All you are doing here is being wildly successful at proving what a dumbass you are, but by all means please continue. You do amuse me...
the racist are the 95% of black people who voted obama.. now thats racism at its best..
If you think thats a racist remark.. you got the problem..i don't.. maybe i should call him The "ass"...i don't omit words because black people think its offensive.. that is your own problems.. You don't mind our kids listening to your garbage rap when they are all called bitches and ho's and honky's, do you...You don't mind putting Palin under the bus with obama's own poor grandma or sec 8 aunts and uncles now do you?
obama is filth in my book.. he's a socialist, corrupt pig.. he hasn't even proved he's a citizen yet. he hides everything All the other candidates proved theirselves with nothing to hide here. why not obama? this campaign was won on money and race.. Now we will all suffer for your own stupidities and racism.. as sharpton said yesterday.. Obama is the whitest black person he's ever seen.. Now go argue with him awhile..
I through this one in also.. Obama voted to allow this type of baby killing to continue.. Obama, our new president, likes killing babies..the grandpa of all grandpa' Enjoy this.
Obama is a member in a church that places devotion to race and nationality on par with devotion to Christ. His cultural exclusivity stands in direct opposition to the Evangelical concept of the transcendent universality of the Gospel. Jesus permanently nullified racial and gender barriers when he reached out to the Samaritan woman. (See John, chapter 4.) St. Paul writes in Galatians 3:28, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” Furthermore, Obama is affiliated with a denomination that has decisively rejected the cardinal truths of the Christian faith for he is muslim and his God is Allah. This will be an enormous impediment toward his goal of unity.
a slip of the tongue obama admits muslim
Compare the 2008 spending habits from obama and mccain..for junk spendings. Obama $97 million. McCain zero..
2007 obama voted worst liberal senator out of hundreds of senators. Obama spent $932 million dollars for junk spendings, called pork barrel, like spending $4.8 million tax payers money to dna bears. lol.. how in the world can he be good for the economy? and you really think you'll get a check in the mail?
Socialism refers to a broad set of economic theories of social organization advocating state or collective ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods, and the creation of an egalitarian society.[1][2] Modern socialism originated in the late nineteenth-century working class political movement. Karl Marx posited that socialism would be achieved via class struggle and a proletarian revolution, it being the transitional stage between capitalism and communism.
check this one out.. Obama was president of the Annenberg corp. which sponsors fact check. and william "the bomber" ayers was chairman of the board.. so much for "fact check".. couldn't you tell fact check was always pro obama and lied on mccain.Always..
According to its web site ACORN (an acronym for Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), is the nation’s largest community organization of low- and moderate-income families, working together for social justice and stronger communities. At first glance, this organization seems to be benign. This is not true since it uses very aggressive tactics to get its work done.
Some recent reports about their activities include the following things. They have disrupted and blocked activities within the Chicago City Council during living wage discussions. In Baltimore, MD, they burst into the scene of a private law dinner. They bussed four loads of protesters to the site of a mayor’s house, where they spewed profanities at the mayor and his family. And these are just the ones we know about. Their thuggery is over the line by far.
Of course. i always back up what i say..and i have plenty more.. Enjoy your president and be prepared for "change".. enjoy..
If you need anything else, i'm here for you..enjoy who you have elected...
buf dtw buf sce yyz tol grr yhm yyz pit yyz yyz pit bna cae aus lax lax san phl phl cle buf mke mke atl pit buf clt san lax lax gsp cae bna sea sea
If you think thats a racist remark.. you got the problem..i don't.. maybe i should call him The "ass"...i don't omit words because black people think its offensive.. that is your own problems.. You don't mind our kids listening to your garbage rap when they are all called bitches and ho's and honky's, do you...You don't mind putting Palin under the bus with obama's own poor grandma or sec 8 aunts and uncles now do you?
obama is filth in my book.. he's a socialist, corrupt pig.. he hasn't even proved he's a citizen yet. he hides everything All the other candidates proved theirselves with nothing to hide here. why not obama? this campaign was won on money and race.. Now we will all suffer for your own stupidities and racism.. as sharpton said yesterday.. Obama is the whitest black person he's ever seen.. Now go argue with him awhile..
Obama's section 8 aunts and uncles? Who were they again? And what about this citizen thing? How has he not proven it, but McCain did - exactly?
But still. Keep talking. In my humble opinion, the right needs more voices like yours.
the racist are the 95% of black people who voted obama.. now thats racism at its best..
