Thanks Jeanie... I would have posted more except that teaching is swallowing me up lately. And besides, there is never enough hot science topics.
Dare I ask what your project is? I'd love to do it (I think)... but right now I am going climbing at a friends house.
Rhino and I are not convinced of the efficacy of horoscopes so we've each picked a star sign different to our own and we're following it for a couple of weeks as well as our own and reporting here on the parallels or lack there of between our day and the star signs. Our own and the one we nominated for ourselves.
Rhino is a Libra who is following Pisces and I'm a Virgo who is following Aquarius.
I'm useless to you for the science topics, I just enjoy when you post them, but yeah, I figured you'd been busy.
Rhino and I are not convinced of the efficacy of horoscopes so we've each picked a star sign different to our own and we're following it for a couple of weeks as well as our own and reporting here on the parallels or lack there of between our day and the star signs. Our own and the one we nominated for ourselves.
Rhino is a Libra who is following Pisces and I'm a Virgo who is following Aquarius.
I'm useless to you for the science topics, I just enjoy when you post them, but yeah, I figured you'd been busy.
Sounds good. I'll be covering the correlation between Leo, Taurus and my own humble existence. I'll check back in every couple of days or so.
For today:
Leo (my actual star sign) had me coming into a few extra bucks but having a tough day at work.
So in reality I have had a promotion so am getting a few more bucks (so that is a +1 for the astrobums. However my salary is almost doubling- so we'll have to give them a -1 for that small disrepency. Unfortunately I have to give them another-1 for the fact that I am on holidays at the moment so did not have a tough day at work.
So that is currently a score of -1 for the astrotits.
Taurus (not my star sign) had my work day starting badly but getting better after lunch.
I won't score this one but I will comment that due to the excessive consumption of chocolate at lunch, my day always gets better from that point onward.
I expect the score to fluctuate around 0. The website I am basing this on is
I now await the usual onslaught of posts about the limitations of science.
It's the limits of logic that is the issue. Logic cannot account for the alogical.
A linear process can define what is on that line. How do we define what is beyond that line? We can't. Just when we think we define the mysterious, we have not.
"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world."
~ Albert Einstein
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
I'd like to say that I don't read daily horoscopes at all.
I use the horoscope for the symbolism in conceptualizing the dynamics and patterns that I perceive about myself or others. I use it in understanding general traits regarding myself and others as I observe them and as they apply. I then use the age old wisdom as suggestions of ways to look at things and to help me deal with varying situations as they occur in my life. It is the same as the Tarot for me. I find this wisdom very helpful in an advisory sense, with mySelf making my choices and decisions based on what I need for each situation. It is a form of existential empowerment that allows me to perceive my life from much more inclusive whole-brained levels.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Seriously! Just once, couldn't Libra's horoscope be "Hooray! You're happy today. Completely content. Everything's perfect" ? Rather than "Relationships SUCK for you right now", which is the basic jist of the last few days.
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
Seriously! Just once, couldn't Libra's horoscope be "Hooray! You're happy today. Completely content. Everything's perfect" ? Rather than "Relationships SUCK for you right now", which is the basic jist of the last few days.
Hon, be careful what you wish for hey? And besides, can't you do an assessment on your state of self for the day and just acknowledge that's how it is regardless? Some days are just shite and there's not a whole lot you can do about it except hold on for the next day and a clean slate.
Oh and not that it'll improve your thoughts I guess but your relationship with me is perfect today and I am completely content with it and therefore happy because of it.
Sounds good. I'll be covering the correlation between Leo, Taurus and my own humble existence. I'll check back in every couple of days or so.
For today:
Leo (my actual star sign) had me coming into a few extra bucks but having a tough day at work.
So in reality I have had a promotion so am getting a few more bucks (so that is a +1 for the astrobums. However my salary is almost doubling- so we'll have to give them a -1 for that small disrepency. Unfortunately I have to give them another-1 for the fact that I am on holidays at the moment so did not have a tough day at work.
So that is currently a score of -1 for the astrotits.
Taurus (not my star sign) had my work day starting badly but getting better after lunch.
