Sacramento 10-30-00, Bridge School 10-20 and 10-21-01, Bridge School 10-25 and 10-26-01, Irvine 06-02-03, Irvine 06-03-03, San Diego 06-05-03, San Diego 07-07-06, Los Angeles 07-09-06, Santa Barbara 07-13-06, London UK 06-18-07, San Diego 10-9-09, San Diego 2013, LA 1 2013
Main Entry: hip·pie
Variant(s): or hip·py \ˈhi-pē\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural hippies
Etymology: 4hip + -ie
Date: 1965
: a usually young person who rejects the mores of established society (as by dressing unconventionally or favoring communal living) and advocates a nonviolent ethic ;
broadly : a long-haired unconventionally dressed young person
Bright eyed kid: "Wow Typo Man, you're the best!"
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
Is it known PJ Ten Club members are not, I hope, new age hippies? Maybe some fans are. Yes, I know neo-hippies are alive and well in 2009 hence the almost 200 of them arrested in Virginia last weekend at fucking Phish reunion shows, yikes! Don't get me wrong, I respect the hippies WHO ACTUALLY LIVED THROUGH THE 1960s & EARLY 70s and who are my parents' age. Seriously though, that time period is dead and gone. So for anyone who is a part of this generation & thinks that its still ok to "tune in, drop out" whatever in today's world is no better than a hillbilly gitty git gitten-r-done living in the 1950s values republican! The only good hippie is one who wakes up, puts down the pipe and converts to the real world, as in now, the 21st century...thank you
your 28th post will live forever man. when you narrow it down like you did here this world sounds like a fucking depressing place to be. don't forget the colors in between mate.
apparently so...this is still a democracy so anything goes. But yeah, certain people need to wake up & realize they're fried or close to the point of no return.
U.S. / Canada
Buffalo 1996 Barrie Ontario 1998
Saratoga Springs 2000 Toronto Ontario 2000
Albany 2003 Toronto Ontario 2003
Buffalo 2003 Toronto Ontario 2005
Toledo 2004 London Ontario 2005
Seattle 2009 Vancouver B.C. 2011
Seattle 2013
I love walking around bare foot. I'd never wear shoes if it was practical!
that is ignorance if I've ever read it. Bob Marley, great musician for reggae though, died because he was so "anti establishment" he wouldn't go to a hospital when he contacted foot infections along w/ years of smoking probably didn't help. This isn't caveman times, without modern technology & science we wouldn't be anywhere, yourself included.
U.S. / Canada
Buffalo 1996 Barrie Ontario 1998
Saratoga Springs 2000 Toronto Ontario 2000
Albany 2003 Toronto Ontario 2003
Buffalo 2003 Toronto Ontario 2005
Toledo 2004 London Ontario 2005
Seattle 2009 Vancouver B.C. 2011
Seattle 2013
Just what is "the real world," anyway? Are you referring to the one with our "real" elected leaders, our "real" news, our "real" economy, where we work "real" jobs so we can buy the things we "really" need to survive? Good for the hippies, past, present, and future-- they're on to something, I believe. Or maybe they're just ON SOMETHING . Seriously though, who should dictate how you live but YOU anyway? Whether someone is "1950s and Git' 'er Done" or "2009 and trippin' balls," I don't care how he or she lives his or her life, so long as that person don't harm anyone, and I DON'T have to be FORCED to pay for that person's choice of lifestyle.
I'm guessing you've never been to a PJ show, but you will be happy to find that there are not very many hippies. It should be noted though, that if you have anything against white people, don't go to a PJ show. Namely, white males 18-30. There's quite a bit of them there.
that is ignorance if I've ever read it. Bob Marley, great musician for reggae though, died because he was so "anti establishment" he wouldn't go to a hospital when he contacted foot infections along w/ years of smoking probably didn't help. This isn't caveman times, without modern technology & science we wouldn't be anywhere, yourself included.
Is it known PJ Ten Club members are not, I hope, new age hippies? Maybe some fans are. Yes, I know neo-hippies are alive and well in 2009 hence the almost 200 of them arrested in Virginia last weekend at fucking Phish reunion shows, yikes! Don't get me wrong, I respect the hippies WHO ACTUALLY LIVED THROUGH THE 1960s & EARLY 70s and who are my parents' age. Seriously though, that time period is dead and gone. So for anyone who is a part of this generation & thinks that its still ok to "tune in, drop out" whatever in today's world is no better than a hillbilly gitty git gitten-r-done living in the 1950s values republican! The only good hippie is one who wakes up, puts down the pipe and converts to the real world, as in now, the 21st century...thank you
You are certainly entitled to your opinions, sir. But based on this post, if I had to choose between sitting next to you or some peaceful high hippie at a PJ show, I'd pick the hippie (even a NEO-hippie! ) Not sure what you're so annoyed about, but live and let live ... thank you.
