Fox News / Red Eye - i feel sorry for my American friends

haffajappahaffajappa British Columbia Posts: 5,955
edited November 2009 in A Moving Train
1) because of the mass media that obviously pumps ethnocentric ignorant stereotypes and stupid information into the minds of the weaker, ignorant people...
2) because idiots like that who make Americans look bad and ignorant and ethnocentric and gives all Americans the reputation that they have...
live pearl jam is best pearl jam
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • SolarWorldSolarWorld Posts: 1,902
    Bill 'O is an unstable person... his recent stunt is interesting

    BTW dont feel sorry for us... a lot of people think Fox News is a joke.
  • haffajappahaffajappa British Columbia Posts: 5,955
    SolarWorld wrote:
    Bill 'O is an unstable person... his recent stunt is interesting

    BTW dont feel sorry for us... a lot of people think Fox News is a joke.
    hahaha i know, its the ones that take it seriously... its so sad...
    live pearl jam is best pearl jam
  • WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
    edited March 2009
    SolarWorld wrote:
    Bill 'O is an unstable person... his recent stunt is interesting

    BTW dont feel sorry for us... a lot of people think Fox News is a joke.

    yeah but more people think msnbc is a joke just look at their ratings :lol:
    Post edited by WaveCameCrashin on
  • It sure is funny how so many people mostly under 30 bash fox news all the time ,but never give any thing specific. If fox news is so bad why do they trump every other cable news network when it comes to ratings? Why did more Americans watch fox including Democrats during all the campaign coverage ? Is because maybe they are fair and balanced.Is it becuase they don't traffic in hate all the time like some of the other networks?
  • haffajappahaffajappa British Columbia Posts: 5,955
    prfctlefts wrote:
    It sure is funny how so many people mostly under 30 bash fox news all the time ,but never give any thing specific. If fox news is so bad why do they trump every other cable news network when it comes to ratings? Why did more Americans watch fox including Democrats during all the campaign coverage ? Is because maybe they are fair and balanced.Is it becuase they don't traffic in hate all the time like some of the other networks?
    well the red eye incident is pretty specific..........
    live pearl jam is best pearl jam
    From a blog I wrote earlier today, entitled, "Call to action: Boycott Mainstream Media and their Advertisers"

    Times are tough. It's hard to take off of work anymore, let alone STRIKE-- although, as evidenced by these "tea parties" sprouting up around the country, I feel we are getting close to real action to protest the absurd policies of our government at all levels.

    In the meantime though, I propose what I feel will be a very effective boycott, as it actually takes a lack of effort on our parts to pull it off:

    Boycott mainstream media. Period. It's time to stop lying to ourselves. It's time to realize that Fox News presents the problem as A, MSNBC presents the problem as B, but the real problem is that neither Fox News and MSNBC do not expose "C," the illusion of a false two party paradigm... Why? Because it is their job to perpetrate it. It is their job to make you think that George W. Bush and Barack Obama are any different from each other, when in fact, they are not. They work for the same people, and that is not you or I. Notice how all of the Republicans in Congress are up in arms about the massive increases in spending since Obama has come into office... The question is, where were they for the last eight years, when W. orchestrated the largest expansion of our Federal Government since FDR (a Democrat)? They were nowhere to be found. The fact of the matter is ladies in gentlemen, these people write bills that we can't even read until after they are passed, and none of which benefit the backbone of this country: people who actually WORK for a living.

    Here are two scenarios for you, I challenge you to find the difference in either of these:

    1) The Democrats propose a spending bill for which will cost $10 Billion Dollars of our taxpayer money (probably for social programs) which again, will be paid back to banks or China with interest, since we borrow it. The Republicans rail against it-- "It costs too much! What are you doing to the taxpayer here???!!!???" If they did their job, the bill would be defeated, or, at least trimmed up to the sum of something less than $10 billion. But then something magical happens. They are allowed to make amendments to the bill that allow them to line the pockets of their friend's businesses (probably defense contractors). The new bill is now worth $20 billion, and both parties have no problems passing it since there is something in it for everyone. That's right, The Dems said $10 billion from the people, the Repubs said $0 from the people, but they compromise on $20 billion for their cronies, plus interest payments to the lender (The Fed, China, or another foreign country which we shouldn't allow to OWN US by indebting ourselves to them), out of the working class' pockets in taxpayer money.

