I live right near bonaventure cemetery. I swear it has to be the most beautiful one i've ever seen. Id love to see some 18th century France or Ireland churches/cemeteries. I always feel really at ease at the cemetery here in Savannah, GA its everywhere outside of it that i get really negative vibes and energies *is scared* Amazing statues and spanish moss trees (and water front landscape)set the perfect tone and final resting place for savannahs very colorful past.
This place keeps getting creepier by the minute i must admit.. It was fun at first but haha. Im ready to hang out with living people for awhile. I now after a couple of years believe all the ghost hooplah surrounding savannah. Yet ive never ran into a savannah ghost.. you can feel them in the air. Yet i've never come in counter with anything here. Only "energies" and off feelings.
As a child i lived in basically two towns growing up. Both very very small towns. At both of the places i lived... there seemed to be a very small, almost hidden cemetery.
The one i lived at from ages 12-16 was one of the most fun because it was off to the side almost on someones property so we would have to sneak and be really quiet. The cemetary was completely damaged. Very small.. only about 20 grave markers yet it was hard to tell because some had been so damaged from old age. They dated back from late 1700s to Early 1800s. At first i thought maybe it was a private family plot until i realized most of the names were different.
I have really no point in my ramblings but i just thought id share
I just stumbled across this looking for pics of some cool statues in boneventure. I ll have to get more pictures of the actual landscape when im there next..
but the concept sucks man..
fuck it..
i don;t wanna be in a box underground..
yuck and no..
im the same way. not because i'm claustrophobic, but because i hear about stories of people being buried alive! no way... although, if i was buried, i'd request to be buried with some sort of device that would allow me to get out if i woke up!!!
im the same way. not because i'm claustrophobic, but because i hear about stories of people being buried alive! no way... although, if i was buried, i'd request to be buried with some sort of device that would allow me to get out if i woke up!!!
like a bell that they used back in the day? Where they attach it to your finger.. and if u wake up.. u can ring the shit out of it and nightly watch can find ya?
Im not so sure that was completely perfected though *scratches head*
like a bell that they used back in the day? Where they attach it to your finger.. and if u wake up.. u can ring the shit out of it and nightly watch can find ya?
Im not so sure that was completely perfected though *scratches head*
that's an awesome concept for some badass writings of some kind.
nicely done creepy leathergirl
(im out, good nighters im going into my cozy crypt now)
My grandmother didn't want to be buried in the same graveyard as my grandfather. The site was at least 1200 years old, and she thought it was haunted. Hahaha. True story.
my great grandmother is buried at the opposite end of the cemetery to my great grandfather cause he was a philandering bastard. 18/19 children to 5 different women apparently. randy irish git.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
i went to a pretty cool cemetary outside of dublin last year... but have no crazy stories. is it in the wicklow mountains? i have no idea.. dublin'ers help me out here
"I'd rather be with an animal." "Those that can be trusted can change their mind." "The in between is mine." "If I don't lose control, explore and not explode, a preternatural other plane with the power to maintain." "Yeh this is living." "Life is what you make it."
I've had a few run-ins with the same graveyard. We (me and friends) used to hang out there at night and get chased through it by cops, we knew the location of each and every headstone so that even in pitch dark we could avoid them, plus still have time to laugh at the cops running into them. Nothing spooky happened there unfortunately. Although I often used to perch myself on the top of headstones and try and see if I could 'feel' anything, the only slight feeling I got felt like a few people all saying 'Who are you? You have no business here.' which was a little odd, but when I stayed to see what happened, nothing did.
I live right near bonaventure cemetery. I swear it has to be the most beautiful one i've ever seen. Id love to see some 18th century France or Ireland churches/cemeteries. I always feel really at ease at the cemetery here in Savannah, GA its everywhere outside of it that i get really negative vibes and energies *is scared* Amazing statues and spanish moss trees (and water front landscape)set the perfect tone and final resting place for savannahs very colorful past.
This place keeps getting creepier by the minute i must admit.. It was fun at first but haha. Im ready to hang out with living people for awhile. I now after a couple of years believe all the ghost hooplah surrounding savannah. Yet ive never ran into a savannah ghost.. you can feel them in the air. Yet i've never come in counter with anything here. Only "energies" and off feelings.
