how do you feel about "art exhibits" showing a crucifix in a jar of piss?
actually, it's a photograph of a crucifix in a jar of piss to be accurate. have you ever seen it? it's actually a beautiful image. sure, enitiling it piss christ is meant to garner attention/shock...b/c otherwise, you'd have no idea that it's urine.
doesnt' really even do it justice - it is luminous and really ethereal to behold.
point is, whatever reason the artist choose, he didn't follow it thru with rhetoric wishing for killing or death, didn't throw it at a church, etc. artistic expression is far different than passive-agressive acts out in the world.
also too, kinda like the bruhaha over an image of the madonna a few years back at the brooklyn museum. the artist used elphant dung appparently in its creation, people got all up in arms over that. the artist said it was a common and respectful medium in africa, and his art was based on a similar style. some just like to get up in arms, and ya know what? the artists don't mind at all..they get 10X the exposure/attention they'd get otherwise from the usual art crowd.
what the guy did is unforgivable, and the fbi has every right to intervene and investigate. throwing the bullet riddled quran against the mosque is a blatant act of violence and agression. people like this only want attention though, and the media being what whores they are are always obliged to give it to them. i just still can't believe that there are still people in this world so devoid of compassion that they feel the best way to express themselves is to shoot a holy book. it's sad and repulsive.
Unforgivable? Are you serious? The way you speak, you're one them that got OH SO OFFENDED when a Kuran, Quran, Qu'ran (whatever) was (supposedly) peed on. The retard shot a BOOK. The retard then tossed the BOOK in front of a BUILDING. The retard then said he like people that kill muslims. That can/will be taken as a threat I guess. But he only said it. This moron was doing nothing but trying to incite anger. Nothing more, nothing less.
Shit that happens all the time on this message board. Where's the FBI on here?
point is, whatever reason the artist choose, he didn't follow it thru with rhetoric wishing for killing or death, didn't throw it at a church, etc. artistic expression is far different than passive-agressive acts out in the world.
you're right, but the person i quoted had said "i just still can't believe that there are still people in this world so devoid of compassion that they feel the best way to express themselves is to shoot a holy book. it's sad and repulsive."
nothing there about being disgusted in the fact that the person would put some kind of hero worship for others that killed or wanted to kill muslims. just that he was saddened and repulsed that someone shot the koran (i've seen it spelled a million different ways, i pick the easy way to spell it.)
"PC Load Letter?! What the fuck does that mean?"
~Michael Bolton
PC for the sake of argument the guy is strange, disrespectful, maybe even dangerous. But is the only reason this is a story is because it is the Koran? Does the FBI show up every time someone does something stupid or weird or even dangerous?
Unless the guns were illegal, there is no crime here. Unless you live under a religious run state.
Edit: Now if he threatened a person with this action, that might be different. Does throwing the book against the mosque meet that standard? Don't know.
HOB 10.05.2005, E Rutherford 06.03.2006, The Gorge 07.22.2006, Lolla 08.05.2007, West Palm 06.11.2008, Tampa 06.12.2008, Columbia 06.16.2008, EV Memphis 06.20.2009, New Orleans 05.01.2010, Kansas City 05.03.2010
Edit: Now if he threatened a person with this action, that might be different. Does throwing the book against the mosque meet that standard? Don't know.
That's the question.
Ask yourself, if someone took your holy book, shot it full of holes, and then threw it on your front porch would you consider it a threat?
Especially considering who this is coming from (dude has a website even :rolleyes: ) i think in this situation it's definetly an aggressive, violent act and a threat.
Ask yourself, if someone took your holy book, shot it full of holes, and then threw it on your front porch would you consider it a threat?
Especially considering who this is coming from (dude has a website even :rolleyes: ) i think in this situation it's definetly an aggressive, violent act and a threat.
I think that is what would push it from an act by a stupid person, but a protected act, to a hate crime. Personally, since I am not a Muslim there is no reason for me to abide by their religious laws, unless it threatens them as individuals and their free right to worship as they please. But they can't make me respect their religious laws, by either fear or threat or legal standing. And I stand by that.
HOB 10.05.2005, E Rutherford 06.03.2006, The Gorge 07.22.2006, Lolla 08.05.2007, West Palm 06.11.2008, Tampa 06.12.2008, Columbia 06.16.2008, EV Memphis 06.20.2009, New Orleans 05.01.2010, Kansas City 05.03.2010
Personally, since I am not a Muslim there is no reason for me to abide by their religious laws, unless it threatens them as individuals and their free right to worship as they please. But they can't make me respect their religious laws, by either fear or threat or legal standing. And I stand by that.
Obviously i agree with you but what did that have to do with anything?
Would burning a flag be equal or less of an issue than burning a Koran? I'm trying to understand the line people see. I've already agreed that a bullet-riddled Koran crosses the line. But since most here support flag burning as a form of speech I was trying to determine if Koran burning was also a form of speech. Both are symbolic of other things, but in the end both are just cloth and paper respectively. Yet I fear some here would advocate Koran burning be labeled a hate crime (whatever that is).
