Bush: "We know what the terrorists want because they told us"



  • callen wrote:
    like you, I agree we have a better, more equitable society than the Iranians (surely we're both little ethnocentric)...also realize there is no comparison in political systems between Iran and the US...but...Bush uses the same rhetoric as Iranian Dude with the same motivations...thats all....both are "Evil Do-er's" using gullible people to further their agenda...

    Too bad the gullible are the majority of the populace.....
  • callen wrote:
    both are "Evil Do-er's" using gullible people to further their agenda...

    Yes. That is fair.
  • AbuskedtiAbuskedti Posts: 1,917
    inmytree wrote:
    the guy in Iran, ahmadinejad, and bush pretty much do and say the same thing...both are using the other to foster fear in order to keep the masses at bay...

    just listen to both, you'll hear it, if you let yourself...

    oddly, ahmadinejad came to power much the same way as bush...

    ...both beat the drums of war...and both say things they know are untrue....both use the other to push their agenda....

    This is true... but this is about America.. not just the moron in charge. Are we to adjust our expectations and just accept whatever this asshole does to us while he finishes his term?
  • Abuskedti wrote:
    This is true... but this is about America.. not just the moron in charge. Are we to adjust our expectations and just accept whatever this asshole does to us while he finishes his term?

    Which asshole?
  • acutejamacutejam Posts: 1,433
    Abuskedti wrote:
    ..but the point is that he is the leader of Iran. He makes their decisions. there is no benefit in refusing to talk to him...

    Please. He is not the leader of Iran. That would be Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
    He does not make decisions, that would be the Council of Guardians. He is the puppet of a brutal regime that has hijacked a wonderfully vibrant people and flown them into the ground.

    And I can think of one benefit, saves us from wasting our breath.
    [sic] happens
  • acutejam wrote:
    Please. He is not the leader of Iran. That would be Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
    He does not make decisions, that would be the Council of Guardians. He is the puppet of a brutal regime that has hijacked a wonderfully vibrant people and flown them into the ground.

    And I can think of one benefit, saves us from wasting our breath.

    Any attempt to avoid violence and death could never be a waste. Only the fearful and closeminded refuse to listen.
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • acutejamacutejam Posts: 1,433
    Any attempt to avoid violence and death could never be a waste. Only the fearful and closeminded refuse to listen.

    Ask Neville Chamberlain about that....

    It has been argued that if an overly bellicose war enthusiasm had produced the mass slaughter of World War I, then the resulting determination to avoid war at all costs in the 1930s proved equally counterproductive, with Europe's failure to oppose Hitler leading him to be more aggressive.

    Uh, the stupid can refuse to listen. And the deaf. And the belligerent. And the proud. And children. And the drunkard, never forget the drunkard. You gotta keep your eye on the drunkard.

    So no, lots of folks can refuse to listen, but nice attempt at a pigeon-holing broad-brush-stroke of a statement regardless....
    [sic] happens
  • acutejam wrote:
    Uh, the stupid can refuse to listen. And the deaf. And the belligerent. And the proud. And children. And the drunkard, never forget the drunkard. You gotta keep your eye on the drunkard.

    So no, lots of folks can refuse to listen, but nice attempt at a pigeon-holing broad-brush-stroke of a statement regardless....

    Apart from the deaf, all that you listed can fall under closeminded.
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • Any attempt to avoid violence and death could never be a waste. Only the fearful and closeminded refuse to listen.

    Listening is one thing. Taking what is heard as valid is something else entirely. My desire to truly understand the subjective human experiences of another is stiffled by statements that are fueled by hatred, bigotry, and irrational religiosity. If that makes me a bad person, then guilty as charged!
  • My desire to truly understand the subjective human experiences of another is stiffled by statements that are fueled by hatred, bigotry, and irrational religiosity.

    The "subjective human experience" is often defined by the very things you mentioned. Particularly in the context of Mahmoud here.

    Understanding the objective human experience is the reason we need to listen. And I think we've heard enough from dear Mahmoud's lips to understand the situation. He has nothing to offer.
  • Apart from the deaf, all that you listed can fall under closeminded.

    That requires the assumption that the speaker has something to offer. I'm not closeminded if I don't try to have a conversation with a lamp post. Doing so would just make me an idiot.
  • The "subjective human experience" is often defined by the very things you mentioned. Particularly in the context of Mahmoud here.

    Understanding the objective human experience is the reason we need to listen. And I think we've heard enough from dear Mahmoud's lips to understand the situation. He has nothing to offer.

    Neither does the "free" side as well.....that's the big problem two ego maniacs led by an idealogy driven agenda going head to head...
  • I for one am not holding my breath for idiot #1 to make an offer to idiot # 2 or vice-versa......
  • Neither does the "free" side as well.....that's the big problem two ego maniacs led by an idealogy driven agenda going head to head...

    Completely agree.
  • Completely agree.