If you think thats a racist remark.. you got the problem..i don't.. maybe i should call him The "ass"...i don't omit words because black people think its offensive.. that is your own problems.. You don't mind our kids listening to your garbage rap when they are all called bitches and ho's and honky's, do you...You don't mind putting Palin under the bus with obama's own poor grandma or sec 8 aunts and uncles now do you?
obama is filth in my book.. he's a socialist, corrupt pig.. he hasn't even proved he's a citizen yet. he hides everything All the other candidates proved theirselves with nothing to hide here. why not obama? this campaign was won on money and race.. Now we will all suffer for your own stupidities and racism.. as sharpton said yesterday.. Obama is the whitest black person he's ever seen.. Now go argue with him awhile..
ummm...actually 'monkey's mouth' seems pretty offensive (way more than uncle tom ) monkey's mouth is pretty degrading, along w/ the section 8 comments
anyway...i don't think obama is a muslim and it wouldn't matter to me one way or the other as long as he wasn't preaching some theocracy or crazy shit, why would it matter what religion he is? maybe we should only vote for buddhists?
is it racist that until now the majority of white americans have voted for white candidates or sexist that they voted for mostly males? however, i do think many black ppl voted for him just b/c he was black and a democrat, if it were just b/c he was black alan keyes would've won in 2000. i think he's very intelligent and articulate and lots of ppl of every color give him a free pass, but this has always happened in politics
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Can anyone see the massive conflict of interest in blindly supporting the apartheid actions of state of Israel, and where that is heading?
full circle....going in circles.
Obama certainly has his work cut out for him, but he's shooting himself in both feet if he thinks he can stack his cabinet with strong Israeli interests and then then around and tell them what to do afterwards.
AIPAC...currently on trial for spying in and on the US, and Obama pledges undying and never ending support to this PAC.
It doesn't pan out as something intelligent.
Obama is on a short leash, and it's kind of disappointing that so many of his supporters have no idea what I'm even talking about, or how it applies to everything.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
yes a terrific intelligent speaker who screwed us all into believing.. we are doomed... if everyone would have checked his own writings, quotes and his record, they would of seen the evil in this man.. he is anti-american. He will rule to benefit the islamics.. He is a muslim and finally told us in the end.. he wants our guns, he wants our beliefs to be swayed to his own beliefs. He is a socialist with communist beliefs' We are Doomed..he is 50% african muslim and 50% white.. that looks and talks presidential and lied his way through it all..
sweet Christ. I thought you were joking. You almost had me lol'ing because of this delicious sarcasm. Now I see you are serious.
Really, people that are so worried about Barack Obama ought to go into an underground bomb shelter for the next 4 years. I mean, you should all collect your things and go to a bomb shelter together and just wring your hands and worry. And occasionally e-mail about the coming armageddon, or whatever.
the racist are the 95% of black people who voted obama.. now thats racism at its best..
If you think thats a racist remark.. you got the problem..i don't.. maybe i should call him The "ass"...i don't omit words because black people think its offensive.. that is your own problems.. You don't mind our kids listening to your garbage rap when they are all called bitches and ho's and honky's, do you...You don't mind putting Palin under the bus with obama's own poor grandma or sec 8 aunts and uncles now do you?
obama is filth in my book.. he's a socialist, corrupt pig.. he hasn't even proved he's a citizen yet. he hides everything All the other candidates proved theirselves with nothing to hide here. why not obama? this campaign was won on money and race.. Now we will all suffer for your own stupidities and racism.. as sharpton said yesterday.. Obama is the whitest black person he's ever seen.. Now go argue with him awhile..
anyway...i don't think obama is a muslim and it wouldn't matter to me one way or the other as long as he wasn't preaching some theocracy or crazy shit, why would it matter what religion he is? maybe we should only vote for buddhists?
Though I wonder if it would be acceptable to him if Obama were a Grand Wizard of the Klan?
Can anyone see the massive conflict of interest in blindly supporting the apartheid actions of state of Israel, and where that is heading?
full circle....going in circles.
Obama certainly has his work cut out for him, but he's shooting himself in both feet if he thinks he can stack his cabinet with strong Israeli interests and then then around and tell them what to do afterwards.
AIPAC...currently on trial for spying in and on the US, and Obama pledges undying and never ending support to this PAC.
It doesn't pan out as something intelligent.
