It seems to me that you are missing two important points here: 1) you were an employee at will which meant your employer could fire you at any moment for any reason whatsoever. That's it. You have no recourse to being fired. 2) you are responsible to report any income earned over the course of the year to the IRS. If your employer does not report your income it is still your responsibility to pay taxes on whatever amount you earned. And yes, you do have a choice whether or not to accept your paycheck under the table. You can either ask to have taxes deducted or decline the job.
yes, but if one party in an 'illegal agreement' fucks the other one over for whatever reason, they should think long and hard before they do that.
Who's fucking who over??? Both parties here are making out on the deal by fucking over the government and its citizens by not paying into unemployment, social security and other benefits. Both are responsible to report earning to the government so both are guilty of circumventing income tax law.
This is your notice that there is a problem with your signature. Please remove it.
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
If his business was shut down , then more people than just him and his family would be affected.The other people who work there would also be affected. But fuck them , they were jealous right?
And further , you being the adult you claim , would know that not NOT filling out a w-4 or any forms for that matter would be suspicious.
Please explain what small claims court would do for you , IF you were to go that route?
well it was obviously one of his co-workers who ratted him out. I'm quite a spiteful bitch when I want to be so if I got sacked for something as ridiculous as that, I'd at least CONSIDER some kinda action.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
It seems to me that you are missing two important points here: 1) you were an employee at will which meant your employer could fire you at any moment for any reason whatsoever. That's it. You have no recourse to being fired. 2) you are responsible to report any income earned over the course of the year to the IRS. If your employer does not report your income it is still your responsibility to pay taxes on whatever amount you earned. And yes, you do have a choice whether or not to accept your paycheck under the table. You can either ask to have taxes deducted or decline the job.
yes, but if one party in an 'illegal agreement' fucks the other one over for whatever reason, they should think long and hard before they do that.
Who's fucking who over??? Both parties here are making out on the deal by fucking over the government and its citizens by not paying into unemployment, social security and other benefits. Both are responsible to report earning to the government so both are guilty of circumventing income tax law.
I said it's an illegal agreement... but the boss fucked him over if that was indeed the reason he sacked him cos that's bullshit. I can't imagine anyone would have to be pc working in a car wash it's not a place you'd usually have to watch your mouth. All I'm saying is that you'd think someone who's illegally employing would be more careful about how they treat their staff.. but strangely it never seems to work that way :?
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
yes, but if one party in an 'illegal agreement' fucks the other one over for whatever reason, they should think long and hard before they do that.
Who's fucking who over??? Both parties here are making out on the deal by fucking over the government and its citizens by not paying into unemployment, social security and other benefits. Both are responsible to report earning to the government so both are guilty of circumventing income tax law.
I said it's an illegal agreement... but the boss fucked him over if that was indeed the reason he sacked him cos that's bullshit. I can't imagine anyone would have to be pc working in a car wash it's not a place you'd usually have to watch your mouth. All I'm saying is that you'd think someone who's illegally employing would be more careful about how they treat their staff.. but strangely it never seems to work that way :?
That's my point.. the employer can treat employees any way he wants for the sheer fact that both the employee and employer are breaking the law. If the employee wants to turn the employer in for paying under the table, that is fine. But the employee will also be subject to having to pay taxes on any income they earned while being paid under the table.
This is your notice that there is a problem with your signature. Please remove it.
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
That's my point.. the employer can treat employees any way he wants for the sheer fact that both the employee and employer are breaking the law. If the employee wants to turn the employer in for paying under the table, that is fine. But the employee will also be subject to having to pay taxes on any income they earned while being paid under the table.
well if you'd read his posts, you'd see that even if the IRS came down on him like a bag of bricks, he'd probably owe what $5? It's obvious who'd be hurt more if this were reported and it's not the poster.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
I won't comment on the rest but please take a little advice from an accountant. I make a living doing this so I do know a little about what I'm talking about. As many people have said, you do have to pay taxes on the money you earned regardless of whether you filed out a W-2 and a 1099. It's still income and you still have to report it. I don't know where you get the whole $600 or two month idea but it's wrong. I don't care if you claim it or not but please stop saying that you are doing nothing wrong by not reporting it.
