Fox News / Red Eye - i feel sorry for my American friends



  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    prfctlefts wrote:
    prfctlefts wrote:
    It sure is funny how so many people mostly under 30 bash fox news all the time ,but never give any thing specific. If fox news is so bad why do they trump every other cable news network when it comes to ratings? Why did more Americans watch fox including Democrats during all the campaign coverage ? Is because maybe they are fair and balanced.Is it becuase they don't traffic in hate all the time like some of the other networks?

    Because they're the only choice for the right wing. The moderate/leftists are split between CNN and MSNBC. That would make it much more of a contest there. They all suck though. MSNBC and Fox are the worst. They are both jokes. If you consider Fox "fair and balanced" then you're confused. If someone were to say that about MSNBC, it would be just as laughable.

    . so where do you get your info from :roll: I cant wait to hear this... and by the way your only laughing at your own ignorance and if fox is so bad why do so many democrats and libertarians watch it.Here's two reasons 1. they don't traffic in hate like the other networks and 2nd they aren't in the tank for Obama or Mcain.More people watch fox then all the other networks combined. So go and marinate on that

    Where do I get my news? From people that report the actual news. BBC. I'm sure you will bash them thinking they are biased, but they are so much better than MSNBC and Fox News. Are you shitting me? Did you just say Fox News has never been in the tank for a political party. "traffic in hate"??? all anyone ever hears on Fox is pure hate.
  • No I wont bash thee BBC because I dont watch it nor will I.1. reason is I live in the states. there fore Im not going to say that they are biased because I have no proof. and I could really care less where you get your info from,but when you accuse fox of spewing hate you are so wrong. you probably cant even get fox where you live or if you can you probley have never even watched it. So here's my point I dont criticise you for where you get your news from so dot criticise me and when you post links to far left web sites to prove your theroy it does nothing but disprove it. :D
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    prfctlefts wrote:
    No I wont bash thee BBC because I dont watch it nor will I.1. reason is I live in the states. there fore Im not going to say that they are biased because I have no proof. and I could really care less where you get your info from,but when you accuse fox of spewing hate you are so wrong. you probably cant even get fox where you live or if you can you probley have never even watched it. So here's my point I dont criticise you for where you get your news from so dot criticise me and when you post links to far left web sites to prove your theroy it does nothing but disprove it. :D

    I have watched Fox. Call me glutten for punishment but I enjoy catching the views of the opposing side. That's why I turn on Fox News, which yes...I get where I live, whatever that means. That's why I turn on 1120 KMOX on my lunch hour and listen to Rush. They do spew hate. MSNBC spews hate. People like you only watch Fox because they tell you what you want to hear. I agree with a lot of what is said on MSNBC, but I don't watch it. Even though I would like what I hear, I want the news some some blabber mouth like Matthews, Olbermann, O'Reilly, or Hannity giving me their opinion dressed as actual news.
  • prfctlefts wrote:
    No I wont bash thee BBC because I dont watch it nor will I.1. reason is I live in the states. there fore Im not going to say that they are biased because I have no proof. and I could really care less where you get your info from,but when you accuse fox of spewing hate you are so wrong. you probably cant even get fox where you live or if you can you probley have never even watched it. So here's my point I dont criticise you for where you get your news from so dot criticise me and when you post links to far left web sites to prove your theroy it does nothing but disprove it. :D

    I have watched Fox. Call me glutten for punishment but I enjoy catching the views of the opposing side. That's why I turn on Fox News, which yes...I get where I live, whatever that means. That's why I turn on 1120 KMOX on my lunch hour and listen to Rush. They do spew hate. MSNBC spews hate. People like you only watch Fox because they tell you what you want to hear. I agree with a lot of what is said on MSNBC, but I don't watch it. Even though I would like what I hear, I want the news some some blabber mouth like Matthews, Olbermann, O'Reilly, or Hannity giving me their opinion dressed as actual news.

    How can you agree with something but not watch it :? and what does Rush have to do with fox he doesn't work for them and the reason I watch fox is because they aren't pushing ideology down my throat like the others and they aren't in the tank for Obama and just so you know I dont even like Hannity :shock: Im done discussing this with you
  • prfctlefts wrote:
    It sure is funny how so many people mostly under 30 bash fox news all the time ,but never give any thing specific. If fox news is so bad why do they trump every other cable news network when it comes to ratings? Why did more Americans watch fox including Democrats during all the campaign coverage ? Is because maybe they are fair and balanced.Is it becuase they don't traffic in hate all the time like some of the other networks?
    I think they call it pack mentality. Just because something is popular doesn't make it reputable, or fair and balanced. American Idol is highly popular but most sane people with decent taste will agree that it's tripe.
    The problem with Fox News is that the majority of the "news" is opinion...and the majority of those opinions are right wing. Sure they will have some lefty on there every now and then... like Alan Colmes...but all of their prime timers are right wingers.
    And, yeah..MSNBC is just as crappy in it's slant to the left.
    I still cannot see where CNN is slanted one way or the other.