Obama is on a short leash, and it's kind of disappointing that so many of his supporters have no idea what I'm even talking about, or how it applies to everything.
I also think that if he hadn't toed the line to some degree re: support of Israel, he'd have never been elected. The Jewish lobby would not have permitted him to get elected. Now that he's President - or soon enough - we'll just have to wait and see what he does. Either way, I'm sure he won't be as hawkish re: Israel as McCain would have been.
'UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has told Israeli PM Ehud Olmert he is deeply concerned about humanitarian conditions in the blockaded Gaza Strip.
In a telephone call, he urged Mr Olmert to ease the delivery of aid to the territory, Mr Ban's office said.
Israel imposed the blockade on the Gaza Strip two weeks ago amid fresh violence between militants and Israeli troops.
On Tuesday, the UN's top human rights official said the restrictions deprived Palestinians of "basic human rights".
Mr Ban's office said he had expressed his "deep concern over the consequences of the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza".
...Renewed fighting broke out two weeks ago when Israeli forces launched in incursion into Gaza to destroy what it says was a tunnel intended for use to abduct its soldiers.
Militant groups in Gaza responded with rocket fire...
On Tuesday, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, called for "dignity and basic welfare" to be restored to the 1.5m people affected by the Gaza blockade.
Her comments came as Israeli troops entered the southern Gaza Strip, clashing with Palestinian gunmen there.
Israel described the incursion, close to the southern town of Rafah, as a "routine operation".
Really, people that are so worried about Barack Obama ought to go into an underground bomb shelter for the next 4 years. I mean, you should all collect your things and go to a bomb shelter together and just wring your hands and worry. And occasionally e-mail about the coming armageddon, or whatever.
yes a terrific intelligent speaker who screwed us all into believing.. we are doomed... if everyone would have checked his own writings, quotes and his record, they would of seen the evil in this man.. he is anti-american. He will rule to benefit the islamics.. He is a muslim and finally told us in the end.. he wants our guns, he wants our beliefs to be swayed to his own beliefs. He is a socialist with communist beliefs' We are Doomed..he is 50% african muslim and 50% white.. that looks and talks presidential and lied his way through it all..
Obama is not directly anti-american. He is in a sense, but not directly. It's by proxy through Israel, and through blindly supporting their racist apartheid policies. To say he is outright anti-American is absolutely false and very misleading.
He will not rule to benefit the "islamics" ...quite the opposite actually.
His ethnicity has nothing to do with anything. Zip. It's utter nonsense, and mindless vitriol. The socialism aspect is overblown propaganda when gauged against reality. He does want tighter gun restrictions however, yes.
The issues will arise from blindly supporting a failed Zionist ideology, and appointing a team of zionists mindsets in the white house, which will result in a wheels spinning in the sand in terms of progress. His opinion is that Jerusalem will remain an Israel only place of existence. This is a counter productive mentality in terms of a solution, and working towards the two state solution.
Your viewpoint borders on counter intelligence.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Well, back to the topic at hand. I feel dismayed by crediting Obama with being a master of "rhetoric." Public speaking, sure sure, I bow to the master. I'll even give him a nod as an orator -- but he's certainly stronger reading a speech than debating, thinking on his feet. (Who wouldn't be, really....)
As for rhetoric, the art of practical wisdom and decision making -- I just have to return to the common theme: show me the evidence. He's just not left enough tracks yet for me to gauge. I'll grant his speeches display a measure of practical wisdom, he's certainly run a wise political course and that's a credit to his decision making.
But I just keep wondering ... where's the substance? The recent quote on 60 minutes: “What you see in FDR that I hope my team can emulate is not always getting it right, but projecting a sense of confidence and a willingness to try things and experiment in order to get people working again.”
WTF?!?!?! NO NO NO! I NEED YOU TO GET THIS SHIT RIGHT! Care less if you project confidence while doing it. And am esp bothered by experimenting with my nation, esp when many of these experiments have already been run here and abroad.
Projecting a sense of confidence? How'd that work out for Bush?
Though I wonder if it would be acceptable to him if Obama were a Grand Wizard of the Klan?
that's not a religion
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
how can ya not think of a girl w/ a name like byrnzie??
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
i was being sarcastic as in it makes me think of anything but
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
But Obama's professions of support for Israel during the election campaign "confirmed to the Ummah (Islamic world) that you have chosen a stance of hostility to Islam and Muslims," al-Zawahri said.
