
(Here we go...now it's ready!) 

I had an appreciation thread for this amazing duo last year but it has since been deleted (not right). It's time to resurrect the praise!!
Absolutely LOOOOOVE this band! I'm seeing them for the first time on FRIDAY and I'm soooo excited.
Been dying to see these guys live! I hear they are beyond phenomenal. Wouldn't expect anything less when it comes to The White Stripes.
Jack White is easily one of the most talented musicans out there imo. The man blows my mind!!! His entire approach to music making is right on! So raw and simple...garagy/studio vibe, classic blues-drenched guitar...his fierce, unique, confident, sexy, painful, intense, pleading vocals. One reviewer summed up the power of his voice perfectly saying...
"White is as clever with the words as he is with melding his voice to suit certain moods. Even when the emotion is affected, it still hits home."
Yes! And clever, amazing lyrics is right!
Meg's primal, simplistic approach to the skins is awesome! Love it! I remember in one interview with Jack he was saying how he wanted it that way to add an innonence and child like quality to it all. He said if the drum style was techy it would totally defeat their approach, overall sound/feel and what they are trying to accomplish as musicians/artists. HELL YEAH! I really dig Meg's drumming and think it perfectly matches the mood.
Minimalist rock'n'roll that KICKS YOUR ASS!!! This duo is fuckin amazing!
It's so hard to pick a fav song or album when it comes to this band and all this talent. Such diversity but what always remains constant is their catchy, unqiue, original, rockin, punk R&B sound/vibe!!!! Songs vary from an intense rockers that make ya stomp all over like a mad woman/man.....to emotionally raw ballads that tug at your heart.
The new album continues to blow me away. This album is solid proof why I love this band and what makes them SO damn great. Not only are they just original and unique as hell, but they're also not afraid to take risks and change things up. Jack totally letting a strong blue grass country influence shine through, showcasing other talents of sound...marimbas, lots of piano etc. The album is very lyrically driven. The lyrics are exceptionally great on this one! Some really beautiful things going on.
Jack definitely continues to grow drastically with each album. I think GBMS was a HUGE leap for him. He is on it more than ever! And Meg still bangin away beautifully and complimenting each and every sound in such a perfect way. Ah these guys can do no wrong. As a friend of mine recently put it, "i swear.. those guys could put out a song of jack farting into a mic with distortion on it, and somehow it would be cool". :P HA! Serioulsy though!! They HAVE *IT*! Get Behind Me Satan is by far one of my fav albums of the year (and in general). It gets better and better with each listen. WHITE STIPES are back and then some.
In summary....HAIL HAIL the WHITE STRIPES!!1 Again, cannot wait to witness this power live.
Speakin of those emotional, intense, rockin, heart tuggers....I'm gonna kick off the thread of praise with one of my favs from the new album.....
>> FOREVER FOR HER (Is Over For Me) <<
I blew it
And if I knew what to do, then I'd do it
But the point that I have, I'll get to it
And forever for her is over for me
Forever, just the word that she said that means never
To be with another together
And with the weight of a feather it tore into me
Then I knew it
All the work that it took to get through it
On the wings of a feather that flew it
Fell onto my shoe it cut up into me
Well, everybody's reaction is changing you
But their love is only a fraction of what I can give to you
So let's do it, just get on a plane and just do it
Like the birds and the bees and get to it
Just get out of town and forever be free
Forever, I wonder we could stay together
It could change if you want for the better
Just turn down my shirt and lay down next to me
I blew it
And if I knew what to do, then I'd do it
But the point that I have, I'll get to it
And forever for her is over for me
Forever, just the word that she said that means never
To be with another together
And with the weight of a feather it tore into me
Well, everybody's reaction is changing you
But their love is only a fraction of what I can give to you
Well, let's do it, let's get on a plane and just do it
Like the birds and the bees and get to it
Just get out of town and forever be free
Forever, I wonder we could stay together
It could change if you want for the better
Just tug at my shirt and lay down next to me

I had an appreciation thread for this amazing duo last year but it has since been deleted (not right). It's time to resurrect the praise!!
Absolutely LOOOOOVE this band! I'm seeing them for the first time on FRIDAY and I'm soooo excited.