    Make your life a mission - not an intermission. - Arnold Gasglow
  • prfctlefts wrote:
    It sure is funny how so many people mostly under 30 bash fox news all the time ,but never give any thing specific. If fox news is so bad why do they trump every other cable news network when it comes to ratings? Why did more Americans watch fox including Democrats during all the campaign coverage ? Is because maybe they are fair and balanced.Is it becuase they don't traffic in hate all the time like some of the other networks?
    I think they call it pack mentality. Just because something is popular doesn't make it reputable, or fair and balanced. American Idol is highly popular but most sane people with decent taste will agree that it's tripe.
    The problem with Fox News is that the majority of the "news" is opinion...and the majority of those opinions are right wing. Sure they will have some lefty on there every now and then... like Alan Colmes...but all of their prime timers are right wingers.
    And, yeah..MSNBC is just as crappy in it's slant to the left.
    I still cannot see where CNN is slanted one way or the other.

    I think you are comparing apples to oranges. People watch American Idol for entertainment .People watch the news to get information ,ratings mean everything when it comes down to it in the world of broadcasting.If a networks ratings are down it means people aren't watching and that means sponsors are not going to waste their money on a network or show that nobody is watching. Fox's ratings have gone up 30% every year for the past 8 years.
    I do agree with you some as far as opinions being right leaning, but if you look at there prime time line up you will see that it's not all right wing. Starting with Glenn beck(libertarian) Special report has a panel of 4 that always divided with 2 from both sides, studio B is usually hosted by Shepard Smith and he doesn't give his opinion he just reports the days top stories.Next you have the one everyone seems to love Mr. Bill,He has said many times he is a traditionalist, his show is based on facts BACKED UP BY HIS OPINION.If more people took the time to do their own research sometimes you would see that he is more liberal on some issues.Like gay marriage,marijuana (thinks it should be decriminalized) he doesn't believe in the death penalty. and most people that dont like him usually have never even watched his show or they get info from far left web sites that take stories out of context. like Media Matters,Huffington Post,Daily KOs, which are all funded by the likes of George Soros.
    Sean Hannity Is a conservative and there's no denying that, but yet again He always has guest from both sides weigh in on whatever the topic may be.He also has a segment called the great American panel which has guest from all walks of life.
    I do agree with you some about CNN.However they do seem to lean to the left but that's fine at least they dont traffic in hate like some of the other netnetworks. :)
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    Lou Dobbs and Glenn Beck rule the world.

    Yes I also believe in 80% of what they say. I love this country and I hate seeing people like Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Timothy Geithner, and Eric Holder doing things to try and destroy it.
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    prfctlefts wrote:
    prfctlefts wrote:
    It sure is funny how so many people mostly under 30 bash fox news all the time ,but never give any thing specific. If fox news is so bad why do they trump every other cable news network when it comes to ratings? Why did more Americans watch fox including Democrats during all the campaign coverage ? Is because maybe they are fair and balanced.Is it becuase they don't traffic in hate all the time like some of the other networks?
    I think they call it pack mentality. Just because something is popular doesn't make it reputable, or fair and balanced. American Idol is highly popular but most sane people with decent taste will agree that it's tripe.
    The problem with Fox News is that the majority of the "news" is opinion...and the majority of those opinions are right wing. Sure they will have some lefty on there every now and then... like Alan Colmes...but all of their prime timers are right wingers.
    And, yeah..MSNBC is just as crappy in it's slant to the left.
    I still cannot see where CNN is slanted one way or the other.

