hate is too strong of a word for sure,no hate here, im sure they are nice people and i feel ok spending thousands so its all good, but
1) making this forum pay only has crushed the spirit of diversity whihc once made it highly enjoyable. it is now a homogenous collection of fanboys/girls including myself I guess. I liked the dissidence, now its love it or leave it
2) membership fees translate into what? the chance to buy essentially. otherwise its a way to get 25 dollar u.s. 45 record, or is that still going? havnt heard
3) whenever im not logged in and i go to buy something and a big red typeset comes up saying restricted or fuck off or whatver it is, i feel ill, esp for non subscribers
It's interesting to see that the focus of assocation here is the 10c and the EV solo show ticket sale. This thread is about 10c and dissatisfaction. Various issues that have been commented on past/present regarding 10c -
1. Poor follow through, or issues of continuity - Online bootleg program, "holiday" single being timely
2. Not providing promised issues of newsletter in the past
3. Lack of full disclosure regarding products - specifically SDE, would as many people have bought it knowing Drop in the Park was not complete? the scare of there not being enough copies of SDE
4. Lack of information - I just tried to find a description of the 10c membership benefits off of the links from the main page, I tried for 5 minutes and could not find it because it isn't there, no descrption for the renewal in the Goods Section either
5. Limited listing of memebership benefits so as to reduce responsibility, if it doesn't say "2 Newsletters per year" they don't have to fulfill their obligation
There are lots of things 10c does right. I like the basic format of the EV ticket sale. I don't really agree with posting the information with the start of the presale even though it did run for 2 days. As a paying member, I would have preferred an email 2 days prior to the sale saying you would have 2 days to buy tickets, I think that would have further reduced their server getting hammered. The internet connection issues of the past appear to be improving, but it remains to be seen how the server will handle a full tilt presale for a full band tour. It's hard to find fault with the 10c now that they have lowered the bar and made the membership description so vague. I realize I have the choice to not renew my memebership, I also realize I have the right as a paying 10c member to express my satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the service provided. It's just like any other service, you expect to receive what is advertised/promised, much like a haircut or a car repair.
There are lots of things 10c does right. I like the basic format of the EV ticket sale. I don't really agree with posting the information with the start of the presale even though it did run for 2 days.
Agreed. the band/10C knows the fanbase is beyond crazy. I panicked when I saw the EV info because I didnt know if I should read the full email or if tickets will be gone by then. it just seems that so many things could be made easier, but they are not because doing them this way induces hysteria.
I also agree with rsimms about the SDE box, but I have voiced my displeasure with the 2 incomplete/edited shows already.
bottom line, we are lucky to have the 10C. they have helped many of us avoid scalpers and TM over the last 15 years. however, there are many little things they could do to make the fans' experience much less stressful.
they certainly do not deserve the ribbing they take when a fan gets shutout of tickets for a tour. demand is high and outweighs supply. that is not their fault.
the 10c does what it can to take care of us-I truly believe that
there are screw ups along the way like the Hartford ticket debacle
THEY HOOK US UP large with respect to tickets, and work hard to do so. That is enough for me. The xmas single, the merch issues don't really mean much to me. That stuff is just gravy.
At the end of the day the only real complaint I have is that they are slow with releasing tour information.
We ALWAYS find out somewhere else first and they could end the endless speculation by just giving us a bit more information as to what is planned. But even that is minor.
My only grief with 10C is that THEY screwed up my membership number years ago and I'm still holding a grudge about it.
Being a 10C member since 1991 (never lapsed), and having a membership # from 1997 because I sent in an address change. They made the mistake and wouldn't even try fixing it. So I'm still harboring a pretty big grudge about it.
The ticket situation... It has it's flaws but at least we get the chance to get decent tickets. I did lose the lottery so I'll be trying to TM tickets... if that fails.... it's off to the scalpers. ugh. Hell, I can remember when we had to send postcards in to get tickets. Ahhhhh, memories of the Voters for Choice 1995 shows.
updated 01/28/2008
The more that's given, the more people want. In that sense, all the criticism, which I personally find extremely annoying, is a sort of back-handed compliment.
