ggrrrr I need a boyfriend by next xmas

ok sorry for this big rant, but worst. office party. ever. Why does everything have to be so dominated by couples? So I work in a little branch office across the river from our big corporate headquarters. Tonight was the big corporate party in a huge fancy hotel with tons of people, but since I'm in this little office I only knew the 12 or so people from my office and their partners. I am the only person in my office who is single. So first of all, I have to add a chair to the table, so everyone is all squished in eating their dinner and complaining about it. It's like hello, I know I am an odd-numbered person, I cannot help it. I'll just eat my food standing in the ladies room if you prefer. So then after dinner, I get up to actually go to the ladies room. I come back and everyone is gone. I can't find ANYONE from my office. By this point they have started the dancing on the other end of the ballroom. I take a walk over there because at this point I don't know whatelse to do besides look around at the architecture (which I usually take time to do when I am in a place like that) and I see that everyone from my office is dancing. But even though it is fast dance music, they aren't dancing together, they're dancing only with their partners. I wasn't sure what to do with myself- I would have sat there and gotten drunk but they were only serving beer and wine, neither of which I can drink a lot of. So I just kinda hung out for about an hour, kinda walking around looking at stuff, wondering if any if anyone is going to stop dancing so I'll have people to talk to, but they didn't, so I just left.
the real kicker- I spent $50 on cab rides over there and back (I couldn't take the T because I got all dressed up and wore dress shoes and stuff). It was so boring! I can't believe I spent all that money on it. I'm really glad I didn't buy a new dress or anything.
I'm never going to one of those things alone again. and I am a big proponent of going anywhere alone. I've never had this problem at any of the other office parties I've ever gone to.
sorry, I know this is just like a big rant but I just got home and I really pissed and no one is up to complain to...
the real kicker- I spent $50 on cab rides over there and back (I couldn't take the T because I got all dressed up and wore dress shoes and stuff). It was so boring! I can't believe I spent all that money on it. I'm really glad I didn't buy a new dress or anything.
I'm never going to one of those things alone again. and I am a big proponent of going anywhere alone. I've never had this problem at any of the other office parties I've ever gone to.
sorry, I know this is just like a big rant but I just got home and I really pissed and no one is up to complain to...
Post edited by Unknown User on
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Sorry I don't mean to make light of it because that is crappy. I wouldn't mind having one by tomorrow but I digress
It's just really annoying because since I moved back here and by default broke up with boyfriend over the summer, I haven't minded being single at all, and I haven't been interested in dating. and now I'm just like crap, it's like I was barely welcome at this thing because of it.
Well that is just their poor manners. I sometimes think staff events should be for just the STAFF.
I would hope so. If you turn yourself down I would think you have serious personality issues.
we sit around and wonder exactly why our marriage should feel threatened by gay marriage
Smarty pants
My best friend had to go to a psychiatrist in high school after his parents got divorced. The doctor asked him if he "did that." My friend, being the smartass that he was (or still is, actually)and figuring this topic had nothing to do with why he was there, told the doctor "Ew, no way. I'm not my type."
we sit around and wonder exactly why our marriage should feel threatened by gay marriage
I'd venture to say because you were treated like shit and it wasn't nice.
I would be really upset by it too. It was rude and really thoughtless of your work colleagues. And it doesn't matter that you are normally happy going off to do things on your own, you were shunted to the end of the table like a second class citizen, walked out on while you were in the toilet and steadfastly ignored for the rest of the evening. The people you were with were boorish and rude and I think you deserve a whole lot better. Anyone would deserve better.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
well no one was out-right rude, really. but it was like a chore to accommodate the single person, you know what I mean? well, ok I guess they weren't outright rude while sitting at the table but disappearing on me kinda sucked.
I just thought the dancing was kind of odd. first of all, I've never been to an office party that actually had dancing in the first place. but whenever I've been to any kind of office or school function like that, it's been about socializing with coworkers, not about a romantic event. People were acting like they were just independently on a date.
That's how our holday party was at my old firm.
That way, it encouraged us to actually socialize with each other, which was pretty much the point of it.
People can be really fucking rude and self-centered sometimes. I'm sorry, GTD.
Give yourself a pat on the back for knowing better.
thanks. this is actually how I see it, exactly. you know, it wasn't even that I was upset about being the only single person really, I'm just upset about how I had to stand/sit there all night by myself like some kind of idiot. the only way I could have avoided it would have been to bring a date. that is just really aggrevating to me. it was a party with people I see EVERY DAY. I shouldn't have had to get all dressed up and spend $50 to sit there alone.
well, I don't have any guy friends in boston anymore, and I only have a few girlfriends here, and I asked them if they wanted to come but they were very much opposed.
3 words: Craigslist Casual Encounters
yeah, see that's rude. because you're all there to celebrate christmas with your co-workers and you'd have to have been blind freddie not to see that you were there on your own and anyone with any shred of human decency would have made the effort to include you AND mingle and get everyone talking and dancing. Not shove baby in the corner!
I just think it's more telling of them than it is of you.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
How u doin? Come here often?
Sydney 14/02/2003
Sydney 07/11/2006
Sydney 18/11/2006
Sydney 22/11/2009
EV Sydney 18/03/2011
EV Sydney 19/03/2011
EV Sydney 20/03/2011
Melbourne 24/01/2014
Sydney 26/01/2014
EV Sydney 13/02/2014 was an office party where spouses and sig others were attending.
If you had spoken to the people you work with, you would have found you were one of the only single people attending.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Why didn't you just bring a friend? That's pretty common at our party. Heck, this year one girl even brought her mother. Another brought her sister.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
well as I mentioned above, I don't have many friends who live here, and they didn't want to come. My mum HATES office parties, she won't even go to my dad's with him.
oh I knew in advance that everyone's spouses were going, I just didn't think it would be a problem. Are you saying I shouldn't have gone because I am single?
Animals were hiding behind the Coral
Except for little Turtle
I could swear he's trying to talk to me
Gurgle Gurgle
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
I'm not doing anything for new years. I'm tired of the pressure that you HAVE to do something on new years. well you know what? I have 3 friends that live in this state and they all have independent plans, so I'm just gonna say fuck convention and I'm gonna go to the movies or something.
Animals were hiding behind the Coral
Except for little Turtle
I could swear he's trying to talk to me
Gurgle Gurgle
I usually like office parties! that's the problem!
the beer, wine, and food were all very nice, but I don't I'm sorry, I don't enjoy standing in a humungous ballroom full of people all by myself once the dinner is over.
It can be difficult if you're not particularly friendly with any of your coworkers..
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
What kinda movie? I'll shout you a ticket.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
I'm friendly with them, they're not very friendly with me.