    I think you are comparing apples to oranges. People watch American Idol for entertainment .People watch the news to get information ,ratings mean everything when it comes down to it in the world of broadcasting.If a networks ratings are down it means people aren't watching and that means sponsors are not going to waste their money on a network or show that nobody is watching. Fox's ratings have gone up 30% every year for the past 8 years.
    I do agree with you some as far as opinions being right leaning, but if you look at there prime time line up you will see that it's not all right wing. Starting with Glenn beck(libertarian) Special report has a panel of 4 that always divided with 2 from both sides, studio B is usually hosted by Shepard Smith and he doesn't give his opinion he just reports the days top stories.Next you have the one everyone seems to love Mr. Bill,He has said many times he is a traditionalist, his show is based on facts BACKED UP BY HIS OPINION.If more people took the time to do their own research sometimes you would see that he is more liberal on some issues.Like gay marriage,marijuana (thinks it should be decriminalized) he doesn't believe in the death penalty. and most people that dont like him usually have never even watched his show or they get info from far left web sites that take stories out of context. like Media Matters,Huffington Post,Daily KOs, which are all funded by the likes of George Soros.
    Sean Hannity Is a conservative and there's no denying that, but yet again He always has guest from both sides weigh in on whatever the topic may be.He also has a segment called the great American panel which has guest from all walks of life.
    I do agree with you some about CNN.However they do seem to lean to the left but that's fine at least they dont traffic in hate like some of the other netnetworks. :)

    just curious, but what "hate" has come from MSNBC that cannot be compared to something similar coming from Fox?
  • well what I consider hate is like all the personal attacks towards republicans or anyone that disagrees with someone like Mathews, Olbermann, Norah O'Donnell, Morris Reid. Especially leading up to the election. some of the things they said about Sarah Palin IMO just wasn't necessary. Its fine if you want to disagree with a candidates policies but all the personal attacks to me is pointless.
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    prfctlefts wrote:
    well what I consider hate is like all the personal attacks towards republicans or anyone that disagrees with someone like Mathews, Olbermann, Norah O'Donnell, Morris Reid. Especially leading up to the election. some of the things they said about Sarah Palin IMO just wasn't necessary. Its fine if you want to disagree with a candidates policies but all the personal attacks to me is pointless.

    just so we're clear, you never saw anything that could be taken as hateful from fox directed towards Barack Obama?
  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    you have to be somewhat delusional if you think Fox news is anything close to fair or balanced. they towed the republican line for 8 years, absolute support for one of the worst administrations to ever run this country. absolute support. because they were republican.

    there is a movement to get Fox to remove the "fair and balanced" tag they display all the time, because its a lie. ... oxbush.htm claims that:

    # (Fox) Network management instructs line producers and correspondents to structure their coverage of events in a way that specifically promotes the positions of the Bush Administration and the Republican Party.

    # The network makes no effort whatsoever to achieve any semblance of balance on its many interview shows.

    # The network’s coverage of current events is grossly distorted and biased.

    A study of the interview show "Special Report with Brit Hume" for the last six months of 2003 concluded that conservative guests outnumbered progressive guests five to one; and a similar study of the program in 2002 concluded that conservative guests outnumbered progressive ones, 14 to one.

    really? fair and balanced?

    lately its changed. Since Obama took office they've been hysterical about the NWO and the threat the authorities pose to our freedom. (which there MAY be some truth to that) But if they had spent half this energy questioning the Bush admin we may not be in this mess, especially regarding his financial policies. but they don't have independent thought at Fox, they are as biased as they come. Bush good, Obama bad. they are practically hysterical about the "socialist slant" of the Obama admin (with almost no evidence) and seem to be ready to secede from the union.

    anywhere else in the world you couldn't get anything close to this kind of obedience, not in a totalitarian dictatorship, not from a news orginization. Fox news is a dictators dream.
  • Commy wrote:
    you have to be somewhat delusional if you think Fox news is anything close to fair or balanced. they towed the republican line for 8 years, absolute support for one of the worst administrations to ever run this country. absolute support. because they were republican.

    there is a movement to get Fox to remove the "fair and balanced" tag they display all the time, because its a lie. ... oxbush.htm claims that:

    # (Fox) Network management instructs line producers and correspondents to structure their coverage of events in a way that specifically promotes the positions of the Bush Administration and the Republican Party.

