God! I can't wait to hit the road and see you all again!
ME TOO!! I am in desperate need of a tour and my "pearl jam friends"
I miss you gals!!
PJ: St. Paul 6.16.2003, St. Paul 6.26.2006, St. Paul 6.27.2006, Hartford 6.27.2008, Mansfield 6.28.2008, Mansfield 6.30.2008, Beacon Theater 7.1.2008, Toronto 8.21.2009, Chicago 8.23.2009, Chicago 8.24.2009, Philly 10.30.2009, Philly 10.31.2009, Columbus 5.6.2010, Noblesville 5.7.2010
EV: Los Angeles 4.12.2008, Los Angeles 4.13.2008, Nashville 6.17.2009, Nashville 6.18.2009, Memphis 6.20.2009
ok if that's true.... then the young are those living in the future? and those living the now are??? :geek: maybe I shouldn't get technical at this hour :shock:
"I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"
I think I'm the oldest here, so far. 58. Loved the band since Ten, but my first show was on my 50th birthday.
I'm amazed at people that went to both the Gorge and Vancouver 2005 concerts! :shock: That's quite a drive after a concert.
I did that, and drove back to the Gorge again the day after Vancouver for Tom Petty. What a great weekend that was. PJ at the Gorge, PJ in Vancouver, and Tom Petty at the Gorge, all in 3 days. :ugeek:
I am sure this goes without saying ...........
but there are so many great things about being an "Old" Pearl Jam Fan
A few for me would be:
*My member number.
*The joy I have when I look at the list of shows I've been to.
*Having Mike's wife notice a poster I made and everyone sign it without asking!
*My T Shirt Collection.
*Being 33 and able to take my 16 and 13 yr old sons to both the west / east coast Eddie Vedder along with several Pearl Jam shows this summer. Best trips we have taken.
*Having a taped copy of MTV Unplugged complete with Sega Genesis and AT&T 10 Cents a minute commercials Staring Murphy Brown. < that makes me feel the oldest
*Smile Cleveland 06
*Catching Matt's Drum Stick
New Fans - Old Fans there isn’t a group of guys better ALL their fan than PEARL JAM
“This is a ah another request fulfillment. If none of the other of you like it at least one guy does. Actually it’s a girl, she’s right back there.”
SMILE Eddie Vedder Cleveland 06.....
Hey, I am 38 years old, saw PJ for the first time in 1992 at the age of 21 and been rockin' with them ever since! I think I have had more time to appreciate the band for all their works as they got released, not playing catch up since riot act. Any PJ fan rocks, we just do it smarter!
7/28/1992 Lollapalooza Cincinnati, 9/22/1996 Toledo, 8/20/2000 Cincinnati, 6/24/2006 Cincinnati, 8/5/2007 Lollapalooza Chicago @ Grant Park, EV solo 8/21/2008 Chicago @ Auditorium Theater
I'm glad to be 40 +...I've been able to go to lots of PJ concerts and before them there was lots of awesome acts like Stevie Ray Vaughan and original Black Sabbath...
Thats my story and I'm stickin' to it....I'm going down to Lukins...
I am sure this goes without saying ...........
but there are so many great things about being an "Old" Pearl Jam Fan
A few for me would be:
*My member number.
*The joy I have when I look at the list of shows I've been to.
*Having Mike's wife notice a poster I made and everyone sign it without asking!
*My T Shirt Collection.
*Being 33 and able to take my 16 and 13 yr old sons to both the west / east coast Eddie Vedder along with several Pearl Jam shows this summer. Best trips we have taken.
*Having a taped copy of MTV Unplugged complete with Sega Genesis and AT&T 10 Cents a minute commercials Staring Murphy Brown. < that makes me feel the oldest
*Smile Cleveland 06
*Catching Matt's Drum Stick
New Fans - Old Fans there isn’t a group of guys better ALL their fan than PEARL JAM
im in!
I miss you gals!!
EV: Los Angeles 4.12.2008, Los Angeles 4.13.2008, Nashville 6.17.2009, Nashville 6.18.2009, Memphis 6.20.2009
Phila. 03. Camden nights 1&2 03. Hershey 03. Boston 04. Reading 04. St Louis 04. Montreal 05. Ottawa 05. AC 05. Phila. 05. NY Letterman Show 06. E Rutherford nights 1&2 06. Camden nights 1&2 06. Denver nights 1&2 06. Hawaii 06. Grant Park, Chicago 07. Van Couver 08.(EV Solo) Camden nights 1&2 08. NY nights 1&2 08. Hartford 08. Mansfield 08. Newark 08.(EV Solo) Phila. nights 1&2 09.(EV Solo) Baltimore nights 1&2 09.(EV Solo) Honolulu night 2 09.(EV Solo) Salt Lake City 09. Phila Spectrum 10/27 10/28 & 10/31/09. Newark, NJ 05.18.10
How I choose to feel is how I am
Im Trudie aka «¤tîg®ê§§¤» or if you cant read that (dont worry you're not alone) Tigress or Tig :P
I am 29 and have loved Pearl Jam since 1993. My Big Bro gave me Ten to have a listen to and its been love ever since.
I do not consider my age as "old" but I'm too old to post in the youngens thread!
Cincinnati, Columbus 2000
Baltimore 2013
but there are so many great things about being an "Old" Pearl Jam Fan
A few for me would be:
*My member number.
*The joy I have when I look at the list of shows I've been to.
*Having Mike's wife notice a poster I made and everyone sign it without asking!
*My T Shirt Collection.
*Being 33 and able to take my 16 and 13 yr old sons to both the west / east coast Eddie Vedder along with several Pearl Jam shows this summer. Best trips we have taken.
*Having a taped copy of MTV Unplugged complete with Sega Genesis and AT&T 10 Cents a minute commercials Staring Murphy Brown. < that makes me feel the oldest
*Smile Cleveland 06
*Catching Matt's Drum Stick
New Fans - Old Fans there isn’t a group of guys better ALL their fan than PEARL JAM
SMILE Eddie Vedder Cleveland 06.....
What You Giving
I suggest you step out on your Porch.
Run away my son. See it all. Oh, See the World!
I cannot wait until next time :-) I am already looking forward to it!
Whatever you are, be a good one --Lincoln
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
8/25/98, 8/21/00, 9/5/00, 4/26/03, 5/3/03, 6/24/03, 9/28/05, 10/03/05, 5/20/06, 6/23/06, EV 8/16/08, EV 6/18/09, 5/20/10, 9/15/11, 10/11/13, 10/27/13, 10/1/14, 8/20/16, 8/22/16, TOTD 11/7/16, 8/18/18, 9/2/18, 9/4/18, 9/11/22, 9/14/22, 8/26/24, 9/12/24, 9/27/24, 9/29/24
Is the fortune that you need ~ BenHarper
Thats my story and I'm stickin' to it....I'm going down to Lukins...
GREAT POST!!!! I love it
Whatever you are, be a good one --Lincoln
1-800-GiveLife 1-800-448-3543
BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
ah, well im older then you Lani!
Rob in the UK here at 36. Doesn't feel that old- I know loads of people way older than me.
Even some younger friends look older (ha!)
It might be my age but hw do you out the pictures on profile?
I cant see it but you know, at my age etc....
Been a fan since 93, been a member since about 2003 (I think)
Manchester, June 2024 - TBC £160!!!
"Don't sweat the petty things, don't pet the sweaty things"