Jack White is easily one of the most talented musicans out there imo. The man blows my mind!!! His entire approach to music making is right on! So raw and simple...garagy/studio vibe, classic blues-drenched guitar...his fierce, unique, confident, sexy, painful, intense, pleading vocals. One reviewer summed up the power of his voice perfectly saying...
"White is as clever with the words as he is with melding his voice to suit certain moods. Even when the emotion is affected, it still hits home."
Yes! And clever, amazing lyrics is right!
Meg's primal, simplistic approach to the skins is awesome! Love it! I remember in one interview with Jack he was saying how he wanted it that way to add an innonence and child like quality to it all. He said if the drum style was techy it would totally defeat their approach, overall sound/feel and what they are trying to accomplish as musicians/artists. HELL YEAH! I really dig Meg's drumming and think it perfectly matches the mood.
Minimalist rock'n'roll that KICKS YOUR ASS!!! This duo is fuckin amazing!
It's so hard to pick a fav song or album when it comes to this band and all this talent. Such diversity but what always remains constant is their catchy, unqiue, original, rockin, punk R&B sound/vibe!!!! Songs vary from an intense rockers that make ya stomp all over like a mad woman/man.....to emotionally raw ballads that tug at your heart.

The new album continues to blow me away. This album is solid proof why I love this band and what makes them SO damn great. Not only are they just original and unique as hell, but they're also not afraid to take risks and change things up. Jack totally letting a strong blue grass country influence shine through, showcasing other talents of sound...marimbas, lots of piano etc. The album is very lyrically driven. The lyrics are exceptionally great on this one! Some really beautiful things going on.
Jack definitely continues to grow drastically with each album. I think GBMS was a HUGE leap for him. He is on it more than ever! And Meg still bangin away beautifully and complimenting each and every sound in such a perfect way. Ah these guys can do no wrong. As a friend of mine recently put it, "i swear.. those guys could put out a song of jack farting into a mic with distortion on it, and somehow it would be cool". :P HA! Serioulsy though!! They HAVE *IT*! Get Behind Me Satan is by far one of my fav albums of the year (and in general). It gets better and better with each listen. WHITE STIPES are back and then some.
In summary....HAIL HAIL the WHITE STRIPES!!1 Again, cannot wait to witness this power live.

Speakin of those emotional, intense, rockin, heart tuggers....I'm gonna kick off the thread of praise with one of my favs from the new album.....

>> FOREVER FOR HER (Is Over For Me) <<
I blew it
And if I knew what to do, then I'd do it
But the point that I have, I'll get to it
And forever for her is over for me
Forever, just the word that she said that means never
To be with another together
And with the weight of a feather it tore into me
Then I knew it
All the work that it took to get through it
On the wings of a feather that flew it
Fell onto my shoe it cut up into me
Well, everybody's reaction is changing you
But their love is only a fraction of what I can give to you
So let's do it, just get on a plane and just do it
Like the birds and the bees and get to it
Just get out of town and forever be free
Forever, I wonder we could stay together
It could change if you want for the better
Just turn down my shirt and lay down next to me
I blew it
And if I knew what to do, then I'd do it
But the point that I have, I'll get to it
And forever for her is over for me
Forever, just the word that she said that means never
To be with another together
And with the weight of a feather it tore into me
Well, everybody's reaction is changing you
But their love is only a fraction of what I can give to you
Well, let's do it, let's get on a plane and just do it
Like the birds and the bees and get to it
Just get out of town and forever be free
Forever, I wonder we could stay together
It could change if you want for the better
Just tug at my shirt and lay down next to me
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Post edited by Unknown User on
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
I always have much respect for the White Stripes, yeah, they are simple, but sometimes simplicity is best!
And Jack, what an amazing talent this man is. Making catchy songs for all of us to remember them by. I LOVE Seven nation Army, how he tuned down his guitar to sound like a bass. I give much props for that man...he is such a genius and even MORE props, even though they are HUGE, he always manage to find the time to produce local bands in his hometown of Detroit. ROCK ON to the WHITE STRIPES!!
This thread was LOOONG over due!!;)
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
I bought Elephant and it was amazing. I was skeptical of this new album cause I didn't love blue orchid, but somebody bought it for me as a present and now it's my favorite album of the year. That song is totally misrepresentative of the album.