As a child i lived in basically two towns growing up. Both very very small towns. At both of the places i lived... there seemed to be a very small, almost hidden cemetery.
The one i lived at from ages 12-16 was one of the most fun because it was off to the side almost on someones property so we would have to sneak and be really quiet. The cemetary was completely damaged. Very small.. only about 20 grave markers yet it was hard to tell because some had been so damaged from old age. They dated back from late 1700s to Early 1800s. At first i thought maybe it was a private family plot until i realized most of the names were different.
I have really no point in my ramblings but i just thought id share
I just stumbled across this looking for pics of some cool statues in boneventure. I ll have to get more pictures of the actual landscape when im there next..
I live right near bonaventure cemetery. I swear it has to be the most beautiful one i've ever seen. Id love to see some 18th century France or Ireland churches/cemeteries. I always feel really at ease at the cemetery here in Savannah, GA its everywhere outside of it that i get really negative vibes and energies *is scared* Amazing statues and spanish moss trees (and water front landscape)set the perfect tone and final resting place for savannahs very colorful past.
This place keeps getting creepier by the minute i must admit.. It was fun at first but haha. Im ready to hang out with living people for awhile. I now after a couple of years believe all the ghost hooplah surrounding savannah. Yet ive never ran into a savannah ghost.. you can feel them in the air. Yet i've never come in counter with anything here. Only "energies" and off feelings.
As a child i lived in basically two towns growing up. Both very very small towns. At both of the places i lived... there seemed to be a very small, almost hidden cemetery.
The one i lived at from ages 12-16 was one of the most fun because it was off to the side almost on someones property so we would have to sneak and be really quiet. The cemetary was completely damaged. Very small.. only about 20 grave markers yet it was hard to tell because some had been so damaged from old age. They dated back from late 1700s to Early 1800s. At first i thought maybe it was a private family plot until i realized most of the names were different.
I have really no point in my ramblings but i just thought id share
I just stumbled across this looking for pics of some cool statues in boneventure. I ll have to get more pictures of the actual landscape when im there next..
I love Bonaventure! I went to SCAD and loved to visit it when I could. Absolutely beautiful. I think it was sad that they had to put a iron fence around Gracie to keep people from messing with her. I have pics of it from back when I lived there but none of them are digital. One of these days I'll manage to scan them. I was very disappointed after experiencing Bonaventure to then visit New Orleans. I was expecting their cemeteries to be as equally beautiful but I think because they didn't have the landscape to accompany the graves and everything was crammed into a small space, it just didn't have the same effect on me. There is another cemetery in Savannah that I forget the name of, its downtown and even older than Bonaventure. It is mostly used as a dog park which made it just a fun place to be.
My great grandma's backyard is a former graveyard, except there are no stones or anything to show that. Scared the hell out of me as a kid knowing there were bodies right behind us. Had many scary dreams because of that.
I love visiting cemeteries but like Chadwick, there is no way I want to be buried! Burn me and dump my ashes in the ocean so that I may be free to roam..
I have a few notorious haunted cemeteries in my area and have felt the presence of spirits at some.
this area made me nervous the first time I visited but I forced myself to walk the path last week....and found a deer.
this one was taken in Springfield, IL at where the Lincoln's tomb can be found... As I was taking pictures, I heard a voice say "take my picture, take my picture". I also felt profound sadness wash over me near this grave.
oh.... I have a ton of photos to share but this will do for now.
My great grandma's backyard is a former graveyard, except there are no stones or anything to show that. Scared the hell out of me as a kid knowing there were bodies right behind us. Had many scary dreams because of that.
My wife and I spent our honeymoon touring the graveyards of the Gold Country along Highway 49 in California. That was about the only thing to do there besides the obvious. The cemeteries were very peaceful, but also sad. Many of the graves were children. They did not make it very far back in those days.
