Is it better to look like a clown or to show a few pimples? I for one am attracted to natural beauty as apposed to someone that covers up their faces. I mean, I understand why women wear makeup for their own insecurities and for society's presentable standards and so forth, but those that think that they have to in order to be attractive to someone are off base for the most my opinion. Aren't women the ones that complain the most about men being shallow? If that's the case, those that cake it on are doing nothing but enabling that mindset, right? I guess I curse the inventor more than the wearer when it's all said and done...
Is it better to look like a clown or to show a few pimples? I for one am attracted to natural beauty as apposed to someone that covers up their faces. I mean, I understand why women wear makeup for their own insecurities and for society's presentable standards and so forth, but those that think that they have to in order to be attractive to someone are off base for the most my opinion. Aren't women the ones that complain the most about men being shallow? If that's the case, those that cake it on are doing nothing but enabling that mindset, right? I guess I curse the inventor more than the wearer when it's all said and done...
Well, I wasn't asking should I not wear make or should I look like a clown and cake it on. As most of the women in this thread have mentioned wearing make up isn't about looking like a clown, it's about just putting some light enhancements, hiding blemishes, etc. As I said, men always say they want women who don't wear make up, but what they don't know is that these women they think aren't wearing make up are, at least sometimes. I don't know ANYONE who doesn't own a bottle of consealer and some lip gloss. You shouldn't look that different with it on or off as D2D said. My ex-boyfriend always thought I NEVER wore make up, but when we'd go out or something and I'd put it on he'd be like "oh you look good tonight." Guys don't pay enough to attention to notice correctly applied make up. it's about being subtle.
Is it better to look like a clown or to show a few pimples? I for one am attracted to natural beauty as apposed to someone that covers up their faces.
You and three quarters of the male population. This is not news to anyone. Do you want us to wear white cotton dresses and skip through fields of daisies too?
You and three quarters of the male population. This is not news to anyone. Do you want us to wear white cotton dresses and skip through fields of daisies too?
MCKB have you been taking your meds? Are you defending the notion of a woman's need to tart themselves up?
'We're learning songs for baby Jesus' birthday. His mum and dad were Merry and Joseph. He had a bed made of clay and the three kings bought him Gold, Frankenstein and Merv as presents.'
You and three quarters of the male population. This is not news to anyone. Do you want us to wear white cotton dresses and skip through fields of daisies too?
ok, that was hilarious.
and let our hair grow down to our butts, because you would NEVER get frizzy split ends if you did that...
yeah probably... but its a misleading tool really.. it is a mask.. and it a mask made from mashed up bull willy and chicken eyelids..
i think my wife looks better without make-up.. my 2 wee girls dont wear make up and they look gorgeous... but when my wife puts it on i think it makes her look older.
No. I'm just saying men can be a bit dumb sometimes.
What's dumb about appreciating natural beauty?
'We're learning songs for baby Jesus' birthday. His mum and dad were Merry and Joseph. He had a bed made of clay and the three kings bought him Gold, Frankenstein and Merv as presents.'
I used to break out on my chin...I got some laser treatment that kills the bacteria - that worked like a miracle! A little pricey...but didn't dry my skin like a lot of treatments do and no need for cover up!
Ahh, now you're getting philosophical. Everyone will have it to someone else out there. Eye of the beholder.
'We're learning songs for baby Jesus' birthday. His mum and dad were Merry and Joseph. He had a bed made of clay and the three kings bought him Gold, Frankenstein and Merv as presents.'
because what you think is "natural" isn't. even if a woman is wearing no make up, if she's over the age of like 20, she's still spent hundreds of dollars and hours moisturizing, hair removing, exfoliating, masking, whatever. and as we've said throughout the thread, you *think* women aren't wearing any make up, but men tend to think that all make up is dark eye make up and bright lipstick. You don't notice the dabs of concealer, the bit of shimmer eye shawdow or lip gloss. These are the things that most women wear and what we consider to be "make up." You just don't notice it. And even a girl who doesn't wear make up every day to work is going to put a touch on to go out at night or when she gets dressed up. but again you don't really notice. even though you don't notice it though, you still appreciate it, you just don't know. As I said, there isn't a girl alive who doesn't have a little concealer stick to cover a pimple, even your so-called natural beauties.