I won't score this one but I will comment that due to the excessive consumption of chocolate at lunch, my day always gets better from that point onward.
I expect the score to fluctuate around 0. The website I am basing this on is
Excellent! Glad to have you in our little "science" project.
But it might be a good thing to have a different site perspective. I know there's probably a fancy term for it in research speak but it escapes me right now.
Hon, be careful what you wish for hey? And besides, can't you do an assessment on your state of self for the day and just acknowledge that's how it is regardless? Some days are just shite and there's not a whole lot you can do about it except hold on for the next day and a clean slate.
Oh and not that it'll improve your thoughts I guess but your relationship with me is perfect today and I am completely content with it and therefore happy because of it.
Oh, trust me, Jeanie, I know my situation wouldn't be any better if I completely disregarded my horoscopes. They just give me a convenient scapegoat.
And thanks. That really did make me smile. I guess I just need to stay focused on how good relationships can be, rather than how weird some of them might get.
How are your signs for today?
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
Virgo ~ Don't let family members rile you today. You’re likely to be hair trigger in your responses and this will ruin your day if you don't exercise emotional control. On a more positive note, someone on the home front does have a suggestion or two which can help move your career forward.
The first part sounds ominous. :eek: Best I don't answer the phone!
And the second part of this about career seems to be tied in with Aquarius for the day.
Aquarius ~ Starting a home business or working more comfortably from your residential premises is an added bonus if you can wrangle it. Plenty of extra work keeps you busy now and some additional investments are likely to be satisfying with good returns.
I wanna go with Aquarius today! This is something I've been thinking about for a while, so it would be awesome if a little tidbit popped up to get the ball rolling a little faster. Now as long as I don't open the front door to the Avon lady, all will be well.
Virgo ~ Don't let family members rile you today. You’re likely to be hair trigger in your responses and this will ruin your day if you don't exercise emotional control. On a more positive note, someone on the home front does have a suggestion or two which can help move your career forward.
The first part sounds ominous. :eek: Best I don't answer the phone!
And the second part of this about career seems to be tied in with Aquarius for the day.
Aquarius ~ Starting a home business or working more comfortably from your residential premises is an added bonus if you can wrangle it. Plenty of extra work keeps you busy now and some additional investments are likely to be satisfying with good returns.
I wanna go with Aquarius today! This is something I've been thinking about for a while, so it would be awesome if a little tidbit popped up to get the ball rolling a little faster. Now as long as I don't open the front door to the Avon lady, all will be well.
I'd kill for that Aquarius horoscope.
This was my Libran one for the 8th. You're under the impression that your loved ones actually understand the way your mind works. How's that possible if you don't speak up about your deepest feelings? Don't avoid that "talk" if the occasion arises. You can clear the air of some uncomfortable energy today.
And that's the most encouraging one I've got since we started this experiment.
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
Oh, trust me, Jeanie, I know my situation wouldn't be any better if I completely disregarded my horoscopes. They just give me a convenient scapegoat.
haha! Yeah, don't you hate when they seem to accurately portray the negative and you're right in the middle of the negative? I remember once years ago mine said something to the effect, "you'll rekindle with an old flame" and I laughed because I couldn't think of any old flame that needed rekindling or that was in my general vicinity and then he showed up! :eek:
And thanks. That really did make me smile. I guess I just need to stay focused on how good relationships can be, rather than how weird some of them might get.
How are your signs for today?
Sometimes they do get weird and confusing and upsetting and it's nobody's fault, just seems to be the way it is for the day or the week. When stuff like that happens I try to remember how there are even days after all this time when things aren't going so well with the family members closest to me and I think, how on earth can that be, we've known each other so long and I love you most of all the people in the world? Then I realize that we all have off days or things that we see differently, or ways of behaving differently because we're all unique. When I apply that logic to friends and lovers, well it makes it kinda easier to see how shit can happen. Well for me anyway. Then it's simply a matter of weighing it up. Are all the things that I get from this relationship with you still worthwhile to me just because of a snag here or there? Probably not making sense, but yeah, focus on the good stuff but keep working your way through, processessing and assessing the bad or confusing. It can be such a blessing to come out the other side and discover that you've learned some things from the experience.
