Hey commy the state I live in has more than 20,000 trained doctors :roll: And your comment about how you think education as far as medical school should be free is hysterical to say the least. so why dont' you go work for free. and see how long the lights stay on at your place.
does your state have those doctors opertating in 3rd world countries? didn't think so.
Um as a matter of fact yes. We have one of the best medical Universities in ther country. MUSC. and some intern all over the world.
You can pull this off. Find a few hundred like minded people to throw in everything they have (monetarily) and go buy a small island. After you purchase the island and start up your system, you won't need money anyway. From there on out, everyone takes on a different role and works to serve the greater good rather than works for profit.
i want to , believe me.
you know who else tried this?
The Branch Davidians. Now, granted there was some shady shit going down in that compound, but they did exactly that. It was removed with force, very publicly, and the experiment ended. And I believe that's why they chose to storm the compound, even though they had David Koresh alone in the woods days before the slaughter. They wanted to do a few things, establish the authority of the ATF, and second to eliminate an alternative to capitalism, in a public way. Like they always do. internationally or nationally, any alterntives to capitlaism must be dealt with, preferably with force.
See, that's why you have to ante up big time and get an island, get yourselves some isolation.
Only thing is, what happens when someone becomes corrupt on this island, and tries to profit off of his or her role there (because let's face it, we're not perfect)? Who has the authority to send them packing in a society of anarchy?
See, that's why you have to ante up big time and get an island, get yourselves some isolation.
Only thing is, what happens when someone becomes corrupt on this island, and tries to profit off of his or her role there (because let's face it, we're not perfect)? Who has the authority to send them packing in a society of anarchy?
would be nice.
resources are controlled by the people, equally. so if a doctor or someone steps up and says,
"I won't provide my service unless you make me king",
the rest of us can step up and say,
"you don't eat until you provide your service".
commy, call me when you wake up from your dream world.
because everything is so great right now.
ah fuck it, I"m just gonna go home, turn on the tv watch the nightly news, drink a beer like i could even change the world yeah right.
I respect your opinion but you aren't providing any realistic solutions. you are talking about living in a world with no money. a world where people will study for years at their own expense and be at your beckon call when you get sick just because we all love each other as family.
the system could use some work, no doubt. but like I said, come talk to me when you wake up form your dream world.
btw, whats your solution to world hunger? o I got it. you learn how to farm, I'll learn how to process food, and we'll pass it out to everyone who needs it. see, I can provide solutions too.
Hey commy
were you dropped on your head when you were a child repeatedly
you know douchebag, at least I offered a solution.
I"m not sure what you're doing.
cmon on man lighten up I'll give you that but I still thing your borderline lunacy
Why is it borderline lunacy? It's really not as far fetched as people think it is. It's just too many people have bought into a historical power shifting system.
Using monetary value as the backbone of an argument shows a lack of imagination for creating a solution. Sure we live in a monetary society that creates classes and power change. But people act as if we gathered up all the currency in the world right now and put it in a rocket and shot it to outer space leaving no money left on Earth that all of a sudden all power goes out, everyone is evicted from their homes, doctors will quit helping people and everyone loses their jobs.
I'd like to think as humans, as we like to call ourselves, that we have enough decency to do what we know best and use that service to help everyone as a whole. And that power plant operators will continue to go in and continue the running power to the hospitals, farmers will keep growing, doctors will keep helping, that's just the simple breakdown of it. Obviously it's a very long winded answer to actually sit down and articulate a complete plan to keep a society afloat.
It's sad that we've come to rely on money as an ignition source rather than doing what's best for us as a whole and just doing it because we can. Including giving someone the health they deserve.
btw, whats your solution to world hunger? o I got it. you learn how to farm, I'll learn how to process food, and we'll pass it out to everyone who needs it. see, I can provide solutions too.
first of all people need to get the fuck out of the desert. why they choose to live in some of these places is beyond me.,
but we could ship a few thousand combines and tractors on over to africa, or better yet, help them build an infrastructure capable of producing this equipment, which would enable them to grow their own food.
