michael moore sucks.

anyone seen this guy lately? man, he's big:
talk about sicko. maybe he should focus less on national healthcare and more on his personal diet and exercise habits.
talk about sicko. maybe he should focus less on national healthcare and more on his personal diet and exercise habits.
Post edited by Unknown User on
cheers to moore for putin to em
MSG 2 08, Buffalo 10, Hamilton 11
If I were a betting man, I would take the heart attack as winning that race.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I'd take the dark horse of diabetes....
They have everything to do with his recent social commentary when that commentary suggests that Michael Moore's morbid obesity, pending heart attack or pending diabetes become my responsibility.
I agree! Now, wouldn't you also agree that Michael Moore's morbid obesity, pending heart attack or pending diabetes are also issues that seriously need to be addressed?
Very much agreed.
I think there is some irony in the fact that he is critical of problems in the US health care system when a major drain on the health care system is obese people. If people generally ate better and exercised there would be more doctors available for people who need them.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
you ever hear of genetics? not all obese people are gluttons. not all people with cardiac issues are obese, not all diabetics are obese. obesity can lead to a multitude of health problems, but there are more causes of obesity than poor diet and lack of exercise. his health issues, potential or otherwise should have no bearing on your opinion of him.
i am not understanding your second sentence. i take it as if you are saying "if everyone ate and exercised, then there would be more doctors available for people who REALLY need them" as if obesity is something that does not require medical attention. what do you think primary care doctors deal with???? hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, COPD, osteoarthritis, etc all potential effects of obesity. these are what keeps primary care doctors in business. if there were no obese people there would be alot of doctors sitting around picking their noses with no patients to treat.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
thank you...
I'd like to see a link to support your claims.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Of course not all overweight people are that way because of overeating, but I would wager that the majority of people who are overweight are. And it definitely has a bearing on my opinion of him. It is like a street racer complaining that cars aren't built with enough safety features or a smoker complaining about the negative health effects of air pollution.
As far as the availability of doctors it seems like pretty simple math to me. If the number of overweight people were to decrease, the health problems associated with their overweightness would also decrease. Decrease the number of health problems that people have and you decrease the wait times for doctor’s services when people need them so people with other problems can get quicker care. Also if you decrease the demand for doctors then it stands to reason that medical costs would go down (supply and demand).
fyi...not all health issues are result of obesity...
Of course not all health issues are a result of obesity. Who made that claim? But if we look at the major health issues facing the population of this nation, a good number of them are the result of or highly correlated to obesity.
I support anyone's right to be obese as they wish to be or are and to seek out whatever treatment they wish. I also support my own right to either help them or not to help them, based on my standards.
But who out there is unbiased?
People always put so much energy into attacking people like Micheal Moore who try to show the other side of the coin.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
fair enough...in the post I responded to, you seemed to be implying someone who was obese should not be speaking about health care in general...
and since you'd like the right to help or not help, I'm sure you support the right of those who seek to make changes in the health care system, based on their standards...
I'm definitely not saying that. Michael Moore has every right to speak out about health care. However, I agree with some others here that there is some inherent hypocrisy there.
Absolutely! But forcing those changes upon others in the form of mandated insurance, price limits, service procurement via other people's property, criminalization of private health care exchange, and other changes supported by people like Michael Moore are not in that spirit. They attempt to reshape not just their health care choices based on their standards, but everyone's health care choices based on their standards.
1 - that MM will not die in an accident in a few years without costing any healthcare related money
2 - that someone else, in a perfect shape will not discover a terminal disease lasting for several years and costing insane amounts of money.
Looking at one specific case when you talk about healthcare has no sense, you have to talk about diseases/epidemics because if you had UHC you surely cannot bet that you will end up costing less than MM.
I understand your arguments against UHC, but saying that fat people reclaiming healthcare are hypocrites is wrong.
As for obesity it definitely is a problem but people have to stop blaiming genes. Some (and that's not a high percentage) people might be in that case but every person can excercise a few hours a week and reduce the massive mortality related to this condition.
It is hypocrisy. If I, as a smoker, ran around telling people "smoking is bad and you should stop smoking", certainly I would be saying something that is true, but it is also hypocritical.
It depends on what they're saying. A fat person who simply says "the healthcare system in this country is broken" is not a hypocrite. But when people like Michael Moore extend that into moralistic arguments like "America should be ashamed for not taking care of its people", there is an inherent hypocrisy there because Michael Moore is not taking care of himself.
Absolutely! However, it's a sad fact and an ugly side affect of government involvement in healthcare that we even have to give a shit about why that person is obese and deal with assigning responsibility. In a system where each individual is resposible for his own healthcare, it doesn't really matter how fat Michael Moore gets, does it? But, when someone else's obesity or smoking habits or excercise habits suddenly become everyone's responsibility, we end up in these ugly blame games.
Wen one ONLY shows ONE side of a coin while completely ignoring the other side, that is called biased reporting. Michael Moore, like Hannity, Limbaugh and a host of others on the far right, not only shows just ONE side of the coin, he magnifies that side of the coin and photoshops it quite a bit.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
I guess we'll agree to disagree on this point...
"spirit" and "criminalization"....? interesting choice of words...
anyhoo, I guess it could be argued the current health care system is doing the same things you list above, like forcing their (the health care industry) standards on others...forcing doctors and patients to make choices based on saving a buck for the shareholder versus providing the best care possible...