Whatever happened to forgive and forget and just move on?
Fuck...forget the forgiving part, who gives a shit...just man up and move on for yourself. Who cares about anything or anyone else? If you become more focused on others, then you're going to live a long sad life. Focus on you, and do what's best for you. Work sucks dude, and if this is how you're going to take a job at a car wash, then you're going to have a shitty time with whatever career you get as well. With more responsibility you get as you move on, the more dumb shit you have to deal with.
Responsibility for ourselves seems to be a thing of the past. :roll:
Whatever happened to forgive and forget and just move on?
Fuck...forget the forgiving part, who gives a shit...just man up and move on for yourself. Who cares about anything or anyone else? If you become more focused on others, then you're going to live a long sad life. Focus on you, and do what's best for you. Work sucks dude, and if this is how you're going to take a job at a car wash, then you're going to have a shitty time with whatever career you get as well. With more responsibility you get as you move on, the more dumb shit you have to deal with.
Responsibility for ourselves seems to be a thing of the past. :roll:
i wanna work at a car wash..resposibilty is annoying
Whatever happened to forgive and forget and just move on?
Fuck...forget the forgiving part, who gives a shit...just man up and move on for yourself. Who cares about anything or anyone else? If you become more focused on others, then you're going to live a long sad life. Focus on you, and do what's best for you. Work sucks dude, and if this is how you're going to take a job at a car wash, then you're going to have a shitty time with whatever career you get as well. With more responsibility you get as you move on, the more dumb shit you have to deal with.
Responsibility for ourselves seems to be a thing of the past. :roll:
i wanna work at a car wash..resposibilty is annoying
Your boss just isn't that into you, and found an excuse to facilitate the breakup. Get revenge by finding a better job - a step up from a car wash shouldn't be too hard even in this economy.
So if you never would have taken the job, why are you so bent out of shape about losing it? And above all, how is HE a criminal tax evader when you admit right here that you knew what he was doing wasn't legal but you kept taking his money under the table and also EVADING TAXES ON YOUR OWN? Whether you're a good person or not has nothing to do with the fact that what you did is as illegal as what he did and if he's a criminal so are you.
Man. How many times do I have to say it? I am not bent out of shape about losing it. I am over it. Yes, I was upset the DAY OF because I got fired. That's totally normal be upset about getting fired the day it happens.
He is a criminal tax evader because he does not pay taxes on his business! That's the whole reason he pays under the table to avoid paying payroll taxes, etc.
I am not a criminal. I filed my taxes legitimately. I did not claim income earned from the car wash job because I did not receive a 1099 form and I did not earn more than 600 dollars. There was nothing to report. There was no W-2 at the start of the job.
If you're gonna call me a criminal for that, then you might as well call everyone who works there a criminal. It's not our fault. It's the bosses fault for paying us under the table and avoiding taxation altogether. That's illegal.
I did nothing illegal. If I had received a 1099 (which I did not) I would have filed it.
ha ha ha...
you sound like Ricky from Trailer Park Boys..."my counselor told me it's society's fault, so it's not my fault"...
perhaps you could take this opportunity to go eat some chicken fingers and go back to school... :idea:
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
There is nothing to take responsibility for. I don't work there anymore. As I've already said, there is no proof or record whatsoever that I ever worked there.
That is correct, I did not commit any illegal activity. The ONLY WAY I could have POSSIBLY committed illegal activity is if there had been a W-2 or 1099 form to fill out and I simply didn't do it - which is NOT the case.
My former boss DID and DOES commit illegal activity. If you own your own business and are paying employees to work for you, you are required to pay payroll taxes, etc. He does not pay any taxes.
If you have income and are working, you are required to pay income taxes. You did not pay income taxes.
The fact that he didn't give you forms to fill out doesn't mean you're absolved of filing taxes. You didn't get a W-2 because he never withheld. That doesn't mean you don't owe tax on that income, just that you and he are BOTH breaking though... he doesn't pay payroll taxes, you don't pay income taxes.