How the hell are you in the fanclub? Eddie Vedder isn't a drunk. You try going through the 1990s & come out clean w/ a clear head, better than most of PJ's peers. Blink 182 pic? seriously you're part of that hey, if a band sells a million records then they can headline on tour w/ Bad Religion 10 years ago. Bad Religion are punk pioneers & how they agreed to open for whiny SoCal white boys is a disgrace. If you're just standing in your seat smoking pot you're obviously bothering somebody, not to mention security about to bust you dumbass! What I learned from the D.C. era & yes I did this listen to their music in the 1980s w/ my older cousins, was why put yourself through that? Why consistently risk getting caught all because you wanted to get high? It's not worth it. There's too many negatives that outweigh the positives. Prisons are full of them! Thank you
oh really ed isnt a drunk. the 3-4 bottles of red wine a night on tour dont make him a drunk , hmmmm ok there buddy. . im not part of any crowd i dont conform to things and i hate labels. maybe blink and bad religion are friends ever think of that. i was so excited to finally see bad religion it was an awesome time. oh please i've been listening to dc scene for many many years and have great respect for that movemenet and all, but good for you listening to it also. the diy community is all bout accepting people for who they are, obivously you didnt get that from the movement you prick. when you go to punk shows and someone lights a joint or something do you report them to club like a little rat and do u also report someone for being a drunk and stumbling all around the pit. yea nothing like prisons having pot heads in there but letting child sexual abuser be on probation, gotta love that judicial system. it really makes me fucking sick someone like you has a username like the one you have and can be such a narrow minded ipod is full of nothing but the 80s diy dc scene and the seattle grunge scene and socal punk scene.
Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
Is it known PJ Ten Club members are not, I hope, new age hippies? Maybe some fans are. Yes, I know neo-hippies are alive and well in 2009 hence the almost 200 of them arrested in Virginia last weekend at fucking Phish reunion shows, yikes! Don't get me wrong, I respect the hippies WHO ACTUALLY LIVED THROUGH THE 1960s & EARLY 70s and who are my parents' age. Seriously though, that time period is dead and gone. So for anyone who is a part of this generation & thinks that its still ok to "tune in, drop out" whatever in today's world is no better than a hillbilly gitty git gitten-r-done living in the 1950s values republican! The only good hippie is one who wakes up, puts down the pipe and converts to the real world, as in now, the 21st century...thank you
You are certainly entitled to your opinions, sir. But based on this post, if I had to choose between sitting next to you or some peaceful high hippie at a PJ show, I'd pick the hippie (even a NEO-hippie! ) Not sure what you're so annoyed about, but live and let live ... thank you.
oh ok, if we live and let live then I assume Nazi Germany would still be going strong along w/ countless other bad people who made bad decisions. It shows you're naive. People aren't as laid back and care free as you'd like them to be. Muslim extremists want us all dead if they had their way. People who drag society down don't give a shit. They're only sorry when they get caught hence Phish fans last weekend. There's always going to be certain group of people who have other ways of viewing life & hippies just pretend by doing nothing. They only add to the problem, ingesting something or smoking something and hiding who you are is a joke. You can't hide and enjoy being numb all the catches up w/ you
U.S. / Canada
Buffalo 1996 Barrie Ontario 1998
Saratoga Springs 2000 Toronto Ontario 2000
Albany 2003 Toronto Ontario 2003
Buffalo 2003 Toronto Ontario 2005
Toledo 2004 London Ontario 2005
Seattle 2009 Vancouver B.C. 2011
Seattle 2013
How the hell are you in the fanclub? Eddie Vedder isn't a drunk. You try going through the 1990s & come out clean w/ a clear head, better than most of PJ's peers. Blink 182 pic? seriously you're part of that hey, if a band sells a million records then they can headline on tour w/ Bad Religion 10 years ago. Bad Religion are punk pioneers & how they agreed to open for whiny SoCal white boys is a disgrace. If you're just standing in your seat smoking pot you're obviously bothering somebody, not to mention security about to bust you dumbass! What I learned from the D.C. era & yes I did this listen to their music in the 1980s w/ my older cousins, was why put yourself through that? Why consistently risk getting caught all because you wanted to get high? It's not worth it. There's too many negatives that outweigh the positives. Prisons are full of them! Thank you
oh really ed isnt a drunk. the 3-4 bottles of red wine a night on tour dont make him a drunk , hmmmm ok there buddy. . im not part of any crowd i dont conform to things and i hate labels. maybe blink and bad religion are friends ever think of that. i was so excited to finally see bad religion it was an awesome time. oh please i've been listening to dc scene for many many years and have great respect for that movemenet and all, but good for you listening to it also. the diy community is all bout accepting people for who they are, obivously you didnt get that from the movement you prick. when you go to punk shows and someone lights a joint or something do you report them to club like a little rat and do u also report someone for being a drunk and stumbling all around the pit. yea nothing like prisons having pot heads in there but letting child sexual abuser be on probation, gotta love that judicial system. it really makes me fucking sick someone like you has a username like the one you have and can be such a narrow minded ipod is full of nothing but the 80s diy dc scene and the seattle grunge scene and socal punk scene.