"They said ... timing was everything
made him ... want to be everywhere
there's a ... lot to be said for nowhere."
I get the holiday single.
I get the newsletters.
I get whatever else I get.
I paid the big bucks for the super deluxe edition. It wasn't autographed, but it wasn't a big deal.
I haven't seen the band live since 2003, but it's not a big deal. When I saw them, it was my first year, and I was almost in the back....I couldn't believe all those people in front of me were 10C.
My member number is 279XXX, but do I give a shit? No.
I'm just happy the band is around and continually putting out product that isn't shit.
Presidential Advice from President-Elect Mike McCready: "Are you getting something out of this all encompassing trip?"
My only grief with 10C is that THEY screwed up my membership number years ago and I'm still holding a grudge about it.
Being a 10C member since 1991 (never lapsed), and having a membership # from 1997 because I sent in an address change. They made the mistake and wouldn't even try fixing it. So I'm still harboring a pretty big grudge about it.
The ticket situation... It has it's flaws but at least we get the chance to get decent tickets. I did lose the lottery so I'll be trying to TM tickets... if that fails.... it's off to the scalpers. ugh. Hell, I can remember when we had to send postcards in to get tickets. Ahhhhh, memories of the Voters for Choice 1995 shows.
I had to send a 3x5 index card along with a money order for 2003! Postcards weren't that long ago. At least then, there wasn't a chance of the system crashing.
Maybe they should try it this way:
The band is going on tour! You can get a maximum of 6 tickets to whatever shows you'd like. You can get 6 tickets to one show or one ticket to six shows! It's up to YOU how to divide your quantity.
Entries will be accepted starting on June 15th at whatever time (Note that today is June 10th) and all entries must be sent in by June 20th at whatever time. If you "win the lottery", you'll find out at a date in late June.
The shitty thing about that is if a lot of people get tickets to a popular show, someone who should be in the 10th row might be bumped back to the 15th or 20th row. However, it does bring back the ticket limitations (as opposed to "as many shows as you'd like", so it could work to the advantage of some people.
Post edited by Lost In Ohio on
Presidential Advice from President-Elect Mike McCready: "Are you getting something out of this all encompassing trip?"
That band sucked all kinds of ass....It's easy to see why somone would hate them.
As for the TEN CLUB...
I think they are miles ahead of about 90% of Pearl Jams peers as far as fan clubs go.
I think people just like to bitch. Everyone expects the world to be handed to them from this tiny little organization, yet have no idea or concept of how hard the TEN CLUB people actually work to give us what they give us every year.
The TEN CLUB or Pearl Jam don't really have to do any of this stuff. They don't owe us shit, yet thankfully they choose to do right by us because they care about us fans and make genuine efforts to do their very best to share as much as is humanly possible with us fans.
We should all be thankful that we have a favorite band that has such a cool fan club and community to be apart of.
All the bitching is lame. Nothing lasts forever, so we should all just sit back and enjoy the ride while it lasts.
Halleluiah, Amen,
Good Night.
Agreed 100%
Dream the dreams of other men,...You´ll be no ones rival,...
Dream the dreams of others then,... You will be no ones rival,...
I've never had a problem with 10C. For a band like Pearl Jam, who plays A LOT of shows and seems to look out for its most loyal fans (10C members), the 10C is doing a pretty good job keeping up. The new system for the '08 tour gave some people dream opportunities to get front row seats that otherwise never would - THAT is treating your members well. I've never been so excited to pick up my tickets for any concert I've been to than when I was waiting in line for Mansfield last August...even though I didn't win, it was fun dreaming- and I hope they continue with this "lottery".
I actually called the 10C yesterday for the first time, and the girl on the line was super helpful and friendly regarding a concern I had...so consider me a pleased 10Clubber.
No time to be void, or save up on life...you gotta spend it all.
