A Third Jihad

Motha JudsonMotha Judson Posts: 104
edited March 2009 in A Moving Train
Watch the whole story before you post please....

Post edited by Unknown User on


  • thanks for posting that .I actually watched the whole clip, :x Hopefully others will watch and maybe they will take their heads out of their ass and wake the fck up :!: :!:
  • gvn2fly74 wrote:
    thanks for posting that .I actually watched the whole clip, :x Hopefully others will watch and maybe they will take their heads out of their ass and wake the fck up :!: :!:

    Thank you for taking the time to watching it. I'm not into spreading fear, but this film brings up a lot of good points.
  • WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
    edited March 2009
    yeah, I realize that, but you know of course some people will think you are and those are the ones who wont watch this. A few things that really bothered me was how young these kids are that are being brain washed and the one part where they showed that kid sawing that guys head off :shock: Also these people wont listen to reason. They are so committed to global jihad that I truly believe we will be fighting terrorism for years to come.
    Post edited by WaveCameCrashin on
  • CB206820CB206820 Posts: 105
    Radical Islam IS a serious problem.

    Any religion, taken to the extreme, causes serious issues. Jesus Camp, while not this extreme, shows that Christians aren't that far off of this either.

    Religion is a very troublesome thing to me.
  • The Westboro baptist church is a great example of wackos that claim to be Christians..
  • WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
    edited March 2009
    CB206820 wrote:
    Radical Islam IS a serious problem.

    Any religion, taken to the extreme, causes serious issues. Jesus Camp, while not this extreme, shows that Christians aren't that far off of this either.

    Religion is a very troublesome thing to me.

    I strongly disagree. There are some who have a severely distorted views but you dont see them decapitating people and blowing up innocent people
    Post edited by WaveCameCrashin on
  • It just kills me to know that a lot of people here in the states and other parts of the world want to ignor the problem. "The War on Terror" is very much a real thing, its not a big government plan to take over the middle east as much as people want to admit. I guess its easy to blame the US for this issue because some people can't understand why anyone would want to hurt them or change their way of life. Christianity has its dark past, but this is something new that people need to realize is a threat to cultures ever where, not just the west.

    We can all agree that we need tolorance and respect for other people's religion and culture, but we can not let something like this get out of hand....
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    It just kills me to know that a lot of people here in the states and other parts of the world want to ignor the problem. "The War on Terror" is very much a real thing, its not a big government plan to take over the middle east as much as people want to admit. I guess its easy to blame the US for this issue because some people can't understand why anyone would want to hurt them or change their way of life. Christianity has its dark past, but this is something new that people need to realize is a threat to cultures ever where, not just the west.

    We can all agree that we need tolorance and respect for other people's religion and culture, but we can not let something like this get out of hand....

    I don't think people are ignoring the problem or the threat of terrorism. The opposition is to the idea that you can win a War on Terror in the traditional sense. You can't. It's not like the nazis, where you can beat their army, force the country to surrender and dismantle their military and it's over and you won. That won't work with terrorism. We need to spend more time changing minds and hearts and demonstrating our tolerance and less time blowing shit up.
  • It just kills me to know that a lot of people here in the states and other parts of the world want to ignor the problem. "The War on Terror" is very much a real thing, its not a big government plan to take over the middle east as much as people want to admit. I guess its easy to blame the US for this issue because some people can't understand why anyone would want to hurt them or change their way of life. Christianity has its dark past, but this is something new that people need to realize is a threat to cultures ever where, not just the west.

    We can all agree that we need tolorance and respect for other people's religion and culture, but we can not let something like this get out of hand....

    I don't think people are ignoring the problem or the threat of terrorism. The opposition is to the idea that you can win a War on Terror in the traditional sense. You can't. It's not like the nazis, where you can beat their army, force the country to surrender and dismantle their military and it's over and you won. That won't work with terrorism. We need to spend more time changing minds and hearts and demonstrating our tolerance and less time blowing shit up.

    Did you watch the whole thing?
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    um...ok, there are some who wish harm and ill will upon others in the name of religion...

    this has been happening since the creation of religion...