See, that's why you have to ante up big time and get an island, get yourselves some isolation.
Only thing is, what happens when someone becomes corrupt on this island, and tries to profit off of his or her role there (because let's face it, we're not perfect)? Who has the authority to send them packing in a society of anarchy?
would be nice.
resources are controlled by the people, equally. so if a doctor or someone steps up and says,
"I won't provide my service unless you make me king",
the rest of us can step up and say,
"you don't eat until you provide your service".
inherent checks and balances.
If we are using the island analogy, how would you divide resources if not all resources are equal and can never be. How do you decide which person gets the best parcel of land and who has to live next to the garbage dump. How do you decide who gets to eat the best cuts of meat, or the best looking fruits and vegtables?
I do find it interesting that no one has said "hey, Grandpa should go buy a Private Insurance Policy" as a solution to the problem...
given her age and existing condition, an insurance policy would probably cost as much as paying for the services directly
interesting...this thread is about the evils of Gov't run health care...it's kinda weird to me that people will fight against this idea while agreeing that Private/For Profit Insurance sucks, too...in fact, in this case, it's of absolutely no help...
let's see, we can have bullshit filled overpriced for-profit insurance which costs too much and denies care or we have a gov't run, non-profit program that covers all that sometimes denies care...
I'm going for the not-so-perfect, non-profit health care system...
hey evil do really think that everybody should just work for free and everything should just be handed out to everyone. this world would come to a complete stop without commerce. Do you think Contractors would just build homes for the hell of it and say hey just move on in :? Frankly I cant believe we are even having a discussion like this.
and medical school costs are arbitrary. why should education cost ANYTHING? not everyone can do it. only those capable will be enrolling anyway. we could learn a a lot from Cuba. maybe that's why they are still considered a threat, they are an example on how to run a decent society.
But making education free does nothing but fill up spaces in school with people who go to school because it is cheap and they have nothing better to do. And I can say this as someone who went to University in a place where it was ridiculously cheap and there were tons of people taking ridiculously useless classes just because it was cheap and they had nothing better to do with their lives (which is odd since they were usually the ones protesting and demanding lower tuition fees). If it was free my school would have been over-run with these types of people. By making it cost money you add some difficulty so that only people who get educated are those people with the drive that are willing to make the effort (even if it means getting a job or 2) to find a way to make it happen.
I do find it interesting that no one has said "hey, Grandpa should go buy a Private Insurance Policy" as a solution to the problem...
given her age and existing condition, an insurance policy would probably cost as much as paying for the services directly
interesting...this thread is about the evils of Gov't run health care...it's kinda weird to me that people will fight against this idea while agreeing that Private/For Profit Insurance sucks, too...in fact, in this case, it's of absolutely no help.
let's see, we can have bullshit filled overpriced for-profit insurance which costs too much and denies care or we have a gov't run, non-profit program that covers all that sometimes denies care...
I'm going for the not-so-perfect, non-profit health care system...
I was just taking a guess. I dont know for sure. but it only makes sense...insurance is more expensive the older you get, and especially so with existing conditions.
you forgot to mention the loss of quality care in your non profit health care system. you comfortable with that too?
See, that's why you have to ante up big time and get an island, get yourselves some isolation.
Only thing is, what happens when someone becomes corrupt on this island, and tries to profit off of his or her role there (because let's face it, we're not perfect)? Who has the authority to send them packing in a society of anarchy?
would be nice.
resources are controlled by the people, equally. so if a doctor or someone steps up and says,
"I won't provide my service unless you make me king",
the rest of us can step up and say,
"you don't eat until you provide your service".
inherent checks and balances.