This type of rethoric right there is not only stupid, it's also very dangerous to identify muslim faith to the Israel/Palestine conflict (it's done by both sides obviously).
Other than that, very interesting article.
'..The raised-arm salute originated in the U.S. in the early Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. flag and it was the origin of the salute of the German National Socialists, as shown in recent discoveries by the historian Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets"). The USA used the straight arm salute to the national flag for three decades before German National Socialists started doing the same thing. It is more accurate to say that the NSGWP was influenced by socialists in the U.S. and within the hooded group.
..The straight-arm salute was created (1892) by Francis Bellamy, a minister who lost his position because he used the pulpit to push what he called "Christian Socialism" in sermons on themes like "Jesus the Socialist."
..They called their dogma "Military Socialism" because they admired the military and wanted all of society to emulate the military system to create an army of God as an industrial army.
Both Bellamys worked together to promote Christian Socialism and Military Socialism and they wanted the government to take over all schools to spread their dogma and create their Army of the Lord. It was consistent with the insertion of "Under God" in the Pledge by the Knights of Columbus...
Many people marveled at Adolf Hilter's "hypnotic" powers of propaganda, as if he was the first of his kind as head of the National Socialist German Workers Party. Adolf Hitler's propaganda had already been pioneered by Francis Bellamy, Edward Bellamy and American socialists. Francis Bellamy's original Columbus Day program was a blueprint of nationwide propaganda for socialism in government schools. They put government flags over schools, in classrooms and everywhere.
Edward Bellamy and Francis Bellamy even put flags (and chanting to flags) in churches in another eerie parallel followed later by Adolf Hitler.
Many people considered the raised-arm salute to the national flag to be sacrilegious worship of government and socialism. Religious people had good reasons to consider the pledge / salute to be sacrilegious, in that Germans used the ritual toward their flag, the swastika flag, which the Germans did not call a swastika flag. Germans called their symbol a Hakenkreuz, not a swastika. Hakenkreuz means "hooked cross."
Most people do not know that a cross was worshiped as the notorious symbol of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. It is one of the biggest cover-ups in history. The hooked cross became a symbol of Christian Socialism.
In the USA the hooked cross was a common symbol and was referred to as a cross (armed cross, twisted cross, lucky cross, crooked cross, hooked cross) before "swastika" became dominant. The eventual dominance of "swastika" occurred in part to distance the cross from German Christian Socialism, by slandering a foreign symbol ("Swastika" is Sanskrit, not German).
Although the swastika was an ancient symbol, the noted cryptographer and symbologist Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Swastika Secrets") discovered that it was also used sometimes by German National Socialists to represent "S" letters for their "socialism." With a 45 degree turn of his Hakenkreuz, and by pointing new uses clockwise, the leader of German National Socialists highlighted the "S" shapes to combine the cross with collectivism, merge church and state, mesh religion and socialism, and mandate the worship of government. He altered his own signature to use the same symbolism and similar alphabetic symbolism still shows on Volkswagens.
Support for Dr. Curry's work comes from other authors who believe the Holocaust under the National Socialist German Workers Party was an inquisition (including religious persecution) undertaken by the leader of German National Socialism under his religious and racial beliefs...
The National Socialist German Workers Party (with its hooked cross) was not the first group to turn a cross into a symbol of death and execution.
Constantine claimed to have a vision before a battle in which he saw a cross as a sword and the words "In this sign conquer." Constantine instructed his men to fashion a sword in the form of a cross and it was carried into victorious battle. It is known as "Constantine's Sword." Thus the cross, a form of execution and death before Constantine, was transformed into another form of execution and death under Constantine. Under Constantine a person would not be killed on a cross, but he would be killed or decapitated with a cross-shaped sword.
It was under Constantine that the cross became popularized as a symbol of Christianity. Before then the common symbols of Christianity included a fish, a lamb, and a shepherd. The crucifix and the cross spread, even as modern jewelry (it is interesting to note that after the guillotine was invented, jewelry (including earrings) were made in the form of miniature guillotines, in a fashion that is similar to modern jewelry in the form of small crosses and crucifixes, also tools of execution similar to the guillotine). Cross-shaped swords were the weapons of the crusades.