because what you think is "natural" isn't. even if a woman is wearing no make up, if she's over the age of like 20, she's still spent hundreds of dollars and hours moisturizing, hair removing, exfoliating, masking, whatever. and as we've said throughout the thread, you *think* women aren't wearing any make up, but men tend to think that all make up is dark eye make up and bright lipstick. You don't notice the dabs of concealer, the bit of shimmer eye shawdow or lip gloss. These are the things that most women wear and what we consider to be "make up." You just don't notice it. And even a girl who doesn't wear make up every day to work is going to put a touch on to go out at night or when she gets dressed up. but again you don't really notice. even though you don't notice it though, you still appreciate it.
'Men only notice dark eye makeup and bright red lipstick?' Which men?
Oh dear... gross generalisation. Of course we do. But to me at least, none of it is necessary... is this far too hard for people to accept? Have you all been brainwashed? Am I becoming a feminist? How are we even defining beauty here?
'We're learning songs for baby Jesus' birthday. His mum and dad were Merry and Joseph. He had a bed made of clay and the three kings bought him Gold, Frankenstein and Merv as presents.'
'Men only notice dark eye makeup and bright red lipstick?' Which men?
Oh dear... gross generalisation. Of course we do. But to me at least, none of it is necessary... is this far too hard for people to accept? Have you all been brainwashed? Am I becoming a feminist? How are we even defining beauty here?
You're definetely, DEFINETELY not a feminist, Mark if that's what you think.
Not to some people and sometimes not to the woman herself. Wow! I get so sick of men that think women should be perfect.
It's great if women don't care what others think but some do. You'll just have to except that.
I do but I also think it's a sad state of affairs... that a certain percentage of men should define the way the average woman thinks she should look.
Wow.. I just had a really major de ja vu.
'We're learning songs for baby Jesus' birthday. His mum and dad were Merry and Joseph. He had a bed made of clay and the three kings bought him Gold, Frankenstein and Merv as presents.'
'Men only notice dark eye makeup and bright red lipstick?' Which men?
Oh dear... gross generalisation. Of course we do. But to me at least, none of it is necessary... is this far too hard for people to accept? Have you all been brainwashed? Am I becoming a feminist? How are we even defining beauty here?
well, what I'm saying is, if you listen to some of the men in this thread, they see it as two extremes- natural beauty vs. wearing make up (or looking like a clown as someone put it). But there is a lot of subtle gray area that women understand but at least the guys in this thread don't seem to (and most of the guys I've dated. I was putting some on before going out with my boyfriend of months and he was like "what are you doing, you don't wear make up!")
You're definetely, DEFINETELY not a feminist, Mark if that's what you think.
I was joking about the feminist thing.. But regardless, is that not a feminist view? Beauty is not only skin deep? Is that not feminist? Do all women think that make up is essential for a woman to be beautiful? I ask you again... who's been brainwashing you?
'We're learning songs for baby Jesus' birthday. His mum and dad were Merry and Joseph. He had a bed made of clay and the three kings bought him Gold, Frankenstein and Merv as presents.'
well, what I'm saying is, if you listen to some of the men in this thread, they see it as two extremes- natural beauty vs. wearing make up (or looking like a clown as someone put it). But there is a lot of subtle gray area that women understand but at least the guys in this thread don't seem to (and most of the guys I've dated. I was putting some on before going out with my boyfriend of months and he was like "what are you doing, you don't wear make up!")
I dunno. Maybe I'm just observant then?
This thread is a headfuck
'We're learning songs for baby Jesus' birthday. His mum and dad were Merry and Joseph. He had a bed made of clay and the three kings bought him Gold, Frankenstein and Merv as presents.'