If we are using the island analogy, how would you divide resources if not all resources are equal and can never be. How do you decide which person gets the best parcel of land and who has to live next to the garbage dump. How do you decide who gets to eat the best cuts of meat, or the best looking fruits and vegtables?
on the island, its a natural decision. as are most in the society. say a guy kills 2 deer or something, or goes above and beyond what was expected of his usual laboror. maybe give him the tenderloin cut or best veggies that night. its a spontaneous decision, there's nothing written or set in stone, its just, whoever performed the best that day should get recognized. an idea. I don't know its a good question.
maybe another thread, probably shouldn't derail this one.
I do find it interesting that no one has said "hey, Grandpa should go buy a Private Insurance Policy" as a solution to the problem...
given her age and existing condition, an insurance policy would probably cost as much as paying for the services directly
interesting...this thread is about the evils of Gov't run health care...it's kinda weird to me that people will fight against this idea while agreeing that Private/For Profit Insurance sucks, too...in fact, in this case, it's of absolutely no help...
let's see, we can have bullshit filled overpriced for-profit insurance which costs too much and denies care or we have a gov't run, non-profit program that covers all that sometimes denies care...
I'm going for the not-so-perfect, non-profit health care system...
there is *no* perfect system, but we sure could improve a LOT.....firslty by having health care for ALL.
hey evil do really think that everybody should just work for free and everything should just be handed out to everyone. this world would come to a complete stop without commerce. Do you think Contractors would just build homes for the hell of it and say hey just move on in :? Frankly I cant believe we are even having a discussion like this.
You're completely looking past the point. It's about money not being the ignition source anymore. It's sad to see how you(in general, not personally) accept a greed driven world.
The fact that you believe that if all money disappeared all of a sudden the world comes to a complete stop is a bit ignorant don't you think? Do we have zero care within us? And zero survival skills.
Check it out...if money didn't exist, all of a sudden to all structures we've learned to build, and all reasearch that's ever been completed magically disappear?
If we can build it, why not build it?
Why do you need a salary if you're already guaranteed your health, food and a home? What can you provide? Well you figure that out and you provide it and in return you get what everyone else has provided. When hardships come, you work together as a whole to get out of them with minimum damage to your community rather than the rich just buy their way out and fuck the rest.
Just as much as you want people to get out of a dream world, if you want solutions, you're going to have to step into a dream world. It's time to work together, unlike our government. If we keep competing and holding back ideas and wanting the other to fail, then we all fail. No group will ever win.
In the end it's just sad that we have a country filled with citizens that would deny people help based on their own grudges. And this spreads over many more topics than just this one. It's a disease. It's time for everyone to open up. That's all.
anarchist societies have existed in the past. modern anarchist systems.
Spain pre-Franco was one. They had no money, but people still showed up to work, and ran their society very well. And yes, contractors just showed up to work and built houses for those that needed them, and in turn they got a share of the crop the farmers were growing, and on down the line. it was very efficient, no red tape, not until it was taken over by force.
hey evil do really think that everybody should just work for free and everything should just be handed out to everyone. this world would come to a complete stop without commerce. Do you think Contractors would just build homes for the hell of it and say hey just move on in :? Frankly I cant believe we are even having a discussion like this.
You're completely looking past the point. It's about money not being the ignition source anymore. It's sad to see how you(in general, not personally) accept a greed driven world.
The fact that you believe that if all money disappeared all of a sudden the world comes to a complete stop is a bit ignorant don't you think? Do we have zero care within us? And zero survival skills.
Check it out...if money didn't exist, all of a sudden to all structures we've learned to build, and all reasearch that's ever been completed magically disappear?
If we can build it, why not build it?
Why do you need a salary if you're already guaranteed your health, food and a home? What can you provide? Well you figure that out and you provide it and in return you get what everyone else has provided. When hardships come, you work together as a whole to get out of them with minimum damage to your community rather than the rich just buy their way out and fuck the rest.
Just as much as you want people to get out of a dream world, if you want solutions, you're going to have to step into a dream world. It's time to work together, unlike our government. If we keep competing and holding back ideas and wanting the other to fail, then we all fail. No group will ever win.