    2) The Republicans propose a spending bill for which will cost $10 Billion Dollars of our taxpayer money (probably for defense) which again, will be paid back to banks or China with interest, since we borrow it. The Democrats rail against it-- "It costs too much! What are you doing to the taxpayer here???!!!???" If they did their job, the bill would be defeated, or, at least trimmed up to the sum of something less than $10 billion. But then something magical happens. They are allowed to make amendments to the bill that allow them to line the pockets of their friend's businesses (probably social programs). The new bill is now worth $20 billion, and both parties have no problems passing it since there is something in it for everyone. That's right, The Repubs said $10 billion from the people, the Dems said $0 from the people, but they compromise on $20 billion for their cronies, plus interest payments to the lender (The Fed, China, or another foreign country which we shouldn't allow to OWN US by indebting ourselves to them), out of the working class' pockets in taxpayer money.

    Ahh, remember the good old days? When BILLIONS seemed like a lot of money? Now we are throwing around TRILLIONS like it's chump change. Dollar collapse, anyone?

    Again, where is the media in all of this? They only exist to push the highlights of the bill that represents "their" party, and demonize the parts of the bill that do not fall into line with their political beliefs. Regardless, a compromise will be reached that just screws US in the end. True to form, both "sides" of the media are guilty of ramming it down your throat as the panacea, or the biggest outrage of the century. Whatever sells more. The results are still the same.

    Keep in mind, this is when they actually report this "news." Most of the time, I can turn on E!, actually called ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION, and see the exact same stories on CNBC! At least on E!, they take a break once in a while to show you that Hugh Hefner is still flanked by hot blonde girls and loves it. CNBC DOESN'T. FOX DOESN'T. etc...

    The question is, what sneaky piece of legislation is being passed while we hear about Jennifer Aniston's new "beau"? What is not being covered when they are seriously giving air time to a BIGFOOT hoax story? In those times, you must read between the lines with a magnifying glass.

    What do you have to gain by boycotting the mainstream media? EVERYTHING. If the last year has taught us anything, it's that we don't need all the stuff that we buy. Boycotting the news means boycotting the products sold during commercials on the news. Maybe life would be less depressing if you didn't have anti-depressant commercials constantly telling you that your life is depressing. Seriously, listen to how they try to sell you on these things, "Do you wake up tired in the morning? If so, you may be suffering from depression..." Uhh... who doesn't wake up TIRED in the morning? Show me one person that springs out of bed like they have a rocket up their ass every morning, and I promise to pay full attention to one whole minute of your two minute legalized-heroin commercial.

    This goes for the newspaper also. Stop subscribing to them. They're not worth the paper they're printed on, kind of like the dollar. Actually, I'd say 1 dollar bill for a newspaper is about the most even exchange you can find for anything anywhere these days.

    If you want the truth, you have to dig for it. If you want BS, check channels 1 thru 1,000. There's ALMOST 2 different varieties of manure out there!
  • 1) because of the mass media that obviously pumps ethnocentric ignorant stereotypes and stupid information into the minds of the weaker, ignorant people...
    2) because idiots like that who make Americans look bad and ignorant and ethnocentric and gives all Americans the reputation that they have...

    please... most Americans can think for themselves. the last thing we need is Canadians feeling sorry for us or any other country for that matter. Also if you dont like O'Reilly its ok I respect your opinion, but the man is no idiot . Hot head yes but definitely not an idiot He was the only person besides Tim Russert who asked real questions when he interviewed Hillary, Obama, and Mccain. Most people wouldn't stand a chance in a debate with bill especially in this forum .
  • prfctlefts wrote:
    It sure is funny how so many people mostly under 30 bash fox news all the time ,but never give any thing specific. If fox news is so bad why do they trump every other cable news network when it comes to ratings? Why did more Americans watch fox including Democrats during all the campaign coverage ? Is because maybe they are fair and balanced.Is it becuase they don't traffic in hate all the time like some of the other networks?
    well the red eye incident is pretty specific..........

    Im sorry but I dont know what you're referring to
  • JT103466JT103466 Posts: 2
    prfctlefts wrote:
    1) because of the mass media that obviously pumps ethnocentric ignorant stereotypes and stupid information into the minds of the weaker, ignorant people...
    2) because idiots like that who make Americans look bad and ignorant and ethnocentric and gives all Americans the reputation that they have...

    please... most Americans can think for themselves. the last thing we need is Canadians feeling sorry for us or any other country for that matter. Also if you dont like O'Reilly its ok I respect your opinion, but the man is no idiot . Hot head yes but definitely not an idiot He was the only person besides Tim Russert who asked real questions when he interviewed Hillary, Obama, and Mccain. Most people wouldn't stand a chance in a debate with bill especially in this forum .

