i mentioned this in another thread but thought it would be alright to repeat it here:
if you voted today, THANK YOU on behalf of all who would have loved to vote in this historic election but cant (im only 16...). every vote does count, and dont take this important responsibility for granted! thanks again everyone (especially if you voted Obama )
cant wait for next election- i can finally vote!
If only all Americans had the attitude of you young man, this world may be a better place.
i mentioned this in another thread but thought it would be alright to repeat it here:
if you voted today, THANK YOU on behalf of all who would have loved to vote in this historic election but cant (im only 16...). every vote does count, and dont take this important responsibility for granted! thanks again everyone (especially if you voted Obama )
cant wait for next election- i can finally vote!
Belive in every opportunity you have to vote man. I voted for Nader in 2000 (my FIRST election, I wouldn't take that back. I voted for Kerry in 2004, I had to. I voted for Obama today, I have unyielding happiness for what's to come.
What I have to say to you is this:
YOUR VOTE No matter who for, MATTERS! Vote for who makes the most sense in your heart. Vote every chance you can.
I won't change direction, and I won't change my mind - E.V.
99 Tibetan Freedom Concert, 00 Detroit, 03 Alpine Valley, 04 Grand Rapids
06 Chicago I, 06 Chicago II, 06 Grand Rapids, 07 Lollapalloza, 08 DC, 08 MSG I, 08 MSG II, 08 EV Solo Milwaukee, Chicago I & II 09, Portland 09, Nobelsville 10, Cleveland 10, PJ20 I & II, Wrigley 13, Brooklyn I & II '13, St. Paul 14, Moline 14, Milwaukee 14
I say one thing and you accuse me of saying something else,I offer solutions and you say i have none,I voted and you tell me I'm wrong for not voting,i say I'm an activist and you act like you know what i have or haven't done when in fact you don't know a fucking thing about me! you claim i am a conspiracy theorist when i never said anything that could be construed as conspiracy.you have called me everything from a hippie to a couch potato.
You say i should be grateful for the right to vote and that people have died for that right? those people died believing that their chosen leaders would/are follow the same code.Just like there are still idiots who think that the military is fighting for freedom and democracy in Iraq when most of the world knows that's not the truth.
and as far as you saying I'm pissing on & twisting the D.O.I. goes that was just a moronic comment(which isn't surprising.)I grew up 20 minutes from the battle of Lexington & Concord and know plenty about revolutionary history(I'd be willing to bet it's a lot more than you know) and what it means to be a patriot.You on the other hand are just a loud mouth, pop'n a lot of shit but ain't really saying nothing (which ironically is what you accuse me of)
one last comment in regards to voting..the lack of a true choice has also made voting irrelevant.
voting isn't the answer when you have to pick between the lesser of 2 evils!
now I'm done with you for you are a waste of my time...so keep pop'n shit after i leave..that's all you know how to do.
I think it was Jesus that said not to "cast your pearls before swine"...i agree.
I ask what you've done
You Don't Answer
I ask for a Solution
You Don't answer
You Come on here and say people are idiot brainless sheep for Voting.
not that it's your business but i have done many things..mostly i like to pass out dvds or literature to people,family co-workers etc.
one of the things i am most proud of is i helped my city council denounce the patriot act in my city (i passed out literature to them and made a speech before them before they voted on it)
I ask for a Solution
You Don't answer[/quote]
My solution is education! making people aware of the forces set against them is the most important first step in creating real change
an alternative to what?voting? that would be voting awareness and helping people understand what Diebold electronic votin machines are capable of and who own and runs that company and how they have been caught red handed fucking with the machines and there has even been whistle blowers who were hired to write the software for the machines that have come forward with evidence of Diebold's defrauding of the State of California.
that this system is totally 100% corrupt from the congress to the senate,that voting is irrelevant simply because there are no real choices..just the groomed professional politicians that are acting in interest of the pentagon/defense contractors,Israel,Big corporations,Big Pharma etc. etc. everything/everyone but the American people!
wake up to the attacks on our freedom(patriot act,military commissions act,John Warner National Defense Authorization Act etc. etc.)
wake up to the facade of the 2 party system which at the top is controlled by the same people
wake up to the fact that the TV & news papers are owned by these very same people and the freedom of the press and the ability of them to bring us the truth is GONE!!
wake up to the fact that the federal reserve is a privately owned central bank responsible for our fucked up economy and that your federal income taxes go to them as interest on the money they print out of thin air and "loan" to the government
wake up to the fact that when they set up homeland security(see Nazi "fatherland")they used ex KGB and the head of the east German Stasi to help!!
wake up to the fact that the Trilateral commission & the Council on Foreign Relations write our policy (not the president) and are hell bent on one world government (which means a loss of sovereignty and the constitution/bill of rights)
etc. ect.
i could go on and on and on!
and please don't try to tell me I'm either a paranoid delusional or conspiracy nut..I've heard all those responses from the sheeple who are afraid of the truth before. "denial is the refuge of the coward"
There are many independent thinkers who have broken the lemming mind set and have woken up to the bullshit going on behind our backs..maybe you could be one too.