It is quite ironic that people are put off by what they call "bitching" when it is in fact an expression of free speech that this particular band espouses on a regular and consistent basis. I am exercising my right to free speech which otherwise would not be heard as last time I looked the 10c doesn't send out Satisfaction Surveys. There is no place on this website that specificially asks "how are we doing?" My dollar isn't the only tool in my arsenal at expressing my satisfaction/dissatisfaction with my 10c experience. My favorite Eddie Vedder speech came at my first Pearl Jam show in Uniondale back in 2003 in reference to George W. Bush -
"This is good, this is open, honest debate, and that's what it should be. If you keep this back and forth ... good things will happen. If you don't say anything, you don't know what will happen. Cause we are on a brink of forever. And if we don't participate on where this thing is going, when we are the number one super power in the world, you want to have a part in it and make sure it is a good thing, yeah? Plus or minus, be active. This is a good thing."
For those that want to "sit back and enjoy the ride", be my guest. I for one expect to receive what I pay for from the 10c and this has not been the case in the past. I paid for undelivered or untimely goods.
Lets review the benefits of the 10c which can be found here (not linked from the main site, had to google it) - https://www.pearljam.com/tenclub
1. Our promise to do our darndest to get you the absolute BEST tickets in the house to Pearl Jam shows around the world.
2. Access to Ten Club members-only merchandise like limited edition silk-screened posters from Pearl Jam tours.
3. A holiday 45 RPM vinyl single with songs not found anywhere else.
4. Pearl Jam's full-color printed DEEP Magazine mailed to you
5. Full access to the Pearl Jam Online Community
6. Members-only contests and giveaways
Number 1 really should be updated to say "to do our darndest to get you the chance to buy the absolute BEST tickets....". Unless this changes for the upcoming tour, I feel they are falling short on this one becuase it implies if I want tickets from 10c, I can get them which has definately not been the case in recent years. I would agree that Number 2 holds true, I have been able to buy several posters from tours since obtaining my membership. Number 3 I am a little sketchy about in the past couple years, especially the "not found anywhere else" part. I recall at least 1 45 single in the past 6 years where the song was available elsewhere, not during a time of competition but still available elsewhere. I don't exactly recall if this was the language of the time period for membership benefit so this one might be a bit off. Also, which holiday are we talking? It used to be a Christmas Single, was it changed to be more P.C. or just so they could put it out whenever and claim the closest holiday as "the" holiday for the single? Number 4 is right on. It doesn't say how many or when to expect them so as long as I get one in the mail within 1 year of my membership renewal, they have fulfilled their obligation. Number 5....oooooo goodie, I get to pay for a message board. Number 6, yep I get that, no qualms with that one.
Sure they suck at getting news out on time, which is kind of retarded.
I don't mean to keep touting the company line, but why is it hard to understand that the official management of Pearl Jam would wait to release news when it's official? Whereas, promoters and scalpers and posters with connections at the venue and journalists often leak info?
Moreover, what does it matter? When those EV shows hit Ticketmaster a couple weeks back, I didn't need Santos to tell me to save the date...
"They said ... timing was everything
made him ... want to be everywhere
there's a ... lot to be said for nowhere."
I realize I have the choice to not renew my memebership, I also realize I have the right as a paying 10c member to express my satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the service provided. It's just like any other service, you expect to receive what is advertised/promised, much like a haircut or a car repair.
It is quite ironic that people are put off by what they call "bitching" when it is in fact an expression of free speech that this particular band espouses on a regular and consistent basis. I am exercising my right to free speech which otherwise would not be heard as last time I looked the 10c doesn't send out Satisfaction Surveys. There is no place on this website that specificially asks "how are we doing?" My dollar isn't the only tool in my arsenal at expressing my satisfaction/dissatisfaction with my 10c experience.
I've never read one post that questions the right for someone to bitch. But I've seen plenty that call into question the "Bitching" posters intelligence and lack of proper perspective.
Usually those people bitching are just experiencing a mixture of sour grapes and entitlement.
The wording of the 10 Club benefits is fine. Only someone making a flawed point would have an issue with the semantics of "do our darndest to get you the best seats in the house". It's obvious what that means.
I'm also put off when people burn the flag, but I totally respect their right to do so. I don't think being put off qualifies as being anti free speech.
Is it also ironic that you are "put off" about others being "put off"?