    I take exception with you mentioning Tim Russert and Bill O'Reilly together as if they are birds of a feather. Russert was a fantastic objective journalist that was able to pin down his interview subjects with difficult, but respectful questions. He sought to get to the heart of the matter and asked the questions we all wanted answered. When people went onto his show, they knew they would be tested, but not unfairly slammed. On the other hand, O'Reilly is a self-loving, self-promoting hothead with a partisan agenda. He calls anyone that does not agree with his opinion a pinhead and gives his guest no respect, unless they fall in line and agree with his conservative slant. I disagree that others can't hold their own with Bill in a debate - they could in a real debate where a question is posed and both parties are given time to respond. When others fail in a so-called "debate" is when they are pitted against him on his show. In that format, he asks his guest a loaded question, then before they can respond, he disrespectfully talks over them and makes his point. That is NOT a debate.

    I was greatly saddened by Russert's passing. It was a huge loss for objective journalism and I have yet to see a replacement for him emerge. He was a class act. O'Reilly has moments when he actually sounds like a real journalist, but they are quickly cut short by his unyielding, unobjective partisan slant - the axe he feels he has to grind on every show.

    The closest we have to another Russert today is Jon Stewart, host of the 30 minute comedic talk show, "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart". While Stewart says he would rather be cracking fart jokes, it shows you how poorly our news media is serving the public when Comedy Central does a better job of investigative reporting than do the news media. Watch his recent interview with Jim Cramer as well as others, including O'Reilly.
  • JT103466JT103466 Posts: 2
    prfctlefts wrote:
    prfctlefts wrote:
    It sure is funny how so many people mostly under 30 bash fox news all the time ,but never give any thing specific. If fox news is so bad why do they trump every other cable news network when it comes to ratings? Why did more Americans watch fox including Democrats during all the campaign coverage ? Is because maybe they are fair and balanced.Is it becuase they don't traffic in hate all the time like some of the other networks?
    well the red eye incident is pretty specific..........

    Im sorry but I dont know what you're referring to

    "In a five-minute segment broadcast March 17, 2009, Gutfeld and his panel mocked the Canadian military's mission in Afghanistan, noting Canadian Lieutenant General Andrew Leslie's recent comment that the military may require a one year "synchronized break" once Canada's mission in Afghanistan ends in 2011. "Meaning, the Canadian military wants to take a breather to do some yoga, paint landscapes, run on the beach in gorgeous white Capri pants," Gutfeld said. "I didn't even know they were in the war," panelist Doug Benson added. "I thought that's where you go if you don't want to fight. Go chill in Canada."

    Canadian soldiers have been fighting in Afghanistan since early 2002 and have (as of the date of the segment's broadcast) lost 116 soldiers during the mission, the highest casualty rate among allied nations in the conflict.

    Subsequently, Canadian Defence Minister Peter MacKay called on Fox to apologize for the derogatory Red Eye comments, describing the remarks as "despicable, hurtful and ignorant". Greg Gutfeld issued an apology shortly thereafter."

    So MacKay described the Red Eye comments as "despicable, hurtful and ignorant"... Isn't that an accurate description of everthing on the FOX network? ;)
  • lukin2006lukin2006 Posts: 9,087
    1) because of the mass media that obviously pumps ethnocentric ignorant stereotypes and stupid information into the minds of the weaker, ignorant people...
    2) because idiots like that who make Americans look bad and ignorant and ethnocentric and gives all Americans the reputation that they have...
    We had Liberal MP's under Jean Chretian say some very unflattering things about the Bush administration in which is far worse than a panel of news readers who job it is to bring a humor to the news. People need to take a chill pill and lighten up. I would never judge Americans based on something like this.
    I have certain rules I live by ... My First Rule ... I don't believe anything the government tells me ... George Carlin

    "Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
  • lukin2006lukin2006 Posts: 9,087
    prfctlefts wrote:
    1) because of the mass media that obviously pumps ethnocentric ignorant stereotypes and stupid information into the minds of the weaker, ignorant people...
    2) because idiots like that who make Americans look bad and ignorant and ethnocentric and gives all Americans the reputation that they have...