America just elected it's first African American President.
A man that would have been a slave 200 years ago.
Progress is slow
But Progress is real
The biggest voter turnout in over 100 years!!!
Record Numbers of People who have never voted before
VOTED and their voices were heard.
Crazy Breed.
Why don't you tell those people now
That their vote was irrelevant.
That 200 years of getting to that point was a sham???
If you can't see that progress was made
I feel gravely sorry for you my friend.
See You Out There
"black" president?
big fucking deal! he isn't going to do anything for black people.
to quote Public Enemy
"Every brother ain't a brother cause a color Just as well could be undercover Back stabbed, grabbed a flag From the back of the lab.....................Every brother ain't a brother Cause a Black hand Squeezed on Malcolm X the man The shootin' of Huey Newton From a hand of a Nigger who pulled the trigger"
I'd laugh at you if it wasn't for the fact that you've made me sick to my stomach.
"black" president?
big fucking deal! he isn't going to do anything for black people.
to quote Public Enemy
"Every brother ain't a brother cause a color Just as well could be undercover Back stabbed, grabbed a flag From the back of the lab.....................Every brother ain't a brother Cause a Black hand Squeezed on Malcolm X the man The shootin' of Huey Newton From a hand of a Nigger who pulled the trigger"
I'd laugh at you if it wasn't for the fact that you've made me sick to my stomach.
Crazy Breed.
It feels so good to NOT be YOU today.
I cant believe its not compulsory to vote. Legal age, sound mind means must vote in your countries elections.
What is the percentage of your population that doesnt vote? Any idea?
We get fined in Australia if we dont vote
Yes it IS compulsory to vote in Australia and I believe it's a system that works.
I know of so many people, who leading up to an election make their decision on who they'd like to run our country, yet for many reasons on the day come up with excuses to not go and vote (we always vote on a Saturday in Australia, so they are tired, hungover, can't be bothered etc etc), YET...because it IS compulsory, they make the effort to vote, to avoid being fined, but if it weren't compulsory, wouldn't be bothered :rolleyes:
It also encourages Australians to educate themselves more on the parties they have to choose from - where if it were not compulsory, would possibly take the easier option and just not vote.
....and for those of you who think that compulsory voting takes away our right to choose to vote or not..... (unfortunately) there is a way around this. The one's who, for whatever reason, don't want to vote for any of the parties in the election just place what's called a 'Donkey vote' (illegal, but as there is no way to identify who each voting form belongs to, they can get away with it) - if the ballot forms are filled out incorrectly, that vote is null and void. So....they have still been marked off the list as having voted and avoided the fine. Sadly there are some twits that choose to do this and they are usually the ones that whinge and moan when they are unhappy with how the country's being run :rolleyes:
I still don't understand why some idiots keep saying "Every vote counts."
Clearly not.
2000, Gore took the popular vote. Yet he did not win because of the inherently-flawed electoral system. Some votes were more equal than others.
This year, the president was decided before Alaska's polls even closed. Their votes clearly did not count.
These US election threads are very interesting to me....I'm not very educated in US politics.
I'm not sure how it works there, but I can say that if this were the case in Australia......(the decision of who had won the election to run our country was decided before a states or shires votes had been counted), it would still make a difference. Those votes would count towards who had won in that states councils/shires and also then determine how many seats the overall winning party (the party who won the country's election) has in Parliament (how much power they have in parliament when making decisions on running our country).
Is this not the case there?
These US election threads are very interesting to me....I'm not very educated in US politics.
I'm not sure how it works there, but I can say that if this were the case in Australia......the decision of who had won the election to run our country was decided before a states or shires votes had been counted, it would still make a difference. Those votes would count towards who had won in that states councils/shires and also then determine how many seats the overall winning party (the party who won the country's election) has in Parliament (how much power they have in parliament when making decisions on running our country).
Is this not the case there?
Oh and....no need to call people idiots
no its not the case here. it all or none here. If you lose, you and your party get NO representation in gov't. I wish it was like that.
If only all Americans had the attitude of you young man, this world may be a better place.
Belive in every opportunity you have to vote man. I voted for Nader in 2000 (my FIRST election, I wouldn't take that back. I voted for Kerry in 2004, I had to. I voted for Obama today, I have unyielding happiness for what's to come.
What I have to say to you is this:
YOUR VOTE No matter who for, MATTERS! Vote for who makes the most sense in your heart. Vote every chance you can.
99 Tibetan Freedom Concert, 00 Detroit, 03 Alpine Valley, 04 Grand Rapids
06 Chicago I, 06 Chicago II, 06 Grand Rapids, 07 Lollapalloza, 08 DC, 08 MSG I, 08 MSG II, 08 EV Solo Milwaukee, Chicago I & II 09, Portland 09, Nobelsville 10, Cleveland 10, PJ20 I & II, Wrigley 13, Brooklyn I & II '13, St. Paul 14, Moline 14, Milwaukee 14
I ask what you've done
You Don't Answer
I ask for a Solution
You Don't answer
You Come on here and say people are idiot brainless sheep for Voting.
