I see a pattern emerging...

Lebanon retracts claim that Israel killed 40
Prime minister now says one person died in airstrike on village
Lebanon retracts claim that Israel killed 40
Prime minister now says one person died in airstrike on village
Post edited by Unknown User on
Just read that a few minutes ago!
what pattern are you talking about...the killing of innocent civilians...?
I know your'e not missing the point. just bein cute.
pointless killing on both sides...yes, I do see that...so if that was the original posters point, then I do so the pattern...
Exactly. I think anyone with half a brain would realize that. Instead, they choose to obfuscate the point and cry about killing on both sides. Pathetic.
Interesting. Then why do you believe this?
Most certainly.
Reuters withdraws all photos by Lebanese freelance
Realize what? That the media is often wrong?
That would be pathetic. As would the opposite: obfuscating the fact of one death by the subtraction of 39 that never happend.
perhaps you should be a bit more clear...
anyway...I'm glad they found that ONE photo was doctored....that means all the bombing going on for both sides must be fake....
and how dare the PM of Lebanon correct himself....what a jerk... :rolleyes:
The pattern is quite obvious; no clarification necessary. Do you recall the reduction by half of the original death toll in the Quana "massacre"?
It's funny how one side in this conflict under-reports casualties (to make it clear - Israel) because the deaths increase after people who are hospitalized die of ball bearings and other shrapnel, and the other over-reports it to gain more sympathy. Even more funny that the media and people such as yourself buy into it hook, line and sinker.
first: I'm not buying shit
second: both sides are wrong when it comes to the is conflict....
third: in the Quana massacre, I could understand the error..it must have been hard getting a accurate body count...with all that rubble from that blown up building...
anyhoo...I'm sure you'll be painting me as one of those who hate israel because I don't buy into what you are saying....
I've recently learned on this message board that human rights were just a "left wing hippy" catch phrase, so there's nothing left to debate with them... they like the Arabs blood spilling, they probably like the fact that arabs and Muslims are dying as of now, they just can't understand that Israel are helping the Hezbollah to build stronger support, on each of their offensive, and each time this suppose diplomacy (fucking hilarious bullshit) fail, Lebanese feel like they're being left out once more, bah anyway, who cares about Arabs, only Israeli's life is important, to protect Israeli's life, they have the right to kill Lebanese at will...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Nope. Born, raised and living in America.
You're just noticing this now? It has nothing to do with Israel/Lebanon and everything to do with news services.
With the real time reporting of events, 'Breaking News' is a ratings coup... were you around in 1991 when Desert Shield turned into Desert Storm? That made cable news what it is today.
Now... in order to get the story out, reporters are dispatched and ask for eye-witness accounts. These accounts are relayed, without verification, to dispatch centers and on to newsrooms. The Editors or news directors decide whether or not to go public with the story, based upon these eye-witnesses.
This is how FOX News runs 'Breaking news' stories about W.M.D. finds... then, realize that they've found welding tanks... and how wire services spit out unreliable, exaggerated eye-witness accounts from frenzied individuals that may or may not have witnessed the event.
Hail, Hail!!!
Cosmo, we've argued a lot, but I just want to say I respect the hell out of you.
Wrong. It has everything to do with Lebanon and its government's propoganda machine, which churned out the inflated death toll in Quana and now did it again in this case. A high-ranking government official should not throw around the term "massacre" lightly, especially when the alleged massacre turned out to be the death of 1 person.
They pulled many survivors from the rubble of the building, which were the people they initially thought were dead. That should be considered good news, and I'm the sure the Lebanese PM is happy to have been so wrong.
Because I find it very easy to believe that phots and news gets doctored. That didnt take a news agency to notice. It took a few photoshop rookies and anyone with half a brain to spot that one particular doctor'd image.
And do we seriously think PROOF of doctored news and photos is gonna sway these people (here on the pit) to common sense? I mean, for fucks sake, they defend the president of Iran. They won't have any problems (or tons of excuses) with this. Figures.
You're right... high ranking government officials should not throw around over exaggerated terms or descriptors... such as, "I never had sexual relations with that woman", "Facing clear evidence of peril, we cannot wait for the final proof -- the smoking gun -- that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud" or "My belief is we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators."
Hail, Hail!!!
Noones trying to blow off any deaths. All deaths are sad, even to us "warmongers". We just understand sometimes they're necessary. However, intentionaly doctoring of photos or deathcounts, is much more of a problem than actual mistakes. Especially when the aim is to put america's citizens against each other. Inflating death counts is one fucked up little "mistake".
I'm calling bullshit...deaths are not "sad" to you or anyone else who think they are "necessary"...
Maybe I'm wrong but I think unavoidable was what the poster was trying to say.
Siniora had earlier told Arab foreign ministers in Beirut that the attack “was a horrific massacre ... in which more than 40 martyrs were victims of deliberate bombing.”
Now he can't use the incident to fan the flames of the Arab league's hatred against Israel.
By the way, if the purported civilians were "martyrs," what cause would they have been dying for??
What else does your crystal ball, or all knowing powers tell you about me? There's a difference between understanding that sometimes war is necessary, and celebrating death. And in case I need to remind you, many people on the other side of this conflict, danced on 9/11, and dance whenever they hear or read of american deaths. I have never danced a jig whilst reading the news. Sometimes Im even choked up by it. Do you run your entire life on emotions? Sometimes emotion has to be tossed aside, so reality and all that goes with it can be attended to.