    # The network makes no effort whatsoever to achieve any semblance of balance on its many interview shows.

    # The network’s coverage of current events is grossly distorted and biased.

    A study of the interview show "Special Report with Brit Hume" for the last six months of 2003 concluded that conservative guests outnumbered progressive guests five to one; and a similar study of the program in 2002 concluded that conservative guests outnumbered progressive ones, 14 to one.

    really? fair and balanced?

    lately its changed. Since Obama took office they've been hysterical about the NWO and the threat the authorities pose to our freedom. (which there MAY be some truth to that) But if they had spent half this energy questioning the Bush admin we may not be in this mess, especially regarding his financial policies. but they don't have independent thought at Fox, they are as biased as they come. Bush good, Obama bad. they are practically hysterical about the "socialist slant" of the Obama admin (with almost no evidence) and seem to be ready to secede from the union.

    anywhere else in the world you couldn't get anything close to this kind of obedience, not in a totalitarian dictatorship, not from a news orginization. Fox news is a dictators dream.

    so commy you think move on is fair ? an organization that's funded by george soros. why dont you do your own research instead of getting your info from a far left hate organization. why don't you do you just sit down and actually watch fox for a day or two and then you can give your analysis. look people like you you can bash fox all you want the fact of the matter is people like you want this country to turn sharply to the left while people like me don't if I wanted a country like that I would move somewhere else
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Commy wrote:
    you have to be somewhat delusional if you think Fox news is anything close to fair or balanced. they towed the republican line for 8 years, absolute support for one of the worst administrations to ever run this country. absolute support. because they were republican.

    there is a movement to get Fox to remove the "fair and balanced" tag they display all the time, because its a lie. ... oxbush.htm claims that:

    # (Fox) Network management instructs line producers and correspondents to structure their coverage of events in a way that specifically promotes the positions of the Bush Administration and the Republican Party.

    # The network makes no effort whatsoever to achieve any semblance of balance on its many interview shows.

    # The network’s coverage of current events is grossly distorted and biased.

    A study of the interview show "Special Report with Brit Hume" for the last six months of 2003 concluded that conservative guests outnumbered progressive guests five to one; and a similar study of the program in 2002 concluded that conservative guests outnumbered progressive ones, 14 to one.

    really? fair and balanced?

    lately its changed. Since Obama took office they've been hysterical about the NWO and the threat the authorities pose to our freedom. (which there MAY be some truth to that) But if they had spent half this energy questioning the Bush admin we may not be in this mess, especially regarding his financial policies. but they don't have independent thought at Fox, they are as biased as they come. Bush good, Obama bad. they are practically hysterical about the "socialist slant" of the Obama admin (with almost no evidence) and seem to be ready to secede from the union.

    anywhere else in the world you couldn't get anything close to this kind of obedience, not in a totalitarian dictatorship, not from a news orginization. Fox news is a dictators dream.

    so commy you think move on is fair ? an organization that's funded by george soros. why dont you do your own research instead of getting your info from a far left hate organization. why don't you do you just sit down and actually watch fox for a day or two and then you can give your analysis. look people like you you can bash fox all you want the fact of the matter is people like you want this country to turn sharply to the left while people like me don't if I wanted a country like that I would move somewhere else

    I'm still waiting on those specific examples of hate from MSNBC. Have you ever thought that we formed our opinion on Fox from our own eyes and actually watched their opinion based programs? I know I have. I can't say Commy using is any different than Fox News having someone like Bill Kristol on their weekly panel.
  • look man I really don't need to prove any thing to you on this subject. Any FAIR MINDED PERSON can tell that Mathews and olbermann take cheap shots all the time like olbermann calling Roger Ailes a fat ass and what about all the stuff Mathews said about Hillary. and Ezra Klien a regular on hard ball sayig fuck Tim Russsert fuck him with a spiky acid tiped dick. :shock: :shock: :shock: Dude if thats not hate to you then....... :? and what about Ana Marie Cox who also appears on MSNBC saying"Russert resembles a manic depressive jelly bean :shock:
  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Commy wrote:
    you have to be somewhat delusional if you think Fox news is anything close to fair or balanced. they towed the republican line for 8 years, absolute support for one of the worst administrations to ever run this country. absolute support. because they were republican.

    there is a movement to get Fox to remove the "fair and balanced" tag they display all the time, because its a lie. ... oxbush.htm claims that:

    # (Fox) Network management instructs line producers and correspondents to structure their coverage of events in a way that specifically promotes the positions of the Bush Administration and the Republican Party.