To pie I will reply
But mr. justam
is who I am
"That's a repulsive combination of horrible information and bad breath."-Pickles
"Remember, death is a natural part of the workplace. So, when you see a dead body at work, don't freak out, just ring your death bell." "ting"-Toki Wartooth
Tell a small story about one or some you have been to that are a bit freaky.
I lived in rural Iowa growing up.
Across the way & into the woods about 1 mile is a very old resting place for people who met their demise a very longtime ago.
It's very old, as in Civil War times old & unkempt.
The gravesites are sunk down many feet due to casket/coffin collapse.
A thick green ground covering ivy stays green 365 days a year.
Buried in snow & -30f degrees that ivy is so fresh looking it is creepy in itself.
This ivy has even devoured some very tall headstones.
The headstones are very weathered and rather difficult to make out.
Old decomposed Cedar trees wither in the wind all droopy like.
Inside a few wrought-iron fences are familes & what is horrible is that
they all had died within a very close time of one another; infants, children, & parents.
I recall reading a tombstone that is that of a Civil War soldier.
My brothers & I walked through & hung out this in this place for alot of years.
It sits atop a hill surrounded by trees and alfalfa fields.
(now it's your turn to tell a little story...go)
Cool story, you are in fact good with words.
Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
My Dad was a Funeral Home Director aka Undertaker.I constantly got called to office to leave school early to go deliver a dead body.They were'nt always in caskets lots of times they were in a body bag on a stretcher in the back of the station wagon.Thank god for marijuana I was tormented.
My Dad was a Funeral Home Director aka Undertaker.I constantly got called to office to leave school early to go deliver a dead body.They were'nt always in caskets lots of times they were in a body bag on a stretcher in the back of the station wagon.Thank god for marijuana I was tormented.
that had to of been an interesting time for ya.
screw that noise, doesn't sound like my cuppa tea.
a dude i went to school with had a grandpa and a father
who both did that shit for a living.
their fuckin house was attached to the damn thing.
(mike=dude i went to school with) mike & friends used to ride up & down the
family business elevator, all runnin 'round the damn place exploring stupid shit.
couldn't imagine staying over night in that lil prick's house
fuck you, i ain't doin it.
i was about 14 and my family and i went to the mission dolores church in san francisco. they had the cemetary out in back, so we checked it out. i walked past one grave in particular that made me feel sick. i went to the other side of the cemetery to check it out, came back past that same grave....same reaction. so finally i just stood in front of it to see who it was. some spanish general. i finally had to go out to the front and sit on the curb, i thought i was gonna throw up.
being sensitive to paranormal crap is NO fun lol
one cemetery in particular that stands out in memory is hte one i visited in salzburg, st. peter's, waaay old. and also has some family members of mozart and haydn, was really interesting:
my family and friends make fun of me when i travel cuz i get intrigued by cemeteries, like i have my own personal death tour lol i figure you can learn a lot about a place not just by the living, but by the dead too
i was about 14 and my family and i went to the mission dolores church in san francisco. they had the cemetary out in back, so we checked it out. i walked past one grave in particular that made me feel sick. i went to the other side of the cemetery to check it out, came back past that same grave....same reaction. so finally i just stood in front of it to see who it was. some spanish general. i finally had to go out to the front and sit on the curb, i thought i was gonna throw up.
being sensitive to paranormal crap is NO fun lol
one cemetery in particular that stands out in memory is hte one i visited in salzburg, st. peter's, waaay old. and also has some family members of mozart and haydn, was really interesting:
my family and friends make fun of me when i travel cuz i get intrigued by cemeteries, like i have my own personal death tour lol i figure you can learn a lot about a place not just by the living, but by the dead too
Coooool. You should look up the Grenerals name to see how he died, maybe from food poisoning or something?
Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
I have never been in a graveyard, but I will share a creepy experience of my grandmother's..
My grandmother is a very very mean lady, she has nothing to do with anyone in her family, and when her mother died (my mother's grandmother) she took my mother to the graveyard once to let my mom say goodbye, and she was hurrying my mother up, and being mean and making her really upset, and then all of the sudden while she was standing there, her foot started to sink in dirt (a fresh grave) and it kept sinking and sinking, and she started to freak out, and finally she passed out due to a panic attack. People had to come and dig her out, because she sank down nearly 3 feet!!