In the end it's just sad that we have a country filled with citizens that would deny people help based on their own grudges. And this spreads over many more topics than just this one. It's a disease. It's time for everyone to open up. That's all.
money is an excellent motivator. and you people just don't understand......no one is going to work for free in your little dream land.
can we please talk about realistic solutions?? anyone? anyone?
there is *no* perfect system, but we sure could improve a LOT.....firslty by having health care for ALL.
having "free" healthcare for all would make things worse, not better. why? we cant afford it and loss of quality of care.
i disagree, obviously. i say we can't afford NOT to offer basic healthcare services to all. as to affording it, i think we absolutely can. if other countries can manage it, so can we.....and truly, with what we spend right NOW....i think illiminating private insurance BS redtape, we'd save a bundle.....i think it IS totally DOABLE, it just needs to be set in motion. anyhoo...fuck it....if we can get in massive debt to go to war, i am all for getting into debt to assist lives, to improve national health and access to care. we're smart, we CAN figure it out. you think the entirety of the rest of the world do not have quality of care? truly? show that initiative and that can-do american spirit........;) it CAN be done.
btw - who said *free*.........?
sure it may well be 'free' for some, and it is already for a many in any case. the vast majority, we all get a hefty sum taken from our pay for private health insurance...well then...take that chunk and it put it towards universal healthcare, cut out a lot of the BS....and yea......there's a start.
I was just taking a guess. I dont know for sure. but it only makes sense...insurance is more expensive the older you get, and especially so with existing conditions.
you forgot to mention the loss of quality care in your non profit health care system. you comfortable with that too?
Am I comfortable with the perceived notion of some sort of loss of quality care? With due respect, Jlew...you don't know this will be the case...no one does...
I do know this...I'm comfortable with my police protection, with the city fire fighters, with my local social services. I know bushy's part D Medicaid costs an extra 15 billion to have private insurance companies do the same work as gov't employees who were doing the same thing...
call me kooky, but I'll take my chances on a gov't run system....
If we are using the island analogy, how would you divide resources if not all resources are equal and can never be. How do you decide which person gets the best parcel of land and who has to live next to the garbage dump. How do you decide who gets to eat the best cuts of meat, or the best looking fruits and vegtables?
on the island, its a natural decision. as are most in the society. say a guy kills 2 deer or something, or goes above and beyond what was expected of his usual laboror. maybe give him the tenderloin cut or best veggies that night. its a spontaneous decision, there's nothing written or set in stone, its just, whoever performed the best that day should get recognized. an idea. I don't know its a good question.
maybe another thread, probably shouldn't derail this one.[/quote]
But if there is say a limited value of good meat or good veggies or property, how do you decide that what the hunter or the farmer does is worth more than say what the barber or the mechanic does or the doctor does? And what is stopping one of those guys from offering the farmer or the hunter preferential treatment, or just better service, at their shops in exchange for some of that good meat. And right there you have just made meat a basic currency in your so called "money free society".
hey evil do really think that everybody should just work for free and everything should just be handed out to everyone. this world would come to a complete stop without commerce. Do you think Contractors would just build homes for the hell of it and say hey just move on in :? Frankly I cant believe we are even having a discussion like this.
You're completely looking past the point. It's about money not being the ignition source anymore. It's sad to see how you(in general, not personally) accept a greed driven world.
The fact that you believe that if all money disappeared all of a sudden the world comes to a complete stop is a bit ignorant don't you think? Do we have zero care within us? And zero survival skills.
Check it out...if money didn't exist, all of a sudden to all structures we've learned to build, and all reasearch that's ever been completed magically disappear?
If we can build it, why not build it?
Why do you need a salary if you're already guaranteed your health, food and a home? What can you provide? Well you figure that out and you provide it and in return you get what everyone else has provided. When hardships come, you work together as a whole to get out of them with minimum damage to your community rather than the rich just buy their way out and fuck the rest.
