one of my friends was talking to this guy in her class who wouldn't wear shoes. one day she asked him why he didn't wear shoes. he said "because if my brothers and sisters in africa can't wear shoes then i won't either." :roll:
so, in theory, shouldn't he not be in school, wear clothes, or eat? what people go through in africa is tragic and to make a statement like that is idiotic. your not wearing shoes isn't gonna make them better. it's not like he gave someone in africa the shoes. i hate these kinds of hippies that believe they need to live like a destitute person to be sympathetic to what's going on or think it even helps a little. if someone truly cares, i dunno, try donating something? go to the peace corps? actually DO something beneficial for someone instead of failing to make a statement? i dunno i'm just throwing around ideas here...
He's got a tye dyed rancid shirt
He wears his birkenstoks to work
Is he a jerk? No! Just confused
Jeff don't wear regular shoes..
There are a lot of generalisations here!! Folks is folks and really shouldn't we all celebrate difference??? As long as nobody is being harmed who gives a shit??
I have an uncle that is a hippie he builds his own house, grows his own food and I have to say lives one of the most peaceful existances I have ever seen, he wishes nobody illwill, and nor should anybody wish it upon him. Sure he smokes a bit of weed but he is not floggin it to kids or hurting anybody...... I often wonder who the stupid ones are????
“The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter.” Mark Twain
oh ok, if we live and let live then I assume Nazi Germany would still be going strong along w/ countless other bad people who made bad decisions. It shows you're naive. People aren't as laid back and care free as you'd like them to be. Muslim extremists want us all dead if they had their way. People who drag society down don't give a shit. They're only sorry when they get caught hence Phish fans last weekend. There's always going to be certain group of people who have other ways of viewing life & hippies just pretend by doing nothing. They only add to the problem, ingesting something or smoking something and hiding who you are is a joke. You can't hide and enjoy being numb all the catches up w/ you
Is it known PJ Ten Club members are not, I hope, new age hippies? Maybe some fans are. Yes, I know neo-hippies are alive and well in 2009 hence the almost 200 of them arrested in Virginia last weekend at fucking Phish reunion shows, yikes! Don't get me wrong, I respect the hippies WHO ACTUALLY LIVED THROUGH THE 1960s & EARLY 70s and who are my parents' age. Seriously though, that time period is dead and gone. So for anyone who is a part of this generation & thinks that its still ok to "tune in, drop out" whatever in today's world is no better than a hillbilly gitty git gitten-r-done living in the 1950s values republican! The only good hippie is one who wakes up, puts down the pipe and converts to the real world, as in now, the 21st century...thank you
So, which do you prefer? Goth, Emo Kids or Abercrombie Zombies? Those are genres of the modern age... how about only suburban white kids who act like they are black? That'd be cool, right?
Everyone's got their own gig... how about we just let them be and concentrate on who we are?
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
oh ok, if we live and let live then I assume Nazi Germany would still be going strong along w/ countless other bad people who made bad decisions. It shows you're naive. People aren't as laid back and care free as you'd like them to be. Muslim extremists want us all dead if they had their way. People who drag society down don't give a shit. They're only sorry when they get caught hence Phish fans last weekend. There's always going to be certain group of people who have other ways of viewing life & hippies just pretend by doing nothing. They only add to the problem, ingesting something or smoking something and hiding who you are is a joke. You can't hide and enjoy being numb all the catches up w/ you
that is great! unfortunately I can't say for certain that I've never been one to prove Godwin's law right.
and i'm sorry but the idea of hippies hiding who they are and being numb all the time is hysterically ironic!! do you ever take the time to get to know a hippie, DischordVision?
To not love someone is simply the act of not knowing that person. We all feel defensive mechanisms with the unfamiliar. But this is not to say that the unfamiliar is not good. How do we know unless we take a step across that cultural divide. To judge someone for their lifestyle is not a way to build bridges or overcome political divide. You are looking at soul and not spirit, when you put any one down...
I bet if you take time to know anyone or their philosophy, you can find some value.
Another thing we know not to do is harm ourselves. Yet we spend a lot of time beating ourselves up about one thing or another. "Don't hurt yourself, don't hurt others". is one of the most important phrases you;ll learn in this book. It is a universal spiritual principle that has an enormous practical effect.
Here's a situation that anyone who drives will find familiar. Say someone cuts in front of you. There's a tendency to react and get upset at the other driver (commonly known as road rage), particularly if you are in a hurry. But that person doesn't know who you are, and probably doesn't care.
Meanwhile, what has your reaction done to you? Your body has responded to your anger and upset as if you were under siege. Your fight-or-flight mechanism has been activate, pouring adrenaline and other stress hormones into your system. Since you're sitting in your car, those chemicals designed to help you fight off an adversary or run from danger have nowhere to go. They're building up in your system, causing a toxic reaction.
It really doesn't help anything or any for you to harm yourself in this way. There are other choices.
IF you ever have the opportunity to help someone, do it. Those acts of loving kindness come back to you when you need them.
all insanity:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
The kid probably could'nt handle it.
The bus came by and I got on thats when it all began!!!!I am glad to have gotten the Dead bus which took me to the Pearl Jam Bus.You are confusing assholes with hippies.
He's got a tye dyed rancid shirt
He wears his birkenstoks to work
Is he a jerk? No! Just confused
Jeff don't wear regular shoes..
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
I have an uncle that is a hippie he builds his own house, grows his own food and I have to say lives one of the most peaceful existances I have ever seen, he wishes nobody illwill, and nor should anybody wish it upon him. Sure he smokes a bit of weed but he is not floggin it to kids or hurting anybody...... I often wonder who the stupid ones are????
Who cares what others do, if it isn't hurting you in any way?
Hate is such a useless emotion.
So, which do you prefer? Goth, Emo Kids or Abercrombie Zombies? Those are genres of the modern age... how about only suburban white kids who act like they are black? That'd be cool, right?
Everyone's got their own gig... how about we just let them be and concentrate on who we are?
Hail, Hail!!!
and i'm sorry but the idea of hippies hiding who they are and being numb all the time is hysterically ironic!!
I bet if you take time to know anyone or their philosophy, you can find some value.
Another thing we know not to do is harm ourselves. Yet we spend a lot of time beating ourselves up about one thing or another. "Don't hurt yourself, don't hurt others". is one of the most important phrases you;ll learn in this book. It is a universal spiritual principle that has an enormous practical effect.
Here's a situation that anyone who drives will find familiar. Say someone cuts in front of you. There's a tendency to react and get upset at the other driver (commonly known as road rage), particularly if you are in a hurry. But that person doesn't know who you are, and probably doesn't care.
Meanwhile, what has your reaction done to you? Your body has responded to your anger and upset as if you were under siege. Your fight-or-flight mechanism has been activate, pouring adrenaline and other stress hormones into your system. Since you're sitting in your car, those chemicals designed to help you fight off an adversary or run from danger have nowhere to go. They're building up in your system, causing a toxic reaction.
It really doesn't help anything or any for you to harm yourself in this way. There are other choices.
IF you ever have the opportunity to help someone, do it. Those acts of loving kindness come back to you when you need them.
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
The bus came by and I got on thats when it all began!!!!I am glad to have gotten the Dead bus which took me to the Pearl Jam Bus.You are confusing assholes with hippies.