I'm convinced "bitching" does nothing to "satisfy" you and in the long run, you're better off focusing on the positive. but that's just my approach though.
I love rsimms3 post. I think it's well thought out and not bashing or hating at all. I am going to attempt to do the same. I don't think anyone HATES the club but there are some obvious issues.
I still have a very sour taste in my mouth regarding the "Big, Bold and Free" thing. They promised that to us as a result of their fuckups. I believe it was involving tickets, ticket servers and the Borgata shows? I could be wrong. They said they were going to make amends then just completely ignored it.
I don't feel the bad has very much involvement in the running of the club or the content of the website. I know Nine Inch Nails and Metallica have a huge amount of interaction and control over their fan club.
When was the last time an issue of Deep or the 10 Club newsletter had anything overly informative from a band member? I really wasn't interested in Stone interviewing Josh Holme for 6 pages in the last issue. I also thought that propaganda newpaper/newsletter thing a few years ago was terrible.
I love the fact that they offer us posters after the tour but people act as though it's a favor and that they "don't have to". Don't forget, they are making money on the posters. Regardless, I love that they do this.
I find it really odd that when I went the other day to find the benefits of joining the 10 club, it was nowhere to be found. I had to google to find it. It's almost like they are hiding it for some reason.
I don't think there is a right or wrong answer for the tickets thing. I know they are strapped by the ticketmaster 10% rule. I have always had issues with the fact that the same people are in the front rows of almost every single show because they travel to multiple shows. The lottery last summer was awesome and a great idea, as was that show in canada in 05 where all the tickets seemed to be mixed up and seniority was thrown out the window. The Hartford show last year however was a total disgrace and it seemed as though that came and went with a "tough shit" attitude from the club regarding what happened.
I would much rather see a system similar to NIN or Metallica where you actually get a unique presale code and you can pick your tickets. If you don't get what you want, you can just wait for the ticketmaster sale. NIN does not charge for this, Metallica requires you be a member of their club. I think the lottery thing was a good idea since they were small venues. It was a good system for Eddie tickets. Not for a large scale PJ tour.
The X-Mas single thing is silly at this point. From what I can recall, the band did nothing last year once the tour ended (besides deal with families). They can't go into the studio and bang out 2 cover songs in a day or two? Sonic Reducer couldn't have been more than 2 takes. This is not worth getting upset about at all and is the bands fault, not the 10 club. The band is just lazy.
They tend to leave us in the dark in many situations.
Overall I think they are good people and i'm very glad the club exists (albeit a bit pretentious on occasion) but I'm not sure we get $20 worth of stuff for our membership. You can buy past x-mas singles for what, $2-3 shipped? And we get one issue of Deep per year which probably costs a buck or 2 to produce and ship in bulk. When it comes down to it, we are paying a $20 service charge to get the chance to buy tickets and for the privilege of buying exclusive merchandise (which is frequently pretty cool). I'd say the club is worth about $10 per year but that is just my opinion. I get sick to my stomach when people say we don't "deserve" what the club does for us. We are customers don't forget.
Wow this ended up being a really long post. Sorry about that but I'm waiting for laundry to be done. Let the flaming begin, I'm sure I am going to be ripped a new asshole but these are my thoughts.
Wow this ended up being a really long post. Sorry about that but I'm waiting for laundry to be done. Let the flaming begin, I'm sure I am going to be ripped a new asshole but these are my thoughts.
Seems like a reasonable post. Nothing to flame. I disagree about the $20.00 not being worth it, but that is just my opinion.
Since 2006 I have:
Bought 5 or 6 posters, bought tickets to about 8 shows including EV solo. (All with awesome seating I would never get without paying a grip of money to scalpers), some cool exclusive merchandise, bought a copy of all those singles you mentioned, had a great time posting and hanging out on the message boards, and even had the joy of collecting the DEEP magazine.
I think you could probably hawk the magazine and Holiday single alone for $20.00 on eBay, so those two items alone are worth the price of admission for me. (Not that I'm selling. )
Bought 5 or 6 posters, bought tickets to about 8 shows including EV solo. (All with awesome seating I would never get without paying a grip of money to scalpers), some cool exclusive merchandise, bought a copy of all those singles you mentioned, had a great time posting and hanging out on the message boards, and even had the joy of collecting the DEEP magazine.