Just as much as you want people to get out of a dream world, if you want solutions, you're going to have to step into a dream world. It's time to work together, unlike our government. If we keep competing and holding back ideas and wanting the other to fail, then we all fail. No group will ever win.
In the end it's just sad that we have a country filled with citizens that would deny people help based on their own grudges. And this spreads over many more topics than just this one. It's a disease. It's time for everyone to open up. That's all.
money is an excellent motivator. and you people just don't understand......no one is going to work for free in your little dream land.
can we please talk about realistic solutions?? anyone? anyone?
So if all money was just suddenly burned up, then all structures we've already built would just crumble, and we could no longer build? Basically, we've become skill retarded instantaneously? Until of course...more money was printed? :P
I do find it interesting that no one has said "hey, Grandpa should go buy a Private Insurance Policy" as a solution to the problem...
given her age and existing condition, an insurance policy would probably cost as much as paying for the services directly
interesting...this thread is about the evils of Gov't run health care...it's kinda weird to me that people will fight against this idea while agreeing that Private/For Profit Insurance sucks, too...in fact, in this case, it's of absolutely no help...
There is little difference between the two in my eyes, for the very reason that the insurance companies are in bed with the government. Who pushed to make any type of insurance law? Insurance companies. Who signed it into law? Politicians (who are either morons, or jerk-offs on the take). Who pushed for the rise of HMOs? Insurance companies. Now, prices have inflated astronomically thanks to their involvement to the point where people are begging for the government to actually step in and do something-- what they want is some form of price control here. With price controls may come shortages, rationing, wait-lists, etc... A government-run system is a last resort to a problem that the government let happen years ago by allowing insurance companies to get their dirty hands into every business imaginable. So do you look to the grand authority that is our government to sort it all out? I wish we could, but I don't think they can pull it off. Not till they stop spending like crackheads anyway.
I was just taking a guess. I dont know for sure. but it only makes sense...insurance is more expensive the older you get, and especially so with existing conditions.
you forgot to mention the loss of quality care in your non profit health care system. you comfortable with that too?
Am I comfortable with the perceived notion of some sort of loss of quality care? With due respect, Jlew...you don't this will be the case...no one does...
I do know this...I'm comfortable with my police protection, with the city fire fighters, with my local social services. I know bushy's part D Medicaid costs an extra 15 billion to have private insurance companies do the same work as gov't employees who were doing the same thing...
call me kooky, but I'll take my chances on a gov't run system....
ok kooky. you take your crap run government hospital, long lines, and bottom of the barrel doctors.... and I'll take my high quality care at a premium. then I guess we'll both be happy.
So if all money was just suddenly burned up, then all structures we've already built would just crumble, and we could no longer build? Basically, we've become skill retarded instantaneously? Until of course...more money was printed? :P
So if all money was just suddenly burned up, then all structures we've already built would just crumble, and we could no longer build? Basically, we've become skill retarded instantaneously? Until of course...more money was printed? :P
They should have never removed that from the song. Or the singing during the breakdown.
I"m not sure what you're doing.
Um as a matter of fact yes. We have one of the best medical Universities in ther country. MUSC. and some intern all over the world.
cmon on man lighten up
See, that's why you have to ante up big time and get an island, get yourselves some isolation.
Only thing is, what happens when someone becomes corrupt on this island, and tries to profit off of his or her role there (because let's face it, we're not perfect)? Who has the authority to send them packing in a society of anarchy?
would be nice.
resources are controlled by the people, equally. so if a doctor or someone steps up and says,
"I won't provide my service unless you make me king",
the rest of us can step up and say,
"you don't eat until you provide your service".
inherent checks and balances.
I respect your opinion but you aren't providing any realistic solutions. you are talking about living in a world with no money. a world where people will study for years at their own expense and be at your beckon call when you get sick just because we all love each other as family.
the system could use some work, no doubt. but like I said, come talk to me when you wake up form your dream world.
btw, whats your solution to world hunger? o I got it. you learn how to farm, I'll learn how to process food, and we'll pass it out to everyone who needs it. see, I can provide solutions too.