    # The network makes no effort whatsoever to achieve any semblance of balance on its many interview shows.

    # The network’s coverage of current events is grossly distorted and biased.

    A study of the interview show "Special Report with Brit Hume" for the last six months of 2003 concluded that conservative guests outnumbered progressive guests five to one; and a similar study of the program in 2002 concluded that conservative guests outnumbered progressive ones, 14 to one.

    really? fair and balanced?

    lately its changed. Since Obama took office they've been hysterical about the NWO and the threat the authorities pose to our freedom. (which there MAY be some truth to that) But if they had spent half this energy questioning the Bush admin we may not be in this mess, especially regarding his financial policies. but they don't have independent thought at Fox, they are as biased as they come. Bush good, Obama bad. they are practically hysterical about the "socialist slant" of the Obama admin (with almost no evidence) and seem to be ready to secede from the union.

    anywhere else in the world you couldn't get anything close to this kind of obedience, not in a totalitarian dictatorship, not from a news orginization. Fox news is a dictators dream.

    so commy you think move on is fair ? an organization that's funded by george soros. why dont you do your own research instead of getting your info from a far left hate organization. why don't you do you just sit down and actually watch fox for a day or two and then you can give your analysis. look people like you you can bash fox all you want the fact of the matter is people like you want this country to turn sharply to the left while people like me don't if I wanted a country like that I would move somewhere else

    I'm still waiting on those specific examples of hate from MSNBC. Have you ever thought that we formed our opinion on Fox from our own eyes and actually watched their opinion based programs? I know I have. I can't say Commy using is any different than Fox News having someone like Bill Kristol on their weekly panel.

    evidence is evidence. conservative guests outnumbered progressives 14-1. that's important. it shows an obvious bias.

    and that's probably a tactic learned on Fox. if they can't deal with the information presented, they resort to personal attacks, or attack the group presenting the information. so moveon presents some information, instead of dealing with the facts you dismiss it out of hand. if you're a journalist its a GREAT way to only have to present the standard version of any event, without ever having to do any real investigating or research. and its typical of Fox.

    and all of this isn't from what I"ve read from random places over the years-I have watched Fox news, plenty. its worse than most mainstream media channels.

    their pro corporate message leaves no room for the message of protesters, especially anti war protesters. and environmentalists are barely given a platform. its a pro corporate/pro republican tool. and its SO goddamn obvious that I can't even believe we're discussing this.
  • Omg commy your so right what have I been thinking all this time :shock: thank you for opening my eyes :lol:

    obviously you don't watch because if you did you would know that fox especially O'Reilly will let anybody come on his show.The problem is that most anti war activist act like goddamn fools and they do nothing for their cause. Im a true believer in decent I just happen to think you can be respectful when doing so Is a matter of fact Phil Donahue was on Hannity just last week and Sean had nothing but good things to sat about BODY OF WAR. :shock: and even gave a plug (Holy shit it's the end of the fckn world as we know it) this is getting really old. the thing is commy fox is the only network where conservatives can have a voice without getting bashed for doing so, all the other networks are pro Obama and have a left wing agenda. so you and all the other lefties should be happy it's not the other way around :D
  • commy. what Im saying is MOVE ON.COM IS A FAR LEFT web site that pumps a lot of money into the democratic party that's funded by Goerge Soros. So do you really think that they are going to give Fox news a fair shake? I think not..After all they told all the democratic presidential candidates if they went on a debate hosted by fox that they would not endorse them and would not give them anymore donations.
  • Given to...Given to... Wyoming Posts: 4,997
    Fox is Fucked.

    Under 30's that have blind faith are Fucked.

    Open your ears, your eyes and your heart. Try to digest everything from the angle that you originally percieve, and for mental excersise, play devils advocate and question yourself. See if you still tune in nightly after about a week.

    Also, BBC is broadcast widely, even in Fox Nation... you dont have to be across the puddle to be informed.

    "...would you like some forks?" EV 12-02-06
  • Dead Man WalkingDead Man Walking Toronto-ish Posts: 2,762
    Has anyone posted this email that was sent to Fox/Brown Eye?
    From: "Cathie Brock"
    Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 01:54:11 -0400
    To: <>; <>; <>
    Subject: My ridiculous country

    Re: Fox - Red Eye Rant Against Canada

    In responding to ignorance, one has to steadfastly guard against judging everyone for the very bad behaviour of just a few. But today, it will take a little more effort, because today, we receive home 4 young men – fallen soldiers whose families have listened to their country and their military being mocked by a bunch of misspeaking yahoos in and around the same time period as they receive back their dead. I do not believe the comedic-challenged satirist ‘wannabe’ ignoramus from Fox’s Red Eye (Greg Gutball, or something) represents the majority of Americans. My fear, however, is that because so many Americans know so little about Canada and Canadians, the outrageous comments made by Mr. Gutgarp, (or something) will be accepted as factual by an unenlightened audience.

