Has anyone become famous, and not bought a mansion?



  • ajedigeckoajedigecko \m/deplorable af \m/ Posts: 2,431
    if you have spare change.................you are in the far right of the bell curve. which means you are wealthy.

    and for the record..............i live in neighborhood with gated garages. i have minority neighbors and the common demoninator for all of is, we do not enjoy being around stupid.

    i am not talking about stupid, as in IQ.......i am talking about stupid as in,being inconsiderate.
    live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
  • Heineken HelenHeineken Helen Posts: 18,095
    And the fact that I cant think of any famous person, who has the wealth and the success, but also has a small house, in the middle of the city, is indeed disappointing.
    So you know where every famous person lives and in what kinda house? I'm betting there's plenty of them who stayed in the same house... but they'd be the kinda celebs who don't live public and flashy lives so you wouldn't know where they live.

    In Ireland many celebs live in normal houses... but it's a different celeb world to some countries.
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • Heineken HelenHeineken Helen Posts: 18,095

    Soulsinging, I have asked you in the past and I am doing it again. Stop with the facesious crap and the sarcasm. You know damn well I didnt say that.

    I said I read a book about identity and race because people on this thread were suggesting that people in the inner city if they attain wealth and fame leave because they are escaping horrific situations.

    I said I read a book that was solely first person accounts of famous people, discussion fame and wealth and race. It is one of the more interesting books I have ever read. And it goes counter to the idea "its only about leaving the bad situation behind".

    People on this thread were saying it was all so simple. My statement about the book was meant to offer a counterexample of why it isnt so simple. The book discussed how someone like Samuel L Jackson or Colin Powell attained wealth and success and how race and identifying with whites or blacks affected them.

    The book wasnt written by me, it was written by others, so yeah i do feel I have some knowledge on the subject, as it was specifically a book on race, identity, class, and social status. Of course that has no bearing on the topic at hand right...
    leafy suburbs aren't just an american thing. There were always more affluent areas of Dublin in the wonderful leafy suburbs. Dublin wasn't always a multicultural city... til the past couple of decades, Ireland was almost all white. And yet, people moved away from the crap areas in the inner city full of junkies, etc.

    So your race point is bollox... sorry for putting it bluntly but you're making an issue out of something ridiculous.
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • Heineken HelenHeineken Helen Posts: 18,095

    Gee I wonder why I would think that decide2dream? I started this thread and most of it is made up of people disagreeing with me. Which is fine, but people seem incredulous that I would even ask why people who get wealthy buy things.

    So yeah, i dont mind suggesting it seems I am the only person, or seems like I am the only person who isnt wrapped up in material things.
    so because rich people invest in security, we're ALL materialistic????? :D And don't forget, property is an investment... they don't know how long their careers will last so people like to keep their money tied up in something to invest in the future... maybe they've nothing to fall back on?

    Oh and the richest man in Ireland lives in my town. He only invested in the gated mansion once he hit about 6billion. And I doubt it was his idea... he's not big on spending. Lives quite a modest life... apart from the mansion now.. and his mansion is built on the site of his old house.
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • JordyWordyJordyWordy Posts: 2,261
    And I doubt it was his idea... he's not big on spending. Lives quite a modest life...

    Not big on spending.....he's from Cavan right? ;) lol.

    Good point about celebs here with normal houses. I wonder if part of the reason for that is cos of how ridiculously expensive property is here anyway!

    Good point about the LT investment in property too.
  • Heineken HelenHeineken Helen Posts: 18,095
    JordyWordy wrote:
    And I doubt it was his idea... he's not big on spending. Lives quite a modest life...

    Not big on spending.....he's from Cavan right? ;) lol.

    Good point about celebs here with normal houses. I wonder if part of the reason for that is cos of how ridiculously expensive property is here anyway!

    Good point about the LT investment in property too.
    Lol, actually he's from over the border in Fermanagh but he's lived in Cavan long enough to pick up our ways :D

    Property is ridiculous in Ireland... a million euro house in Dublin isn't very impressive.