    please... most Americans can think for themselves. the last thing we need is Canadians feeling sorry for us or any other country for that matter. Also if you dont like O'Reilly its ok I respect your opinion, but the man is no idiot . Hot head yes but definitely not an idiot He was the only person besides Tim Russert who asked real questions when he interviewed Hillary, Obama, and Mccain. Most people wouldn't stand a chance in a debate with bill especially in this forum .
    Well said and I agree, I find Bill one of the few in the media who give credit no matter whether its a Republican or Democrat and he'll also criticize both sides. I for one like Bill and for that matter Fox news.
    I have certain rules I live by ... My First Rule ... I don't believe anything the government tells me ... George Carlin

    "Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
  • Drowned OutDrowned Out Posts: 6,056
    It's funny, I've heard a million opinions on this now - it's everywhere...the only people truly offended are people that are no different than the people making the comments (ie: ignorant and lacking humour).
    I couldn't care less what those clowns think of Canada.

    Yesterday I heard a caller on the radio say, after calling himself a 'true redneck Albertan', that he "better not run into any Americans for the next three months....they can paint us with a brush, I can paint them with my fist"....:roll:

    Sometimes I wish I was a total hermit...this is such typical, overhyped media was at 3am, it was a horribly unfunny joke, and it's turned into an ironic chorus of idiots perpetuating stereotypes....these guys perpetuate the ignorant american stereotype by making the stereotypical Canadian we've got our rednecks trying to out-ignorant the ignorant americans...they cancelled the guys stand up performance in Edmonton because the comedy club was getting death threats on his behalf...what a joke. There are idiots everywhere....LOTS of them.
  • lukin2006lukin2006 Posts: 9,087
    It's funny, I've heard a million opinions on this now - it's everywhere...the only people truly offended are people that are no different than the people making the comments (ie: ignorant and lacking humour).
    I couldn't care less what those clowns think of Canada.

    Yesterday I heard a caller on the radio say, after calling himself a 'true redneck Albertan', that he "better not run into any Americans for the next three months....they can paint us with a brush, I can paint them with my fist"....:roll:

    Sometimes I wish I was a total hermit...this is such typical, overhyped media was at 3am, it was a horribly unfunny joke, and it's turned into an ironic chorus of idiots perpetuating stereotypes....these guys perpetuate the ignorant american stereotype by making the stereotypical Canadian we've got our rednecks trying to out-ignorant the ignorant americans...they cancelled the guys stand up performance in Edmonton because the comedy club was getting death threats on his behalf...what a joke. There are idiots everywhere....LOTS of them.
    No nationality has being an idiot cornered
    I have certain rules I live by ... My First Rule ... I don't believe anything the government tells me ... George Carlin

    "Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
  • Drowned OutDrowned Out Posts: 6,056
    lukin2006 wrote:
    No nationality has being an idiot cornered

    Exactly my was bash-America day, ALL day on the radio was embarassing. I criticize American policy all the time (Canadian too, no country has corruption cornered either), but I dont get why people get so worked up over someone they`ve probably never even heard of, let alone met...
    That`s another stereotype that`s bein perpetuated...the insecure Canadian that is WAY too sensitive about the opinions Americans have of us...
  • lukin2006lukin2006 Posts: 9,087
    lukin2006 wrote:
    No nationality has being an idiot cornered

    Exactly my was bash-America day, ALL day on the radio was embarassing. I criticize American policy all the time (Canadian too, no country has corruption cornered either), but I dont get why people get so worked up over someone they`ve probably never even heard of, let alone met...
    That`s another stereotype that`s bein perpetuated...the insecure Canadian that is WAY too sensitive about the opinions Americans have of us...
    Agreed. No country is perfect or are her citizens. I don't get why people feel the need to always bash Americans, I hear it all the time. You can disagree with the US policies with out bashing US citizens, most of us no matter where we live have very little input into government policies.

    I have traveled in the US quite a bit and have always had good experience's and and I find Americans extremely friendly and engaging.
    I have certain rules I live by ... My First Rule ... I don't believe anything the government tells me ... George Carlin

    "Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    prfctlefts wrote:
    It sure is funny how so many people mostly under 30 bash fox news all the time ,but never give any thing specific. If fox news is so bad why do they trump every other cable news network when it comes to ratings? Why did more Americans watch fox including Democrats during all the campaign coverage ? Is because maybe they are fair and balanced.Is it becuase they don't traffic in hate all the time like some of the other networks?