    To add-in....it scares the hell out of me.....
  • Completely agree.

    they are both throwing fuel on each others fire.....
  • To add-in....it scares the hell out of me.....they are both throwing fuel on each others fire.....

    Fear is precisely what they're looking for. Disappoint them.
  • AbuskedtiAbuskedti Posts: 1,917
    Fear is precisely what they're looking for. Disappoint them.

    there is nothing wrong with fear when it is appropriate. it is becoming more and more clear what we need to fear.
  • Fear is precisely what they're looking for. Disappoint them.

    No I am not scared about being attacked to say or what you are trying to get at....

    Im scared because our world is being governed by mad men.....that bugs me as we are like pawns in a giant chess game with two fools moving the pieces...and when they meet it will ultimately be the common man that will suffer which is not fair.....that sense of unfairness bugs the hell out of me....

    As for fear that is currently being generated by mass media...I laugh at that....I tend to look at the bigger picture.....
  • Abuskedti wrote:
    there is nothing wrong with fear when it is appropriate.

    There is nothing appropriate about granting madmen what they are seeking.
  • AbuskedtiAbuskedti Posts: 1,917
    There is nothing appropriate about granting madmen what they are seeking.

    no, you seem to be confused.. they are not seeking fear.. they are exploiting fear by misdirecting it - for personal reasons, they rationalize as political reasons. America is misinformed and therefore react inappropriately to their fears. but make no mistake, they have things to fear.
  • No I am not scared about being attacked to say or what you are trying to get at....

    That's a start.
    Im scared because our world is being governed by mad men.....that bugs me as we are like pawns in a giant chess game with two fools moving the pieces...

    What you're missing is that we're moving these 'mad men' as much as they're moving us. Stop playing the game if you don't like the rules.
    and when they meet it will ultimately be the common man that will suffer which is not fair.....that sense of unfairness bugs the hell out of me....

    It's completely fair. We've granted them their advantages. Stop complaining when they use them. Rather, stop granting them.
    As for fear that is currently being generated by mass media...I laugh at that....I tend to look at the bigger picture.....

    The mass media fears aren't much different than the small media fears. Change the names but the reality stays the same.

    Fear begets aggression which begets direction.. That's what we've elected these people to do. And they do it quite nicely.
  • Abuskedti wrote:
    no, you seem to be confused.. they are not seeking fear.. they are exploiting fear by misdirecting it - for personal reasons, they rationalize as political reasons.

    EXACTLY!!!!! Without fear they have no purpose, no ability.
    America is misinformed and therefore react inappropriately to their fears. but make no mistake, they have things to fear

    The only thing they have to fear, as the saying goes, is fear itself.
  • That's a start.

    What you're missing is that we're moving these 'mad men' as much as they're moving us. Stop playing the game if you don't like the rules.

    It's completely fair. We've granted them their advantages. Stop complaining when they use them. Rather, stop granting them.

    The mass media fears aren't much different than the small media fears. Change the names but the reality stays the same.

    Fear begets aggression which begets direction.. That's what we've elected these people to do. And they do it quite nicely.

    I have never granted any of them any sort of advantage therefore I am hardly complaining hell for that matter I am highly outspoken in demoninzing the actions of these men...which to me is hardly complaining but more in fact fighting the system to say.
  • I have never granted any of them any sort of advantage therefore I am hardly complaining hell for that matter I am highly outspoken in demoninzing the actions of these men...which to me is hardly complaining but more in fact fighting the system to say.

    Fighting the system doesn't mean demonizing some men. It means eliminating that which makes the system possible -- our fears and our hate.

    I'm not calling you out here. I'm calling everyone here out, including myself. We've built these walls and we can't expect the people sitting inside them to tear them down.
  • Fighting the system doesn't mean demonizing some men. It means eliminating that which makes the system possible -- our fears and our hate.

    I'm not calling you out here. I'm calling everyone here out, including myself. We've built these walls and we can't expect the people sitting inside them to tear them down.

    But using our voices is one of many methods we can use to tear down the walls.....
  • But using our voices is one of many methods we can use to tear down the walls.....

    Yes, but it all depends on where those voices come from. If they come from fear, any type of fear, we're only making those walls higher and those mad men stronger.
  • Yes, but it all depends on where those voices come from. If they come from fear, any type of fear, we're only making those walls higher and those mad men stronger.

    No not from fear but voices questioning their madness.....voices that will communicate to others about the big problem afflicting the world today....more like voices of awareness......voices that strike-down the fear they throw upon us to swallow up like baby birds.......
  • No not from fear but voices questioning their madness.....voices that will communicate to others about the big problem afflicting the world today....more like voices of awareness......voices that strike-down the fear they throw upon us to swallow up like baby birds.......

    Questioning is good. Answering is also good. Just don't look to the madmen to answer your questions.
  • Questioning is good. Answering is also good. Just don't look to the madmen to answer your questions.

    I'm not.....
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