    Well with the long term investment thing, I'm thinking MORE about sport celebs, their career is very very short... but actors, musicians, etc. don't know either how long they're gonna be around.
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    And the fact that I cant think of any famous person, who has the wealth and the success, but also has a small house, in the middle of the city, is indeed disappointing.
    So you know where every famous person lives and in what kinda house? I'm betting there's plenty of them who stayed in the same house... but they'd be the kinda celebs who don't live public and flashy lives so you wouldn't know where they live.

    this has been mentioned many times in this thread, to no avail. i mean, it makes sense, doesn't it? if you're living the low-key, non-celeb lifestyle, you're not going to advertise your lifestyle, nor where or how you live...seems the whole point of living such a lifestyle....
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    sure, but wasting money and what you can afford are not directly related. Just because he can afford a more costly ride, doesn't mean a $50k car isn't a waste of money. Esp if he bought it new.
    Still, I don't begrudge people for nice cars...it's something I'd probably spend money on if I had lots...and buying a bimmer is LESS of a waste of money than buying domestic, so there's something to be said for that :)

    why is it a *waste* tho? truly?
    he obviously is living well WITHIN his means, can afford way more. sure, one does not *need* a more expensive car per se......but why is the only other choice that it is a waste? more expensive goods usually require more expensive components, more expensive and skilled labor to produce, etc, etc......see where i am going? those more expensive cars, homes, electronics, clothes, etc.....provide many, many jobs....and many of em higher paying b/c many of the goods require higher skillsets. and even amongst the jobs that don't require higher skillsets, they are still providing jobs by providing the needs for production. hardly seems a *waste* when you see just how many people earn their livilihoods b/c of it. just sayin'......it's not all waste.......and in the discussion of a car, it may not be an actual waste either b/c many expensive cars are more fuel efficient, and/or safer construction, etc, etc. not always the case, but again...just sayin'...bigger picture........
    Regardless of your 'means', spending $50k on a car is wasteful. You could buy a car that's just as reliable for much less. In terms of practicality, it's not worth the extra money...so it's wasteful IMO. I know what you're saying about the trickle-down effect, but there is waste there too...the higher wages etc are a result of the higher end cost...so if the manufacturer was building a more cost-effective car with less frills, he probably wouldn't be stuck with the high-cost labour..ya know? It's always interesting to find the balance between an acceptable, wester-world life standard, and the poverty we're turnign our backs on. Sure, people deserve nice things for hard work, and it's not fair to hold success against someone....but where should the line be drawn? I guess I'm vearing into idealism and mass-morality, which doesn't seem very popular in this discussion ;);)
    And yes, resale, fuel efficiency, safety etc all factor into the decision of what make and how much to spend....but a 5 series BMW, while not the epitomy of greed, is still an ego-based purchase. which is ok with me...just sayin ;)

    very, very key phrasing there. while it may be wasteful in your opinion, that does not make it wasteful as point of fact. idk what 'line' you're referring to here....b/c as far as i know, we're not at the point of making the haves pay for the have nots, and nor do i think we should....that is not the 'ideal' imo.....so whatever excess $$$ someone has at their disposal is still overal theirs to do as they wish, after taxes of course. ;) that said, i do not see luxury goods, in and of themselves, as wasteful. whether one pays a lot of $$$ for a car, a watch, a bag, whatever......you ARE paying for craftsmanship, materials, etc. for me, i would never spend that kind of $$$ on a car......but what we've spent on a sound system, or even windowboxes for our home....one might deem 'wasteful'......but it's merely choice. and to say any of these purchases are 'ego-based' really....without knowing the person, you cannot know that. i may agree if someone has 5 cars just to have, etc....that it's wasteful...but to spend a good amount of $$$ on a really well-designed/made machine, a useful machine on top of it, to be used, etc.......just a difference of opinion there.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • Drowned OutDrowned Out Posts: 6,056
    splitting hairs now, but I think there is a big difference between 'well designed' and 'luxury'... I was talking 'practicality'....a 5-series isn't practical at all, it's a luxury car....Do you agree that the more luxurious, the more wasteful? A 5 series will give you a reach-around if you ask nicely enough...which is great, but not essential in a car....therefore...reach-around feature = wasteful spending! ;)
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    splitting hairs now, but I think there is a big difference between 'well designed' and 'luxury'... I was talking 'practicality'....a 5-series isn't practical at all, it's a luxury car....Do you agree that the more luxurious, the more wasteful? A 5 series will give you a reach-around if you ask nicely enough...which is great, but not essential in a car....therefore...reach-around feature = wasteful spending! ;)