    There are tons of specific reasons to bash fox news. They are so desperate to make a partisan point that they cherry pick information and, when that isn't enough, they flat-out lie. Just because they tell you they're "fair and balanced" doesn't mean they actually are. Wake the hell up. They exist to parrot the GOP talking points of the day.

    Why do they trump every other cable network when it comes to ratings? Well, why was "Paul Blart: Mall Cop" an enormous blockbuster hit? Unfortunately, there are a lot of ignorant people.
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    prfctlefts wrote:
    1) because of the mass media that obviously pumps ethnocentric ignorant stereotypes and stupid information into the minds of the weaker, ignorant people...
    2) because idiots like that who make Americans look bad and ignorant and ethnocentric and gives all Americans the reputation that they have...

    please... most Americans can think for themselves. the last thing we need is Canadians feeling sorry for us or any other country for that matter. Also if you dont like O'Reilly its ok I respect your opinion, but the man is no idiot . Hot head yes but definitely not an idiot He was the only person besides Tim Russert who asked real questions when he interviewed Hillary, Obama, and Mccain. Most people wouldn't stand a chance in a debate with bill especially in this forum .

    Bill O'Reilly is a belligerent asshole.
  • JT103466 wrote:
    prfctlefts wrote:
    1) because of the mass media that obviously pumps ethnocentric ignorant stereotypes and stupid information into the minds of the weaker, ignorant people...
    2) because idiots like that who make Americans look bad and ignorant and ethnocentric and gives all Americans the reputation that they have...

    please... most Americans can think for themselves. the last thing we need is Canadians feeling sorry for us or any other country for that matter. Also if you dont like O'Reilly its ok I respect your opinion, but the man is no idiot . Hot head yes but definitely not an idiot He was the only person besides Tim Russert who asked real questions when he interviewed Hillary, Obama, and Mccain. Most people wouldn't stand a chance in a debate with bill especially in this forum .

    I take exception with you mentioning Tim Russert and Bill O'Reilly together as if they are birds of a feather. Russert was a fantastic objective journalist that was able to pin down his interview subjects with difficult, but respectful questions. He sought to get to the heart of the matter and asked the questions we all wanted answered. When people went onto his show, they knew they would be tested, but not unfairly slammed. On the other hand, O'Reilly is a self-loving, self-promoting hothead with a partisan agenda. He calls anyone that does not agree with his opinion a pinhead and gives his guest no respect, unless they fall in line and agree with his conservative slant. I disagree that others can't hold their own with Bill in a debate - they could in a real debate where a question is posed and both parties are given time to respond. When others fail in a so-called "debate" is when they are pitted against him on his show. In that format, he asks his guest a loaded question, then before they can respond, he disrespectfully talks over them and makes his point. That is NOT a debate.

    I was greatly saddened by Russert's passing. It was a huge loss for objective journalism and I have yet to see a replacement for him emerge. He was a class act. O'Reilly has moments when he actually sounds like a real journalist, but they are quickly cut short by his unyielding, unobjective partisan slant - the axe he feels he has to grind on every show.

    The closest we have to another Russert today is Jon Stewart, host of the 30 minute comedic talk show, "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart". While Stewart says he would rather be cracking fart jokes, it shows you how poorly our news media is serving the public when Comedy Central does a better job of investigative reporting than do the news media. Watch his recent interview with Jim Cramer as well as others, including O'Reilly.

    I think you need to lay off the nugs :roll:
    please dont insult Mr .Russert or his family by comparing him to Jon Stewart .the daily show is nothing but satire If you think thats journalisism, you're crazy
  • prfctlefts wrote:
    It sure is funny how so many people mostly under 30 bash fox news all the time ,but never give any thing specific. If fox news is so bad why do they trump every other cable news network when it comes to ratings? Why did more Americans watch fox including Democrats during all the campaign coverage ? Is because maybe they are fair and balanced.Is it becuase they don't traffic in hate all the time like some of the other networks?

    There are tons of specific reasons to bash fox news. They are so desperate to make a partisan point that they cherry pick information and, when that isn't enough, they flat-out lie. Just because they tell you they're "fair and balanced" doesn't mean they actually are. Wake the hell up. They exist to parrot the GOP talking points of the day.