After that she would NEVER go back because she was convinced the dead people had grabbed her and tried to pull her down..
I have never been in a graveyard, but I will share a creepy experience of my grandmother's..
My grandmother is a very very mean lady, she has nothing to do with anyone in her family, and when her mother died (my mother's grandmother) she took my mother to the graveyard once to let my mom say goodbye, and she was hurrying my mother up, and being mean and making her really upset, and then all of the sudden while she was standing there, her foot started to sink in dirt (a fresh grave) and it kept sinking and sinking, and she started to freak out, and finally she passed out due to a panic attack. People had to come and dig her out, because she sank down nearly 3 feet!!
After that she would NEVER go back because she was convinced the dead people had grabbed her and tried to pull her down..
:rolleyes: we could only be so lucky.
I will be what i could be
Once I get out of this town
I have never been in a graveyard, but I will share a creepy experience of my grandmother's..
My grandmother is a very very mean lady, she has nothing to do with anyone in her family, and when her mother died (my mother's grandmother) she took my mother to the graveyard once to let my mom say goodbye, and she was hurrying my mother up, and being mean and making her really upset, and then all of the sudden while she was standing there, her foot started to sink in dirt (a fresh grave) and it kept sinking and sinking, and she started to freak out, and finally she passed out due to a panic attack. People had to come and dig her out, because she sank down nearly 3 feet!!
After that she would NEVER go back because she was convinced the dead people had grabbed her and tried to pull her down..
:rolleyes: we could only be so lucky.
LMAO! Great great story!
I have told this one before here but her it goes again...
I was in line at the market a few years back and the women in front of me in the checkout line kept turning around and staring at me. Finally I said hello. She said " sorry to stare at you but you look exactly like my son who died two years ago. Its amazing, you look EXACTLY like him". I said I was sorry to hear that. She then said "would you mind if I hugged you please"?
I was a little bugged out but I said okay fine.
Then she wsa about to leave and she said to me "could I kiss you on the cheek please? It would really mean a lot to me". I said I would rather you did not and went to pay for my stuff. SHE GRABBED ME! she tried to pull me to her and began crying! I said "please let go of me lady!"
Then she fell to the floor crying and started to pull my leg like I am pulling yours.
Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
but the concept sucks man..
fuck it..
i don;t wanna be in a box underground..
yuck and no..
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
I live right near bonaventure cemetery. I swear it has to be the most beautiful one i've ever seen. Id love to see some 18th century France or Ireland churches/cemeteries. I always feel really at ease at the cemetery here in Savannah, GA its everywhere outside of it that i get really negative vibes and energies *is scared* Amazing statues and spanish moss trees (and water front landscape)set the perfect tone and final resting place for savannahs very colorful past.
This place keeps getting creepier by the minute i must admit.. It was fun at first but haha. Im ready to hang out with living people for awhile. I now after a couple of years believe all the ghost hooplah surrounding savannah. Yet ive never ran into a savannah ghost.. you can feel them in the air. Yet i've never come in counter with anything here. Only "energies" and off feelings.
As a child i lived in basically two towns growing up. Both very very small towns. At both of the places i lived... there seemed to be a very small, almost hidden cemetery.
The one i lived at from ages 12-16 was one of the most fun because it was off to the side almost on someones property so we would have to sneak and be really quiet. The cemetary was completely damaged. Very small.. only about 20 grave markers yet it was hard to tell because some had been so damaged from old age. They dated back from late 1700s to Early 1800s. At first i thought maybe it was a private family plot until i realized most of the names were different.
I have really no point in my ramblings but i just thought id share
I just stumbled across this looking for pics of some cool statues in boneventure. I ll have to get more pictures of the actual landscape when im there next..
Some random bonaventure statues..
Gracie Watson
I believe i shall be above ground, in some enclosing, "Somewhere nice, make it nice
Where the land meets high tide"
Yeah like most sane people i can't do the whole under ground thing.. it's not like im gonna grow a human plant or something! Whats the point?
like a bell that they used back in the day? Where they attach it to your finger.. and if u wake up.. u can ring the shit out of it and nightly watch can find ya?