    no, i don't agree more luxurious = more wasteful....that's my point. also, many well-designed things just also happen to be luxurious and vice versa...sometimes difficult to divide the two, and again...not necessarily wasteful. ever here the saying "i'm too poor to buy cheap things".....? i realize 'luxury' is beyond merely that, but truly.....if something is so well-designed, luxurious....apt to use it more, longer, resell it....then it end in the trash heap, etc. is it practical to buy something that will last, or something you have to replace more often? obviously, this is beyond cars......but it all fits in the discussion imo.

    anyhoo, we simply disagree. as i said, for me, i could never fathom spending 50k on a car, even if i had the $$$....but more likely b/c i never imagine myself having THAt kinda $$$ to not give a 2nd thought to buying such a vehicle. however, i DO try and buy the best i can afford, most of the time....and many, many times in the past i've realized i went the 'cheap' route....and it ended up costing me more down the road. so there Is something to be said even for luxury, and not all wasteful....and certainly not all ego-driven, that's all......

    btw - what's impractical about a bmw 5 series, outside of the cost for the average car buyer? it's my understanding that they are pretty 'practical' cars, right along with being quite luxurious too.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • Ed Begley Jr.
    For those of you who are anti-luxury, anti-capitalist, etc., have you always been that way, or did you become that way after you settled into your current socio-economic situation?
  • Drowned OutDrowned Out Posts: 6,056
    JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    For those of you who are anti-luxury, anti-capitalist, etc., have you always been that way, or did you become that way after you settled into your current socio-economic situation?
    what are you my fuckin shrink now? :lol:
    I've always been a bitter prick, but no...my divorce didn't help :twisted:

    dreams - this is the kind of thing two drunk friends could bicker about till the sun came up. I just looked up the definition of like 10 adjectives trying to pin you with somethin. I got nothin. (don't be too flattered, I'm pretty much OCD with dictionaries :P) It's all subjective/relative...when you look up a word, and it has five definitions starting with 'of or pertaining to', you know it's a dead-end point you're trying to prove. I'm speaking my ideals, and admit that I sure as hell don't always live by 'em.

    Since you're wonderin, I will tell you what's wrong with bmw's....this is how it works, by model series...owners can determine their douchiness on my scale of 1 - 10:

    3's - average joes who want to look cool 8
    5's - mid-upper class person who wants to look cool 7
    or, apparently, a rich person who wants to look mid-upper class-cool....(mr. mccready? ;)) 3
    7's - rich, country-clubbers who are assholes because they're rich and 'belong to' country clubs 6
    M's - leather glove, auto-elitist crowd 5
    z's - trophy wives 0
    x's - ALL SUV owners are assholes, but these are bmw SUV drivin assholes 6

    Double douche points for anyone who leases just to stay in a new one.
  • g under pg under p Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
    I can certainly think of one famous friend and musician who has kept his fame in perspective and he is
    Michael Franti.

    We often wondered why he still lives in the not so nice area of San Francisco but one has to understand the man he still doesn't wear shoes. He did move to a new place just so he could have a recording studio in his house Sugar Shack just to be able to create his music at his leisure.

    Here's a bit on him here.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Franti

    He's given free concerts in the San Fransisco area 9/11 before the tragedy of 9/11 that's going on 10 years now. Even played to prisons around the country. He's made some money and IS making money but he finds ways to give back to masses of people that love his music around the world.

    *We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti

    *MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
    .....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti

    *The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)

  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    For those of you who are anti-luxury, anti-capitalist, etc., have you always been that way, or did you become that way after you settled into your current socio-economic situation?
    what are you my fuckin shrink now? :lol:
    I've always been a bitter prick, but no...my divorce didn't help :twisted:

    dreams - this is the kind of thing two drunk friends could bicker about till the sun came up. I just looked up the definition of like 10 adjectives trying to pin you with somethin. I got nothin. (don't be too flattered, I'm pretty much OCD with dictionaries :P) It's all subjective/relative...when you look up a word, and it has five definitions starting with 'of or pertaining to', you know it's a dead-end point you're trying to prove. I'm speaking my ideals, and admit that I sure as hell don't always live by 'em.