    Why do they trump every other cable network when it comes to ratings? Well, why was "Paul Blart: Mall Cop" an enormous blockbuster hit? Unfortunately, there are a lot of ignorant people.

    you say that fox news lies but yet you cant give one example can you? all you can do is bitch and moan wah wah wah :lol:
  • lukin2006 wrote:
    No nationality has being an idiot cornered

    Exactly my was bash-America day, ALL day on the radio was embarassing. I criticize American policy all the time (Canadian too, no country has corruption cornered either), but I dont get why people get so worked up over someone they`ve probably never even heard of, let alone met...
    That`s another stereotype that`s bein perpetuated...the insecure Canadian that is WAY too sensitive about the opinions Americans have of us...

    It's freakin satire people calm down :roll:
    and you know what else . most people are sleeping when RED EYE comes on. it airs at 3am est
  • JT103466 wrote:
    prfctlefts wrote:
    1) because of the mass media that obviously pumps ethnocentric ignorant stereotypes and stupid information into the minds of the weaker, ignorant people...
    2) because idiots like that who make Americans look bad and ignorant and ethnocentric and gives all Americans the reputation that they have...

    please... most Americans can think for themselves. the last thing we need is Canadians feeling sorry for us or any other country for that matter. Also if you dont like O'Reilly its ok I respect your opinion, but the man is no idiot . Hot head yes but definitely not an idiot He was the only person besides Tim Russert who asked real questions when he interviewed Hillary, Obama, and Mccain. Most people wouldn't stand a chance in a debate with bill especially in this forum .

    I take exception with you mentioning Tim Russert and Bill O'Reilly together as if they are birds of a feather. Russert was a fantastic objective journalist that was able to pin down his interview subjects with difficult, but respectful questions. He sought to get to the heart of the matter and asked the questions we all wanted answered. When people went onto his show, they knew they would be tested, but not unfairly slammed. On the other hand, O'Reilly is a self-loving, self-promoting hothead with a partisan agenda. He calls anyone that does not agree with his opinion a pinhead and gives his guest no respect, unless they fall in line and agree with his conservative slant. I disagree that others can't hold their own with Bill in a debate - they could in a real debate where a question is posed and both parties are given time to respond. When others fail in a so-called "debate" is when they are pitted against him on his show. In that format, he asks his guest a loaded question, then before they can respond, he disrespectfully talks over them and makes his point. That is NOT a debate.

    I was greatly saddened by Russert's passing. It was a huge loss for objective journalism and I have yet to see a replacement for him emerge. He was a class act. O'Reilly has moments when he actually sounds like a real journalist, but they are quickly cut short by his unyielding, unobjective partisan slant - the axe he feels he has to grind on every show.

    The closest we have to another Russert today is Jon Stewart, host of the 30 minute comedic talk show, "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart". While Stewart says he would rather be cracking fart jokes, it shows you how poorly our news media is serving the public when Comedy Central does a better job of investigative reporting than do the news media. Watch his recent interview with Jim Cramer as well as others, including O'Reilly.

    your analysis is wrong about bill, He's looking out for people you just dont like him personally which is cool I respect that but with all due respct you don't know what you're talking about. just becuase STEWART actually reported on an issue that matters for once dosent make him a jounalist. He's a comedian
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    prfctlefts wrote:
    you say that fox news lies but yet you cant give one example can you? all you can do is bitch and moan wah wah wah :lol:

    :roll: A few recent examples of lies from Fox News:

    Discussing what he claimed was evidence of "the biggest power grab," Hannity falsely asserted, "They have asked for, in just the last week, the Obama administration, the right to limit executive pay even for companies that are not getting a bailout." In fact, in his March 24 written testimony before the House Financial Services Committee, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner made clear that in referring to restrictions on employee compensation, he was talking only about "financial institutions that are receiving government assistance." Indeed, during the March 24 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs explicitly rejected the claim that the administration sought to "put a cap" on executive salaries at firms not receiving bailout funds, stating: "There are not plans to do something broad like that."


    Neil Cavuto and Bret Baier falsely claimed that the Employee Free Choice Act would, in Baier's words, "do away with the secret ballot in votes to unionize." In fact, as The Christian Science Monitor noted, EFCA would give "workers a choice of forming a union through majority sign-up ... or an election by secret ballot."