My favorite stars to read here are in a free daily inner city paper which is usually only very short, punchy articles. Just the basic facts that kind of thing.
Anyway, they have a horoscope called "Should I get out of bed tomorrow?" And the stars there are for the following day. I love reading them at night and wondering what tomorrow will bring or what on earth they could possibly mean by that and then assessing the day afterwards.
As for yesterday's stars well I'm not really sure that either sign applied to me.
This was my Libran one for the 8th. You're under the impression that your loved ones actually understand the way your mind works. How's that possible if you don't speak up about your deepest feelings? Don't avoid that "talk" if the occasion arises. You can clear the air of some uncomfortable energy today.
And that's the most encouraging one I've got since we started this experiment.
Maybe the Avon lady is coming to your house?
Ooh! Your Libran one for the 8th sounds way cool don't you think? I mean who wants to have "the talk"? But at least you might clear the air and get things back on track. If the bad energy goes this is a very good thing.
Kinda wish one of mine had mentioned lethargy again. I want an excuse for another Nana Nap.
haha! Yeah, don't you hate when they seem to accurately portray the negative and you're right in the middle of the negative? I remember once years ago mine said something to the effect, "you'll rekindle with an old flame" and I laughed because I couldn't think of any old flame that needed rekindling or that was in my general vicinity and then he showed up! :eek:
Sometimes they do get weird and confusing and upsetting and it's nobody's fault, just seems to be the way it is for the day or the week. When stuff like that happens I try to remember how there are even days after all this time when things aren't going so well with the family members closest to me and I think, how on earth can that be, we've known each other so long and I love you most of all the people in the world? Then I realize that we all have off days or things that we see differently, or ways of behaving differently because we're all unique. When I apply that logic to friends and lovers, well it makes it kinda easier to see how shit can happen. Well for me anyway. Then it's simply a matter of weighing it up. Are all the things that I get from this relationship with you still worthwhile to me just because of a snag here or there? Probably not making sense, but yeah, focus on the good stuff but keep working your way through, processessing and assessing the bad or confusing. It can be such a blessing to come out the other side and discover that you've learned some things from the experience.
My favorite stars to read here are in a free daily inner city paper which is usually only very short, punchy articles. Just the basic facts that kind of thing.
Anyway, they have a horoscope called "Should I get out of bed tomorrow?" And the stars there are for the following day. I love reading them at night and wondering what tomorrow will bring or what on earth they could possibly mean by that and then assessing the day afterwards.
As for yesterday's stars well I'm not really sure that either sign applied to me.
Yeah, the relationships = tricky trend has been depressingly accurate for the last while, but I'll be less moany when it says I'm in for a windfall of cash or something.
I know all relationships have their ups and downs, and however this turns out, I'm gonna look back on it one day and laugh at myself for making such a big deal out of it. At this point, I'm just taking things one day at a time, cos whatever plans I make with this person seem to just end up disappointing me.
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
Ooh! Your Libran one for the 8th sounds way cool don't you think? I mean who wants to have "the talk"? But at least you might clear the air and get things back on track. If the bad energy goes this is a very good thing.
Kinda wish one of mine had mentioned lethargy again. I want an excuse for another Nana Nap.
I've tried having "the talk" a few times now... It only makes some more bad energy. I guess I'm gonna have to toughen up, and talk it through to conclusion, whatever that conclusion is... But fuck if it isn't the hardest thing ever.
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
Yeah, the relationships = tricky trend has been depressingly accurate for the last while, but I'll be less moany when it says I'm in for a windfall of cash or something.
I know all relationships have their ups and downs, and however this turns out, I'm gonna look back on it one day and laugh at myself for making such a big deal out of it. At this point, I'm just taking things one day at a time, cos whatever plans I make with this person seem to just end up disappointing me.
If it's any consellation Should you get out of bed tomorrow? says for:
Libra ~ Confirmation of a recent decision gives you the poise to push on. The sturdy planet Saturn emboldens you and personal circumstances gradually change for the better. Learn your lessons with a flourish and impart wisdom to others.