I think you could probably hawk the magazine and Holiday single alone for $20.00 on eBay, so those two items alone are worth the price of admission for me. (Not that I'm selling. )
All very good points and possibly swaying my opinion on the $20 thing.
everyone overseas who ordered the delux edition got ripped for an extra $100 almost for the delivery of the thing off UPS! on TOP of the $50 shipping they paid!
in fairness overseas fans get ripped on more than US members.
Be glad you have one. I don't have one because I DIDN'T order from ten club. I will never be that stupid again, ever. I'm at wit's end over what I'm going to do now.
You're at wit's end because you didn't order a deluxe edition from the 10 club? Why not go to a local store or one of the many online stores to buy one?
Uh, don't you think I'd have thought that through just a little?
I ordered through best buy online because they had the best price, offered downloads, and I had reward zone coupons. They sold out and I am on back order.
I have a possible solution (which requires considerable effort on my part) and if I am fortunate, I will be OK this weekend.
The lesson is that if I'd have ordered through 10c, this would be resolved and I wouldn't be dealing with a corporate black hole. I'd be working with people who could make decisions and take actions to resolve the situation, rather than poor order desk people whose abilities to do things are severely limited by policies and corporate stupidity (have items in other states but cannot ship out of state !!WTF!! nonsense)
Tell them you love them. Never let the mundane, the unimportant, or worse, the misunderstood, be the final words of parting.
It is quite ironic that people are put off by what they call "bitching" when it is in fact an expression of free speech that this particular band espouses on a regular and consistent basis. I am exercising my right to free speech which otherwise would not be heard as last time I looked the 10c doesn't send out Satisfaction Surveys. There is no place on this website that specificially asks "how are we doing?" My dollar isn't the only tool in my arsenal at expressing my satisfaction/dissatisfaction with my 10c experience.
I've never read one post that questions the right for someone to bitch. But I've seen plenty that call into question the "Bitching" posters intelligence and lack of proper perspective.
Usually those people bitching are just experiencing a mixture of sour grapes and entitlement.
The wording of the 10 Club benefits is fine. Only someone making a flawed point would have an issue with the semantics of "do our darndest to get you the best seats in the house". It's obvious what that means.
I'm also put off when people burn the flag, but I totally respect their right to do so. I don't think being put off qualifies as being anti free speech.
Is it also ironic that you are "put off" about others being "put off"?
Well put.
Tell them you love them. Never let the mundane, the unimportant, or worse, the misunderstood, be the final words of parting.
love is all you need
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
1) making this forum pay only has crushed the spirit of diversity whihc once made it highly enjoyable. it is now a homogenous collection of fanboys/girls including myself I guess. I liked the dissidence, now its love it or leave it
2) membership fees translate into what? the chance to buy essentially. otherwise its a way to get 25 dollar u.s. 45 record, or is that still going? havnt heard
3) whenever im not logged in and i go to buy something and a big red typeset comes up saying restricted or fuck off or whatver it is, i feel ill, esp for non subscribers
1. Poor follow through, or issues of continuity - Online bootleg program, "holiday" single being timely
2. Not providing promised issues of newsletter in the past
3. Lack of full disclosure regarding products - specifically SDE, would as many people have bought it knowing Drop in the Park was not complete? the scare of there not being enough copies of SDE
4. Lack of information - I just tried to find a description of the 10c membership benefits off of the links from the main page, I tried for 5 minutes and could not find it because it isn't there, no descrption for the renewal in the Goods Section either
5. Limited listing of memebership benefits so as to reduce responsibility, if it doesn't say "2 Newsletters per year" they don't have to fulfill their obligation
There are lots of things 10c does right. I like the basic format of the EV ticket sale. I don't really agree with posting the information with the start of the presale even though it did run for 2 days. As a paying member, I would have preferred an email 2 days prior to the sale saying you would have 2 days to buy tickets, I think that would have further reduced their server getting hammered. The internet connection issues of the past appear to be improving, but it remains to be seen how the server will handle a full tilt presale for a full band tour. It's hard to find fault with the 10c now that they have lowered the bar and made the membership description so vague. I realize I have the choice to not renew my memebership, I also realize I have the right as a paying 10c member to express my satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the service provided. It's just like any other service, you expect to receive what is advertised/promised, much like a haircut or a car repair.