I do but I also think it's a sad state of affairs... that a certain percentage of men should define the way the average woman thinks she should look.
Wow.. I just had a really major de ja vu.
It IS a sad state of affairs. Like dunk said earlier, it's a society thing. Every culture around the world has an idea of beauty and ways to make themselves look better. Who are the African women that wear rings around there neck? I'll bet you don't find that tarty? It's just culture unfortunetely. I find it insulting to hear people say that women wear lots of make up tarty. Besides, it's not what's on the surface that counts! And like GTD said, a lot of you prolly wouldn't notice if a woman were wearing a tiny bit anyway. (They never did to me. 'You've got nice skin' 'Yes, It's called ake up')
Don't give me that bollocks. I can think for myself, thank you.
(Sorry. I had to say that).
And it's only a feminist issue in the sense that a lot of men convince themselves that looks aren't important and natural lookers are oh so wonderful and pure but forget those tarts that wear make up and a lot of make up. (Sorry for hijacking your thread GTD but this one makes my blood boil).
It's just culture unfortunetely. I find it insulting to hear people say that women wear lots of make up tarty. Besides, it's not what's on the surface that counts!
Surely you know I'm saying exactly the same thing.. but coming at it from a different angle? You girls don't need make up to be beautiful.... you find that insulting? By the way you'll notice I never directly called anyone a tart.. right?
And like GTD said, a lot of you prolly wouldn't notice if a woman were wearing a tiny bit anyway. (They never did to me. 'You've got nice skin' 'Yes, It's called make up')
Scroll up to my previous post. Maybe I'm weird but I notice. Subtle make up is like the difference between watercolour and oil paint laid on with a palette knife. But I still notice.
'We're learning songs for baby Jesus' birthday. His mum and dad were Merry and Joseph. He had a bed made of clay and the three kings bought him Gold, Frankenstein and Merv as presents.'
Surely you know I'm saying exactly the same thing.. but coming at it from a different angle? You girls don't need make up to be beautiful.... you find that insulting? By the way you'll notice I never directly called anyone a tart.. right?
well I think the problem is, and what MCKB is saying (and correct me if I'm wrong) is that a lot, probable the majority, of women need make up (or whatever) to compete with the women who don't. I mean I would love to never have a zit and never have to carry concealer, but unfortunately, I get zits. adn you know if there are 2 women with no make up on and one has a huge glaring red growth on her chin and the other one doesn't, who is beautiful now? most women just wear make up for these corrections and what not, to bring them up to normal, not to wear a mask.
Tarty? No, because such tribes have no concept of tarty. Unnecessary? Yes.
Surely you know I'm saying exactly the same thing.. but coming at it from a different angle? You girls don't need make up to be beautiful.... you find that insulting? By the way you'll notice I never directly called anyone a tart.. right?
Scroll up to my previous post. Maybe I'm weird but I notice. Subtle make up is like the difference between watercolour and oil paint laid on with a palette knife. But I still notice.
All I'm saying is, it seems a lot of men have very double standards. That's what I'm trying to say. It's all very well women being pure, natural and ever so sweet but most women would get overlooked if they're not pretty.
it absolutely is a societal/cultural thing. it has also existed since at least the ancient egyptians. almost every human society has some form of grooming/beautifying rituals that both men and women did, and it varied by gender and culture just how much. men used to wear as much make-up and/or more in certain cultures...piercings...tatttooing....hairstyles....etc. nothing wrong with any of it. also nothing wrong with it not being your thing either. most people look *themselves* with or without make-up.
thanks for the history lesson but i did not require it
i was merely saying that if society (from back whenever.. i care not a jot) hadnt promoted the use of make up then it wouldnt be an issue... if we were all as nature intended then thats whats we truly are.. clothes are for heat purposes only.. but you knew that
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
not one freakin laugh. nothing. and it's friday. good lord people.
c'mon baby... waking up after shagging a deformed panda???? thats comedy gold
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
If you have a massive skin break out (and I mean massive), do you think it's better to attempt to cover it with make up or just not even bother cuz everyone will know anyway?
