I Can't Wait For Government Run Health-Care!!!

My grandmother has recently been diagnosed with a blood deficiency. It saps her energy to the point where she can't really get out of bed for more than an hour or so at a time. There is a shot that will fix what ails her. It costs something like $3500.
She is on Medicare -- ie, government-run health care -- and Medicare will pay for it ... IF and only IF her deficiency level gets to a certain point. I'm not sure what the scale is, but she needs to be like a 10, and she'll like an 11.
She's close. She feels like shit all the time. Medicare won't pay for the shot.
My grandpa says, screw it. He's tired of my grandma feeling like shit all the time. He says he will pay the $3500 out of his own pocket.
Sorry. That's impossible. Medicare -- ie, the government -- will not allow it. Because it's not fair to the people on Medicare who can't afford to pay $3500.
The best suggestion my grandmother's doctor can give her to is to get sicker, then come back. Seriously.
It's stupid. It's arbitrary. It's quasi-Socialist (if all can't afford it, you're not allowed to buy it). It's Government Run Health Care!
I can hardly wait.
She is on Medicare -- ie, government-run health care -- and Medicare will pay for it ... IF and only IF her deficiency level gets to a certain point. I'm not sure what the scale is, but she needs to be like a 10, and she'll like an 11.
She's close. She feels like shit all the time. Medicare won't pay for the shot.
My grandpa says, screw it. He's tired of my grandma feeling like shit all the time. He says he will pay the $3500 out of his own pocket.
Sorry. That's impossible. Medicare -- ie, the government -- will not allow it. Because it's not fair to the people on Medicare who can't afford to pay $3500.
The best suggestion my grandmother's doctor can give her to is to get sicker, then come back. Seriously.
It's stupid. It's arbitrary. It's quasi-Socialist (if all can't afford it, you're not allowed to buy it). It's Government Run Health Care!
I can hardly wait.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
for the least they could possibly do
Post edited by Unknown User on
Is your Grandfather going to purchase a Private Insurance Plan since that would be better...?
Lastly, it's pretty hard to argue that an entire health care system which will cover over 40+ million non-covered citizens is wrong because one person can't get one specific shot.
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
Then again, if you get rid of the incompetent guys in Washington, you'd be left with two or three people standing around wondering where their co-workers went lol
I hear that argument alot.."well it works in new zealand"...America is one of the largest and most complex countries in the world. trying to implement a government run health care system is nearly impossible. but I think Obama is looking for a different type of "socialist" health care system. I think his plan has a chance, but is too expensive IMO.
It seems like something has to change - a lot of people are complaining about the status quo, but few people are coming up with suggestions of ways to fix what is broken. A socialist approach may not work for everyone - as the saying goes, there's more than one way to skin a cat (relax, it's just a saying, I'm not speaking from experience). There's a solution to the problem out there, you just need people who are smart enough to come up with it and tough enough to implement it in the face of people who will inevitably oppose it, either because they don't like change, or because it wasn't "their" party who came up with it. From a rank outsiders opinion, it seems like a lot of the political problems here stem from the fact that neither party works well with the other - and when one makes a genuine effort to reach out, the other pulls away for fear of getting cooties lol
What did people in Illinois think of Obama before he announced he was running for president? I'm just curious... I've seen bits and pieces in the national media about people who are touting Jindal as a potential nominee in 2012 or 2016, but as someone living in Louisiana now, I can tell you he isn't exactly mind-blowing popular down here (though, admittedly, like Obama he inherited a bit of a mess when he took office)
and, being from IL, i would say people were mostly pleased with Obama. but then again, IL is a very liberal state so its not very shocking.
However, I was recently on a flight home from New York, seated next to a guy from England. We get to talking, as often happens on cross-country flights, and he told me he was on his way to the States for knee replacement surgery.
He wasn't going to get it back home, because there was a three-year waiting list. His doctor told him he needed the operation. If he didn't get it, the pain would quickly move from "uncomfortable" to "unbearable" to "excruciating."
But to get it from the government, he'd have to wait three years.
He said screw it. He'd pay for it himself and get it now. In the United States.
I know this is just one man's story. Maybe government-run health care works for some people. But I look around at everything else the government gets its fingers in. Without fail, everything they touch turns to shit.
I'm fine with the health plan I have now. I don't need or want the government's.
for the least they could possibly do
you should be lucky you HAVE a health care plan. 44 million of us Americans don't. that's criminal.
If i had to wait 3 years for a non-life threatening knee surgury, but would get covered in a serious illness, i'd take that over this shitty system any day.
The health care system in America is a CRIME. They are putting profit over people, and seem to be happy about it. We spend more on our military than the next 27 countries combined. To say we can't afford health care is a lie. War is too expensive, but we always seem to have plenty to spend on that. What's Iraq up to these days? $1 trillion? more? and we can't afford universal health care? please.
Its criminal. We have a choice to make. We can continue to allow our government to spend our money on things like wars and black operations in Pakistan and wars in Iraq, to hurt people, or we can stand up and force them to spend that money to help people, starting with US. It's not going to be a voluntary switch, we will have to make them do it, much like the civil rights movement or the workers rights movement. This will be the health care movement.
I'm going to go back and look, but from memory, I remember thinking that under Obama's plan, you wouldn't have to buy into the gov't package. You could still go through a carrier like you have now. Like I said though, I could be wrong. I probably am wrong, but I'll admit it.
and what is a crime is that you don't take care of yourself and get some insurance or a job.
tell me Commy, who would take care of your medical needs under your Anarchy system?