Agreed. the band/10C knows the fanbase is beyond crazy. I panicked when I saw the EV info because I didnt know if I should read the full email or if tickets will be gone by then. it just seems that so many things could be made easier, but they are not because doing them this way induces hysteria.
I also agree with rsimms about the SDE box, but I have voiced my displeasure with the 2 incomplete/edited shows already.
bottom line, we are lucky to have the 10C. they have helped many of us avoid scalpers and TM over the last 15 years. however, there are many little things they could do to make the fans' experience much less stressful.
they certainly do not deserve the ribbing they take when a fan gets shutout of tickets for a tour. demand is high and outweighs supply. that is not their fault.
Posters for Sale: http://community.pearljam.com/discussion/117469/posters-for-sale
T-Shirts for Sale: http://community.pearljam.com/discussion/149289/pj-t-shirt-trade-or-sale
there are screw ups along the way like the Hartford ticket debacle
THEY HOOK US UP large with respect to tickets, and work hard to do so. That is enough for me. The xmas single, the merch issues don't really mean much to me. That stuff is just gravy.
At the end of the day the only real complaint I have is that they are slow with releasing tour information.
We ALWAYS find out somewhere else first and they could end the endless speculation by just giving us a bit more information as to what is planned. But even that is minor.
Being a 10C member since 1991 (never lapsed), and having a membership # from 1997 because I sent in an address change. They made the mistake and wouldn't even try fixing it. So I'm still harboring a pretty big grudge about it.
The ticket situation... It has it's flaws but at least we get the chance to get decent tickets. I did lose the lottery so I'll be trying to TM tickets... if that fails.... it's off to the scalpers. ugh. Hell, I can remember when we had to send postcards in to get tickets. Ahhhhh, memories of the Voters for Choice 1995 shows.
updated 01/28/2008
made him ... want to be everywhere
there's a ... lot to be said for nowhere."
EV:boston 1+2.albnay 1.boston 2010
I get the holiday single.
I get the newsletters.
I get whatever else I get.
I paid the big bucks for the super deluxe edition. It wasn't autographed, but it wasn't a big deal.
I haven't seen the band live since 2003, but it's not a big deal. When I saw them, it was my first year, and I was almost in the back....I couldn't believe all those people in front of me were 10C.
My member number is 279XXX, but do I give a shit? No.
I'm just happy the band is around and continually putting out product that isn't shit.
I had to send a 3x5 index card along with a money order for 2003! Postcards weren't that long ago. At least then, there wasn't a chance of the system crashing.
Maybe they should try it this way:
The band is going on tour! You can get a maximum of 6 tickets to whatever shows you'd like. You can get 6 tickets to one show or one ticket to six shows! It's up to YOU how to divide your quantity.
Entries will be accepted starting on June 15th at whatever time (Note that today is June 10th) and all entries must be sent in by June 20th at whatever time. If you "win the lottery", you'll find out at a date in late June.
The shitty thing about that is if a lot of people get tickets to a popular show, someone who should be in the 10th row might be bumped back to the 15th or 20th row. However, it does bring back the ticket limitations (as opposed to "as many shows as you'd like", so it could work to the advantage of some people.
me to :twisted:
Agreed 100%
Dream the dreams of others then,... You will be no ones rival,...
I actually called the 10C yesterday for the first time, and the girl on the line was super helpful and friendly regarding a concern I had...so consider me a pleased 10Clubber.
"This is good, this is open, honest debate, and that's what it should be. If you keep this back and forth ... good things will happen. If you don't say anything, you don't know what will happen. Cause we are on a brink of forever. And if we don't participate on where this thing is going, when we are the number one super power in the world, you want to have a part in it and make sure it is a good thing, yeah? Plus or minus, be active. This is a good thing."