    Recently, they aired a clip of Joe Biden saying "the fundamentals of the economy are strong". You might remember those words that, essentially, ended McCain's hopes for the presidency... Fox used it to point out that the Obama administration was now using those exact words and to underscore that McCain had, apparently, been correct when he made that assertion last September. However, the footage they were showing that featured Joe Biden saying those words was from a campaign event, during which Joe Biden was quoting John McCain. Oops! They got caught and had to apologize on air. I'm sure it was an honest mistake. :roll:


    Not sure if you've been following the bullshit about that O'Rielly is pushing, but he is clearly in the wrong.


    Fox News aired a promotion for a broadcast of Hannity that falsely claimed: "Obama pushes a plan that could force vets to pay through the roof for health coverage." In fact, the White House has stated it does not support a provision previously under consideration that would have billed military veterans' private insurance companies for treatment of their combat-related injuries performed at Veterans Administration hospitals.

    There are many more examples, but I'm bored.
  • WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
    edited March 2009
    prfctlefts wrote:
    you say that fox news lies but yet you cant give one example can you? all you can do is bitch and moan wah wah wah :lol:

    :roll: A few recent examples of lies from Fox News:

    Discussing what he claimed was evidence of "the biggest power grab," Hannity falsely asserted, "They have asked for, in just the last week, the Obama administration, the right to limit executive pay even for companies that are not getting a bailout." In fact, in his March 24 written testimony before the House Financial Services Committee, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner made clear that in referring to restrictions on employee compensation, he was talking only about "financial institutions that are receiving government assistance." Indeed, during the March 24 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs explicitly rejected the claim that the administration sought to "put a cap" on executive salaries at firms not receiving bailout funds, stating: "There are not plans to do something broad like that."

    **why dont you post where you got your info from Im sure it's from a far left web site

    Neil Cavuto and Bret Baier falsely claimed that the Employee Free Choice Act would, in Baier's words, "do away with the secret ballot in votes to unionize." In fact, as The Christian Science Monitor noted, EFCA would give "workers a choice of forming a union through majority sign-up ... or an election by secret ballot."


    Recently, they aired a clip of Joe Biden saying "the fundamentals of the economy are strong". You might remember those words that, essentially, ended McCain's hopes for the presidency... Fox used it to point out that the Obama administration was now using those exact words and to underscore that McCain had, apparently, been correct when he made that assertion last September. However, the footage they were showing that featured Joe Biden saying those words was from a campaign event, during which Joe Biden was quoting John McCain. Oops! They got caught and had to apologize on air. I'm sure it was an honest mistake. :roll:


    Not sure if you've been following the bullshit about that O'Rielly is pushing, but he is clearly in the wrong.


    Fox News aired a promotion for a broadcast of Hannity that falsely claimed: "Obama pushes a plan that could force vets to pay through the roof for health coverage." In fact, the White House has stated it does not support a provision previously under consideration that would have billed military veterans' private insurance companies for treatment of their combat-related injuries performed at Veterans Administration hospitals.

    There are many more examples, but I'm bored.

    each one of your examples you pulled from the far left web site media matters funded by George Soros.mmmmmmm b/c I'm sure you dont actually watch fox do you. and obama did support a planfor vets paying for their health care but it was until all the soldiers started raising holy fucking hell and that's when they changed their was on the front page of every newspaper get your facts right , and as far as the thing about oreilly you are referring to why dont you dig a little deeper I think you might be surprised when you find out the truth or you cant get your info from smear merchants and not know . :D:D
    Post edited by WaveCameCrashin on
  • nycpj23nycpj23 Posts: 9
    prfctlefts wrote:
    each one of your examples you pulled from the far left web site media matters funded by George Soros.mmmmmmm b/c I'm sure you dont actually watch fox do you. and obama did support a planfor vets paying for their health care but it was until all the soldiers started raising holy fucking hell and that's when they changed their was on the front page of every newspaper get your facts right dumb ass and as far as the thing about oreilly you are referring to why dont you dig a little deeper I think you might be surprised when you find out the truth or you cant get your info from smear merchants and not know . :D:D

    Bill is that you?
  • lukin2006lukin2006 Posts: 9,087
    prfctlefts wrote:
    you say that fox news lies but yet you cant give one example can you? all you can do is bitch and moan wah wah wah :lol:

    :roll: A few recent examples of lies from Fox News:

    Discussing what he claimed was evidence of "the biggest power grab," Hannity falsely asserted, "They have asked for, in just the last week, the Obama administration, the right to limit executive pay even for companies that are not getting a bailout." In fact, in his March 24 written testimony before the House Financial Services Committee, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner made clear that in referring to restrictions on employee compensation, he was talking only about "financial institutions that are receiving government assistance." Indeed, during the March 24 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs explicitly rejected the claim that the administration sought to "put a cap" on executive salaries at firms not receiving bailout funds, stating: "There are not plans to do something broad like that."