    Since you're wonderin, I will tell you what's wrong with bmw's....this is how it works, by model series...owners can determine their douchiness on my scale of 1 - 10:

    3's - average joes who want to look cool 8
    5's - mid-upper class person who wants to look cool 7or, apparently, a rich person who wants to look mid-upper class-cool....(mr. mccready? ;)) 3
    7's - rich, country-clubbers who are assholes because they're rich and 'belong to' country clubs 6
    M's - leather glove, auto-elitist crowd 5
    z's - trophy wives 0
    x's - ALL SUV owners are assholes, but these are bmw SUV drivin assholes 6

    Double douche points for anyone who leases just to stay in a new one.:P

    so according to your theory...my oldest sister fits this, or worse...she might have a 7? :twisted:
    that's my point, it is YOUR - perhaps jaded? - perspective, and NOT a true reflection on all who own such vehicles, own luxury goods, etc. some people simply CAN afford them, and truly ENJOY them. and yes, since my sister owns her own business, it makes SENSE for her to lease, write-off for her company. same thing with my middle sister, she leases a convertible audi....b/c she gets a car allowance thru her job, and it is her luxury, her *reward* to herself...her one area where she splurges b/c she truly enjoys all the luxury of the car. not everyone is about putting on airs or *trying* to look cool......it's merely your own opinion on it, which is fair enough, but certainly not necessarily true or accurate.

    btw - for someone who thinks they are so wasteful, you know WAY more about each model than i ever did, or cared to know. only reason i even think? i know what model BMW my sis drives is b/c i just saw her recently and she just got a new lease. my other sister's audi, i have NO idea...simply b/c i don't care, i just know she enjoys it.

    i appreciate you sopeaking your ideals.....i just don't appreciate them being spoken as declaritive statements. ;):mrgreen:

    edit - and not that it matters :D but for the record: i drive a 95 neon, only the 2nd car i've ever owned...and bought it brand new. it has under 70k and is in good shape, so i keep it...b/c it runs and i don't care much about cars. we also have an 07 nissan versa, my hubby's first brand new car. so yea, i am no car snob...but i am not judgemental of those who DO enjoy, AND can afford, luxury cars. i do despise hummers and SUVs for far other reasons...
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • A 5 series will give you a reach-around if you ask nicely enough...which is great, but not essential in a car....therefore...reach-around feature = wasteful spending! ;)

    Don't agree with most of what you posted on this topic. But that line made my day :lol::lol::lol::lol:

    I can't teach common sense.
  • Drowned OutDrowned Out Posts: 6,056
    JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    For those of you who are anti-luxury, anti-capitalist, etc., have you always been that way, or did you become that way after you settled into your current socio-economic situation?
    what are you my fuckin shrink now? :lol:
    I've always been a bitter prick, but no...my divorce didn't help :twisted:

    dreams - this is the kind of thing two drunk friends could bicker about till the sun came up. I just looked up the definition of like 10 adjectives trying to pin you with somethin. I got nothin. (don't be too flattered, I'm pretty much OCD with dictionaries :P) It's all subjective/relative...when you look up a word, and it has five definitions starting with 'of or pertaining to', you know it's a dead-end point you're trying to prove. I'm speaking my ideals, and admit that I sure as hell don't always live by 'em.

    Since you're wonderin, I will tell you what's wrong with bmw's....this is how it works, by model series...owners can determine their douchiness on my scale of 1 - 10:

    3's - average joes who want to look cool 8
    5's - mid-upper class person who wants to look cool 7or, apparently, a rich person who wants to look mid-upper class-cool....(mr. mccready? ;)) 3
    7's - rich, country-clubbers who are assholes because they're rich and 'belong to' country clubs 6
    M's - leather glove, auto-elitist crowd 5
    z's - trophy wives 0
    x's - ALL SUV owners are assholes, but these are bmw SUV drivin assholes 6