Crusades were not just about killing muslims. Crusades were about killing anyone who was not a christian (that included the slaughter of Hebrews).'
on the topic...good article.
after bush as president, just about anyone would appear and sound *better*...not a tough act to follow. however, it IS true, no matter what one may think of his actual words or presidency, he IS a very good speaker. i like the way the writer edxplained it as well; the candence in his voice, the musical quality, changes of tone...pauses....ALL add up to an effective and influential speaker. i also think his *calm* demeanor is VERY appealing, especially as a president. he comes across as calm, cool and collected....not apt to rash decisions, but thoughtful and studied....again, all good traits. time will tell if the actions match the words and speaking style.....but no matter what, he's a very good speaker, and probably will only get better as his 'comfort' within his new position grows.
*someone posted a link to an absolutely fabulous 7 part series of articles in newsweek not too long ago, a GREAT read on the campaign trail...and also referenced numerous times obama's *calm*....and i think it's most definitely a positive.
on the topic...good article.
after bush as president, just about anyone would appear and sound *better*...not a tough act to follow. however, it IS true, no matter what one may think of his actual words or presidency, he IS a very good speaker. i like the way the writer edxplained it as well; the candence in his voice, the musical quality, changes of tone...pauses....ALL add up to an effective and influential speaker. i also think his *calm* demeanor is VERY appealing, especially as a president. he comes across as calm, cool and collected....not apt to rash decisions, but thoughtful and studied....again, all good traits. time will tell if the actions match the words and speaking style.....but no matter what, he's a very good speaker, and probably will only get better as his 'comfort' within his new position grows.
*someone posted a link to an absolutely fabulous 7 part series of articles in newsweek not too long ago, a GREAT read on the campaign trail...and also referenced numerous times obama's *calm*....and i think it's most definitely a positive.
Yeah, I like this line:
"He is close to singing, just as preaching is close to singing. All writing is a rhythm of kinds and he brings it out, hits the tune. It's about the tune, not the lyrics, with Obama."
Although let us hope that he's not just whistling Dixie - I think the article makes a good case for this not being the case. (Did I just use the word case twice in the same sentence?) Anyway, I think he'll make a great President. (Although seeing his name mentioned in the same sentence as Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr made me wince slightly, as we all know what happened to them).
"He is close to singing, just as preaching is close to singing. All writing is a rhythm of kinds and he brings it out, hits the tune. It's about the tune, not the lyrics, with Obama."
Although let us hope that he's not just whistling Dixie - I think the article makes a good case for this not being the case. (Did I just use the word case twice in the same sentence?) Anyway, I think he'll make a great President. (Although seeing his name mentioned in the same sentence as Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr made me wince slightly, as we all know what happened to them).
funny, i really enjoyed that line as well.
*edit - although i think with obama the lyrics ARE as important as the tune, though. i *get* the point.....but i believe the substance of the words are equally important to him as the style, but he delivers with such style, absolutely.
and i agree, and i personally don't see that as being the case either but we shall see, won't we? and YES...winced for that, and yes....don't know if he belongs in such company either, not yet anyway......again, we shall see.
his acceptance speech in grant park was fantastic...his words AND delivery.
I also think that if he hadn't toed the line to some degree re: support of Israel, he'd have never been elected. The Jewish lobby would not have permitted him to get elected. Now that he's President - or soon enough - we'll just have to wait and see what he does. Either way, I'm sure he won't be as hawkish re: Israel as McCain would have been.
Absolutely. One need only to look so far as Hagee, to realise how absolutely serious this religious prophecy/pick-a-side issue has become at the highest levels.
It's very much a religious ideological war now as well.
Church and state...we'll see how far the two are actually separated.
time will tell, I still have hope, but it is being tested so to speak. Ironic how I feel like Obama is like a deity of some sort, and I have to keep some sort of faith towards him.
For his sake, and world, I hope he proves my criticisms wrong at every avenue.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
This youtube clip holds no weight. It's a sloppy piece of pasted together crap. How about digging up the original Associated press article for us so we can see exactly what it said?
This is horseshit. I asked you to provide evidence that he's a Muslim. Not that there's anything wrong with being a Muslim. But all you've done is repeat your claim that he's a Muslim. Sorry, not good enough. Next:
Wow! So the Republicans make a t.v advert during their Presidential campaign featuring some bible-thumping redneck saying that he's worried Obama will take his guns away. So what?
I can't be arsed to trawl the rest of these crappy Youtube conspiracy clips, Clergy Council articles, and pro McCain webpages. I'm bored already. Suffice it to say, you've not convinced me.