I'm a little alarmed that you seem to truly believe you didn't do anything illegal here. What you're doing is basically the same as claiming "hey, the other guy sold the drugs, and my friend bought them and rolled them, all I did was accept a few hits... so I didn't do anything illegal!"
I'm not wrong that you are required to report what you made. Even if there is no record, you are required by law to report your income on your taxes. I play in a band. I don't make much and we usually take cash from the door. I claim it as income on my taxes, b/c I make more than a set amount every year.
The people that have "shown their true colors" are the ones are telling you how it really is. Sure, some of it is kinda harsh, but you kinda asked for it.
For the record, again, you are a hypocrite. Would you have reported him paying you under the table if you were never fired? It seems to me that you were planning on enjoying the benefits of not paying your taxes as much as him.
What you wanted was to post your big sob story and a bunch of people to come and feel sorry for you. Sure it sucks you lost your job, but there was a good enough reason. Go look somewhere else for sympathy, is the only thing I can tell ya.
How the FUCK is taking a job and getting paid for it wrong?
It's not like I CHOSE to be paid under the table.
These comments and claims of hypocrisy are utterly ridiculous.
Yes you DID choose to be paid under the table when you accepted the job and continued working there after you found out that's what he was doing.
How is it illegal to pay someone under the table but not to accept payment under the table?
I dunno about in the states but it happens in Ireland all the time. Eastern European workers will accept way below minimum wage but off the books... when one of them gets sacked he'll report the company. The company will go bust and he'll be taken pity on and offered a visa, a home, a proper job, blah blah blah. But never does he get in trouble. It's seen as the employer taking advantage.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Wrong. I did not CHOOSE to be paid under the table. I am obviously not in charge of how I am paid if I am working for somebody else. Once again, I have ALREADY clarified that it was not a check but in fact cash. I was not complicit because I thought for sure there would be a 1099 form given to me which never happened because my former boss is a crook. There is nothing to claim when 1. I earned less than 600 dollars and 2. There is no proof or record that I ever worked there.
Yes you are in charge of how you are paid... you could have quit rather than break the law.
Also, your excuses for not claiming the income are not legal reasons. You're basically saying "it's not illegal because I can't get caught."
It seems to me that you are missing two important points here: 1) you were an employee at will which meant your employer could fire you at any moment for any reason whatsoever. That's it. You have no recourse to being fired. 2) you are responsible to report any income earned over the course of the year to the IRS. If your employer does not report your income it is still your responsibility to pay taxes on whatever amount you earned. And yes, you do have a choice whether or not to accept your paycheck under the table. You can either ask to have taxes deducted or decline the job.
That is incorrect. I am not missing the point. WHY DON'T YOU READ WHAT I'M SAYING??? I KNOW I was an at-will employee! That's wasn't the point! I understand that you can be fired for any time at any reason. HOWEVER, people usually AREN'T fired unless there is a damn good reason! My reason was crap! And besides that, my former boss had let me know that he really liked me and even gave me a hug - DAYS before the firing!
I WAS NEVER claiming I had no recourse to being fired. I WAS SIMPLY STATING that it was bullshit!
I am not responsible for reporting income when there is NO RECORD OR PROOF THAT I EVER WORKED THERE.
If his business was shut down , then more people than just him and his family would be affected.The other people who work there would also be affected. But fuck them , they were jealous right?
And further , you being the adult you claim , would know that not NOT filling out a w-4 or any forms for that matter would be suspicious.
Please explain what small claims court would do for you , IF you were to go that route?
There were no such forms to speak of. For the ELEVENTH time, I am not taking him to court or dealing with the IRS. It was the heat of the moment that led me to speak of these potential options. Nothing more.
I won't comment on the rest but please take a little advice from an accountant. I make a living doing this so I do know a little about what I'm talking about. As many people have said, you do have to pay taxes on the money you earned regardless of whether you filed out a W-2 and a 1099. It's still income and you still have to report it. I don't know where you get the whole $600 or two month idea but it's wrong. I don't care if you claim it or not but please stop saying that you are doing nothing wrong by not reporting it.