    I want my 31 minutes back...
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    I don't think people are ignoring the problem or the threat of terrorism. The opposition is to the idea that you can win a War on Terror in the traditional sense. You can't. It's not like the nazis, where you can beat their army, force the country to surrender and dismantle their military and it's over and you won. That won't work with terrorism. We need to spend more time changing minds and hearts and demonstrating our tolerance and less time blowing shit up.

    Did you watch the whole thing?

    Yes. What's your point?

    His only piece of evidence is a "document" he found published online that he never reveals the source of? Surely you can't fall for that? It's almost as bad as Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 911.
  • I don't think people are ignoring the problem or the threat of terrorism. The opposition is to the idea that you can win a War on Terror in the traditional sense. You can't. It's not like the nazis, where you can beat their army, force the country to surrender and dismantle their military and it's over and you won. That won't work with terrorism. We need to spend more time changing minds and hearts and demonstrating our tolerance and less time blowing shit up.

    Did you watch the whole thing?

    Yes. What's your point?

    His only piece of evidence is a "document" he found published online that he never reveals the source of? Surely you can't fall for that? It's almost as bad as Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 911.

    I never watched F-911, but i have to agree with you hear, SS, this is statisticaly baseless propaganda.
    I view this as i would even view official USGov propaganda -- simply meant to drum up support for unsubstantiated military intervention across the world, in the name of (admittedly, by the last few speakers in particular) saving "our way of life" and "our civilization, as a whole".

    I have myriad problems with this documentary,
    but lets start with just a few.

    1. The movie uses the statistic "according to the FBI, it has stopped 31 terrorist attacks in this country, since 911 alone" ...

    uh huh. So no one sees a problem with that declaration? THIRTY ONE STOPPED SINCE 911, but when it comes to the biggest, most expensive, most well planned, internationaly financed and executed operation, that required undercover living and HIGH PROFILE FLIGHT TRAINING ("Hi, this is Abuhl Adjiji Mohammed, and i want to learn how to fly a 747 as fast as possible") WITHIN THE MOST TECHNOLOGICALY ADVANCED AND SECURE NATION IN THE WORLD ... WE FAILED OUTRIGHT, COULDN'T EVEN STOP ONE OF THE PLANES.
    31 since, EPIC FAILURE on the "WWII of terrorist incidents" ... jee, no one saw that coming, huh?
    No "chatter", intelligence, or warnings? No way to prepare? No spare plane parked near NYC or DC huh?
    If you believe THAT, there is your first problem.

    2. Some of the sources\interviewed persons in this documentary are pretty hard for me to swallow -- Rudy Guiliani, Alberto Gonzalez, and Joe Lieberman among them. You don't sell me too quick with that crowd in your corner.

    3. HYPOCRICY, failure to disclose "both sides", and a lack of portrayed understanding of "reasons" for these ideologies: Some of the ideologies espoused by radical muslims most certainly are abhorrent to "modern sensibilities", but it would be hypocritical of us to foist our will upon others in the name of freedom for all, with our track record. Our forefathers had slaves, does that mean you would have allowed a foreign conquerer to come in, execute ALL of our founding fathers, and implement, oh say, Sharia Law and completely redirect our ENTIRE GOVERNMENT all in the name of "freedom and liberty for all"?

    To add to this, the "documentary" works VERY hard to discredit Muslim advocacy groups, which is HILLARIOUS given the United States' history of being brainwashed by groups like the ADL, AIPAC, and the "Jewish" (zionist) lobby at large. These groups have been using MASS PROPAGANDA, HALF TRUTHS, AND OUTRIGHT LIES AND DISTORTIONS, TO MANIPULATE THE ENTIRE MILITARY MIGHT OF THE UNITED STATES since at LEAST the late 1930's. Given that i view THEIR POWER (the zionist influence) as MUCH greater than a bunch of mostly poor and oppressed (partly SELF oppressed) muslims, i find it hard to take this portion of the documentary seriously. I am really to get all bent over some poor muslims pushing a radical agenda in the US, when we have passively allowed groups like the ADL and AIPAC to wreck our understanding of such important events as the Israel-Palestinian conflict, buy off our politicians, and visibly change the direction of our foreign policy (often for the WORSE) ??!??