    Double douche points for anyone who leases just to stay in a new one.:P

    so according to your theory...my oldest sister fits this, or worse...she might have a 7? :twisted:
    that's my point, it is YOUR - perhaps jaded? - perspective, and NOT a true reflection on all who own such vehicles, own luxury goods, etc. some people simply CAN afford them, and truly ENJOY them. and yes, since my sister owns her own business, it makes SENSE for her to lease, write-off for her company. same thing with my middle sister, she leases a convertible audi....b/c she gets a car allowance thru her job, and it is her luxury, her *reward* to herself...her one area where she splurges b/c she truly enjoys all the luxury of the car. not everyone is about putting on airs or *trying* to look cool......it's merely your own opinion on it, which is fair enough, but certainly not necessarily true or accurate.

    btw - for someone who thinks they are so wasteful, you know WAY more about each model than i ever did, or cared to know. only reason i even think? i know what model BMW my sis drives is b/c i just saw her recently and she just got a new lease. my other sister's audi, i have NO idea...simply b/c i don't care, i just know she enjoys it.

    i appreciate you sopeaking your ideals.....i just don't appreciate them being spoken as declaritive statements. ;):mrgreen:

    edit - and not that it matters :D but for the record: i drive a 95 neon, only the 2nd car i've ever owned...and bought it brand new. it has under 70k and is in good shape, so i keep it...b/c it runs and i don't care much about cars. we also have an 07 nissan versa, my hubby's first brand new car. so yea, i am no car snob...but i am not judgemental of those who DO enjoy, AND can afford, luxury cars. i do despise hummers and SUVs for far other reasons...

    holy hell. I thought a sarcastic parody might end this, but I guess it went over your head. I can tell you one thing …9 times out of 10…if you disagree with me, it’s because you’re wrong :P
    I have good friends that drive bmw’s, and they’d be near the top of the list of considerations for me if I was in the market for a car in any of those price ranges….that’s why I included the comment about not always living by my ideals. I spend more than I should on electronics, and probably would on cars too if I didn’t have a company vehicle. The last two vehicles I owned: ’01 Accord, bought in ’02, and an ’04 Pathfinder, bought in ’06. I bought them based on probably 50% reliability and resale, and 50% ego. I can ADMIT that. Guess some people can’t. I knew your sister drives a bimmer, you’ve told me before. My post was light-hearted, and written to rib bmw drivers – sorry, thought it was obvious. I stand by my statement that they are largely ego-driven purchases.
    Like I would say in seriousness that people are assholes just for being rich (or that trophy wives get zero douche points for that matter :lol: ). the declarative nature was 100% in jest. I might be bitter and jaded, but I’m not an idiot…thought you’d know me better than that…any time I speak in generalizations, you can be sure I’m either kidding, philosophizing, or talking shit, k? Don’t take me so seriously.
    And after all that lecturing…you tell me that in your opinion, SUV's are despicable...why? Because it's ok to judge those that don't care about the environment, or.... ??
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    what are you my fuckin shrink now? :lol:
    I've always been a bitter prick, but no...my divorce didn't help :twisted:

    dreams - this is the kind of thing two drunk friends could bicker about till the sun came up. I just looked up the definition of like 10 adjectives trying to pin you with somethin. I got nothin. (don't be too flattered, I'm pretty much OCD with dictionaries :P) It's all subjective/relative...when you look up a word, and it has five definitions starting with 'of or pertaining to', you know it's a dead-end point you're trying to prove. I'm speaking my ideals, and admit that I sure as hell don't always live by 'em.

    Since you're wonderin, I will tell you what's wrong with bmw's....this is how it works, by model series...owners can determine their douchiness on my scale of 1 - 10:

    3's - average joes who want to look cool 8
    5's - mid-upper class person who wants to look cool 7or, apparently, a rich person who wants to look mid-upper class-cool....(mr. mccready? ;)) 3
    7's - rich, country-clubbers who are assholes because they're rich and 'belong to' country clubs 6
    M's - leather glove, auto-elitist crowd 5
    z's - trophy wives 0
    x's - ALL SUV owners are assholes, but these are bmw SUV drivin assholes 6