No. If you earn less than 600 dollars (which I DID) you are not required to claim it. And not only that, but as has been stated OVER and OVER and over and over, there were no forms, NO RECORD and NO PROOF that I EVER worked there!
JonnyPistachio -
LOL! That's hilarious. Thanks for the laugh and brightening the mood in an otherwise dark thread.
Evil Merlin Part Deux, inmytree & pjtradeking -
LOL. You guys don't get it. I must have to say the same thing hundreds and hundreds of times before you finally begin to grasp understanding it. I am not upset, I am not bent out of shape, I have owned up to what happened and am ready to move on, I am not an immature little baby, I am a decent, hard-working, intelligent and mature man who can and will move on with my life and be just fine. I was simply angry in the heat of the moment. The original post was made the day I was fired. ANYONE would be upset over being FIRED the day it happened.
I dunno about in the states but it happens in Ireland all the time. Eastern European workers will accept way below minimum wage but off the books... when one of them gets sacked he'll report the company. The company will go bust and he'll be taken pity on and offered a visa, a home, a proper job, blah blah blah. But never does he get in trouble. It's seen as the employer taking advantage.
You don't seem happy about that though, do you?
My issue is not that it happens. It happens plenty here in America and I couldn't care less that poster or his boss didn't pay their taxes. All that bothers me is that he keeps INSISTING he didn't break the law and the other guy did. That, to me, is a glaring indication of immaturity and childish finger-pointing, as I and about a dozen others here have pointed out. And it's the sort of petulant attitude that could get him into serious trouble in other situations down the line.
I said it's an illegal agreement... but the boss fucked him over if that was indeed the reason he sacked him cos that's bullshit. I can't imagine anyone would have to be pc working in a car wash it's not a place you'd usually have to watch your mouth. All I'm saying is that you'd think someone who's illegally employing would be more careful about how they treat their staff.. but strangely it never seems to work that way :?
Why would they? They know the employees are as guilty as they are, which is what we tried to point out to discourage this kid from doing something stupid that could get him in trouble too. Unfortunately for his employer, it seems he hired and fired a kid that lives in his own delusional dream world where only the other people are doing something illegal and his actions are never legally problematic.
I won't comment on the rest but please take a little advice from an accountant. I make a living doing this so I do know a little about what I'm talking about. As many people have said, you do have to pay taxes on the money you earned regardless of whether you filed out a W-2 and a 1099. It's still income and you still have to report it. I don't know where you get the whole $600 or two month idea but it's wrong. I don't care if you claim it or not but please stop saying that you are doing nothing wrong by not reporting it.
No. If you earn less than 600 dollars (which I DID) you are not required to claim it. And not only that, but as has been stated OVER and OVER and over and over, there were no forms, NO RECORD and NO PROOF that I EVER worked there!
NO. Just b/c there is no proof you worked there doesn't mean you don't owe taxes on it. All income, legal or illegal (cash or non cash) is taxable. You are trying to get out of paying taxes just like he is. I would actually love to hear you make that statement above to an auditor.
And as far as the $600, if that was your ONLY income for the entire year (meaning no other job) then no its not enough for you to report and you wouldn't have to file a return for the year. Since you said you did pay taxes, this income is also to be included in your gross income.
I am not responsible for reporting income when there is NO RECORD OR PROOF THAT I EVER WORKED THERE.
No. If you earn less than 600 dollars (which I DID) you are not required to claim it. And not only that, but as has been stated OVER and OVER and over and over, there were no forms, NO RECORD and NO PROOF that I EVER worked there!
The fact that they can't prove it doesn't mean you weren't breaking the law.
I dunno about in the states but it happens in Ireland all the time. Eastern European workers will accept way below minimum wage but off the books... when one of them gets sacked he'll report the company. The company will go bust and he'll be taken pity on and offered a visa, a home, a proper job, blah blah blah. But never does he get in trouble. It's seen as the employer taking advantage.
You don't seem happy about that though, do you?
