Any Peter Gabriel fans here?

I was driving home late the other night and popped in "Up" that I bought on a whim on vacation. I was totally blown away at the lyrical depth and musical complexity. One of those personal musical moments that transcends the listener.
Problem is, I don't know where to start filling out the rest of my PG catalogue. I'm familiar with the hits ala "Big Time", "Sledgehammer", & "Steam" but as a new fan I'd love some opinions/insight from anyone.
I know I should could ask this on Gabriel's site forum but I wanted to get some more objective opinions if that makes any sense.
Thanks to all of you in advance!!
Problem is, I don't know where to start filling out the rest of my PG catalogue. I'm familiar with the hits ala "Big Time", "Sledgehammer", & "Steam" but as a new fan I'd love some opinions/insight from anyone.
I know I should could ask this on Gabriel's site forum but I wanted to get some more objective opinions if that makes any sense.
Thanks to all of you in advance!!
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just go to for tunes.
~it is shining it is shining~
get SO
The "Growing Up Live" and the "Still Growing Up Live" dvds are also well worth the time, effort and cash to acquire.
8/26/98 - Cleveland
10/7/00 - Detroit
4/25/03 - Cleveland
6/23/06 - Pittsburgh
Yes...."US" is brilliant! :-)
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'Too many people on this earth. We need a new plague.' - Dwight Schrute
He also did the music for "Rabbit Proof Fence"......have not listened to that one yet.
As others have mentioned, So and Us are must haves for getting into his stuff. I'd especially recommend those as you appear to be getting into him through Up. If your were an old-school Genesis fan, then I'd recommend his earlier stuff first, probably, but you don't seem to be. Or you could just get the hits compilation 'Hit', and get a relatively decent overview of his solo work.
Passion is amazing, but is of course mostly instrumental. Long Walk Home (the Rabbit Proof Fence score) is amazing as well, but again, mostly instrumental. You need to have an appreciation for that type of music. I do, so I love them, but many do not. If you were to get either of these, I'd probably recommend Long Walk Home first, only because there are elements of Up that you hear during the course of the CD and you will be somewhat familiar with them.
If you do check out the DVDs, you may want to listen to his CD 'Ovo' as well, as there is quite a few tracks from that. He isn't the featured performer on most of those tracks, but the music is fascinating.
I never get tired of telling this story, so I'll do it again...
I saw him on the Growing Up tour in 2002 here in Minneapolis. When he introduced Melanie, I yelled, "I LOVE YOU MELANIE!". He actually responded, saying, "Shhh... her father's listening". I have a boot and it's pretty much crytal clear. I play it for friends and they just shake their heads. But that's not all. If you watch his tour documentary DVD called 'Growing Up Live- A Family Portrait', he actually mentions this incident on the DVD. They show him outside the arena, his breath fogging as he's breathing (it was November here, so it was coooold). He's talking about Melanie and he says, "and someone tonight yelled 'I love you Melanie Gabriel!" Melanie walks by and chides him for, "cramping my style". When I saw this for the first time, I was so excited. It was a cool moment for me.
nice story.
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'Too many people on this earth. We need a new plague.' - Dwight Schrute
~it is shining it is shining~
I saw him on the SO tour - 11/12/86. It was an excellent show.
- Al Swearengen
Yes!!!!!! I think it's on B/O from the Classic Records site, but I buy a lot from this site in Chicago called Music Direct:
There are a few really good eBay dealers for new vinyl, but I always go here first (plus they send out a sweet catalog every quarter).
I think LLDoB is a top three all-time for me...
Yes, Dirt, The "Lamb" is one of the all-time greats IMHO too. "Selling England by The Pound" is also a great record despite the one Phil Collins tune on it.
Other than that it is supposedly called I/O, nothing. There's always stuff about him working on it, but with him, you just don't know when things will actually be out. I remember hearing 'I Grieve' for the first time on the City of Angels soundtrack (which I think was his first new music in some time back then) and being real excited about the possibility of a new album soon. Well, it turned out to be 3-4 years later that that excitement was able to be acted on.
I saw the (what I think was) the last date of the So tour in Los Angeles, Sports Arena I think. That was an excellent show, the theatrics and lighting were amazing.
On another note, I just found out that there is a bootleg of outtakes from the Passion sessions available. I'll have to search that out.
peter fecking' gabriel is THE man! master lyricist and brilliant musician, continually to amaze me, pushes the envelope, challenges himself and his listeners....just pure feckin' amazement time and again.
what album to get? ALL OF THEM! seriously, not a bad one in the fact, quite the contrary...each and every one will knock your socks off.....including passion...the soundtrack to the film the last temptation of christ. i ADORE every album, he is just THAT good. if i was absolutely forced to choose a favorite, i'd have to say Us.....and least fave So...mostly b/c it seems his most 'commercial'...but seriously, they are ALL fantastic! his first album may be the more difficult/challenging for the casual listener to get into....but it's well worth it. his latest, Up....gorgeous.
i seriously cannot praise this man's work enough.
and...and....and.....the epitome of brilliance, imho of course.....early genesis with gabriel at the helm...the lamb lies down on broadway. if the rumored reunion were to happen, and i could hear the lamb live, with the original genesis.....*faints*
ok, think i yammered on enough for the time being.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Yes, yes..........a Genesis reunion tour with Peter on lead vocals would be devine..........maybe he would wear the costumes.........."The Lamb" live again.........maybe even "Supper's Ready"........or "Cinema Show"...and keep tape on Phil Collins' mouth and his ass at the drum kit.