See? It's gonna be ok. Don't know about the cash though!
I've tried having "the talk" a few times now... It only makes some more bad energy. I guess I'm gonna have to toughen up, and talk it through to conclusion, whatever that conclusion is... But fuck if it isn't the hardest thing ever.
Yeah, "the talk" always makes me wanna just curl back up under the doona and revel in my denial. I hate "the talk". I'm not good at it, lot of stammering and stuttering goes on and I become this big inarticulate blithering idiot. It's hard, always very hard, whatever the subject, to get the serious, bottom line stuff out. Just keep trying, sooner or later you've got to find some firm footing and equal ground. You'll get there, but I completely empathize and I'm uber grateful that it's not happening to me.
If it's any consellation Should you get out of bed tomorrow? says for:
Libra ~ Confirmation of a recent decision gives you the poise to push on. The sturdy planet Saturn emboldens you and personal circumstances gradually change for the better. Learn your lessons with a flourish and impart wisdom to others.
See? It's gonna be ok. Don't know about the cash though!
That sounds good. And I'll still hold out for the cash.
Yeah, "the talk" always makes me wanna just curl back up under the doona and revel in my denial. I hate "the talk". I'm not good at it, lot of stammering and stuttering goes on and I become this big inarticulate blithering idiot. It's hard, always very hard, whatever the subject, to get the serious, bottom line stuff out. Just keep trying, sooner or later you've got to find some firm footing and equal ground. You'll get there, but I completely empathize and I'm uber grateful that it's not happening to me.
It's even harder when you can't actually be face to face. Everything seems so much harsher when it's written rather than said.
But at least I know I've got some great friends.
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
I noticed that out of the few people that jump into the palestinean/israeli, you and polaris are all 3 sags. I thought that was kinda neat. I think it has something to do with our very opinionated/expressive nature...we just have to say what we think about it even when it's so frustrating to try to do sometimes.
Just a thought
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
It's even harder when you can't actually be face to face. Everything seems so much harsher when it's written rather than said.
But at least I know I've got some great friends.
Yeah, agreed. Sometimes I'm not sure what I'm worse at, communicating via writing or trying to actually speak. I suffer chronic foot in mouth frequently with either medium, so you're not on your Pat Malone my friend. This stuff has been messing with many of us for a long time.
According to "Should I get out of bed tomorrow?" from last night:
Virgo ~ The yin/yang energy from Moon and Mars brings beautiful balance to your life. An air of mystery belies your sense of certainty and others have a hard time trying to pigeon-hole you. Play to your strengths tomorrow.
So there's some typed words I'm not really feeling. Where's the balance? The mystery? The certainty? The strengths?
Yeah, agreed. Sometimes I'm not sure what I'm worse at, communicating via writing or trying to actually speak. I suffer chronic foot in mouth frequently with either medium, so you're not on your Pat Malone my friend. This stuff has been messing with many of us for a long time.
According to "Should I get out of bed tomorrow?" from last night:
Virgo ~ The yin/yang energy from Moon and Mars brings beautiful balance to your life. An air of mystery belies your sense of certainty and others have a hard time trying to pigeon-hole you. Play to your strengths tomorrow.
So there's some typed words I'm not really feeling. Where's the balance? The mystery? The certainty? The strengths?
Well, the "air of mystery" could be related to the vagueness of the horoscope. Self-fulfilling prophecy, and all that noise.
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
Oh, trust me, Jeanie, I know my situation wouldn't be any better if I completely disregarded my horoscopes. They just give me a convenient scapegoat.
Seriously, horoscopes are only as good as the person who writes them. Some can be shit and have nothing to do with astrology being bullshit but rather someone trying to make a buck off of it and being as vague and generic as possible to hook people in. This is case quite often, though when people are trying to sell you matter what it is.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Seriously, horoscopes are only as good as the person who writes them. Some can be shit and have nothing to do with astrology being bullshit but rather someone trying to make a buck off of it and being as vague and generic as possible to hook people in. This is case quite often, though when people are trying to sell you matter what it is.
