are you comfortable being alone?

I think it's time I come to terms with this. I've been fighting it for years (I'm an only child and have always hated it). Since the fail of my marriage and other relationships I feel the need to accept myself and the possibility that I may just be alone in my life.
I think a road trip alone in the future might do the trick.
Has anyone traveled alone or been able to come out of a shell and accept being alone?
I think a road trip alone in the future might do the trick.
Has anyone traveled alone or been able to come out of a shell and accept being alone?

"I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"
Post edited by Unknown User on
For the most part I enjoy being alone, most nights I just hang out at home by myself. I suppose it stems from the fact that growing up I felt like a bit of an outcast in school. I never went to any parties in high school or anything like that.
So I got used to hanging out with myself and enjoying that. People annoy me! While yes I can be a social person and am not shy to talk to new people when I go out or to parties, at the end of the day I'd much rather be by myself.
And the thing is, lately I'm beginning to think I'll always be alone, AKA not get married or anything like that. In all honesty I haven't had a significant relationship in 4 years and aside from the fact that I want (or at least think I want) kids, I'm ok with the fact that its been so long.
I can do what I want when I want, go on trips whenever I choose, and don't have to deal with any 'relationship' issues.
Weekdays are pretty hectic as is it is and by the time I commute and get home and have dinner, it's time to start winding down anyways. I do sometimes miss that special someone on the weekends, especially when I feel like road tripping it or heading to a random show.
I would like to have children, but I look at how miserable people are in their relationships. Most of my good friends are divorced or miserable in their current relationships. That is something that I do enjoy not dealing with.
Overall, I enjoy the freedom and if I want to pick up and go, I do.
I travel alone's a nice feeling. I highly recommend it!
Then again, I have a lot of friends and some family in town, so there are plenty of opportunities to be sociable without having to meet new people. (I'm kind of shy.) I don't think I would feel as comforable picking up and moving to a different state or country by myself if I didn't know anyone there. It's nice to have social capital when it's needed (e.g. someone to house sit if I go out of town, or someone to pick my up if my car breaks down). I also think I would be more inspired to do some things I want to do in life - like travel - if I had someone to do them with. As a woman, I don't feel as comfortable traveling completely alone.
And then there are times when I just like to have someone with me. For instance, the other day I had to walk across campus to get lunch and I had someone walk with me. It's just less boring that way. I attribute that kind of thing to having a twin sister, so I was pretty much never alone when I was growing up. I always had her around for moral support. (Not that I need moral support to walk to the cafeteria.)
Now that I think about it, I think I can attribute the times I feel like having someone around to having a twin, and the times I feel like being alone to having had boyfriends. Overall, though, I'm really happy being alone. In a way, when someone is alone in life they are able to choose whether to spend their time alone or with someone else, but when you have a partner or kid or roommmate they're generally ALWAYS there and you don't have the option to be alone whenever you want to be, ya know?
as far as relationships go, i'm not a big fan of being "alone".
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
And sometimes it's good to know you're not the only one feeling that way.
EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
I live with my dad and pets and see people a lot at both of my 2 hang out with friends sometimes but I quit drinking, smoking cigs and doing drugs so my social life has significantly decreased, don't do the bar scene anymore or go out much...
For the most part I am basically a loner...think I would like to have someone to be with, but at the same time I'm not desperate for it. I enjoy having the place to myself and doing whatever.
it's always been a personal goal of mine to move someplace where i didn't know anyone and see if i could make it. i can be a bit shy at times, so i think this will be good to help me to break out of my shell a bit more! hopefully my move to seattle will be a success
2010 - Newark 5/18 MSG 5/21
2011 - PJ20 9/3-9/4
2012 - MIA Festival 9/2
2013 - Wrigley Field 7/19 Brooklyn 10/18-10/19 Philly 10/22
2015 - Colbert show - 9/23 Global Citizens Festival 9/26
2016 - Philly 4/28-4/29 MSG 5/1-5/2
But I sometimes wish I was with friends hanging out.
Not really a fan of going places, prefer something relaxed.
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
That's why you're here now right? Don't want to be alone . . . over there
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
It was pretty dead there tonight huh.
Man...that laughing smilie freaks me out.....EVIL!!!!
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
i LOVE my alone time....and i LOVE my together time too!
perhaps b/c we are child-free, we don't seem to have any issues being alone when we want to be and being together when we want to be. sure, there are some things in life that leave little choice, but overall....we both manage our time as WE want, and it really doesn't require many compromises for either of us to 'get our way' regarding being alone, or together. being part of a couple should not really change that. hell, i lived abroad, on my own, for 6 weeks....and hubby was at home. we both have traveled solo, and you betcha do a LOT of things alone, with friends on our own, and yes....are together when we want to be. so yes, i am VERY comfortable being alone, but i am also very HAPPY i have a partner too. balance is key.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I've been single almost three years (after splitting from a 9 yr relationship/marriage).
feels like I'm destined to be alone, and so far I'm ok with that. I haven't met anyone that I've felt was the total package yet....and I refuse to compromise. I would rather be alone than get involved with the wrong person again. After my divorce, more than once I found myself getting involved with people with whom I had doubts about relationship potential from the start....even with honesty about intentions, it still ends with awkward conversations, guilt and hurt. Not worth the hassle just to get laid or have someone to watch movies with. So....until I meet Mrs.Right, i will be alone...this realization has changed my views on casual sex, which sure takes a lot of the fun out of being single :(
I hear that! I'm at the point of being sick with the whole deal, and would like to think the next woman I sleep with will be the one I marry.
But I wouldn't bet on it. :(
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
I have a huge group of acquaintances, and a handful of very close friends...that's all I ever need, aside from family...but I prefer to chill @ home w/ my girl and my dog...
The previous statement probably answers my take on relationships...I enjoyed being alone, care-free and single while I was in high-school...but once I got out, I didn't really have any interest in seeing how many new people I can meet, or searching for the right person...I found the right person when I was 18 and I haven't let her go since. We've been together for over 2 years now and I don't feel like I've done anything I regret, and I definitely don't feel like I'm miserable and dying to get out of the relationship and go meet new people. I get my alone time when I need it...I just have to say "hey, I'm going out for a bit"
6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
(disclaimer - never say never...don't want to jinx myself