    Canada, known to Mr. What’s His Name as ‘that ridiculous Country’ received home four fallen heroes. They died in two separate incidents while serving in the American led war in Afghanistan. The mother of one of the soldier’s held her little baby as she watched her husband’s casket moved from the transport plane to a hearse and with great dignity and pride, she saluted her husband, her baby’s dad.

    Sadly, the Fox comedic-challenged satirist wannabe ignoramus and his silly band of followers did not realize that Canada – you know that ridiculous country with no army – actually has a higher proportionate loss than the Americans. And while I suspect the following approximate statistics re military deaths in Afghanistan are not important to ‘the most powerful nation in the universe’, please indulge me:

    U.S.A. 300,000,000 pop 667 military killed
    Canada 30,000,000 pop 116 military killed
    U.K. 60,000,000 pop 152 military killed

    Mr. Gutfeld, I know we’re not Americans – a cross we all have to bear in this ‘ridiculous country’, but we also are not the enemy. We are the A L L I E S. Our loss is no less and no more significant than American families losing a solider to war. The same goes for our policemen, who are some of the best in the world. This summer, more Canadian RCMP will be travelling to Afghanistan as police mentors. But not to worry, they will leave their red jackets and horses at home.

    You say you didn’t mean to show disrespect. I didn’t hear it that way. Your shtick wasn’t funny, your timing for a Canada bash was awful, and your lack of awareness of who is actually fighting this fight is quite unbelievable given that you are on a News station.

    So, today our soldiers will not get pedicures or manicures or run along beaches in white capris (???); rather some will fight, some will salute their fallen comrades, some will pack to go overseas to serve in the American led war in Afghanistan.

    In the meantime, I will go to a bridge and wave a flag and salute our fallen soldiers. We do that here in Canada. Every time a fallen soldier is repatriated, we stand on the bridges along the 401 Highway – now officially named Highway of Heroes. As the Hearses pass by on their way to the Coroner’s Office in Toronto, we cry and wave and salute and quietly thank our men and women for their ultimate service.

    Here is a link - Or, you can Google Highway of Heroes.

    I like a good laugh – but call me ‘ridiculous’ I just don’t think this or you was funny.

    I do not have Fox TV at this time but if I did it would be cancelled

    Just my opinion,
    Cathie Brock
    Home: 90
    Cell: 41

    Apparently she's been invited onto a few American radio stations today to speak...should be interesting to see where this goes...

    Sorry if this has already been posted but I thought those who are interested in this should know. My brother in-law is coming home in 10 days from Afghanistan and to hear this coming out of someone who people "listen to" is truly scary...
  • Dead Man WalkingDead Man Walking Toronto-ish Posts: 2,762
    Another update...Not sure if anyone other than me cares about this...
    Shaw gives Canadians chance to turn off Fox News channel over military slight
    Thu, 2009-05-14 16:59.
    CALGARY - Some Canadian television viewers still steamed over the country's military being trashed on a Fox News show two months ago will be able to keep the channel out of their homes.

    Fox News is beamed into the homes of about 700,000 Shaw Communications customers.

    The Fox News Red Eye show, which in March featured a group of pundits taking turns trashing Canada and its reliability as an ally, caused a national uproar, with the Canadian government calling it "despicable" and "disgusting."

    Shaw Communications President Peter Bissonnette said customers now will have the option of having Fox News removed from their programming and replaced with another channel at no extra cost.

    He said although viewers don't have to watch it, for many it has become a "moral issue" and they don't want it coming into their homes.

    Host Greg Gutfeld, who said Red Eye is a satiric take on the news, issued an apology after controversy swirled around the talk-show segment, which was taped just before four more Canadian soldiers died in Afghanistan.

    Bissonnette said Shaw contractually is required to offer Fox News so cancelling it was not an option.
  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    prfctlefts wrote:
    commy. what Im saying is MOVE ON.COM IS A FAR LEFT web site that pumps a lot of money into the democratic party that's funded by Goerge Soros. So do you really think that they are going to give Fox news a fair shake? I think not..After all they told all the democratic presidential candidates if they went on a debate hosted by fox that they would not endorse them and would not give them anymore donations.
    I agree, move.on is a left wing mouthpiece, but the facts are no less accurate because of that. check them.

    my point is Fox is not fair and balanced. I think i proved that.

    edit: yes Dead Man Walking, still interested. thanks.
  • WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
    Commy wrote:
    prfctlefts wrote:
    commy. what Im saying is MOVE ON.COM IS A FAR LEFT web site that pumps a lot of money into the democratic party that's funded by Goerge Soros. So do you really think that they are going to give Fox news a fair shake? I think not..After all they told all the democratic presidential candidates if they went on a debate hosted by fox that they would not endorse them and would not give them anymore donations.
    I agree, move.on is a left wing mouthpiece, but the facts are no less accurate because of that. check them.

    my point is Fox is not fair and balanced. I think i proved that.

    edit: yes Dead Man Walking, still interested. thanks.