I think Jack white is a talented man. And Meg is what she needs to be.
I miss you already, I miss you all day
~it is shining it is shining~
Meddle, I hear ya...down tuning that bass is such an awesome touch. I remember it being said by someone that the last band to hit it THIS big without an actual bass player was The Doors! :eek: Pretty trippy.
Awww MissYouAllDay!!!
kdpjam, you should listen to Get Behind Me Satan some more!!
Can't wait to see these guys TOMORROW@!@# :eek:
Gonna BUMP it up with another fav....one that gets listened to in full on repeat mode. Looooove this song.......
I want to be the boy that warms your mother's heart
I'm so scared to take you away
I tried to win her over right from the start
But something always got in the way
We've been sitting in your backyard for hours
But she won't even come out and say hi
While my mother baked a little cake for you
And even dreaded when you said goodbye
What kind of cartwheels do I have to pull?
What kind of joke should I lay on her now?
I'm inclined to go finish high school
Just to make her notice that I'm around
Well nothing I come up with seems to work
It feels like everything I say is a lie
And never have a felt like such a jerk
I'm afraid to even open my eyes
Because I really don't want her to judge me
I want to her really know who I am
And then, and only then she will love me
Well at least that was the plan
If ever a boy needed a holiday
If ever a girl needed someone to hold
I just hope I don't act the same way
By the time that I get old
I never said I was the heir to a fortune
I never claimed to have any looks
But these kind of things must be important
Because somebody ripped out my page
In your telephone book
I want to warm her heart
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
the best band now-a-days. Along with Arcade Fire. Easily
All their albums are GREAT... perfect songs...
Jack White is indeed a music genius...
Get Behind Me Satan is the best 2005 album. And maybe the best WS album as well!
That is why I'm singing
Anyway, great band, i was a fan before GBMS but I didn't get really really into them until I got their new album.
{[No_Code}], there you are buddy!
~~~~> OMG TODAY IS THE DAY!!!!! :eek:
YES poorgirl23!!! I just talked to a friend that saw them in Portland the other night too. He said they played BALL & BISCUIT and JOLENE! HOLY SHIT! I will FLIP OUT if I hear those 2!! :eek: WOOOOOW. He also said they played a pretty kick ass mixture of ALL the albums. Hell YES!
I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOO excited I'm about to pop! haha.
Again, this duo is beyond amazing & JACK really is a musical mastermind. Bottom line.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
An angry Rush fanatic says...
It's Neil Peart, damnit! PearT!
Whoa Kenny Olav! All is good buddy. Simple mistake. Rush fans are hardcore man. Shit! I actually had someone strangle me cuze I happen to not be a fan of Geddy's voice. :eek: Please don't hurt me!! haha. No kidding!! Scary shit. Seriously hardcore! Anyways, no worries, I know it was a simple innocent mistake on Meddle's part. Let's just all get along & play nice.
BUMPIN it up with another -WS- classic! Incredible what just an amazing voice and beautiful guitar can accomplish. Simple and perfect!
(= We're Going To Be Friends
Fall is here,hear the yell
back to school,ring the bell
brand new shoes,walking blues
climb the fence,books and pens
I can tell that we're going to be friends
Walk with me,Suzy Lee
through the park and by the tree
we will rest upon the ground
and look at all the bugs we found
then safely walk to school
without a sound
Well here we are,no one else
we walked to school all by ourselves
there's dirt on our uniforms
from chasing all the ants and worms
we clean up and now its time to learn
Numbers,letters,learn to spell
nouns,and books,and show and tell
at playtime we will throw the ball
back to class,through the hall
teacher marks our height
against the wall
And we don't notice any time pass
we don't notice anything
we sit side by side in every class
teacher thinks that I sound funny
but she likes the way you sing
Tonight I'll dream while I'm in bed
when silly thoughts go through my head
about the bugs and alphbet
and when I wake tommorow I'll bet
that you and I will walk together again
cause I can tell that we're going to be friends
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
EV Solo: 7/11/11 11/12/12 11/13/12
I'll let it pass for now, but next time I will summon the wrath of By-Tor and the Snow Dog!!