I heard this too. and that sounds ok by me, but still too expensive IMO. and, I think his plan (I could be wrong) covers illegal aliens. I love our illegal aliens as much as the next guy, but taking care of them medically, while they pay NO more into the system, just seems very unfair to you and me.
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
according to who? and under what system? maybe if we're trying to cover the entire the world. i'm just talking about the US. were there a fundamental shift in the system, it wouldn't cost nearly as much, say cut out the middle men, the insurance companies.
Why is health care free in France and their doctors are driving bmw's with high rise flats? they seem to be doing just fine.
I have to wait 6 months before i'm put on a plan. just hoping i don't break my leg or something, i'll probably be in debt for some time.
why does knee surgery cost $30,000 or whatever it is? why is it so high? its almost an arbitrary figure based somewhat on demand. ideally it would be free.
you didnt answer the question. I'm dying to know your answer.
people do not work for free Commy. medical school is very long and expensive. and only a certain few are capable of being life saving doctors. secondly, built into the cost of care is liability costs of the doctors. they pay almost half their income on insurance to protect themselves against people like you who wold sue them if they made a mistake.
given her age and existing condition, an insurance policy would probably cost as much as paying for the services directly
nor did you tell me where you got your numbers on the cost of health care.
its not a simple answer.
labor is decided by individuals, who the cap fits. and you're right, not everyone is cut out to be a doctor. but they save lives. ideally, celebrities are born this way, those that save lives get attention from their peers, ideally. that is a motivating factor for some, for why they labor. instead of these idiot reality star douchebags that everyone considers celebrities now, it would be more about who does the most for the community. that's how hero's would be born, and they would have a certain celebrity status.
as it is prices are fairly arbitrary. in many industries corporations are controlling prices by controlling supply. there's some diamond mines in africa where they just hide away billions of dollars worth of diamonds so as not to flood the market, thus dropping prices. agriculture is like that as well. we have the ability to grow enough food for everyone on the planet, but prices would be so low monsanto might lose money next quarter, so they don't do it. point is prices are, for the most part, arbitrary, or fixed by the sellers, the corporations.
why does knee surgery cost $30,000? part of it is the expertise of the doctor, but $30,000 for a 3 hour surgery seems a bit excessive to me. part of it is equipment.
You know Cuba has 20,000 fully trained doctors operating around the 3rd world? that's more than any country on earth. poor little island cuba has more trained doctors operating outside its borders than some countries have inside. if they can do with so few resources, imagine what could be acccomplished with a resource rich country such as the United States.
i wou;dn tbe suing anybody. unless he injected my with cyanide or something.
see above.
Cuba has 20,000 trained doctors operating outside their borders, providing care to third world countries, saving countless lives.
and medical school costs are arbitrary. why should education cost ANYTHING? not everyone can do it. only those capable will be enrolling anyway. we could learn a a lot from Cuba. maybe that's why they are still considered a threat, they are an example on how to run a decent society.
in a resource based society, money is taken out of the equation. service is provided based on need. people will be motivated to become doctors because of reasons other than greed, the desire to save lives for one, and they would have a certain elevated status within the community, much like a shaman back in the day, only more modern and a lot cooler. they would be celebrities.
I exaggerated my numbers. I made them up. but its of my best educated opinion, that UHC in the US would cost far more then our military budget. Americans expect and demand the highest of care. not taken from the lowest bidder. well "if Cuba can do it" is not a valid argument.
so now you have your answer. so again, you want an Anarchy system correct? in your Anarchy system, who will provide and pay for your care?
but anyway, doctors arent going through years and years of grueling, EXPENSIVE schooling just to "save lives". you need to accept the fact the money is a much bigger motivator.
You can pull this off. Find a few hundred like minded people to throw in everything they have (monetarily) and go buy a small island. After you purchase the island and start up your system, you won't need money anyway. From there on out, everyone takes on a different role and works to serve the greater good rather than works for profit.
but imagine a Cuban structure on a system with our resources. If htey can do what they are doing under an embargo style state, no trade allowed etc...imagine what the US could do with its nearly endless pool of resources to draw from.
its a long, long answer.
ideally there would be no money. money is power to some extent. money creates classes, to some extent. you can't have either under anarchy. you need a resource based economy, you need to change the way labor is motivated.....its a fundamental shift. not doing things for personal gain, but doing things because they will benefit the community. its a huge change in society, sounds simple, but its huge, it would eliminate %50 of all crime. gotta get paid? not anymore.
Say you had a family. (i don't know if you do). but i have brothers and a niece and nephew. if i could do something, anything at all to help them, i would, without question. its that mentality, on a much larger scale.
its is now. but after that shift in motivation, it will become natural. its not lowering the bar, its not giving everyone the shittiest cars and the fake houses-its balancing the bar. its giving everyone buicks or whatever is a little above average and giving everyone a decent house to live in. no more $20,000,000 estates.
when 1 makes $20,000,000, 10,000 people lose.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
you know who else tried this?
The Branch Davidians. Now, granted there was some shady shit going down in that compound, but they did exactly that. It was removed with force, very publicly, and the experiment ended. And I believe that's why they chose to storm the compound, even though they had David Koresh alone in the woods days before the slaughter. They wanted to do a few things, establish the authority of the ATF, and second to eliminate an alternative to capitalism, in a public way. Like they always do. internationally or nationally, any alterntives to capitlaism must be dealt with, preferably with force.
ah fuck it, I"m just gonna go home, turn on the tv watch the nightly news, drink a beer like i could even change the world yeah right.
were you dropped on your head when you were a child repeatedly