My issue is not that it happens. It happens plenty here in America and I couldn't care less that poster or his boss didn't pay their taxes. All that bothers me is that he keeps INSISTING he didn't break the law and the other guy did. That, to me, is a glaring indication of immaturity and childish finger-pointing, as I and about a dozen others here have pointed out. And it's the sort of petulant attitude that could get him into serious trouble in other situations down the line.
I just find it ironic the PEOPLE who are throwing accusations of immaturity and childishness actually not ironic... just plain funny!
No I'm not happy about that... but in this case I don't get the impression that the OP was undercutting a local person... I get the impression that he IS local. It's a different story but should have the same implications.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Even if you were not issued a 1099, the honus is still on you to report the earnings on your tax return.
Its a longshot, but if the IRS audits someone's taxes, they can request copies of bank statements, and if they see deposits on the statements, they will ask you if they represent income (which should be reported on a tax return), the sale of an asset (which may require reporting a capital gain), a loan, or a gift (which may trigger a gift tax return filing requirement for the person giving the gift).
Your former employer may try to claim that you were an independent contractor, and thus, he would have had no requirement to pay you as an employee.
In any case, I hope you find a new job, and resolution, quickly.
I won't comment on the rest but please take a little advice from an accountant. I make a living doing this so I do know a little about what I'm talking about. As many people have said, you do have to pay taxes on the money you earned regardless of whether you filed out a W-2 and a 1099. It's still income and you still have to report it. I don't know where you get the whole $600 or two month idea but it's wrong. I don't care if you claim it or not but please stop saying that you are doing nothing wrong by not reporting it.
No. If you earn less than 600 dollars (which I DID) you are not required to claim it. And not only that, but as has been stated OVER and OVER and over and over, there were no forms, NO RECORD and NO PROOF that I EVER worked there!
NO. Just b/c there is no proof you worked there doesn't mean you don't owe taxes on it. All income, legal or illegal (cash or non cash) is taxable. You are trying to get out of paying taxes just like he is. I would actually love to hear you make that statement above to an auditor.
And as far as the $600, if that was your ONLY income for the entire year (meaning no other job) then no its not enough for you to report and you wouldn't have to file a return for the year. Since you said you did pay taxes, this income is also to be included in your gross income.
funny argueing a tax issue with someone who , by nature of their job , might tend to be a little more knowledgeable on US tax code.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Even if you were not issued a 1099, the honus is still on you to report the earnings on your tax return.
Its a longshot, but if the IRS audits someone's taxes, they can request copies of bank statements, and if they see deposits on the statements, they will ask you if they represent income (which should be reported on a tax return), the sale of an asset (which may require reporting a capital gain), a loan, or a gift (which may trigger a gift tax return filing requirement for the person giving the gift).
Your former employer may try to claim that you were an independent contractor, and thus, he would have had no requirement to pay you as an employee.
In any case, I hope you find a new job, and resolution, quickly.
I'm presuming that, having earned less than $600 in 2 months, there were no lodgements :oops:
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
[I just find it ironic the PEOPLE who are throwing accusations of immaturity and childishness actually not ironic... just plain funny!
No I'm not happy about that... but in this case I don't get the impression that the OP was undercutting a local person... I get the impression that he IS local. It's a different story but should have the same implications.
I don't doubt you find it funny/ironic. Meanwhile, I find it rather telling that the only person taking his side and saying he's being perfectly reasonable is unemployed and having enormous difficulty getting a job. By my count, there have been about 20 different people here who have said he is acting childish and is wrong about this, and a large number of them are gainfully employed and have been. Don't let your personal issues with 2 or 3 of them cloud your judgment or obscure the fact that they're all right.
What implications would those be? The bottom line is that what he's doing is illegal and he insists it is not. Are you saying he's right?
[I just find it ironic the PEOPLE who are throwing accusations of immaturity and childishness actually not ironic... just plain funny!
No I'm not happy about that... but in this case I don't get the impression that the OP was undercutting a local person... I get the impression that he IS local. It's a different story but should have the same implications.