well I don't tell on people. I do believe that if you're over the age of 25 and still wanna ripped like in high school or college, it's sad. The fact is you can't fight the law, yeah a lot of laws are way too anal but if more people in our country would contribute & pay attention to our leaders then we'd have enough people to change the laws by electing different politicians each election/primary. Illicit drugs, everyone knows which ones are illegal, you get caught w/ them, you're on the wrong side of the law. You've been drinking? Well, it's not illegal, there's more leniency because you can be drunk. Those are the facts and they haven't changed in a long time. 9 times out of 10, someone who uses illicit drugs does develop a addiction stronger than alcohol. Even if alcohol is worse for some people, they're not risking going to jail and staying off the road.
U.S. / Canada
Buffalo 1996 Barrie Ontario 1998
Saratoga Springs 2000 Toronto Ontario 2000
Albany 2003 Toronto Ontario 2003
Buffalo 2003 Toronto Ontario 2005
Toledo 2004 London Ontario 2005
Seattle 2009 Vancouver B.C. 2011
Seattle 2013
well I don't tell on people. I do believe that if you're over the age of 25 and still wanna ripped like in high school or college, it's sad. The fact is you can't fight the law, yeah a lot of laws are way too anal but if more people in our country would contribute & pay attention to our leaders then we'd have enough people to change the laws by electing different politicians each election/primary. Illicit drugs, everyone knows which ones are illegal, you get caught w/ them, you're on the wrong side of the law. You've been drinking? Well, it's not illegal, there's more leniency because you can be drunk. Those are the facts and they haven't changed in a long time. 9 times out of 10, someone who uses illicit drugs does develop a addiction stronger than alcohol. Even if alcohol is worse for some people, they're not risking going to jail and staying off the road.
you can fight the laws by electing leaders who share the same view as you do tor want to change by not promising false hope. to me thats fighting the law in a a well thought out way. while i disagree with some of your above post, i can respect its a well thought out post and brings substance instead of just bashing a certain labeled group of people
Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
well I don't tell on people. I do believe that if you're over the age of 25 and still wanna ripped like in high school or college, it's sad. The fact is you can't fight the law, yeah a lot of laws are way too anal but if more people in our country would contribute & pay attention to our leaders then we'd have enough people to change the laws by electing different politicians each election/primary. Illicit drugs, everyone knows which ones are illegal, you get caught w/ them, you're on the wrong side of the law. You've been drinking? Well, it's not illegal, there's more leniency because you can be drunk. Those are the facts and they haven't changed in a long time. 9 times out of 10, someone who uses illicit drugs does develop a addiction stronger than alcohol. Even if alcohol is worse for some people, they're not risking going to jail and staying off the road.
what are you on about anyway? your stream of consciousness meanderings in this thread are amusing. you have much hatred in you. peace bro.
how anyone can say that a TRUE hippy is contributing to ANY problem is beyond me...if we're talking about people that fuck the man by not working...while collecting welfare...ya, not cool. The hippy philosophy is abused like any other, but at heart, it is about as positive as any movement in history. I don't get why you think you can take the moral high ground on their way of life.