I totally agree.
Even if they mean well, with generic horoscopes it's that they are trying to be as universally appealing as they can, so they are giving up discernment, depth and breadth.
This is all why I'm interested in the underlying threads in the tradition, beyond the individual intepretations, so I can depend on my own interpretation.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Even if they mean well, with generic horoscopes it's that they are trying to be as universally appealing as they can, so they are giving up discernment, depth and breadth.
This is all why I'm interested in the underlying threads in the tradition, beyond the individual intepretations, so I can depend on my own interpretation.
Yes, that's where I was going with my post...or trying to go, that is. :)
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Thanks Jeanie... I would have posted more except that teaching is swallowing me up lately. And besides, there is never enough hot science topics.
Dare I ask what your project is? I'd love to do it (I think)... but right now I am going climbing at a friends house.
Rhino and I are not convinced of the efficacy of horoscopes so we've each picked a star sign different to our own and we're following it for a couple of weeks as well as our own and reporting here on the parallels or lack there of between our day and the star signs. Our own and the one we nominated for ourselves.
Rhino is a Libra who is following Pisces and I'm a Virgo who is following Aquarius.
I'm useless to you for the science topics, I just enjoy when you post them, but yeah, I figured you'd been busy.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Sounds good. I'll be covering the correlation between Leo, Taurus and my own humble existence. I'll check back in every couple of days or so.
For today:
Leo (my actual star sign) had me coming into a few extra bucks but having a tough day at work.
So in reality I have had a promotion so am getting a few more bucks (so that is a +1 for the astrobums. However my salary is almost doubling- so we'll have to give them a -1 for that small disrepency. Unfortunately I have to give them another-1 for the fact that I am on holidays at the moment so did not have a tough day at work.
So that is currently a score of -1 for the astrotits.
Taurus (not my star sign) had my work day starting badly but getting better after lunch.
I won't score this one but I will comment that due to the excessive consumption of chocolate at lunch, my day always gets better from that point onward.
I expect the score to fluctuate around 0. The website I am basing this on is
A linear process can define what is on that line. How do we define what is beyond that line? We can't. Just when we think we define the mysterious, we have not.
From past talks I know you know this in quantum physics, for example, through the uncertainty principle
or complementarity.
~ Albert Einstein
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
I use the horoscope for the symbolism in conceptualizing the dynamics and patterns that I perceive about myself or others. I use it in understanding general traits regarding myself and others as I observe them and as they apply. I then use the age old wisdom as suggestions of ways to look at things and to help me deal with varying situations as they occur in my life. It is the same as the Tarot for me. I find this wisdom very helpful in an advisory sense, with mySelf making my choices and decisions based on what I need for each situation. It is a form of existential empowerment that allows me to perceive my life from much more inclusive whole-brained levels.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Stupid stars, dictating my life. :(
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Seriously! Just once, couldn't Libra's horoscope be "Hooray! You're happy today. Completely content. Everything's perfect" ? Rather than "Relationships SUCK for you right now", which is the basic jist of the last few days.
Oh and not that it'll improve your thoughts I guess but your relationship with me is perfect today and I am completely content with it and therefore happy because of it.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Rhino and I have both been working from
But it might be a good thing to have a different site perspective. I know there's probably a fancy term for it in research speak but it escapes me right now.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Oh, trust me, Jeanie, I know my situation wouldn't be any better if I completely disregarded my horoscopes. They just give me a convenient scapegoat.
And thanks.
How are your signs for today?
The first part sounds ominous. :eek: Best I don't answer the phone!
And the second part of this about career seems to be tied in with Aquarius for the day.
Aquarius ~ Starting a home business or working more comfortably from your residential premises is an added bonus if you can wrangle it. Plenty of extra work keeps you busy now and some additional investments are likely to be satisfying with good returns.
I wanna go with Aquarius today!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I'd kill for that Aquarius horoscope.
This was my Libran one for the 8th.
You're under the impression that your loved ones actually understand the way your mind works. How's that possible if you don't speak up about your deepest feelings? Don't avoid that "talk" if the occasion arises. You can clear the air of some uncomfortable energy today.
