much.

    [1] the main thing is anotner dead civilian.
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    LazLaz Posts: 118
    wow the media isn't impartial? I'm shocked!!!
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    jsandjsand Posts: 646
    Human Tide wrote:
    Is there any ambiguity in the Arab feelings towards Israel? Nobody needs to be convinced of whether Israel's actions are justified.

    Exactly right. There never has been any ambiguity in the Arab world's stance on Israel. The Iranian psychopath expresses their views clearly - they want Israel wiped off the map. Whether Israel's actions in this current conflict are justified are not, this sentiment has never changed since the formation of modern Israel, which is why, as you correctly say, "nobody needs to be convinced of whether Israel's actions are justified."
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    jsand wrote:
    Nope. Born, raised and living in America.
    my bad....for some reason I thought you were in Israel.
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    Human TideHuman Tide Posts: 322
    jsand wrote:
    Exactly right. There never has been any ambiguity in the Arab world's stance on Israel. The Iranian psychopath expresses their views clearly - they want Israel wiped off the map. Whether Israel's actions in this current conflict are justified are not, this sentiment has never changed since the formation of modern Israel, which is why, as you correctly say, "nobody needs to be convinced of whether Israel's actions are justified."

    Wow, what a lame way to change the subject and avoid answering the point made.

    I shouldn't have entered the discussion to begin with, because you clearly aren't interested in discussion. You're an apologist for the Israeli government, and really not much more. Your thinking revolves solely around seeking justification for whatever Israel does and by default vilifying whoever is on the other side. It wouldn't matter whether Israel killed 1000, 10000, or 100000 civilians - you would present the same arguments, based on the same tired propoganda, with the same purpose of blind justification. With people like you, the only criticism of Israel comes when one of your preferred pundits criticizes an action for lack of severity and you are obliged to agree. So desperate to believe that the conflict is black and white, with a good guy and bad guy. For whatever reason, perhaps your own religion or upbringing, you associate with your "good" guy and feel compelled to fight for it. Of course the saddest part is that there is never any real thinking in terms of how to solve the conflict. The other side is always so bad that the thought of negotiation and reconciliation is shunned entirely....as long as the Israeli government is in such a stage.

    In short, it's the behavior of a sheep. No independent thought or interest in any other point of view - only a goal of proving who is bad and exactly how bad they are. Above all, it's useless. I'm always a sucker for even getting started here. It's a useful forum for those who care to learn about other points of view, but it's just so damn hard to filter through all the preachers.

    I hope you thoroughly enjoy the remaining bloodshed. It should provide many opportunities for making yourself feel good about how bad the other side is.
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    jsandjsand Posts: 646
    Human Tide wrote:
    In short, it's the behavior of a sheep. No independent thought or interest in any other point of view - only a goal of proving who is bad and exactly how bad they are. Above all, it's useless. I'm always a sucker for even getting started here. It's a useful forum for those who care to learn about other points of view, but it's just so damn hard to filter through all the preachers.

    Take a look at yourself. You don't listen to a damn thing I say. The only "sheep" are people such as yourself who can't tell the difference between a nation defending its citizens and trying its best to keep civilian casualties on the other side low - even if it means putting the lives of its soldiers at grave risk - and a terrorist organization that INTENTIONALLY TARGETS CIVILIANS. Excuse me if I don't think Israel should be negotiating with a group of terrorists that wants it wiped off the map. Perhaps if Siniora had actuall done something about Hezbollah 5 years ago, when it was supposed to be disarmed, this bloodshed wouldn't be happening today.

    Why do I even try, though? You're a preacher in your own right.
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    Human TideHuman Tide Posts: 322
    jsand wrote:
    Take a look at yourself. You don't listen to a damn thing I say. The only "sheep" are people such as yourself who can't tell the difference between a nation defending its citizens and trying its best to keep civilian casualties on the other side low - even if it means putting the lives of its soldiers at grave risk - and a terrorist organization that INTENTIONALLY TARGETS CIVILIANS. Excuse me if I don't think Israel should be negotiating with a group of terrorists that wants it wiped off the map. Perhaps if Siniora had actuall done something about Hezbollah 5 years ago, when it was supposed to be disarmed, this bloodshed wouldn't be happening today.

    Why do I even try, though? You're a preacher in your own right.

    I preached nothing to you about the politics of the conflict. I made comments to challenge your assertions about Siniora and what you claim would be his motives and feelings regarding the survivors of the bombing. You then changed the subject, rather than addressing the logic and reasoning behind my suggestion. Take a look - I even asked you questions. This is typically what it means to have a discussion...an exchange of ideas. I then commented on your particular approach to the conflict and why it's useless to have a discussion with you. I did not make excuses for Hezbollah or condone their activities. This and whatever else you attribute to me are your own assumptions. You can reasonably assume I'm critical of Israel's actions, but I didn't let on much beyond that. By the way, Siniora has only been the PM for 1 year, which I'm sure makes no difference to you. In fact, I'm sure you will ignore your mistake and pretend as if it never happened. If you want to judge my views, then perhaps you should wait until I give you my views in at least minimal detail. I didn't bother because you have no interest in hearing them or anything other than the mantra you repeat over and over. The only thing I'm preaching to you about is your own resistance to real dialogue and productive discussion.
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    yosi1yosi1 Posts: 3,272
    No I wasnt. They think its avoidable. They refuse to realize what exactly we are at war with. I know its avoidable. If we wanted to avoid these deaths, we could just roll over and let them have w/e the fuck they want, which is world wide islam. I used the word I meant. Necessary. Kinda like a "necessary evil".

    I meant it was unavoidable for civilians not to be killed while it IS necessary for Israel to fight.
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane.
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    yosi wrote:
    I meant it was unavoidable for civilians not to be killed while it IS necessary for Israel to fight.

    Necessary for what?
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