"She fell funny"
"Klaus Daimler, 40, engineer, calm, collected, German"
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
OMG!! The show was AMAZING!! Totally blown away!! :eek: VEDHEAD and I were just overwhelmed by that band. How Jack just ran around playing every single instrument on stage. He was really showcasing his talents that night, and made me even a BIGGER fan, so big in fact that I want to get ALL of their albums!!
They have such chemistry on stage, Jack playing and singing to Meg, truly adorable!! And seeing him play marimba (from what i could see) was the highlight of the night for me.
They played Seven Nation Army, The Hardest Button to Button, and they even played We're Going to Be Friends..such a great show, and i HIGHLY recommend checking this band LIVE!!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
This show was out of control people!!!! I was
soooooo worn out afterwards but I just could not even begin to sleep
after all that! :eek: Got home late last night and immediately put on
some White Stripes! haha. Kept the outrageous WS night flowing.
show just pumped me up so much! I don't think I'm coming down for quite
awhile and that is ok by me.
JESUS!!! Where to begin?!
Well, first things first....
<~~~~ flipped out (to say the very least)
:eek:!!!! They played BOTH frickin songs!!!!!!! Holy shit. 2 of the MANY
highlights of the evening. These 2 were SUPER highlights though. OMG!!
Ball & Biscuit?! How daaaaamn out of this world/sexy is this song?!
Always been one of my absolute favs and live it was taken ALL to another
level. The song just possess you....forces you to grind the air! Good
god. So damn intoxicating. I cannot get over this one. Jack just going
off!!! Shit. No words left about this one. WOOOOOOW is about all I can
say at this point. :eek:
JOLENE?! I just need to say this is one the most beautiful covers ever.
Jack shined brighter than ever live on this gorgeous song. So much
emotion it was almost hard to watch. The man's voice was shivering,
pleading...sounded like he was about to cry. He poured it ALL out in
this beautiful song. Completely blown away!
Just like my friend from Portland noted, they definitely played a
mixture of ALL albums. So damn cool. A little bit of everything. Such
fan pleasers.
Meddle and I were about 6 rows back from the side of the stage...
PERFECT view of Meg, her set was facing right towards us...and a perfect
view of Jack center stage. I could not have asked for a better spot...or
a better show!!!
As we suspected, Blue Orchid opened things up just kicked everything
into place!!! The crowd was instantly bouncing all over and pumped as
fuck! The 2 just came out ready to rock and that they did....NON-stop!
It was seriously like a second break and them BAM another song. Soooo
kick ass! Just enough time to catch your breath. haha. The stage set up
was really cool. Awesome apple GBMS back drop, little shell lights,
white plants, ....everything all red and white...incredible red lights
flashing all through the show too. Oh and Jack's outfit was fuckin HOT.
Long tailed lookin coat with a top hat, some cute ass booty huggin black
paints with some red strips inserted on the sides!
just rocks all around, musically and then some. But ok, getting
too carried away with that.
Some other songs we got...
Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground - this one tore it UP!
I Think I Smell a Rat - Ok, love the guitar work on this one and
experiencing all this fierce in your face shredding and thrashing was
Offend In Every Way - LOOOOOVE this song!!! Was so fuckin excited to get this one.
When I Hear My Name - Nice treat! Such raw WS! The breakdown
kicks so much ass.
Passive Manupulation - twice! Go Meg!:D
Little Ghost -hell yes!!
The Nurse - Jack fuckin those marimbas up.
cool live.
My Doorbell - Cathcy as hell! This instant classic song had the
whole place clappin and singing along.
>> ENCORE....
Jack came out solo and bust out....
I'm Lonely (But I Ain't That Lonely Yet)- painfully beautiful,
fuckin mesmerizing...just Jack and that piano.
I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself - definitely one of my
most listened to WS tracks. LOOOOVE this song! Yet another one that
rocked even more live and made my night.
Hotel Yorba - Crowd was going off with this classic!!! Loved it!
Forever for Her (Is Over for Me)-
chose to kick start the thread of praise! MissYouAllDay knows.
one was even more gorgeous than on the cd. Jack completely owning every
bit of my heart and soul for sure. He straight up demands it on this
We're Going to be Friends- JUST bumped this thread before I left
and posted this song. looove this one and was so feelin it today. Was
very excited to get this beauty.