I don't really understand the burning of books. You can't make the ideas go away by burning the books, any more than you can make portions of US policy go away by burning a flag. It's your right to protest what is in the books, I guess or what you believe is represented by a colored piece of cloth. Even though I don't really understand the burning of books and flags except as symbolic gestures, I do understand that there's a line you cross when you take a flag or Quran or Bible and shoot it repeatedly and leave it as a calling card at a "sacred" location, such as a church, a mosque, etc. The line you have crossed is one that goes from saying, "I dislike these ideas," to "I hate your ideas enough that I hate you personally--this book is first, you could be next." If someone burns a flag in the town square, it's a rather abstract statement that you don't like something about policy. If someone burns a flag and leaves it on a serviceman's door, it's a personal statement and very likely a direct threat. When you threaten someone or a threaten a group directly/specifically based based solely on their membership in a group, you've moved into hate crime territory. There's the difference. Burn all the Qurans and Bibles you want, so long as you do it legally. It's freedom of speech, however much I may not like it. Dump those burned books on a mosque or church, and you are engaging in behavior that is designed to frighten and intimidate. As such, it is somewhere in hate crime territory in my mind.
doesn't surprise me one bit.
and i'd still like the original person i asked to answer that question.
~Michael Bolton
Yikes! hey you're right. No 72 virgins in heaven for me. I always wondered what happens when you deflower all those virgins?
Is heaven kinda over for you at that point?
Its Virginians. Small misprint. And Virginia is for lovers.
actually, it's a photograph of a crucifix in a jar of piss to be accurate. have you ever seen it? it's actually a beautiful image. sure, enitiling it piss christ is meant to garner attention/shock...b/c otherwise, you'd have no idea that it's urine.
doesnt' really even do it justice - it is luminous and really ethereal to behold.
point is, whatever reason the artist choose, he didn't follow it thru with rhetoric wishing for killing or death, didn't throw it at a church, etc. artistic expression is far different than passive-agressive acts out in the world.
also too, kinda like the bruhaha over an image of the madonna a few years back at the brooklyn museum. the artist used elphant dung appparently in its creation, people got all up in arms over that. the artist said it was a common and respectful medium in africa, and his art was based on a similar style. some just like to get up in arms, and ya know what? the artists don't mind at all..they get 10X the exposure/attention they'd get otherwise from the usual art crowd.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Unforgivable? Are you serious? The way you speak, you're one them that got OH SO OFFENDED when a Kuran, Quran, Qu'ran (whatever) was (supposedly) peed on. The retard shot a BOOK. The retard then tossed the BOOK in front of a BUILDING. The retard then said he like people that kill muslims. That can/will be taken as a threat I guess. But he only said it. This moron was doing nothing but trying to incite anger. Nothing more, nothing less.
Shit that happens all the time on this message board. Where's the FBI on here?
Virginia also has intercourse...............B==D --> {()}
you're right, but the person i quoted had said "i just still can't believe that there are still people in this world so devoid of compassion that they feel the best way to express themselves is to shoot a holy book. it's sad and repulsive."
nothing there about being disgusted in the fact that the person would put some kind of hero worship for others that killed or wanted to kill muslims. just that he was saddened and repulsed that someone shot the koran (i've seen it spelled a million different ways, i pick the easy way to spell it.)
~Michael Bolton
Unless the guns were illegal, there is no crime here. Unless you live under a religious run state.
Edit: Now if he threatened a person with this action, that might be different. Does throwing the book against the mosque meet that standard? Don't know.
Ask yourself, if someone took your holy book, shot it full of holes, and then threw it on your front porch would you consider it a threat?
Especially considering who this is coming from (dude has a website even :rolleyes: ) i think in this situation it's definetly an aggressive, violent act and a threat.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
You get to bang 72 Virginians? whoa!
(hehe...Sorry WV). I liked the folk in Charlotte Virginia and the place itself. Spent a few weeks there.
I think that is what would push it from an act by a stupid person, but a protected act, to a hate crime. Personally, since I am not a Muslim there is no reason for me to abide by their religious laws, unless it threatens them as individuals and their free right to worship as they please. But they can't make me respect their religious laws, by either fear or threat or legal standing. And I stand by that.
I agree.
Obviously i agree with you but what did that have to do with anything?
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
I don't really understand the burning of books. You can't make the ideas go away by burning the books, any more than you can make portions of US policy go away by burning a flag. It's your right to protest what is in the books, I guess or what you believe is represented by a colored piece of cloth. Even though I don't really understand the burning of books and flags except as symbolic gestures, I do understand that there's a line you cross when you take a flag or Quran or Bible and shoot it repeatedly and leave it as a calling card at a "sacred" location, such as a church, a mosque, etc. The line you have crossed is one that goes from saying, "I dislike these ideas," to "I hate your ideas enough that I hate you personally--this book is first, you could be next." If someone burns a flag in the town square, it's a rather abstract statement that you don't like something about policy. If someone burns a flag and leaves it on a serviceman's door, it's a personal statement and very likely a direct threat. When you threaten someone or a threaten a group directly/specifically based based solely on their membership in a group, you've moved into hate crime territory. There's the difference. Burn all the Qurans and Bibles you want, so long as you do it legally. It's freedom of speech, however much I may not like it. Dump those burned books on a mosque or church, and you are engaging in behavior that is designed to frighten and intimidate. As such, it is somewhere in hate crime territory in my mind.