    That's your opinion but you are wrong their ratings speak for them selves more and more people are turning to fox. Fox and friends 8:00 am is beating chris Mathews at 8:00 pm by the tens of thousands. The point is Fox is fair and Balanced.
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Commy wrote:
    prfctlefts wrote:
    commy. what Im saying is MOVE ON.COM IS A FAR LEFT web site that pumps a lot of money into the democratic party that's funded by Goerge Soros. So do you really think that they are going to give Fox news a fair shake? I think not..After all they told all the democratic presidential candidates if they went on a debate hosted by fox that they would not endorse them and would not give them anymore donations.
    I agree, move.on is a left wing mouthpiece, but the facts are no less accurate because of that. check them.

    my point is Fox is not fair and balanced. I think i proved that.

    edit: yes Dead Man Walking, still interested. thanks.

    That's your opinion but you are wrong their ratings speak for them selves more and more people are turning to fox. Fox and friends 8:00 am is beating chris Mathews at 8:00 pm by the tens of thousands. The point is Fox is fair and Balanced.

    Soooo...because they have high ratings that means they are fair and balanced? Look, people who watch Fox News or MSNBC watch it because they will hear what they want to hear. Fox will tell you Democrats are ruining the country, and MSNBC will tell you that Republicans fucked it up. Say what you want about the ratings, but I think the last couple rounds of elections speak louder than ratings. Americans don't want a far right government. Eventually the Dems will reach too far to the left and people will reject that. Maybe people will come to their senses and elect some centrists.
  • WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
    Would it be a surprise to you that most of the people who work for the fox news channel actually voted for obama. It's true. you make a good point but the facts are that a lot of people including Dems are turning to fox becuase they are tired of all the hate from the far left. when was the last time you saw someone like M.savage on fox. See that's the thing Fox doesn't traffic in hate like MSNBC. just THE OTHER NIGHT C. Matthews was making fun of Sarah Palin. b/c she got a book deal. He said " You mean this woman can actually read" That may be funny to some people but some like me think comments like that are totally unnecessary. Fox doesn't trash people. They report the facts.
  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Would it be a surprise to you that most of the people who work for the fox news channel actually voted for obama. It's true. you make a good point but the facts are that a lot of people including Dems are turning to fox becuase they are tired of all the hate from the far left. when was the last time you saw someone like M.savage on fox. See that's the thing Fox doesn't traffic in hate like MSNBC. just THE OTHER NIGHT C. Matthews was making fun of Sarah Palin. b/c she got a book deal. He said " You mean this woman can actually read" That may be funny to some people but some like me think comments like that are totally unnecessary. Fox doesn't trash people. They report the facts.


    just anti war protesters/democrats/left wing in general/vegetarians/Canada etc....

    I"m not disputing Fox's accuracy in reporting-how they report those facts is the issue.

    When there's a clash between Israeli's and Palestinians (or when Israel attacks)...

    Fox will report on the Israeli casualties much more extensively than the Palestinian, giving the impression that the Israeli's are the victims, shaping public opinion. They do that with every issue, putting a right wing slant on the issues.

    That's from FAIR, a once respectable news watchdog group, that has since apparently stopped investigating. But they've proven a bias in the past.

    Or when fox asked the following question ,

    "Who would be the most likely to cheat at cards-- Bill Clinton or Al Gore?"--Fox News Channel/Opinion Dynamics poll (5/00)

    the question implies they both cheat at cards, but looks for who is more likely to cheat. another form of shaping opinion.

    Or this,

    Fox News Channel is "not a conservative network!" roars Fox News Channel chairman Ailes. "I absolutely, totally deny it. . . . The fact is that Rupert [Murdoch] and I and, by the way, the vast majority of the American people, believe that most of the news tilts to the left," he says. Fox's mission is "to provide a little more balance to the news" and "to go cover some stories that the mainstream media won't cover."--Brill's Content (10/99) quoting Roger Ailes.


    According to them there is a liberal slant in the news, and their mission is to "balance" that slant. How else do you balance a liberal bias except with a right wing bias?

    or this

    Hume commented on Fox (5/29/01) that "no one with an economics degree that I know" would support price caps for California.