I cover it with a bit of light foundation, but only *very* lightly. I then use a little light loose powder. (So, it's not really different than my normal makeup routine.) Before I put on makeup, I put on a little topical medication like salicylic acid on the blemishes. I don't work too hard to cover it. I think too much makeup makes it look more obvious.
I don't care what men think about makeup. I don't wear it for them. I wear it because I like it. Who can resist all those cool colors from MAC and Urban Decay? I like the bright eye colors when I teach aerobics, and I like eyeliner. For over 2 years I couldn't, medically, wear ANYTHING around my eyes due to a bad cornea condition, so now I revel in it. Its fun. If everyone's for 'natural' how come you shave your armpits and legs? (If you do) That hair's natural too. I'm all for looking as good as possible. I just feel in a better mood when I think I look good.
As to makeup with breakouts, if you are careful with your choice of makeup, a little will probably tone down the appearance of the redness. And put something on your eyes to take the focus off the breakouts. That being said, since I became vegan in June of last year, and I think I have had maybe one zit since then. I swear your skin clears up when you lay off the dairy. Food for thought for the future anyway.
R.i.p. Rigoberto Alpizar.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
I don't care what men think about makeup. I don't wear it for them. I wear it because I like it.
Same here. It's fun. My husband goes on and on about how beautiful he thinks I am, with or without it. And I'm not looking for a boyfriend on the So if I'm putting on makeup, it's because I enjoy it. I think it's fun. Sometimes I want to go to school to become a makeup artist.
Well, I wasn't asking should I not wear make or should I look like a clown and cake it on. As most of the women in this thread have mentioned wearing make up isn't about looking like a clown, it's about just putting some light enhancements, hiding blemishes, etc. As I said, men always say they want women who don't wear make up, but what they don't know is that these women they think aren't wearing make up are, at least sometimes. I don't know ANYONE who doesn't own a bottle of consealer and some lip gloss. You shouldn't look that different with it on or off as D2D said. My ex-boyfriend always thought I NEVER wore make up, but when we'd go out or something and I'd put it on he'd be like "oh you look good tonight." Guys don't pay enough to attention to notice correctly applied make up. it's about being subtle.
You and three quarters of the male population. This is not news to anyone. Do you want us to wear white cotton dresses and skip through fields of daisies too?
MCKB have you been taking your meds?
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
ok, that was hilarious.
and let our hair grow down to our butts, because you would NEVER get frizzy split ends if you did that...
poor, poor bulls.
No. I'm just saying men can be a bit dumb sometimes.
Anyway, I think if you're going to wear make up, WEAR make up! Use it as an art form.
What's dumb about appreciating natural beauty?
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
Not everybody has it!
Ahh, now you're getting philosophical. Everyone will have it to someone else out there. Eye of the beholder.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
because what you think is "natural" isn't. even if a woman is wearing no make up, if she's over the age of like 20, she's still spent hundreds of dollars and hours moisturizing, hair removing, exfoliating, masking, whatever. and as we've said throughout the thread, you *think* women aren't wearing any make up, but men tend to think that all make up is dark eye make up and bright lipstick. You don't notice the dabs of concealer, the bit of shimmer eye shawdow or lip gloss. These are the things that most women wear and what we consider to be "make up." You just don't notice it. And even a girl who doesn't wear make up every day to work is going to put a touch on to go out at night or when she gets dressed up. but again you don't really notice. even though you don't notice it though, you still appreciate it, you just don't know. As I said, there isn't a girl alive who doesn't have a little concealer stick to cover a pimple, even your so-called natural beauties.
Not to some people and sometimes not to the woman herself. Wow! I get so sick of men that think women should be perfect.
It's great if women don't care what others think but some do. You'll just have to except that.
'Men only notice dark eye makeup and bright red lipstick?' Which men?
Oh dear... gross generalisation.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
You're definetely, DEFINETELY not a feminist, Mark if that's what you think.