I ask you for an alternative
You Don't Answer
People Need To Wake Up"?
To What?
Where Now?
A man that would have been a slave 200 years ago.
Progress is slow
But Progress is real
The biggest voter turnout in over 100 years!!!
Record Numbers of People who have never voted before
VOTED and their voices were heard.
Crazy Breed.
Why don't you tell those people now
That their vote was irrelevant.
That 200 years of getting to that point was a sham???
If you can't see that progress was made
I feel gravely sorry for you my friend.
See You Out There
not that it's your business but i have done many things..mostly i like to pass out dvds or literature to people,family co-workers etc.
one of the things i am most proud of is i helped my city council denounce the patriot act in my city (i passed out literature to them and made a speech before them before they voted on it)
I ask for a Solution
You Don't answer[/quote]
My solution is education! making people aware of the forces set against them is the most important first step in creating real change
i didn't call anyone an idiot and people ARE sheep,no revelation there.
an alternative to what?voting? that would be voting awareness and helping people understand what Diebold electronic votin machines are capable of and who own and runs that company and how they have been caught red handed fucking with the machines and there has even been whistle blowers who were hired to write the software for the machines that have come forward with evidence of Diebold's defrauding of the State of California.
that this system is totally 100% corrupt from the congress to the senate,that voting is irrelevant simply because there are no real choices..just the groomed professional politicians that are acting in interest of the pentagon/defense contractors,Israel,Big corporations,Big Pharma etc. etc. everything/everyone but the American people!
wake up to the attacks on our freedom(patriot act,military commissions act,John Warner National Defense Authorization Act etc. etc.)
wake up to the facade of the 2 party system which at the top is controlled by the same people
wake up to the fact that the TV & news papers are owned by these very same people and the freedom of the press and the ability of them to bring us the truth is GONE!!
wake up to the fact that the federal reserve is a privately owned central bank responsible for our fucked up economy and that your federal income taxes go to them as interest on the money they print out of thin air and "loan" to the government
wake up to the fact that when they set up homeland security(see Nazi "fatherland")they used ex KGB and the head of the east German Stasi to help!!
wake up to the fact that the Trilateral commission & the Council on Foreign Relations write our policy (not the president) and are hell bent on one world government (which means a loss of sovereignty and the constitution/bill of rights)
etc. ect.
i could go on and on and on!
and please don't try to tell me I'm either a paranoid delusional or conspiracy nut..I've heard all those responses from the sheeple who are afraid of the truth before. "denial is the refuge of the coward"
There are many independent thinkers who have broken the lemming mind set and have woken up to the bullshit going on behind our backs..maybe you could be one too.
"black" president?
big fucking deal! he isn't going to do anything for black people.
to quote Public Enemy
"Every brother ain't a brother cause a color Just as well could be undercover Back stabbed, grabbed a flag From the back of the lab.....................Every brother ain't a brother Cause a Black hand Squeezed on Malcolm X the man The shootin' of Huey Newton From a hand of a Nigger who pulled the trigger"
I'd laugh at you if it wasn't for the fact that you've made me sick to my stomach.
Crazy Breed.
It feels so good to NOT be YOU today.
Take Care.
Fight The Power.
I know of so many people, who leading up to an election make their decision on who they'd like to run our country, yet for many reasons on the day come up with excuses to not go and vote (we always vote on a Saturday in Australia, so they are tired, hungover, can't be bothered etc etc), YET...because it IS compulsory, they make the effort to vote, to avoid being fined, but if it weren't compulsory, wouldn't be bothered :rolleyes:
It also encourages Australians to educate themselves more on the parties they have to choose from - where if it were not compulsory, would possibly take the easier option and just not vote.
....and for those of you who think that compulsory voting takes away our right to choose to vote or not..... (unfortunately) there is a way around this. The one's who, for whatever reason, don't want to vote for any of the parties in the election just place what's called a 'Donkey vote' (illegal, but as there is no way to identify who each voting form belongs to, they can get away with it) - if the ballot forms are filled out incorrectly, that vote is null and void. So....they have still been marked off the list as having voted and avoided the fine. Sadly there are some twits that choose to do this and they are usually the ones that whinge and moan when they are unhappy with how the country's being run :rolleyes:
Clearly not.
2000, Gore took the popular vote. Yet he did not win because of the inherently-flawed electoral system. Some votes were more equal than others.
This year, the president was decided before Alaska's polls even closed. Their votes clearly did not count.
I'm not sure how it works there, but I can say that if this were the case in Australia......(the decision of who had won the election to run our country was decided before a states or shires votes had been counted), it would still make a difference. Those votes would count towards who had won in that states councils/shires and also then determine how many seats the overall winning party (the party who won the country's election) has in Parliament (how much power they have in parliament when making decisions on running our country).
Is this not the case there?
Oh and....no need to call people idiots