    Going further, NO attempt is made to understand WHY some of this violent ideology exists. In PART, WE CREATED IT. Go ask Zbigniew Brzezinski abput that. So we funded and armed these people, whipped them in to a frenzy, and SUPPORTED THEIR LEADERSHIP by backing them against the Russians (whom WE BAITED IN TO CONFLICT, BY ARMING THEIR OPPOSITION) ... there is NO attempt made at understanding why those in IRAN might be pissed off, because of our destruction of THEIR democracy and our subsequent DELIBERATE OPPRESSION of them via the Shaw. NO attempt is made to explain why hatred may be radiating from ALL OVER the middle east, because of our unwaivering support for Israel, as they WIPE PALESTINE OFF THE MAP.
    And so forth and so on. Here's an idea, how about when we "leave" Iraq, we hand IT over to Israel just like the Brits handed Palestine over to the Zionists (presented directly to Lord Rothschild himself) and then we can let Israel try to wipe IRAQ of the face of the map too, and we can get all pissed off and self-sanctimonious over the fact that a bunch of Iraqis are now "trying to kill us". gee. who would have guessed.

    In fact, the video is SO distorted, that it doesn't even bother to mention that the lady yapping about her wonderful suicide bomber son IS FROM EGYPT. WE GOT ANY TROOPS HEADED FOR CONFLICT IN EGYPT?
    Didn't think so.

    The "fascists" who want to take over our country, are NOT islamo-fascists ... they are right here within our country, and within internatinoal bodies that seek to subvert our own sovereign authority. Don't be distracted by FALSE BOOGEYMEN. The real fascists are the SAME ONES who have been at war with our country for over 50 years. It is the SAME folks who funded hitler against their "own" country. The same asshole businessmen and bankers folks that were behind corporations like IBM, Chase Bank, Ford, Dupont, and so forth and so on ... THESE are the fuckers to be ware of. THESE are the fuckers with real power, with a REAL ability to end our "way of life as we know it".

    i could go on, but fuck it.
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • I don't think people are ignoring the problem or the threat of terrorism. The opposition is to the idea that you can win a War on Terror in the traditional sense. You can't. It's not like the nazis, where you can beat their army, force the country to surrender and dismantle their military and it's over and you won. That won't work with terrorism. We need to spend more time changing minds and hearts and demonstrating our tolerance and less time blowing shit up.

    Did you watch the whole thing?

    Yes. What's your point?

    His only piece of evidence is a "document" he found published online that he never reveals the source of? Surely you can't fall for that? It's almost as bad as Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 911.

    Its not necessarily the documentation he presents that sells me personally on the matter, anyone can shit out and say this or that...thats always up for debate. Its more of the point that the ugly truth behind a issue that most people here in the west want to ignore.

    The point I'm trying to make is that there are people out there that want to harm us if need be to change the world based on their vision of whats right, and its not a fabricated lie that the US government came up with just to take over the middle east for natural resources. If the world doesn't address the issue (and it doesn't have to always mean war) it will become too large to handle.....some will even say we are already there.

  • Sigh.
    i could go on, but fuck it.

    I don't know man...I have read your other threads in the past.....I don't know how you believe 90% of what you post as fact is beyond me? Maybe I'm the one who needs to wake up then?
  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984

    Its not necessarily the documentation he presents that sells me personally on the matter, anyone can shit out and say this or that...thats always up for debate. Its more of the point that the ugly truth behind a issue that most people here in the west want to ignore.

    The point I'm trying to make is that there are people out there that want to harm us if need be to change the world based on their vision of whats right, and its not a fabricated lie that the US government came up with just to take over the middle east for natural resources. If the world doesn't address the issue (and it doesn't have to always mean war) it will become too large to handle.....some will even say we are already there.

    no one that I know of ever said we shouldn't address the threat of Islamic fundamentalism. its a threat. a few hundred or a few thousand people could very well be killed tomorrow. I don't see it as a threat to national sovereignty or any such nonsense, but it is a threat. Drifting put it well, the real threat to US sovereignty is groups like aipac and the zionist movement.

    how you deal with Islamic fundamentalism is the issue. the more bombs you drop the more fanatics you convert. violence is counterproductive in this war.
  • fuckfuck Posts: 4,069
    So now this is a War on Radical Islam? I guess 1.2 million innocent Iraqis, atleast half of whom were children, were in reality pursuing to spread sharia law to the rest of the world.

