New XM Channel lineup sucks balls!

Holy shit, they really ruined things. Somehow all the Sirius stations took over the XM ones. Gone are Lucy, Squizz, Top Tracks, Flight, etc. They're been replaced by the Sirius counterparts Lithium, Octane, Classic Vinyl, The Pulse. It's only been a day but already I've noticed more DJs talking (and talking over song intros to boot), changes in the tone of the stations (Korn on Liquid Metal??) and less uncensored channels. They totally got rid of The Rhyme - classic hip hop which was such a fun channel.
Way to go Mel Karmazin, after ruining FM you finally fulfilled your dream of ruining satellite. I guess as long as Howard Stern is happy, you're happy. Who cares about the 8 million people who chose XM over Sirius probably in part because they don't like Howard.
Way to go Mel Karmazin, after ruining FM you finally fulfilled your dream of ruining satellite. I guess as long as Howard Stern is happy, you're happy. Who cares about the 8 million people who chose XM over Sirius probably in part because they don't like Howard.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Sirius channels are way better, in my opinion.
And they have a classic hip-hop on Sirius. I think it's called Backspin or something.
Yeah, Backspin didn't make it on to the combined lineup.
With this merger I was hoping to get XM channels PLUS the Sirius channels...not have the shitty Sirius channels instead of XM's.
Sirius is ok, but man...XM (pre-merger BS) was soooo much better IMO.
Also, I loved indietalk channel 110, now it's some channel named POTUS. Now Pete Dominic is on at some completely whack time.
Thanks Sirius.
Other than that, it's great! Led Zep on ch. 33 now. And, we get Tom Petty/Bob Dylan radio...
And to the op... Howard had nothing to do with this change. Hell, Howard said even he was confused by it.
The stock is in the toilet (Less than $.30 a share as of yesterday). This had to be done if we want satellite to stay around. It's still better than ANY FM/AM stations out there.
2003-6/1, 10/25
2005-8/29, 9/4
2006-7/2, 7/22, 7/23
2008-4/15(EV solo)
2009-9/21, 9/22, 9/28
2011-9/3, 9/4
2013-7/19, 11/30
i agree....and as for mel ruining satellite, this merger had to happen regardless of whether howard went to sirius or xm...mel is trying to keep satellite radio afloat
Oh, well then that blows. So you now no longer have any classic hip-hop after the merger?
On that note, I could have sworn last year that Sirius had the NBA. Is that now only available if I buy the best of XM thing???
Yeah what is the deal, I though they were going to merge and the cost was not going to go up! Why the premium for the others sports?
Did XM get Howard Stern for free?
No, XM listeners have to pay extra for Howard.
But seriously, it is bullshit that as a Sirius subscriber, I had NBA last year and now I have to pay extra for it. That is taking away a service and they said they wouldn't do that.
It's not Tom Petty or Bob Dylan radio. They host their own 1 hour shows. I don't think they even play their own stuff. I for one think the single-artist stations are a waste.
XM doesn't get Howard for free. To get him you pay more and its Howard 100, 101, NFL netowrk and games, NASCAR channel and Martha Stewart.
Sirius people can pay extra for O&A, MLB channel & games, NHL channel & games and Oprah
I think XM got the NBA contract before the merger and Sirius was losing it anyway!
Really :rolleyes:
I know they are only an hour shows. But, us Sirius people NEVER had it before...
And the only thing I want off of XM is MLB(and, that won't be avalible untill 2010).
O&A are worthless Howard want-a-be's.
2003-6/1, 10/25
2005-8/29, 9/4
2006-7/2, 7/22, 7/23
2008-4/15(EV solo)
2009-9/21, 9/22, 9/28
2011-9/3, 9/4
2013-7/19, 11/30
I paid for a two year subscription to Sirius, but I don't regret it. i still get Howard, I still get stations that I like and I still get NFL and NCAA football. I would have liked the NHL but I'm not going to pay extra for it when I can watch it for free at home.
Why anyone wants to listen to washed up music stars playing DJ is beyond me. I want Squizz, the Rhyme, Top Tracks and Lucy back. Get rid of the Elivs, Bruce, Dead, and AC/DC channels. Such a waste of bandwidth. Give me back my uncensored rock channels and for the love of God stop talking over the music!
Oh, and PS: 2008 O&A >>>>>>>>>>>> 2008 Howard
Sirius has some really good stations, even though I agree with you on the Dead, Elvis and Springsteen stations. Octane, Buzzsaw, Lithium, Alt Nation, Faction, Garage Underground are all really good stations. Ocassionally you will hear a crappy band on them but it is far and away better than anything on terrestrial radio. They also have Hip-Hop Nation, Beatbox for rap and if you are into it they have Area 38 for some kick ass deep house and dirty house music.
Ethel was much much better than Alt Nation
Lucy was better than Lithium
Left of Center was 1000x better than XMU
They chose the Sirius channels on these other than XMU which they 'blended'- Sirius is/was a better than XM, but I wish they would have kept ethel and Lucy, as well as Backspin and Boombox
I forgot about Left of Center
I've listened the last 2 days and have come to the conclusion that it is essentially the same channel, but they just changed the name. I miss Boombox though, and ethel on XM was much better than Alt**emo**Nation.
Is that Madison gone? god she was annoying. What about Cane that was on Ethel?
I don't know about the XM station since I never had XM, so I will take your word for it. My point is that the stations are not that bad. Still far better than terrestrial radio.
Because, those 'washed up' music stars have great tastes in music. Also, they play stuff that I have never heard before.
I could do without Elvis, AC/DC, and the Dead. The Bruce channel is good, lots of live shows on there.
I personaly have never heard one show by O&A... But nobody is better than Howard. Funny, there isn't an O&A thead on this board with over 1200 posts.
2003-6/1, 10/25
2005-8/29, 9/4
2006-7/2, 7/22, 7/23
2008-4/15(EV solo)
2009-9/21, 9/22, 9/28
2011-9/3, 9/4
2013-7/19, 11/30
I'm just nervous that Octane is no longer uncensored, and listening for a half hour last night, I heard "commercials" for other stations on the platform - something that never happened before it was called Octane.
I just want the satellite radio to be like an infinite ipod. Play a song, tell me on the screen what it is and who it's by, repeat. I don't need DJs telling me stories I don't care about, talking over intros to "hit the post", and I really don't need to pay for censored songs.
Well I was listening to Faction yesterday morning and they where playing Straight Outta Compton and there was absolutely no censorship.
As a Sirius subscriber, there is no incentive to ever get the best of XM
the fungus is no longer among us
It's gone because a 24/7 station of AC/DC was more important.