(ps - can you back up your 9/10 stat? didn't think so. nice try tho.)
figures someone with a name like dischord vision would start a thread like this. let me ask you this were you around the time period of dischord and sst DIY movement in the 80's. oh wait you weren't cause i just checked your post history and you were 16 in 96. also further reading through your post you seem to have a warped sense of view bout people who listen to hippie music. being a hippie isn't a bout the music, its bout the values and belief you stick with. kinda shocking someone with a name like dischord vision cant see that. am i hippie cause i like the grateful dead, not at all. s. let me ask you this would you rather have a drunk that's swaying back and forth and singing in his horrible voice and yelling out for the 100th time play jeremy or have someone smoking pot that's standing in his seat area and not bothering your seat area and enjoying the music.also you made a thread just like this one saying enough with the grateful dead comparisons we get it you don't like hippies. nothing like beating a broken record to death.
How the hell are you in the fanclub? Eddie Vedder isn't a drunk. You try going through the 1990s & come out clean w/ a clear head, better than most of PJ's peers. Blink 182 pic? seriously you're part of that hey, if a band sells a million records then they can headline on tour w/ Bad Religion 10 years ago. Bad Religion are punk pioneers & how they agreed to open for whiny SoCal white boys is a disgrace. If you're just standing in your seat smoking pot you're obviously bothering somebody, not to mention security about to bust you dumbass! What I learned from the D.C. era & yes I did this listen to their music in the 1980s w/ my older cousins, was why put yourself through that? Why consistently risk getting caught all because you wanted to get high? It's not worth it. There's too many negatives that outweigh the positives. Prisons are full of them! Thank you
I agreed with you until I saw this. Hippes do suck, but punks are so much worse. Bunch of no talent all talk fucking hypocrites. I dont do drugs, but straight edge people are so lame. And thinking its cool and fun to kick each others heads in in a mosh pit is infinitely more stupid than any amount of drug use.
I would rather smoke a j with the neo hippies than play drunken beer bong with PJ frat-tards (who show up to the shows blasted on Natti Light...knowing only two or three Pearl Jam songs, one of them being "Alive") any day of the week.
Then again, that's my personal opinion...
Make your life a mission - not an intermission. - Arnold Gasglow
How the hell are you in the fanclub? Eddie Vedder isn't a drunk. You try going through the 1990s & come out clean w/ a clear head, better than most of PJ's peers. Blink 182 pic? seriously you're part of that hey, if a band sells a million records then they can headline on tour w/ Bad Religion 10 years ago. Bad Religion are punk pioneers & how they agreed to open for whiny SoCal white boys is a disgrace. If you're just standing in your seat smoking pot you're obviously bothering somebody, not to mention security about to bust you dumbass! What I learned from the D.C. era & yes I did this listen to their music in the 1980s w/ my older cousins, was why put yourself through that? Why consistently risk getting caught all because you wanted to get high? It's not worth it. There's too many negatives that outweigh the positives. Prisons are full of them! Thank you
oh really ed isnt a drunk. the 3-4 bottles of red wine a night on tour dont make him a drunk , hmmmm ok there buddy. . im not part of any crowd i dont conform to things and i hate labels. maybe blink and bad religion are friends ever think of that. i was so excited to finally see bad religion it was an awesome time. oh please i've been listening to dc scene for many many years and have great respect for that movemenet and all, but good for you listening to it also. the diy community is all bout accepting people for who they are, obivously you didnt get that from the movement you prick. when you go to punk shows and someone lights a joint or something do you report them to club like a little rat and do u also report someone for being a drunk and stumbling all around the pit.
yea nothing like prisons having pot heads in there but letting child sexual abuser be on probation, gotta love that judicial system.
Is it known PJ Ten Club members are not, I hope, new age hippies? Maybe some fans are. Yes, I know neo-hippies are alive and well in 2009 hence the almost 200 of them arrested in Virginia last weekend at fucking Phish reunion shows, yikes! Don't get me wrong, I respect the hippies WHO ACTUALLY LIVED THROUGH THE 1960s & EARLY 70s and who are my parents' age. Seriously though, that time period is dead and gone. So for anyone who is a part of this generation & thinks that its still ok to "tune in, drop out" whatever in today's world is no better than a hillbilly gitty git gitten-r-done living in the 1950s values republican! The only good hippie is one who wakes up, puts down the pipe and converts to the real world, as in now, the 21st century...thank you
I don't think the band would be too fond of you determining who can be fans and who can't be. Besides, music is FREE, so let it be.
I agreed with you until I saw this. Hippes do suck, but punks are so much worse. Bunch of no talent all talk fucking hypocrites. I dont do drugs, but straight edge people are so lame. And thinking its cool and fun to kick each others heads in in a mosh pit is infinitely more stupid than any amount of drug use.
so are you saying jeff and stone are no talent hypocrits. cause thats where they came from TRUE PUNK bands. also punk isnt bout kicking people in the heads, its bout being one and sense of community and looking out for your brother or sister. the seattle grunge scene was punk to its purest form.
Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
oh ok, if we live and let live then I assume Nazi Germany would still be going strong along w/ countless other bad people who made bad decisions. It shows you're naive. People aren't as laid back and care free as you'd like them to be. Muslim extremists want us all dead if they had their way. People who drag society down don't give a shit. They're only sorry when they get caught hence Phish fans last weekend. There's always going to be certain group of people who have other ways of viewing life & hippies just pretend by doing nothing. They only add to the problem, ingesting something or smoking something and hiding who you are is a joke. You can't hide and enjoy being numb all the catches up w/ you
You are certainly entitled to your opinions, sir. But based on this post, if I had to choose between sitting next to you or some peaceful high hippie at a PJ show, I'd pick the hippie (even a NEO-hippie! ) Not sure what you're so annoyed about, but live and let live ... thank you.
oh ok, if we live and let live then I assume Nazi Germany would still be going strong along w/ countless other bad people who made bad decisions. It shows you're naive. People aren't as laid back and care free as you'd like them to be. Muslim extremists want us all dead if they had their way. People who drag society down don't give a shit. They're only sorry when they get caught hence Phish fans last weekend. There's always going to be certain group of people who have other ways of viewing life & hippies just pretend by doing nothing. They only add to the problem, ingesting something or smoking something and hiding who you are is a joke. You can't hide and enjoy being numb all the catches up w/ you
I can hardly believe that I'm responding to this, and it will be my last response, because reading/posting to this thread has become ridiculous, and I'm actually beginning to think you are performing here or something. BUT ... did you just compare hippies (about whom your biggest complaint is illegal drug use) to the existence of Nazi Germany & Muslim extremists (genocide)? Ok, feel free to call me naive; coming from you, I'm not too worried. Most activist hippies practice civil disobedience (emphasis on civil, if you missed it), so I'm really not worried about hippies committing mass genocides, but don't worry, if I catch wind that they are, I will not remain silent, I will stand up and fight, so we don't have another Nazi Germany on our hands. :roll:
i dont give a fuck what anyone does.....or how they act...or how many illegal drugs they consume...or how many kegs of beer they drink....or if they choose to wear shoes or not....blah blah blah....
just leave me the fuck alone while your doing it.........
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
I don't see the problem and I certainly don't see a connection to Pearl Jam.
Hippies of all ages are usually peaceful people who yeah, smoke a bit of pot and listen to the Grateful Dead (who, I might add, are really rather good) but their main aim in life is to appreciate the world around them and help make this shit covered planet we call home, a better place.
I wish a few more people had hippie-esque values. The world would be a more beautiful place and we'd have less people coming onto internet message boards spouting their prejudices against other people's lifestyle choices.
Live and let live man... Peace.
Word to that man. I have a freind who is a total hippie and he is probably the most realistic and smartest guy around. His hippie freinds are also very cool.
OP: you have NO idea what you are talking about. Your generalization of hippies is terrible, and most people should learn a few things from them.
I love walking around bare foot. I'd never wear shoes if it was practical!
that is ignorance if I've ever read it. Bob Marley, great musician for reggae though, died because he was so "anti establishment" he wouldn't go to a hospital when he contacted foot infections along w/ years of smoking probably didn't help. This isn't caveman times, without modern technology & science we wouldn't be anywhere, yourself included.
At the end of the European tour, Bob Marley & The Wailers went to America. Bob played two shows at Madison Square Garden but, immediately afterwards he was seriously ill. Cancer was diagnosed.
Marley fought the disease for eight months. The battle, however, proved to be too much. He died in a Miami Hospital on May 11,1981.
HMMM , cancer from a foot infection and no hospital? Technology , dude, USE it!
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
i dont give a fuck what anyone does.....or how they act...or how many illegal drugs they consume...or how many kegs of beer they drink....or if they choose to wear shoes or not....blah blah blah....
just leave me the fuck alone while your doing it.........