    Double douche points for anyone who leases just to stay in a new one.:P

    so according to your theory...my oldest sister fits this, or worse...she might have a 7? :twisted:
    that's my point, it is YOUR - perhaps jaded? - perspective, and NOT a true reflection on all who own such vehicles, own luxury goods, etc. some people simply CAN afford them, and truly ENJOY them. and yes, since my sister owns her own business, it makes SENSE for her to lease, write-off for her company. same thing with my middle sister, she leases a convertible audi....b/c she gets a car allowance thru her job, and it is her luxury, her *reward* to herself...her one area where she splurges b/c she truly enjoys all the luxury of the car. not everyone is about putting on airs or *trying* to look cool......it's merely your own opinion on it, which is fair enough, but certainly not necessarily true or accurate.

    btw - for someone who thinks they are so wasteful, you know WAY more about each model than i ever did, or cared to know. only reason i even think? i know what model BMW my sis drives is b/c i just saw her recently and she just got a new lease. my other sister's audi, i have NO idea...simply b/c i don't care, i just know she enjoys it.

    i appreciate you sopeaking your ideals.....i just don't appreciate them being spoken as declaritive statements. ;):mrgreen:

    edit - and not that it matters :D but for the record: i drive a 95 neon, only the 2nd car i've ever owned...and bought it brand new. it has under 70k and is in good shape, so i keep it...b/c it runs and i don't care much about cars. we also have an 07 nissan versa, my hubby's first brand new car. so yea, i am no car snob...but i am not judgemental of those who DO enjoy, AND can afford, luxury cars. i do despise hummers and SUVs for far other reasons...

    holy hell. I thought a sarcastic parody might end this, but I guess it went over your head. I can tell you one thing …9 times out of 10…if you disagree with me, it’s because you’re wrong :P
    I have good friends that drive bmw’s, and they’d be near the top of the list of considerations for me if I was in the market for a car in any of those price ranges….that’s why I included the comment about not always living by my ideals. I spend more than I should on electronics, and probably would on cars too if I didn’t have a company vehicle. The last two vehicles I owned: ’01 Accord, bought in ’02, and an ’04 Pathfinder, bought in ’06. I bought them based on probably 50% reliability and resale, and 50% ego. I can ADMIT that. Guess some people can’t. I knew your sister drives a bimmer, you’ve told me before. My post was light-hearted, and written to rib bmw drivers – sorry, thought it was obvious. I stand by my statement that they are largely ego-driven purchases.
    Like I would say in seriousness that people are assholes just for being rich (or that trophy wives get zero douche points for that matter :lol: ). the declarative nature was 100% in jest. I might be bitter and jaded, but I’m not an idiot…thought you’d know me better than that…any time I speak in generalizations, you can be sure I’m either kidding, philosophizing, or talking shit, k? Don’t take me so seriously.
    And after all that lecturing…you tell me that in your opinion, SUV's are despicable...why? Because it's ok to judge those that don't care about the environment, or.... ??

    it didn't go 'over my head'...i just went along with your words, is that ok with you? :P

    i didn't judge SUV owners.....i said i don't care for SUVs. see the difference? i also said that i personally would more than likely never spend the kinda $$4 on a BMW or what have you, even if i had the $$$ to do so.....but sure, i'd spend it on something else. :P that's the point is all. i am not judging the owners of such vehicles. tho sure i admit hummers truly piss me off b/c i think they are ridiculous vehicles for average people. i cannot say the same for ultimate luxury cars b/c they are not hogging the road, dangerous to other drivers, or sure...raping the nevironment to the degree a hummer does. so there IS a difference there imo.....and sure, i would say hummers are 'wasteful'....b/c really, they ARE. haha. and hey, many a truth is hidden in humor...so while i know you *jest*...you also wouldn't go on and on about the topic if there wasn't some kernel of truth, for you, to your words. ;) anyhooo......i AM serious in most of my posts, it's usually obvious when i am not...but isn't that what these discussions are about? to DISCUSS? i am not taking your posts personally or too seriously, tho sure....i do take em as being reflective of your views unless you state otherwise. i am not judging you anymore than i am judging anyone else in this thread...meaning: i'm not judging anyone. :) i am no perfect specemin and we all have our ideals, and where we waver on them....such is human nature. that said, i still stand by my statements - i don't consider a luxury car wasteful in and of itself. and as to the ego comments...again...sounds more about your own thought process and not necessarily all others, that's all.

