Should Ms Cali have lost?

solely on her opinion of gay marriage? ... n/21528?nc
"The way miss California answered her question lost her the crown, without a doubt!" Perez told Access Hollywood after the pageant.
keep in mind, Perez was a judge. ... n/21528?nc
"The way miss California answered her question lost her the crown, without a doubt!" Perez told Access Hollywood after the pageant.
keep in mind, Perez was a judge.
Post edited by Unknown User on
This woman gave her opinion/thoughts respectfully. Those are her beliefs - that's how she was raised. She respected the fact that people could choose and I think the judges should have respected her choice that it was not for her.
**still think these 'Miss' contests are rubbish too, though!**
poh i see now from redrock above, she DID say it's up to others? well then, yes...that's BS. she should NOT lose simply for expressing her personal beliefs while still agreeing to allow others the same rights. poor form on the judges then. then again, i think these pageants are ridiculous all the way round in any case.......
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I completely agree.
and yes, decides, yes respectfully said she believes marriage should be between a man and a woman and respects the views of whom disagree with her. she wasnt implying others should feel the way she does.
I think it's fair.
It wasn't that she's against gay marriage. 50% of her state is against gay marriage. It was that her answer was a very divisive one. Beauty Queens are supposed to be fence sitters on political issues. Her answer should have been about how we should try to find common ground. Not about how the homos aren't as good as her.
You think that Miss America really wants to be friends with Hugo Chavez when she says "I want world peace?" Don't be silly. They're supposed to give "feel good" answers to tough questions and stay away from controversy. THAT's what she was being tested on... if she could answer a tough question without taking a side.
But instead her answer was "In MY America..." pretty much telling the majority of the audience "Get out of my country, faggot."
When you have to follow up an answer at a beauty pageant with "no offense but that's how I was raised," you've given an answer not fitting of a Beauty Queen.
And you know what? When Britney Spears can stagger drunk into a wedding chapel in Vegas and get more rights that I have with my husband after 17 years together, there's something very wrong with the way things are.
Well except.. we CAN'T "choose." Because that choice is blocked from me. I would choose to marry my husband (we're married in Canada) so we could have a few rights and protections, but we can't. We can't "choose" to do anything other than sign a lease together and jump few lots of hoops to get a few legal protections that straight people take for granted.
And like I said.. she lost because she gave an answer that was not befitting of a Beauty Queen.
thats bullshit. just because she is a beauty queen doesnt mean she isnt allowed an opinion. and I dont remember her saying "my" america.
She's allowed to give an opinion but the judges don't WANT someone who's going to stir the pot. They want someone who's going to be able to unite people and not cause controversy.
Hey, I'm just telling you why she lost. I don't give a rat's ass if she accepts my marriage or not.
And her words were "and, you know what, in my country and in, in my family.." which I took as "This is my country and if you want to live a way that I don't, get out."
You may not be able to in your particular state but the question put to her was a general question and her response was such too.
Because Miss America has got that power.... :roll:
Im sure that's not what she meant :roll:
Yes, calling her a "dumb bitch" was probably out of line but that's his schtick. Not that I don't agree with him, mind you, but I'm not a judge (nor would I be).
People really have got to stop over-simplifying the whole issue. She lost not because she has an opinion but because the want title holders to be able to walk a thin line when giving answers. She failed that test.
hmmm sounds like she kinda stumbled those words. but yes, I agree, saying my country was not a wise thing to say...if that is in fact what she meant to say.
that said, I dont think there is any political correct answer she could have given based on her beliefs. at the mire mention of her not being 110% behind gay marriage, Perez would have voted her out. and its not certainly doesnt sound fair to me
Oh of course... it's ridiculous. I'm not defending the Contest system... it's stupid and out-dated. I'm just telling you what it's all about.
You need to understand that they have their traditions and giving a controversial answer isn't in keeping with it.
but you cant walk a thin line with that question. its either you are for gay marriage or you aren't.
Are you sure? Because I'm not. I've been told many times that if I don't like the laws I should "go back to Canada." I grew up in Canada and have citizenship but I was born in America and my father was a Sgt. in the Air Force during the Vietnam War. I have every right to live in this country.
"Well I think it's great that Americans are able to choose one or the other. Um, we live in a land that you can choose inter-racial marriage or oppose inter-racial marriage and, you know what, in my country and in, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a white man and a white woman," Carrie said to a mix of boos and applause. "No offense to anybody out there. But that's how I was raised and that's how I think that it should be between a white man and a white woman."
Would that be ok, cause it's her opinion?
It wasn't too long ago that that was the law.
Now with that said, I think Jasunmark is exactly correct. She inspired controversy and that is not befitting 'the queen', or whatever they call the winner of those things.
Which is why she lost points there.
Why? I can give an answer saying that I believe that all people should live the way they choose and couples should define their own relationships and that if people want to get married in a church and share their lives together that they should have that right even if it's not the way that I or other people would choose....
See? I just did it. And I'm a 40 year-old gay metalhead biker. Why can't a blond woman in heels do it?
which is not the question she was asked. She wasn't asked for her opinion. But she gave it... losing her points in the over-all score.
Yes. Up until the 60s. There were people who said that allowing inter-racial marriage would rip apart the fabric of society. When all it did was give us our new President.
Yup. Means my side is winning. (heehee)
Look... I dont' WANT to change religious marriage. Have it.. knock yourself out.
I just want the same protections under the law that you have. If my husband is injured, I want to be the one who chooses his treatment with the doctors and I want to be allowed into the hospital room to be with him. It's not fair that if he dies, I'll lose 50% of our belongings to taxes when straight people just... get the stuff.
It's not fair that if we were straight I'd be able to sponsor him for a green card but as it is... he could lose his work visa any time.
That's all we want. Just a few protections. We've been together for 17 years. it's not like we're trying to cheat the system.
fair enough.
because she doesnt have those beliefs. I guess I dont know for sure, but it sounds like she doesnt believe a gays should be able to marry.
and for the record, I'm for gay marriage. seems very un-American to me to not allow gays to marry. that said, I still don't think she should have lost based solely on her beliefs. even if they arent "pageant-like" ...and that appears to be the case.
and I want you to have the same access to divorce lawyers and court battles for the half the house and car.
I think Perez's reaction has really hurt your cause btw.
I say, get rid of this lame Miss America, Miss Universe, Miss Conception bullshit altogether. Have them compete is something worthwhile... like educational plans to curb teen pregnancy... or naked chocolate pudding wrestling.
Hail, Hail!!!
Man you guys got it good dont have to go through all the B.S. of a divorce. alimony,house,kids,ect..
Nobody gave a shit about the Miss USA pageant (this wasn't the Miss America Pageant but it's ghetto, low-budget version) until after the show and the ratings prove that.
This is just another chance to blame a gay man for something. It's the faggot's fault that the pretty blonde girl lost the prize. It gives people a chance to demonize a Hollywood Gossip Blogger and paint the whole gay community with that brush.. I mean even in this thread I've been told that Perez didn't do "my cause" any help, which says to me "all you homos are in this together and if you want to dine at the grown up table with us you better be nice."
I don't think that's how it was meant here, but I'm sick of being told that I don't have equality because I'm rude or I'm not kissing the right asses.