This ^^^^^^
R.i.p. Rigoberto Alpizar.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
Main Entry: hip·pie
Variant(s): or hip·py \ˈhi-pē\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural hippies
Etymology: 4hip + -ie
Date: 1965
: a usually young person who rejects the mores of established society (as by dressing unconventionally or favoring communal living) and advocates a nonviolent ethic ;
broadly : a long-haired unconventionally dressed young person
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
your 28th post will live forever man. when you narrow it down like you did here this world sounds like a fucking depressing place to be. don't forget the colors in between mate.
apparently so...this is still a democracy so anything goes. But yeah, certain people need to wake up & realize they're fried or close to the point of no return.
that is ignorance if I've ever read it. Bob Marley, great musician for reggae though, died because he was so "anti establishment" he wouldn't go to a hospital when he contacted foot infections along w/ years of smoking probably didn't help. This isn't caveman times, without modern technology & science we wouldn't be anywhere, yourself included.
I'm guessing you've never been to a PJ show, but you will be happy to find that there are not very many hippies. It should be noted though, that if you have anything against white people, don't go to a PJ show. Namely, white males 18-30. There's quite a bit of them there.
not everyone thinks so.
You are certainly entitled to your opinions, sir. But based on this post, if I had to choose between sitting next to you or some peaceful high hippie at a PJ show, I'd pick the hippie (even a NEO-hippie!
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
oh ok, if we live and let live then I assume Nazi Germany would still be going strong along w/ countless other bad people who made bad decisions. It shows you're naive. People aren't as laid back and care free as you'd like them to be. Muslim extremists want us all dead if they had their way. People who drag society down don't give a shit. They're only sorry when they get caught hence Phish fans last weekend. There's always going to be certain group of people who have other ways of viewing life & hippies just pretend by doing nothing. They only add to the problem, ingesting something or smoking something and hiding who you are is a joke. You can't hide and enjoy being numb all the catches up w/ you
well I don't tell on people. I do believe that if you're over the age of 25 and still wanna ripped like in high school or college, it's sad. The fact is you can't fight the law, yeah a lot of laws are way too anal but if more people in our country would contribute & pay attention to our leaders then we'd have enough people to change the laws by electing different politicians each election/primary. Illicit drugs, everyone knows which ones are illegal, you get caught w/ them, you're on the wrong side of the law. You've been drinking? Well, it's not illegal, there's more leniency because you can be drunk. Those are the facts and they haven't changed in a long time. 9 times out of 10, someone who uses illicit drugs does develop a addiction stronger than alcohol. Even if alcohol is worse for some people, they're not risking going to jail and staying off the road.
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
Wait - did you just compare hippies to Nazis??
Also, is it hippies per se that you really have a problem with, or is it primarily just the use of illegal drugs?
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
how anyone can say that a TRUE hippy is contributing to ANY problem is beyond me...if we're talking about people that fuck the man by not working...while collecting welfare...ya, not cool. The hippy philosophy is abused like any other, but at heart, it is about as positive as any movement in history. I don't get why you think you can take the moral high ground on their way of life.
(ps - can you back up your 9/10 stat? didn't think so. nice try tho.)
I have done all 3 and am not a hippie.
It said "Life is nothing but a dream."
I've spent so many years in question
To find I'd known this all along.
Then again, that's my personal opinion...
Make your life a mission - not an intermission. - Arnold Gasglow
i believe he did... :shock:
archie bunker is alive and well in 2009 :roll:
Sammi: Wanna just break up?'s_law
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
I can hardly believe that I'm responding to this, and it will be my last response, because reading/posting to this thread has become ridiculous, and I'm actually beginning to think you are performing here or something. BUT ... did you just compare hippies (about whom your biggest complaint is illegal drug use) to the existence of Nazi Germany & Muslim extremists (genocide)? Ok, feel free to call me naive; coming from you, I'm not too worried. Most activist hippies practice civil disobedience (emphasis on civil, if you missed it), so I'm really not worried about hippies committing mass genocides, but don't worry, if I catch wind that they are, I will not remain silent, I will stand up and fight, so we don't have another Nazi Germany on our hands. :roll:
i dont give a fuck what anyone does.....or how they act...or how many illegal drugs they consume...or how many kegs of beer they drink....or if they choose to wear shoes or not....blah blah blah....
just leave me the fuck alone while your doing it.........
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Word to that man. I have a freind who is a total hippie and he is probably the most realistic and smartest guy around. His hippie freinds are also very cool.
OP: you have NO idea what you are talking about. Your generalization of hippies is terrible, and most people should learn a few things from them.
8/7/08, 6/9/09
Marley fought the disease for eight months. The battle, however, proved to be too much. He died in a Miami Hospital on May 11,1981.
HMMM , cancer from a foot infection and no hospital? Technology , dude, USE it!
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
This ^^^^^^
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008