I don't doubt you find it funny/ironic. Meanwhile, I find it rather telling that the only person taking his side and saying he's being perfectly reasonable is unemployed and having enormous difficulty getting a job.
What implications would those be? The bottom line is that what he's doing is illegal and he insists it is not. Are you saying he's right?
Are you bringing MY personal situation into it??? Wow, that's low, even for you :roll: IT'S A RECESSION :roll: ah you'll find out soon enough
dunk also took his side and he's highly employed... ah I forgot you judge people only on what they do and how much money they make
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Are you bringing MY personal situation into it??? Wow, that's low, even for you :roll: IT'S A RECESSION :roll: ah you'll find out soon enough
dunk also took his side and he's highly employed... ah I forgot you judge people only on what they do and how much money they make
I know it's a recession and things are tough out there. All the more reason for this kid to learn FAST about proper job behavior. Also, recession or no, prison time for tax evasion is not fun.
2 Europeans to about 20 Americans, several of who have intimate knowledge of the tax code. I ask again, are you saying that he is right when he claims he hasn't broken any laws but his boss did?
Who's fucking who over??? Both parties here are making out on the deal by fucking over the government and its citizens by not paying into unemployment, social security and other benefits. Both are responsible to report earning to the government so both are guilty of circumventing income tax law.
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
That's my point.. the employer can treat employees any way he wants for the sheer fact that both the employee and employer are breaking the law. If the employee wants to turn the employer in for paying under the table, that is fine. But the employee will also be subject to having to pay taxes on any income they earned while being paid under the table.
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
or maybe i would just move on and get another job.
Fuck...forget the forgiving part, who gives a shit...just man up and move on for yourself. Who cares about anything or anyone else? If you become more focused on others, then you're going to live a long sad life. Focus on you, and do what's best for you. Work sucks dude, and if this is how you're going to take a job at a car wash, then you're going to have a shitty time with whatever career you get as well. With more responsibility you get as you move on, the more dumb shit you have to deal with.
Responsibility for ourselves seems to be a thing of the past. :roll:
i wanna work at a car wash..resposibilty is annoying
ha ha ha...
you sound like Ricky from Trailer Park Boys..."my counselor told me it's society's fault, so it's not my fault"...
perhaps you could take this opportunity to go eat some chicken fingers and go back to school... :idea:
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
If you have income and are working, you are required to pay income taxes. You did not pay income taxes.
The fact that he didn't give you forms to fill out doesn't mean you're absolved of filing taxes. You didn't get a W-2 because he never withheld. That doesn't mean you don't owe tax on that income, just that you and he are BOTH breaking though... he doesn't pay payroll taxes, you don't pay income taxes.
I'm a little alarmed that you seem to truly believe you didn't do anything illegal here. What you're doing is basically the same as claiming "hey, the other guy sold the drugs, and my friend bought them and rolled them, all I did was accept a few hits... so I didn't do anything illegal!"
This is some funny shit.
The people that have "shown their true colors" are the ones are telling you how it really is. Sure, some of it is kinda harsh, but you kinda asked for it.
For the record, again, you are a hypocrite. Would you have reported him paying you under the table if you were never fired? It seems to me that you were planning on enjoying the benefits of not paying your taxes as much as him.
What you wanted was to post your big sob story and a bunch of people to come and feel sorry for you. Sure it sucks you lost your job, but there was a good enough reason. Go look somewhere else for sympathy, is the only thing I can tell ya.
Yes you DID choose to be paid under the table when you accepted the job and continued working there after you found out that's what he was doing.
How is it illegal to pay someone under the table but not to accept payment under the table?
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Yes you are in charge of how you are paid... you could have quit rather than break the law.
Also, your excuses for not claiming the income are not legal reasons. You're basically saying "it's not illegal because I can't get caught."
That is incorrect. I am not missing the point. WHY DON'T YOU READ WHAT I'M SAYING??? I KNOW I was an at-will employee! That's wasn't the point! I understand that you can be fired for any time at any reason. HOWEVER, people usually AREN'T fired unless there is a damn good reason! My reason was crap! And besides that, my former boss had let me know that he really liked me and even gave me a hug - DAYS before the firing!
