I see they sell labatts blue in the u.s. What they charge for a case of 12? Just wndering how much less it is down there , as an import, compared to domestic here.
About 10-12 bucks.
"Then the Spirit of God hovered over the water, and God said, Let there be music, and there was Pearl Jam."
Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
I see they sell labatts blue in the u.s. What they charge for a case of 12? Just wndering how much less it is down there , as an import, compared to domestic here.
The funny thing is Labatt USA has no corporate connection to labatt in Canada. When Inbev bought Anheuser-Busch awhile back one of the conditions that the US government put on the sale was that Inbev had to sell off their rights to sell Labatt in Canada. Labatt USA is owned by North American Breweries Inc (who also own Magic Hat and Pyramid among other companies). Inbev still owns Labatt in Canada. The other funny thing is that I remember reading awhile back that North American Breweries was looking for someone to brew Labatt Blue for import into the US. They weren't allowed to have connection to Labatt so it ended up that they were brewing Labatt Blue at the Molson plant in Toronto.
That shit about "blue" being made by molson so it can be sold down there is fucked . Laughed my ass off. Blue is shit in my opinion, but the whole fucking deal makes me laugh. I was just curious about cost . In n.s. it would run you about $23 for 12 pack and that's domestic.
Thanks for the other info though, its nuts how that shit works sometimes .
Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
The funny thing is Labatt USA has no corporate connection to labatt in Canada. When Inbev bought Anheuser-Busch awhile back one of the conditions that the US government put on the sale was that Inbev had to sell off their rights to sell Labatt in Canada. Labatt USA is owned by North American Breweries Inc (who also own Magic Hat and Pyramid among other companies). Inbev still owns Labatt in Canada. The other funny thing is that I remember reading awhile back that North American Breweries was looking for someone to brew Labatt Blue for import into the US. They weren't allowed to have connection to Labatt so it ended up that they were brewing Labatt Blue at the Molson plant in Toronto.
Thanks for the other info though, its nuts how that shit works sometimes .
You can still get it in shorties! I honestly prefer it to some Old Milwaukee or Keystone.
E.V. Milwaukee-08
Chicago 1 & 2-09
Alpine Valley 1 & 2-11
St. Paul-14
St. Paul 1 & 2 - 23