So, O.k, I admit it's not exactly textbook stuff, but I don't understand why you felt the need to shorten my posts and then re-post them all as a way of criticizing them/me.
I also see that you've only posted on the board 15 times. Interesting.
the racist are the 95% of black people who voted obama.. now thats racism at its best..
If you think thats a racist remark.. you got the problem..i don't.. maybe i should call him The "ass"...i don't omit words because black people think its offensive.. that is your own problems.. You don't mind our kids listening to your garbage rap when they are all called bitches and ho's and honky's, do you...You don't mind putting Palin under the bus with obama's own poor grandma or sec 8 aunts and uncles now do you?
obama is filth in my book.. he's a socialist, corrupt pig.. he hasn't even proved he's a citizen yet. he hides everything All the other candidates proved theirselves with nothing to hide here. why not obama? this campaign was won on money and race.. Now we will all suffer for your own stupidities and racism.. as sharpton said yesterday.. Obama is the whitest black person he's ever seen.. Now go argue with him awhile..
Obama's section 8 aunts and uncles? Who were they again? And what about this citizen thing? How has he not proven it, but McCain did - exactly?
But still. Keep talking. In my humble opinion, the right needs more voices like yours.
ummm...actually 'monkey's mouth' seems pretty offensive (way more than uncle tom
anyway...i don't think obama is a muslim and it wouldn't matter to me one way or the other as long as he wasn't preaching some theocracy or crazy shit, why would it matter what religion he is? maybe we should only vote for buddhists?
is it racist that until now the majority of white americans have voted for white candidates or sexist that they voted for mostly males? however, i do think many black ppl voted for him just b/c he was black and a democrat, if it were just b/c he was black alan keyes would've won in 2000. i think he's very intelligent and articulate and lots of ppl of every color give him a free pass, but this has always happened in politics
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
full circle....going in circles.
Obama certainly has his work cut out for him, but he's shooting himself in both feet if he thinks he can stack his cabinet with strong Israeli interests and then then around and tell them what to do afterwards.
AIPAC...currently on trial for spying in and on the US, and Obama pledges undying and never ending support to this PAC.
It doesn't pan out as something intelligent.
Obama is on a short leash, and it's kind of disappointing that so many of his supporters have no idea what I'm even talking about, or how it applies to everything.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
sweet Christ. I thought you were joking. You almost had me lol'ing because of this delicious sarcasm. Now I see you are serious.
Really, people that are so worried about Barack Obama ought to go into an underground bomb shelter for the next 4 years. I mean, you should all collect your things and go to a bomb shelter together and just wring your hands and worry. And occasionally e-mail about the coming armageddon, or whatever.
Why do you assume that I'm a 'gal'?
It's got nothing to do with reading. You posted a bunch of Youtube clips.
So you're calling Obama a monkey now? O.k.
Though I wonder if it would be acceptable to him if Obama were a Grand Wizard of the Klan?
I also think that if he hadn't toed the line to some degree re: support of Israel, he'd have never been elected. The Jewish lobby would not have permitted him to get elected. Now that he's President - or soon enough - we'll just have to wait and see what he does. Either way, I'm sure he won't be as hawkish re: Israel as McCain would have been.
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
UN head fears over Gaza blockade
'UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has told Israeli PM Ehud Olmert he is deeply concerned about humanitarian conditions in the blockaded Gaza Strip.
In a telephone call, he urged Mr Olmert to ease the delivery of aid to the territory, Mr Ban's office said.
Israel imposed the blockade on the Gaza Strip two weeks ago amid fresh violence between militants and Israeli troops.
On Tuesday, the UN's top human rights official said the restrictions deprived Palestinians of "basic human rights".
Mr Ban's office said he had expressed his "deep concern over the consequences of the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza".
...Renewed fighting broke out two weeks ago when Israeli forces launched in incursion into Gaza to destroy what it says was a tunnel intended for use to abduct its soldiers.
Militant groups in Gaza responded with rocket fire...
On Tuesday, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, called for "dignity and basic welfare" to be restored to the 1.5m people affected by the Gaza blockade.
Her comments came as Israeli troops entered the southern Gaza Strip, clashing with Palestinian gunmen there.
Israel described the incursion, close to the southern town of Rafah, as a "routine operation".
...and maybe burn a few crosses.