I do but I also think it's a sad state of affairs... that a certain percentage of men should define the way the average woman thinks she should look.
Wow.. I just had a really major de ja vu.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
well, what I'm saying is, if you listen to some of the men in this thread, they see it as two extremes- natural beauty vs. wearing make up (or looking like a clown as someone put it). But there is a lot of subtle gray area that women understand but at least the guys in this thread don't seem to (and most of the guys I've dated. I was putting some on before going out with my boyfriend of months and he was like "what are you doing, you don't wear make up!")
I was joking about the feminist thing.. But regardless, is that not a feminist view? Beauty is not only skin deep? Is that not feminist? Do all women think that make up is essential for a woman to be beautiful? I ask you again... who's been brainwashing you?
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
I dunno. Maybe I'm just observant then?
This thread is a headfuck
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
It IS a sad state of affairs. Like dunk said earlier, it's a society thing. Every culture around the world has an idea of beauty and ways to make themselves look better. Who are the African women that wear rings around there neck? I'll bet you don't find that tarty? It's just culture unfortunetely. I find it insulting to hear people say that women wear lots of make up tarty. Besides, it's not what's on the surface that counts! And like GTD said, a lot of you prolly wouldn't notice if a woman were wearing a tiny bit anyway. (They never did to me. 'You've got nice skin' 'Yes, It's called ake up')
Don't give me that bollocks. I can think for myself, thank you.
And it's only a feminist issue in the sense that a lot of men convince themselves that looks aren't important and natural lookers are oh so wonderful and pure but forget those tarts that wear make up and a lot of make up. (Sorry for hijacking your thread GTD but this one makes my blood boil).
Tarty? No, because such tribes have no concept of tarty. Unnecessary? Yes.
Surely you know I'm saying exactly the same thing.. but coming at it from a different angle? You girls don't need make up to be beautiful.... you find that insulting? By the way you'll notice I never directly called anyone a tart.. right?
Scroll up to my previous post. Maybe I'm weird but I notice. Subtle make up is like the difference between watercolour and oil paint laid on with a palette knife. But I still notice.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
well I think the problem is, and what MCKB is saying (and correct me if I'm wrong) is that a lot, probable the majority, of women need make up (or whatever) to compete with the women who don't. I mean I would love to never have a zit and never have to carry concealer, but unfortunately, I get zits. adn you know if there are 2 women with no make up on and one has a huge glaring red growth on her chin and the other one doesn't, who is beautiful now? most women just wear make up for these corrections and what not, to bring them up to normal, not to wear a mask.
All I'm saying is, it seems a lot of men have very double standards. That's what I'm trying to say. It's all very well women being pure, natural and ever so sweet but most women would get overlooked if they're not pretty.
Shhhhh... Richard's on... and relax...
thanks for the history lesson but i did not require it
i was merely saying that if society (from back whenever.. i care not a jot) hadnt promoted the use of make up then it wouldnt be an issue... if we were all as nature intended then thats whats we truly are.. clothes are for heat purposes only.. but you knew that
c'mon baby... waking up after shagging a deformed panda???? thats comedy gold
I cover it with a bit of light foundation, but only *very* lightly. I then use a little light loose powder. (So, it's not really different than my normal makeup routine.) Before I put on makeup, I put on a little topical medication like salicylic acid on the blemishes. I don't work too hard to cover it. I think too much makeup makes it look more obvious.
As to makeup with breakouts, if you are careful with your choice of makeup, a little will probably tone down the appearance of the redness. And put something on your eyes to take the focus off the breakouts. That being said, since I became vegan in June of last year, and I think I have had maybe one zit since then. I swear your skin clears up when you lay off the dairy. Food for thought for the future anyway.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
Same here. It's fun. My husband goes on and on about how beautiful he thinks I am, with or without it. And I'm not looking for a boyfriend on the So if I'm putting on makeup, it's because I enjoy it. I think it's fun. Sometimes I want to go to school to become a makeup artist.
I have heard this before. I think I might have to try it.