    and who's lecturing..........? sheesh..........
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • HinnHinn Posts: 1,517
    Has anyone given actual names? Like Warren Buffett and Joe Biden? At least, I know Warren Buffett mostly lives in his old place, though I suspect he may have sweet digs somewhere else that he doesn't use that much.
    115 bucks for half a haircut by a novice? I want my money back!
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    Hinn wrote:
    Has anyone given actual names? Like Warren Buffett and Joe Biden? At least, I know Warren Buffett mostly lives in his old place, though I suspect he may have sweet digs somewhere else that he doesn't use that much.

    yes...a few have been bandied about - a few actors, a few musicians, etc and definitely warren buffett has been mentioned....and yes, the basic idea that most famous people who want to live low-key, under the radar...more than likely don't discuss where and how they live b/c yea, well....they want to live low-key.......:D
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • Hinn wrote:
    Has anyone given actual names? Like Warren Buffett and Joe Biden? At least, I know Warren Buffett mostly lives in his old place, though I suspect he may have sweet digs somewhere else that he doesn't use that much.

    I said Ed Begley Jr.

    If I remember correctly his house isn't even 1600 square feet.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    A 5 series will give you a reach-around if you ask nicely enough...which is great, but not essential in a car....therefore...reach-around feature = wasteful spending! ;)

    Don't agree with most of what you posted on this topic. But that line made my day :lol::lol::lol::lol:


    I missed this statement... Drowned out is out of the guy's club now. No straight man would EVER consider anything that ups the odds of a good groping from a hot girl to be wasteful spending!
  • Drowned OutDrowned Out Posts: 6,056

    I missed this statement... Drowned out is out of the guy's club now. No straight man would EVER consider anything that ups the odds of a good groping from a hot girl to be wasteful spending!
    ok...'ups the odds', I'll concede...but if impressing girls is your aim, for 50k, you can do better than a 5-series. Most women I know would think it was an old-man car...a nice one, but really only impressive in name and comfort. You'd think a woman that gropes guys based on the car they drive wants somethign that draws more attention.

    But, I was talking about it being wasteful spending to buy a car with the reach-around feature. You could probably pay a lot of hot girls for reach arounds for the cost of one bmw reach around. hey, if you can afford it, it's not wasteful, right? :P
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977

    I missed this statement... Drowned out is out of the guy's club now. No straight man would EVER consider anything that ups the odds of a good groping from a hot girl to be wasteful spending!
    ok...'ups the odds', I'll concede...but if impressing girls is your aim, for 50k, you can do better than a 5-series. Most women I know would think it was an old-man car...a nice one, but really only impressive in name and comfort. You'd think a woman that gropes guys based on the car they drive wants somethign that draws more attention.

    But, I was talking about it being wasteful spending to buy a car with the reach-around feature. You could probably pay a lot of hot girls for reach arounds for the cost of one bmw reach around. hey, if you can afford it, it's not wasteful, right? :P

    yesa....b/c that was the arguement 'for' it not being a wasteful purchase. :P

    and i guess it entirely depends on the girl...or woman...or if they are actually impressed with such things. and perhaps such girls or women actually prefer a bit of 'discretion' there, since it apparently is all about the reach arounds...:geek:

    that said, sure, your example isn't wasteful spending, at all.....you're obviously getting a much needed service ;)....and some hot girl is getting paid. seems up front, fair and equitable. as long as no wasteful tissues are involved....it's pure economy! :mrgreen:
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • yokeyoke Posts: 1,440
    Peter Criss lives in my town. The house is big but its not a mansion by any means. I have seen him at Blockbuster and at VInny's(pizza place but makes better cheese steaks). Hes pretty cool and quite approachable. Again, maybe because a lot of people don't recognize him without the makeup but who knows. I am actually his garbage man, I am waiting for him to toss out Kiss swag.. one of these days hes bound to do it.
    Thats a lovely accent you have. New Jersey?