Why is it borderline lunacy? It's really not as far fetched as people think it is. It's just too many people have bought into a historical power shifting system.
Using monetary value as the backbone of an argument shows a lack of imagination for creating a solution. Sure we live in a monetary society that creates classes and power change. But people act as if we gathered up all the currency in the world right now and put it in a rocket and shot it to outer space leaving no money left on Earth that all of a sudden all power goes out, everyone is evicted from their homes, doctors will quit helping people and everyone loses their jobs.
I'd like to think as humans, as we like to call ourselves, that we have enough decency to do what we know best and use that service to help everyone as a whole. And that power plant operators will continue to go in and continue the running power to the hospitals, farmers will keep growing, doctors will keep helping, that's just the simple breakdown of it. Obviously it's a very long winded answer to actually sit down and articulate a complete plan to keep a society afloat.
It's sad that we've come to rely on money as an ignition source rather than doing what's best for us as a whole and just doing it because we can. Including giving someone the health they deserve.
but we could ship a few thousand combines and tractors on over to africa, or better yet, help them build an infrastructure capable of producing this equipment, which would enable them to grow their own food.
If we are using the island analogy, how would you divide resources if not all resources are equal and can never be. How do you decide which person gets the best parcel of land and who has to live next to the garbage dump. How do you decide who gets to eat the best cuts of meat, or the best looking fruits and vegtables?
interesting...this thread is about the evils of Gov't run health care...it's kinda weird to me that people will fight against this idea while agreeing that Private/For Profit Insurance sucks, too...in fact, in this case, it's of absolutely no help...
let's see, we can have bullshit filled overpriced for-profit insurance which costs too much and denies care or we have a gov't run, non-profit program that covers all that sometimes denies care...
I'm going for the not-so-perfect, non-profit health care system...
But making education free does nothing but fill up spaces in school with people who go to school because it is cheap and they have nothing better to do. And I can say this as someone who went to University in a place where it was ridiculously cheap and there were tons of people taking ridiculously useless classes just because it was cheap and they had nothing better to do with their lives (which is odd since they were usually the ones protesting and demanding lower tuition fees). If it was free my school would have been over-run with these types of people. By making it cost money you add some difficulty so that only people who get educated are those people with the drive that are willing to make the effort (even if it means getting a job or 2) to find a way to make it happen.
I was just taking a guess. I dont know for sure. but it only makes sense...insurance is more expensive the older you get, and especially so with existing conditions.
you forgot to mention the loss of quality care in your non profit health care system. you comfortable with that too?
on the island, its a natural decision. as are most in the society. say a guy kills 2 deer or something, or goes above and beyond what was expected of his usual laboror. maybe give him the tenderloin cut or best veggies that night. its a spontaneous decision, there's nothing written or set in stone, its just, whoever performed the best that day should get recognized. an idea. I don't know its a good question.
maybe another thread, probably shouldn't derail this one.
there is *no* perfect system, but we sure could improve a LOT.....firslty by having health care for ALL.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
You're completely looking past the point. It's about money not being the ignition source anymore. It's sad to see how you(in general, not personally) accept a greed driven world.
The fact that you believe that if all money disappeared all of a sudden the world comes to a complete stop is a bit ignorant don't you think? Do we have zero care within us? And zero survival skills.
Check it out...if money didn't exist, all of a sudden to all structures we've learned to build, and all reasearch that's ever been completed magically disappear?
If we can build it, why not build it?
Why do you need a salary if you're already guaranteed your health, food and a home? What can you provide? Well you figure that out and you provide it and in return you get what everyone else has provided. When hardships come, you work together as a whole to get out of them with minimum damage to your community rather than the rich just buy their way out and fuck the rest.
Just as much as you want people to get out of a dream world, if you want solutions, you're going to have to step into a dream world. It's time to work together, unlike our government. If we keep competing and holding back ideas and wanting the other to fail, then we all fail. No group will ever win.
