Learning From Mistakes

So America sold weapons to Israel, Israel sold weapons to Apartheid South Africa. Israel helped South Africa keep apartheid alive. they needed South Africa for a few reasons, one, material, two, African states were supporting the Arabs, but by turning South Africa into a sorta iron fist of Africa (and being on Israels side) they felt that apartheid would spread around Africa? nah, maybe just have the leaders controlled by them (Israel) and any Arab support would turn to Zionist support.
Now One of the major reasons why apartheid South Africa failed is due mainly because of lack of funds, It's expensive (apartheid), just ask Israel. Without Americas funding, Israel would not be able to continue it's own oppression towards the Palestinians.
Israels mentality these days is very similar to it's mentality in the 70's, only this time, only now they've perfected the art of propaganda and proxy wars.
They've seen the mistakes made by it's one time bed buddy apartheid South Africa and not tried to repeat them, Israel has perfected the art of apartheid, so much so that they've even got some of the anti South African apartheid people supporting them.
South Africas Nazi sympathiser ex president John Vorster would be proud of Israel. But I just can't help but think that Israels dirty history and current issues would have every holocaust victim turning in their graves due to it.
Now One of the major reasons why apartheid South Africa failed is due mainly because of lack of funds, It's expensive (apartheid), just ask Israel. Without Americas funding, Israel would not be able to continue it's own oppression towards the Palestinians.
Israels mentality these days is very similar to it's mentality in the 70's, only this time, only now they've perfected the art of propaganda and proxy wars.
They've seen the mistakes made by it's one time bed buddy apartheid South Africa and not tried to repeat them, Israel has perfected the art of apartheid, so much so that they've even got some of the anti South African apartheid people supporting them.
South Africas Nazi sympathiser ex president John Vorster would be proud of Israel. But I just can't help but think that Israels dirty history and current issues would have every holocaust victim turning in their graves due to it.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Blame America first... We'll figure out the rest later. If anyone cares?
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
Man, you are a sick puppy. Unless you know any holocaust survivors, as I do, don't speak for them. It's extremely offensive.
then ask them what they think about oppression, I'm pretty sure they'll be against it.
Now anything else you would like to add?
it's an opinion...come off of your high-horse.
from my window to yours
yes yes. You know for a person who goes on so much in other threads about debate and reasoning and whatever else, you seem to practice it so little yourself. quite sad really.
You talk about how everyone else acts whichever way, yet such a large portion of your posts are insult based, infact you seem to not even be very good at that. Now please, I don't want you to leave, stay.
Talk to me,
where did this assumption come from?
from my window to yours
I also said that the a lack of funds was one of the reasons it fell, think about it, wheres all that gold money now?
I would also have to argue about the "no civil war", well not in the terms as we know it to be. But the crime rate after apartheid fell...rocketed, johannesburg turned into one of the most dangerous places on earth, rape, murder and whatever other crimes. Almost every other south african carried a gun and just about every single family had a friend or family member killed by the intense violence.
some good articles on said topic (infact the second one is where I lifted the nazi line from regarder vorster as I was typing my post that line about him stuck out in my head so I thought I'd add it to my post) enjoy, they are good articles, notice the date on the first one was '97
I'm not too positive about south africas future, I was sad to hear about americans buying up top property in cape town because of the strong dollar and weak rand, well obvioulsy quite a few other things but we'll see how the rest of this thread goes. Indeed I can talk about this for days.
I also lived in south africa, great country. not happy with it's current direction, lot's and lot's of corruption. as you I'm sure know.
Huge racism still exists, but people like to be blinded by the "rainbow nation" slogan.
nice talking,
He probably assumes that because, atleast here in a America, folks aren't running around with bombs strapped to their chests looking for Jews to blow up.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
It's that american name, that american feeling that even people so far away wanted, it was pretty funny.
Yeah, the rich are very rich. Infact when I first moved to SA I was shocked to see that a large number of the cars on the roads were luxury/sports. Like you see honda civics in america you see BMWs and Mercs in South Africa.
The government is trying really really hard to clean things up for the World Cup. now the problem with is, it's only surface cleaning! They are just pushing the crime more underground and/or to other areas of the country.
Like Rustenburg for example, a very small town, but the jo'burg crime is slowly getting pushed towards them.
But they'll probably rather watch the new mandela movie being made starring morgan freidman sp?
But yeah, great book.
For the insight on your country. Sadly the thread was not meant to bring any kind of focus on your country, but to backhandedly insult another. While the intent of the thread was malicious at least I learned something from you.
nevertheless, as always you don't have anything to add so you just pop in to cause some sorta problem. But that's fine.
I'm getting the same impression about that dude.
I think you already made a similar comment to another user, please, insult me with something original.
But again, find problems with my post, tell me that the relationship with the two are false, the oppression of palestinians is not real or that Israel was never caught spying on the US (something that I'll bring up in another thread)
It's about seeing something that's wrong and not supporting it. yes, israel is wrong in a huge amount of it's actions, it has a dirty and digusting history. don't debate your ill feeling towards me, i'm not interested in a personal battle with you.