  • Drowned OutDrowned Out Posts: 6,056

    it didn't go 'over my head'...i just went along with your words, is that ok with you? :P

    i didn't judge SUV owners.....i said i don't care for SUVs. see the difference? i also said that i personally would more than likely never spend the kinda $$4 on a BMW or what have you, even if i had the $$$ to do so.....but sure, i'd spend it on something else. :P that's the point is all. i am not judging the owners of such vehicles. tho sure i admit hummers truly piss me off b/c i think they are ridiculous vehicles for average people. i cannot say the same for ultimate luxury cars b/c they are not hogging the road, dangerous to other drivers, or sure...raping the nevironment to the degree a hummer does. so there IS a difference there imo.....and sure, i would say hummers are 'wasteful'....b/c really, they ARE. haha. and hey, many a truth is hidden in humor...so while i know you *jest*...you also wouldn't go on and on about the topic if there wasn't some kernel of truth, for you, to your words. ;) anyhooo......i AM serious in most of my posts, it's usually obvious when i am not...but isn't that what these discussions are about? to DISCUSS? i am not taking your posts personally or too seriously, tho sure....i do take em as being reflective of your views unless you state otherwise. i am not judging you anymore than i am judging anyone else in this thread...meaning: i'm not judging anyone. :) i am no perfect specemin and we all have our ideals, and where we waver on them....such is human nature. that said, i still stand by my statements - i don't consider a luxury car wasteful in and of itself. and as to the ego comments...again...sounds more about your own thought process and not necessarily all others, that's all.

    and who's lecturing..........? sheesh..........
    I'm guessing that either hubby LETS you have the last word every time, or he is one broken man! :P :lol:
    I've been conceding points, backing off and cracking jokes for like three posts...you're relentless! :twisted: :D
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    I'm guessing that either hubby LETS you have the last word every time, or he is one broken man! :P :lol:
    I've been conceding points, backing off and cracking jokes for like three posts...you're relentless! :twisted: :D

    no, he's simply a betterman. ;)
    typical male, always go for the shot of the 'poor husband'.....hahaha. believe me, he knows me well....and sure, he likes it. :twisted: :mrgreen: i AM relentless. :shock: ;):D

    anyhoo....guess you missed my last post yerself, ya know...the one when i played right along with the jokes... :geek:

    that said, sure, your example isn't wasteful spending, at all.....you're obviously getting a much needed service ;) ....and some hot girl is getting paid. seems up front, fair and equitable. as long as no wasteful tissues are involved....it's pure economy!
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow


    I missed this statement... Drowned out is out of the guy's club now. No straight man would EVER consider anything that ups the odds of a good groping from a hot girl to be wasteful spending!
    ok...'ups the odds', I'll concede...but if impressing girls is your aim, for 50k, you can do better than a 5-series. Most women I know would think it was an old-man car...a nice one, but really only impressive in name and comfort. You'd think a woman that gropes guys based on the car they drive wants somethign that draws more attention.

    But, I was talking about it being wasteful spending to buy a car with the reach-around feature. You could probably pay a lot of hot girls for reach arounds for the cost of one bmw reach around. hey, if you can afford it, it's not wasteful, right? :P
    then you wanna get a van.... with a mattress in the back ;)
    "I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"
  • Drowned OutDrowned Out Posts: 6,056
    no, he's simply a betterman. ;)
    typical male, always go for the shot of the 'poor husband'.....hahaha. believe me, he knows me well....and sure, he likes it. :twisted: :mrgreen: i AM relentless. :shock: ;):D

    anyhoo....guess you missed my last post yerself, ya know...the one when i played right along with the jokes... :geek:

    Sorry, was going to reply to it, but...I couldn't take the whole hookers n reach-arounds thing any further and keep it PG-13...I tried. :lol:
    ...ugh, now CiW tempts me to post that old motivational poster (the Free Candy / this guy looks legit one) and make Chris Farley jokes...;)
    I guess to tie this all in with the topicS ( derailments #6 - douche points, #12 - SUV's, and #13 - impressing shallow women)...I will mention that a friend of mine has a Hummer, the back end is camperized or whatever....it has a bed. Not a fan of the environmental impacts or image of the drivers...but I gotta say (as stomach turning as this may be to some people)....I do feel a small twinge of jealousy when the guy gets laid without leaving the bar parking lot :D Hummers suck, but they WORK :lol: 10000 douche points for my friend.

    (Kat's gonna come slap all of our pee-pees! *runs* )
    now CiW tempts me
    :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
    "I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"
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