    Radical Islam is not the problem. Our aggressive policies is what creates it. Think about it (I know I'm asking a lot, but work with me here), when did radical Islam ACTUALLY become a problem (if ever, really)? Was it before our aggressive and interfering policies with the Middle East? Read a book sometime, maybe you'll learn a thing or two more than your online propaganda.
  • _outlaw wrote:
    So now this is a War on Radical Islam? I guess 1.2 million innocent Iraqis, atleast half of whom were children, were in reality pursuing to spread sharia law to the rest of the world.

    Radical Islam is not the problem. Our aggressive policies is what creates it. Think about it (I know I'm asking a lot, but work with me here), when did radical Islam ACTUALLY become a problem (if ever, really)? Was it before our aggressive and interfering policies with the Middle East? Read a book sometime, maybe you'll learn a thing or two more than your online propaganda.

    Thank you
  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    edited March 2009
    _outlaw wrote:
    So now this is a War on Radical Islam? I guess 1.2 million innocent Iraqis, atleast half of whom were children, were in reality pursuing to spread sharia law to the rest of the world.

    Radical Islam is not the problem. Our aggressive policies is what creates it. Think about it (I know I'm asking a lot, but work with me here), when did radical Islam ACTUALLY become a problem (if ever, really)? Was it before our aggressive and interfering policies with the Middle East? Read a book sometime, maybe you'll learn a thing or two more than your online propaganda.

    Thank you
    that was directed at you, what are you thanking him for?
    Post edited by Commy on
  • _outlaw wrote:
    So now this is a War on Radical Islam? I guess 1.2 million innocent Iraqis, atleast half of whom were children, were in reality pursuing to spread sharia law to the rest of the world.

    Radical Islam is not the problem. Our aggressive policies is what creates it. Think about it (I know I'm asking a lot, but work with me here), when did radical Islam ACTUALLY become a problem (if ever, really)? Was it before our aggressive and interfering policies with the Middle East? Read a book sometime, maybe you'll learn a thing or two more than your online propaganda.
    :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    gvn2fly74 wrote:
    _outlaw wrote:
    So now this is a War on Radical Islam? I guess 1.2 million innocent Iraqis, atleast half of whom were children, were in reality pursuing to spread sharia law to the rest of the world.

    Radical Islam is not the problem. Our aggressive policies is what creates it. Think about it (I know I'm asking a lot, but work with me here), when did radical Islam ACTUALLY become a problem (if ever, really)? Was it before our aggressive and interfering policies with the Middle East? Read a book sometime, maybe you'll learn a thing or two more than your online propaganda.
    :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
    so you can use the smilie button...do you have anything to offer? outlaw is right on with all of this.
  • CB206820CB206820 Posts: 105
    gvn2fly74 wrote:
    CB206820 wrote:
    Radical Islam IS a serious problem.

    Any religion, taken to the extreme, causes serious issues. Jesus Camp, while not this extreme, shows that Christians aren't that far off of this either.

    Religion is a very troublesome thing to me.

    I strongly disagree. There are some who have a severely distorted views but you dont see them decapitating people and blowing up innocent people
    I guess you've never heard of a Christian bombing an Abortion clinic... That would be blowing up innocent people.... Many did this in the name of god...
  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    CB206820 wrote:
    gvn2fly74 wrote:
    CB206820 wrote:
    Radical Islam IS a serious problem.

    Any religion, taken to the extreme, causes serious issues. Jesus Camp, while not this extreme, shows that Christians aren't that far off of this either.

    Religion is a very troublesome thing to me.