OK this was a funny part of the night. Not even midway into the song a
big ass 104.9 beach ball flew up on stage....Jack stopped singing and
said "What the fuck is this?! A radio promotion?!?!" ha. He took the
beach ball and threw it off to the side of the stage then was like
"now...as I was saying..." and burst back into the song.
When it was over he said "now if we get blacklisted from that radio
station and they refuse to play our music...I would like a written
apology for them interrupting my song!!!" LOL!!!
Seven Nation Army - Daaaaamn! I mean what needs to be said? This
song pleases all. Kicked even more ass live.
Boll Weevil - closed the show with this badboy. Jack got the
entire crowd to sing along. Amazing!! Talk about going out with a bang.
EVERYTHING I loved about these 2 was taken to an even higher level last
night. The love and respect is skyrocketing at this point....and here I
already thought it was at an all time high. HA! Seeing them live done
did it. Ooooh, and here I thought Jack was already a musical
genius....experincing that live?!!? :eek: Like Meddle said, he man had
so many instruments set up on that kick ass stage and all through the
night he kept running over to different ones for different songs. It
really is mind blowing to witness this much music come out of ONE
person. The man is SO DAMN AMAZING!!!! It makes me mad how talented he
is. haha. Like how in the?! You are soooo fuckin incredible guy. Jesus!
Is there anything you CANT do? Putting us all to shame.
times during the night he completely had me STUCK...just in complete aw,
unable to move. The sounds he makes come outta that guitar are
unbelievable. From shreding, to making it weep, all twangy and drenced
in blues, to makin it all distorted and chunkified, to making it sound
like bass, ..etc etc. There are just so many damn sounds that come outta
this man and so many with his main instrument alone. I LOVED the way he
owned it all up there! He just oozes such confidence.
I've read in the past that doesnt like to feel comfortable on stage, he
wants nothing to feel rehearsed...he wanted everything stripped down,
vulerable and all natural...so him and Meg NEVER rehearse. Well damn.
Yet another thing that blows my mind cuze the attitude says I OWN THIS.
I guess when you're this mighty rehearsing isn't necessary. hehe. Really
though, excellent touch on that and everything does just seem so natural
up there. Witnessing the chemistry betweem him and Meg was great! They
totally engage each other. I love how Jack has a mic set up center stage
and then one in front of Meg. It was very cute how he'd just run over to
her set and sing to her....sharing the spotlight the entire time. They
were having lots of fun during Little Ghost...laughing away. Adorable.
Speaking of Meg... damn, she is really sexy on those skins. All her
little playful flirty faces she'd make at Jack, her little
pauses/poses....the way she's feels the music and gets down while
confined to a stool. She's awesome and really has such a prescence. I
don't think I'll ever look at the *girl* the same again. She is for sure
a *woman* now. hehe.
At the end of the show Jack thanked Berkeley/SF for being the FIRST city
to ever like them outside of Detroit and how he will never forget
that. AWWW!!
Overall, I am just completey blown away and even deeper in love (incase
you can't tell).
16th or else I would definitely try to go to the 2nd show tonight. I am
soooo thirsty for more live WS. It's no joke...this band takes it all to
another level live. I will never get over this
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
YES! Agreed! This is another thing Meddle and I were talking about....loooooooove the cymbal usage on this new album. Meg crashes the hell outta those things. So awesome on The Nurse too...how they just come crashing outta nowhere. Love that!
Oh I forgot to mention, Jack was fuckn shit up soooooo much on the sexy ass BALL & BISCUIT that he broke a string on his guitar. The song is too sexy for it's own good...even the man himself got carried away with it.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Great review, by the way ved.
Trading stories with the leaves instead
White Blood Cells is a kick ass album. I highly recommend that you get De Stijl next. Love that album! Love em all, but yeah.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Jack White is a crazy motherfucker (in the words of dave grohl last night).
I am getting more and more pumped to see them all the time. Sept 16th. The molson amphitheatre is one of the best places to see a concert in NA too.
I miss you already, I miss you all day
Say whaaa? haha. Please do elaborate.
Oooo I'm excited for your show too. That's gonna be here so soon!! Damn! I know you'll have an incredible time no matter what BUT...here's to hoping you also get to experience FOREVER FOR HER.
I'm truely excited for any/everyone that's going to see these guys. I now "fully" understand.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√