Obama is not directly anti-american. He is in a sense, but not directly. It's by proxy through Israel, and through blindly supporting their racist apartheid policies. To say he is outright anti-American is absolutely false and very misleading.
He will not rule to benefit the "islamics" ...quite the opposite actually.
His ethnicity has nothing to do with anything. Zip. It's utter nonsense, and mindless vitriol. The socialism aspect is overblown propaganda when gauged against reality. He does want tighter gun restrictions however, yes.
The issues will arise from blindly supporting a failed Zionist ideology, and appointing a team of zionists mindsets in the white house, which will result in a wheels spinning in the sand in terms of progress. His opinion is that Jerusalem will remain an Israel only place of existence. This is a counter productive mentality in terms of a solution, and working towards the two state solution.
Your viewpoint borders on counter intelligence.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
As for rhetoric, the art of practical wisdom and decision making -- I just have to return to the common theme: show me the evidence. He's just not left enough tracks yet for me to gauge. I'll grant his speeches display a measure of practical wisdom, he's certainly run a wise political course and that's a credit to his decision making.
But I just keep wondering ... where's the substance? The recent quote on 60 minutes: “What you see in FDR that I hope my team can emulate is not always getting it right, but projecting a sense of confidence and a willingness to try things and experiment in order to get people working again.”
WTF?!?!?! NO NO NO! I NEED YOU TO GET THIS SHIT RIGHT! Care less if you project confidence while doing it. And am esp bothered by experimenting with my nation, esp when many of these experiments have already been run here and abroad.
Projecting a sense of confidence? How'd that work out for Bush?
Bush projected a sense of confidence? I must have missed that one.
that's not a religion
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
how can ya not think of a girl w/ a name like byrnzie??
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
i was being sarcastic as in it makes me think of anything but
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Other than that, very interesting article.
Hmm, this made me investigate. I think the question of whether the Klan is or isn't a religion is debatable...
'..The raised-arm salute originated in the U.S. in the early Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. flag and it was the origin of the salute of the German National Socialists, as shown in recent discoveries by the historian Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets"). The USA used the straight arm salute to the national flag for three decades before German National Socialists started doing the same thing. It is more accurate to say that the NSGWP was influenced by socialists in the U.S. and within the hooded group.
..The straight-arm salute was created (1892) by Francis Bellamy, a minister who lost his position because he used the pulpit to push what he called "Christian Socialism" in sermons on themes like "Jesus the Socialist."
..They called their dogma "Military Socialism" because they admired the military and wanted all of society to emulate the military system to create an army of God as an industrial army.
Both Bellamys worked together to promote Christian Socialism and Military Socialism and they wanted the government to take over all schools to spread their dogma and create their Army of the Lord. It was consistent with the insertion of "Under God" in the Pledge by the Knights of Columbus...
Many people marveled at Adolf Hilter's "hypnotic" powers of propaganda, as if he was the first of his kind as head of the National Socialist German Workers Party. Adolf Hitler's propaganda had already been pioneered by Francis Bellamy, Edward Bellamy and American socialists. Francis Bellamy's original Columbus Day program was a blueprint of nationwide propaganda for socialism in government schools. They put government flags over schools, in classrooms and everywhere.
Edward Bellamy and Francis Bellamy even put flags (and chanting to flags) in churches in another eerie parallel followed later by Adolf Hitler.
Many people considered the raised-arm salute to the national flag to be sacrilegious worship of government and socialism. Religious people had good reasons to consider the pledge / salute to be sacrilegious, in that Germans used the ritual toward their flag, the swastika flag, which the Germans did not call a swastika flag. Germans called their symbol a Hakenkreuz, not a swastika. Hakenkreuz means "hooked cross."
Most people do not know that a cross was worshiped as the notorious symbol of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. It is one of the biggest cover-ups in history. The hooked cross became a symbol of Christian Socialism.
In the USA the hooked cross was a common symbol and was referred to as a cross (armed cross, twisted cross, lucky cross, crooked cross, hooked cross) before "swastika" became dominant. The eventual dominance of "swastika" occurred in part to distance the cross from German Christian Socialism, by slandering a foreign symbol ("Swastika" is Sanskrit, not German).
Although the swastika was an ancient symbol, the noted cryptographer and symbologist Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Swastika Secrets") discovered that it was also used sometimes by German National Socialists to represent "S" letters for their "socialism." With a 45 degree turn of his Hakenkreuz, and by pointing new uses clockwise, the leader of German National Socialists highlighted the "S" shapes to combine the cross with collectivism, merge church and state, mesh religion and socialism, and mandate the worship of government. He altered his own signature to use the same symbolism and similar alphabetic symbolism still shows on Volkswagens.