And that's the most encouraging one I've got since we started this experiment.
Sometimes they do get weird and confusing and upsetting and it's nobody's fault, just seems to be the way it is for the day or the week. When stuff like that happens I try to remember how there are even days after all this time when things aren't going so well with the family members closest to me and I think, how on earth can that be, we've known each other so long and I love you most of all the people in the world? Then I realize that we all have off days or things that we see differently, or ways of behaving differently because we're all unique. When I apply that logic to friends and lovers, well it makes it kinda easier to see how shit can happen. Well for me anyway. Then it's simply a matter of weighing it up. Are all the things that I get from this relationship with you still worthwhile to me just because of a snag here or there? Probably not making sense, but yeah, focus on the good stuff but keep working your way through, processessing and assessing the bad or confusing. It can be such a blessing to come out the other side and discover that you've learned some things from the experience.
My favorite stars to read here are in a free daily inner city paper which is usually only very short, punchy articles. Just the basic facts that kind of thing.
Anyway, they have a horoscope called "Should I get out of bed tomorrow?"
As for yesterday's stars well I'm not really sure that either sign applied to me.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Maybe the Avon lady is coming to your house?
Ooh! Your Libran one for the 8th sounds way cool don't you think? I mean who wants to have "the talk"? But at least you might clear the air and get things back on track. If the bad energy goes this is a very good thing.
Kinda wish one of mine had mentioned lethargy again. I want an excuse for another Nana Nap.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Yeah, the relationships = tricky trend has been depressingly accurate for the last while, but I'll be less moany when it says I'm in for a windfall of cash or something.
I know all relationships have their ups and downs, and however this turns out, I'm gonna look back on it one day and laugh at myself for making such a big deal out of it. At this point, I'm just taking things one day at a time, cos whatever plans I make with this person seem to just end up disappointing me.
I've tried having "the talk" a few times now... It only makes some more bad energy.
If it's any consellation Should you get out of bed tomorrow? says for:
Libra ~ Confirmation of a recent decision gives you the poise to push on. The sturdy planet Saturn emboldens you and personal circumstances gradually change for the better. Learn your lessons with a flourish and impart wisdom to others.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Yeah, "the talk" always makes me wanna just curl back up under the doona and revel in my denial.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
That sounds good.
It's even harder when you can't actually be face to face.
But at least I know I've got some great friends.
I can tell!
I noticed that out of the few people that jump into the palestinean/israeli, you and polaris are all 3 sags. I thought that was kinda neat. I think it has something to do with our very opinionated/expressive nature...we just have to say what we think about it even when it's so frustrating to try to do sometimes.
Just a thought
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Thought it might cheer you up! You should always hold out for the cash though!
Yeah, agreed. Sometimes I'm not sure what I'm worse at, communicating via writing or trying to actually speak. I suffer chronic foot in mouth frequently with either medium, so you're not on your Pat Malone my friend. This stuff has been messing with many of us for a long time.
According to "Should I get out of bed tomorrow?" from last night:
Virgo ~ The yin/yang energy from Moon and Mars brings beautiful balance to your life. An air of mystery belies your sense of certainty and others have a hard time trying to pigeon-hole you. Play to your strengths tomorrow.
So there's some typed words I'm not really feeling.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Well, the "air of mystery" could be related to the vagueness of the horoscope.
Seriously, horoscopes are only as good as the person who writes them. Some can be shit and have nothing to do with astrology being bullshit but rather someone trying to make a buck off of it and being as vague and generic as possible to hook people in. This is case quite often, though when people are trying to sell you matter what it is.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Even if they mean well, with generic horoscopes it's that they are trying to be as universally appealing as they can, so they are giving up discernment, depth and breadth.
This is all why I'm interested in the underlying threads in the tradition, beyond the individual intepretations, so I can depend on my own interpretation.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Yes, that's where I was going with my post...or trying to go, that is.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Open to the idea but not completely sold on all the nuances.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
I trust the stars, but not the person interpreting them.