I WAS NEVER claiming I had no recourse to being fired. I WAS SIMPLY STATING that it was bullshit!
I am not responsible for reporting income when there is NO RECORD OR PROOF THAT I EVER WORKED THERE.
There were no such forms to speak of. For the ELEVENTH time, I am not taking him to court or dealing with the IRS. It was the heat of the moment that led me to speak of these potential options. Nothing more.
No. If you earn less than 600 dollars (which I DID) you are not required to claim it. And not only that, but as has been stated OVER and OVER and over and over, there were no forms, NO RECORD and NO PROOF that I EVER worked there!
JonnyPistachio -
LOL! That's hilarious. Thanks for the laugh and brightening the mood in an otherwise dark thread.
Evil Merlin Part Deux, inmytree & pjtradeking -
LOL. You guys don't get it. I must have to say the same thing hundreds and hundreds of times before you finally begin to grasp understanding it. I am not upset, I am not bent out of shape, I have owned up to what happened and am ready to move on, I am not an immature little baby, I am a decent, hard-working, intelligent and mature man who can and will move on with my life and be just fine. I was simply angry in the heat of the moment. The original post was made the day I was fired. ANYONE would be upset over being FIRED the day it happened.
You don't seem happy about that though, do you?
My issue is not that it happens. It happens plenty here in America and I couldn't care less that poster or his boss didn't pay their taxes. All that bothers me is that he keeps INSISTING he didn't break the law and the other guy did. That, to me, is a glaring indication of immaturity and childish finger-pointing, as I and about a dozen others here have pointed out. And it's the sort of petulant attitude that could get him into serious trouble in other situations down the line.
Why would they? They know the employees are as guilty as they are, which is what we tried to point out to discourage this kid from doing something stupid that could get him in trouble too. Unfortunately for his employer, it seems he hired and fired a kid that lives in his own delusional dream world where only the other people are doing something illegal and his actions are never legally problematic.
NO. Just b/c there is no proof you worked there doesn't mean you don't owe taxes on it. All income, legal or illegal (cash or non cash) is taxable. You are trying to get out of paying taxes just like he is. I would actually love to hear you make that statement above to an auditor.
And as far as the $600, if that was your ONLY income for the entire year (meaning no other job) then no its not enough for you to report and you wouldn't have to file a return for the year. Since you said you did pay taxes, this income is also to be included in your gross income.
The fact that they can't prove it doesn't mean you weren't breaking the law.
No I'm not happy about that... but in this case I don't get the impression that the OP was undercutting a local person... I get the impression that he IS local. It's a different story but should have the same implications.
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Its a longshot, but if the IRS audits someone's taxes, they can request copies of bank statements, and if they see deposits on the statements, they will ask you if they represent income (which should be reported on a tax return), the sale of an asset (which may require reporting a capital gain), a loan, or a gift (which may trigger a gift tax return filing requirement for the person giving the gift).
Your former employer may try to claim that you were an independent contractor, and thus, he would have had no requirement to pay you as an employee.
In any case, I hope you find a new job, and resolution, quickly.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
I don't doubt you find it funny/ironic. Meanwhile, I find it rather telling that the only person taking his side and saying he's being perfectly reasonable is unemployed and having enormous difficulty getting a job. By my count, there have been about 20 different people here who have said he is acting childish and is wrong about this, and a large number of them are gainfully employed and have been. Don't let your personal issues with 2 or 3 of them cloud your judgment or obscure the fact that they're all right.
What implications would those be? The bottom line is that what he's doing is illegal and he insists it is not. Are you saying he's right?
dunk also took his side and he's highly employed... ah I forgot you judge people only on what they do and how much money they make
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
I know it's a recession and things are tough out there. All the more reason for this kid to learn FAST about proper job behavior. Also, recession or no, prison time for tax evasion is not fun.
2 Europeans to about 20 Americans, several of who have intimate knowledge of the tax code. I ask again, are you saying that he is right when he claims he hasn't broken any laws but his boss did?