Support for Dr. Curry's work comes from other authors who believe the Holocaust under the National Socialist German Workers Party was an inquisition (including religious persecution) undertaken by the leader of German National Socialism under his religious and racial beliefs...
The National Socialist German Workers Party (with its hooked cross) was not the first group to turn a cross into a symbol of death and execution.
Constantine claimed to have a vision before a battle in which he saw a cross as a sword and the words "In this sign conquer." Constantine instructed his men to fashion a sword in the form of a cross and it was carried into victorious battle. It is known as "Constantine's Sword." Thus the cross, a form of execution and death before Constantine, was transformed into another form of execution and death under Constantine. Under Constantine a person would not be killed on a cross, but he would be killed or decapitated with a cross-shaped sword.
It was under Constantine that the cross became popularized as a symbol of Christianity. Before then the common symbols of Christianity included a fish, a lamb, and a shepherd. The crucifix and the cross spread, even as modern jewelry (it is interesting to note that after the guillotine was invented, jewelry (including earrings) were made in the form of miniature guillotines, in a fashion that is similar to modern jewelry in the form of small crosses and crucifixes, also tools of execution similar to the guillotine). Cross-shaped swords were the weapons of the crusades.
Crusades were not just about killing muslims. Crusades were about killing anyone who was not a christian (that included the slaughter of Hebrews).'
on the topic...good article.
after bush as president, just about anyone would appear and sound *better*...not a tough act to follow. however, it IS true, no matter what one may think of his actual words or presidency, he IS a very good speaker. i like the way the writer edxplained it as well; the candence in his voice, the musical quality, changes of tone...pauses....ALL add up to an effective and influential speaker. i also think his *calm* demeanor is VERY appealing, especially as a president. he comes across as calm, cool and collected....not apt to rash decisions, but thoughtful and studied....again, all good traits. time will tell if the actions match the words and speaking style.....but no matter what, he's a very good speaker, and probably will only get better as his 'comfort' within his new position grows.
*someone posted a link to an absolutely fabulous 7 part series of articles in newsweek not too long ago, a GREAT read on the campaign trail...and also referenced numerous times obama's *calm*....and i think it's most definitely a positive.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Yeah, I like this line:
"He is close to singing, just as preaching is close to singing. All writing is a rhythm of kinds and he brings it out, hits the tune. It's about the tune, not the lyrics, with Obama."
Although let us hope that he's not just whistling Dixie - I think the article makes a good case for this not being the case. (Did I just use the word case twice in the same sentence?) Anyway, I think he'll make a great President. (Although seeing his name mentioned in the same sentence as Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr made me wince slightly, as we all know what happened to them).
funny, i really enjoyed that line as well.
*edit - although i think with obama the lyrics ARE as important as the tune, though.
and i agree, and i personally don't see that as being the case either but we shall see, won't we? and YES...winced for that, and yes....don't know if he belongs in such company either, not yet anyway......again, we shall see.
his acceptance speech in grant park was fantastic...his words AND delivery.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
as much as this realtor guy is off base, these replies don't do much for you either
Absolutely. One need only to look so far as Hagee, to realise how absolutely serious this religious prophecy/pick-a-side issue has become at the highest levels.
It's very much a religious ideological war now as well.
Church and state...we'll see how far the two are actually separated.
time will tell, I still have hope, but it is being tested so to speak. Ironic how I feel like Obama is like a deity of some sort, and I have to keep some sort of faith towards him.
For his sake, and world, I hope he proves my criticisms wrong at every avenue.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
O.k. So how else would you describe the various Youtube clips, and religious mumbo-jumbo webpages he posted?
Are you seriously trying to convince me that you're offended by the word bullshit?? Because If you are then I don't believe you.
no, I'm not offended by anything you said. maybe I was just expecting a better argument then "thats bullshit"
I like to keep my replies simple and to the point.
Although, actually, you shortened all of my replies in your original post. I wonder why you went to the trouble to do that?
Anyway, my replies actually went like this:
So, O.k, I admit it's not exactly textbook stuff, but I don't understand why you felt the need to shorten my posts and then re-post them all as a way of criticizing them/me.
I also see that you've only posted on the board 15 times. Interesting.