In the end it's just sad that we have a country filled with citizens that would deny people help based on their own grudges. And this spreads over many more topics than just this one. It's a disease. It's time for everyone to open up. That's all.
having "free" healthcare for all would make things worse, not better. why? we cant afford it and loss of quality of care.
Spain pre-Franco was one. They had no money, but people still showed up to work, and ran their society very well. And yes, contractors just showed up to work and built houses for those that needed them, and in turn they got a share of the crop the farmers were growing, and on down the line. it was very efficient, no red tape, not until it was taken over by force.
money is an excellent motivator. and you people just don't understand......no one is going to work for free in your little dream land.
can we please talk about realistic solutions?? anyone? anyone?
i disagree, obviously. i say we can't afford NOT to offer basic healthcare services to all. as to affording it, i think we absolutely can. if other countries can manage it, so can we.....and truly, with what we spend right NOW....i think illiminating private insurance BS redtape, we'd save a bundle.....i think it IS totally DOABLE, it just needs to be set in motion. anyhoo...fuck it....if we can get in massive debt to go to war, i am all for getting into debt to assist lives, to improve national health and access to care. we're smart, we CAN figure it out. you think the entirety of the rest of the world do not have quality of care? truly? show that initiative and that can-do american spirit........;) it CAN be done.
btw - who said *free*.........?
sure it may well be 'free' for some, and it is already for a many in any case. the vast majority, we all get a hefty sum taken from our pay for private health insurance...well then...take that chunk and it put it towards universal healthcare, cut out a lot of the BS....and yea......there's a start.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Am I comfortable with the perceived notion of some sort of loss of quality care? With due respect, Jlew...you don't know this will be the case...no one does...
I do know this...I'm comfortable with my police protection, with the city fire fighters, with my local social services. I know bushy's part D Medicaid costs an extra 15 billion to have private insurance companies do the same work as gov't employees who were doing the same thing...
call me kooky, but I'll take my chances on a gov't run system....
on the island, its a natural decision. as are most in the society. say a guy kills 2 deer or something, or goes above and beyond what was expected of his usual laboror. maybe give him the tenderloin cut or best veggies that night. its a spontaneous decision, there's nothing written or set in stone, its just, whoever performed the best that day should get recognized. an idea. I don't know its a good question.
maybe another thread, probably shouldn't derail this one.[/quote]
But if there is say a limited value of good meat or good veggies or property, how do you decide that what the hunter or the farmer does is worth more than say what the barber or the mechanic does or the doctor does? And what is stopping one of those guys from offering the farmer or the hunter preferential treatment, or just better service, at their shops in exchange for some of that good meat. And right there you have just made meat a basic currency in your so called "money free society".
your flat screen, your house, your car, your food, your clothes.
what would be the point of money?>
So if all money was just suddenly burned up, then all structures we've already built would just crumble, and we could no longer build? Basically, we've become skill retarded instantaneously? Until of course...more money was printed? :P
There is little difference between the two in my eyes, for the very reason that the insurance companies are in bed with the government. Who pushed to make any type of insurance law? Insurance companies. Who signed it into law? Politicians (who are either morons, or jerk-offs on the take). Who pushed for the rise of HMOs? Insurance companies. Now, prices have inflated astronomically thanks to their involvement to the point where people are begging for the government to actually step in and do something-- what they want is some form of price control here. With price controls may come shortages, rationing, wait-lists, etc... A government-run system is a last resort to a problem that the government let happen years ago by allowing insurance companies to get their dirty hands into every business imaginable. So do you look to the grand authority that is our government to sort it all out? I wish we could, but I don't think they can pull it off. Not till they stop spending like crackheads anyway.
of course I do. its basic supply and demand laws.
ok kooky. you take your crap run government hospital, long lines, and bottom of the barrel doctors.... and I'll take my high quality care at a premium. then I guess we'll both be happy.
And you've offered what? Why not try and build on something...anything?
Or think of a starting point on your own that we can all build on?