    I strongly disagree. There are some who have a severely distorted views but you dont see them decapitating people and blowing up innocent people
    I guess you've never heard of a Christian bombing an Abortion clinic... That would be blowing up innocent people.... Many did this in the name of god...
    or even the invasion of Iraq...

    Bush is quoted as telling the two, "I feel God's words coming to me: 'Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East.' And by God, I'm gonna do it."

    -referring to the invasion of Iraq. so that's hundreds of thousands of innocent people that the US 'blew up' in the name of religion and god.
  • Do you have a link to that?
  • CB206820 wrote:
    gvn2fly74 wrote:
    CB206820 wrote:
    Radical Islam IS a serious problem.

    Any religion, taken to the extreme, causes serious issues. Jesus Camp, while not this extreme, shows that Christians aren't that far off of this either.

    Religion is a very troublesome thing to me.

    I strongly disagree. There are some who have a severely distorted views but you dont see them decapitating people and blowing up innocent people
    I guess you've never heard of a Christian bombing an Abortion clinic... That would be blowing up innocent people.... Many did this in the name of god...

    when was the last time you heard of an abortion clinic being blown up? it's been a while
  • hey Commy.. I never said a damn thing about Iraq, and just so you know I think we shouldn't be there.
  • Commy wrote:
    _outlaw wrote:
    So now this is a War on Radical Islam? I guess 1.2 million innocent Iraqis, atleast half of whom were children, were in reality pursuing to spread sharia law to the rest of the world.

    Radical Islam is not the problem. Our aggressive policies is what creates it. Think about it (I know I'm asking a lot, but work with me here), when did radical Islam ACTUALLY become a problem (if ever, really)? Was it before our aggressive and interfering policies with the Middle East? Read a book sometime, maybe you'll learn a thing or two more than your online propaganda.

    Thank you
    that was directed at you, what are you thanking him for?

    You too, thanks.
  • callencallen Posts: 6,388
    Religion....when will we get over this outdated means of control and yearning to feel special. Once we do, as humans, we'll end this hate.
    10-18-2000 Houston, 04-06-2003 Houston, 6-25-2003 Toronto, 10-8-2004 Kissimmee, 9-4-2005 Calgary, 12-3-05 Sao Paulo, 7-2-2006 Denver, 7-22-06 Gorge, 7-23-2006 Gorge, 9-13-2006 Bern, 6-22-2008 DC, 6-24-2008 MSG, 6-25-2008 MSG
  • callencallen Posts: 6,388
    Do you have a link to that?

    I garantee a prime motivation for many Christians in going into Iraq and not concerning themselves with the killing of Muslims is the same hate shown in this clip. Same crap.
    10-18-2000 Houston, 04-06-2003 Houston, 6-25-2003 Toronto, 10-8-2004 Kissimmee, 9-4-2005 Calgary, 12-3-05 Sao Paulo, 7-2-2006 Denver, 7-22-06 Gorge, 7-23-2006 Gorge, 9-13-2006 Bern, 6-22-2008 DC, 6-24-2008 MSG, 6-25-2008 MSG
  • WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
    edited March 2009
    Commy wrote:
    gvn2fly74 wrote:
    _outlaw wrote:
    So now this is a War on Radical Islam? I guess 1.2 million innocent Iraqis, atleast half of whom were children, were in reality pursuing to spread sharia law to the rest of the world.

    Radical Islam is not the problem. Our aggressive policies is what creates it. Think about it (I know I'm asking a lot, but work with me here), when did radical Islam ACTUALLY become a problem (if ever, really)? Was it before our aggressive and interfering policies with the Middle East? Read a book sometime, maybe you'll learn a thing or two more than your online propaganda.
    :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
    so you can use the smilie button...do you have anything to offer? outlaw is right on with all of this.

    Right on? sure Commy what ever you say ......
    I don't need to add anything .if you dumb fucks dont get it by now you never will. Maybe we'll get attacked again and you loose a loved one and maybe then you'll get it but I hope it doesn't come to that.
    Post edited by WaveCameCrashin on
  • This thread has gone off topic, the movie just points out that this is a reality, not something fabricated.

    Lets back off a little here, there is no reason to turn this into a zoo.
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