For those that want to "sit back and enjoy the ride", be my guest. I for one expect to receive what I pay for from the 10c and this has not been the case in the past. I paid for undelivered or untimely goods.
Lets review the benefits of the 10c which can be found here (not linked from the main site, had to google it) -
1. Our promise to do our darndest to get you the absolute BEST tickets in the house to Pearl Jam shows around the world.
2. Access to Ten Club members-only merchandise like limited edition silk-screened posters from Pearl Jam tours.
3. A holiday 45 RPM vinyl single with songs not found anywhere else.
4. Pearl Jam's full-color printed DEEP Magazine mailed to you
5. Full access to the Pearl Jam Online Community
6. Members-only contests and giveaways
Number 1 really should be updated to say "to do our darndest to get you the chance to buy the absolute BEST tickets....". Unless this changes for the upcoming tour, I feel they are falling short on this one becuase it implies if I want tickets from 10c, I can get them which has definately not been the case in recent years. I would agree that Number 2 holds true, I have been able to buy several posters from tours since obtaining my membership. Number 3 I am a little sketchy about in the past couple years, especially the "not found anywhere else" part. I recall at least 1 45 single in the past 6 years where the song was available elsewhere, not during a time of competition but still available elsewhere. I don't exactly recall if this was the language of the time period for membership benefit so this one might be a bit off. Also, which holiday are we talking? It used to be a Christmas Single, was it changed to be more P.C. or just so they could put it out whenever and claim the closest holiday as "the" holiday for the single? Number 4 is right on. It doesn't say how many or when to expect them so as long as I get one in the mail within 1 year of my membership renewal, they have fulfilled their obligation. Number 5....oooooo goodie, I get to pay for a message board. Number 6, yep I get that, no qualms with that one.
No, but you could call/write them. Or, gasp, stop paying your dues.
made him ... want to be everywhere
there's a ... lot to be said for nowhere."
Sure they suck at getting news out on time, which is kind of retarded. But I never complain about it, personally I really dont care.
I will admit that I want my damn Holiday single and DEEP mag!!! Atleast they will be shipped together.
8/7/08, 6/9/09
I don't mean to keep touting the company line, but why is it hard to understand that the official management of Pearl Jam would wait to release news when it's official? Whereas, promoters and scalpers and posters with connections at the venue and journalists often leak info?
Moreover, what does it matter? When those EV shows hit Ticketmaster a couple weeks back, I didn't need Santos to tell me to save the date...
made him ... want to be everywhere
there's a ... lot to be said for nowhere."
Did you bother to read this thread, much less my two posts in it, before commenting?
Who is to say I haven't emailed or called them?
Dude, they will totally get the "how are we doing?" message and probably cry a little when you cancel your membership. Okey dokey?
First PJ Show: March 20, 1994 | Ann Arbor | Crisler Arena
I've never read one post that questions the right for someone to bitch. But I've seen plenty that call into question the "Bitching" posters intelligence and lack of proper perspective.
Usually those people bitching are just experiencing a mixture of sour grapes and entitlement.
The wording of the 10 Club benefits is fine. Only someone making a flawed point would have an issue with the semantics of "do our darndest to get you the best seats in the house". It's obvious what that means.
I'm also put off when people burn the flag, but I totally respect their right to do so. I don't think being put off qualifies as being anti free speech.
Is it also ironic that you are "put off" about others being "put off"?
Well, you did, actually...
"I am exercising my right to free speech which otherwise would not be heard"
made him ... want to be everywhere
there's a ... lot to be said for nowhere."
I'm convinced "bitching" does nothing to "satisfy" you and in the long run, you're better off focusing on the positive. but that's just my approach though.
I still have a very sour taste in my mouth regarding the "Big, Bold and Free" thing. They promised that to us as a result of their fuckups. I believe it was involving tickets, ticket servers and the Borgata shows? I could be wrong. They said they were going to make amends then just completely ignored it.
I don't feel the bad has very much involvement in the running of the club or the content of the website. I know Nine Inch Nails and Metallica have a huge amount of interaction and control over their fan club.