    In fact, 10 prominent mainstream economists wrote a letter to George W. Bush endorsing the idea. "We are mindful of the potential dangers of applying a simple price cap," they wrote (New York Times, 5/30/01). "But California's electricity markets are not characterized by effective competition."

    and on and on.

    Its not fair and blaanced. its biased. like all mainstream media. and its not really a secret. everyone knows this,. I"m not saying don't watch it, although you really shouldn't , just keep in mind they have as much of a bias for your side as the MSNBC's and so on have for the left.

    by the way. its all a game. its ALL distraction. The real threat in media is its use by the government to manufacture consent. The left wing/right wing argument is bullshit. Media is a tool used by government, to shape public opinion. The rest distracts us from what's important.
  • g under pg under p Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
    prfctlefts wrote:
    It sure is funny how so many people mostly under 30 bash fox news all the time ,but never give any thing specific. If fox news is so bad why do they trump every other cable news network when it comes to ratings? Why did more Americans watch fox including Democrats during all the campaign coverage ? Is because maybe they are fair and balanced.Is it becuase they don't traffic in hate all the time like some of the other networks?

    Simply because many wanted to watch the anchors on Fox News squirm in their seats as a Democrat took The White House. Especially with it being an African American. Whose to blame for Obama's election and the looks on the faces of SHannity and others George W. Bush. Without him there's no BHO as President.

    *We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti

    *MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
    .....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti

    *The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)

  • WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
    g under p wrote:
    prfctlefts wrote:
    It sure is funny how so many people mostly under 30 bash fox news all the time ,but never give any thing specific. If fox news is so bad why do they trump every other cable news network when it comes to ratings? Why did more Americans watch fox including Democrats during all the campaign coverage ? Is because maybe they are fair and balanced.Is it becuase they don't traffic in hate all the time like some of the other networks?

    Simply because many wanted to watch the anchors on Fox News squirm in their seats as a Democrat took The White House. Especially with it being an African American. Whose to blame for Obama's election and the looks on the faces of SHannity and others George W. Bush. Without him there's no BHO as President.

    The election is over and their ratings still trump the other networks daily. you can say what you want about fox.all you libs are the same when you cant except the truth. you make stupid comments like this.
  • g under pg under p Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
    prfctlefts wrote:
    g under p wrote:
    prfctlefts wrote:
    It sure is funny how so many people mostly under 30 bash fox news all the time ,but never give any thing specific. If fox news is so bad why do they trump every other cable news network when it comes to ratings? Why did more Americans watch fox including Democrats during all the campaign coverage ? Is because maybe they are fair and balanced.Is it becuase they don't traffic in hate all the time like some of the other networks?

    Simply because many wanted to watch the anchors on Fox News squirm in their seats as a Democrat took The White House. Especially with it being an African American. Whose to blame for Obama's election and the looks on the faces of SHannity and others George W. Bush. Without him there's no BHO as President.

    The election is over and their ratings still trump the other networks daily. you can say what you want about fox.all you libs are the same when you cant except the truth. you make stupid comments like this.

    Don't be so quick to assume, I watch Fox News just to take their style of reporting, I didn't vote for BHO and it's not a stupid comment because it is true well at least here in Washington DC. Which from what I can see is in the high 90's Democratic here in DC.

    I'm an Independent, thank you.

    *We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti

    *MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
    .....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti

    *The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)

  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    prfctlefts wrote:
    See that's the thing Fox doesn't traffic in hate like MSNBC.

    I'm pretty sure I see Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter on FN on a pretty regular basis. Yeah, that's not FNC trafficing in the hate at all.
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    It's funny to see people argue back and forth about the validity to liberal mainstream news networks and conservative ones. Fact is, everything under the "mainstream" tent is not telling us the facts, and people are choosing networks to listen to which are in line to, and validate, their viewpoints.

    The whole mainstream news in America is an absolute joke, and anyone who believes what they hear coming from an industry that's become a circus, reporting entertainment news as big news, etc., should really stop and question what's fact and what's fiction. FoxNews is NOT fair and balanced, (far from it) and the others have their biased agendas. If you want news, look at international news which has no reason to be bias toward American news. And then weigh it all and come to your own conclusions using critical thinking and questioning as to what's really going on in the world, and question what's just being told to us to have us simply believe what we're being told.

    Journalism has changed A LOT in the past 30 years, and journalists don't dig for the truth anymore. They do as they're told by their corporate employers...or they're out of a job. You have to search for independent journalism for real news.
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