    Neil Cavuto and Bret Baier falsely claimed that the Employee Free Choice Act would, in Baier's words, "do away with the secret ballot in votes to unionize." In fact, as The Christian Science Monitor noted, EFCA would give "workers a choice of forming a union through majority sign-up ... or an election by secret ballot."


    Recently, they aired a clip of Joe Biden saying "the fundamentals of the economy are strong". You might remember those words that, essentially, ended McCain's hopes for the presidency... Fox used it to point out that the Obama administration was now using those exact words and to underscore that McCain had, apparently, been correct when he made that assertion last September. However, the footage they were showing that featured Joe Biden saying those words was from a campaign event, during which Joe Biden was quoting John McCain. Oops! They got caught and had to apologize on air. I'm sure it was an honest mistake. :roll:


    Not sure if you've been following the bullshit about that O'Rielly is pushing, but he is clearly in the wrong.


    Fox News aired a promotion for a broadcast of Hannity that falsely claimed: "Obama pushes a plan that could force vets to pay through the roof for health coverage." In fact, the White House has stated it does not support a provision previously under consideration that would have billed military veterans' private insurance companies for treatment of their combat-related injuries performed at Veterans Administration hospitals.

    There are many more examples, but I'm bored.

    On the factor March 26th Bill agreed with Clinton when she told the Mexicans that That the US was partly to blame for the drug wars in Mexico because Americans are the buyers. He's about as fair a journalist on TV as their is today. Unfortunately journalist don't just report the news they comment on it and let their opinions known. So if your a conservative person your obviously going to disagree with Obama more often than not, if your liberal then you'll agree with Obama. But the bottom line is Fox is the rating leader in cable news and Bill show constantly wins his time slot, and its not because people are ignorant, its because people want find what they have to say interesting.
    I have certain rules I live by ... My First Rule ... I don't believe anything the government tells me ... George Carlin

    "Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Ratings... really?
    The Top Rated shows on American Television are 'American Idol' and 'Dancing With The Stars'.
    There is a clear cut indictment on Americans and their television viewing habits.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    prfctlefts wrote:
    It sure is funny how so many people mostly under 30 bash fox news all the time ,but never give any thing specific. If fox news is so bad why do they trump every other cable news network when it comes to ratings? Why did more Americans watch fox including Democrats during all the campaign coverage ? Is because maybe they are fair and balanced.Is it becuase they don't traffic in hate all the time like some of the other networks?

    Because they're the only choice for the right wing. The moderate/leftists are split between CNN and MSNBC. That would make it much more of a contest there. They all suck though. MSNBC and Fox are the worst. They are both jokes. If you consider Fox "fair and balanced" then you're confused. If someone were to say that about MSNBC, it would be just as laughable.
  • WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
    edited March 2009
    prfctlefts wrote:
    It sure is funny how so many people mostly under 30 bash fox news all the time ,but never give any thing specific. If fox news is so bad why do they trump every other cable news network when it comes to ratings? Why did more Americans watch fox including Democrats during all the campaign coverage ? Is because maybe they are fair and balanced.Is it becuase they don't traffic in hate all the time like some of the other networks?

    Because they're the only choice for the right wing. The moderate/leftists are split between CNN and MSNBC. That would make it much more of a contest there. They all suck though. MSNBC and Fox are the worst. They are both jokes. If you consider Fox "fair and balanced" then you're confused. If someone were to say that about MSNBC, it would be just as laughable.

    . so where do you get your info from :roll: I cant wait to hear this... and by the way your only laughing at your own ignorance and if fox is so bad why do so many democrats and libertarians watch it.Here's two reasons 1. they don't traffic in hate like the other networks and 2nd they aren't in the tank for Obama or Mcain.More people watch fox then all the other networks combined. So go and marinate on that
    Post edited by WaveCameCrashin on
  • Red Mosquito75Red Mosquito75 Moline IL Posts: 1,037
    wow.....but what about what is really happening...not the ratings and all the bs...what is really happening in afganistan, canada,us, iran or what ever?
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