When was the last time an issue of Deep or the 10 Club newsletter had anything overly informative from a band member? I really wasn't interested in Stone interviewing Josh Holme for 6 pages in the last issue. I also thought that propaganda newpaper/newsletter thing a few years ago was terrible.
I love the fact that they offer us posters after the tour but people act as though it's a favor and that they "don't have to". Don't forget, they are making money on the posters. Regardless, I love that they do this.
I find it really odd that when I went the other day to find the benefits of joining the 10 club, it was nowhere to be found. I had to google to find it. It's almost like they are hiding it for some reason.
I don't think there is a right or wrong answer for the tickets thing. I know they are strapped by the ticketmaster 10% rule. I have always had issues with the fact that the same people are in the front rows of almost every single show because they travel to multiple shows. The lottery last summer was awesome and a great idea, as was that show in canada in 05 where all the tickets seemed to be mixed up and seniority was thrown out the window. The Hartford show last year however was a total disgrace and it seemed as though that came and went with a "tough shit" attitude from the club regarding what happened.
I would much rather see a system similar to NIN or Metallica where you actually get a unique presale code and you can pick your tickets. If you don't get what you want, you can just wait for the ticketmaster sale. NIN does not charge for this, Metallica requires you be a member of their club. I think the lottery thing was a good idea since they were small venues. It was a good system for Eddie tickets. Not for a large scale PJ tour.
The X-Mas single thing is silly at this point. From what I can recall, the band did nothing last year once the tour ended (besides deal with families). They can't go into the studio and bang out 2 cover songs in a day or two? Sonic Reducer couldn't have been more than 2 takes. This is not worth getting upset about at all and is the bands fault, not the 10 club. The band is just lazy.
They tend to leave us in the dark in many situations.
Overall I think they are good people and i'm very glad the club exists (albeit a bit pretentious on occasion) but I'm not sure we get $20 worth of stuff for our membership. You can buy past x-mas singles for what, $2-3 shipped? And we get one issue of Deep per year which probably costs a buck or 2 to produce and ship in bulk. When it comes down to it, we are paying a $20 service charge to get the chance to buy tickets and for the privilege of buying exclusive merchandise (which is frequently pretty cool). I'd say the club is worth about $10 per year but that is just my opinion. I get sick to my stomach when people say we don't "deserve" what the club does for us. We are customers don't forget.
Wow this ended up being a really long post. Sorry about that but I'm waiting for laundry to be done. Let the flaming begin, I'm sure I am going to be ripped a new asshole but these are my thoughts.
Seems like a reasonable post. Nothing to flame. I disagree about the $20.00 not being worth it, but that is just my opinion.
Since 2006 I have:
Bought 5 or 6 posters, bought tickets to about 8 shows including EV solo. (All with awesome seating I would never get without paying a grip of money to scalpers), some cool exclusive merchandise, bought a copy of all those singles you mentioned, had a great time posting and hanging out on the message boards, and even had the joy of collecting the DEEP magazine.
I think you could probably hawk the magazine and Holiday single alone for $20.00 on eBay, so those two items alone are worth the price of admission for me. (Not that I'm selling.
All very good points and possibly swaying my opinion on the $20 thing.
Uh, don't you think I'd have thought that through just a little?
I ordered through best buy online because they had the best price, offered downloads, and I had reward zone coupons. They sold out and I am on back order.
I have a possible solution (which requires considerable effort on my part) and if I am fortunate, I will be OK this weekend.
The lesson is that if I'd have ordered through 10c, this would be resolved and I wouldn't be dealing with a corporate black hole. I'd be working with people who could make decisions and take actions to resolve the situation, rather than poor order desk people whose abilities to do things are severely limited by policies and corporate stupidity (have items in other states but cannot ship out of state !!WTF!! nonsense)
Tell them you love them. Never let the mundane, the unimportant, or worse, the misunderstood, be the final words of parting.
Tell them.
Well put.
Tell them you love them. Never let the mundane, the unimportant, or worse, the misunderstood, be the final words of parting.
Tell them.