Im not so sure that was completely perfected though *scratches head*
that's an awesome concept for some badass writings of some kind.
nicely done creepy leathergirl
(im out, good nighters im going into my cozy crypt now)
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
my great grandmother is buried at the opposite end of the cemetery to my great grandfather cause he was a philandering bastard. 18/19 children to 5 different women apparently. randy irish git.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
What? You think im creepy? well.. thats better than crawly i suppose
there you are.
- brain of c
that first link kicks ass..
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
mostly just peaceful in a way. sometimes i go out of my way to find old graveyards to take pictures of! anyone here belong to findagrave.com? really cool site for people like me who like random graveyard wandering, plust you get to help other people out. i just took these a few days ago:
I have a few notorious haunted cemeteries in my area and have felt the presence of spirits at some.
this area made me nervous the first time I visited but I forced myself to walk the path last week....and found a deer.
this one was taken in Springfield, IL at where the Lincoln's tomb can be found... As I was taking pictures, I heard a voice say "take my picture, take my picture". I also felt profound sadness wash over me near this grave.
oh.... I have a ton of photos to share but this will do for now.
no, funny though, not creepy creepy scary..
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
wow that is a touch unnerving
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
But mr. justam
is who I am
"That's a repulsive combination of horrible information and bad breath."-Pickles
"Remember, death is a natural part of the workplace. So, when you see a dead body at work, don't freak out, just ring your death bell." "ting"-Toki Wartooth
Cool story, you are in fact good with words.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
just about makes me wanna go investigate soon burial-sites with my bunk ass camera.
as a very young kid we lived up in northeast iowa near this site.
it is awesome.
this kicks ass..
found this to be interesting.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
i do my best dude
it's just an obsession
and thank you for the compliment
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
that had to of been an interesting time for ya.
screw that noise, doesn't sound like my cuppa tea.
a dude i went to school with had a grandpa and a father
who both did that shit for a living.
their fuckin house was attached to the damn thing.
(mike=dude i went to school with) mike & friends used to ride up & down the
family business elevator, all runnin 'round the damn place exploring stupid shit.
couldn't imagine staying over night in that lil prick's house
fuck you, i ain't doin it.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
being sensitive to paranormal crap is NO fun lol
one cemetery in particular that stands out in memory is hte one i visited in salzburg, st. peter's, waaay old. and also has some family members of mozart and haydn, was really interesting:
my family and friends make fun of me when i travel cuz i get intrigued by cemeteries, like i have my own personal death tour lol i figure you can learn a lot about a place not just by the living, but by the dead too
Coooool. You should look up the Grenerals name to see how he died, maybe from food poisoning or something?
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
My grandmother is a very very mean lady, she has nothing to do with anyone in her family, and when her mother died (my mother's grandmother) she took my mother to the graveyard once to let my mom say goodbye, and she was hurrying my mother up, and being mean and making her really upset, and then all of the sudden while she was standing there, her foot started to sink in dirt (a fresh grave) and it kept sinking and sinking, and she started to freak out, and finally she passed out due to a panic attack. People had to come and dig her out, because she sank down nearly 3 feet!!
After that she would NEVER go back because she was convinced the dead people had grabbed her and tried to pull her down..
:rolleyes: we could only be so lucky.
Once I get out of this town
LMAO! Great great story!
I have told this one before here but her it goes again...
I was in line at the market a few years back and the women in front of me in the checkout line kept turning around and staring at me. Finally I said hello. She said " sorry to stare at you but you look exactly like my son who died two years ago. Its amazing, you look EXACTLY like him". I said I was sorry to hear that. She then said "would you mind if I hugged you please"?
I was a little bugged out but I said okay fine.
Then she wsa about to leave and she said to me "could I kiss you on the cheek please? It would really mean a lot to me". I said I would rather you did not and went to pay for my stuff. SHE GRABBED ME! she tried to pull me to her and began crying! I said "please let go of me lady!"
Then she fell to the floor crying and started to pull my leg like I am pulling yours.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.